Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 03, 1901, Image 2

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.1 .
...ta. u palmku
Th. Jpc. mtmn at th. omtomos In
Frio. . -li-. trve.. f.w transurissioa throui-a the
V. K. t..dls as eecoud elaes wat;er.
subscription rates.
Oxa Y. ...... at. so
BIX MoMTHS ........ . 7
Thih M.CtK..,. " .J4t
We stand, on the threshold of a-I
new centnry.. lis dawn U now
!reaking . upon us. The old has
withdrawn into the shadowy Past.
During its-passago it has received
tho impress of that of evo
lution and advancement in eivili
tion which readers all other past
centuries-dim iind dark by contrast.
Its achievements have set the world
ablate and by the light of theui
the enshrouding Mystery of the
Past has"',,: been penetrated and
many of: its well-guarded secrets
revealed. . . The visttt .of buman
knowledge has expanded in all
directional and in" its backward
trend bids' fair to disclose the se
crets of alt past ages.
Standing j on . its threshold,
crowned with the sum of the knowl
edge of all ages and skillful beyovid
compare, what have we to expect
of the Twentieth Century? Evolu
tion or devolution is a fundamen
tal law governing all matter. Pro
gression or retrogression is immu
table. There is no BEST. Have
attained the limit, hare ire
reaclwd the summit of banian ad
vancement front .which descent is
unavoidable, or, shall we still
mount npward, constantly disclos
ing the secret forces of creation,
ever controling and adapting them
to our will and pun- until, at
' ic.--a i-,nl.-Letthe door that k,.a
the war ,,-Lttds to the Fountain
of Knowk-dvre ..a!i!Js tout.
C Pi :
' i""i s v
Jr.i n
frit -'
s ,ve-
tc ne
h He
I. re i" Rcriew. -
v,'u t- - Cir;-plimerit, for which
thee.'.:-.- ci tie. Jleiew has EC y
ths- ". So jfir as the remainder
this ediaril is concerned it
yjo'e--.3 efn.e falsehood and a
prt it deal ' . Tenom, and is not
woriby' of j elaborate answer.
'n U'i.i c: r.'.e editorial i degrad
ing, to its or and I am inclined
io think :t U not pleasant to the
Crook -JConnly - Jo'
n-id :i A the home papers of this , from fcouthern Oregon, and three
ountv; 1 shall pass it by and j from the Willamette valley, per
, . t .K taid 1 sH leare it to the j haps two from Portland. I dtire
:ple of this county to
hare done good or
W. C. Wills.
i n has been
iseof Cain vs.PatteT
. '6f Geii, who .'"jump-
. 4 r . .
m ui n. i duci buii, i
.11 1 ?
j se aecision gives gen -
Action among rrie'res
. sihovc natned flace, a
tV-t.-te h -is' a hardworking
-- h-.i spent a good deal of
'tn.': .tci rioney improving the
cliiui :i nee .t decision was render-
1 in fav.w lat Spring, at which
" Jr. V.'a retncd froai the
J'l.ter--. 4 ranch to Kye Grass
'X'tc- I,..- i s.k tnoCiier hi.itj'.rtead.
r .. i r s tfi-U Uirohuut Ihe
'.1 . Uleioaut and it is safe
ii at ca- f the kind,
oc4jur,.will not be so
rCttkfJ.. '
- . ;.r it v.
he naicUkt-s made in the
. i v
eadintJ editorial last
wisk was one n which Editor Lig-
getwtaUts that Judge Wilis was ed
itor "protein" oi tlitr Jovusl last
wetk. . Wa wcr indebted to Mr.
Wilis for iuiu:h that appeared on
the editorial page, as we are thii
.neck, hut he has not, during the
wtx'ke) he jias , been a..; tains us
-ver manifested the sltghtest intn
tin fit fditjnt,, this paper. The
Eevkw exploded premalurcjY .(
Washiuvj.t ...i., o.adestbe
tmalp hoanty act. Yt Wahiugtu
ejiiaty drsirds to tutll ehermail
' count bij;h prade -'pgs to Latch
lilCV Clilcacli.-t lor Cioies io ltoei
fa.k'!.5isa t'cuat Oraervcr.
lu. ...
mat in cmiBt '
that the whole eople of this wun
ty may 1m ordinarily prosperous
they must all work to the end
that Crook county shall furnish
for it own . consumption every
production of which this climate
will admit.
The sheep, cattle and horses nre
now, and will be until we shall
have railroad transportation, the
only resources that will bear trans
portation and they are the pro
ducts that bring in the ready cash,
upon which all other business
The object of this article is to
warn all who are now depending
upon the production of grain and
hay tor the local market, thut to
rlenend tioon these atone is dan-
geroua to their interests and is
likely to bring disappointment to
them, for the reason that the de
mand is limited and an over pro?
duction brings a surplus. Under
such conditions the price falls and
disappointment ensues and the
producer is unable to obtain the
ready cash to answer his business
needs. The remedy for such" dis
appointment is for every farmer to
become the owner of at least a few
cattle,1 sheep or horses in order
that that which would otherwise
be wasted may be consumed and
the surplus reduced to meet the
wants of the local market.
