Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 18, 1901, Image 3

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i 4 1 l
As Down Went McGinty
, Down goes prices on Mens' and Hoys' Overcoats,
Ladies' Cloaks and Jackets, Fascinators, Jlitte,
Indies' and Gents: Heavy Underwear, ail ixoinsr
Prices Flattened to the Thinnest.
The values will tempt the most grudging pocket
book, if you contemplate buying, don't think it
over too long, but buy where prices are consistent
with the cost of production,
Crook County Jonrnal.
vcftcantt Auencv, 64 and 65 .Merchants Kx
ehange, Saa Ktaaciaea, California, where ouo
ttacts fur advertism cut b made for it.
J. V. Huwnrd returned Friday from
a business trip to Silver Lake. -
Citizens of Laieview have subscribed
a fund of (600 for the Fourth of July
The small pox quarantine ha been
removed from the town of Glendale in
Douglas county. -
Geo. Senecal was in fro u Paulina
the last of the week attending to busi
ness matters.
Mrs. Mary O- Brown son, a pioneer
of '55, died at the home of her daught
er, Mrs. J. B. Williams, Amity, Ore
gon, April 10.,
Miss Clara. Bradshaw Davis died at
at the residence of uer uncle Ju Igc V.
L. Bradshaw, in The Dalles, Thursday
of heart failure.
A $1100 nugget was recently found
iu the Swauk placers, Kittitas county.
Wash. It will be cent to the Pa o
Aruerieau exposition.
The late Sol Abrahams, of Roseburg,
left mo will and his estate has been
found to be not nearly to valuable as
heretofore supposed.
A petition to have the mail service
tu Warm Springs increased to six
times a week, has been rejected by the
post office department.
Wa. J. Wood. Wrti. Hardin and
Mr. Long, late arrivals from Lebanon, !
went over to" the Sisters country to !
look up the land situation.
Baker City will hold a special elec- I
tion April 24 to vote on the proposi- J a few days iu town looking after buai
tion of bonding the city for $100,000 ness matters. Mr. Martin is an old
fur light and water purposes. j time Ciouk county man.
At the last quarterly examination J. In Icy Huston, who has been in
at the Bishop Scott academy, Percy ; business in The Dalles for some time
Capper, of Monument, stood the high- ( past, is now Turning his parents and
est in the acade.nic department.
Placer gold has been discovered at
Vale, Malheur coonty, which- may
load Bp t important discoveries and
tae opening of good paying placers.
1. D. Holliday is at the Baldwin
Sharp k. Laud Co', place on Hay,
Creek, Oregon, superintending the in
stalling of twenty ahdep shearing ma
chine, which will soon be in opera
tion cn that ranch. Rural Spirit.
J. W. Wimer, of Post, was in town
Friday, en route to the Sisters neigh-I,
burhoud to look after his landed in
terest in that section of the county.
He was accompanied by his nephew,
Chac. Wimer, of Grant's Pass, who is
looking for a location.
Fred Lehman and wife returned
Tbwaday from a vuqt to the Willam
ette valley. Fred aays he has received
soaking up every time be ha crossed
the Cascades and the last time was no
exception as it rained almost the en
tire time of their stay in the valley.
The lambing season is now on
among the sheep men of this county.
A number of tbem began last week
Luc. iixv will all be at it bv the end of I
thi week. As we are now having fine
eatber it is expected that the aver
... '
age will run above 100 per cent this
C. C. Hutchinson, president of the
I Oregon Irrigation Co., passed through
Ibrr'e l rid ay on his way to Portland to
v,l ok after matters pertaining to the
company's ditch on which woik has
just commenced. He was accompan
ied by Col. C. E. S. Wood, cne of the
The Oregon Pan-American commis
sion has started seven carloads of tim
ber, agricultural and horticultural
products to Buffalo. Three carloads
of minerals will be loaded at Baker
City and five carloads of miscellane
ous products will complete the exhibit
making a total of fifteen carloads.
A fine bunch of steers was driven
through town Saturday bound for The
Dalles. They were the property of
J. W. Howard who will weigh a num
ber of them before starting and on
aruval at their destination, thus
showing the amount of shrinkage on
tbe trip which will take about two
D. W. Hardin is here from Lebanon
and will size up the situation as to
whether he will locate here in the
brick manufacturing business or not.
Mr. Hardin is one of the best brick
tuskers on the coast and it is to be
hoped he will receive rufficieiit en
couragement to locate, as Prineville
certainly needs brick buildings.
