Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 14, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. V. NO. 14.
Meets in M aaonie Temole on Saturda be
low full moon of eaca month.
T. M. BaXDWIX, W. M.
J. N. WtlijABOOX, Secretary.
Meet K-orirt and fourth Thursday ot MCb
saonta. in Masonic temple.
Ms- T. M. JULrs-l.N, W. M.
David P. AtkAlrsox, Sec
1 1 la Odd Fellowa' hall every Saturday even
ing. J. a. ur, i.
Casta Corks, Secretary.
ICJCA LODGE, K0. 6A, K. of P. Meets in
j Odd Felloaa' hall every Wednralay even
Int. All brothers in good standing invited to
attend. C. W. tLKINS, C. C
U. istCRBL, K. of B. and 8.
Vf tn Odd KUos' hall on the second aud
fonrtb Mondays ol each month.
w. Dunn, M. w.
C Cohks, Re-sorder.
SrSBKAM l OPflS. SO. (, D. of H. Meets
at Odd Fellows' hall every Tiidav even
ing, mrh. W a. Pbvpkb, Chief of Honor.
MM. R. P. BklkkaF, Kec
Hotel Prineville
Has established its reputation as the MOST
WELL-KEPT HOTEL in Crook County.
Headquarters for Stockmen
Prices Reasonable
Terminus of All Stajre Lines.
The ftegiilator Line
From All Parts cf the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Important fa.
pcnins of the Past Week In a
Condensed Form.
The senate p issed the war tnx bill.
Tbe Hoera have cut the Netherlands
of World. Meets at odd Fellows' hall on
the first and third Thursday eveniucs of each
snonui. M. A. Bat-t,
Consul Commander.
3. lir-ScCrixoce), Clerk.-
Si cie. Meeba at fellows' nan every r n
ay evening. ; HniS. I BiLKMr.
Worthy viuanlian.
Mrsa MiKKtt Caooxs, Clerk.
Physician .nd Sargeoa
Office in the rear of Belknap A Moore's
Drugstore. -
Oraf ok.
0. HXDE, H. D.
Ftjslc!u aid Simeon.
Phone So. 8. Residence, in Kew
sonie's Addition.
Call anesrered promptly, day or night.
Office vti h lr. V. UewneT." Reei-deac-w.
Rrdby Hotel.
A C PaLM R -
Ittomty-tt-Lii isi I o tar j Public
All busin-ea promptly and carefully st
teratied to. Collections a
Specialty. 1
riavtll - - Ors.
tnREGT-ATOR an "DAtXFS CITY" daily between Tha Dallet and
Portland. Pttvam-nger and t-reigbt Service.
W offer unmi9s4 ln.1nre.nent to pnssrn(rr, and rerctfully Mltrlt their nat
ronjx. Our peciKllie r iiiriri, itulrk Tim ttiit liminir. Our Bicamrrr
have been put iu U.oru(u retur, nd taxciUue auaU lor U cowiort au4 -um oi
Too wort curt not be aatd la fttTor of this line a a pleanrvronte. It t altnat enonrt
lo that "ll is down the Oolumbia. The cooling or-, the eoeuerr. tik
(retuon trotm smoke aad dual. ooaUim U maJt,e it mmi enjofaaie irtp. ley iu
W are at aH times prepared to handle carefnlW treljrhl of all kinds, with yron,it
m. e hT a cotnmxlioua arrhue, where shipments ran be taken oaie ol un
til called (or. Wool sud wheal ah ipiuenta aapoctaiay soUOated.
Onr ratM will alwars be found as low as the laweat. sad alwar low aa la njible
to mat them. Oar aim ts lo endtvr to keep in line wi ih our former iol', and
n ae it iu .act aa well aa name, M ti RK(.L1.ATXR LINK." Write (or ra: and
lliutraied (oiter. Pnrvha roar Uckeu and tkhip your fraifht via the Htviit LjtTuR
Ll N Ik. 1,'orcwi.pondence aoiiuiiel.
V. C. ALL A WAY, General Agent, The Dalles, Or.
General Commission and
Forwarding Merchant
S.ill in Business at the Old
and Weli-Known Stand
Lir? iri g R . R. Depot
Doings of Importance at the State Capital-
Bills Passed.
ittonej ud Counsellor it Lit
Or. an.
