A Loving Husband. When the Presidential ( .nrly was in New Orleans tin) (Irsl unci mly interview ever necured with Irx. MeKlulcy itiiieitred in the lim('ii'n mid it tolcl of a loving wifi;' trilmto to lwr loyal husband. V iiole in part jih follows: "Do you know Maj. Me.Kinley?" rdie linked. "All, no oik! enn know Jiim, lici'iui"!' to iijiirc(:iut(! him one' is j (tut know 1 1 i in ltd I tto, and I inn not Hii'ulciiit,' now of Mnj MKinley ns tin! Prcddciil. I inn stalling f him an i-.iy luiidiuml. If nay olid could know what it is to have it v.ife niek, coiiiihiiniii,', always nn invalid for twenty-five years, M'ldom u day well, nnd yet never u word of uiikiiidneHH has ever passed his lion; he is just the Mime tinder, thoughtful, kind gentleman I knew when fi rut he ciimu ami nought my til nd. I know him because lain his wife, and it in my proudest pleasure to My thin, not because lie is the Presklcnt, hut because he it my husband. I wish that I could have kmiii him yesterday. I Jove to sec him among the people whom he rax'ks to nerve do faithful ly. But I rend h in tw,ht this morning. I only wish that I could ludp him m I should. But he is so kind, ) good, o patient. He jjives me all tho time he rn. Ho never forgetH me, no matter how lniy he is. I will he glad when he In out of publie life. 1 did not want Lim to run a second time, I thought he had done enough for the country, and now I know that lie has done enough, and when his term expired he will come home and wo will settlo down quietly nnd lie will In-long to me." A car containing pine needle manufactured from Grant's Push, fossils from John Day valley, a big whi.e pine log from Eastern Oregon and an aHKortmcnt of ore, wool and prunes, was shipiel to Buffalo last week to be added to the Oregon ex Libit. Fresh fruit will bo forward ed to Buffalo early next month, at regular intervals until the close Ot the reason. Orcgonian. -THE H0MBGOLDbuR& An Insronlous Treatment by which Drunkards are Cured Daily in Splto of Themselves. It is now gcnnrally known and un flcnttood tlist Uruukenncns in h disriino mid not KmikticMi. A body tilled with Kiiwin and ncrvencMiipletc-ly nlinttoiiMi y pcriislical or couHuiit uhj of ittlox Uniting liquors, requires mi antidote CHiiilile uf iieutriiliiing and rnlicuc inK tliii poimin, nnd di-mroyiiig the craving for intoxicants. Hulliirera may nqw core tlieniBclved at home without iiililicity or ins of time from budiiPM iv this wonderful "HOME GOLD CL'KK'which lias been jiorfeoted after ninny years of close utility mill treat meet of inebriiites. The faithful um vecordiiig to directions of this won der In I discovery is piwitively guaran teed to cure the most obstinate cae, li v mutter how hard a drinker. Out recordsthow the maivelciis transform ulioii of ihoiiKiinds of Drunkards into sober, industrious nnd upright men. W lYKHCUltai YOL'K W'SBA X PS ! CHILDKKN CUKK YOUR FA THEM! I This remedy is in no sense n ntiHruin but is a specific for this ilisense only, and is so skillfully do vised nnd prepared that it is thorough ly soluble hiuI plensiint to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup ol tea or eonVc without the knowledge of thr person taking it. Thousands uf drunk urds hnve cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and us many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the cure administered by Iming friends; and relatives' with out tljeir kjiowledge in tea or entice, ii nd believe today that they discon tinued drinking of their o-vn free will. 1)0 NOT WA1 1'. Do not be deluded bv apparent and mihlesdiiig "improve ment. The HOME GOLD CUKK is sold nt"the extremely low price ol One Dollar, thus placing within reaeh of everybody a treatment more euVtusI than othrs costing .f 25 to IffiO. Full directions eaccjiiipany each package. Kpeeial advice by skilled physicians wi.eu reqested without extra charge. Bent prepaid to sny pin', of the world on receipt of One Dulliir. Address Dept. K 4H5 KDWIX I). GILES & CO. 2:i:iO and 2332 Market St. l'liila dclphiirt All 0 nrespondence strictly confidential. Gary House Bar. Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors. ES, LIQUORS, CIGARS 4 PHI NEVILLE. OHICGOX rVfATN STREET, Look Out FOR THE M 1JL AURY SAWMILL Send in your orders at once. We have a good assortment on hand and saw extras to order. Call at Mill or Address, CLEAR LUMBER Planed to ORDER. , HAWKINS BROS. SS.- Jrnf Foster & Lehman IMij Proprietors. A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Yeal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. Main st. 'Phone 31. ffAe ffiee Jibe. THE PLACE T r SAVE MONEY. PAN T S. Manufacture's Sample line of Pants from a P house that- makes nothing but Pants, . Men's All-Wool, Fancy Worsted, Dark Gray ' effects for spring & summer wear ( N Men's AH-Wool Fancy Worsted, Assorted Colors for spri .ig & summer wear 2 50 to 3 50 T Men's Al working pants A N 1.50 to 2 Hamilton Stables and Redby Feed Band Stock boarded by day, week or month. ' Fine saddle homes and livery turnoute. Rates reasonable. Good accommodations. Remember us when in Prine ville, nnd we puarantee that your patronage' will be appreciated und deserved. CHEIS COHRS, Proprietor. SO. Staittons. 90. Haystack's three great ptallions, The Heavy Draft, The Coucher and The Carriage or Saddler, J will stand at the ranch until July 1, ' 1901. 9 . t . , ( UAo Ctydesdafo, Smllant Ctamp, 2, it ont of Scottanttj vtry irst ilootf. ft dark dappitJ iay, with mhitt point. Stamp cannot it txcttlttt at a tiro of targo, tmooih, flat tontd, tatattt hortot. UAe Coachcr, Cardinal Stichliomi it black, meitjit 700 poinds, jflihottgh large at a drafter, it far aiout tho average among small horses for ieait ty, ttylt and speed, St especially adapted to crossing on email, well formed mares. Also a splendid line of Copper Rivet Overalls. P A N T S A share of your trade respectfully solicited. I MICHELL. ED N. WHITE, JOHN COMBS. White & Combs. -DEALERS IN- WINES, LQUORS, CIGARS. D MESTICand IMPORTED.... COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. POIN DEXTER HOTEL. " PEINE VILLT3, OREGON. Vhe QQWtaft antl saddle sit0, fs mahogany &fty trfd Aia oafs tin' weigh from SSO to 300 pounds, and for a handsome easiness horse will eehard to excel!. 3 fn miihn n km ' V... ... A J Jl - CllllSe i.....'ji..i j 1--a j to escape on the ranye. tyaret will ee eared for carefully, en food pasture, at SO crate per mee, due mhen removed, and S wilt not te resooe'iole for aoeiidents Vouay stallions and mares of alone treedt, also a fern eAoice young teams, en hand, for sale. O. SPRINGER, Haystack, Crook Co., Oregon Doctors find A Good. on IbrmaiiMnd WANTED ! A m rf bud Iwtltli lliat R1P-A1T S wm aot bmefil. Thf tniah pain and pntlonc lile. One vive. Iliel. Note (he word R I P A N S on the package and tctpl bo aubailniM. R'I PA'N S. io fur j emu. but be had al any drug ttore. Ten aamplra and une tlHjuaatij tearimoalala will be mailed to arty aiidrese. lor five cenu, forwarded to ibe Ripa&a CheBucai Co.. fto. 10 Spruco Strati, New York. ''-ft