Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 09, 1901, Image 8

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Xocal JJJenthn.
Peter Wore and wire are in from
Hnplee looking nfler business niluirs.
C. McPherson, of Gate hill i m
the city on the regular jury panel.
Alex Smith, of fynitH Brot., . aln0
in ;rom Sisters Saturday to attend
rX'iirt. , . .
Yince Circle came in from Ifoavcr
creek the first of the week to attend
I.. V. Bailv is in from Paulina at
tending court and looking after busi
iittM mutter.
(". V. U'Een, came in from Buke
iiviMi Saturday us a witness belure the
district court.
J. V. Howard returned Friday from
The Dalles where lie went to dispose of
a band of cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jessee of tlie
outk Crooked river were visitors in
IVineville last week.
. V. T. E. Wilson and 0. D. Alling
ham are in attendance on this term
of court, from Sisters.
C. V. Circle was in from tlie rancli
the first of the week and reports every
thing tine out that way
J. W. Wimcr and family were in
ii-.nn Post the ilrst of the week looking
after business matters.
' 1). V. Allingham, a prominent citi
rin oi Matoles is atteiuliug court and
looking after business matters.
. Ed. V. Nelson came in from Maury
Saturday to attend to business matter
and left bis number for the Journal.
District attorney Menefeo and at
tornevs X. J. Siimott and H. 8. Wit
jijn were arrivals from the Dalles the
' las-t of the week.
John Claypool returned Saturday
from Hay creek, where he has bad
rliarge of the Shaniko stage com
pany's stock for some time past,
A, E. Hammond, chief engineer of
the C. 8. Ky., is reported t be in the
Haystack country looking over tlie
old survey made by that road.
C. Montgomery was over from M'il-lo-v
creek Monday. Ho wr.s accom
panied by H. Oleefc of Albany who
has large lauded interests in this
John Bicar came in from Pauliua
hit week after supplies and took home
iMthhiin a couple of relatives of the
l.scalU's who are just over
Sam Hamilton was a visitor from
Ashwnud Saturday and paid this office
k finally and financial call, He reports
i'verytliiug going along sinjjuthly at boomiug Jittle cauiprir'. .. .
Eoscoe Knox caniejn from Post the
: st of the week as a witness and re
ports crop prects good in that
tutrtof tb -county." Sheep shearing
-u iil begin iu that district the last oi
the week.
-C.J3. Miller and wife of North Car
olina, with their twelve children were
legit-tered at the Prineville last week.
Tuny a re looking for a location and
' tht- t,chial district that they locate in
viii Le malerialy benelitled.
I any Temple, the erstwhile facile pen
pusher of the Dufnr Dispatch, was
tfo-ii front Wolf creek last week en
. j'ying the society of the city and lay
ing in supplies. Harry remembeied
the printer with a brand uew,euiscrip.
Joe Lister and wife were in from
North Crooked river last Saturday
vifitin: relative and laying in sup
plies .'or the spring round tip. Mr.
Lister is one of tlie largest cattlemen
in this county and reports cattle look
ing veil in his section.
L. I. (.iillmi water's sheep camp nnt
fit w:i entirely destroyed by lire Sun
tlay morning. Theeamp wa estab
lUlwd in Uh Horselienveo country
and while the herders were out with
he shty-p the tire broke nut aupixssedly
fcoi'i f-ik'N left in cooking the morn-.
i::g aiwtl. Everything was total loss
!le herder being without anything to
. r t'.Hivi! 'uoihinj vttu cut ui -to
K. O. llailuok of Minntmpule ftr-1
L. 8. Logan and George Koine came
down from Price Sunday on business.
Judge T. J. Clulders is over from
Ashwood as a witness in the Bruuor
Bert Magcrs came over Ironyiatti
ko Sunday to look after IfuuSttose
matters. '."'
Uorit Wednesday morning in this
city to the wile of William Boguo, a
D. A. Shrum and Wade Shrmn nro
I in the city from their ranch on Cher
ry creek, attending court.
U. Springer, the Haystack stock
man is in attendance mi this term of
district court as a juror.
C. E. Person, a prominent farmer of
the Squaw Creek country, was iu the
city this week attending court,
George Noble and wife cania in from
Pauliua Wednesday morning. Mr.
Noble is attending to some land busi
ness. Amos Barber, who has been laid up
with a broken li.nb for some time is
out agaiu and will soon be as sound as
a dollar.
Died At her home near Maury,
Monday, May 6, Mrs. George Lewellyn
of dropsy of the ncart, She was a
daughter of W. W. Harris.
Taylor Hill is putting up a naw
windmill and will have one of the
finest in the city when it is finished
J. B. Shipp is the arolietici iu charge
of the work.
Tom Kinney, a well known sheep
herder of the Trout areek region is iu
town and has found a valuable shep
herd dog lost by Phil Brogan jr about
a year ago.