The Dalle., Or.
c palmer
Quteu Wilhplmiiia nnd Duke Henry
were man ied.
Thirl; thtmsand men will be sent to
reiuli'Tie Kitchener.
Two leading Mauila tnerchants were
arrented fur atlitig ineureuts.
The eovernment ha taktn steps to
pei feet title to islets north of Luzon.
The foreign envoys deinan l the dentb
penalty be ImposeJ on 12 Chinese otli
uials The sale of the CHrnegis, Company
to the Morgan syndicate ia aa accom
plished faot.
The president has sent to the senate
the noiniiiatii'D of Ira J. Miles, to be
postmaster at bedro-Wolley, Wash.
Nichlas Michaels, a saloonker per,
'and bis wile, were brutitlly beateu by :
i tbogs, iu Chicago, aud rollJ of $2,300. '
! In a freight train collison near Kip-
lev. Tenn., the eugitieer and a tramp:
were killed. The Illinois Central's
loss is J160.0O0. j
Arbitration committee reached an
agreement which will mean the eud of
tbe buidliug trades strike that has ex
isted in Chicago for over a year. ;
Marcel L. Silverniau, a jewelnr, who
was soot through the ina 1 in New
York, ilied. The police are investigat
ing suicide and mur-ler theories. j
A serious election riot has oconred at
Massar Yasserueliy, lluujaiy. Largo
crowds of people threaten j the iren (
rtitruieH, and toe latter tired, killing
three and wounding 3 I pereous.' j
Lnrenso Priori, w bo uiurdereil Vin
ceuio (iarjsn, in New York City, De
cemlier II, 1S9S. was put to death in
tbe elactrio cbuir at Sim: Siug. It re
quired two shocks to kill him. I
The saloonkeepers of Wichita. Kan.,
are expecting another raid. Several
women have bought hatchets to use in
demolishing the jotuta." ' Thirty
guards with deputy sheriff coin ui la
fii.ns have een appointed.
But glare bnnud and gagged the post
mistress at Koagford. a suburb tf To
ledo, O., and rihhed the office of $150
in stamps and S5 in coin. Lightl
matches were applied to her feet, and
she was strock over tbe bead and bra
tally kicked iu tbe side.
Emperor William bas returned
t .
Mrs. Nation wrecked another Topeka
Milea is promoted to be lieutenoaot-
Preparations continue at Tbe Hague
for tbe royal wedding;.
Aid for Orphanages.
The bouse committee on corpora
tions Wednesday rendered a favorable
report on the bill by Holcomb provid
ing state aid for all orphan asylums of
not to exceed $10 per annum per in
mate. Bills Passed.
The house Wednesday passed hills as
follows: By Mulkey. to give old bor
rowers of school funds the benefit of
same rate of interest as given to new
borrowers; by Smith, of Yamhill, to
amend the charter of Sheridan; by
Masters, to 1 educe fees of wituesses
and jnrors in Douglas, Jackson and
Josephine counties; by Porter, to re
duce tne salary of Clackamas roonty
judge from $1,203 to $730, beginning in
The senate Wednesday passed tbe
followiftr bills: Senate bill No. 77. re
auirinir that sentence of death be exe
cuted at the penitentiary, by the super
I inteudent or a warden; senate bill No.
83. relating to the proof of writings;
senate Dill No. 86. to create the ottlce
of state bacteriologist, without pay
senate bill No. 85, relating to title of
floating logs: senate bill No. 103, to
authorize district and county high
schools; senate bill No. 115, a substi
tute for tbe original, to fix tbe fees to
i be paid oonnty clerks; senate bill No.
I 18S, to amend the charter of Vernonia,
, Columbia county; senate bill No. 193.
. to incorporate Grass Valley; senate
: bill No. 109, to amend tbe scalp boun
Sentence Was Pasesd on
E. Youtsey.
Prisoner Protested His Innocence, Declaim His
Conviction Was Accomplished by
Subornation of Perjury.
ty law.
Passed by Both Houses.
Bills passed by both bouses are as
follow!:: senate bill 12, providing for
sale of school lands; senate bill 119,
amending charter of Sheridan; senate
bill 17. tiling fees of witnesses in
Douglas, Jarkson and Josephine coun
ties in criminal actions; senate bill 95,
fixing salary of judge of Clackamas
Signed by the Governor.
