CV1. J. W. llciliiiton Iiiih (r the wruiid time Hold thu II:incr Ga futli!. Johnnie hIiouM not have hmo no, myn tliu J Iiirnry Nuwh, Ho U too good n newspaper nmn to luH tlio liiiio it will tako to Cud (mother locution. Jn m78 ho wan u wont in thin Harney laml ami got ho ho could ptc Senr face Char J'.'v'h timr Inn truck on u lava rock vithoiu tliu aid of a rnn;,'iiifinj( I'laHH. One day ho wan eating din ii'ir at Joe Lihtor'n nheep cain) on Snow mountain ami a hnmdi of liravii.'i canm ulon' and drove hiiri inch hy inch down ihe gulch jimt Jin he wan ready to pnll the lid off a bucket of Hour heiuiH. That in only in; of inaiiy narrow i'Heaii'M he liad. Huccei-H to you Johnnie, whei !ver you go, and und may your Falier No. '2 hrintf you the hifjh steein in new held that it han v. on in the old. The Junction City TiiwM telln ihe following: Minn Lulu MountH of Franklin, had on finger uni jiutnted from each hand hy Dr. Lcc Wednenday. r-'hu will not inirg tlu.-iii however, uh nhe dill ban five liup rH ini each hand. Hho und her twin hrolher wcro horn twenty lie yearn no and e.irh had twelve finj-'erH and twelve toes, The fxtra dinilH gre.itly inconvenienced her uhout her work and wcro continu ally getting hurt und injured. They were ahnoct natural ni.e und wen; located jiiHt hack of the first joint und extended out from the hand inntead of paralleling the othern. Hie expect to have her extra toon amputated alao, Oary House Bar. Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors. P1HB WINES, ana Mm fsTHKET. I'RINEVILLK. OUEOON iw """" . 1 " Look Out b FORT J IE AURY SAWMILL Send in your orders at once. We have a good assortment on hand and saw extras to order. clka n jTu3J"iir: i rr j-In'eaTo' b rd e it. ' IIAWtfWS im(Q price, ?t AikJ 2JlkJ, OREGON. Call at Mill or A Qreat Country. An Oregon editor dreamed that lie died nnd of course went to heav en und there came iixm a man in chainH fuHtened to a jMint. lie in quired if it wan Decennary to pun itdi jeojile that way in heaven. inai man, nam m. reter, "ih from Oregon. We alwavH have to keep OregonianH chained up awhile in order to keep them from going Luck." lleppner Time., TUB HOME GOLD CURB. An Infctonloufl Treatraont by which DruakKrdH are Cured Dally In Spite of Thomuolves. It in now jjeuondly known and un tlcroti x .il tlmt lruiikeiiiic( in n direiice mid not HciikncKH. A Uly tilled with jioihon nnd nerve completely HliiiUered by iHTiinlicid or cmiHtniit ue u( inlnx lent inn liipiorK, require mi nntidole rnililc of ncntraliziiiK hikI eriidiciit iiik thii i ioii, nnd dcHtroyinK the .craviiiK (or intoxicant. Hit IVurvr nniy now cure tlienmelvcH nt home without publicity nr linn ot time from bm-ini'MB y this wonderful "HOME GOLD (TRI'V'whieli linn been K-rfected idler many yearn of clone ftmly and treat inent of inebrintcH. The faithful line ticcording to direction of thi won ilurlul diwovcry in piwiti vtdy giiarun leed to cure the most olwtinnte cine, no mutter how Inml a (Junker. Oiu ret-ord lmw the marvelous traliwforin nt ion of thoiiMind of Drunkard into sober. imlimtrioiiH anil upright men. WIVKHOlIR.OYOUUlUJiJHAXDa! rilM.IHlKN CURE YOUR FA T1IKRS! ! This remedy is in no toimo a nostrum hut is a spceilio for this disease, tmly, nnd is io skillfully de vised ami prepared that it is thorough ly soluble mid pleasant to the taste, so that it can ha given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of drunk iirds have cured themselves with this . priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured nnd made temperate men hy having the cure administered hy loing friends and relatives with out their