Judge Clifford will start for Burns
Saturday, to open court the following
Monday. It is probable that none but i
equity cases will be disposed of as it is
considered unsafe to summon a jury
on account of the prevalence of smull
Kx in nearby; towns. Drewsy, be
tween Burns and Vale, has been quar
antined, tbe dread disease having
gained more of,a foothold there than
elwlere.-T-jriU!t County News.
Lieu land for sale. A. C. Palmer.
B by's first shoes free at Simpson,
Wilson & Co.
W. H. Peck and wife were in from
Haystack Tuesday.
John Clnypool drove in the Shaniko
Flyer last Friday from Gates' hill.
FOR SALE- Residence in Prineville.
Very cheap. Inquire of A. C. Palu.t .
George and John Cyrus have re
covered from an attack of n.e.iles.
P. B Doak has bought a half iute.
eat iu saddlery business of J. W. Boone.
John Y. Todd was over from Siateia
Saturday lookiug after b.isiuess unit
j Will Wurxweiler returned Frida y
1 f row a two weeks busiuess trip i o
j Portland. .
John Sixemore and Wm Slants were
in from the Pilot Buite country
B. F. Allen returned Monday from
Portland where he has beeu during
the past winter.
Col. Baker cigars 75 eta. a box for a
short time only. Best ten cent values
in the town. At Tyes.
W. E. CUypool and William Wil
s ju were over from Sisters last week,
investigating mail contract business.
With this issue of the Journal we
bid farewell to our pateut outside and
will issue all home print hereafter.
H. V. Gates, of the PriueviHe Wat
er C- came up from HilUboro Fri-
auJ is attending to business
matters be re.
C. W. McClain, of
Burns, passed
through here Sunday on his way home
from Portland where he disposed of a
band of horses at good figures.
E- J. Martin, of Bums, is stopping
friend?. He came op Friday on the
Shauiko Fiver.
The following tnchers obraiued
certificates at the examination held
last week. G. M. Paul; Ward Lam
son;J. W. 0'3rieu; C. B Diuwiddie;
B .He Wilson; Pearl Vauderpool:
Grace Stewart; Grace Belknap.
Lew McCalister was down from the
mines Monday aud reported every
thing moving along nicely. Work is
progressing steadily in the big tunnel
" J , -
iiuui au miim4 ev owu o .aav us t
soon as
get to running.
Tbe lower hoose of the Minnesota
legislature on April 9 reconsidered
tlie vote which killed the bill to per
mit the parole of the notorious Young
er brothers, now serving a life sen
tence in tbe state prison, aud sent the
bill to the governor for approval or
Fleming Bros, gave their wara graph
exhibition last Friday night in Glazes'
Hall to a large bouse. Everyone
seemed well plea&ed with the exhibi
tion and we can say from a personal
experience of no less than twenty ex-
( v -1 -. - r . - i .1
n"""unBUI "nu' " luK
1 - avai aoav avirniuaarl
best we ever witnessed.
Commissioner Hermann has recom
mended that during the coming
summer 3800 cattfe and 550 horses be
allowed to graze in the Cascade reserve,
in addition to 200,000 sheep. This is
the extreme number that Forest
Superintendent Ormsby tfiinks can be
grazed without injury to the forests
and without serious interference with
the sheep. These cattle and horses
are to be allowed to graze at will in
any part of the reserve. Ex.
Crook County Development.
Enough development work and
prospecting has been done to prove
beyond auy question, that
tbe Trout
creek mining district is one of the very
richest mining sections in the west.
Every day prospectors and miners are
coming in, new claims are being lo
cated and development work is being
pushed on several of the most prom
ising cLiinis opened up. Even these
who were the most skeptical a few
months ago, are now the moat san
guine as to the riches of toe district
and are beginning to be very much in
earnest as to the future of the camp.
The showing made from a few claims
now being developed are such as w ill
interest capital and encourage capital
ists to come in and invest their money.
It is only a question of a short time
until capital takes hold iu earnest aud
when it does, the district around Ash
wood will be one of the livliest in the
state. Nor will the thriving little
town of Ashwood be slow in coming to
tbe front. Surrounded as it is by
splendid prospects, the development of
I these claims means the certain growth
of tbe town. There have been a num
ber of lots in the town sold within the
pant month, and, unless all signs fail,
it will not be many days before the
, lively song of the saw and the ham
I mer will be heard on every side.
I Ashwood Prospector.
I Tin osborne- m
BONT FORGET That we are
Full line of Bicycle Sundries
New Quarters.
We have purchased the W.
property, where our former store stood. It is our intention to
ness in our new home bv May 1.
We desired very much to erect our own building, but our trade would not allow the time it
would require without inconveniencing our customers. The Bolton store will answer our re
quirements until such a time as we can enlarge the same.