Tbe governor Wednesday signed tbe
following bills: House bill 257, re
linquishing ground to United States for
postoflice at Salem; bouse bill 137,
amending Myrtle Point charter; bouse
bill 130, amending Med ford charter;
house bill 3. amending Albanv bridge
act; bouse bill 4, appropriating $15.
000 for Oregon Agricultural College;
boue bill 25. approprating 947.000 to
Oregon State University; senate bill
103, ameuding Sumpter charter; sen
ate nill 104, removing incline at Cas
cade locks.
Georgetown, Ky., Feb. 7. Henry
E. Youtsey was sentenced by Judge
Cantrill this afternoon, and tomorrow
will be' taken to Frankfort to enter
upon bis term of lifn imprisonment.
Youtsey was pale and weak when be
stood up to teceive the sentence of tbe
court. His wife sat near by and heard
tbe sentence of the law consigning hor
husband to the penitentiary for lifn,
but bore up under the ordeal bravely.
Briefly, Judge Cantrill outlined tbe
progress of the case from tbe time of
tbe indictment until the returning ot
tbe verdict.
"Now," continued tbe judge, "have
yon any reason to give wby sentence
should not be pronounced upon yon
Youtsey shifted bis position slightly
and cleared bis throat. One hand
clutched tbe lapel of bis coat aud tbe
other rested on the table. Tbe court
room was perfectly quint. In a low
but audible tone Youtsey spoke these
"I bave nothing to say, except that
I am innocent, and that tny conviction
was accomplished only by base and in
famous subornation of perjury
Tben be quietly sat down. For a
moment no one spoke.
That was a subiect wbicb you
should bave addressed to the jury
which convicted you." answeied tbe
judge. "It is tbe judgment of this
court that you be removed by the
sheriff of Scott county to the state pen
itentiary at Frankfort, and there be
confined at hard labor for tbe period of
your natural life.
Tbe cae of Barbour Weaver, accused
of perjury in the Powers case, was
called for trial in tbe circuit court
this morning, but, owing to tbe ab
sence of more than bait of tbe witnesses
for tbe defense, was passed until tbe
afternoon to give attorneys an oppor
tunity to prepare an affidavit of what
tbe absent witnesses will testify to.
Prominent Manila Merchants Arrested
An American and Spaniard.
Manila, Feb. 8. Theodore Carranzn,
prominent and wealthy Spanish mer
chant, and hemp and cocoannr. hnyer,
aa arrested this afternoon, charged
with furnishing supplies to aid tbe
insurgents. Carranza is a partner of
D. M. Carmen, an American contractor
and owner of boats, who bas considera
ble transportation contracts with the
Tbe provost marshal and secret ser
vice oflicials bave been watching a
number of merchants and transporta
tion men for some time past. The
police officials bad a long interview
with Carranza and at the close of tbe
intetview the latter was placed in con
finement in the Anda street police sta
tion. Carman was arrested tonight,
and after considerable qnestioning was
sent to the same station.
The men are charged Jwith conduct
ing tbe business of buying copra (tbe
dried kernel ot tbe cocoanut, broken up
for export), from insurgent presidentes
at Pagtanjan, on tbe eastern extremity
of Laguna de Bay, and also with pay
ing assessments to the insurgent cause.
Tbe evidence adduced tonight was
to tbe effect that tbe prisoners bave
supplies ot the striped clothing nsed
for insurgent nni forms. Both insurg
ent presidentes who claim to bave dealt
with Cairanza and Carman are now
imprisoned in Manila. One of them.
Fabella. fears hanging, because be was
captured as an insurgent aftei having
sworn allegiance to the United States.
He made strong statements intending
to implicate Carman and Carranza, and
confirming the statements of Beich,
who became presidente of Paf-sanjan
after Fahella's arrest. The police
have letters and verbal ttatements
from Carman, who sought Fabella's
release asserting that be wai a patri
otic American subject. Aocording to
papers found, both presidentes are
culpable insurgents. Carranza and
Carman admit dealing with tbe insurg
ents, but deny contributing to their
cause or furnishing them with supplies
Carman is one of the best known
Americans in Manila. He bas a mo
nopoly of carrying goods going through
the customs bouse ashore, from tbe
ships, and bas made a greiit deal of
money. He possessed tbe confidence
of General Otis. Other Manila mer
chants are being investigated.
