Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 28, 1901, Image 4

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Tastes Good
And e&ting""is simply perfunc
tory done because it must be.
This is the common complaint of
the dyspeptic
If eating sparingly would cure
dyspepsia, few would Buffer front it
long. "
The only way to cure dyspepsia,
which is difficult digestion, is t
give vigor and tone to the stomach
and the whole digestive system.
Hood's Psrssnarilla cured the niece of
Frank Fay, 106 N. St, South Boston.
Mass.. vho writes that she had beea a
. .... .v. ... .. . .1 ........ .. . f....;. .m:
had been without amietite and had been j
She had tried many other medicines in j
vain. Two bottles or Uooa s fcarsapariua
made her welL
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to cure and keeps the
promise. Don't wait till you are
worse, but buy a bottle today.
Perpetual Motion Discovered.
James Conroy, of Jersey City, X. T.,
claims to have devised a system of
springs and weight which, operating,
as a balance, will run machinery with
out tbe aid of fuel, electricity or any
other motive power.
ros thm Counts amsf
Mrors Off tho Caltl.
laxativa Fronio-Ajuimne Tab1.! ore a Cold ia
oaaday. No cure, No ray. 1'rice 25 oenta.
Oldest M union ry.
Dr. Elias Kiggs, the oldest mission
aiy of the American board, died ia
Constantinople, aged 90 years. He
had been in service tor 69 years.
George Washington in the Civil War.
The attention of the pension bureau
has been called to one regiment in the
civil war in which, according to the
rolls, 28 colored George Washington ,
served. - .;
Complete Iff aX Qn Vftrtnrta- Bt ;
SMvofc.' be.t term. Outfit ro.t 1 -r fre.
Art a r-ea s. C. Miller t o.. Portland. Or.
New York City's Water Works.
Sew "fork city has the most expen
sive water works plant in the country.
It has cost tip to date $1 15,526, T49.
Stock Exchange Membership Not Taxable. ,
The appellate division of tbe supreme '
court of Near York state ' has aecided ,
th it memberships in the New York '
stock exbeaoge are not taxable.
Bran or Oro, rrrr or-Toum, i
Lcc-as oorsTT, I
FftcK J- i'bimt makes oath that he Is tha
senior parter oi ihe firm of F. J. Chkxxy A Co,
doing business in Ihe Cut of Toledo,
and Sim3e aforesaid, and thai said arm trill paT
the sura ol OVK Hl'N LRtU fKiLLAESforevi
and rverr case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use oi Hrau. . Cataim Craa-
pwora to before me and subscribed "n mr
preaettco, lu -la day oi Xiecember, a. D. lsa.
Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken internal! and ana
directly on the blood and mncons snriaces oi
taa inten. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. ch F.Ntv co, Xaiada, O.
So3d by drupeists. Tor.
Bail's Family Puis ara the best.
For Intoxicated Passengers,
In Sweden it has been decreed that
a separate car must be provided on su
burban night trains ont of Stockholm
for th sole accommodation of intoxi
cated persons.
Preparing for Rebellion.
Acccr ling to advices from Dahomey,
tbe Moslem tribes are openly prepar
ing for rebellion. 1 hey refuse to re
cognize the sovereignty of King To3a
Grip and colds may be avoided
by keeping the system c esTiied,
the biood pare, and the diges
tion good. Taa Garfieat Tea.
To the lioascwifc.
Never leave canned goods in the caa
after it has been opened. Their cod
teuta should be placed in an earthen
diab immediately. Many people have
been poisoned from eating goods that
. have stood in open cans.
Tkat Dull, awful Pmlot
It's a s:ck headache Core it? avofa ft I Cas
earets andr Catnrtie etve QQick relief and
prevent hesdarnea it taken in time. aU drug
(iaia luc, J2ac. 5uc
f - Care of the Eyes.
i 1 II Ton would have good eyes, never
read, write or sew immediately after
. ooiuing from comparative oarkneea
into a bright light.
- ,' Cartel's htk
has the lartrest sale of any ink in the world,
because it is the best iiix'that can be made.
A Municipal Pawa Shop.
Chicago has tbe only municipal
pa a n sop in tbe country. Paris and
other European cities have bad them
in operation for many years.
FJa External
The blood may be ia bad condition,
yet with no esrtemal signs, so akixi
eruption or sores to indicate it. The
symptoms in such, cases being a variable
appetite, poor digestion, an indescribabls
weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh
and a general run-down condition of the
system clearly showing the blood ha
Jots. lis nutnuve quaiiues, nas Decome i ma
ana watery, it is in just such cases mn
S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and
most effective work by building tip tbi
blood and supplying the elements lackizif
to make it strong and vigorous.
