OKOOK COUNTY JOUMXA PRINEVILLlE, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1901. MITCHELL MONITOR VOL. VII. NO. 24. VOL. V. NO. 18. OCIITT IITIHeS. F tor RINKVIIXE LODGE, rO. 76, A.F. 4 A. M Meen in Masonic Temple on Saturday ba re full moon of each month. T. M. Baldwin, w. m. J. K. WlLUAlfsoN, Secretary. CARNATION CHAPTER, NO. 44. O. R. V.' Baldwin, W. M. Meets second end fourth Thursday of each month, in Masonic lemple. Sin. T. M. David p. Anm, Sec OCBOOO LOJX5K, SO. R, I. O. O. F. Meets In Odd Fallows' hall every Saturday evun ing. J. H. tissv, N. u. CHm Corks, Secretary. - - "T OKA l OPOK, NO. K. of P. Merle in lj Odd Fellows hall everv Wednesday even Inr. AU brother In good standing; invited to attend. C. W. Elk ins, c. C H. Slew, K. of R. and S. OCHOCO t-OrxiK, NO. 101, A. O. T. W. Meets In Odd Fellows1 hall on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. W. Drape. M. w. C. Cobra, Recorder. OCNBEAM LODGE, NO. SS, n. of H . Meets C at Odd Fellows hall every Tuesday even ing. Ml Mrs. Ww. Dbafkju Chief of Honor. . H. P. BtLKKAf, Kec PRIXEVrLLE CAMP, NO. SIS, V,'Oor.MES of World Meets at Odd Fellows' hall on the first and third Thursday evenincs of each aaonUi. M . A Btu, Consul Commauder. J. L. McCrtxocH. Clerk. ICNIPER GROVE, NO. 10. WOODMEN CIR I cle.- Meetnat Odd Fellows' hall every Fri day evening. Mrs. S. 1. Bbxkxap, Worthy liuarutan. Mrss Vtsntr Crooks. Clerk. PASSENGER SERVICE: PRorfasioxAi emus. H, P. BELKNAP F.jsicl&a ml Surgeon Office in the rear o! Belknap & Moore's I-- uragslore. rrtaovllle) Ore aw. J a .HIDE, M. JX: Fbjslciu tnd Surgeon. Phone Xo. 2. Residence, in Sew some's Addition. rEIXKTtLLI M. D. T K RCSEKBERG, PHTSICUS" MD SURGEOI. Calls answered promptly, day or night. Office wiih Dr. V. Geener. Reei Kedby Hotel. rainiTiLixf - OKI6ftN C PALMtR lttomej-al-Ui tnd lotirj Public All bunineee promptly and carefully at tended to. Collections a Specialty. E. BKIKK Hotel Prineville Has established its reputation as the MOST COMMODIOUS, CONVENIENT anc WELL-KEPT HOTEL in Crook County. Headqu.arters for Stockmen Prices Reasonable Terminus of All Stage Lines. The HegalatoF Itine Steamers ' THE DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAVIGATION CO. 'REGULATOR" and "DALLFS CITY" daily between The Dalle and PorUmnd. Passenger and Kroight Service. W offer unsurpassed Indnccnienta to ptvssentrer, and repectfully fwltclt tbelT ft nntT- Our spewiaiticw are Cotufort, gulvk TIim and PIcMart. Our a.eamart newt- oecn patrooa. i put in Uiorouca repair, and faoiliu-M addod lor th comfort and aaa oi PLEASURE : Too tnnrh cannot be amid to laTor of this lino as a pleaaro ronto. It la almoet noavfe to sar inat "It down the Columbia.' The eooliuc breosaa. tho fraud aoenarr, lh Ireeoom troxa amok aa4 dust, contbine to make U a momt noablo uip. Try iu FREIGHT: We are at all times prepared to handle carefully freight of all kinds, with prompt e hve a commodious warehouse, where ahipmenta ca ho takoa oaro ol un til called (or. Wool and wheat ahipmenu especially aoUoliod. RATES: Onr rates will always be found as low as the lowest, sad always as low as Is possible to mate tbem. Our aim is to endeavor to keep In line with our former policy, ane n ate it in fact as well as name. "THB REGULATOR LINK." Write for rates and iliuMraled folder. Purchase your tickets and ship your lreichl via the RJUaULATOB Correspondence solicited. LINK. TO OEM VEER From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Comprehensive Review of the Important ttap penings of the Past Week In a Condensed Form. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, The Dalles, Or. General Commission and Forwarding Merchant Attorney tnd Counsellor it Lit T-rlMwlIla , Orsgsa. J. Wf HOPKLHS ittornej-ii-Ltv. rmsinLii - oiteon C PALMER "D. S. Commissioner. Land Filinse and Final Proofs Given - Special Attention. ED. N- WHITE DIALII TM Wines Liquors .. Cigars Main Street PEISEVILLE OREGON Cary House Bar HENDERSON i POLURD Hue Wines, Licinors m Gioars PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Z'e F. MOODY Still in Business at the Old and Well-Known Stand Adjoining R. R. Depot The Dalles, Or. Consignments Solicited Prompt attention will be paid to thoxe who favor me with their patronage. Prineville & Warm Springs..;.... ..STAGE LINE J. E. