JMMMlKidi Wm MoMeekln ha taken hi wood- 1 J.l!!....l I I- iiiiB ei.tfine uu In the Williiinnii TI f IS rXpKir: iTiUiii Aiwimr, 04 mi l 115 .Meruliiiuts I'.t ili,ui,(", Knii J''i,oi,:Iim, (Jallfiirnia, wlir coil li.u'U (nr miiunlniiiK can ho made fur it. liny your shoes anil huts at H. W, fc ' Co' Auk for orient tm barbed wire at C, L hi!iiiiimi',' New linn of 'miry hi mil ami thirls just received hI (hit IS.nuar, Mrs, M. A. Moore of Prinaville, ii visiting in liurn. Ileum Hmii.ill Wilson A Co, Imvo juit up a nuw dvii Hi Ilia lirii k corner, It la a yury limit pieee of work, I'Vir Piilc Two vrry desimUo loin i'i I'lineville ut it ImrKiiiii, Cull on or eililri'M', Frank Klkins, 1'riiMiviMe, Or, Mens' rdilrl formerly l to $1.75 your clioliio for 60c. at Biinion( SV'il tioii & Co. Hiiiiwon, WiUmi & Co. nrfl olTeririu :ri'iit liargiiinnf in , Mens' ami Dovs If,.!, Tliia i on of Ilia Measliest countries on record, Imt most of the iiiiinmts in town hum alut recovered unci lU dis ease haa run out of material to work on. Jtnt received a fine line of fresh fruits, oranifi-t, let tend all kinds of nula at till) !l!U II u u. . 8iecial mil ii tliia WH.k In , and tlip Tir, lists anil cans, and auiuuiur wen. i.f nil kind, at 'lm lluumr. A vrry linn line of tin in fiick'V just re ceived at Klkiui mid KiuifY I'ricca In ault everybody, "m In J1, ( )iiitikt Church aiTvicea at lri m-vilh' evory 2nd and 4ih Hun l.iya in e.v h luonili, al Culver rveif 3rd Hund.iy and at Howard every Ut Sunday. M. Tiraiiild. t Cyrus llio jeweler will somi reii'ndul Ml aioru front and will then k in a liiv auiily ol KiHida in hia lino. Ilu can dixtur your aick wa'.ili, briii it U liiui Lares, Finn patterns in fin good, ve fnc.-a wiilim the much of all. The lice Ii vat. ,.... . There as a Gunn drawn nn the office fore laat wk, but we are not atiH to ay if it w,i oi was not loadud. It wai an insurance aeiit and ha;ked harmless. Call at.iiii Mr. Oumi. A nice variety to ohn-ia from Skirls, liildii (putns, chewiaea, drawers and cor act covuraall The lk-e II.vh. Itov. Miller, of Oiiklimd, Oregon, filled tbo twliiit of (lie M. K. clitiroli south very uct'optnlily for tlie Hup tist lirvtliorn luat fiaturdiiy und Sun day. Albany Herald. I'ipua A ooinfurtahlu, cletn smoker that will help you foi((Ht worry. The price will cause no worry either. ' At the Due Hive. Morn will colehrate the Fourth of July in a manner to eclipse all former cel.. l.rali.uia. It it to lie hoped the Presi drnt will remain over and fjive the ora tion. Olwurvur. Lieu land for lain. A. C. Palmer. Uuhy'a first shoes free at Bimpsuti, Wilson 4 Co. . Fob 8ALE- Residence in Prinrville. Very (heap. Iniiiire of A. C. I'alintr ahei p hearinif corrals to run the shcur log iimshines. Ed Harbin ha jimt received a full line of Ini'vi lo repair voodi and will lix your old wiiuid i.a good at new. Up in the Ilorauheaven inotiutaiiia at a lock ranch may be aeen a lare board nailed a:n, 'he gable end of a luri;e b irn and on the hoard ia printed ill large In! ten "(lod Uleaa our Iloiiie," The Ibildwin Kheep &, Land Co, will between June lat and Dili, place upon the uiaiket 1,000,000 pounia of wool, to be told to the hi(hrat bidder. , Tim wooj i ih tlie. btianiko Wurehouae, and willbii told at that place, aaya the Leader. J, A. Tiller left here yetterdny over .the trail for C.ililornia, with A, D. liateh wiio ia driviiK aevural tniiiilred ahecp to I hat place. Jea gout aa "liral co k,'' ami (Here it no doubt but whi t ti e boyi will do juttice to ilia cooking. Tike a piece of ppar and write upon It the number repieaeiitiiii; your i(a In yeart, multiply by two, adu 3,800, ( I il ia by two, then tuliiract the number reprrf-iitui your ajje, ami yo.i will have a iiMnlliiiijf before, your eyea that you will nuver aeu attain. flue of the neatett improvement made in I'rinetille for aome time ia the wind mill tower on the property oi 11. T i) lor Hill. Iterat built by J. It Shipp and ia aurmoiiiiled by an Aerm iter wiiidinill, one of the -beat made, whicn wm fin nmlu-d by Elkiua f- Xnn whoaie prarvd to furnish thxiu on ahort nolle . The Native S ma at Hillahoro have du CiiUil In li'il'l a atreet fair to extend over a period of three daya, in the lader part of AiiKUtt or the tirat part of Heilember. Juliua Joieph, a pioneer niercliaut of AHumy and will known throughout tlie aiuie, died at hit home in that city M.,y MtU. , ' Lost bull. " A lilipnil rcvv(.rd will tie paid for in formation lending to the recovery ol the (ollowiii),' dcac'iU'd anininl: Five year old bull with 'while 'face, branded heart on each hip and one jaw; din uiond on left hip. Icave any infor mation concerning laid bull with John Winle.' I'rinevillo.or J. W. Sliettuck, Crook poat office. 5-23w4 Tlie ground was wliiut with enow in Condon Sunday morning and while with hail Hiniday iroon but Sunday waa not a bad day after all. There was no duat in the ixjr. Globe. rora anon lime oulji we will club wiih tin) Norihwi-aleiu Live-alock and Wool (irower'a Journal, of Pendleton, at the rem.iraalily low price of Qi for bf -I Ii pa per. Tina oiler will anon he withdrawn an nil lluwe deairoua of taking advantage ol It had batter cull at mice. PHiieville-ShanJko Stage Urn DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY BETWEEX PHINEVILLE AND S2UNK0. SCHEDULE, WW?- V1 a it A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. . "Something New Under the Sua" All doctora have tried to cure Catarrh by the use of powdera, acid tfaaea. inliul- en and drua in puatu form. Their pow-1 dera dry up the mueuoua mem In ane cana-! lux tliiiii lo crack upcu and bletid. The. powerful avida used in the inlnrlera have I entirely eat t'll HWltv Ihft shiii.i iiiMnihru.m.' I that (heir makers have aimed to cure, I while pasiea anil ointments cannot reach the iliseaait An old and expeiiencrd ! I ractilioner who has for many yeara imuiIh a close atudy anil specially ol CATAHRH liaa at last peifccied a treatment which hen faithfullv used, not olilv relieves nt once, bet permanently curea OATAUKH by removing the cause, stopping the ilia charges and curing all iiirlamiimtion. Ii, i CoTrcupoiuhnU