"My wife used sev
eral bottles of S. S. S.
as a blood purifier and
to tone tip a weak and
emaciated avstem with
very marked effect by fjh i
. way ot improvement. J
"We regard it a T.'
ml tnnii an 1.1nut-i
purifier." J. F.DtJFF, Nf1,
Princeton, Mo. r '(
the greatest of all
1 tonics, and yon will
ifind the appetite in
' proves at once, strength
returns, and nervousness vanishes as new
rich pure blood once more circulate.
through all parts of the system.
S. S. S. is the only purely vegetnbU
blood purifier known. It contains no min
erals whatever. Send for our free book
on blood and skin diseases and write ont
physicians for any information or advice
tranted. No charge for medical advice.
Coutcb Syrup. Tttates Uixxl. DM I
in Pme- Hold b drusiftuti.
jrr tit
c '
sg- CSS'
Great Lakes Are Too Rous -r-ilona
for Tla:a Sport.
Iveboating is one of the most excit
ing aud exhilarating sports known and
its liopulamy anil the enthusiasm of
its uevoiees are eailly understood even
oy those who have never become In
oculated with the eraze for these spins
aver the Ire. rue uncertain"
and weather, heavy waves and Ice al
most invariably rough, make Iceboatlug
on the great lakes nearly out of the
question. When lke Michigan does
succumb to frigid temperature and
takes on a coating of Ice the surface Is
pretty sure lo be so rough that yacht
ing would afford Utile pleas
ure. Then. loo. the likelihood of break
ups caused by the force of the waves,
would render the sport extremely peril-
. , .
The clauser of serious disaster
creases the excitement, and In the cases
of most yachtsmen adds to rather than
! detracts rrom the pleasure of the runs
' iHfore the wind. Time and again fatal
t accidents have attended tceboatlng,
: but these have had no more effect In
! tpjenchlug the eagerness for the boat
j ,ng than have the killings In football
affected the popularity of that game.
; For a plentttude of the best Iceboat
; Ing the sportsmen must turn their at
tention to the small lakes of Illinois.
Indiana. Michigan. Wisconsin and Min
nesota. Here there are pleuty of suf
nciently large stretches of water prac
tically unaffected by winds, that can
j always le depended upon to furnish Ice
smooth enough for the most satisfac
i tory yachting. Yachts are built upon
the shores of many of these lakes, but
. the boats are so light that they can
easily be built at any polut and con-
veyed without difficulty to any of the
I favored resorts, for they are virtually
only skeleton frames, with sails, at
tached to steel runners. In a way Ice
yachting Is skating without the phys
ical, effort required by that sport. Tbe
boaters have only to sit In the little
light seats of tbe skeleton affair and
the winds, filling the sails, carry them
scurrying across tbe Ice with tbe swift
ness of a bird.
At nearly every point where Ice
yachting Is Indulged In at all there are
races between the various boats every
year, and rivalry between Ice yacbis
gets to be quite as keen as It does be
tween the boats which cut tbe water.
Racing almost invariably Increases tbe
danger of the sport, and during the sea
son there are usually many catastro
phes resulting In serious and fatal In
juries to the boaters. While flying
over tbe Ice driven by mlle-a-mlnute
gales tbe racers are often dashed to
gether and smashed Into splinters, or
perhaps they strike a stick protruding
above tbe surface of tbe Ice and meet
with an equally serious mishap. But
the genuine Ice sportsmen say that
yachting without racing wonld be like
a Thanksgiving dinner without the tur
key, and that tbe racing is tbe only fea
ture of tbe sport worthy of any consid
eration whatever.
Two Race
Leirsiag Lessons Side by
In the rugged country northeast of
Cape Town Is one of tbe most remark
able mission stations in tbe world.
The fame of Lovedale has spread far
in Africa, and the blacks who are anx
ious to learn come to It from as far
away as Lake Nyassa, a thousand
miles. It Is said to be tbe largest Mis--ilon
station In existence. Tbe school
contains neasiy 1.000 students, who
are instructed by a staff of forty teach
ers. Tbe fees are little more than
nominal, for the average charge ts
only $25 a year, which includes board,
lodging and education. There Is no
lietter place to study ethnology of Af
rica, for the students represent many
tribes, some of them from as far north
as Gallaland and near the Red Sea.
In the main. Lovedale ts a school
for colored young folks, bot the whites
are also admitted, and it Is the only
place In Africa where tbe two races
study skle by side. Tbree lines of In
struction are given to tbe natives re
ligious, educational and Industrial.
