County Court l'rorrtdingt. Tin' county court tnnt in regular Inn mi Wednesday, Mny 1. Tint full tumid lieing present till) following pro o.'fdinua wore lipid: Int do niHttemf the reslKnsliiiii of T. R. Curl hb rusd supervisor, resijtiiiiinii nuceptud mill ., H, (Irsy ppiiiiiUid to 'rv unexpired term, In tint innLti-r of Mini potilioii of Cloir 1'itlij lliiniiit ct kI, Mud ordered viewed tui 1 W. ). lVk, Kirmtst Wiejj.ind nd lluiiry Wind. mii spptiiiited viewers to meet oil I lii) 17li day of Mny. Climlry irsvc surveyor. In llin nmtiernf the resignation 'if .T, 0. 1'iwiniiNBLMi nnul supervisor (tistriut 7. ItesiKiiiitinii uccipluj reit Hpinovrd i' ml mipi'rvifcir allowed tj'll, ilutiry drains H )otnti'd, In IIih matte' of the resignation of ,1. H, AVjnzluc luiiitrviior road 'district No, 111, ri'nivuutioii acoup'ed, supervisor 1 lowed 20- ovnU mid Richard Ureesu sp pointed In hll unexpired term, In tlm instUir of tlx resignation of P. II, Dusk supervisor of road district No, H, MniKiuitiou reepted mid Albert Lucas appointed. In the tiin'tvr of roport of 8. M. f lurui.'y supervisor of roitd district No, "O, report approved mid clurk crdnriid lo f it 1 1 1 i h 1 1 Hit of duliuipieiit road work to tlie sti orvisor. In the matter of flxluv, bondi of super vior, court ordered Mint each rnd every .nuperviinr in Crook county be required to Kiye i good mid ufltciuiit bond to Orw.k county in the urn of J.VX) in ao cordnncu with levislaiive enactment ap proval Feb. 25, KKJl. It is further ordi-red that the clerk notify all super v inure who were not notified y iirder of court el March term to proceed lorth with to cull out nil labor due Mid to have the same winked at by law provided. In the matter of tax roll of lrt!l6, 18!7 JK!W, W.t ami 1!W0, clerk ordered to attach wnrruiiU returnable GO duys from May C, l'.lCl. Amount of warrants iiunied on scalp crtilicate. Qrf.(i; number of scsljis de etioved, 318; warrant issued on suu, ifi'i'M; total sculp bounty amrniits iaauud, Ill the matter of lax sales, clerk or- ilureil to furnish the shurill', on or before Inly 1, 1'lUl, a full mid commute liat of lauds heretofore soht for taxes mid not if li-eiui'd at t tint date. In thu niiiitcr of nrliilnvit of tiriui'.'ful wwiiunniiut of (Htu Hiuliitl', shirift' or dered credited with 811.81 roll of 1KM, Atliiliivlt wroiiijfiil nai-Miueiit H. T. I!,iriiu, aherilf ordered credited on roll of 8l2,5il. Charles Al'schnl affidavit of tvroiiifu! assessment; aherilf ordered credited Willi tM.Hti, roll of ltKW. It. 0. Jcsseu, iilli.lmit of wrongful amessmeiil; alientf ordend credited with t.j.67 on roll of m.). Joniah Williaiin adidnvit of wrongful assessment; there being fi error in irmni riliiii.,' from blank in (he sum of V-1(Jl) alierilf ordoied crudiied with lit; on roll of 1900, itolln M.:Li!iin nflidavit of rp'tii;ful eiamentj alier.ff ordered credited nilli roll .pf V.m, A. li. hcalcs, affidavit of wronnful iHmcii!; nhtrill nrderud credited will) it :: ipii nil .pf moo. L W, IS-iuiuit alii lavit of wrongful imemnienl; ilienir ordered credited v illi fil.Gfl on roll of I8!l!l. A. W, lliluy allidavit ppf wrongful -( p'meiitj aherilf ordered credited with ('11.15 roll of J000. J. W. ISennett, report of rd aiiper tiiippr roud diairiut No, 21; clerk oidnred to rtiiiiikh aupurviaor the ileliiiiiieuti;n t 'pied fr.'in the roll of 18'.KI and t" fur i.ith liat. of work baaed on roll of 11)00. Uuip. Cline, allidavit of wrongful aaaeM uent, It iippearini; to the court that the l"t, and iirpripvciiienU were Rnwaaed to