Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 02, 1901, Image 2

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J 27ie fleiiiiif the Gi.
It has been agreed that there
is h fjood deal of "pie." and other
desirable thinjra connected with a
(lovernment job Imt a Chicago
man who visjted the navy-yard re
cently fays the fact was never so
forcibly impressed upon him as on
t lie occasion of his trip to where the
l.ijj guns are made. The big whistle
of t lie navy-yard was just blowing
the. noon hour ax the Chicago man '
entered the gate. A moment after -
the first blast hundreds of workmen What Ireland Thinks.
rushed out of shop to the road, Th)J f()ok;st ool yeil th;lt ha3
where a huge wagon stood, whose yet (m,,,,i from ttnv PCouree
sides bore the sign.'Tie", in gaudy, j,,, to i)e mn capped, comes
painted colors. In a few minutes .om th(J Unitwl gtates logical
afterward each of the mechanics gurvfy at Washington, which ad
was lunching on a huge section of voe.uls tJie cutting 0 fire lanes
a huge pie. The Government al-j (r;chtlv called throuuh the Cas-
lows no private undertakings
suie any 01 us ouuuuij(, mm mo
navy-yard is no exception. As
the men have but half an hour for
lunch, they do not have time to go
t - e . l. "l 1: ...
outside of the yards, so they have! orth witlin the reservtltion. If
secured the concession from the! that j3 Direetor WaleoH's idea we
regular rule which allows the pie I suept a cammor-bath for his
wagons to come in. Every dayihead. j jt8 tjie jjea 0 wmt
three immense loads of pie areLmartie pn tw gurvcv Waleott had
consumed bv the men who build
the guns for our fighting ships.
Sneak (h er Border.
A special to the New York Her
ald from Washington says: Assist
ant secretary of the Treasury Tay
lor will appoint in a few days an
immigration inspector and assign
him to the special duty of making
an investigation of the fraudulent!
admission of immigrants into the
United States.
Steamship lines at New York
have found recently that their
steamers have brought compara
tively few immigrants to the
United States, and inquiry devel
oped that persons desirous of
avoiding mspeeuou em lo -,
da and then tried to enter the j
: ; ft '
states over tho border. New York!
has received many of this class. ;
Mexico- lias again served as a
base for the entranc of Chinese in-
to this country. A report received j
t the treasury department shows
that 2000 Chinamen were taken)
to Mexico and employed on tnei
Mexican Central railroad. Fif
teen hundred of these men quickly
crossed the border, and all ex
cept 300, who were arrested and
deKrted, are now under the Amer
ican flag. Investigation of the
situation on the Mexican sidei
is in progress
Gigantic Poultry.
In order to enable the juvenile
visitors at the Portland Free
Museum to realize the immense
size of the bird;, that lived in the
John Day country before that
locality was covered to a depth of
,00 feet with molten lava, L. L.
Hawkins is having a woodee egg
turned to life size, says the Orego
niart. "This egg," Mr. Hawkins
said, "is to be 13 inches long and
9 inches through, and will suggest
to museum visitors the size of the
poultry of the now remote cre
taceous period. That was ages be
fore man existed on the earth, and
all animals were giants compared
with those of modem times. I
will write a story to explain the
ltresenrf of this end and mve iif
i - ' r-'-
. .. u , -j. i given for suggesting that the lady
those fossil mammoths which exist- ;
, , ,,, . , , I was a "bird." Albany Democrat,
ed on the edges of the great lakes : , . J
, , , ., ., , When the Robing nest again and
rul swamps More the earth s , , , ,
... , , . i the Sparrows homeward fly there 11
crust and finally settled down to.;, ' , , , , . .,
a safe bais for man's occupancy.
This story will appear on a neat
cxrd, so tint visitors may rsad,
wonder and
same time."
ponder all at the
A girl who will spend 17 min
utes tying your necktie for you will
marry you, if you ask her at the
proper tlmo and jdace.
t ' v '" ' r
. Rent Ettate on crmmmum. '
If yoH want to iclllid your land with in. If you wantlohuy,
we hare land for tale at reammblc prieth- -
in-jca(Je (0K reservation,, (some
body's graft for timber, perhaps),
that the fire departments at Port-
and. Dalles city, etc., may enter
to tight fires that might belch
better send the chap out here
where he can herd sheep and learn
something. "Fire-lanes," indeed.
They'd become Grand Avenues for
flames. Moro Observer.
u0ld Dick" is Dead.
Long years ago, when John De
vine went upon the Alvord ranch
to found and build up one of the
b- caUe runchM o U)e wwtwn
country, he took there two tame
elks Dick and his mate from
which has sprung a numerous herd
of noble brutes. "Old Dick" was
well known to all who have visited
Mr Devine's ranch, and admired
the herd in which the owner has
just pride. Dick is said to have
ke a 6lWill specimen of his
anJ jnny
gret to learn that death has taken
him rom t,je part The posgeil(lion
of euch a herd is a novelty, and is
; one of the delights of Mr. Devine's
life on his ranch) d jn th(j guf
di o broad anJ ar
from centcManJ gcenM
. , i,.: t.. i.
I ui Human ujjuiawuu. may iiic
! decendants of old Dick live long
and multiply. Burns News.