Teachers are trained for tbe mission-
; a r y Bcnools. preachers are prepared for
t he native congregations and a gener-
-tl education, literary and technical.
is given to all who want It.
Among tbe trades that are taught
are carpentry, wagon-making, black
smlthlng. printing, bookbinding, teleg
raphy and others. The girls are
tangbt to sew, to wash and Iron and to
keep house. While tbe aim of the In
stitution la to civilize through Christ
ianity, the Instruction is entirely non
sectarian and tbe Bible Is the only re
ligious book that Is read and taught.
Tbe books that are printed and
bound at Lovedale are excellent speci
mens of tbe bookmaklng art.
The technical Instruction la of the most
thorough character. Visitors from Eu
rope hate often said that nothing has
MHtouiHhc-d them more in Africa than
the excellence of the Lovedale work-
! HUOP"- '' Markbam. who
t ' "llj lllf IJ 1 1 11 Willi fKl ui. a-
lion In England, has recently written
that not a few technical Institutions
of her own country are entirely out
ttripped by this remote establishment
in the heart of British Kaffrarla.
There Is no doubt of tbe vast good
that this Institution is doing. Tbe
hundreds of students who leave It
every year, after enjoying Its advant
ages for from four to six years, are
nattered among the millions of South
Africa, and even among the tribes liv
ing far north of tbe Zambesi. They
are becoming tbe educators of their
people. They are teaching their tribes
men the useful trades they baveacqulr
ed. Tney carry to many barbarous
peoples proofs of the advantages of
civilization that are more convincing I
than any testimony the whites can
give. When there are more I.ovedales
scattered through the vast Held of mis
sions, the results of missionary effort
will be far more encouraging than they
are now.
Ther Was No Evidence r lintever, but
the Law Appeared All Kiigltr.
"The queerest vurdlt-t I ever heard."
said a lawyer frout Denver, who was
one of a a:ory- elliug group in theOruu,
wald lobby, "was rendered at a boom
mining town lu Hunt hern Colorado,
back In 'S3. The Judiciary of the dis
trict bad Just been organized, and one
of the first cases called In court was
that of a fellow who was accused of
robbing some sluice boxes. The evi
dence had seemed conclusive at the
time of his arrest, but It developed,
later on. that the whole thing was the
put-up Job of a personal enemy, and
the night before the trial the chief wit
ness got scared and skipped out. The
weakness of the case was unknown to
the district attorney, however, and he
proceeded . to Impauel a Jury, which
was composed entirely of tough and Il
literate miners, none of whom had ever
served In that caiaclty before. After
hearing one or two minor witnesses the
attoruey sawhow the land lay and .1 ban
doned tbe prosecution, birt as a mere
formality the Judge told the Jury to re
tire to their room and render a verdict.
He supposed, of course, that they
would be gone only loug enough to re
dnce It to writing and when an hour
had elapsed without hearing from
them he sent a bailiff to Investigate.
" Tbey want to know what tbe ex
treme penalty is for grand larceny." re
ported tbe bailfff. after a conference at
the door. Tell thorn twenty years.'
said the Judge, unable to understand
what they meant by sucb a question
Presently the pauel Bled In and an
nounced they had arrived at a verdlct
"We find the prisoner guilty." said a big.
raw-booed prospector, who was acting
as foreman. "tiuiltyT exclaimed the
Judge In amazement: "why, there's
nothing at all against him." 'Nary a
thing." replied the foreman calmly.
Then what do you mean by sucb an
outrageous verdict?" demauded tbe
Judge. 'Well, yer bouor. we couldn't
do nothln' else." said the foreman. 'You
told us straight out to find this here
verdict "accordiu' to the law and the
evidence, and the law 'pears to be all
right, but there ain't no evidence what
soever. eo we Jest kind of decided to
bring him In guilty, and ask yer honor
to split tbe difference aud let him off
on ten years.'
"When the Judge recovered his
speech be dismissed tbe case on bis
own motion. That's a true story,
gentlemen. I happened to buTounsel
for the prisoner myself." NewOrleans
The Once
Favorlts of Napoleon
i n 2 Hone t , Life,
Marion Morris, once one of tbe favor
ites of Napoleon 111.. Is coming bome to
die. She Is an American, born In Mary
land, and when but 16 years old went to
Europe, where she dazzled the most
brilliant of European courts. Marlon
Morris, with Helene Esclnnde and Es-
ther lieaulieu, found favor In the eyes
of the unfortunate Emperor of France.
Tbe American girl was Installed as
member of the Imperial household as
lady-in-waiting. The downfall and ban
ishment of Napoleon left her upon the
He Ia Htlll Trying to Ktplaln.