Of a
Fast Mail Train on the
Erie Road.
Amont; the Victims Were a Party of Soldiers
en the Way to the Philippines Hardly
a Passenger Escaped Injury.
Greenville, Pa., Feb. 9. Train No.
5, the New York -Chicago limited on
tbe Erie railroad, was wrecked tbis
morning within tbe town limits. Five
passengers were dead when taken from
the wreck, several are missing and
there are many badly injured.
Hardly a passenger escaped without
injury. Tbe ill-fated train was com
posed entirely of vestibuled Pullmans,
three sleepers, a day coach, combina
tion smoker and baggage and mail car.
and was drawn by one of tbe Atlantio
type of engines. It was in the smok
ing compartment that death laid a
rutnless band, for not one of the 16 oo
enpanta escaped death or injury. A
party of soldiers, nine ia nnraber, on
tbeir way from Fort Porter, N. Y., to
Fort Crook, Neb., in charge of Sergeant-Major
Harry A. Hart, of New
York, occupied a part of tbe smoker.
Of the number three were killed and
two seriously injured. They were un
der orders for the Philippines and
would have sailed in a short time.
U. S. Commissioner.
Lavnd Filings and Final Proofs Gives
Special Attention.
or tcann.
dzalib rat
Liquors.. Cigars
Main Street
Cary House Bar
Prompt attention wili be paid to tht e who favor me with tbeir patronage,
Prineville &
yarai;Spring5,;...,..4 ,v .
J. E. CAMPBELL, Proprietor.
Fine . wines. lips mill Jps
T V ' ' ' J. --
W BBtitflr av
I a m9' T
Tonsorial Parlors
Leaves Prineville at 6 a. m. on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, connecting at Warm Springs with stage for The
Dalies and wav points. . T
Leaves Warm Springs at 6 a m. on Monday, Wednesday
;ind Friday, connecting at Prineville with stages to Burns,
Lakeview, and other points.
Through to The DIles n JOAYTI M E. Fare. $7.50.
Rourd trip, $13.50. Gogd accommodations at all stations, and
comfortables-vehicles. ,
.Particular attention given to freight and,,express. Rate,
from The Dalles to Prineville, 2 cents per pound.
, Stage offices at Templeton & Son's, Prinille, and
Umatilla HK?y. Thealles.
are still being
German expeditions
sent out from 1'ekin.
Tbe transport Mcl'berson is ashore
near Matanxas. and will be a total loa.
C lone! Albert Hartluff, assistant
surgeon-general, U. S. A., bas been re
tired. Tbe Chinese and foreign envoys met
at I'ekin to discuss tbe question of penalties.
to life tra
in the Goe-
Ilotice is hereby given that I have
appointed tbe following named persons-'
1ejraty Stoxk Inepictors:
J. I'. Cart right Hay Creek-
Krneat Sherar. . m Cross Keys
Harry Webb Ai-hwood
K. fjparks Meter,
A. Morrow Havstack
. M. Smith....' : .. Paulina
RceoeKnox fost
T. C. Swain . . B ar Creek
J.H. Bogne...... T...KoUind
AkiX M Intosn 0 ... Hardin
Stock Inspector of Crook County.
leaves Slfcniko at P. M.
Ueaves Prineville at 6 P. M. ev
Tea cannot sell your toods
Ccless too advertise tbem
Is tbe best medium la
Crook Connty.g
The Prineville & Shaniko
" GEO. M. COllNETT, nager.
Youtsey was aentenre-1
prisonment for edappliciCy
bel mender. . ,
jLa Athena, VkJl eleerrio conrpany
mat build a plant wbicb will supply
power to feux towns. "
The Utah legiafatuxe passed a resoht
tion favoring tbe ele tion of United
Statee senators by direct vote.
Blackford, a small town in northern
Kentucky, on tbe Illinois Central rail
road, bas been wiped out by tire.
Northern Pai-tflo freight train in
Cascade mouutains ran away, killing
one man and injming several otuers.