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. J. 0. GYRUS' Tonsorial Parlors MOORE BLOCK PBIVITILLK - - OKEGO " Leaves Prineville at 6 a. m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connecting at Warm Springs with stage for The Dalles and way points. Leaves Warm Springs at 6 a. m. on Monday, Wednesday and r riday; connecting at rnneville with stages to Burns, Lakeview, and other points. Through to The Dalles in DAYTIME. Fare, $7.50. Round trip, $13.50. Good accommodations at all stations, and comfortable vehicles. Particular attention given to freight and express. Rate, from The Dalles to Prineville, 2 cents per pound. Stage offices at Templeton & Son's, Prineville, and Umatilla House, The Dalles. A CUBAN UPRISING. DEPUTY STOCK INSPECTORS Notice is hereby (riven that I have appointed the following named persons Ltepnty Stot-k Inspectors: J. P. Cartwrinht., Hay Creek rnest Hherar Cross Keys Harry Webb.... Ash wood K. S parks J. .bisters A. Morrow Haystack . M. Smith'. Paulina Kocoe Knox Poet T. C. Wwain Bear Creek J. 6. Biriie Koeland Alex Mr In tosh. .-. , : Hardin JOE HI.SKtVE, Stock Inspector of Crook Connty. Ton cannot sell your goods Unless 70a advertise them THE JOURNAL . . The Prineville &. Shaniko ,..STA.G-E3 X-.I3NTEI-. GEO. M. CORNETT, Manager. Peru is threatened with a cabinet crisis. The members ot the cabinet were sworn in. The insurgents in Cebu are about to surrender. Colonel J. P. Sanger has been or dered to Manila. Thirty-one rebels were captured on an island on Lake bay. Botha is arranging peace terms with Milner and Kitchener. Sagasta has formed a new Spanish cabinet, taking the premiership. William C. Sanger will succeed Meikeljohn as assistant secretary of war. Ex-Senator Chandler is to be pres ident of the Spanish claims commis sion. Portia Knight, a Salem, Or., girl, has sued the Duke of Manchepter for breach of promise. Bituminous coal miners at Altoona. pa., will strike April 1, unless their vage scale is agreed upon. At Glasgow there are 42 fresh smallpox cases, and the total number of patients in hospitals is 435. The New Zealand government has decided to submit tc referendum the question whether it shall Join the com monwealth of Australia. The Italian chamber of commerce. of New York, has resolved to have a strictly Impartial analysis of the Inmons of. California and Italy. Relatives of Miss Mary Beach Tousey. of New York, will contest her will, which bequeathed $1,000,000 to icllgious and charitable institutions. Toe Portuguese government baa sent a cruiser to Oporto, and has or tiered other warships to be in readi ness to go there on account of the csti-clerical .manifestations. George Cornwallls West, whose wife nil Lady Randolph Churchill, Is lying lit at Troon, near Glasgow, where be has been lately residing for the pur pose of studying electricity. Over zealous police officers in Ma nila may oe removed. A Fort Stevens. Or., well-digger was rescued after being entombed six hours. The first annual convention of the cattle growers' association opened in Denver. The appropriation for the Improve ment of Manila harbor will be doubled. John D. Rockefeller has given (11.000 to Vassar college for a new dormitory. General A. S. Daggett, recently ap pointed brigadier general of the army, baa been retired. - Commissioner Rockhlll, at Pekln. Is trying to hold down the foreign In demnity demands. ' Nothing is known at Madrid of the report of alleged fighting on the Spanish-Portuguese border. The lumber warehouse of P. Cunts Wright, in Greenville, Or., was burned. Loss. ,85.000. The German government has or dered 300 barrels of California brandy i for use by Its army and navy. Samuel Moser, who murdered his ; wife and three children, at Pekln, O., gets 21 years In the penitenUary. i Private Eugene L. Tyon. company A, Ninth Infantry, died at Tung Chow, : China, February 28. of pneumonia. King Edward has Issued a letter patent empowering the Duke of Corn wall and York to confer knighthood while he is in Australia. Nine