This county should produce
every pound of bacon needed.
Every pound of beef, every pound
of mutton and wool of which the
small producer is posessed will
find it buyer without effort on the
part of the owner.
There are many sections oi this
coxinty that even under present
disadvantages can by uny of pur
pose and proper nflagcmftrl't be
r! '
1 i-ti'Il bv"
i C!e --fiw-'i e.,r . it'''
'-. CtV-t as
ioa to market h
trans j.orta
; .1 r.
'tn profit to r
"-i feir "..1 . r :
- ;.t -t--J
i r.e -av-'
:i.iw i
-:rilri.T.! h
la-s ;.? trc.
C'V'. rr :.- ct .
' a. tt-i v l.M-vk
' f i ;f?? ! ai
' u-r chi! -.r-
t: . .. ; -
unuocnt man in reference to it.
He says; '"It ia a very difficult
task to perform, and I am very
anxious to select the very best ma
terial to be found within the state
for that purpose. With this end
in view I am going to ask a person
al faver of you, namely to suggest
the names of five men you would
appoint if you had that duty to
perform. My wish is to aelect one
man from Eastern Orccon. one
to pay some attention to the politi-
cal complexion, so that the mem
bers will belong neither to the one
party nor the other. I am' not
TI:C iili'M"
Kvcrsedparticular whether there are three
republicans and two democrats or
two republicans and three demo-
i A.. t . ,, .
j wiius. i wani oni j me Dcst miter-
i ' t . n..
i iai possible," mat has a fair i
r: etawt iV , .nl hn T. a" -
V T"-' t mocr,. faopeal
tha selection ofnen who tit,'
work hi the "Interest of the pstm.
as well as the schools and not in I
the interest of rtfe American !,ook
... . .1. . .
trust or any ther trust, men who
cannot he uifiianced ,against the
intcrcsta oi lue state. $,,
If the i eoplt who seek courtesies
from, the country newspapers would
only think to retura tl t o much
good would come of it Majiv peo
ple think they are nc-lected in print
hecaust sod news ituiu of personal
- . . .u ,1. f i
lUUrcst tO them docs not Cnfi ,ta
way to the general pnblicthrough
thenewspapers, and yet they seem
to forget entirely that aewspaper
men are, unfortun.te43', not mind-
readers; and if they would but call
at the office or drop ua line through
tbc jostoffiee, the editors would
only too gladly give the item space.
There isn't a paper in the land that
does pot want the news, and every
prf - r'-r - a would lie full of
ton knowing some-
it. line wotud hut
slightest tip. Ex.
jih the democracy
:'.:: i the reorganize -;..
: iiud ' BrvttO oa
hs ' "VfC i J '
' t -1- at
lief that when it wan is a failure
at everything elg h.0 will make a
good editor.
A little boy at Hardtnan was re
quired to write an essay the other
day. "The Newspaper" was his
subject aud here is the result: 'I
don t know how newspapers came
tobein the world. I don't think
God does, for ha hain't got nothing
to say about them, and editors, is
not in the Bible, I think the edi
tor is one of the misain' links you
read about, and staved in the brush
till after the flood, and then come
out and wrote ihe thing up, and
has been heie ever since. I don't
think he ever dies. I never saw a
dead un and never heard of one
getting licked. Our paper is-a
mighty poor un'; the editor goes
'thout underclothes all winter,
don't wear any socks, and paw
hasn't paid his subscription in
more than five vears." Ex. .
Cupid s Uat For 1GOO,
Jul.. Ju W Stanton to S! Mil!.
" Miller Mcpherson to M Gillwan.
March, Jacob Kaaet to Lena faiali.
F. E. Rodman to Ella V. gtrood:
May, A. L. Delor to Jessie Munniee.
Jon. Wilfurd Crmm to Jvuni Watkina.
O. M. Cyrua to Battia Pack.
Vieiir B. Davia to Alic U.rmr.
Cbaa. F. Prrnn to R.beca E. Pfina.
H. K. Rrnnella ! Stella Andrmm.
JuIt, Kltuar Clark to Praukia Andaraou.
Cart Cm(iton 'a Keaa Th.p.
A. G. Kihbee to Elizabsth A. Dee.'
Ora Parkar to Frank ia R.rick.
&r(it . Uacw Craan Braaia V.ikia.
" O. L C.K Mr.. Kmaia' Siha,
" Clio. H. Spaoab to M..lli. Wimrr
. H L.. S-trjtrt to Ollia Bnwn.
It- I Ho Carria DxHaran
Jm Fergun to Edith Smead.
Jaepli Luter. Jhi'Jalia FJIitt.
r vrj;,..,:
h. y. . t-
. .
rl F
. .1: v. ,
" '
. ".'T.,
e J.
, J.
r-te. L.
, : M -
v. it. K .
H. P. Taylor. Howard; Jaa. Cram and
wif. City ; J..ho Haoolt'. C.arrvrt
McOotioai. Too De4.M. Ashwood; U
P.tters. H m k ; Jnhn M(ilirm,
Cr-k; H.J. t-CVvnt. Burns; T. De
li. n... Bonis; Clantuco Wiley, Pual;C.