Patents for 1,699 acres of timber
land in Clatsop couutv, Cr., bave been
filed for record. Tbe propeity bas all
been purchased by an Astoria xmipauy.
Rear-Admiral F. Rogers his been
detached from, duty as presitjeut of the
board of inspection ami suivey. lie
is to take command of one ol the two
divisioiia of the' Asiatic squadron.
John Hathaway, a resident of North
Yakima, Wash., mysteriously disap
peared from his home last week, lie
left saving that be was going fishing,,
k3nd soming bas beent heard of hint
elates haf purcftwsed. from Andrew
Carnegie a dbntrolfing, aiutetext Itf the
Carnegie CoiupaftT. While the pur-.
chate price is unknown, it in thought
toabe not less than $H5.000,000.
The Vote.
The vote Wednesday stood: It. W.
Corhett, 30; George W. McBride. 91;
William Smith. Democrat. 26: Binger
Hermann, 7; C. W. rulton, 9; F. A.
Moore, I; S. A. Lowell. 1; not voting,
Bills Passed.
Tbe bills passing tne senate Tuesday
were as follows:
By Fulton, fixing the rate of interest
at 6 per cent.
By Stelwer, relating to tbe time of
holding court in tbe Seventh judicial
By Smith, of Multnomah, regulating
tbe practice of dentistry.
By Dalv, relating to selections and
sale of swamp and overflowed lands.
Senate bill No. 176, by Webrung. to
amend tbe charter of Cornelius.
Senate bill. No 177. by Johnston
to iucorpoiate Wasco.
House bill No. 220, to amend charter
of Stayton.
Senate bill No. 68. by Brownell, for
holding a constitutional convention
Senate bill No. 63, by Mulkey, to
amend the barbers' commission bill
Senate bill No. 7Q. by Sweek, to
ameud the Wade bill as to taxation.
Senate bill No. 161. by Johnston, to
incorporate Hood Kiver.
' ' , &
Pan-American Exposition.
Oregon' Pan-American commission
era met with the ways and means com
mittee Tuesday morning for the pur
pose of pressing tbe appropriation of
$:0,000 asked for the Oregon exhibit.
But two members of the ways and
means committee appeared to be in
favor of a smaller appropriation, be
lieving tbat $20,. 100 would be sntticient
As the importance of a creditable Ore
gon exhibit at Munalo. however, is
generally recognized, there is every
reason to believe that the full amount
a-ked for will be scheduled in theon
era i appropriation utn.
Great Northers Seems to Be Proceeding oa
Extensive Plans.
Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 7. Options
on 500,000 worth of property in tbe
east end of ancouver have just been
secured by the Great Northern rail
way. The property is a water front on
False creek, a bianrb of Knglisb bay.
The company intends building a cana1
from deep water on tbe main harbor
aide of tbe city to tbe site tbat baa been
Two weeks ago tbe Great Northern
acquired tbe charter of tbe Victoria,
Vancouver & Eastern railway, whose
projected lice ia 300 miles in length.
from tbe Kootenai mining cities to
Vancouver. Tbe plan is for tbe east
ern end of tbe line to connect with the
Great Northern system running out of
Spokane, which will give a separate
outlet at the cast, besides Seattle. To
cross the Fraser river at Westminster
is another featare of the project, and
trom there to Vancouver. 12 miles, a
road will lie built.
McPhersoa Ran On a Reef Near Matanzas
There Is No Hope of Saving Her.
Havana, Feb. 7. Tbe United States
transport McPherson ran about hal
her length on a reef eight miles west
ot Matanzas in a fog this morning,
while on ber way. from New York to
Mantanzaa. All the pasergers were
transfsared in tbe ship's boats, and the
freight was unloaded.
A heavy westerlv wind swung the
McPherson broadside to the shore this
afternoon. She pounded a lare hole
amidsnips. her engines shifted and tbe
shaft has sprung. There is no hope of
saving her, as she will sink if pulled
off. She ia rolling in the heavy seas
and ia pounding badly, and will go to
pieces if tbe wind increases.
County Seat Fight.
Vauderliilt has
i fcis fiani-e, Elsie tFrpuoh.'xs'
Meeting1 of Boer Sympathizers.
