t Crook County- Journal VOL. V. A WHEELING ACROSS The Cassatles From Cor vallis to Prineville. College Boys Abroad. A Journey Full of Incidents. Grand Scenery Along the Route. About eight o'clock on a day in Junn wieh promised to he at leant warm enough to form a markefl contrast to tlie rain ami cloudy weather to which nine months of school work lmd accustomed, us, Jack, Dave and I started on oir wheels from Corvallis with a do termination not to let many days pass before we should have crossed llio Cascade, natures dividing lino between eastern and western Oregon and would he enjoying ,a change in climate which these mountains make possible and which can .be fully appreciated only hy those who have had a simi lar experience. The town of Corvallis, as its name indicates, is near the heart of the Willamette valley. In every direction for many miles is rich productive land of which Oregon is justly proud and whose equal every Mate cannot boast. Our first ten miles wus up the Willamette to I'coria, which we reached in about an hour. A mile past the town we visited a friends' cherry tree and the fact that this was probably our last chance f getting free fruit for some time did not decrease our appetite in the least. The first mishap of our journey was experienced when Jack found a puncture in his tire, but with the loss of a littlo rubber cement, moro patience and some time we wero again on the road. Dinner time found us at a cosy little farm house almost hidden by shade trees where everything, but the dog seemed inviting. J5y two o'clock we were again spinning along the smooth gravelly roads, which in cool weather mike bi cycling in the Valley very enjoy able. Hay cutting had commenced and with the proper amount of rainfall the grain promised a good yield al though somewhat retarded by the late cool spring. In climbing a fence after a drink of water, and incidentally to look for cherries, Jack had the misfor fortune to entangle his lower gar ment with a barbed wire which re sulted in a sad parting his second accident and surely his unlucky day. We leached Coburg early in the evening and decided to remain for supper. The lumbering industry of this small town employs about forty men and with the exception ' of Portland, is one of the largest in western Oregon. . After supper, and a much needed rest on my part, and during the most pleasant time to tra vel some interesting sights were passed. First a massive railroad bridge across tho MclCenzie river, which at this point is wide and deep, affording a good passage for logs. Next a covered wagon bridge high above the water, and from ; which the river looked grand and majestic, aad latit a lanjj shady VMmiLtt, avenue through a winding lane. Homo of the characteristic mud- loles of tho valley, extending the width of the lane, were passed that evening, but in general the roads had been smooth, dry, and very dusty. We left Springfield to the right and just before dark stopped at a farm house to stay for the night. There being company from town, as the best that could lie done we wero allowed to take blankets and sleep in the barn, but even there company in tho form of some insects was not obscnt. Shortly after four o'clock our se cond days journey was commenced as wo cxjiecled to ride seven miles ! to Walterville for breakfast. This' seemed to be Dave's bad day, for J only a few miles on the road at a sudden turn he and bicycle slid off the grade, but not being a high one tho only result was the loss of some breath and considerable bal ance. Jack ke'it ut) the excite- ment by knocking a small mud-1 hole dry, but tho marks did not, show when he was sitting down. Wc were now out of the Wil-1 k'ta, Washington and Oregon, be lammette valley and the country j ginning with the fiscal year ending was more rolling and wooded to, June .'30, 1002, excepting money such a degree that the farms showed the result of much hard labor in I clearing. Large hills that tho dav before appeared almost as mists in the distance, were being passed ami the scenery was fast changing from a peaceful and almost monot onous valley to the dashing, rugged and ever changing mountain views. The McKcnzie was crossed on I the free ferryboat, old and small,! but which will soon be replaced by a much larger one now in course! it construction. Breakfast was eaten at Walterville, 1 miles from the ferry and the ride of about fourteen miles' since the last meal had so sharpened our appetites that there was surely no profit for the landlady. The road now followed the Mc- Kcnzie river closely and the high I hills on cither side were so near ! that expensive grades were neces sary. Small farms wero fenced in tho wider portions of the valley and along these openings many signs of the logging