men charged with robberies and murderous assault, and who were awaiting the action of the grand Jury, broke out of the Cumberland, Md., jail. A dispatch from Irun, a Spanish town near the French frontier, says a quantity of dynamite. In the custom house, exploded, killing seven persons and Injuring many. The delay In the payment of the first Installment on the cruiser ordered by the Turkish government from the Cramps Is caused by the present pov erty of the treasury. Quesada Says If There Is Trouble It Will Not Be Caused by Friends. HAVANA, March 8. All Investiga tion Into the report, circulated In the United States by a news agency,' that I he United States. ' secret service of ficials here had neen informed that plans are on foot 'for a Cuban upris ing and that disorder Is only avoided now by the efforts of leaders to hold the revolutionary element in check, elicited the following statement from Senor Gonzales Quenada, who was the special commissioner of Cuba at Washington, and who was, in the dispatch, referred to as having con firmed the statements made: "I have not made any statements legardlng an uprising. If any per sons are interested in rejecting an uprising they are not Cubans who are In favor of Independence, but parties desirous of seeing Cuba crushed for ever What we have to content ngainst now is American public opin ion. There is no prospect of fight ing here." The harbor llgthermen Joined the stevedores in a strike today. This move had been anticipated. . The tteamer Morro Castle, of the Ward line, which arrived here last night, trought 60 longshoremen. The Morro l astle Is now unloading at her dock. Vessels will unload at their wharves until the trouble is settled. The steve dores asked for an increase of from 3 50 to $4.50 silver per day. IIED BT GOV GEEP Large Number of the Acts of the , Oregon Legislature. WITH AND WITHOUT HIS SIGNATURE Bills That Were Passed by Both Houses. But Which Did Not Receive His Approval 'Until After Adjournment. TREATY WITH FRANCE. Senate Committee Favors Extending the Tims for Ratification. WASHINGTON, March 8. The sen ate committee on foreign relations to day authorized a favorable report upon the supplemental treaty be tween the United States and France, extending for one year the time within which the reciprocity treaty between the countries may be ratified. The original agreement fixed the time of expiration at March 24. 1900. and the supplemental treaty extends It until the 24th of the present month. The original treaty was reported more than a year ago. There was some t'lscu&aion in the committee aa to whether there should be an effort to have the reciprocity treaties pending in the senate acted upon at this ses sion, but no definite conclusion v. leached. The most general opinion seemed to favor consideration of the treaties to which little objection is made, which are those with South and Central American republics. There Is considerable opposition to both the English end French reciprocity trea- All of the reciprocity treaties i will expire by limitation before the ! nt session of congress. HORSES FOR GOVERNMENT. W hington Will Receive Every Op portunity to Supply Them. WASHINGTON. March 8. Repre sentative Cushman Is determined that his state shall have just recognition in the sale of horses to the govern menu for use in the Philippines. He recently called on the quartermaster general, and Impressed upon him the fact that Washington had a quality of horses that entitled the state to f rat recognition. He was assured that experience with horses purchased In that state had been very satisfac tory to the department, and that when sales were to be made In the future, Washington bidders would be given ample opportunity to enter the com petition. The quartermaster general stated that since July. 1899. over 5000 horses had been purchased in Oregon, Wash Ington and Idaho, and that all had given entire satisfaction. The de railment recognizes the advantages of buying horses for the Philippines coast states, and can no doubt be re lied upon to live up to its promises, Is the best medial Crook County... In I .raves Shaniko at A P M. every