Frankfurt, Feo. 7. At a meeting of
the Boer sympathizers here today, at
tended by some 6,000 people, a resoln
While the repffrts that will be made Britain to stop the wariu South Africa
use aymmlttee on connugs on christian Dewet, a nephew of tbe Boer
commander, was present, and was car
ried around tbe ball on the shoulders
of the1 promoters ot tbe meeting.
eyry day. and arrives In Prineville at 8 AvjW"
cry day, ana arrives in snanmo in i nonrs. at
Carries the U.
8. mail, passengers and express.
: Connects at Prinevil'e withstages for Eastern ami Southern Oretrou, Nortbern
I'aliiornia and interior points. -AlSo,njakeB connection at bbaniko with trains
In Portland and all Eaa ern points.
w u. - .
- Gorjll aerommodations along the road. We have recently pnVon new thorough-J
t ai.e oacnes, ami now nave tue Bijinpscu auige uiw in eastern regua. tor
be accommodation of tbe traveling public. 4 a. p f
'AJ1 persona wishing passage mnst way-bill at offices! before taking passage;
otli.'-ra will not be re eived Express must be way-biileal at tbeomces, or Stage
Company will not be responsible. - '.
The Company will take no risk on money transmitted.
' Particnlar attention given to delivering express matter at Prineville and all
Southern points in Oregon, and advance charges will be paid by the company.
At Adamson & Winnek Co., In Prinvllle.
TOO. Q00 to
UaK marriage portion. r ' '
A Montreal paper warns Fgnlatid
to cease iueultiug. Frent-h-CauadiaUb,
declaring the British goveinmeut holds
Canada through the people of Quebec
orovinoe. ' ' , r-4
Abraham Oppenheimer, a fhiladelr
'phia citizen of 80 years, astonisheifatl)
observers by doing some wondttrfnily
fancy skating on the' asMid in Fremont
- Mrs. John C. Heenab, widow of the
once famous pngilHt, is still acting on
the stage, -being knows as MiastSaraa
Stevens, which sas her maiden'nam
A syndicato controls every 'theater
in Broadway, New York.': William
Winter, the veteran dramatic critic,
protests against placing arfron a com
mercinl basis.
OffioiaL statistics of the foreign trade
of the port of New York, tor tbe cal
endar year of 1900 sho increase
in tbe aggregate movement of mer
chandise to the extent ol oVer $67,-000,000.
the Mffnienr county seat fight " are
known,, it is by no means certain that
these reports will settle the contest
The majotity report, signed by Mc
Greer, Pearce, Allen and Harris, is in
favor of Ontario. Tbe minority re
port, signed by . Orton 'alone, favors
Vale, the present conrfty seat. Tbe
Vale people, however, are by'no mean
discouraged, claiaiing To have both the
niaj ritvof the taxpayers of tbe connty
and the"fifhprrlv bnck otthtjr position.
The fight therefore pidmises to be an
interesting one.
. Foi Clark Sword Fund.'
In the house Wednesday-Eddy in
troduced a concurrent resolution pro
viding fot an appropriation of $-t!2 for
the completion of tbe Captain Clark
sword fuud.
Grain Law Nearly Ready.
The kouse committee on game for
estry and game fishes is about ready to
report on the general game hill report
ed by! Eddy. But few radical changes
have. been made in the old law.
. f ' Barber BilL '
" The tffort to have the Sunday clos
ing law for barbers reootifidrjf ed met
with potent.' - As soon as tbe -governor
affixes bis signature the great reform
week day , shaving will te an acom
plished faot, unless the supreme court
decides it unconstitutional.
Four Hundred Families Lose Everything They
Have Twenty Lives Lost.
Baku, Russian Transcaucasia, Feb.
8. A fire broke out yesterday in the
magazines of tbe Caspian & Black Sea
Company, which contained 6,000,000
poods of petroleum. Tbe conflagration
resulted in great loss of life and wide
spread damage. The flames spread to
other depots having a capacity of 12,-
000,000 poods of naphtha, which pour
ed out like a stream, inundating and
setting fire to tbe dwellings of tbe
workmen, which were totally destroy
al. M an v persons perished. Twenty
charred bodies have been found, and
upwards of 60 people are terribly
burned. Four hundred families lost
everything they possessed. The maga
zines are still burning, and neighboring
reservoirs are in great danger. A gen
eral panic prevails. Eight naputha
stirimts belonging to the Melikoff,
Halski and Caspian Companies, csragbl
fire February 3.