industry were seen. Long chutes on the moun tain sides, deep tracks on tho level where the logs were dragged to the river's bank and huge piles ready to be pushed an to the water when they were needed at the mills many miles down tho slream. Further up the stream these signs decreased, showing conclusively that the timber resources of that section would not be exhausted for many generations. Several wagons loaded with re duced ore were passed on tho road. This ore was being hauled to a smelter from the Blue river mines several miles off the main road. During the afternoon, mudholcst caused by the recent hard rains in bill is that any state accepting that region, Wamc more numerous. !tiWprovision o't)e act mny ge1 fancy dismounts were made tol,. ... , , ., " . , avoid shower baths nnil . in complete works to the actual consequence tho rate of traveling cnmm of the water only, the was rather slow. After eating proceeds of such sale to be credited supper and resting, at the Upper j to the arid land reclamation fund McKcnzie bridge, we decided to : of tl0 Ftnte or territory construct rule on to the Dclknnn Springs fori , , tho night. The start was made and' lng wh WOrks our dissapointmcnt can be imagined , when we hoard that the hotel there I Cool In Oregon. had been burned during the winter , . and no accommodation could hJ people hav Wen living had. As these springs ace one mile from the main road our only policy was io proceed witnout seeing one of the natural Cascades. . Ul u CROOK COUNT V, OREGON. JULY 11, 190. ARID LAND BILL. Meeting Held for Pur . pose of Drafting One. Will Likely Become Law Fund to be Established For Rec lamation PurpVe in the Western States. A dispatch of last week from trouble-'Cheyenne says At a joint meeting of congress men and state engineers who came here to discuss the best methods of reclaiming arid lands, a bill was drafted which, with perhaps some minor changes, will be presented to congress at its next session. The proposed measure in part is as followt: ' , "That all money received from the sale or disposal of public lands in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Mofttani, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska,' Nevada,. New Mexico, North Dakota, South Da- jct aside by law for educational purjaiscs, and excepting also the salaries of the registers and receiv ers of the United States land of fices, located within said states and territories, shall be and are hereby reserved for the! benefit of the state or territory in which said lands arc sold to'bc kept as a special fund to be known as the '"d land reclamation fund,' and h& be under the direction.of the secretary of the interior for the ex lamination, survey and construction of reservoirs and other irrigation i works.' I "Any of the states or territories desiring to avail themselves of the provisions of the act shall enact laws accepting the conditions of this act and organize and main tain a state engineer's office with authority to plan hnd make esti mates for reservoirs to be paid for out of the reclamation fund. The officials shall also arrange for the establishment of rights to water from same. "It shall be the duty of the sec retary of the interior to examine plans and surveys submitted by the state engineers for proposed reservoir and ii rigation works and approved the plans, tho secretary shall cause to be set aside a suffi cient sum of money from the recla mation fund." Provision is also made in the bill for the segregatian from entry of all lands upon which storage reservoirs or others irrigation works are to 1ms built as soon as tho ap plication is filed with tho secre tary of the interior. One of the vital provisions of the proposed , off bv the hundreds in the eastern! states we have been having weather1 l,ere too cool for actual comfort,! but it looks as if we aro to lave some aummvc alter all M. A. Moore Kills Himself About four o'clock Tuesday af ternoon those persons in the vicin ity of the bowling alley were start led by the sharp report of a gun and almost instantly thereafter George Cyrus rushed out of the barber shop and ran for the doc tor and informed the bystanders that Mr. Moore had shot himself. The news spread like wildfire and it was only a few minutes until the streets were full of people, but life was extinct before anyone reached the body. The shot was fired from a Sav age rifle that Mr. Moore had re cently acquired. At the time of the occurrence no ono was in the store, lio was found sitting in an officechair back of the partition that is placed across the store between the stationery and candy department and the bowling alley and must have been leaning over the gun when it was discharged as the ball came out lower than where it entered. The