Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1901)
Crook County Journal. tOL'NIV OJ'TIUIAL l'Al'EIi. THUKi-SUAY". MAY 2, 1001. Pay Your iiuk Tate. r ' In relation to the sale of lands for 1-iiVk taxes, tlio Orcgoiilan nays. "Persons owing hack tuxes who do not want their property to (,et into the IihimIh of brokers should my tht! same lit Die office of the county Z. F. MOODY, . . A ,1.1 A ,.,.,...,)'., of the law imss:d at the lust session of the legislature, m,rtninHtion in slow. all old tuxes can ho jiaiil without hop on hw land are rather j.inulty except the ordinary oo4s , im.Wurd, hut on high land they of advertising and sale, if paid h-ar0 coming up even and making a fore July 1. The penalty other wini would he HO per eeirt. The old lintH, covering a period of uhout 10 vears, were hid in hy the cotin tv." The new act makes the claim ,,'f the school district or county valid and binding, and provide ulso that all propcrticH no hid in (.1,1,11 1 sold at auction to highest bidder on the first Monday after sheriff. A certain In degrees. In eastern GENERAL COMMISSIUiY ,, day temperatures runea between 28 degree and 4S degree. AJM D f UK VY AIUJliN li MKUll AiN T. - ' The Hail An many pluccs" in now , ' ' ; " . . . . . - . . a little too dry for plowing anu too cold for rapid germination.. Fall wheat; has stooled niouly and . is nearly everywhere begin lug to joint. .lthiiH. a good color and is thrifty and promising. The name can also he said of 'fall oats and rye. Hpring seeding is well advanced and in some few sections finished., The early sown in cnirii ntr no to cood stands, hut 'Jjj("ff?-' , ; ' '. , 0oSi -lis'""" i w&m.m its:" - Still in Business at the Old and Well-known StandJ ColumlDla. Sout2ixn BUectlve U:01 A. M.. September, UKjU. satisfactory growth There has Wen an increase in the acreage sown to rape in the Willa mette valley. r (iardens are .backward, and warm rains are needed to forward the growth of root crops and small vegetables. Pastures are slowly improving and stock is looking better. Home sheep shearing has been done in the Prompt lattcntion will be paid to those who favor me with their ' I I patronage. ' . ' ' ' griTTth Sonth North North . . ' , ' Adjoining R. R. Depot, ui homi Bouud V:' The Dalles,, Ore. Lmwi.Tr" ' ; a yA i t CONSIGNMENTS SOLICICITED. . ITT LT u. : " 1 .. . .. 1 I..K1 t.V t 14 if ll I I At " i r W f iiivwi.oi, i t,ml(..r is making a list of all these,.; Willamette valley and i.roncrties. ami some abstract com-1 ()j ..(j., r(.prted good. The weainer nas oeeit mvuwuic for les ami the fertilization H fruit, nearly all kinds of which is now in heavy bloom in one part of the state or another. Frosts have seriously harmed peaches in south ern Oregon, hut elsewhere the con census of opinion seems to be that , 1 . 1 4.. l.i.t'A! panics uru uumuj complete list?. The brokers will buv in the properties on there lists null obtain d-.H-drt in time, and wi.l rharge the owners practically what tlicy please to redeem, and if re demption is not made will obtain i id. i tn tlin lands. The I MIIIIIilTLls Itil" ' ..." new law makes the title good where t)l(,y j)ave n,t.r,.y thinned the it in possible to designate the par- 1)()om an( tiult the yields will Ikj tieular parcel of land, notwith- tti,un(jant aiul the fruit superior in guiding the description on the tux onj ,,uality. roll may be imperfect, or if