Wtinted. . Wo want a correspondent in every pchool district in Crook County ;and ' lh" re'ly ,,lt "Otually reaches the , ,, , ... . . i . jalllicted pans. This wonderful remedy .u: ... ... cuouio.ue me neigu- klon, , "SXVFKLES, the GUAR- borhoiMl news we will furnish ptation ery postage, etc. and give them a subscription to the Jouk.nai, an long as they continue a correspondent of the rhino. Prinevdle to Shaniko by Daylitrht. Stages leave Prinevillo Tuesday, ThniHUiiy and Saturday at 6 n. m Arrive at Shaniko (i p. m. Leave Shaniko Jloiidny, Wednesday and Friday at G a. in. Atrive at Prinevillo ut 6 p. in. Fresh relays of horses. Good coaches. Courteous and care ful drivers Special rates to parties nud express in quantities. A DAM HON & WlNKKK Co. AgeillS. Fresh fruits ut all kinds, strawberries, oranges, lemons and bananas received daily, at the basilar. The dental work of Dr.0. A. Clin it too well known in this country to need any praiao. He can always be found nt the old stand, next door to the Firtt MatMiai Uauk. Qivtbiiok call. ANTEKD CATARRH CURE." and is sold at the extremely low price of one dollar, each packave con'ainiim internal and external .nedicine sullicienl fr a full month's trealment, and everything neoea tary to its perfect use. "SNUFKLFS" is the only perfect CA- TARKH CUKE ever made and it now reeognized aa tlie only safe and positive cure for that annoy mr and disgnatiui; di sease. It carta all mtUriniaunn ijuickly and permanently and is also wonderfully iuiek to relieve HAY FEVER or COLU ill the HEAD. CATARRH when neylectitd often lends to CONSUMPTION-'hNUFFLKS" will aave you if you usu it at onee. It ia no ordinary remedy, but a complete treat mrnt which is euaranteed to cure CA TARRH in any form nr stage if used ac cording to the directions which acconi pany evury nackage.. Don't delay but send for it at once and wrile full particu lar as to your condition, and you will receive tpeoial advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding yoar cat without coat to you beyond the reg ular pne of SNUFFLES." the GUAR ANTEED CATARRH CURE. Sent prepaid to any address In the United Statea or Canada on rteeipt u on dollar. Addreta Dept. E ED WIN B. GILES ft COMPANY. 2:t and 2333 Market St. PUUdtuiiu 1 Leave Shaniko, 1 p. m. Arrive rrineville, G a. m. Leave Princville 1 p. m. Arrive Shaniko, 6 a. m." First class accommodations for the traveling public. AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE Adamson & Winnek Co., Agents, G. . Cornett, Manager. if ..- 1 4 i XHectlva 12:01 A. M , Beptemtwr t, Mm. Hoath Dally Freight Arrive 1M am S:S) am 6:M a.m M a.m 8:Ai a.m South Pally Paas. Mf.m Worth Boand nallf tut. Leave 11 :M North fioundi Dally Freight Leave S:40 p.m. Birrs Gibbons 11 :f)0 MH m 2:14pjn Wanco ili):4.1 2M p.ra 2:27 p.m Klo'dykelOMO a mi 2:33 um Hummlt Ki-a s mi l x n m. .nif y. in ii bt v am p.m :12 a mi 2:4 p.m Mcholds 10:12 s.mj 2:0S p.n 3 a.iai :ee p.mi lieMott M:lt a.mi tm p.ra Journal fob Office, :J0 a.mi 3:10 Horo :)! p.m EmkinTl 10:50 t,m! 1:44 p.m' G't V'r :ut p.milonrDon 4."i0 p. mi Onthris 4:41) p. tni Wilcox 6:20 p.mifihanlico t s a.m 1:40 p.m y:.ty a.m' 9:15 a.ra 1:00 p.m 8:16 S:40 a.mi 8:) a.m) 8:00 a. mi ... y. As A BO. H. MOHLER, Geo. 31uftfer. Ve have '8000 'letter heads and note heads. 