Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 10, 1901, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal, !bccom? one of the U"r
i iiiu n Liftii. iu( mi; cvuu:i:s oi int. WO! iu
when those wealthy lumbermen
back there begin to ul in their
big mills with 500,001 and 000,000
capacity per day, and ho thinks
this prediction will materialize
within a verv fnv vuars.
..:.A. PAI.MKR ,.
Th JocRSAl ts entered at the potnlfitTe in
rip.."U .re?., tor trausunsnq through the
ft. second class mutter.
-OVB Yf. ,...., t-
v VfisTiis ,
hhkr AlON"nt . . . , , , ........
.81. o
THURSDAY, J AX, 10, 1001.
It is again reported that Agui
nahlo is dead bin like all others it
lacks confirmation.
The legislature will convene next
Mondny and the question is, what
w ill it do. Its plain duty is to elect
IV United States Senator without
delay and the- proceed to the
transaction of such business as de
mands attention. In this latter
, -a' ) v i, t - jestion .'of assess
. ei t. ;ui i in; .the arid land
' cs. i ' i i the state is con-
n . t vr '1 'J legislation on
rov .i ' ora definite and
-.-..,". - vstem of ,biws re-r-
. on and riparian
ilomerate known
. v une laws should
. r, definite and cer---.:,.
bounty question
. r . .by repealing the
. - nttins it in such
.swi'on as to its
aised; district at
should be dispen
. e bill substituted
ah .1 heriffs sb.ould be
' S. ;ept smaller salar
towards earning
. . 1.1c ns should be pro
e: he state will receive
i rn poll and road
ow received, and
r ters too numerous
. i.. ;ht profitably ens-ion
'of legilatois
4lv3 session, but
A noteworthy and valuable pro
duction is the annual number of
the Crook County Journal, pub
lished at rrineville by A. C. Palm
er. The-edition is issued in pam
phlet form, T2xl4 inches; contains
36 pages between the covers; is
printed on good paper, and is pro
fusely illustrated. It is the first
edition of the kind ever issued in
Crook C'Uinty, and is a very credit
able one. The resources of Knst
ern Oregon are rapidly being
brought to the notice of the world,
and the Journs'.l has done good
work for its section, ohe of the most
resourceful in that
part of
.'h some person to
fame unknown hns
jard to loans of the
d is valuable. The
ime is this: To
icipal corporations,
tis, to borrow from
. fund and par off
ng debts and when
are incurred or war
do the same thing
js scheme this, which
resents sevvjal in
es among which tlie
lansible: That, the
d be gilt edge; That
state. Stockraising, woolgrovt lug,
farming, dairying, fruitraising and
mining are especially covered in
this annual number, and no small
amount is devoted to the irrigation
plans and natural scenery of the
county. The names of 77 taxpay
ers; are given wno pay taxes on
property ranging in value from
$5000 to $30cSoG, and many of
them pay taxes on more than
$10,000 worth of property. A de
scription of the public lands, tim
ber belts and mining interests are
special features of the edition. The
Journal says that there is room
in Crook Cuntv for all who mav
come and mean business
is not a hobo or tramp in the cotm-
tv, or failure of any kind; and
thst a welcome hand is extended
to men of all trades, callings and
professioos. Truly, Kastern Oreg
on today offers superior induce
ments to the honest homeseeker,
and Crook County is one of the
best sections of that wide and rich
em pire. Oregon i a n .
It it again reported that Aguin
aldo is dead but like all others
it lucks confirmation.
So far, this has been the most
severe winter that the country gen
erally has experienced since 1S3S-9
and it is not half over. In this
section it has not been severe and
even- though it should last for two
months yet there would be little or
no loss of stock as there is an abun
dant supply of hay and feed for all
. A Double Wedctinff.
TV. M. li. Taylor, of Grass Valley,
and Miss Mattie Bui ley, and Mr. L. A.
llenth and Miss Casaie Bailey formed
the two couples of a double wedding
which occuried Ht the residence of S.
S. Johns in The Dalles, lit 8:30 on
on Jan. 2, 1901, Euv. W. B. Clifton
Ouly a few of the brides' friends
were present, the atVair being a quiet
one. Both couples returned to Grass
Valley next day where they will reside.
Messrs Taylor and Heath are very
estimable geatlenien and their brides
are well known young ladies who have
formed many acquaintances and
friends in this county who wish them
the largest measure of bucccss and
happiuess in their new homes.
