Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 02, 1901, Image 5

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    f Additional Locals. J
liertWua- Aumicy, 04 and lift Merchants )'.
jUaii, Huh Krenolauw, California, where con-tim-le
i'Jf advertising call bo made I"' It.
Cyrua the jiiw.iler will umii remodel
liii atom front nil iH then K1'' '"
tiii( supply nl goods III Ilia hno. H Can
doctor your sick wa',ch, briiiR ' t himi
limine mill Dunk have added lint of
m i u to their hnmi and eeddSe
l,p and have otherwise Ndilted, besides
adding Mnaidiirable to their slock of
Huddle mid hariiea, , for Iht Jrxonlrw.tion of the
Chridie Canal.
Notice is hereby given lbs sealed
liiill for wcimalruetliiK the old "Ohrisile
Ditch" cmuuniily km"" as "M"1'
iiiK Ditch" will bo received ly the under
iiued t the IUi-ir ollice, i J'riiu'Villf,
(ln.ff.iu. unlit Wodiiimiay. My 8.
Tim contract will be U-t to I lie lowest
r,,.poi,.il. bidder Tlia limit be
Imished lii 10 days from date of tuning
Plans mid specification" can be seen at
tln Review iiIIIuh.
Tim council ream vos the right to re
jin t any t'ld all bids.
By order f the sity council made
April 2'J, l'JOI.
L. N LtimKTT. Mayor.
Attest; M. H. Itf.-'.. Recoidcr.
Onion nets at Klkina & King.
Auk for tirloet on barbed wire at C, L
Col. Baker climrt 75 cts. Ikx for a
hurt time only. Bent ton cunt values
in the town. At Tyes,
An unfortunate snn-in-lsw In Canyon
City recently sent the fiillmii( appeal
tn hit family physiuiin: "Dear junctor:
My wife's Mother it t death's door.
Please come lit once and urn if you can't
pull her through,
Kodak Cameras & Supplies at Temple-
ton L Son's.
Itny your shoes and bats at S. W, k
For Bale Two very desirable lota
in Piinevillo ut it burmiin, ('nil on or
addmss. Frank Elkina, Princville, Or.
The sneiuty editor of one of the Chi-
ca((o newspapers, in reporting ineetiiil'.
( woiimii a club, anid the preeifleiil
I. . I A
wore a purple mid wmie chwb amn
wmat mid rHy akirt, whil the at-cri'tart
''WHtkltirud aiinply in thick ilk veal."
Even in ua hot town "a Chicatfu Hie
lecreimy muni Imve Ihcii tiille chilly.
Call and aii the tii ' l'!iuUirpli
Album! t TempleMi ili a.
Mima' idili'fa formerly tl to I.".')
your choice lor uUc. m Bimnauii, -mni
li Co.
Wiirzw(dlfr& Thomnaon hiive jKt
n-cfivfd cnmpliito line of Ciirlnon,
Currier Co', fi-at colored einbroidery
Wea. Fine p.itlenia in Him Kodi vol
i.ncea wilhin the much of all. The lice
A nice variety to chn iaa from Kkirta.
Iilljht yowim, rliBiiiin-". rtrnWera and Oor
tut covert nil uz-ua. The Bue Hive.
Alfnlfa aiwd anil hromimia incruiia need
for al at C. L, Baloiiion.
B,ilomoii'a have jnat opened a new lot
u( ifuiu a lurniahinjia aim tuut,
t'ii..i A comfortahle. clean tmoVar
..- u,;n V...I.. (..runt worrv. Tl
mi" "i - .'
......... m, iuiiim no nrrv either. Ai
the live Hive,
Lint land for tnlf. A. C. Palmer,
Buhy'a firat ahoca froe t Bimpaon,
Wilaon A Co.
rnn fi il If. TlMi.lenca in Prinrvillr.
Very cheap. Impiire of A. C. t
Prlnevilla toShanlkoby DayliKht
Ktiitet loiive l'riiicvillo Ti)oly,
Tliurmhiv mid Saturday ut 0 . m
Arrivif nt Bliuniko 6 p. in. I'Ve
Wmiiiko Moniluy, Wodiuwlny and
Kriduv at 0 a. iii. Ainve nt rnnoville
nt G u. in. Frcah relaya uf liorm
liooil cohcIim. Courtcout and care
ful drivunt. H.ociiil rutet to partiua
mid CisnrftMi in aimntitict
AdamwiX k W IKSM to. A?nnlt.
BimuHon. Wilwm & Co. nre ofTeriiiB
Krwit largaiiia in Mena' and Bova-
Anepidemioof meaah-a ha broken out
ninotnf the inemlwra of the fourteenth
Cavalry, at Fort Leavenworth Kaliaaa,
d il ia feared that the diaeaeo will
practically diauble the regiment for a
time at leaat. Fori? men are now ill me
hotpiul, and new caaea are appearinu
daily. The diaeaae it lu a mim
ud no turiout reaulu are anticipated.
floorife Kewell. a Beattie buaineaa
man, who aaya lie it the tirat niu ti
trike oil ill lUaho. la ai ins kiw.