7500 bill heads. -'(X) statements. 4".j0 envelopes. D. J. HARRIS, .Superintendent. Will print 'yon bill heads, nnte H......I. i.,i...- i. j . ...7.,.. iicnj, ptrainm, UI,UK'IAI I era, haml bills, circulars. Ieiral!-1V ' 1La UlailKS. idaiiks, envelopes, iii fact, every 0000 cards, assorted i.niii( in ins pruning uueairea- jsonalde prices.'". sizes, We also have a larire stock of ottier Kitnis ot atntionerv inclndingr e.' dn.i( and funeral stationery , W Vt w y ts ?i s s V v X Vi J4i yV V t W x K .;k M n iPrineville, Oregon. ffiarber Shop. !PoiDll & Cyrus, proprietors. .nr rrrJ 7l. - - yvnrwvwvsv Perfection of BicfcIo 1901. (Ac!' lrtf. Lighter Stronger Faster 1 Than ever and . Eye-Openers f The Twentieth Century wfrrfi. Bicycles. Regular Weight Roadsters, 3o. All titled with the famous Q &J heavy tread clincher tire. If you want a medium (trade Vbeel, we have tha best iu thu land iu the $29. IDEAL. $25. FRED t MERRILL CYCLE CO. Srnig Line a mion Pacihc Chlcaro gait Lake, Denver, 4:30 p.m. Portland Ft. Worth.Omtha, Bpeelst Kannas (Jity, gt. : :0U a. m. Lonit,Chicagoaud via Huat- tast. tLgtOlu Atlantie gait Lake, benver, 8:40 a.m. Ksprew Kt. WorthtOmahs, ) p. m. Kamas Citv, 8t. via Hunt- Lonls.L'aieagoaoil luglea ut. St. Pml Walla TTslla ?:o a. bx. Fat Mail toii.Sp..kiie.Mni. 6:uUp. m. in-apnlis,Sl. Paul, v a ru 1 ii t h . Hilwsn-. gpokane kee.CliicaaoJiEast CCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE rKOM FOUTLAND. IJOp.ak All sailing dales 4.10 p. m, subject tu cliauge For Ran Fraitcbeo bail everj a daya Dsllv Galumbla Rim 4)p.m. Ex. tiu. iday Stsantn. Ex. ttuuds 8:Wi.m. Datniday To Attorlaand.Way 10:UI p., m. . Landiiifi. . ( :0Oa.m. WIMaaieHe' Rim. 4:aon.m. JCx.aoudar aiua Oreiron Cltr, New. berg. Sslein, In.le- - emlene tk Hsr nilliigt. 7:00 a.m. WillasMlta and ram- S:S0 p. ra. Tun., Thur. hul Hitrs. Sl.ui.. We.L aud8ai. . audFti. Oregon Otr, Day. ton, 4 ttaj Laud inga. :00am. Wlllaswttt Riitr. 4:SQp.m, ruei Tuiir Hon.. We.t audSat. Port aud to Corral, audi'ii. . .. lis May Lulling- . , . Lv. Rlparla Saakt Rltr. !l.r.rwlstoa SAis.m. Oailv Liaily .uV W. I. Lawrence, Agent, Biggs, Oregon. "I bave lifeii trmiMed a ereat lenl with m torpid livor, watch produces cuaslliia-. Hon. I found OASCAKKTS Kilieoll you cliiln for them. and socurcd ancU relief the Mrst trial, that I pun-uaaed anottier supply and was com-, pleiely cured. Isliall only bo too irlsd to rec omuiend (iseareta nueoever Die oppoHuuitf la presented." J. A Smith. i0 Siuuiuelianaa Ave., PUlladelplila. Fa. CATHARTIC -Taaoeuaaa amavnaso sfjfr Bcaochea at Spekane, Tatoma, Seattle. 1. H. SHUT, V' Pi'wtUW, Oresucs WsMM.1.1 tl)arKk (ilaiskk T... QajuI TVv 105, 107, 109, IU Sixtli St Portland, Ortgor. 1 8ou '. . .iie,6e.iiio. vwmk vunsiira.ivn, . rtlf tmr r-mmr. WW. Mnl tolat, It UfA.Tft DftP fatd awf ansrssleedhf alldra