Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1901)
Crook County Journal., W. T. KOliLE Fl)ITO MfOPVUUIIHltK" County Official Tkvvm. f h Joi-bmai b entwixt at th nnatorrioo in rrintriH. Jreg., for imixwiiw'" throuKatna V. 8. r...iiU m Kcmd clew mutter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, ix AnvASor Dsn Ykah. M- fix Months ' Tiihxb Month. W THURSDAY, JUNE. 20. 1901. Eurojio isn't so much concerned al) the yellow peril nowadays :i8 she is about the red, white and blue peril. Bisuop Potter wants the news papers condensed. Well, a good many people would like the Fame thing done to the sermons. It has practically been decided Hint if Peru chooses to sulk, the Pan-American Congress will be held without her. Peru does not seem to realize what small potatoes she reallv is. The Anti-Canteen law was passed at the request of the W. C. T. U., and the Sunday-school children of the country. It will be repealed nt the instance of men who know something about the matter from personal experience. "In his steps" Sheldon's lured girl has left because Mrs. Sheldon wouldn't allow her to sit at the table with the family. Thus even eminent reformers often fail to con "vert their own wives to their ways of thinking. So far from the decision of the Supreme Court making President McKinley an Emperor, eight of the nine Justices specially declared that the Constitution limited the action of Congress and the ninth said that "it must be guided by the principles" of that document. opposition to trustB, should show by their actions so plainly"' that they arc longing to be one of tho ryatest of trusts seems strange to one unaccustomed to the actions of that organization. When thoi grange branches out into unfnmil-j iar filds it is likely to get tangled up in bad shape. Its opposition! to trusts is alright, but by curtail ing the amount of agricultural lands it is trying to control the pro duction of wlmut ami thereby foisting on the peoplo the greatest of trusts. The reclamation of the arid lands of the west by means of irrigation and thus opening to settlement vast areas of good agri cultural land is of more vital im portance to the people than the suppression of the trusts that the grange is howling so about. Let the state grange handle those ques tions with which it is familiar and leave the question of reclamation of our arid lands to those of more liberal views and broader intellects It still grates harshly on the American ear to refer to the people of Porto Rico and the Philippines as subjects, yet the more radical of the imperialist papers are begining to educate their readers up to it. The change from a republic to an empire is progressing very rapidly. Roscburg Review. A hat rot! And the political party for which the Review speaks has openly and deliberatly, with avowed purpose and intent so to do, legislated away from American citizens born in the United States fro m progenitors living here for geneiations all rights of partiei tion in government, in every state where such action is necessary for Democratic domination. Verily, Democrats have regard for neither law, truth nor fair play. Salem Statesman. PEASE & MAYS, SHANIKO, OREGON. TJhe Womafo wli.i once Iim by wearing vxpcriuiiced tlio ilili'uronc Mwfen Al'EEN . VlJALITY . ml other alnma will licit wr the nth art. There ia no lonirur, in inch h caw, any tired of arv'iinnMit, "Queen Qual.ty annua art) the hiiniUuiiiet ami na vat alinui ever wflo, They n.ra olt-KXut in oonatrua t ion, surmrior in quality anil yet nnx! enite in p iue. All stylus or nil uaiw and ocuiamt' jflways One Price. Oxfords, S3. 