r9WWMfti!v Additional Locals. 1 i'rll(tiK Apiarr, 04 ami fl.'i ;Morchaiil K tliim;, Hun KrwielHH, (Jallfuriiia, whom mm (rutin fur wjurlialiix can Iw uiaiia for it. Auk fur prim cm buU wire a', C, L Mrlllllllllh . I 'nil WALK- KiwI-Ihiio ill I'rincvillc Viiry ( hr. Imjuiru uf A. C. Paluur Lao-a, Fma itluri in tint) gnuila, yol pntM miiIhii llii mauli ol all. 'J'llK JMI 111 ve. Juat received a Hue lino of frmh fruiU, orange, Juuiuua and ull kiiula of uuit at tito iivu ilivo. , A vury linn lint of lininmock juat r Ci'ltvil ut 1.1 kin. xiiil Kiiik'k. 1'iiuj. in auit I'Vurybiiuy. Ha lu li. Acluiiii &. Winnuk hnvo rtraiirtid onu ol Hie liaiiii.imiutl ula fuuiiluilM lu Ui j H'lnrlf fiund in Ilia mutt. Liru limd for al. A, 0. Palmer. liny P, Mar'in tml V, T, Graham, of McMiiinvillc, I'imeJ through liar la.t wuk on tliHir way to Silver Lika, TI117 in mteran liaaa hall player did are living to take part in a Fourth of July Kuni at miiie point in tin) interior. 0, C. llutcliimoii wim in from tin Detcliutiii lint week and rerort work progrewmg on hia ditcliin mid peol to have uveiytliing in applepie order by fall. For abort timo only wo will club wiih ilie Noriliwdiieiii Ltvti-alock and Wool (irwr' Jonrinil, of Vriidlclon, at the ri-iniirkahly low price of $'' for both p' pel. Tina oiler will mm be withdrawn to all thiwe di-airnii) of taking advantage it had better call at once. O. R. a N. Booklet. "The Joi'iNAl i in receipt of a hand- illuatla'od booklet entitled. For Ktiltt Two very dcaimlile lota i'l 1'rniuvillu ut a luiiKuin. Cull on or uddrxaa, Frank Elkina, J'riiieville, Or. Tliuraton I'eityjiilm and Ilia partner, Shaw, each plead It"1''? l" i'TCi-ny from a dwelling in the circuit cum t at Albany, ond were tmilulicad to oue year iu (lie pi-niUjii'.iary, JWt pitrchaaa a mowing mamma un il you line aeen the Uui keye at Frank Diknia A Co, J'liuy mo oeriicl madonna and tl.u beat In the World lor near and j (j, V. A.f Portland, Oregon." Junt roceivrd at A: II. IJimian'a the flnuai line ol refriiiitratnta n i liriiulit in l riimvillu, winch Kill be auld at tery leaa ilinlile price. Smid your carpel weaving to Mim ljrilor, of Hiaiera, Shu clurifra liju. )r y irii lor hit and an. ami IV lor iri.il and paya aue chargua from J'riiiemllu to ri.ier. and return. Warp luruuihed at ,'!U eta. a pound. PrlneviJle-ShanSko Stage Line. " . Wilt BETWEEN HMEV1UE AND SS1M0. -SCHEDULE. Leave Shaniko, 0 p. m. Arrive Prinevilie, 6 a. m. I.cavePrincvillolp.in. Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m. First class accommodations for the traveling public. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE. Columbia BoutHara iaj:iw.a.-2: I. KfleclWa 12:01 A. 11., fcptemuar 9, lOuo. Boath touud anttth Boand j Ireigat Adamson & Winnck Co., Agents. G. M. Cotnett, ilanager. "Health and Pleaauia Along the Line of the Orei(oii flailroad & Navigation Coin panv," The laxik coiiuina a number of viuwa of piciuru'iie mountain, river and laseau acenury, and it n all decribd in an aocurato and pleaaing atyle. Perauna I eonteiuplatiiig an outing tliii uiiinier hoiild h ive a copy of thii aourenir, aa it will enable you to decide where to wnd your iiiiiiiu r vacation. The book unif be uricured free from anv aietil uf iln o, ii. t n. Co., or on receipt of two good points of the OsWne are too numerous to mention. They OmIiE no.taffii ataiim. f rum A T. ('r'nr " Arrive I'M a.m 1:00 a.m Dally rau. TATIOir Btrin North Bound Dally ttm. LeaTe 115 a.m North Bound Dally Freight Uare :30 a m 1U w. Z '" Z.'