day. and arrives in Prineville at 0 A. M Leaves Prineville at 6 P. M. every day, and arrives in Shaniko in 12 hours. Carries the U. S. mail, passengers and express. Connects at Prinevil'e with stages for Eastern and Southern Oresou, Northern California and interior points. Also makes connection at Shaniko with trains for Portland and all Eastern points. (iood accommodations along the road. We have recently pnton new thorough-r-race loaches, and now have the best equipped stage line in Eastern Oregon lor lite accommodation of the traveling public All persons wishins passage must way-bill at offices I'efore taking passage; oth-rswiil not bere. eived. Express must be way-billed at the fflcea, er Stage Company will not be responsible. The Company will take no risk on money transmitted. Particular attention given to delivering express matter at Prineville and Southern points in Oregon, and advance charges will be said bey the snanpaay. STAGE OFFICE. At Adamson 4t Winnck Co., In Prinville, all POPULATION OF ALASKA. Increase In Ten Years Has Bee 31,340 People. WASHINGTON. March 8. The to tal population of Alaska in 1900, as thown by the returns of the 12th cen sus, is 62,592, as against 32.052 In 1890. This is an increase In 10 years of 31,340, or 39.4 per cent. There are two cities In the territory with a pop ulation of 2000 or more Nome, ot 5486, and Skagway, of 3117. The 12th census has been taken under more favorable conditions than the two previous censuses of this re mote territory, because of the In ci eased facilities of communication end the introduction of a new and large element attracted by the gold discoveries. The silk industry of China em ploys. It Is estimated, from 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 people. A writer on modern waterways says that In the near future electric traction will be universally adopted on canals. The great Salt Lake Is said to be in imminent danger of drying up, the drain upon it being due to irrigation requirements. The Hartford (Conn.) Times enu merates 65 kinds ot wild birds that can be found during February within a radius of 15 miles of Hartford. C. A. Willard, of Minneapolis, and J. F. Cooper, of Fort Worth, Tex., have accepted positions as judges ot the supreme court of the Philippines. Margaret Daly wife of the lata Marcus Daly, is the chief stockholder In two banks and trust companies chartered at Helena to take up the Danking business of her husband la Butte and Anaconda. No Committee Reorganization, Washington. March 8. While no formal action to that effect has been taken by the republican senators. It 1 ouite definitely decided that there will be no reorganization of the senate committees during the present ses sion of the senate. This decision will have the effect of leaving the appoint ees of retiring senators in their posl tlons until the convening of congress next December. Fire In a Colorado Mine. Central City, Colo., March 8. The Molepole tunnel, piercing the Utah Hill at Apex, seven miles west of thl city, is on fire. Three miners are caught in the tunnel and are probably dead from suffocation. They are Con McNerney, superintendent; W. Bel lows and W. H. Coltrln. The Ore originated in the blacksmith shop at the mouth of the tunnel and commu nicated to the Umbers of the tunnel tefore It was discovered. k I tori a charter. I I hill No. 207. to amend Ran. side charter. Senate bill No. 66, authorizing Governor Geer has filed the follow ing acts of the Oregon legislature. While some of them were allowed to become laws without his signing them, most' of them contain his sig nature: " " Senate bill No. 75, to require street railways , to provide vestibules or weather guards on street cars. House bill No. 126, to punish kid napping. . House bill No. 183, to provide for recording .chattel mortgages. House bill No. 237, to fix the bound aries of Columbia county. House bill No.. 88, to require bids tof furnishing public supplies. House bill No. 122, to punish tres pass by cattle in certain counties. House bill No. 177, to define loca tion of natural oyster beds in Netarts bay.' House bill No. 229, to fix weight of standard bushel