The Tacitic Homestead, u 12-page
farm Journal published at Salem,.
Oreg. by the Statesman. Pub. Co. is a
first-class paper devoted 'exclusively
to farm and Btock interests. The
price is $1.00 a year. Tj all new
subscribers to the Crook County Jour
nal who pay one year iu advance,
$1.50, wo otter a years subscription to
the Homestead free, and to all of
our subscribers who are in arrears and
will pay up and one year in advance
we will send the Homestead one year
free. This offer will remain good till
Dee. 1st, next.
A Remarkable Statement.
The animal number of the Crook Conn
ry Journal is at band and d "serves the
highest praise on the put of Mr Palmer
the editor and proprietor. It U hand -me:y
printed pamphlet A about 40
pa;es with S3 engraving, and contains a
thorough dcrip:ion of tka wealth and
industries of Coa-k Cion'y t.ufethei
ltn some interesuog sKeicnaa ti i.-ie i g
lires of proinineut ciiueus. Antelope n
Republican- I 15
are not good, '24
from some un- ' "-t
For Sale.
Firs,t clnss residence property in one
of the best locations in Prineville. at a
barntn. Inquire of A. C. Palmer at
the Jocrsal oftice.
30 acres on Crooked river, all under
fence and irrigating ditch partly built,
good house and outbuildings. This place
4. . . ' is cheap as dirt at $:000, but it can be
; that there , L ,
oouot iot less. .- . v. 1 aiiuer.
Residence property in the city of
Prineville, consisting of four-room house
with good cellar underneath, god well
in kitchen, barn 1GVJ0 and 10 feet hiuh,
and -ither out-buildinirs. Price, $4"Jo.
M iU nke part cash down and remainder
on time at 8 Inquire of A. C. Pal
40 acres of first-lass alfalfa land un
der irrigation mly 4 uides from Priud-
vUie. Must be aoid at once: $'-'00 worth
of improvements. This is a bargain
Inquire at the Joi knal office.
State of Oregon, County of Douglas;
Personally appeared before me a
Notary Public for Oregon, J. S. Lane
who being first duly sworn deposeth
and saith: That he is the son of Gen.
Joseph Lane, who was the first Gov
ernor of Oregon, and that he resides
nt Myrtle Creek, Oregon, and is 72
years old, and that he has been af
flicted witn eczema Mid kidney troub
les for some years, with stomach
complaint for a long time. He ob
tained some V. O. and V. O. Pills
from P. T. Magee, of Myrtle Creek
and that he has not used up $1.2i
worth, and now be feels like a new
man. the pain has entirelv lelt his
back and can eat anything that his
appetite calls for, also that his ecxema
ia much better. J.S. Lane.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence this the nrst uay 01
June, i:KK. P. T. Magee, Xotary f o
the State of Oregon.
Vitae Ore is nature's most potent
Vitae Ore cures rheumatism.
School Apportionment.
j McBride's chances
1 appearing to suffer
no lossers on mo'l-
3; that municipali- i
1 by reason of their j
warrants always being at par and
f.heri3 would remain the added satis
fxction of knowing that the inter-
. , " ack to the taxpay-
:. : school fund.
; explained, inherent weakness, a
lack of enthusiasm and a general
v 3
there ;
none . .1
i-.i4iii m.ib ills ai'iiii k iia?vi.ui ,
- -1
been sufficiency rewarded.
tw-n these two extremes,
stands a man whose abilitv
can" deny, whose services to the
state none have exceeded, who has
been the recipient of more deep and
heartfelt cursings, and today has
more friends than any man in Or
egon. That man is John II. Mitch
ell, and if he should be selected as
growls of rage
(and disappointment ioilowmg a
i senatorial contest will he but an
I'.; ,
. tr.
can be purchased at
,sj fi cures in Oreeon.
prices paid in Min- j ator, the usual
sg to C. F. Comstock,
er of Minneapolis,
be bought in this
bout what it costs to
ta timber lands,
will not alwavs be! Corbett's acknowledged ability.
i-:e, an acre of timber determination and wealth, assisted
i is estimated nt so by a towerful coterie of
A mt.