knowledge in tea or coll'ee, and believo today that they discon tinued drinking of their own" free will. IX) NOT WAIT. Do not he deluded, hy apparent nnd misleading "improve ment. The HOME GOLD CURE is sold at"tlm extremely low price of One Dollar, thin placing within reach of eve rybody a treatment more effectual than othrs costing J25 to 50. Full directions enccimpany each package. Special advice hy skilled physicians wnen revested without extra charge Be nt prepaid to any par', of tbo world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. E 485 EDWIN H. GILES & CO. 2:i:iO and 2332 Market St. Phila delphia. All correspondence strictly confidential. Foster & Leliman Proprietors. A Complete nnd Choice Line of Deef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. Main st. or 'Phone 31. Hamilton Stables and Red&y Feed Barn fctock boarded bv dav. week m month. Fine saddle horses aw! livery turnout. Rates reasonable. Good accommodations. Remember tut when in Prine ville, and we guarantee that youi patronage will bo appreciate' und deserved. C1IKIS COHItS, Proprietor. SO. Stallions. 90. Haystack's three great stallions, The Heavy Draft, The Coacherand The Carriage or Saddler, will stand at the ranch until July 1, 1001. Uho Clydesdale, Sallani Stamp, 2, it en of Scotland's wry itst blood, ft Jar dapplatt 6ay, with whit point. Stamp cannot 0 cxetlita' as e sir of large, smooth, flat ionea', saleaile horses. TShe Coacher, Cardinal S?iehlieu is black, weiahl f 700 pounds. Jtlthouyh large as a drafter, is far above the average among small horses for beau ty, style and speed. Ss especially adapted to crossing on small, well formed mares. Uhe Jfackney Vhe cctwttiyt find saddlt strt, is tftoAcpttny hayt tint Aa fottls wt weigh from 950 to f300 pounds, and for a handsome business horse will be''hard to excell. ermsi fee for either ot these horses, S0, due when the mare is known to be with foal, disposed, or allowed to escape on the range, 9J?ares will to eared for earefuly, en good pasture, at SO eens per mteeA, due when removed, and J wit not be resvemsibe for aceitdents Sioung stallions und mares of uteee breeds, also a fern tneieo young teams, en hund, er sule. G. SPaiSOER, Haystack, Crook Co., Oregon Vhe $eo jfeive. THE PLAGE TO SAVE P . A N' T Manufacture's Sample line of Pants from a Pnouse that makes nothing but Pants. ' ,. , TP Aden's All-Wool, Fancy WoMed, Dark Gray effects for spring & summer wear gfj Men's 'AH-Wool Fancy Worsted, Assorted Colors for spring & summer wear 2 p0 to 3 50 lifl to 2 m JL Men': ?ii'a Al working pants Also a splendid lineof Copper Rivet Overalls. . P A N T S A share of your trade respectfully solicited. I MICHELL. GREAT CLUBBING OFFER. We have made arrangements to club with the following named papers. Sample copies of both the Tribune and the World may be furnished on application. journal and Weekly Oreyonian, fournai and Weekly Tjew 2ork Vribune Journal mud Vhriee Week World. $225 2 00 2 00 ED N. WHITE, JOHN COMBS. White & Combs. -DEALERS IN- WINES, LQUORS, CIGARS. DOMESTIC and IXPOBTED.... COUNTRY ORDERS ' FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. POINDEXTER HOTEL. PEINE VILLE, OREGON. EMM' S A Goo Prescript IbrmaiikiRd WANTKD rk nw of bad hwlth that RTP'A'N'S win lot benefit. They banish pain and prolong life. One gives relief. Note the wrd R I F A N S on lite packagw and accept ao substitute. R I PA'N S. io lor j ect,, m be hid at any drug More. Ten mmpirs anrl one tliiMiwia testimoaisls will be nulled to any ddra f' five ccnu, forwarded to the Ripaus Chemicai Co., No. io Sprc Street, hew York. i TAMES find I ion.