Clothing for Spring.
Our new stock is very complete and we can please you as
regards style, fit, fabric and
price frcra
$7 to
We carry the celebrated
H. S. M.
The kind vou read about in all
All .oo! Marked
In I'lain Figurr.
Married In this tity, April 10th
1901, Champ Smith and Mi's Edith
Compton, both of this city, Recorder
M. H. Bell, officiating.
Prof F. M. Mitchell, formerly of
Weston, is in his element at Prineville.
He writes to friends here that he has
a school of musical pupils, who it is a
pleasure to direct in entertainments.
A fine public program was recently
presented by the Prineville school,
receipts being $55. Weston Leader.
Monday evening the United Arti
sans initiated Lark Elliott into the
mysteries of the craft and after tbe
ceremonies were over the members
and a number of invited guests par
took of refreshments in the form of ice
cream, cake and cofTee; space forbids
mention in detail, but the Artisans
are une.'cclled in such matters.
Mrs. M. R. Biggs and Mrj. J. W.
Boone had a narrow escape from
drowning last Saturday. They drove
their buggy team into Crooked river
out near the Biggs ranch and as the
river was very high the horses had to
swim nearly the entire distance across
but luckily the buggy floated right
side up and no serious damage was
Sol ice to Creditors.
Notice is hereSy given that the under
signed has been by the County Court of
the State of Oreijon for the County of
Crook, duly appointed administrator uf
the estate of Nancy A. Bunham, deceased
and all persons having claims sginat
said eatate are hereby required to pre
sent the same duly verified, to said ad
ministrator, at the office of A. C. Palmer,
in Prineville, Oregon, within six mouths
from the date of this notice.
J. It. Benham.
Adin'r uf the estate of Nancy A. Ben-
ham, deceased.
Dated April, 17th, 1001
Laces. Fine patterns in fine goods, yet
prices withiu the reach of all. The Bee
A nice variety to choose from. Skirts,
nlglit gowns, chemises, drawers and cor
set coven all sizes. The Bee Hive.
Alf.tlfa seed and brominua inermis seed
for sale at C. L. Salomon.
Salomon's have just opened a now lot
ol gent's furnishings and suits.
agents for the
and Repairs.
Bolton & Co. store building
price. Our suits range in
the leading magazines.
Mens' Patent Leather Shoes,
Mens' Talent Enamel Shoes,
Mens' (Hanan & Son's) Box Calf
New Goods
Such as Neckwear. Golf
Shirts, Hats an Caps,
Gloves, Hosiery, Unrler
wear, Shoes and Slip
pers, Notions and Fancy
Goods, Novelties, Nuts
and Candies. Crockery,
Tobacco and Cigars till
Further Orders.
We can sell you the best goods for the least
Reil Estate on commitsion.
If you want to tell Utt your land with u. If you want to buy,
we have land for tale at reasonable price.
me are cheaper in '
jPrioe, but none so
lOsborne R prinir-Toth
narrow have made
their reputation by
Good Work and
Call and
Examine Them.
Cleveland Bicycles. Be sure and see them
and will move same to our own
be installed and ready for busi
Shirt Waists.
We bavs them in all shapes and colon.
at prices from 65 cents to $4. Hav,
them in
vrniTE LA WS
Something New
In Ladies' ready made suits in Dimitietj
Lawns and Ginghams "
$425 to $150.
$5 00
$4 SO
$5 OO
We handle a large stock
of Fishing Tackle and
we are able to fill your
order for anything you
may desire.
Our stock is first-class,
and the newest things
in latest styles in the
large assortment.
7le have Just received a iarge invoice
of Spring Suits for 77fe'n, Jimontj
other things we have a iot of extra
Vests. ' 2lurjzu?eier dc Xjhomson.
Bcaatr la Bleesl Dwp,
Clean blood means a clean skin. JZa
beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your D;ooa ana Keep it clean, by
stirring up tbe lazy liver and driving all im
purities from tbe body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascareta. beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satiafactkm guaranteed. 10c. 35c. SOa.
Woolen ks, ladies' hose and line
gloves at your own price at the Bizaar.
Wm. Mc Meek in will saw vour wood
twice into three lengths at 40 cents
per cord, whether you have ODly one
cord or one hundred cords.
R. S. Price has plenty of dry, solid
juniper wood which be will sell at lowest
eaah price and deliver on ahorteat notice
1 24tr.
Cyrus, the jeweler, will make your
old clock or watch run as good as
new, or give you a bargain iu anything
in the jewelry line.
T Ctiro CoosttvaiStm Veewvwr.