$307. S7
K5 31
73 i3
74 CI
83 31
109. !I2
105. C4
4-1 85
87 43
U 77
C3 ;i
70 is
C2 84
75 liS
7 12
Land Oinee at The Dalbs, Oregon,
No 10, WOO
Notice U hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of -the act of Congress of
June S, 1K78, entitled "An act for the mile of
timber lauds in the States of California, t)rc
(yoll, Nevada, and WanhinKton Territory." as
extended t all the Public Ivnd States by act
of AuRiist 4, V.i'.a. Daniol D. Warner,
of Portland, comity of Multnomah State of
OreKon, has this day filed in this office bfc
sworn statement No. 172, for the pu x-liase of
NW)KK, NK NW!i, 8EtNWJ4and
NEJiSWX Sec. 0 iu township No 18 S,
Kane No. 12 K W. M. and will offer proof
to show that the land aouKht ia more vauable
for its timber or stone than for aRriculturJ
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before Register and Receiver of this offi
ce at The Dalles, Orejtoti on Saturday, the
2nd day of February, lflOl. He names as
witnesses: Kate N. Warner of Portland.
Oregon, A. M. Drake, Florence W. Drake of
Bend, Oregon, L. D. Wiest of Portland, Ore.
Any and all persons "'aiming adversely the
the above described lands are requested to
tile their claims in this oftice on or before said
2nd day of Febanary, l!K)l.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Notice in " lnvvnuve Ao " PjJ p g-S 91
Book -'Uowtoobuun Patents' lifalM
Chargm eiodmits. Ko fee till pauat ts seiautid.
Letters strictly conbdsnual. Addraiia.
C. . soiOEHi. Patsat Laarv. Waaluat. D. C.
U. S. Land Office, The Dallea, Or.,
Nov. 20, I!i00.
Notice ia hereby given that MarcellOUS
M. Thomas of Prineville, Oregon has tiled
hia notice of intention to make final proof on
hU duiert-laiid claim No. Gl, foi the NE 8ec
S, T. lfS., R, 11 E., W M. before J. J-
Smith, County Clerk at Prineville, Orejon on
the 4Lh day of January l'.K)l.
He iianiea the following witneaaea to prove
hU comolete irrigation and reclamation of,
aaid laud:
Henry W. Carlin, Oeorffe W. Null. John H.
Taylor, John R. Fryrear all of Sinter Oregon.
V. O. Complexion Cream, a cur for
chapped bands, rough, tender or chafed
skin. Removes freckels, wrinkles,
and blackheads.
A nit.
70 33
70 33
K7 45
6!1 C3
rs 3r
ia 3o
t!4 93
G4 08
A. LIP5IAX. rHixRyn iK,
Best For the Bowels
No matter what ails you, headache
to a cancer, you will never get well
until vour bowels are put right.
. CASCAKKTS help nature,' cure you
j without a gripe or pain, produce easy
natural movement cit you just 10
cents to start Retting vour health
7140! back. CASCAKKTS Candy Vathar
ft.08;tic, the genuine, put up iu metal
53 !' boies. every tablet has C. C. C.
' stamped on it. Beware ol imitation
M 42
72 47
-3S5I -
Report of tJtf Condition if The First
Satunuil & ihL; in IriH4riIIf, in the
St'tte of (nr?'t f the dose of business.
I Dec. l.ith VJJl;
1 Jjnmna m-n-i diynt.
Jftat TUm Spit mm SmAf Tr U iwij.
To quit to I vac co easily and forerer. b may
U-f. fuli of nerre Kud vicor. Uki No-To-
Bac. ihe wnodt-p woriter, that make weak nwa
ftUruif. AU tfrupistA. !. Cora cra
td Booklet and sample free. Address
Surllnc Kemedr Co , Chicago or New York.
ft in ci li
I echo of what thev Lave heretofore r '.mi-. Mir-i and unx-enrvt. IiM-ct
j " i t". S, Itafj.-ij t' cticulati'tn. 1X",00;
1 ceen. Vn-oiimr on v. s. r-D w j
! Uarktni: bu, fumittue al.l 1
! i:tares . . . .. ,1.300 f
J Iue frra Nafi'oai Fanki tvt I
5 Korrve A2-titi 30.1'2.W 1
s fhws f riu Slat-Hank and l' 7,!-T
1 )
ireniis ; i,m. fr,n. p., ,1 ...-r
idered cheap if Ulwoald make him senator were lie , ( hrei, , , mh,.r cJh ; ; ; "
.' - lor ier 1000 iect i ten years vounser. He is a viuor- j other Hank.