"Women are much more thoughtful
and considerate than meu." remarked
Mr. Meekton's wife.
"I know they are, Henrietta ; I know
tbey are," was the thoughtless answer.
"Take our own case for example. 1 re
member that you refuacd me half a
dozen times before you 'unlly yielded
to my entreaties to marry me." Wash
ington Star.
A Kplder'a Thread.
What we call a spider's thread con
sists of more than 4,000 threads united.
Tbe girl who used mucilage to keep
her bail In curl has been much stuck
up ever since.
Taa Story Is Told by a Father Who Is
firateful for Ufa Daughter's
i i. .. . Beoovery.
No. 91 Lincoln avenue. Cortland, N.
Y., was onoe a bouse of sorrow and
sadness. The daughter of Georne
Loncks, the pride of the household,
seemed going into a deoliue as she
reached her early womanhood aud her
condition caused the greatest anxiety
in the family. The happy ending of
the matter caused considerable excite-
ment in the neighborhood aud, when
questioned by a rejiorter. Mr. Loncks
made the following statement:
"About two years ago my daughter.
who was theu in her 16th year, was in
bnVl health. - 8he wss pale and thin.
without strength or vitality, in fact her
condition was that which is generally
called all run down. We were, of
course, worried about her and employ
ed the best physicians to attend her.
They studied her case and although
they did everything possible, gave her
no relief which was permanent. The
late Dr. Angle had first called my at
tention to Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills for
Pale leople, and my wife had heard
they were a tine tonic, so we decided
to try them for my daughter. We did
so and inside of eight weeks the pri
mary cause of her trouble was remov
ed and she showed a decided gain in
health, strength and (lash.
"A great many people will buy a
rnedicino and take a few deses. Then
if they are not cured they throw it
aside as no good, or take it spasmodic
ally. We believe in a tair trial in
atrict accordance with directions and
our faithfulness was rewarded for she
was greatly benefited by them. Her
color came to her cheeks and she con
tinued to gain in weight and strength.
We have told a great many people
about them and have been glad to do
Subscribed and sworn to before ma
this 39th day of June. 1900.
Notary Pnblio.
Dr. Williams' rink Pills f jr Pale
People are sold by all dealers, or will
be sent to any address postpaid, on re
ceipt of price, 60 cents a box, or six
boxes for $2.50. by Dr. Williams Med
icine Co., Scbenectadv, N. Y.
Ancient Mouse Demolished.
An interesting and ancient bouse in
Vienna is beii:g demolished. It stood
at the corner of the Kohlmnrket, and
was occupied - for the past ceutury ly
the musio firm of Artaria, and within
its walls Haydn, .Mozart, Heetboveu,
I aganini and Yieuxieuir.s bad passed
manv hours.
American Forests Becoming, Extinct,
Statistics of the lumber trade com
piled at Washington show that Ameri
can forests will not lust longer than
60 years.
Spends Millions for Amusement
Tbe American people are great the-ater-guers
aud spend about $1 13, 000.
000 annnallv for such amusements.
Porlland SEED Company,
135 Front Street.
Portland, Ore.
Annum! Catalogue now r--d-. Mailt. I
.trwon tftiuvL f nil line ot auppltaw lac
fa.rm. poultry, bees or garden.
180 Front Street. Portland. Ore.
Always Fresh.
Always ths Best.
are aold
UU saW-4 A-oniual n-vax
. t. ntiT . cr. icTtaiT,
For 14c.
Wawt to -n Oils yx sro.OM new
i nn-1 .. ami hm offrr
1 pas. sier' - luod Trnnii . Ue
I - Ttw NorUwrn L0OHa le
I - suiu'. lTorti 1 'ii Hit, Me
1 Emarmli Um Cocumosr.... lor
I ( 1 1 , i . -'d.n But . . . lac
I - IS iWy Usui. We
I - IjU r m Market !.tacs Uc
f kletfsjit 1 lower Seeds.... r
Waetk U M f.r H eaaea, SLao
Wa will mail ibis eettre ei os-e
worth of eplenald peed iw.riuei free
f-ewtner who. our lonre 11. ".-
te la poetea
See Ue Ik aa ap.
PoteCww e r aier nmrrel and op
Oteloeoe elne Soente. '
less I mrts ItffJ CO. leCroret WH
The "Cyclone" Thresher
If You Buy a New
Thresher, Engine,
You of Course 'Want the Best. 'Write for
Catalogue and Prices.
CI; let el ninkkiitri
r. ill. &
, w IIVU af- w
VV rvfc- .--r-sX
v un l
-w-3vV . I tM THE
. . . a ar.--. -
.Sas.- 2 STORM.
