Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 09, 1901, Image 4

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    Crook County Journal.
Forros AKoPtBLfltniw.
County Officiai, Pai'jcr.
Tr JorsHAl la mtrd it tb iKtIHc in
I'riiiiil', JreR.. lortnuiaiutaim thnnighth
V. H. i.Jli m Komd chum matter.
Om Yiar. W-J
THURSDAY. MAY 9, 1901.
Poor King Eddie! What a
change it must be forliim from the
free and easy days when he was
jue of the boys.
The first home print issue o( the
Crook County Joikxal reached us
today. We are pleased to note the
improvement over the patent.
Wheeler County News.
Possibly Great Britain may find
that South Africa is a sort of gold
briek after all. Certainly, it can
hardly be worth what it has al
ready cost.
The mui h-talked of commercial
war of Europe against the United
States is almost inevitable sooner
or later if we go on invading their
trade. Self preservation will com
1 it Starvation will compel it.
A good many people who tried
the easy Dakota divorce method
will now be disapiiointed in love's
young dreun. In fact, in view of
the Supierme court decision, the
t'ream is likely to turn into a
The Crook County Journal, un
der the management of W. T.
Fogle, is making marked improv
ments in its appearance. We
learn that it will this week appear
withvan all home print, which wijl
give its readers about six columns
(150 inches) by doing away with
patent ads. Long Creek Ranger.
The financial center of the world
is rapidly shifting from London to
New York, just as the comerciul
supremacy of the world is shifting
from Europe to America. It is a
magnificent future that this coun
try has before it in the century
just beginning.
A por.d way to throttle the pub
lic domain leasing trust is to get
the land all f ettled upon before it
has time to have laws enacted in
its interest. At the present rate
if fling on public lands in Crook
county, the trust will do little, if
any damage to this part of Oregon.
Republicans will do well to take
to heart Reprstntative Babcock's
demand for the j-boliticn of the tar
iff on (roods that are nude cheaper
I cie than they can be abroad.
This is not unlikely to he an is: ue
in the next Presidential election,
and the republicans want to he on
the right side of it.
There is so much small pox all
over the United States that the di
sease is riot considered much more
K'rious than many more com
mon disease. This is one of the
inheritances of the Philippine war.
How do you like it? Albany Den
oerat.-Brothcr Nutting vou must bei
Kel-tin "Nuctv" widen certain lv
i.'nf one of your inlieritatietH of
t;se Philippine vir :is you were pot
thvre. You ;jiu;Jt be' 'I'tting like
fosi'c of (lie (.!n:e;) ' gft when they
are driven ae;-o.-s tlie desert goath
of litre, they hnve a. troulile with
tiieir Lcai'.s, nn.l a sovereign re
medy is Mid ;o lie cluiihin them
over the Lend witii the hutt end of
n Mlmifdi. Better hire a cheap
lo. ' 'Tit n you.
It has now become a matter of
business us well an one of health
to consider some means of sewerage
for this town. There U no need
to put in an expensive vstem as
! been done in many places, but
a good lasting sewer Btteli us is said
number of eastern
J -
cities, can be put in at small ex-j
Now that the city has un(
,imi,l. wider suindv, flushing few
er at a moderate expense it will
be a much simpler matter to oper-
. . ... i... .i:
ate them, wi uiouiaucr w u.-
and all the information
possible along this line brought
out. One of our public spirited
citizens has already instituted in
quiries and will no doubt soon
have considerable information at
his disposal. Let others do like
wise and the question of informa
tion will soon be solved.
Some of the citizens in north
Prineville are advocating the dis
posal of the ditch on that side of
the Ochoeo to the city and merging
it in the one already bought so that
the taxes raised for the mainten
ance of thewater system may lie ex
pended on both sides of the Ochoeo.
They seem tothink that they should
not be taxed on that side of the
river to help maintain a ditch for
the exclusive use of the citizens of
tin side. If they have a grievance
in this matter they should bring it
before the council and seo what
may be done about it.