00 $2.00 Men's Hats. That iipw hat for aniumer, hnve yon bouuht It "i? Vt cull our atttmtimi tn the wviithcr now, (or the hoi J y w'll laliir, Our ahowiiiK will pliHKH you for we Imvu tliem in uvury aiyu, itt iriua to auit every purao. Stiff JCats in Black, Brown and Sray. fedora Jfats in Black, Pearl end Sray. Straw JVats, Crash hats, (Stetson Cowboy Aats, Jfelmets. Grocery Department. We pride miralvi'a on the bin atock of well anlratml hiainla of giimta that we enny in thia oVinriui.'!it. We have 'he ulioic?iat liruii'la in wull the aUmUrila, 11a nil the f"oy ilulicuciu ieiii, aui'h liixiiriua hi uro aMciu knpt by meat ilimlnra. Kitcheh Furnishings. Pnuse koi'pera in need of kitchen ware can fill their nuiiU from our by illicit. We buy theae uocnla riflit and olfer you ihu Mine opportunity. Siass Ware Crockery, Porcelain ware. 'Delft Ware. Sranite Ware, Zin Ware. WE 5ELL Studobakcr lOagons. Oliver Chillod Plows. Vho 'Dallas 'Diamond Jlour. Xtl Soods parked in Plain figure. We notice in the Oregonian the name of Hon. J. N. Williamson of Prineville mentioned as a candi date for secretary of state. We have never heard Mr. ' Williamson speak of his candidacy, but sin cerely hope if he aspires to that position he may secure the plum Mr. Williamson is a man well known and has a host of friends, and would make one of the best secretaries of the state Oregon ever had. Shaniko Leader A number of Eastern Oregon ex changes have made favorable mention of Hon. H. H. Dufur, of Duiur, Wasco county, for the posi tion of U. S. Marshal. .. A number of our older residents remember Mr. Dufur kindly on account that he was one of our representatives in the legislature at the time Crook county was formed from the southern portion of Wasco. Al though, at that time a hard fight was made against the proposed division of Wasco by a large ma jority of those who lived in the northern portion, Mr. Dufur fav ored the measure which created this county. If a selection is to be made from Eastern Oregon we hope Hon. II. II. Dufur will not be overlooked. For Sale. A quarter section of fine land in the Haystack country, not deeded. All fenced, 73 acres in crop, good house and other improvements, good well of water, 70 fruit trees, Will be sold at a bargain. Inquire of A. C, Palmer, Prineville. 6-13m, Notice to Contractors. A contract to cut and put up in stack 250 to 300 tons of hay will Ik? let to the lowest resjionailile bidder for spot cash. U. W. Elkins, Prineville, Oregon. f-'"'nam'" - n-"'--. Great Special Sale Of lints, Caps, Shoes, Shirts, Underwear, Gloves, Suspenders, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Crockciy and Fancy Goods of all kinds and racket Cutlery. For 30 Days Only. We offer every $2 50, 13 50 and t5 00 shoe for II 75 H 25, and f4 15. Our f2 50, 13 and ft Hats for ?1 85, 2 35 and $3 25. "We are opposed to trusts, sub sidies to merchant marine; also to the appropriations of large sums of money for the building of reser voirs and jrrlgating canals in the arid lands of the west." The above is a resolution passed at the recent meeting of the state grange at Al bany and certainly in a contradic tory statement to say tne least. Why anybody claiming to be of ound mind and to be in direct Costs Eess than almost anything you have on your table. Ice Cream is not an expensive dish, and is no trouble at all if made at home in a PEERLESS ICELAND ' FREEZER ' (m ") : The tub top fits over a square pro jection on the can top connecting L the gearing with can and dasher in such a way that no salt or oil can get into the can. Sold only by Elkins &King. ' 1 V, "JIV""il J4 Shirts and Underwear At Half Price. AVe need the room for our new goods just arriving. Never was such an opportunity offered in Prineville. We doubt if there ever will be again. All the leading brands of 5c and fine cigars, fine confectionery and Cal ifornia fruits of all kinds. See our store located on Main street. N. A TYE, flanager. a - ftfcttia wit va whftth.r yon mhh,. ' krrD-IMlnKtift.,u'iMI. ICMHIljjfv I rim"'" Oi. tor'o'v. Cit im I autnr-uaiJItr.M tl. Qtr rf f .1 1 XkAw: I Un.. puicll.. Ida bi.K,J, i.