of oats at 82 pounds. House bill No. 346, to prescribe du ties of Attorney General. House bill No. 225, governing re ports of administrators. House bfll No. 19, to regulate con struction ot telegraph and telephone lines along public highways. House bill No. 292, to authorize construction ot Sluslaw and Eastern railroad. House bill No. 179. to Ox time for salmon fishing in Alsea bay, river and tributaries, and to prohibit fish traps and wheels therein. House bill No. 313, to fix salary of county judge in Baker county. House bill No. 172, to amend the law relating to the appropriation of water from lakes and running streams. House bill No. 97. to prohibit pub lic contracts In counties of 50.000 in habitants, except after public bidding. House bill No. 1, to amend the law relating to mining claims. House bill No. 39, to fix place of as sessment of personal property. Senate bill No. 13, to fix place ot as sessment of personal property. House bill No. 200, to increase com pensation of deputy county clerk In Malheur county and to provide assist ance for clerk In Gilliam county. . House bill No. 44, to aid Oregon Historical Society. Senate ' bill No. 112, to provide bounty for scalps of seals, sea lions, etc , House hill No. 65, to authorize ap pointment of clerks in state treas urer's office. House bill No. 69, to punish poison ing of domestic animals. Houae bill No. 11X, to authorize Is suance of diplomas to certain grad uates of normal schools. House bill No. 102, to prevent coer- Of f EPS TO TAQAIS clon of voters. Senate bill No. 137, to create office tralian ballot law. of county auditor in Multnomah county. Senate bill No. 203, to Incorporate Milton City. House bill No. 100, to protect union labels. House bill No. 5, to fix time and place of holding; circuit court In sec-; ond districL House hill No. 144. relating to pub-1 11c presentation of dramatic plays. House bill No. 20, making legal cer tain marriages. House bill No. 311, to fix salary of county judge of Malheur county. House bill No. 249, to fix salaries of county treasurers. House bill No. 146, making it a crime to interfere with boundary marks of mining claims. House bill No. 68, to prescribe method of apportioning state taxes. House bill No. 24. to provide for relief of indigent soldiers, sailors, etc House bill No. 26, new military code. House bill No. 110, protection of game, forests, wild flowers, etc. Senate bill No. 201, to provide more efficient method ot assessment and taxation. Senate bill No. 177, to incorporate City of Wasco. Senate bill No. 193, to incorporate City of Grass Valley. Senate bill No. 63, to regulate sale of adulterated food, drinks, etc., and define duties of dairy and food com missioner. Senate bill No. 229, to amend As County Courts to declare nnnavlgable streams highways for floating logs. Senate bill No. 174, to authorize ex penditure of money for hatcheries. Senate bill No. 189, relative to bi ennial reports. . House bill No. 128, for distribution of laws and journals. House bill No. 275, to amend act creating Southern Oregon Agricul tural societies. Senate bill No. 138, making owners of vessels liable for damage to pro perty or land. Senate bill No. 190, to amend Soldiers' Home act. Senate bill No. 62, to fix time of meeting of regents of State Univer sity. . Senate bill No. 29-, to authorize Portland to dispose of block 132. House bill No. 62. to consolidate of fices of Clerk of County Court. Clerk of Circuit Court and Recorder of Multnomah County. House bill No. 21, to punish des truction of records on public lands. House bill No. 286, to change com pensation of certain County . Clerks. House bill No. 149, to punUh dese cration of United States flag. House blU No. 76, to amend act for election of road supervisors. House bill No. 33, appropriating ' $1000 for Soda Springs. Senate bill No. 162, fixing compen sation of prison Inspector. Senate bill No, 79, correcting boundary of Wheeler County. Senate blU No. 210, prohibiting sale of liquors within a mile of mines. Senate bill No. 126, regulating drawing of State warrants. Senate bill No. 216, fixing salaries of certain District Attorneys. Senate bill