Harhiu Uro, for the year 18'.Hi and wh liot the property of Geo. Clino, wm wronirlul, ami the order of the oourt it that I he iiaseaAiueut aijaiuat (icior'fl Cline on n:uil lot niel improveinuiita bp) alriokeu 1 1 uin naid iisn'Huinent by credilii))r op ntid pppwiiuout in the urn of $10.80; nd it. ia further ordered that the alieritl' bare credit on a.iid full of 18110 in the mm pif $18 80. Court heruiidjoiirnod to meet Wednes day Jliiy 8. The lollowii'K bills were allowed and wirmllts ordered drawn; M. L. Chiimljerliiiil liat of doed- .d liinda 3 00 ll'iliert'IIoueerford wiitclnnaii,, 2 i'0, li't;iater and Receiver, Bui ns, liat ol liui;a '. 50 Ot ia Pa tersi hi, abut raot 7 30 (Hum & I'ruillionime, warranto.. 17 !,1 J Kiuitli express..... " K outer t Leliiiinn indue to piitipt-r 1 75 W. C. Wills wiah to riittiKsr, . 6 OH 1' Chililcrs tnijUCKt A fees. 12 05 Jan Wood inq nnd milvngo. , 4 00 Uv W'-Mal " ... 4 00 II C (Imti-r " -. , " . . 4 CO Cl'Mmipir) ". .. 5 00 Tliron 1 lironson " . . 6 00 C V llainiltoi) . . 4 00 J CrwKiin " 1 70 T L Cliildiirs justke servico. , 6 70 Kd Hill chic puiipers 41 70 CJIhxsi & l'nitllioiimio legal blimks 7 02 Win JliK'itli pDHtiio 2 75 A II Liipiiiiii) care corpse, , . 43 50 W C Cungliitim board prinon- cr 80 00 W C Coiigleloi) Htiiinps.,',., . 13 00 " culi to eheriir wdscoco ;. 10 00 Wiirrut) Urowi) twic.licrs cx . , 15 00 Mrs J C Huiiiiier euro pauper 40 00 rjinipson Wilnon 4 Co. indue for pnupors 10 15 Vh&WCo lightdnKter.. II 95 H 8 Price luiUe paupera 2 75 J U Khip plumber 1 20 Chris Colirs team for county court 8 00 C K McDowell board pauper 40 00 J II Koai'iilmrx prof, service 25 00 V C Wills sIiikb fore 3 50 " salary 100 00 W C CoiiKietoii saliiry 410 7 J N Poindexti-r " 00 07 Win IliHiiili " 0(1 C7 J J riiiith " 300 00 " poU(,'o.. 10 00 V T Fogle priming 14 45 A C l'aliuer " 22 20 J X Puindexter stnty 5 00 Adaiinio)) &. Wiunck Co atiity 5 40 " " " acct paupers 50 WuizwelliT it Thoiiirou mils for pniiW 20 19 Simpson Wilson ii Co indue for jail 7t; W C Connleton cash paupeH 4 (X) F. W. Huiitli jimiicu fees.... 9 50 Mm. Anna Knles room rent ptniier 11 ()(' .1. J. Smith express 4 80 (lues & L'riiillioniiim circuit court Jiiiiriial I'd ,r,0 (il.i.-H & I'rudlniiiiiiiu bliinks 9 02 W. C. Wills cash cleaning conrtlipiuae. ; . . .. 1 00 Cieu. Siimmeis teleplionins .0 00 Slate Veterinarian McLean wan at Salem lact week in consultation with Governor Gccr and Secretary of State Dunbar, in regard to the explication of niiinoe amon hori--iih in Kaetcrn Orefjon. No definite arrangement was ajfteed to further than that the Ptatc authorities will co-operate as as po.ihle with the county authorities in prevent ing a Hpread of the disease. This proliahly means thai the state will give two or threj of the north eastern counties financial assist ance. Notice to Contractor!. Notice is hereby ifiveii that bids will be rtce ved by the cpumty court f I Vnok county for the Const and fiirniah iuir of material for the V.uiry bridge scions Crooked river. The same to be n accordance with plans slid specifica tions now on file with the clerk of said oiift sttliu court, bouse in Priueville Ore g .ii. The contract to be let to the lowest responsible bidder for caah. Said bridge and approachnient to be completed on or before the first day of November, A. D. ltrOl. Payment to be made as follows: One third when the timbe I used in the .construction are on the around, one third when the nrcessury irons are on the ground and the balance when thu bridge is completed and ac cepted by the