The British bonds sold readily
at'JTJ; at the same time, however
American bonds essentially similar
were selling for 112, this difference
measuring with sufficient accuracy
the variation between the credit
of the two countries-
Black Jack the famous train
robber was hanged at Clayton,
New Mexico April 2b His head
was entirely severed from the
body and the rope broke under
his immense weight.
Great rviluc'ti in in lrim's aliwa for
30 (lavs in mil' r to mnkt) room fur uuw
Block. C. L. Salomon.
Dr. Clad; I). D. ,S
Dr. HaioUl Clark, formerly of Port
land, will do uji-to dnt work at the
Poindexter Hotel for a time. iJr.
Clurlc would like to get- itcqnuintud
wit ti the jieopip of Pi iuevillc ami vi
cinity. Artiftic unci durante brnr'c
work dune, with the inhiy lxireutiiin
front, wliL'h ii'akei ?.lii of work
very nutunil mid lifelike. All Umb
of phite woik and tilling do hi:. The
people of Prineville and vicinity arc
respectfully invited to call mi1 get ac-!
quainted with the doctor whether yon
have work to do or not. Dr. Clark
has made iirrntigenients to locate per
nniiiently in Piinevilly and will have
nice dental parlors Cited up in the
J new lieiknap building,
j The be.t of references given if re
I quired. Room 9.
The following cases have teen dis
posed (f in the circuit court up to
time of going to print:
State of Oregon i. Cheater Gibson.
Arson; not guilty.
.' . " Jan. S. Linton,
Larceny; not guilty.
L.' T. North.
Si lling liquor without licence; pica
of guilty on one count other dismiss
ed on motion of .district attorney.
State vs D. L. limner
Indictment; picad uof guilty.
D - M-borne c J- c- R,UHIU-
D. A. F:iiiity nl v 0. T. Sly et nl
Disniinml on motion oi ph.intif!'.
D. V. linniit m Aa.ili Morrin
('uiitinuwl for term.
Dr. J. Siiihr-ilitiid r It. M. Powel! Jr.
Settlftl mid diHini-ml.
Ciuti. L. Iin'ck va Jiom-s Cram.
Bottled nnd dimniKHed.
C. J. Hiiul iniii va S. M. V. Hiiiilmun
Coiilii'inittion, coo tinned.
8. J. Nea va J. H. Miller.
Dininiodcd on motiou of plaintiff.
ocKmen s
fPrompt Attention Given to
All ;oI.s Marked
In rialn rtj:urt'H.
New Gooes
!0f All Kiiils.
Such 13 Neckwaar.Golf
Shirts, Hats and Cap3,
Gloves, Hosiery, Under
wear, Shoes and Slip
pers, Notions and Fancy
Goods, Novelties, Nuts
and Candie3. Crockery,
Tobacco and Cigars til
Further Orders.
V,re can sell you the best goods for the least
rri ccsIU'asonaldc!.
i Edale on onnmimnn.
If you want to tell Hot ynur land with i. If you vcnnl to luy,
we hare land for tale nt rtanomble price.
We handle a large stock
of Fishing Tacklo and
we are a'olo to fill your
order for an j thing you
may desire.
Our stock i3 first class,
and the nowest things
in latest styles in the
large assortment.
Han etablilied in reputntion m the MOST COMMODIOUS,
CONVENIENT WEuL-KEPT Hutul in Crook county.
of all Stajrc lilacs
& CO.
Chinese - Laundry.
Fine Work nt Lowest
White Shirts arc our
MAIN STItKBT, north of Cyrus,
Jewelry Htore. J'rineville.
Deputy Stock Innpeetom.
JJolii'B is hiTchy if it em llmt I linvo
Mijoihtud iliu I.iIImh iijjj uaa.l'J poi.'.n
dciily 'oi'liiiisiuioit:
J. P. C.irtwrixlil, Ilsy Crwk.
Wnrry Wubh, AIiwihkI.
K. Shirks, KiU'M.
A. Moricv, Hymsik.
F. M. Smith, PiihIiiii,
IdiH'i.e Knox, I'ii.