U'iH Ask No Trial for Green.
Attorneys McCredie and Rands
have prepared a motion for a new
trial for James Green, the con
victed Skamania county murderer.
The grounds set out in the motion
are error in the method of empan
neling the jury; error of the court
in refusing to grant the defendant's
motion for a change of venue;
errors in law during the trial, to
which exceptions were taken by
the defendant's attorneys, and
error of the jury in not rendering
a verdict for murder in the second
li ": A Bird.
A woman in Chatficd, Minn, has
been married three thmes. Her
maiden name was Partridge, her
first husband's name was Robbing,
the second Sparrow and the present
one is Quayles, and they live on
Jay street. There are two young
.Robbing, one Sparrow and two
Quayles. One might almost be for-
j he Huaies at home in mat lanniy
i if not on toast.
The largest fish wheel on the
Columbia rifer has just been com
pleted by W. II. Warren at the
Cascades on tho Washington side.
The wheel occupies the best posi
tion on the river, and no dout dur
ing the open season will more than
pay its cost of 110,000,
& CO.
It is not generally known that
marking an unpatented article
"Article Patented" renders the
party so designating his goods
liable to a penalty under Section
41)01 of tho Revised Statutes, one
half of the penalty to the person
who shall sue for the same, and the
other half ' to the use of the
United States. This has, however.
been held not to apply to a case
where the manufacturer of a pre
viously patented article continued
to aflix to it the word "Patented"
and the date after the patent there
on had expired. This, the Supreme
Court has held, could be done by
the manufacturer without incurring
any penalty. Opinion submitted
by E. G. diggers, Patent Lawyer,
Washington, I). C.
, Plans have been completed for
the building of a vessel at Vancou
vcr B. C. for another Arctic ex
plorer. Captain Joseph Bernier
will have charge of the expedition
and expects to be absent ftvo years
The vessel will cost $80,000 and be
fitted up in the most perfect man
ner possible.
The millions and tens of millions
of dollars which the Government
has received from the West through
the sale of its public lands, give
that half of the continent the right
to expect liberal assistance from
Uncle Sam in reclamation of its re
maining aridvlaLds which only re
quire the building of storage reser
voirs to make fertile and populous.
T-Burns Items.
D. P. Ketchum yesterday sold
his clip of new wool to The Dalles
Scouring Mills for 10 cents a pound.
Mr. Ketchum says the clip was the
cleanest he ever had. Chas. Mc
Allister, also sold 25,000 pounds to
the mills at 10 cents. This clip
was also bright and cleaner than
usual. These and other recent
small sales may be fairly taken as
an indication that this year's prices
will probably range between 9 and
11 cents. Dalles Chronicle.
The board of classification of the
United States general appraisers
has announced a decision in the
Russian sugar case. The board,
by a majority vote, holds the
United States government was
justified in imposing a countervail
ing duty on Russian sugar. The
opinion was written by Judge
Sornerville, and General Appraiser
Fisher concurs with them. Colon
el Tichenor writes a disscntiing
Baker City has begun laying
pipe for the new system of water
works soon to be in operation at
that place. Water mill be brought
from Elk creek nine miles away.
Wool Hale.
Tho following wool rates for the
present season, taking effect at once
have been established:
Wool compressed in bales, car
loads, minimum weight 24,000,
from Shaniko to New York, Chi
cago, Boston, Hartford, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, and points there
with, $1.40,"er 100, pounds.
Wool in Backs, or bales, any
quanity, from Shaniko to The
Dalles, 30, cents per 100 pounds.
Wool in sacks, any quanity,
from all stations on the Columbia
Southern Railway to Shaniko 5
cents per 100 pound's.
C. E. Lytle, G. F. A.
Machine Work ami IMuinhliiar.
I'n nit Machinery of till Kinds.
Fine llurscskociiig and
Wagon Work hum
Work fulled lor uiirf Delivered
To Any r;irt ofllu' ltj,
ix Frank
( Corner 4thud U S1h.".
Prineville, - Oregon.
(JIT RATKS, f 1.25 to $2.00. 10" I'ATKOXAGK SOLICITED.
Vho 0iy Jirst Class Jfouso in Vown.
Special Accommodations for Uravelinj Tljcn.
Type Writers
of all makes sold and rent
ed. Minengraphs, Ilekto
graphs, Otlice and Dupli
cating Goods, Desks, Let
ter Presses, Etc.
Write us for price on
Rubber Stamps, Henls, Etc.
Coast Agency Company.
200) STARK BT.
Portland. Oregon.
Prineville Planing Mill.
John B. Shipp, Proprietor.
Manufacturer and dculer in all kinds of rough and
dressed lumber, shingles, brackets, mouldings, turn
ing and band sawing. House Finish made to order.
Agent for Rambler and Ideal Bicycles and Snndrics.
Mill opposite Prineville Flour Mill. Yard, 2d St., opposite I. O. O. F. Hull.
PrinsviUe, Oregon.
' 9
A ft .uippmsii
Sells Furniture, &c. for !
Cash and on
H down, balance
Coal, Iron and Steel. Wagon Tops a
Specialty at this smun of tlie
Elkins & Co.
The Very Best. Write for Booklet
Easy Payments.
., i
in monthly payments j