Taka Oasrarets Caady CaUsarttc. lOo or Be.
U C C. C tau lo cure, drussiata refund moaas.
Take your team to Chris Cohrs new
Simpson, Wilson A. Co. are offering
great bargains in Mens' and Boys
Kodak Cameras & Supplies at Temple
ton Son's.
Buy your shoes and hats at S. W. &
For Sale Two very desirable lots
in Prineville at a bargain. Call on or
addmss, Frank Elkina, Prineville, Or.
Call and see the fine line of Photograph
Alburni at Templeton J Sim's.
Mens' shirts formerly 91 to f 1.75
your choice for 50c. at Simpson, Wil
son A. Co.
Wurxweiler A Thompson have just
received a complete line of Carlson,
Currier Co's. bst colored embroidery
Prineville toSbaaikoby Daylicrht.
Stages leave Prineville Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. m
Arrive at Shaniko 6 p. ni. Leave
Shaniko Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 6 a. m. Airive at Prineville
at 6 p. m. Fresh relays of horses.
Good coaches. Courteous and care
ful drivers. S-icciol rates to parties
and express in quantities.
Adamsos & Wikkkc Co. Agents.
aWtTaaarcsSaUaa Sa-aa tear lift lwj.
To quit tobacco eaKilr and forever, be mag
aeUc. full of Hie. nerve aud viror, take No-To-Bae,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
attoog-. All druggists, SI. Cure guaran
teed Booklet aad sample free. Address
Sterling lie toed j Co., CBloaco or New York.
Chinese Laundry.
Fine Work at Lowest '
Prices. y
White Shirts are our
MAIN STREET, north of Cyrus
Jewelry Store. Prineville.
Hone Lout.
A reward of 95 will be paid for in
formation leading to the recovery of
one three-year-old black gelding, very
little white on light hind foot, brand
ed Y on left shoulder. C. W.,
4-4 wl. Prineville, Oregon.
Mr. A. C. Palnn r will devote his
entire time and attention to the law I
and land business, and can ba found '
at hia office in the Journal building at 1
all times.
Notice is hereby given that all j
scalps brought in hereafter must be
thoroughly cured and dry. Ant now I
prepared to issue scalp bounty war-'
rants on presentation of scalps. J. J.
Smith, County Clerk. Toot Bowals With Caseareta,
Oandy Catbartle, cure constipation forever
100.100. It u. u. u. nil. arusaiata raiuzm i
Hww Am Tmv Ktwatawa t
Tr. Hobbs' Bparaana Pills ran all kldnsr Ilia 8am
atofraa- Ada. atsrUaa Bwmaj cii-caic o or at. a
The dental work of Dr. C. A. Cline is
too wall kuown in this country to need
any praise. He can always be found at
the old stand, next door to the First
National Bank. Give him a call.
Pipes. A comfortable, clean smoker .
that will help you forget worry. The I
price will cause no worry either. At
the Bee Hive.
It's nothing but sound sense
to believe that we can do better
than the fellow with a smaller
line. Here you get a wide choice
of all the newest, swellest fash
Ions and at lower prices than
we've ever quoted. Come in
and look at our suits and top
coats no contract to buy.
( Corner 4tliml It Sts
gjT BATES, f 1.25 to 2.00. fjT PATROXAGE SOLICITED.
Z7Ae Only ttrst Class Jfcouse in ZJown.
Special jfecommodations for "Graveling 9tyen.
TTV -a.
Machine Workland rinmhln;.
Farm Machinery of all Kinds.
Fine Horseshoeing and
Work Called for
TAny Part
Thooe 71
Type Writers
of all makes sold and rent
ed. Mineographs, Hekto
graphs, Office and Dupli
cating Goods, Desks, Let
ter Presses, Etc.
Write us for prices on
Rubber Stamps, Seals. Etc.
Coast Agency Company.
Portland. Oregon.
fi Lippiiisii
Sells Furniture, &o. for
Cash, and on
Easy Payments.
14 down, balance in monthly payments
Prineville Planing- Mill.
John B. Shipp, Proprietor.
Manufacturer and dealer iu all kinds of rough and
dressed lumber, shingles, brackets, mouldings, turn
ing and bund sawing. House Finish made to order.
Agent for Samtkr and Ideal Bicycles aud Sundries.
Mill opposite Prineville Flour Mill. Yard, 2d St., opposite I. O. O. F. HalL.
Prinsville, Oregon,
. Oregon.
Coal, Iron and SteeL - Vag Tops a
Specialty at this season of the
aud Delivered
Frank Elkins.
The Very Best. Write for Booklet