Hi oil well iaaituated near the bank of
HhiUh river. 14 uiilea iuth of Kami
He took the laud up live yeara ago, un.
ler the di acrt laud act. and iu boriuy
for arteaian water, he tiruck the oil at
. deuth of IK) feet. A company haa Iwen
formed in JiwUU to operate the well.
Two OrcKon men have been given
ooiiiiniasiona in the regulur armj
Thev are E. 1 Crowno. who hua be!ii
cr iiiniiaainnexl captain in thu Tlnrty-
flftv infantry. und E. 0. Warnclt.
annoiiited to a ciiptaincy in the Foity-
tifili n,(trv. Both terveu In tl"?
Hueond Oregon in the Philippines.
A Qi-eat Uouiery Offer Direct from
Tns Mills.
'I'I.h oroof of the pud
diii( It in the ealinu," applet aa well to
the weiiruie; quiuuiea in our
(Inoe woiu aim you will wear theiu al
waya. An exaepiioinl tnal oUur that
every reudur ot tins paper tlwuld uke d
vaiiuge of and teat the remarkable wih
iiiK itualuiea and tu.rior liuuh ol oui
Inijli grade h'anery. We will, on receipt
of US Jla. in atlver and ili(imuie of your
local dealer, tend direct to you from the
nulla, poiiat paid, pair of our tine-t
high grade la'eat atyle Empire brand
luillca' or childrelia, lioae or uteii'l hall
hute, ill black, lau, white or the faahiou
able fancy a. did colore, or the lutoat com
1 .,11 uihp,,icl.Td iiolka doln,
elue'iio atrlpea or ailk clocking On the
aidu, in fancy opea work, plain, or drop
unroll ijlo, ill French lule thread, bal
briKUan, ailk Hniali inaco, or oaahmere,
with lull liuuh eluatio t m and our jiateiit
lemforced lilk and linuu knit aeamleaa,
double aole, toe and hiuh tpiiced double
heel, Tney aave darnin and are guar
autniid Ui irive three timet the wear of
Miy othtr hiannry. The aame in chlld
run'a, with elaatic top, double knee, tole,
heel and toe, plain or riblwd, bue, med
ium or heavy u,uality,. niarnnteeJ faat
. , color, and warnmled not to crock. The
letail value of theee hoae ia li5c. a pair.
We will not tend more than 4 pair of
.. .i. I..,!;-.' i,n,truh' to one Deraon.
A trial wear of theae will conwiuee 7"U of
tlieir merit. For 80o. we will aend,
liatpaid, one trial pair of our ladiea" ti He
ailk note, inahadeaof pink, Kold; white,
black, blue, cardinal or lavender. Thia
i. - .i tri.l H'r If von are not
II. DV,, ". " " - X
antialied with them after a trial wear we
will refund yoer moitey. , If you are
I ihum Mud uh more, inaint
,.nuyour I'Kiai dealer proeniiuirtheni fi
you;iiiaiat tn Hun (pniiug owr uniioy
' brand lioaiery. Write oh today, utefl
.1,:. ua thia off. ii limited.
MOlllHg "l" K,l'"' '
i t .. . litiU KiMitilnt.. lellino? ho onr
lioaiery it made, mailed frew t you ou
reiut. Annre-a inj, .
1 i-uniuir vvitTIVfl MTIXS.
Cowoii(iiil H'onleJ.
We nt a correspondent in every
achool district iu Crook County and
to thoae w ho will contribute the neigli
borhood newt we will furuiali station
ery Ktiige, etc. nnd give tliom u
aiihacription to the Journal so long
aa they continue a curreapoiideut ol
the sump.
jVltnan Ordinary Sletpm.
Shoes and Oxfords: Special
A full lineof :
Ladies' Oxford
for spring and
summer wear,
not odds and ends but up-to
date styles, and good quality
MisHc Oxfords in
Kid or Vesting' Top
Good styles, a great
bargain, buy while
they last.
A fine lino of ladies' mercer
ized and sateen underskirts.
I l Art
A medium Priced Ladies'
Shoe, guaranteed the Best
Value for the Money.
The Kuh-Nathan & Fischer
Co's. Clothing is noted for its
good duality and perfect fit.
Simpson, Wilson & Co.
Fire-proof building, 90x300 feet, is now
;. ready to handle Merchundiae, Wool, etc.
Coal, Flour,
: Ltiliiber, Wood,
Hay and Grain.
Special Attention given to wool trade. FirMna bsling
and grading facilities. Also stock yards, latest plans.
AH Modern Improvements for Handling Stock.
(French Co., Bankera, The TOalles.
Mooue Bhos., Kankera, Mcro.
W. Lokd. The Dnllet.
1)., F. Laiuaus, The Dalles.