ball entered a trifle below tho left nipple and passed directly through the heart. His death -comes as a shock to the whole community. The body was taken to Portland early Wednesday morning where it will no doubt be cremated as that was his desire. ' A coroners jury was immcdiatly summoned as soon as he was found to be dead and the following ver dict rendered: We the undersigned having been summoned by M. II. Bell, Recorder of the City of Prine ville, acting coroner, as a jury to inquire into the death of M. A. Moore, find as follows: That he came to his death on the 9th day of July in the city of Prineville, from a gunshot wound inflicted by his own hand, whether intentionally or accidentally we are unable to determine. T. M. Baldwin, Wm. Draper, C. W. Elkins, John Combs, J. U. Claypool, L. .N. Liggett. A Good Showing. To give a slight idea of the mam moth proportions attained by various branches of business in this city, we append the following items which were gleaned from the different firms by a personal can vas. We shall only give the sales of machinery that have been made up to tho first of July. Wurzweiler & Thompson have sold fifteen mowers and as many rakes; Elkins & King have disposed of twenty mowers and eightesn rakes, while a dozen mowers and nearly as many rakes have been sold by other firms, making a grand total of 47 mowers and 45 rakes for the season and it is not over yet. When it is taken into considesation that this is rather an off year for hay it will readily be seen that the business for this season has not been more than an average years sales. When the great bodies of land that are within the range of the water from the ditches that are now be ing tken out of tho Deschutes, are placed under cultivation this will be only a starter for tho business of a season. With cheap transportation rates to the sea, Prineville could more than double her present business! determine' who should be ap eapaeity and would then be one 'pointed a cadet from the second of the best business points in the j Congressional district tothe Unite! northwest. Under present dis-! states Naval Academy at Aiuv:i pa advantages it is doubtful if there is, lir Ernest Durr, of Baker City, a town on the ewist that does a stood iirst and will lie- nominated! ninch business proportionately as is done in this place and that too without an effort as the luaiues eomes to us as naturally as duck' i take, to, wa.t. NO. 32 GENERAL NEWS. Items of Interest Gath ered Here and There. Somo Stolen, Others Not Dulling From Our Exchanges News Notes of the Weelc Timely Topics. Six mild cases of smallpox are reported at Athena, four in one home and two at another. Secretary Hitchcock will soon present a report to the president, strongly endorsing a system of irrigation dams for the arid lands of the west and recommending leg islation by congress along this line Miss Portia Knight, the Ameri can actress, has engaged Sir Ed ward Clarke, the former solicitor general, as counsel in the suit fop breach of promise which she ha brought against tl Duke of Man chester. At the Wasco warehouse Mon day, 100,000 pounds of Prineville wool was sold on sealed bids at 11 J cents per pound and 50,000 pounds) of John Day wool was sold at pri vate sale at 11 and 12 cents, Chronicle. Experience with a steam shovel in mining iron ore in open cut in Georgia shows that five or six men with a steam shovel can do the same amount of work as fifty men with a pick and shovel, and do it much cheaper. It is claimed that iron ore can be- mined, washed, and loaded on cars all by machin ery for less than 50 cents a ton. Mrs. Percy T Morgan, oC San Francisco, formerly Miss Daisy Ainsworth, who christened the bat tleship Oregon seven years ago; recently presented that Tessel which is now at San Francisco, with a loving cup, engraved with picture and emblem of the glory that has !een the Oregon's since; she was launched and christened. The Oregon and Washington editors in New York city are creat ing much interest in the Lewis and Clark Centennial, to be held! at Portland in 1905. The badge and banners of the editors attract attention. Many favors are being; shown the party. It was enter tained by the New York Pre club Thursday. A few days ago one the fish wheels of Seufert Bros, eaught a, 40-pound chinook salmon with th adipose fin missing. This, Mr. Frank Seufert says, is one of tin 5000 young salmon, so marked, that were turned loose in the Clackamas river five years ago. It affords confirmation weiv needed, of the value of salmon hatcheries. Dalles Chronicle. In the competitive examination : fc,., Congressman Moody, an't I Hugh Bellinger r of Portland. statins second, will htr attentate Dnrr won 434 and Bellinger, ill I VuioXi da tsiLk ilk. i 1