Crook County Journal. ,... t. Forms.,... Firm (iHDiVfcWiwt. Ooustv Ofkicul Pai'kk. Th .VuulWAl U entered at th jKntoffic In VrhtK-'fl. Jr., f Uaiuiiiimtioit through tlw Ik . t-iU aa eecon.1 olaat matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. IN Yuah. ... eiJ fit MoXTH . 1 ..!.. ." 'l'HHM MONTH a,.... "v TlIU BSDAY, MAY 2, 1901. The British Bay Unit General De Wet is crazy. Of course, they juean that he is mad ami we should think that he would be. New England Methodists have resolved against fishing on Sunday. Can the bait have turned Home of the good brethern and bitten like an adder and stung like a serpent? The news from South Africa is that the British have rushed some bod v's laager. We don't blame them. Campaigning is dry work! in Africa and when there is lager around While that world crusade against rats is being organized, may we cot be permitted to add the lowly mosquito and the insect that has no wings at all to the list in index expurgatorius. It is right and proper that China should pay the cost of suppressing the troubles over there, but she certainly should be allowed an off get against Germany and France, at any rate, for the loot and rapine to which she was subjected by troops. People who respect public de cency will welcome the decision of the Supreme Court, which will operate to destroy the divorce mills that have been running for years in the western states. Hereafter, anyone wanting a divorce will have to sue lor it at nome. Professor Wooly, international law professor at Yale, has come to the conclusion that if the Fili pinos had been signatories to the Hague convention, Funston would have done wrong in assuming their uniform, but that on all other points his conduct was irreproach able according to all intcrnatioal law. More Work of Minerg Union. The recent troubles in the Cceur d' Alene's where Fisher was killed and several more have been wound ed, is simply fulfilling the pro phecy of the law and order people .f Idaho who did not want the troops removed from the district, in that part of the state martial law should 1 maintained until ! every member of the so called Jr. turners union is banished from the!ch Alt.clml v W. T. Cay. jdace for,good, as it is and has D. M.Oaboriiu & Co. vi J. C. IUtmus- been for vears a standing disgrace! , . m . . tl D. A. Findlay pt l vi O. T. Siy et 1 to the west. n i l . : , B. F. Morru va Adah Monia Organized labor is alright so Dr, j, Sutrrilind v. R. M. Powel! Jr. long as it obeys the laws of the Clm, L. jjr.Hjk v Jam Cram, land, but when organized simply Peae fr Maya v W. C. Jacob, to protect its memliers from prose- J. M. Minkler r Ahee Mmkler. cution for lawless acts, then it is j The Howe vaZ. T. Key, et al. time to abolish all such organiza tions. The Idaho mining troubles jiavo done, more to retard the growth of the northwest than all tiiher things combined. (Jovenor .steunenberg was turned down amply because he took a stand for jrood government in the Cceur d' Alcue's and tliejiresent -anarchistic combination ias cowpliej with lie orders of. the thugs of . that tegion and once more murder is rampant, to continue so until pjurtiaf law ii ac&in invoked Agrinnldo ha issued a pro clamantion to the' Fillipino's ad vising them to accept the sovereign ty of the United State. The war in the Philippines is vertually at an end although it may be necess ary to have a large force of troops stationed there for several years. Chas. A. Towno who cut quite a dash by declining the populist nomination for vice president in favor of Adlai Stevenson, is out with a very x?thetic talk adout Aguinnldo. His feelings were very badly hurt when shown a copy of Aggis' proclamation and he thought it was dreadful that the poor man should have Wen forced to sign such a document, for he said it was evident from the tone that such wasthecasf. Poor Towne whai will become of him now? While other parts of Oregon are becoming considerably excited over the oil craze, would it not be well to call attention to the re sources of Crook county in that line? There is little doubt but that oil exists in this county as well as in the western and south ern parts of the state, ns many of the conditions existing there also exist here. Fossil k'ds of consider able extent are kjiown to exist in this county and sand stone and shale also abound in some portions, all of which are said to be sure In dications of oil. The resources of j this county are legion and only need bringing to the front to insure the investment of capitol, and the consequent enrichment of the whole county. tiMnWMMrai Johnny Bull Gttt Mad. A Capetown dispatch says: British soldiers in the field were astonished to have read to them this order of the War Ollica: Any ollicer or soldier who, when in the presence of the enemy, displays a white flag or other to ken of surrender, will be tried by general court-martial." This would indicate ' that the English government intends mak ing "war on its own soldiers if