the fou;M1)IA kiver VAM.kv. name of the owner .s not corrtu ) , g L Civen, and so on. At lie saw o t,e the higher bidder all of these old W(.ck ,(t.t.n morc ,llV0rilble. lists Willie entirely removed from Joing fin(,ly (ll(M.U;,todyof the county, and the ain liaB niude tt tx liens 1 vested ... the brok rs, iU except such as they do not bu), (,rdeni ure mttkin5 v,ry bu h will tloubtless be very h tie. ,( Under the highest muoer hjhu ... En'lw,V( Wa-co unty, George the county may not even get t ie FH Fall-Hown crain is doing whole of the taxes Uue, as me i ron?klerinR , )a,kwardne,s t,t bid, unless there is oppos.t.on, Wflrml.r wcuther U ,,M not necessarily have o lie as M much as the aggregate of he back .. ,n gr()W. taxes, and it is a!fo possible for o d(). weI1 broker to get hold of property ny . ; bidding in only one year's hack taxes, where several may be due, .m thi! law provides that at the sale property shall not be sold more than once." The liced of this country is im migration of the right ort. Im migration and capital are needed to help develop our resources, sus tain railway extensions and to op en our forests and mines. Greater .....mlution will mean increased business for the railroads, and that will result in lower freight "rates. With increasing population will tome development of home indus try, and that in turn will provide for further immigration and great er markets for homo productions and more consumption of these producU. We have the natural resources, the forests, mines, va cant land and opportunities await ing the capital and enterprise ot tiie newcomer. Albany Herald. CIJM ATE AND CROP REPORT. P.uUdinof U. S. Weather Bureau, Portland Pdvuion. Portland, Ore., April 22, 1001. GKNKlua SUMMAHY. Thn week was ; slightly warmer than the previous one, with plenty of (sunshine 'and but one short rainy period. The nights, how ever, continue 'a trifle too' cool, and sharp frosts have frequently n mV'tirfld. m The maximum., or nay, lernpcra hires In western Oregon ranged W tween 54 degrees und 70 degrees and the minimum, or night, tern ueraturel bcton 32- degrots ni . k 4-.., K ... a. , ' : 7:i 1:43 :6:l :( :IJ :2J :60 ml in a.m t.m km ft. in , 10:60 t.ra I journal Jfob Office, M Wmco 110:4ft .mi iM p.ra i:-B p.m Klo'iTke;10:3n .m, 2:40 p.m t:Kt p.m: Summit jll:25 m' I'M p m 2:44 p.m HT C JpI0:16 mi 2:12 p.m 2:4p roMcliild 10:12 .m 3:01 p.m :oo p.mi ItMnu '10:00 .m 1:. p.m J:i p.m! Mora :) 1:40 p.m l-M u m Ersklnvl! f:M t.ui 1:44 p.m, G V'T I :! '"i 1:00 p.m 4:01) p.m Bodrbon 4:2t p.m, Guthrie 4:40 p. m Wilcox ft: -5) p.m!Shnllio :Sft :40 :30 !:UO iw.... .mi.. (0. H. MOHLKH, D. J. HARRIS, .BuperluteDdent. . v. v. A vk , ( t t yM M ?Js W Will print J9 bill limrli, nntr We have 8000 letter and note heads. '."00 bill heads. 2o(X) statements. (4750 envelopes. heads I,h.U letter l.di, P'''r. aK-l.wuifi Inrrul Kbinlro ura. hnd bill., circular, 1k1, b 'htmiks, envelope, in (wt, evry(b000 cards, assorted sizes, iliiuil ill the printing lumatre- diikble price. W iilwi hve lnrge torl( of ether. kuidt of iiationery :n -lufimn wa dinn mid funeral utaticneiy. Gardeis biekwird. lone, Morrow county, E. G. Per' kins. The past week has been m-n rm with considerable wind. which has dried the ground out prettv fast. The wire worm is do- ing some damage 10 iuii mu grain. Spring grain is needing rain. Everything seems to be favorable for a good