No. 72, to declare the Jurisdiction of Justices' Courts. Senate bill No. 86, to create office of State Bacteriologist, Senate bill No. 221, to provide for board to draft a Portland charter bilL Senate biU No. 232, to regulate building branch lines to railroads. Senate bill No. 196, fixing salary of Superintendent of Wheeler County. Senate bill No. 23, amending school law. Senate bill No. 142, requiring state warrants paid to be deposited in of fice of Secretary of State. Senate bill No. 234, fixing salaries of County Treasurers. Senate bill No. 116, authorizing State Land Board to buy land at fore closure sale. Senate bill No. 44, fixing terms of Circuit Court in seventh district. Senate bill No. 114. defining elig ibility of directors of corporations. Senate bill No. 220, concerning- sal aries of Baker, Malheur and Clatsop Counties. Senate biU No. 227, for construction of ditch to supply water at state in stitutions. Senate bill No. 87, to amend charter of North YamhilL Senate blU No. 107, to Incorporate Yoncalla. Senate bill No. 176, amending char ter of Cornelius. Senate bill No. 191, for primary elections in cities ot lO'.OOO Inhabit ants. Senate bill No. 180, amending Aus- Prisoners Will Be Released Guns Surrendered. for ONE MAN FOR EACH WEAPON RETURNED Carman Case Will Be Referred to Washingti General Trias May Be Induced to Give up the Fight Manila, March 9. Additional' in ducements have been made to the In surgents to surrender their guns. General MacArthur has directed all department commanders to release one prisoner for every gun surren dered. An insurgent who surrenders his gun wtil l e permitted to name -the prisoner to be released, provided no exceptional circumstances require this man's detention, in which case another selection will be allowed. The federalists report that as a re sult of the negotiations with the in surgent General Trias, who is in Southern Luzon. 'Trias probably will soon surrender. The- United States training-ship Buffalo has completed the exchange of crews with. the . warships at Ca vite, and has sailed to exchange 700 men recently from the United States for members of the crews of several American warships at Hong Kong and Shanghai. Meanwhile the navy dispatch boat Zafiro has taken 200 men to the navy vessels in Southern Phil ippine waters for the same purpose. The flagship Brooklyn goes to Pe Chi LI gulf In April to conduct the maneuvers. The Kentucky, the Ore gon, the New Orleans, the Albany, the Monterey and the Monadnock will par ticipate in these maneuvers. The American fleet on the Asiatic station now numbers 64 vessels. Senate bill No. 202, accepting 1,- 000,000 acres under Carey arid land act. Senate bill No. 10, amending law relating to jury lists. i Senate bill No. 161, incorporating Hood River. Senate bill No. 209, prohibiting sa loons within 300 teet of schools. House bill No. 294, making Van ' couver avenue a county road. House bill No. 334, governln estrays. ' House bill No. 113, defining duties j of surveyors. I House bill No. 208, relating to es ! tablishment of public highways. House bill No. 295, pronibiting mu tilation of hides. House bill No. 54, amending Ban croft bonding act. House bill No. 61, relating to incor poration of cemeteries. House bill No. 187, for service of citations. Senate bill No. 171, the Port of Portland bill. House bill No. 280, to annex the panhandle of Union County to Baker County. Senate bill No. 139, the Orphans' Home bill, appropriating S50 per capita for inmates. Senate bill No. 73, enacting the Torrens system of public land regis tration. Senate bill No. 188, the primary election bill. House hill No. 189, to construct the County Court of Multnomah County, Deported to Guam. - Washington, March 9. General MacArthur has notified the war de partment by mail that in pursuance of authority obtained from the depart ment under date of December 27 last, he has ordered the deportation of a number of persons "whose overt acts have clearly revealed them as in aid or in sympathy with the insurrection and the regular guerrilla warfare by which it is being maintained, and whose continued residence in the Philippine islands