Tame No Substitutes. Fitet Cataloouej
guaranteed Cure for C&trrli nd
Oonntmptlon. l.oo. 1 Lock Box 146.
W. U. SMITH 4 CO., Buffalo. N.Y., Prop's
1 J
vt .1." r .
EnaB't'on of a Man Whose Peace Waa
IX.turbeJ bra Fret Hi Baby.
Tbe woman and the baby in the
westbound avenue car kept the car
lively. Tbe baby had thennquencbable
yells from the' peace monument to the
war department aud beyond. The
baby kicked and tossed and beat Its
mother lu tbe fnce with Its fists and
tried to poke hole In the car window
and gasped aud snorted and choked.
"What la It mamma's pltty Itty sing
wants?" the baby's mother would In
quire. "Wow-wow Blub- wo-eo!"
"Baby hurts lt poor Itty mamma
punching her. Does baby waut the
UU e Itty horsle?"
"Zip woosli naw bluba baw
"Shall she go buy It a new dress and
Wham-wbliig wboosuomoo wow."
"See out of tbe window, tbe wagon
going along without any horsle. Isn't
that funny?"
" Ker-ch ug ma-ma woof wow !"
"Shall nuimiua take It to tbe store to
aee the new plttlenr" - -
M K er- hi in oo-oo !"
"Don't want to see- the plttles?
There, now. there. Don't ky no more,
mil in ma's Itty sing. Shall she dance It
up and down?"
"Baw miff urn-swat ee-ee
The tall, correctly dressed man. who
was sitting right alongside tbe woman
with the baby, and whose Raglan the
baby had lieen threatening to kick Into
short rlMious for some time past.
reached down and cnuckea ine uany
under tbe clilil. smiling amiably, and
causing the mother to look pleased.
"Mamma's booful baby," ahe went
on. addressing tbe youugster soothing
ly. "Indeed, mamma doesn't know
what In this world to do with such a
bad boy."
"Have you ever tried." Inquired the
correctly dressed man. as the car was
coming to a halt for him to get off
have yon ever tried the brass knucks.
a sand bag. a piece of lead pipe or an
Ice pick?"
And liefore the mother could recover
from her amazement the brute bad
stepped off and tbe ear had started
ahead, tbe young one still yowling.
Washington Star.
TacfnlGirl Obt line I Her Fetter's Ap
proval of Her Marital ( stoics.
Belug an Independent, straightfor
ward American girl, she boldly entered
tbe library where her fut her was trying
to keep awake, took bis lap In prefer
ence to an easy cbalr. got blm by a
half-Nelson hold about the neck aud
promptly told him that she had en
gaged herself to that young Johnson
ou Second avenue.
"What!" whooped tbe old gentleman,
and he attempted to get his feet that
be might expresa himself with more
action and impresslvenesa. But It la
a quick shirt from tbe Half Nelson to
the strangle bold and she made tbe
shift while she talked rapidly In a coo
ing tone, patted him on the cheek with
her free hand aud vigorously worked
tbe strangle-
"Lucy!" he yelled, 'break away."
showing that be was not so unsophis
ticated as be looked, "you're throttl
ing me."
"He had a njee position and good
prospects and no bad bablis. and be
never made love to any girl before.
aud his family la all right and mamma
said she was w-ling If you were and
I'lu-le Iick says there are lots of worse
fellows tbau Mr. Johnsou and Aunt
Kate says she always did like bim and
our minister "
"For heaven's sake, girl." gurgled
the old gentleman, who was purple and
gasping, "do you know what you're
doing- and he made a desperate effort
to break tbe bold, with the result that
be tightened It.
"Iiou't get excited, papa dear, bless
bis ottl heart. 1 knew you wouldn't lie
cruel enough to break my heart." and
she pus on tbe pressure. "As I was
saying. t'ie minister said
"Minis. ?-r lie blowed!" and papa's
eyes were bulging. "All of 'cm Ive
1. lowed. Marry Mm. Marry the whole
Johnson family, but let me get a
breath." Then she kissed bim enthu
siastically, called blm an angel and
was proclaiming her engagement In
the parlor, while tbe old gentleman
was coughing, wheezing, swearing and
assuring himself how he'd bate to lie
In Johnsou's place. Detroit Free
Man Who Mad - Love ta Hie Molhet
1 n - ..a w .
Uoliert J Patterson, of Brooklyn,
should be declared the champion
wooer, lie has distanced all records.