l . " . . .' . ' fractional paper currrncy. nickla
ue acre. Here Govern oi'oM man. but there are more s and ou
. at 14 an m-rp irlulr.' men WlHe exrectanCV of life ex- Le-jal-tender n-.ta . . 3)
Land Office at The Ial!ea. Oreiron,
lleceniber 21. l'.M)
ot:ce t heiebv (pven that tfle foll'iwine
nanieti arttler haa ftied n.tice of his intention
ti make hnat proof in ftupx rt of bat claim,
and that said prmtf will lie made brfon
A. C. 1'almer, V. 8. 0muiiiti.ner, at Prine
ville, Oregon, on Muodiy. Keh. 4. 1S0I, ht:
Kraneia M. Allison of Prineville, Orecin,
H. K. No. 57l! f.-r the K', SW v. KKX XWJ
and S'! NK'V Sec. 24, Tp. IS 8., K. IS K.
W. M.
It nan'e toe f.:iiwinij aitneiwe t.i plnw
e being 'scrij.petl and : vigorous and equally able younper '
14.30.04 ; hu outituKHia n nlDoe uMn and cultoatlou
! ,f aaid lanl, ' viz:
j William Adatuit, Rottert Hoyti Adama.
ttarlt- H. Cralti, (.UJ u lonr. ail of rnue-
vilie, Oretfun. Jay P. Lticaa,
,tt '1 at fH an acre are i t"nl.i beyond the s-ix year term of!
Dringing a good price, j a senator, and with whom the p--o- 8: .,
;xt few years these
' wiil have advancerl tr
i.ures, a lare mill
e 1 out here by sawmill
pie of Oregon can safely trust thi-ir
ifut-re.-t; in the U. S. senate.
) -J:
I .be i.
- ' )
Hi ' M
L ' . .
i on i. r,
i : ';
f ill, li a
e become rich in the i
. thre, and w ho thuej
ue o( (fttod timber, j
injc the railroads will i
ee rates that will per-
luraher to reach the
- A numlitr of wealthy
.neapolia who have be-
of Oregon la no a will
influence to bear on
tinental railroads in
is to make themsfclveu !
i the purchasers pet
v;o to cutting up the Ore-
ate senator, F. P. Mava
introduce a
tocc aav9 Minnesota
c.hoone Oregon in pref
e Southern States w hen
to erect new sawmills,
ditions are more favor
lore. In the ffouth
t her grows in. the un-
' '-tmpn, w here it costs a
fortune to build logging railroads
fts these have to le constructed of
filing or treble work, Besides this
labor 4 ursatisfattory In the!
frouth. egroe will ru;V work,
foutherner, don't hava ti, and
Jiwrthernera can't stand tlie cli
riate. Tlit-re is a large amount of
VfUow i)in, hemlock and sprucb in
V Jpisjana, Miseippi and in the
t'arolinas, l.ut it nilj not be called
Vn Pfitil t;e forjitits of t.o Xort!-
Porthmd will
nip coming iefrii.satu.-e to i
for the election of U. S. senators by
direct vote of the people, so far as
the same may be done without
conllict with the Constitution of
the United fr'tatcs. Should this or
a similar law be enacted together
with one providing for primary
elections so that nominations will
be uncontrolled by ripps, the peo
ples choice will more often grace a
senator's scat.
.( ie:nit f.r
fund wi'h t'. !
Capital tnr' paid in
Surphi fund
I ndoided pr-if.ta, lr3 eleiKea
an I tat paid
X.iti"nA! liank notes oubitaniiinn'.
i I'ivide-n.f nnpaid
j ln-liMl-i.U d-. (,u.ltj sultjret to
.io.- .
' llenand c?rtiticaUi of J'-wit. . . .
lu.uou :
l-t.4no.2r1 1
i T..t.d
' KTA1K OK OKKiioN, 1
1 " '
Coonty of Cry.k. )
I f. T. M. rAl inviv. raj.hir '.f the alie-
flaioe! Iank. d- olni!y Ho ear that tlie atfove
Btatcuo'itt i true to tSe lt f 01V ktmw
s and tlif. . T. M. UAI.DV. IN,
f SulnTild aoll n'orn before me thia 2Slh
d-iy of Dec. 1'IXL
L.VNH Oriki at Tint Iai.i.rh. On.,
IKc 17. l!HO.