they don't make fools of themselves. No one doubts the bravery of the British soldiers except their own home government, and from the above it seems that it has deter mined to eiiher make the soldiers win every time or kill them for not doing so. Volunteers will not rush into the army under such conditions and if the order is car ried out to the letter it means event ually victory for the Boers. . .. CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET. The fallowing cut are on the docket nf I lie circuit court for Iib May term which Ik-gini Monday, May G: CII1M1NAL. State of Oregon va Cluwler Gihson. " " " .Taa. S. Linlnii. ' ' " Lewi Taylor. ; . " " L. f. North. priciiie LA L 8 Co va Brosn, Its . J. tVnu'ia Archie JVIaaon. G, W. O'Neill and Walter O NVill va I Chan. North.. MaryC, 0xiV'.-C. Cox. Geo. L. StroiiK r May tStron. ; A. M. Drake vi Oregon Irrigation Co. etal. A. 0. P.ilmer tri W T. Caarv. .' M. Siclleli Co VI .fa VV. Hamilton. First Nfl. Bank of Pnneville Vir iril Mc(Jonirall. . . S. JNewaoui raJ. H. Milte. ' " C. L. Xalonion a J. W. Hamilton. ,l4 C. J, HinJjiaii vi 8, M. W. Himlman. T Cun CMtllvailM Vat. U C C. C. tall K euro, Oruwiau ratuiul uuioa, ocuen s f Prompt Attention Given to 3 I a I PEASE & MAYS, All Woods Marked In I'iiiln Figures. fef floods Oi All ii.nd-St Such as Neckwear.Golf Shirts, Hats and Caps, Gloves,' Hosiery, Under wear, -Shoes and SUp pers, Notions and Fancy Goods, Novelties, Nuts and Candies. Crockery, Tobacco and Cigars till Further Orders. REMEMBER We can sell you the best goods for the least money. v. .A JAPANESE BAZAAR. 3T A- T"2"E Hotel Prineville. ", ' ' Haa eatahliahed ita reputation as the MOST COMMODIOUS, CONVENIENT Mid WElL-KEPT Hotel iu Cook county. Prl coKfO.souable. M. R. BIGGS & CO. . IIF.KI' ESTATE ami INSURANCE AGEXC),'. liny and -t'i .... Rfil Etattji eommimon. . i . Ifijnu-want- ttt tell lint your. land with vt.' If you want to buy, . - ' wfihwe land for tale at untonahU priett. PRI NEVILLE, ORE. HEADQUARTERS FOR 9 SHANIKO, OR. We handle a large stock of Fishing Tackle and we are able to fill your order for anything you may desire. Our stock is first -class, and the newest things in latest styles in t e large assortment. Manager. Tenniuus of all Stage Linos 51 irt Mail Orders I c SHONG LEE, ese - Laundry. Fine Work at lowest Prices. White Shirts arc our Specialty. MAIN' iSTKKET, north of Cyrus. Jewelry Store, l'rinevillo. Deputy Stock Inspector. Notice ii hi-rrhy uiven that I hai appointed the MIowiiiK nauirJ peraom deputy atock inwitora: J. P. CrlriKlil, Hay Crwlt. Harry Wubb, Aahoal, E. Hirli, Kutera. A. Morrow, Ilayatack. . M. Hinilli, Paulina. Koaco Kuoi, Poat, T. C. Hwain, Bear Crrok. J, K. Kovhp, ltotlanH, Aim MtlntiHih, llarjia Joe irinkle, Stock IiUjMKtur CriNik County. J Youfcan I uo tureu ' If yoa tuffcr horn vty ot thm Ub al mn, eamm to iha oldai Jbptculirt oo ib Pacific Comi -H lOftDftN ft CO., 1051 MarfcMSL til d 1811 Yoasff men md Middle itimJ mpnrko tr tuilvrioir lh fTtcu 2 vnuiiafyl indiicfciioMt or et in nuttirvr yin, Krrvuni amt J tTcr I in nil iti cmKiti'irn; H prnifitorrhotft, FroakMlorrhnp. CiOMorrtocrM, Cllvt, Wrqmmmr of VtttUngt rto. liy a comljiiuiit"n rfmrfliu,of grtii cur'i pow tr. tb XfXm Ihu in amintrcrf hi treatment M that it will ofcly aToni iiomtmlUia relief but tMrmanent cur. Doctor tia noc datBi to perform mtnckl, but k wtli-kmvwn to U a dir and Wtinrc Phytician and Sui-sef'ii, pnr-emiitant in tiia pc-ialty-.rfwn Of r Nratfallla thnrtmtrUY tnttHfiMi ttam 111 A tyU-rrj wlUmtit iHni; Hrrrarn f KVKUV MAN Rplvli'B to 1W will f celvn ir h'tnttt ..nim of Mirf.miiintrtt. We mil Uuarunttr a H'HJ'N V K CVIUtln i every eaa we Hnncrtaktt or jorjeti VO0 f Xhoawind Doling. a ConiuItaTion FWliE n4 itrtctly prtvat. f CIUH0K3 BSAHONAhL. Treat. mtnt ptrnally or by letter, neml fw Iwk. MThf lhiloophjr of marriage, A Um, (A valunbM book lor men. f . V1KIT JR. JORDAN'S i Great Muftoum of Anatomy tba linaat and Inrceat Mnkcumof ita kind iotba W world. Come ami lern bow woMitrfully you ara ma das Iww to avuid aickncM and di4. w nrt continually idJiinar new ar V4 1 iijjt vn iaaa uauur "Ilk 1051 Market ttreet San rranoiaco. Ctl. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, COPYRICHTS AND DESIGNS. Send roar baf lnH direct to WMhlnffton, Mvee llmo, eaau loaa, better eervloe. Ilfiaailiakf IhWMa. nilinUala- MTewlwUHl mtto. All'. Cm art 6f aatli dauuI UMnuud. nranu immoii tik-ii ium actoai txruiiaoi. look "" u., Mai frM. taual. nwerf thrnf h 1. atfgfr. nwlT. eseelat a. tic, wtiaoat aaarf., la tb. INVENTIVE AGE Ulattrafce Mtklr-UmiU pu-kmi, 1. a pa. 1E.B.SIBSEBS, fca)vaeiw Lata at c. a. lm ct. 919 r ST., N. W., wawaeHINQTOn, D. V. Nat Tehawe Spit aaa Hawaa tear Uh Aaar. To quit tobacco eunlly ami forever, be nier etle. lull ( Ilia, nerve anil vigor, take No To Dec. the wnndeMvurker, that malf weak mm atmnf. All ilnmaliu, tOeorll. Curecuaraa terd lluoklat and aamnle free. Addreiei Vterliui Uemeilir Co., tliltago or New yor. from m m