John Ueiger, proprietor of the
Prineville brewery, has received a loail
of beer barrels that are "whoppers,"
each holding 150 gallons of beer.
Mr. Geiger says, he is going to flood
the town thf3 summer.
Died .U Powell Butte, Friday,
May 3, Mrs. Martini J. Martin, mother
of Mrs. W. . Casey. Mrs. Martin
was a native of Tennessee and crossed
the plains iu 1357, this being one of
Oicjo.i's pioneer women. She was
aged .0 year and ten months.
Mrs. Charles Gilchrist and niece
Wilda Gilchrist eame from Indianap
olis lat week, they having been met
at Shaniko by Mr. Gilchrist. They
took their departure for the ranch at
the head of Crooked river next day
after their arrival here.
Jehu Johnson left last Saturday for
Ironside, Malhuer county with his
c.ittle. He has secured a good range
i i that region where the grass has not
been eaten out to any peiceptihle ex
tent a yet. The Journal will fur
nish him the news in his new home.
Charles and Frank Pnckwood came
in fioni Lakevicw Tuesday. They arc
t iking a trip through this country n
Is the clothing we ura
showing for this spring
and summer. There's a
style to it not found In the
ordinary run of ready-to
wear clothinp.. We're
proud to have you com
pare our suirs wiih tailors'
double the price goods.
Wo have the nobbiest lino of 9en'$
Suits In town. Just received a large
line of 97cn's and S2oys' crash hats.
Wurzweller & Vhomson,
a tour of inspection their home being
in Bieber, California. They arc ac
companied by Boss Kickettand Harve
Paulke of the same place. The Pnck
wood brothers are old time friends of
Miss Kate Helfrich of Haystack.
C. C. Hutchinson, president of the
Oregon Irrigation Co., returned Satur
day from a business trip to Portland.
He reports everything prrgrcsaing
nicely with their ditch. They have a
force of men at work all the time and
will soon have water out on the desert.
A number of Portland capitalists are
interested iu this ditch. Tlie coin
any has filed on 300,000 inches of
water in the Deschutes river.
Hlm$ to Scar Ottilia Before Sour Baying!
tuny try tn ui'kit you Mieve
tli "iiMHin is grei'ti clii'MS," slid
it dixsi nut muMr much whmlivr
it it ft uol, but alien yuu emus
Sftuynf J'arm Uools
Don't trust liim Uhi fur,
Do nine thinking bofure yu buy.
We would like to show you
You can yourself eeo
their euporlor points.
Also see our line of
Washing Machines and Wringers.
jssbb Garden Seeds in P.nTlr.
A letter from Wilbur, Washington,
informs us of the matrimunial union
of Mr. MitX J. Pangborn and Miss
Mady Aldridge. The marringe took
place at the residence ol the bride's
parent in the tnwu above named on
Tuesday, April 30th 1901. The bride
is a Crook county production, having
been born in Ptineville nearly seven
teen years a g, and will doubtless 1
remembered by many of her, young
friends here. The groom, we are told
is a young man of sterling worth.. Jle
is engaged in the stock business, and
owns two excellent fruit ranches uii
Uie Columbia tivr war Wilbur.
It is a etartling nign of flie in
Htaliility of the times when Kuro
pean Kovereifrns go to America to
invest their private fortune. Amer
ican railway in particular aeem to
have a great attraction for the var
ious royalties, liven ho patriotic
a person aa the German emperor
liaH not escaped the general desire
to put money as far awav aw posi
ble from the Fatherland. He ha
invested over iGOO.OOQ in the At-chinson-Topcka,
tlie Illinoin Cen
tral, the Louinville & Nashville,
the Santa Fe and the Union and
Southern Pacific railways. The
Emprefs Augucta Victoria has
100,000 worth of shares in the
came concerns, while tlie jirin
cc8 of the houce of lluPiia have in
vented about 200,000. . These rail
way investments bring them in an
average of 5 per cent.
The Czar of RuHsia has over ),
000,000 worth of nliareH in the
Pennsylvania railroad, the North
ern urd Canadian Pacific, the New
Jersey Central railways, vhich
give him an annual income of
100,000. "' "v
; . L. Juhnson came iu from Sisters
the first of the week.
, , John llastiwgs nix) brotoe ter ini
fiutu lay Ctievk. the fust vA tU tsk t
Thi3 Space i.s EeservcJ for Ed Harlan's
icycle Repairing Shop.
South End.
M'e have made arrangements th club with the following named
papi'M.. Hample fopiux of both the Tribune and the World may bo
furnished on application.
journal and Itfaakty Oragonian. ',' .'
fourmal and Wfkly Iftut Sork Vriiun.
faurrM and UAriei a tJsHar(dj
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