Notice i lierehv clvrn that the fill.m ir
name.1 aettler haw hle.1 n,tice tf hia iotentiitn
toinke final pr,f innppttf liia claim, anti
th:it id pn"f ill made liefire
.1. 1. Smith, O-tmtv ClTk, at Prineville,
Oregon, on Kriday, Kehruary f. lltll, viz:
1AN1EL Hastks of Hay Creek Orrifon.
II. K. No. 7IH1. f..r the SVM; Sec 12.
and NJ XV-,' Sc 13, T. II S., K, 14 E.
V. M.
Ho n;Mr,- the foU" inii wltneit," to prove
hi coitinuoi; ri-Mi.l.-nce uimoi and cultivation
of, :.ld land. vi:
llarviv 1 . llunhMln, Parker 11. Ioak,
Krenton Iiunhai Krank Iloak, all of flay
Creek, Uiegou.
JAY P. LIXAS, lieuiater.
So far, tips has been the most
severe winter that the country gen
erally has experienced sinc-i! 1SSS-.)
and it is not half over. In this
section it has not been severe and
even though it should Inst f..r two
months yet there would be little or
no loss of stock as there is an a
buntlant supply of hay and feed
for all
From the appearance of snow
birds and from other . equally valu
able indications, the Jocunm. pre
dicts that C. W. Fulton, of Astoria
will he President of the senate and
that L. 15. Kecdcr, of Lmatdla will
preside as Speaker of the houie,
H. r".
Z. M.
County Clerk.,
fi'i t-J.cav of depletion."
J:i:U that PortlanJ will
Rochester X, Y. Orp1idHH
Asvkim was dtvtrovcd hy lire J;in.
8, t-ventyfive jron perching in
the fhiincs and as m;vaiy uiOtc nv
yjL'it'lv jiijured.
Tho D.i)!fi()iT2,, Nov. 21. 1003.
I have bft-n usiuif ttinco May of tlii
year, "Klli'i hit.ry rf the Utiiletl nnvv tvufi intrrlucuil by Mr.
li. A. li ickrtt. I Imvo foiitwl it tjnitf
:Atmfitcrory. Tho cluir ictcrintic falurt
of ttrn work itre clt;irus and directnoHa
of Htattetituiit, tiiakiuv it very where
Httructive and, Tho salient
I point of t" ui red Statf liiMt'-ry nro
hrouht out in strong relief, while triviut
details nra omitted. It ia not only uar
rative Viut dnliftopliicnl. iN'o outs can
read its pit yea thoroiit;i!y w itlnmt h
higher appreciation of the history of this
coiititry, and without a deep;r thrill of
patriotic feivor. J. S. Lanufhs. City
Sunt, of Schools.
Sorrfe Opiniona.
I liave examined witli care "The Poo
tries' Sffiiuhird H isttiry of the United
State,'1 ,ly Mi. Kdurd 8. Eilm and
hava no henitaiiou iu recommending it.
It ia what its title purport:, "Po pies'
i fliiiforv' full utnl Complete in fuels, in
trtreHfiiii; in iaTnuyetiieiit( ittylu and'torial illustraf ions. It tvitl be of the
i grent t servter- in any fuuiily lihrarv,
j HpfeiaIlv for the j'iun stiittetita. C. K
! l.iyi4 ffc'o 7. . ScMHtMi'. inn jsu'.ft,
LaMi Otr-FIt'lC AT TMK I.LLlCrt, OltKd.
Nov. 10. l.ioo.
Notice iu hereby iven th.U in ctndiauee
with the pmvMi.nM of th- act of Cmi;rn,uf
tune 3. S7 entitled "An act for th sale of
timber lund in the S tutus of C.t.lifirtii--t, Oru
oii, and ' Wanhinoit Territoiy, a extended
to all the I'ublic Land Statea by act of Auk'.
4, 1K-J, Kate X. Warn, of pnrthiad. Cmmty
of MuIttH.litah. St:ite of )ienm, ha thin day
tilfd in'liH ollict Iirr wwnrii 4itateiiif lit No.