is, in every essen tial regard, inimical to the pacifica tion thereof." By direction of the commanding general, the persons named were de livered to Major Henry B. Orwms, Thirty-seventh infantry, on hoard a transport for deportation to Guam, where they will be held under sur veillance or In actual custody as cir cumstances may require during the further progress of hostilities and until such time as normal peace conditions in the Philippines has resulted In a public declaration of the cessation ot such hostilities. Subsequently, another batch of in surgent sympathizers and agitators were deported to Guam on the United States steamship Solace, to be held under the same condition as the others. The party consisted of mem bers of the Katipunan society. , Large Wine Crop. Lyons, France, reports that the wine crop of Franca for the year 1000 will exoeed 1,721,000,000 gallons, a yield that has been surpassed but tiiree times in history. Military and Navy Maneuvers. The war and navy departments are plannng for joint military and naval maneuvers in New York harbor next summer. High Rate of Speed. One hundred and sixty miles an hour is the speed aimed at by a new electric railway company iu Germany. Native Regiments Regarded With Disfavor. Some army officers regard with dis favor the organization of 'native regi ments In the Philippines. . Laws of War Broken. Bombardment of the residenoe por tions of towns, now forbidden by the laws of war, has been repeatedly prac tioed in spite of this prohibition. Sons of President John Tyler. Three sons of President John Tyler are now living. One is a member of the Virginia senate, and another is president of William and Mary ool lege. Present Method of Branding Cruel. Uattie men in !-outn uakota are gen erally agreed that it is time to abandon tho present method of branding cattle as cruel. REBEL CAMP SURPRISED. on Thirty - one Filipinos Captured Island of Talim. MANILA, March 8. Lieutenant West, with the gunboat Laguna de Bay, surprised an insurgent camp on the island of Talim, on Lake bay, east of Manila, capturing 31 insurgents. Many small detachments in various localities are surrendering daily.' It is teported that negotiations are in pro gress for the surrender of all insur gents on the island ot Cebu. The United States Philippine com mission is investigating the case of Senor Mamje, the native Judge ot the court of first instance in Manila, who Is accused of fraudulently aiding the administrator of the Enriquez estate. A Threatening Note. London, March 9. "The United States government has addressed a note to the Danish government al most threatening in tone," says the Copenhagen correspondent of ' the Daily Mail, "to the effect that it would not permit any transfer of the Danish West Indies to any foreign power, and that, in the event of Denmark refusing to sell, the United States will require that island and maritime neutrality shall be properly guarded and the United States sphere ot influence be respected." The Largest Creamery In the World. An English writer who has been in vestigating the production of butter and cheese in all countries says that the largest creamery in the world is at Lincoln, Nebraska. Round-About Benefit "Are yon enjoying these prosperous times?" "Yes; I'm not making any more money nyself, but there seem to be fewer mnn around borrowing money of me." Northwest Postal Orders. Washington, March 9. The postof-, flee at Mishawaka, Clatsop county. Or., will be discontinued March 15, mail going to Vlnemaple. The name of the postofflce at Bos ton, Clallam county, Wash., has been changed to Mora. The postofflce at Elk, Spokane coun ty. Wash., has been moved two miles to the northwest, without change ot postmaster. Posse Pursuing Alvord. Tucson, Ariz., March' 9. Bert Al vord, the much-wanted tralnrobber and jailbreaker, who was supposed to have been killed, has shown up near Tombstone. A special from that point says that Alvord and a Yaqul Indian vlBited a ranch near Pierce, Ariz. They stole horses from the ranch and headed for the Mexican line. Word was sent to Tombstone, and a sheriff's posse was immediately formed and is now in pursuit.