Since winning the
affections of a very
beautiful girl and
marrying ber about
two years ago. he
has made love to
tblrty-one different
maidens and baa
proposed marriage
R. j. ritri rsox. ta nearly every oue
of them. He baa tried to make love to
his two pretty slsters-lu-la w aud baa
even proposed marriage to his mother-in-law.
He bad seventeen courtships
on bis list at one time, and on a certain
evening proudly boasted to his wife
that twelve women bad accepted him
that very day.
Mrs. Patterson Justly became vexed
at her husband's wholesale lovemuk
Ing to other women ami Is uow seeking
a divorce. As one after another of the
young ladles to whom ber husband had
proposed marriage gave her testimony
it seemed certain that the young wife's
petition would be granted, but when
the inother-ln-law told of the gallaut
young husband's lovemaklng to her,
the shadow of a doubt fell upon the
mind of th honored Judge. He re
served h.s decision, debating whether
to grant the decree of divorce or to ap
point a commission In lunacy to deter
mine the mental coudltlon of the young
lxijctoal Reason in jr.
An amusing lit t le KiiKlisli hook en
tltli'tl "Cliililri'ira Snylujts," Just pul
lislitHl. contiilns tbe following: 'Two
llttlf rlillilren lii'liig awiiki-neil hy thi'lr
nurse one morning and told t tin i tliey
liml a new little lirotlier were keen, us
c lillilien are. to know where anil now
lie arrived. 'It must liuye heen the
milkman.' said the girl. "Why the
ml Ik inn n ?' 'Hecnuse he says on
cart. "Families Supplied." ' "
lrineess Ituyal.
The title of I'riueess Koyal, borne by
the Kinpress Frederick of Germany be
fore her marriage. Is not given to the
eldest daughter of English sovereigns,
but only to the first child should It hap
pen to be a girl.
When a man scolds, his wife doesn't
bear half he Bays through wondering
If tbe neighbors are listening. '
Increase of Working Women.
Only 60 years ago, but one women
worked to every 10 men. At present
the ratio is one to four. Thirty years
ago two-thirds of all tbe self-supporting
women were domestic servants.
Today only one-third are so employed.
World to End This Year.
This is the recent decision of one of the
prominent societies of the world, but the
exact tiny lias nut yet been fixed upon, and
wiiile there are. verv few people who believe
ibis prediction, there are thousands of
others wlm not onlv believe, lut know that
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is tha best
medicine to cure dyspepsia, indigestion,
constipation, biliousness or liver and kid
ney troubles. A fuir trial will certainly
convince you of its value.
As She Remembered Him.
Mr. Skimnierhorn (as the partici
pants in the debate became personal)
I was a tbuudering fool when I asked
yon to marry mel
Mrs. skimnierhorn Well, you look
ed it, dear.
She Needs Sympathy.
The poor woman whose husband
thinks he knows how to cook ia enti
tled to a lot of sympathy.
Remedy for Grip Sufferers:
Garfield Tea cleanses the system,
purines the blood, aids diges
tion and helps nature throw off
disease. It is made from H EK BS.
Rather Ancient.
"That western Napoleon of
finance whom you have written up in
today's paper must be a man of enor
mous longevity.'
Editor 'Why?"
"You say, 'lie is reputed to have
made $6,000,000 in as many years.' "
Captain Slocum Will be at Buffalo.
Captain Flocum and his famous
sloop, Ihe Spraj , in which he sailed
around the world, will be at the Pan-
American exposition.
ITITO Permanently Cured. No fits
lit alter flret 'In'-ii-enf lr k I i K ....
Reetorvr. Sen.l l..r PK B K S-.OO triel lH.ttleenl treat
ise. ba.R.11 KLi.HS.Ud..tai artiSt..Pull-delewia,ra.
Three Rules of Life.
Edward Everett Hale gives tk ThT
lowing three good rules for life: First,
lire as much as possible in the open
air; second, touch elbows with tbe
rank and file; third, talk every day
with a man vou know to ne your su
perior. Chinese as Beer Drinkers.
China's beverage is not confined en
tirely to tea. During 1699 she import
ed from Oermany beer to the amount
of 28S,0OO.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sootb
xp bvrup tbe best re,nedy to nse for their
shiioreu during the teething period.
Range War in Wyoming.
A fierce range war has been prevail
ing in Northwest Wyoming between
tbe sheep and cattle men. in one day
the cattlemen drove the sheep over a
precipice and killed 2.000 of them.
rhia sirnetara is on everv box of tha rnnaine
L Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabiau
tat eaises at cll tm aaae auty
Literary Note rrom the Century Co.