173. for the purchiwofSK'-; SW;, SWSKj
See. J and K', NW', Sec. 7 in T No. 1M S.,
Halite No. 12 K., W. M., and will offer mif
to m1iow the l;m l noitlit more v.ihialtlt
for it timber r Mtne than for agricultural
(MirpnHi'M, an to entabli-iti her claim tr said
IuikI before the I'tiM ,er aiitl Ueceivel of this
i Hice at The I fallen, Oif on Saturday,
th :mi "lay of Keb. 1101. She namea ixm wi
neHKert: laiiiel I . Warner of Portland, .-e-Kmii
A. M. lb-aktf, Klorence V, Drake of
llond, ()re-:on L. 1. Wient of Portlaiid, Ore,
Any and al' pei-Hnns claiming auversely the
ahove-th'HCribetl landH are reipiewtttl to file
their claiiiiM in thin oilice on or before uaitl 2nd
day if Kehruai4 1IH)1.
Itwta with yrn whether yon entlnn tbeaBMM
uTv-kiinnir ti.iitti-oo inahtt. N-T-UAirf-3k r",'7J
r. ni'iTuii tUu ilt-Birc fur lobftci o, with TW fflft fcH,' : M
out nui vutixltmroaa. exulnlctg I B .""T
tluy, puritius tbo liiuud, H'llY A I k M
rl.,rt lout mutihoud. rfgll 1 5 1 IliS'uOO imnn
liiakca i jrm "'"'JJ'. I 3 1 tM'ot(i 00.000
In feeitUh, nsrTe li I VUMearit currd. lluV
Mapocset-rf-TfWkl MVNOTOllAf from
your own di'tiifiimt. who
ill vouch forui Tnko It with
A Will. DKti.intlv. imralatitnllT On
box. SI. uiuallrcurn: S boxes. M2 60.
rurnnf t-rd to on rv or wo rrfuml aiom-T.
LiOr.K. eTl 'l:
fill L, '
iiw mf
on ths FLOUR proposition. We are selling for
Cash, best Prineville Flour at following prices.
Bbl. lots & over. $3.75
Oar Grocery Stock
is complete
is nil new
is fresh
Prices Always Lowest
Simpson, Wilson & Co.
Kire-iroof buiMing, 90x300 feet, is now
ready to handle Mercliuniii.-?, Wool, tc.
Coal, Flour,
Lumber, Wood,
Hay and Grain.
Plcial Attention piven to wool trade. First-class baling
und grading facilities. Also stock yards, latest plana.
All 3Ioderu Improvements - for Handling: Stock.
(Vr. esc
1 W. L.i
rFFE.N-ru t- Co., Hanker. The Dalle.
iiork Br'ik., Hankers. M4.r0.
Lord, The Dallea.
Lai ;liv. The Dallea.
Stock boarded by the day, week or month. Fine saddle torses
and livery turnouts. Rates reasonable. Good accommodattions
Remember us when in rrineville and we guarantee that th
your patnonage will be deserved and appreciated.
Bay Horse, Foaled in
Owned by O. A. OILIEST IE,
Will stand for the season of 1900 in PrineiUe.
The Bee Hive
Uho SPacc to Save 9?oney
Oar Holiday Stock is Complete.
Come in and see omvL
Rocking Horses, Wheelbarrows, Rattles, Wagons
Tool Chests, Dishes. Stoves, Dolls, Tops Whips,
Manicure, Smoking & Shaving Sets, Toilet Cases.
Christmas Candles, Candy, Huts, at Special Prices
Easily hy eT
Barn.ito was entered in four of the Prineville Jorkey Club
of October 1S99, as. follows: The -niile dsish, the furlong dkah,
the i-.nile heat, the 1-mile dash, taking first money in all them lace,
over such horses as Bozeman, Ked S, I. tali, Taul Jones, and o)Wr.
TERMS: flO for season, payable at tini of smice. f25": to
insure, payable when mare U kaown to be with foal or changes owrer.
Trading with
lood Stock
Choice young breeding st(Xk a specialty.
G. SPRINGER, Haystack, Crook Co., Oreiron
Mines Exiiniinel and reported on.
All work given prompt ftuJ careful attention
Ashvuod, - , - Oregon.
TOTHKDF.AF. - rich lady, cured of
her De:ifneti und Noises in the Head by Ilr.
Nich'!'n' ArtiScijU Kar Dnium, ve $10,
000 trhu Institute, so tSak deaf (eile unabV
to procure thelCar IVums mav have then. fr?e.