Earthquake at Sea.
San Francisco, Feb. 8, A violent
eathquake threw the steamer Guatemala
partly out of tbe water and caused the
vessel to tremble from stem to stern for
at least a minute off tbe coast of Ecua
dor daring her last trip. Tbe shock
took place when the Guatemala was
five miles off tbe coast, about 160 miles
south of Guayaquil, at 7:15 o'clock on
the evening of January 10. On reach
ing Guayaquil it was learned that the
most violent earthquake in the history
of the pla e had taken place at the
moment when the Guatemala had been
so shaken. No sejrious damage was
Earnings of the Diamond Match Company.
Chicago, Feb. 8. At the annual
meeting of the stockholders and direc
tors of tbe Diamond Match Company,
which was held in this city today, the
old officers and board of director were
elected. Tbe annual statement showed
that net earnings equal to 13.3 per
cent on the $15,000,000 capital stock
hare been earned. President Barber
stated that the company's 'progress in
England is very satisafctory, 40 per
cent having been earned in 1900,
against 10 per cent in 18&9. The Pern
factory was also reported to be operat
ing satisfactorily.
Nominations Confirmed.
Washington, Feb. 6. 'The senate, in
executive .session, made the
Terrible Explosion in a Mexican Mine Killed
Eighty-seven Persons.
Chihuahua, Max., Feb. 9. Word
bas just reached here of one of the most
terrible miniug disasters tbat ever oc
curred in Mexico. An explosion In
the San Andrea mine, situated in a re
mote locality of tbe Sierra Madres, in
tbo western part of the state of Du-
rango, caused the death ot 87 men.
women and children, and injured
many others. Tbe catastrophe was
dne to the explosion ot several hundred
cases of dynamite, which was stored in
an underground chamber of the mine.
Electrio wires connecting with lbs
hoisting machinery passed tbrongu the
room in which this dynamite was
stored, and it ia supposed that tbesa
w'ree became crossed, thereby causing
a fire which set off the dynamite.
All of tbe killed an injured were
located on the surface, most of tbem
occupying residences right over the
under-ground workings of tbe mine.
Tbe explosion tore away tbe .whole t-p
of the mountain on which tbe village
was located, and men, women and
children were blown into small pieces.
Among those who were killed was Her
man Luetztnan, the stipeiiutendent of
tbe mice and all the members of bis
At the time of the explosion there
wete several hundred minan a work
in tbe lower workings of tbe mine,
and, strange to say, none of tbem were
seriously injured, although they were
all severely shocked by the terrific
force of the explosion. They rushed
to the surface through one of the shafts
that was not filled with debris and the
sight tbat met tbeir eyes in tbe almost
complete destruction of the little vil
lage is indescribable. Tbe work of
gathering up the fragments of the un
fortunate victims of tbe explosion scat
tered over tbe mount tin was begnn.
and they were placed together ami
buired in one grave. But few of the
mangled remains were rcneniznlde.
Summons were sent to neighboring
camps for surgeons to attend to tbe in
jured, aud it was some time before
they atTived.
The San Andres mine is tbe most
celebrated silver mine in Mexico. It
is valued at $20,000,000. lt has pro
duced many millions of dollars worth
of ore.
Wrecked at a Crossing.
Pittsburg, Pa.. Feb. 9. The Penn
sylvania limited express train ran into
tbe rear of tbe Cleveland express on
the Pennsylvania line at the Allegheny
avenue crossing this morning, wreck
ing tbe engine of the limited and tbe
rear slewper of tbe Cleveland express.
The passengers on the limited we a
shaken up but not injured. Only one
passenger on the Cleveland express,
Henry L-ublans, of New Vork, was ser
iously injured, but several sustained
slight bruises. Failure to flag tbe lim
ited is said to bave been the cause ol
the collision.
Robbed of His Purse.
North .Yak ima, Feb. 7. A ajriew ar
rival from .Canada, a young man named
Ferrowe. wasrdubed of his purse in his
room in the Lowe block this morning.