Tbe Century is to have a aerial story
by Irving Kacheller. tbe author of that
popular novel, "Eben Holden." It is
a border tale of 1813. Two types of
the men who have helped to make
Auieiica are set forth in it: one. a
Noiihern Yankee, quaint, rugi-ed and
xse; tbe other, a man who has the
hardy traits of a Puritan with the ro
maotic temperament of a caslier.
The scene of the stoiy is in tbe neigh
horbnod of Lake Cake Cbamplain, and
the title is "D'ri and I." It will be
gin in the March Century and run for
six mouths.
I do n,t believe Pico's Cure for Consump
tion lias an! for coughs and cold.
Jdh- F. Bores Triuitv Springs, Ind., Feb.
15, ISMu.
Steam Patrol Wagon.
Hartford's new steam patrol wagon,
which cost $2,"i00 weighs 3,000 pounds
an I is opt-rated at an expanse of two
aud a half ceufs a mile. It is of 12
horse power aud ruus from 15 to 20
miles an boor. In five minutes a
steam pressure of 200 pounds can be
generated from cold water.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
drUKgista rvlutid the money if it fails lo cure.
K. W. Urove's signature Is on each box. 2Jc. 1
To Remove Paine From Clothes. j
A painter advises how paint may be
removed from clothes that will wash. !
For a white garment or any goods that
will not fade, boiling watet is suffi
cient. For colored cottons rub com
inon kitchen soap thoroughly on the
spot, and let it soak in clear water
over night, when the paint will readily
peel off. leaving no stain and without
any injury to tbe fabric. I
AVtgetable Preparation for As
similating tlicFoodandRcgiila
ling the Stoinachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur
ness and Rest.Contains neilliep
tmim.Morphr,ie norlincxal.
yOev- a-sum nptrcHW
wSa-e.fwW e
rNree ,le -
Apctfecl Rpmedy forConstipa
non. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feveristv
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
i .east -a JtwSwk-T raasa-i'i -r; in
Uses Pe-ru-na
For Colds
A Letter From the Executive Office of Oregon.
The governor of Oregon is an ardent
admirer of Pe-ru-na. lie keeps it
continually in the house. In a recent
letter to Dr. Hartman he says:
State of Oregon,
Executive Department.
Salem, May 9. 1898.
The Pe-rnn-na Medicine Co., Co
luniDns, O.:
Dear Sirs: I have had occasion to
use your Pe-ru-na medicine in my
family for colds, and it proved to be
an excellent remedv. I have not had
occasion to use it for other ailments.
Yours very truly, W. M. Lord.
Any man who wishes perfect health
must be entirely free from catarrh.
catarrh Is well nigh universal; almost
Omnipresent. Pe-ru-na is the only ab-
solute safeguard known. A cold is the
beginning of catarrh. To prevent
colds, to cure colds, is to cheat catarrh
Ink Used by Ancient Romans.
Pliny says that the liquor of the cut-
tlerisb was" often used by the Komass
as an ink. It was considered enoerior
to the lamp black preparation, bnt it
was not used so freely on account of
its much greater cost.
Will Throw Ught 50 Miles.
A searchlight on the electric tower
of tbe Pan-American exposition will
cast rays for a distance of 50 miles.
Largest Guns in the World.
The biggest things in the way of
gnns ever produced will be exhibited
at the Pan-American exposition.
I totj know -what top are taking
When von take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic,
oecausa tne formula is plainly printed on every
bottle Bbowine that it la simply Iron and Qui
nine in a tasteless form. Ko Cure, No Pay. 6uc
Religious Work at Bufalo.
Several prominent religions papers
are agitating the subject of religious
work at 1'utfalo during the Pan-American
exposition next summer.
Canada at Pan-American.
Canada will have a bnilding at the
Pan-American exposition, and tnake a
comprehensive display ot the coun
try's great resonices and industries.
Population vs. Miles of Railroad.
While New York state is first in
point of population it is seventh in
miles of railroad, according to one au
thority. Illinois, the third in popula-
i tion. is the greatest railroad state.
with nearlv 11.000 miles of track.
Pennsylvania is second both in popula
tion and in railroad tracks.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Sea Pac-Sinslla Wrapper Below.
OKHVUfa. lVlarT aMftr-t taMATV.C.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
I Tear saaall as.
take as si
I Price I
t Casts!
m a
M mJ Ml
in His Family
and Grip. ,
-"t -YTTIll-rr.. ""Vi iftl il
out of its victims. Pe-ru-na not onlv
cures catarrh, but prevents. Every
household shouh' be supplied with this
great remedy for coughs, colds, and so
It will be noticed that the governor
says he has not had occasion to use
Pe-ru-na for other ailments. Tbe tea
son for this ia, most other ailments be
gin with a cold. Using Pe-ru-na to
piomptly cure colds, he protects bis
family against other ailments. This is
exactly what every other family in the
United States should do. Keep l'-w-na
in tbe house. Use it for co
colds, la grippe, and other climat
; lections of winter, and there -tuil
no other aiimeuta iu the houFa.
j families should provi.le them .