Adtlrew Nk 8KS2. The "icholstn Institute,
70 E j;hth -Avenue New .'ork.
Dont Toharco Spll and Smoke Toer 1.1 ft limy.
To .quit tobacco easily and forever, beamy
notlo, full of life. iierr and vior, talte No-To
Jlne, the wondor- worker, that nj alien weak men
Btrocg. A U druKCtsLa, ficc or H. Care pnanin
teed- Heckle t ami sample free. Address
8 tor Hug Remedy Co- Clucato or New York.
Settlers, - jfttentoa
JYavtnj Oitainut J?m,
jfccuraie and Complate
SPats of tAr Cntir County
and having large axportvmc
in lana matters, J am pr
parad to furnish valuabt
information to ' intending
settiers, and as 2f. O. Com
missioner tviit take ilinga
mnd Urinal ZProofs of at
descriptions, A$ S
JC C. SPahner, If. S. Com
rineviile, Oregon
I will nU good rough hnuVer tleliv
emt in rrineville at $ 10 Hr thousand.
Ordvrn left with Sin. 1011 AYiUon A
Co will receive prompt nttcntn.
CiU on delivery ortnlers .iccepted by
Siinpnon ViUon A Co. Dressed hm
bty at corresponding price.
W. 11. Hirwlsong
tf. lnneAille,Oiegtn.
You can save money by making
Viire Ore and Vita Ore remedies aft . your iinal proofs and land firings be
EverTody Fnju So.
Cawetirrts Candv Cathartic, the most won
derful medial iliscoverv of the nir. p as
ant and ivfrt-aiunu tJ. tho taste, aci - geM-ly
and positiv lv 011 kiduevs. liver and hnwe'a.
j cloanniB' tlio cntiw ysum, dispel eobls.
UUH! IH'UCUrDC, lfrr, liaiiltu.ll
and li itiisneiR. PU-aso buy and try n box
of -. uwhiv; 1, U-", Mii-ents. hyldauU
t(iiaraiiL'-ed to curu by ull Urut yials.
for Hale by Mrs. Huttie Pulnter, at the
Jol'KNAl. ntlice.
IjAM Okkick at Tuk Iai.i,ks, Okfon, I
lee. 10, 1IHH). i
Nutice hereby iven that the fdliwmir-n-ained
wttler han filed notice of hi intentioi
t 1 1 ink o final priHif in xitpport of hi claim,
and that mud pro f will lwittadn before
A. C Maimer, U. S. CoiniuirtMioiier at I'rine
ville, Oregon, on Ttiunttlay. Jan.. 24, I'.KJl.
John H. Grant, of Lamonta, Oregon.
M K. No. 71177. for the N-fc NKV, aiwl KL
XW'i Sec. 32, T. 12 tt., 1!. 14 K.f W. M.
He nimethe following to prve
hit continnoiiH residence upon and cultivation
of naid land, viz:
H. d. Henley, C. F. Smith, S. S. rivotvii,
V. U. Uoer, aH of I4f.m01.tA, Dreon.
Jay 1. Lucas,
A. C. raltnor, U. S. commission-
Iuid Otlioe at The PalW'. Orem.
IVccmln-r 17, l:KHK
Notice it hereby k'v that the following
nameil net tier tiled notice of hi intention
to make final proof in support of Iuh claim.
and that aid proof will be made before .1. J.
Smith, t'uiintv t'lerk, rtt rrineville, Oregon,
on Friday. February I, I'JOl, viz:
1'AHKiT 11. l-ak of Hay Creek, Oregon, H.
K. No. 7.V1 firthe Kl SK Sec. 14, NKJ
XKl , Sec. 23 and NV4' NWJ Sec. 24, T. 11
S. U. 15 K. w. IU.
He names the followtni? witnesses to prove
hi continuous rexidence upon ami cuUbatimi
of said Inn I, viz:
lmiiul Ha-Hten, II. I), punham, Preston
lbmham, FvUk loak, all of 11 ay Crtek,
Oie.0,14, Jy 1- Lucas,
City Meat Uii
(11 ivi
Fester & Lehsan
A Com)lete and Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, Mutton," Tork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Main st.
Priaeville, Oregon.
'Phone 3L
LOok Out v
r 7 mitt
Send in your orders at once.
We have a good assortment on hand and saw extras to order.
Call itt Mill
or Address,