-rfTt" g . .'L1 J, 1 i '-A Jyr f.wa dnjKM'., t J j-Wlllc.n.hfttrti. Tftllilh wilt, UAllrallr.nrffUtalir (r aiaritaa aMaWlta., Calaxa. MfaU, t larta Doputy atocic Inapoctor. Nulice ia tii-rrhy uivvti that I have cpiniiiitucl llm fiillcwtiii; luinrd (orauiu Inpulv (' kjiupcgion: J. V. C'.irtri((lit, Jlay Crnfk. Hairy Wobb, AliiriL H. Siuirka, iSiatcra, A. Murrnw, Ilayatnck. F. M. Smith, I 'ci 1 1 in. Itciacix) Kii"I, Punt. T. C. Hwain, lint Crook. J. 8. 1Iiih, ItmUnd, AIM MrliiUiah, llanllu K. 11. Demi. Hny Crcuk. Jcia lliiillii, Htock Inaiectiir Cnoik Cnunty. ( 111 him be cured t If yoo aufiar from uty of (h ( ilU of mm, com. iu ilti dJot Spacialiu on tlx I'jciIk Cuui, DH. MX CAN 1 CO.. 1081 Mart dial. Ed'il last I Vonnr mm and mliidle , i 11 nm . . .. L. ........ 1 . ' ... WIIU BIS MJ II . I . It 4 from lb cIT.cti of y(.uitiful indlKrotloni or c. I P" in Butttrar yaart. Krrvnu. and 1 ' Ovbllllj.IxpoK Dry Im. JInnfiooil iiHii.iiniiiiii.iwnii nprraiiiiorriiirni ' araiiaiorrbarai, Clnnfirrhoria. cujrrl. i rrrajuaarr af llrlamllnaj, Uy GomiMiiacioQ oi rtfnefjia.,01 grcai curalirdiaiv , tr. tht Duclr haa In anani-afl hi. fr.atm.nt 1 ihM it will not ouiy ilTord im.n.luie nl.ef but , parmananl cum. In. Dotlnr don nt claim to perlufra nirarln, tail 1 iril.inun. lo Ix a fair l Hotel Prineville. Hu eaUblialied itt reputation aa the MOST COMMODIOUS, CONVENIENT and WElL-KEPT Hotel In Crook county. 1'rlccsltca.sonablc. TormJns of all Stage Lines ftnd iquar lliyiician and Surgeon, nremiiMinl ' mmiioiciaiiy-iaiiKiitim or.airn. V, TMIU Irmr'iiiirlilrvrndliaUd'niniUM ' yUdi wlthoul uaiiii Hrrturt. kvi;hv man a,i,ivi,,, loMwiiirot m situ., mir niaiui tttimm or n'in.n,til.tliit. W Wi will Uunrontre a fOUm I'A CUHIH x ncry etui vt undrrtalc, or JorttU One f TbooMaad Iollni. i ."'liaiionrKKK unci iirlnlr ninn. i BfM pervin.llr or ty lelttr. html Itt Im..Ii. F "The l'nll(0iby f narrituze," f 1 fr.. (A bonk fcr nut.) X VImit Da. jonniwai 4 Great Museum of Anatomy 9 world. Coma and karn hnw wimderfiilly you nude how lo a.oid ikkmu ind dla. w Wa art continually adding nrw .uecioMina. w 1051 alarkrtllrMt, Sanrrandiro. CL 9 SB Row Ar Tow Kldu7i I Dr. HoMf a,urnirii Pllla oor all tldnty IlU. San M. R. BIGGS & CO. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE AGENCY. Buy and tell Real Etl'ite on commiuion. If you vant to tell lint your land with tti. If you want to buy, wt have land for tale at reatonahle pricet. , , PRINEVILLE, ORE. CAVEATS. TDAnr uidiio COPYRIGHTS AND DESIGNS. Sand your btutnsm d I root to Wmhlnrton. " time, com leal, bttUr aorrlea. afyaacaclooototl. I. Fatal OAm. fI pnUaila. ary oaMaatlou aiaoa. Itry'i h. not aa u(l uwHi an nuomi Amimoa ami-ii Yuu ACTUiLIXUllr.oi. a... "Howt abinValnt " K -at M r.uau nootna ltr.v I. 0. aTV..r. era .p.. 1.1 natf... wlUcit Uario. ta 5a INVENTIVE AGE r n oinnrnn k,.,iLci.iwtc0. lLh.OibbtnO.HBaTToy.-Dwc:f vl,avVVVyavwvvva KrorrlioUj- Rayi So. CMcnrets Tindv Ootlmrtlc, the moat won. derf ul diarnverv of tl.n iu,-e. h em ant i niii refrnaliinc; to Iho lusie, acl ircntlv anil iKiniUi-i'ly on kiilnera. liver mill ImivHa. tlcaininir the entlrn avau-m. dlw inld cur" licailaohe, lever, IihIiIUiiiI i nimimlion ami In innnn'wa. Ppiia luv ami try u linx of C. C. C. to-dnv; II), Itt. Mtnta. ruldawi guaruuKud lo curu by all Uru,xbli.