fruit crop. 1'I.ATKAU RKfSION. Twickenham, Wheeler county, A. Helms, jr. The nights remain cold. All kinds of grain gowing fine. Most of the peaches on the lowlands are killed. Elgin, Union county, G. E. May- field. Clear, favorable weather during the past week. Farmers have been busy plowing and seed ing. Fall wheat is growing anu looking well. Fruit buds begm- ing to swell. Quite heavy frosts occurred on several mornings. Smith, Narncy county, Post master. The weather is very favorable for crops; no high winds. Light frost ; a few . fine showers of rain, but no hail. Grass growing fine. Summer Lake, Lake county, A. IT. Fisher. First half of the week bleak and c.old, latter half warm and pleasant. Spring seeding about comnleted. Most of the stock ori the range with justenougl feed to keep ; them ' alive. Fall sown grain backward. Prospect good for fruit. Dry wind from north and cast retarding vegetation. All the cases for , ejectment ; of Chas. Altschul and of the French Glenn Livestook Company against settlera on controverted lands have krt continued, Harney tows. N S V A J ' y w i M X V4 4 M X X X f a. m m I Oft 1U1I tPrinoville, Oregon. (P ShopjLsne and union Pacific Chlco bit tike, Denrer, :!. Portlind Ft. Wonh.Omaha, Special KintM Cltj, St. 1:00 a. m. IuU,Chicagoaiid Tla Hunt- EuL li-tlou. . iltUiiUe Salt Lake, D,nTr. 1:40 a. av EipreM Ft. Wortk.Omaha, lip. n. Kamas City, St. via Hi-.'il- lxjui,CiiicioaDj la(U4 Eaat. ' , St. Pan! Walla Walla rwli- Mia. Fan Mail ton.Spokane.Mla- . :00 p. m. neapolla,Rt. Pain, T'a Dnluth. Milwan- Bpokan kee.ClilcaioiKajt OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FBOK rORTLAND. Il. All Hilinf datw 100 p. Bk inbjeol U chan( t For San Franciwo Sail onr i U)"a, Lighter Stronger Faster Than eer ami Eve-Oneners for The Twentieth Century Bicycles.. Dallr Xx. Hunday t:(v a.m. KatnrtUr W:Ul a. CannnMa Rhar 1 ataaaMra. T Aatorla and Way aauiuBa. (:00 a.m. kx. buudajr Wlilimttt aim. Or.ron Cltr, Naw- oerx. aiein, inuo Pni1enca & War lAudinga 00 a. ra. Tuaa., Thur and Sat. :00 a.m. Tum., Tliar aoaeak Regular Weight Roadsters. $3o. t n AH fitted with the famous G A J heavy tread clincher tire. If you want a medium trade wheel,' we the Wat in the Uud in the ( $20. IDEAL. $25. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. 105, 107, 109, 111 Sixth St. Portland, Oregon. Branches at Spokane, Tucon.a, Seattle. 1 J, 11. SHIPP, Arnt, Piiueville, Oregon, Lt. Rlparla - !:fe a. la. tally Wltlamtta ana Tim- kUI Klwt. Irir.m rttv . n... ion, nay bana- tnxa. i (W n m Ex. Buaday 4:Wp.m. Ex. Muatlaf 0:90 p.m. Hon. Wett, and Ft). Wlltaaiatta lint. Portland to Corral In 4 W ay iinl inga. Inak lltr. Blparia to Lawtaton 4.p. TO. Hon.. We4, aud frt. LT.lawliton Daily a-itt. W. I. Lawrence, Agent, Biggs, Oregon. "Both niT wife aind myaelf haT bo.n -atnx CASCAUETS and they are tto be. niodldna 1ito aver had In tbe honaa. laa waek my wife was frnntio with kuadache top two rtava he tried aomoof, and thet relieved tbe puln In her bead almunk Immediately. We both recommend Caaoaieta, Cha. STKoaroRU. Plttaburg Sals A Depoalt Ctt, PitUburfc Pv City harder Siop. i Powll & Cyrvs, (Proprietors. 3Cot and Cold aths. : t& CANDY i U CATHARTIC jj Pieaaarrt. Patoukie. Pmenv Tina Sooo. T Qoo4. Mirer blown. Weanea. or Otii. ate, Jaa, ... CURE CONSTIPATION, ,., fca,iriIHli,WliBn''l II TA D 1 ( BoU ad aaaraawnt ay all ra gd'JtSilu..