-l I :M a.m; 2:U p.mi Summit 10a a.u 2:33 p m :u a.m! Z:p.m.Har C Jrl:l ami J:t2p.m J:I2 a.m 2: p m MoDo'ldlii:l2 a.m 2:0 p in J:2 a.im p.mj 1jMo 10:00 a.mj 1 M p.m :40 a.m 3:09 p.inl Mora i :' a.ml 1:40 p m , :50 a.ni M p.mi a; Vy I 9:15 a.m l:oo p.m I In bnying a machine the buyer should be posted, The! 4:0 D.m;BonrtM)fi iM p.mj Guthrie 4:40 p.m Wiipox :ai p mhanlko 8A'i a.ml :40 a.m; ..., 8:) a.mj. .... 8:ifl a.ml 10. H. MOHf.F.R. Gen. Manaaer. D. J. HARRIA. upertutendent. A K. Mclntmh returned from Port luid the littler part uf laat week and re ir:a having hid a pleaaaut trip, He aaid that it had been reported Hut Fred Hinilh had the ineaalea, but I hat it wa. not a fact, aa he had been 'wi ill the yen Human Hie day he left Porilaud and there wua nu indication, uf ineaalea at t lut time. Uaoliat Chuivb tervirca at Prinevilie very Ki,d aad 4ili tiiiiidaya in each liioiiih, al Culrur every 3rd riunday and at IJowaid cvorj lat Sunday. M. ilraiulilet. A nice variety to chooae fnuu. SkirH, light gonna, clwaiiaea, drawura and our aet ooveraall aitua. 'ilie Hue Hive. Pipea. A coiufortable, clean moker llmt will help yMi f.iri(t worry. The price will cauae no worry either. Al the lice line. The ihmtal wcrk nl Dr.C. A. Oline ia tKi oil known jn Hi it country u need any .rain. He can alwaya be found at the old tiiud, next door to the Kiut National liaiik. (live btni a call. Ed fiarbin hat junt recoived a full line of bicycle repair modi and will lix your old wheel ia giaxl aa new. Situation Wanted. IJy a young lady, a place ai e'erk in a tture. Heat of relerencea g ven. CuuM t-ike th place on or Seforo Aug. 1. Ad- !'. KUHABKTH HollllK. Lehanou, Orj. A WORTHY 8U0023S0H. "Somothlngf Now Undorthe Sun." are evident to every man that comparct'Osbornes witli other makes, Tin's k ml bare asser tion, but has been prouen time Laud for Salo. I offer for aide my ran:h on Crooked river, vi imlea Irom I'riuevilie, contain inii liil) acrea, 50 acrei of which are un der cultivation, (iood improvement! on the ranch. Fur pamculara cull on or J''-", John Hino, V'1"'- I'aulina, Ore. For Salo. A quarter aocthm of fine land in the HayeiMik country, not. deeded. All fenced. 7i acrea In i-mn nv.l lionse nml otlicr iinproveineiilM, gnial well of water, 70 fruit trees. Will be cold ut n liaigiiin. Inquire of A. C. Palmer, Prinevilie. C-J3m. All doctor have tried to cure Catarrh lV Hie uae of powder, acid gaaea, lulial en and drug in puale form, j'licir pow ileia diy up the inucuou. uiemhrune cto Hoi Hii-iu lo crm k ooeii uod IiIi.hiI. 'I'l.. powerful aclda u.rd III the luh.ik.ri havi entirely eaten away Hie tame nieiiihra.ie that, their niakura h.ive aimed to cure, while paaiei and niutuiuut cuniiot reacii inn (liaeaae. An old and hmti, nc..i raclitioiier who haa for many yeara made a cioaeatuiiy and apecialty ol (JA I AJCKIi haa at la.t perfected a treatment winch then f.iillidillv uted, not only relieve at Mice, Imt permanently curea CATAKKH by removing I he onuee, atoppiug the ill. ciiaige and curiiiK all inflamuiation. It it the only remedy that aclually reachea the alllicteit pari. Thia wonderful remedy lakuoauaa "SNl'r'FLES, HmOL'aK ANTKKD CATARRH VVllK." and i. aiddat Hie ealremuly low prtco of one dollar, each p,wkaiu coiiiaiuing iuturnal and eiterual aiedicinu aullicient for a full nioiiiln treat inent, and every i lung necea lary to it. perfect uae. "SM FKLKS" ia the only perfect CA TAKKH CL'RK ever inadu ud it now reciivtiiKBd na Hie oulv tuie and noaitiva cure for thataunoyiui; and di.gu.tmg di hho, It curt all iiifl.vinnatioii quickly and purmaiiAiitly and ia alto wonderfully ipnc m relieve iiAi f i, v til or COL I) in the HEAD. CATAKKH when nei(lectd often lead, to CONSUMPTION bXL'FKLKS" will aave you if you uae it at once. It i no ordinary remedy, but a coiiip!te treat mriit which ia