T, '. Swum, lluar Crvfk,
J. K. Koitui", K"IiiiwI,
Alux llarliu
Jou Ililiklo,
Stuck Iim;ji!Ctir Crook County.
If jjii fufTef fmra eny of li e
ill f nu-n, crn.e to innrl'.v!
tcculiu mi ilie Kxii Cshut,
0. JPIt'HM H tin..
j I f',1001 kitrMiiL Ell 1132.
m K ni'il nirti win. jr. .u.'kTiiitf
irom III, ellecti A yyi:C.It-l lni'iw:r.:'i tn' tw ...
vv in ;rbiiitr.r ynn, Kiviti a:i! 1 nMc-.l
!4'ill ll.v,ltii( ry ,lrt Hi u! tntl
inli it. trmt. itiort.; wjjr rn.tiorrlorn,
lr.talnri-ltf.uL ' CI'Tt,
rrwit.,rr f trlu.nliuii, te, hy a
coinbiiuilon o rrmi'lii,cf (;ri.l tviraliv)w
er, 111, f ftrr..icl tti. liratmrol
tliat it wilt it 'ml MT-rd iniLKOitr n lief Lot
iwrtinlifiil cur 'ill, Dortir el' li'l r.l..itn to
perform lnir.'(.lcl, til U wrlll.nowi. tu Ijc u f.itr
ftridyiiur, l'hyticin and hurcfoit, prMniiiwut
in liiiM. i.iliy lHfnritM of Wen.
H. phlll, lhnroui.'hlv frrl'ratf(l (roiu tli
ij'sl. in viiliout iiHltiK Jticrenr..
IH IIK ft ah mriKMlra-
Cl'IVM our I'rrwftl t;ilni in cf III. cmlilnlftl.
Ho r(t timrantrre IDMTI Vf. Ci:l:E n
every erne ire wnkilaLt, or lurlcit One
Tliou'innd ISoMniK
( FIKK nnff ftrlcllr pHval,.
ClUltOKS VlUY Trral.
wnt fierK)iixlly nr ty tiller, h.nd for IkjoIc,
"TUB I'lilloiiopliy of MorWUtto,"
flM. (A valuil'l, book fur men.)
Great Mnncum of Aimtojny
tlio nimt and litrrMt MitMiimof iu kiml in th,
world, Ojm, ,n4 Warn how woailrfiil)v you
re mod,; Imw to avuid flicltncKl iml diiin,.
Wa are enniinunlly sd'linc rrw ipecimeiii.
CATALOUUK t l:LH. Cull or write,
1GHI Market Street Sin FrinrJico. Cl,
Send j-onr hntn-ff direct toAVaihlnffton,
It TCI time. OOltl loai. hnttor unrln.
J Mr offloc dott to 0. t .fttmt Ofllot. FKEB ortllmtB
f ur eualutlfiu aU. Atijr'i lea not iIur iaUI pUnt
t ACTUAL EXPir.IEKOI. Book "How to obtAla PftWnU
ikiiwukau iiniion oivtn-ll IkAUM
CTUALEXPr.IEtfOI. Book "HowtoobtAla PAWnu "
rtc., unt frit. Ptvtonta proewtd ihrouh I. O. flim
. i iwitiu uudiu a. u, Hiffaart
recBlr ipaelsl fiotioo, without titur; la tht
DlutriUo uutely Ilrruta jm;-tirailL Jl. a yru.
ron'l Ti.l.irro 8ill aud Kmulii Tour l ife Iwaf.
To quit Mmcco eiwlly unit fmever. Im oniir.
nctlc. lull nt lite, liervo mid vik'nr, Uilia Nn T
lliic. tli WfiniliT wiirlii'r, Hint maki weak tar n
ItroiiB. All dniVl'INU. fJk!Orl. C.,ri,n,...
I Ircd llooklnt unit aiunnlc fren. Adclrr
IHurlim liciuody Co., ciilruva ur New York.