court. The successful bidder must fiiruish a bond approved by the county judxu, in the sum of $1500 within two days after the contract is awarded and in case of failure to furnish such approved bond the ooiitract will be awarded to the next lpwest bidder. ' The oourt reserves the riu'ht to reject, sliv mid all bids. Said bids shall be sealed bills to be opened at a special ineiitinK of the court at 10 o'clock n. hi,, June 1, 1901, and contract awarded in open court. By order of the county court, .1. J. Smith, County Clerk. Pilot-tit Your floweli With CptseareW. Candf Cathartic, curs nwtlpation fonive' 10o,ttc IIUO'CfLUtOruiAiuuroiiiudmoaef. I n Shoes and Oxfords: Special A full line of Ladieu' Oxford for apring and Bummer wear, not odtl and ends but up-to date styles, and good quality Misses Oxfords in Kid or Vesting Top Good styles, a great bargain, buy while they last. CSV ESI A fine line of ladies' mercer ized and sateen underskirts. fill Saaljfer $2.00 A medium Priced Ladies' Shoe, guaranteed the Best Value for the Money. The Kuh-Xathan & Fischer Co's. Qothing is noted for its good duality and perfect fit. Simpson, Wilson & Co. ifi 3 3 oompaitt, Fire-proof buildinii, 90x300 feet, is now ready to handle llercliandisc, Wool, HAUL YOUil F3EIGUT TO StlAKIItO -DEALERS IN- Coal, Flour, Lumber, W ood, Hay and Grain. Pppcinl Attrition piven to vool trade. First-claps baling and grading facilities. Also stock yards, latest plana. All Modern Improvements for Handling Stock. (' Fkk.vch ft Co., Bankers, The Tulles.' B. F. Lauoaux, The Dalles, A. M. KELSAT, General Manager. 1901. Stallions. 1301. Haystack's three grent stallions, The Hctivy Druft, The CoachtT and The Carrij:e or i?aliUef, will stund at the ranch until July 1, l'JGl. Tjho Clydesdale, PEISEVILLE, OUEGOX. . THRONTHKOxYSOX, Mines Examined and reported on. ORES ASSAYED. All work given prompt nd careful attention ASHWOOD, - - - OF.KGOS.,. . Aysician and Surgeon, ' Office in renof Adamum, Winnek Co. FRIXEVILLE, OREGON. Offt . Shrink. jfiioracy and Counselor at jCaw PRISEVILLE, OF.EGON. PRIXEVILLE, OP.EGONT. 0. Jfycs, V- v. Phone No 2. Residence buck of thu Pbotn-jraph Gallery. OREGON. Satant Stamp, 2, it en of, Scoiland't vtry test ilaod. ft dark pjjjygyjr j y. Aw,. mitk uiiiilm um'.ii'j. Sinwan cannaj ii jecmijd as a i hooh - "jff I sir of largt, smooth, flat tonod, saitaiU Aortes. ' XJho Coacher, , Cardinal SPicAtiou Is Hack, nfioki700 vounds. jfltioutrk tarat ! - Jt,. fn -A ,h sm.U JJlfar nca. Ca!1" s'ered promptly day .r f. iy, stylo and spood, is isitctaiy adapted to erosjtny on small. wo I I for mod mans, ,' $Ayteian and Surpcon, Vhe Jfackncy fiee with Dr, V. Oenner. ReHidenw v Heuliy Hotel, riUXEVILLE. ORFRO.V. ZfAf carriage anti sasfn'U sir, mahogany 6ay, ana Aa foals will f aimer, wtyA from 850 to J3Q0 pounds, and for a handsomo 6usntjs. torso will 6chard to ojtcott. y s ee for either of ttisso Aorsos, JV, cue wfien t.ia :ai i-i'-j wt.u..y to escape on th rango 9? ares wtt Otf erred Ur earfuity, en yoed pasfurm, mi SO cents for nkeek, due wAajt removed, and S wtft net he resvensoe for aectdent staftions and mares mf aoovc ereeds, ajo m fe0 cJkoiee yjuny teams, on hand, for sale. that ToWra Spit iml Swoke Toar Life Awiy. To quit wlafco ly uiul (or ewer. ma netic, (nil uf life, nerve and vigur, lukg No-To-Bw, tUo wonder-worUrr, Uiut mftkm weak men Ktrnnn. All i1ni-'iisLL II. Curt! irn&nkr G. SPRINGER, Ilaystaclv. Crook Co., Oregon r n.kie ....i Brum. rre. ) - ' a t Sterling lteniixly Co-i Chicsto or New or l'RIXKVlIXK, ' ORBtON