! with a copy of Dr. Hartman's tree ....
entitled "Winter Catarrh." A.-"
, Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio.
j Needs Be Unselfish.' ,
I We nave n iaa that a woma
08 unselfish to live comer
tnrougn mat period when her sol- i
fer young girls to her, and ber hi
begins to take his daughters on.
leave her at home.
A Tragedy.
She If yon had no idea when we
con Id get married, why did yon pro-
pose to me?
"To tell the truth, darling, 1 had no
idea yon would accept me."
T2ia Bast Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in
a tasteless form. Ho Cure, Ko Pay. Prica 60c
New Proposed National Parity
The national park of 1,297 square
miles proposed at tbe head waters of
the Mississippi will, if it is' estab
lished, be tbe first in the central region
of the country.
They Wouldn't Rip.
"Wh-it do yon call these?" he asked
at tbe breakfast table.
"Flannel cakes," replied the wife of
his bosom.
"Flannel? They made a mistake
and sold yon corduroy this time."
To Prevent the Plague.
Ceylon is setting its house in order
against tbe arrival of the plague. In
the past year in Colombo tbe munici
pality baa bad 60.000 rats-kirled.
If yon eMsTen't a rTitar. benUbf mo-rement of th
bowels every dy, you're ich. or will be. strep y um
bo wen open, and be well. Force. In iti itiavpe of
f ioleot pbyste or pill poison, ia Girtjas. Tbe
'.momnest. eulest. moit per fret way u imiii.InI Ibm
ocw Ala clear um cletu. im to tflaviv
Pleasant. Palatable. Poient T.iTGoor1 Do Gnnd.
aSawer Sicken. Weaken, or Uripe. loo. bnc Wriia
Tor free sample, and booklet on baltb. Addreu
W'-H's. KMtsalj m?mmr, Cl-Jra, MMi-vet, ftw Tasrk. Ma
Buy from the mannfarturer. Price in lull rolla
2 feet witle, lro feet long .... $!."
S 2.47
4 ' - " " " S.J0
5 - a i i
" - ,
All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work.
149 Front 1st.. Psnlaari, O -
o can't mak a mistak it 70a got i
Witehell, Iieaiis & Staver Co.
Don't You Want
The vrt'ttient ('Bleiidar oui this wasonf
f m, Mrtut your UMiiit and also uaiuea a. id
aiidrcssH-s of tivw rHiichers in vour niii.i
U tuKMi, mud oue wilt be a ailed you (re-
, M;l orn.lck 11. M. ( o..
rn. Ave., Port lit ad. Ore.
Heirs of I'tilim SoMiers who bomsieaded le
tli an ItiO ftcn ii before .tune '-."a., lt74 (110 matter if
nb-iniioiKM.), should ldresk
HKNKY N. (OPT. WitRhlnitoit, 1.C. -
nd ct tfrsTsti n Din ton
MILO. B. NTEVENS A Estftb. 1864.
Div. 4. 817 Hth Street. WASHINGTON D. O.
Branch offices: Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit
from 15 to 25 lbs. per mom b b a
hurmless ireatmeut. 'I'bousaiida
cured. Mn. M. A. Mad. roue, i.H
Uawlev Hi.. Kucbesier. N. Y..
writes: "Four year o 1 waifi
reduoed 48 poonds by your Tat li
able treat ment. Mv ecierlenfsB
an Trained Nurse ban Laubt me thedanjrertof Fatty
Uen-tneratlon Have uot .aiiid." Patients treated
by mallooufldeutiallT. tKorpar.lonlarsaddreu.wlit-
"Ump, DK.'-'.C..DtR. 131 . ftatmic Tfmpl.Uicago,Ui
ITCH 1NO 1'iles produce moUture and cause ltcbfntr.
This form, aa well a l.llnd. lilfedlng r Protrudln
Piles are cured by Dr.Boaanko's Pit Ram-edy.
Stops Itch In a and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 50c a
Jar atdruKKiMta or sent hy mi-11. Treatise free. 'Write
me about your case. Int. UuSANKU. Ph iada. Pa
H. P. N. O.
Ao. 8-l01.
WHS5N wrltlnc ta ade.rtlsars plaasa
Baantlim tills yapar.