A. M. EELS AY, General Manager.
Mines Examined and reported en,
All work given prompt and oereful atter t
A8HW0OD, . . . Okkok
Jt P. Belknap.
SPhjftfcian unit Suryton.
Office ill rear of Adamson, Winnek Cj.
C. SSrinA.
jfitoratu an J Counnlor at jCai
The tonriat travel .between the east and
the 1'acitio ooaai haa readied eliolinuua
proporiioni in the lt lew yeara, and
calla lor a apecial claaa uf eiiiipineiit. To
meet thia doiiiaud the Pullman haa
iuuud from ita shopa what It tecnuicallj
...ii. .1... "Pnll.i.uii Or, In. hiv ISleeuer.''
Vlllll, . .
Tneae cart appear aimilar to the regular
sieeiri, .
hut lint funiiahed with the attiue ele("c
They are equipped wuu,
blankets, slieeta, pillowt, pillow-caaea,
towela, (snubs, brueliet, etc, requiruifi
.. .. v.. I il,- lii.,rl tn lie furiiiahed bv
11.11 lit Il" .-. -
the paaaenper. Each oar haa a ttove for
uiakui); collee ana tea aim uoiiih ukui" and each section cau be
titled with an adjuatahle table. A uni
I,.nnni1 mifluP f11 Illlliaill IBS BltUIl
huaiueaa beine to make up bertha, keep
the car clean, ana iooa aner me ouiiii.
...,i U....I. .,f iWtf nvuetivera. Iii each of
.u ..iiw r d - ..
the trains which are diapatched daily
from Portlaud by the 0. R. N. C.:. ia
to be found one of theae "Pullman Or
dinary Sleepers." The car it anacnea
... i , man. run Bnn oueuiti.
ii, -, .
which giw thMugh to Chicajro without
change, and the one in the "Atlantic Ex
preaa" rtina to runaaa yuy """'
clianite. raaaeiiffers iu una er in vm-
. t...nn f.. a annual. Aar hi i.ranirer.
Uuy.. i i, ... . - - --- -
Much of the first claat travel It Iwliig
oirried in theae cars, the rata beiiiif
lower, and the tervioe beinv nearly equal
to rirat. in n paio ncoimia.
For ralea and full Information, in
pludinit foldera, As L,. Craig, ,G.
P. 1., O. R. & N. Cu. Purtlaud. Ore.
SSeMte Tea Bevels Wllk OaaMreS.
Ona Oathartto, enre etmaitpatloe forever
Me,. ItaaO.laiUsnMVUMiiMamatv
J90L Stallions. 01.
Haystack's three great stallions, The Heavy
Draft, The Cottehcr and The Curriugo or Saddler,
will stand at the ranch until July 1, l'JOI.
Tjho Clydosdalo,
C-,, i 9 i, mns JcoHantTs vr ttsl theJ. ft dark
JappM y, with wkif Stamp cannot it txcilitd at a
Sir o larg; tmtctk, flat iontd, taltaU korset.
Uha Coacher,
Cardinal Xiihli,, it blatk, winht i700 pnndt. jfMjk larg,
a a drafttr, it far atama tk attrayt anong tmaii karnt Ur itau
ty, ttyl, and tp,d. St ttpacialj adapttd A crt ny on tmait,
wlt formtd mar.
Vhe JCackney
ff'.-yteian an J Surf an.
Phone No' 2. Residence buck of t'.e
Photooraph vjallery.
Jt 3. 8onbrS, 7?. 9.
pAysftrn and Snryn,
Calla answered promptly " prn!,', 1?-
ficawithOr, V. (iesner. Keaidcaw
Redhy Hotel.
I, tarriay, and addl tir. it makoyany tay, and ki AaitwOt, jf, , C. Palm,r,
. or t j- .? mmMmJi. an J far m kandsam tatinttt, i - 1
wiyk rm SSO t JOO pandt, ana- for a ) .
- Jt0rmHl.kardt.N. v r , """
rr ' J Ur.itk.r M krt, S10. du, wk,n the AU bu.ia. pre-ptlr and M aUe, i-1
' tft'eap 0ikranj. f. . ?.,,;,vr,;Kr-,-;. i;,-.""-,';." .-j 1 ..'.. '' " -
, ' : ... ... , J.. s Y7 J . 1 1 u . o.u.lj al. tua,
a-af Tehan Salt aaa Itawta leer l.lh
Vm fluai 4bao easily and lorver.tJiir
aetla. loll uf life. erw sad Tutor, taUo U . -Dm.
tin woerter-worlior. tut iae t
Q. SPRINGER, Haystack, Crook Co, Oregon T
. . . . . . j:..... t m SO mmmtt
V7mrt n-tH t r , ... , ,
w.. dnrvntn nm.t. and S w.11 . o wnl ft
..iidon,-!y.nn, .tnllion. and m.,.U r.d aha a
ftrn mo4ry"V anu, on .,
.'100 and 108 Fulton St., Nvr Vork City
.,,1 M I ' 'V - ' '' 1 '!