The foes was small, amounting to only
ncHtt $15, but as thia was all the voting
man sad with him in. a strange land
It was quite serious to him.
The Vote for Senator..
The vote for senator Tuesday stood
H. VV. Corbett, 29; George
Bride, 31; Binger Hermann,
liam Smith, Democrat, 26; C.
son, ; F. A. Moore, 9; S. A
V; not voting, 1.
W. Mo
8; Wll
W. Fnl-Liowell,
Brought Back From Cuba.
New York. Feb. 7.- James J. Thomp
aon, former correspondent at Petroir
for the Standard Accident Insurance
Company, who is alleged to bave ap
propriated $3,000 of the compunv's
money and fled to Cnoa, was brought
back from that island today .under ar
rest. He will be taken td Detroit.
Thompson was at work in the U sited
States quartermaster s department at
confirmations: Franklin Moses, of
Alaska, to be register ot the land office
at 8t. MielTl, Alaska. Postmasters
Oregon.H. J Howard, Cottage Grove
Washington, Francis M. Schebele,
Wenatchie. '
Shot His Fiances,
j Oakland, Cal., Feb. 9. In a frenzy
: of rage,' because she had broken tbe eu
aggemenL Bert Henderson, an eui
i ploye of roe telephone copmany in San
1 Francisco, shot and seriously wounded
1 his fiancee. Miss Fannie O'Neill, late
i iast night, then turned the pistol on
hmself. tired a bullet into bis own
brain and died almost instantly.
Laborer's lnurics Proved Fatal.
Med ford, Or.. Feb? 7. Owen Short,
who has baen employed aa blacksimth
with tbe Sonthem Pacific bridge gang,
in the Cow creek canyon, died at
Grant's Pass yesterday from the effects
of injuries received by being struck by
a falling boulder while engaged in
helping clear away the big lansllde
vrhioh occurred at West Fork Sun
day night. His remains were taken to
his home at Phoenix todaj, and burltd
in the Phoenix cemetery. He was 98
years af ags, and leaves wife.
German Capital in China.
The amount of German capital in
vested in China is over $70,000,000.
Progress of the Mosquito Fleet.
Cape Spartel, Morocco, Feb. 7- The
Unite! states cruiser Annapolis and
the gunboats Frolic, Pisi-ataqtia and
Woiiiputuck. constituting the mosquito
fleet, passed Cape Spartel today.
General Acosta a Prisoneatl.
Caracas, Venezuela, Feb. 8. (Via
Hay tieu cable.) General Acosta, chief
of the revolutionary movement In the
An Eight-Story Building Burned.
Chicaeo, Feb. 9. The eight-story '
building at Harrison and Canal streets,
owned by Edwin Joss, of Boston, was
bunred tonight. The loss was $7,000.
Carupano district.
bands of the. government forces,
Serious Fire at St. Cloud.
Minneapolis, Minn., Feb.9. A.e e
phone message to the Times from S.
Cloud, Minn., says a big fire is raging
in that city. Tbe fire started it) the
West hotel. It burned Del. in Bros.'
grooery store, Myers' laundry, the Cal
ifurnia wine store and the ptihlio libr
ary which was looated in the hotel.
Later reports say the opera bouse and
livery stable and smaller buildings
a prisoner in the .have been destroyed, ar.d the flumes
Tare still spreading,. a
Widows' Pensions. )
Washington, Feb. 8. -The pension of
the widow of General La ton was to
day reportd by the house committee on 4
pensions at $50 per month, a reduction
from $100 par month fixed by tbe sen.
ate. The reduction was . due to tbe
rule of the committee to report no bill
above $50 per month. Other bills re
ported pension the widow of Rear Ad
miral Colhoon at $40, of Biigadier
General Hayes at $50, and the widow
of the late Paymaster-General Stanton,
6f the army, at $80.
McPherson May Be Saved.
Washington, Feb. 9. Quartermaster-General
, Lniington said Ihrf1 his
latest infoimation in regaid to 'the
transport Jwt'herson off Mataasas is
that the sea bas su I. sided and that thara
is a fair prospect of saving the ship.
Powder Mills Exploded. -Portland,
Me., Feb. 9 Part of tbs
Oriental Powder Mills, at Newbam,
was demolished by an explosion early
today. Two employes were blown to