guaranteed to cure CA TARRH in any form or taje if ud ac cording to the direction, which accnm pany every pckaio. Den t delay but end for it at once and write full nariien- laraMto your condition, and you ill receive peciai advice Iri-m the rhucoverer of tills Wonderful ruinedv riHardim. e.ine -j n j ..... cane without ct to vou lieyond the re tilar price of "SNCFKLKS " the GCAll- ANTKKD CATARRH Cl'RE. 8ent nrenaid to nnv ariHeeu in ilo. United State or Canada on i-fenint nf one didlar. Addreaa Dent. E 485 KD- WINn. filLES A- COMPANY, 23J0 and 21132 Market St. Philadelphia and time during the we have sold them. 1: year. Osborne Columbia Mower The Neatest. Strongest and Most Modern Machine on the Market. Full line of machine extras, and machine and engine oils. Elfins & King. mm Oregon Shq&p line axd Umon Pacific Dcr.BT Chlcafro Puriiand Speial :l a. m. Via Hunt- ltgtou. Bait Uke, DenverJ 4:30 p.m. n. nortn.umalia,. kuw i:iit, atJ I-ouli.ChicagoauiU LtH. Atlantle ' Ktpre.ia :) p. m. via Hr.-ii-ingtsrf, St. P.ul rail Mall C.-oO p. m. via pokaua TIME ICTfED01. P.rtUnn, Or. Aaaivc Halt T..kl DpnT-r hi. Worth. (Imalin. Kannu Citr, litj ixiuis.uaicatieamr Walla Walla Lewia- tou.Hpokane.Mtu lieaimlis. St. Paul. Dnlulh. Mil..a-1 k,L'liicKoAtat 1:41! a. ifc 7:00 a. av OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE rilOX POKTLAXD. i lp.. 1 i City harder Shop. All ullin date. subject to change Fer S.n Francl'co bail every i daya. 4-DOp.Bk. Dally Ex. Hu inlay naiun. m. hatnrdar Hi:ui p. m. 6:00 a.m. fca. buudajr !Powtll Cyrus, Proprietors. rtot ana Lola Jsaths. 9rinenie, 0 Uro. Y0U CANT AFFORD Notice to Contractors. A contract to cut and put- tip in Muck 2,V) to 300 ton of Iwiy will be let to tilt) lowest reaponaililn bidder for epot dish. C. V. Ki.kinh, Priiievillc, Oregon. Prinoville toShanikoby DayliRht. Stupes lenvo Prinevilie Tii(dny, Tliurmiiiy and Bntusdny ut C a. m Arrive ftt Hh.iniko fl p. m. Lciive rilinniko Monday, Ydnidiiy and Friday at fi a. in. Airiveat rrincville at 6 p. in. Fresh relays of hortwa. (iood coiicbea. Courteous and care ful drivers. Special rates to partiea atulpxpivgu in ipwitititiei!. Adamsoh A Winnek Co. Afrenta. I) Wtii'VeV fl.-i 111' Elkfns Kins To waste your time and wear out sickles on the rickety old grindstone. This han dy little labor-saver, the Piano Sickle Grinder, will grind your sickles in half the time and tlo far better work.. It is simple strong efficient. Anyone can use it anywhere. It's not only the best fsieklo grimkr made but may be quickly changed into a tool for general grinding, UM' till Hie whole yer round. It's not pensive. Ask to see it. PrSnsvails, Ore. 7:00 a.m. Tum., Tluir auU Sat. :60 a. m. Tufi. ThHr mil SaL Lt. Riparla 3:.a. m. Columbia RKr ataantra. To i.tnrla and Kay iuuiiiga. Wlllaaalh) lr. Oron Cltj, New. berg, Solom, InJe PFiid.nce A x Indiuga. 4 AO o. ra. Ka.Suudar ?. 4:S0 o. m. Kl. tilay Wlllim.it. an Y.i.. am nmr. Oreaon citr, riar- Ion, 4 Way Lauu luga. WnltMtt. Rlnr. Portland to Corval. Ii. A Hajr Ijiiid- :!. in. Mini,. W'eit, auUFtt, 40 p.m, Sinn., We.t. aad Sri Siuk Rim. LT.IxwIaioii i..it... Rlpatla lo Lenlitou t a. ul W. I. Lawrence, Aeent, Biggs, Oregon. BE8TFGRTKE eewas If yon haTen't a rt'iftilw, bnlthy morement of the, bowfld every day, you're tticfc, or T.ili be. Keep youp bowels oin. mid be well Foree. fji Ute ttiape .f j vimuii jiimc wr un ifsnn. ut tiijnvruu, 1 1114 buweli clvm ana tiivau ii lu luM I j y&ty CANDY j Pi ry CATHARTIC y Taao mjum iitirci' . riwawni, rinimnte. roieim-Tasrecooa. nsofMT fletiThickwi.lVwakeu.rrGrtiic.lUr. .f lor frcOKiiilo. Bti'l bOOKle&ou him lth. A.'ittx u 'KEEP YOUR BL00O CLE1B iVifniiiiit 1, ir aiihtfiVnjn.at