H. Diihai, City; C. F. Smith and wife.
Lso4.ta; 8. 8. Criwft.ritA Lnmioits; A.
C Beai-n. A.Sw.kmI; Forrest Q"iin1y,
L.;C. J. J-.ho-.n. Mill Crrk; J. M.
O-.'-t. Aheil; (jru-r, P.att;
W t M. It- rtv. J. Y. Winrer. Suaters;
C M CUnnea Will-y. City;
S. E Pr-!ui-t. Powell Bottes; 8. P. D.-n
t-lo, FVi.H; E. D-lsn .. MrKiy; 8. W.
Yo-y. El Crk; W. H. ftortsm"n,
N. Y. E-lwarHs. Kinsley Station; Hsrry
H-iiia-.n. CKi-snut Ranch; Dv Bsrowtt.
Hsystsf-k; In Hastings. J.ttoes Hast-
nj.. Hy Creek; E N. Walteheld. P.Mt;
J. O K-lly. J. C. bVn-fioid. Mill Creek;
R. A. Dunn, Grass Vallry.
N.'F. McCoin passod thrnujih town
Wedneilay on his way to his bonier
at Lamonta.
L. Dillon is rebuildine his rei.lence
which was almust destrfyed by fire w
fpw wreke sgn. The itmurnnce alio"-
ed, 350, has been received.
-Mf.nd Mrs. J,as Mejll.w . t
m .i.t . r.; ;,Illimr those who attend-
:'t th
, v,i:'" ' ,
isauiacc ittesuar
' ' ' ' ."uV"-r'
; tSliiimkn aies t.iierird to tnsntilihc on
K Year. I)v with Mr.sF.n Bnttv.
formerly af th-;, UiutiSilla" house as
proprkiUir. The ' house f Steely fur
nished and At ted tlirowfjlliiut snd is
Jlaii;f enough? to accoiiunodiite nil
comers. - .
Soma Opinions
I liars examined with cum "Tlis Pso.
fins' 8tHiidsrd lliatory of. the I'uited
8iih,'- by Mr. Eilaard 8. Ellis and
have n., hesitation m recuiiimting it.
wn. piirriH a reoines
Hi...,rT" and c.,n.,,lte in lacs, in
1 nrmnKenient, stylo snd
.H,ciilv for th young stuUeiits O. K, ,. u. S 8UHtor, Minnesota.
Tho D-dles Or2 , Nns.'21, 11100.
I hava hwn u,li; lillce My (f tli.
yesr. "Elllse hi,try f ,he Coiled
Ststos," now o-jini iutrduoed by Mr.
E A Hicknt. I iiava found it quite
sstisf iotory. " Tlia ohnricl eristic fest urea
of Ih's sr. irk are elmrnoas and directness
of statement, making it everywhere
attractive and interesting. The sslisiit
; Coitsd States hiatory are
i nt it. str..iiu, while trivial.
le'iiti. '
l-.tirv h
..iii.K.'.l. It ia not only nap
f.lill.....pliiosl. No one c.iri
pa-ea iboruiiKlily without n
hiulier aporeoiatit.n of the history of this
eoontry. aod without a dvi'pHr thrill of
patriotic f.ior.J. S Ls"VSk3, City
bt2(4. if
t rtn ; . (
Co. ia
.j.'-r ie-!e4 -e
to fariA aud stock interest. The
price it $1.00 a year. T. nil new
aubsoribers to the Crook County Joui
iSl who pay one year in advance,
1.60, wc offer a years subscription to
the Hilmrslmiil frae, and to all 'Fj
OUr.subseribera who are in arrears and
will pay up and one year in advance
we will sand the Homestead one year
free. This offer will i entain goad till
Dec. lit," he xt.
A Remarkable Statement.
State of Oregon, County of Douglas;
- Personally appeared before me a
Notary Publie for Oregon, J. S. Lane
who being lint duly sworn depuseth
snd nkh: That he is the son of (Jen.
Joseph . Lane, who was the first Gov
ernor )f Oregon, and that he resides
at Myrtle Creek, Oregon," and is 72
old, and that be baa been af
'flirted witu ecsema t.nd kidney troub
le for" some years, with stomucb
complaint fur a long time. He ob
tained" some V. O. and y. O. Pill
fromT. T. Magee, of Myrtle Creeit
and that he has not used : tip-" ft.25
worth,, aiid BOBlrt. ieel . I lX.Jt .ne4:
man. -The ,.(m0i baa eotirel.left hi I ft. ia.dr Jaa
back and can eat anything tlvat fii!'' H aiuMatiM f
is luncn better. J.S. Lane,
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence this the first day of
June, 1900. P. T. Magee, Notary f o
the State of Oregon.
Vita Ore is nature's moat potent
Vitae Ore cures rheumatism.
aaal W ssruma
svks as to srtTstmr
un pMaat Im
K. m. stasmas.
y. p. Complexion Cream, a curs for
chapped hands, roujth, tender or chaled
akin. Removes freckels, wrinkles,
rf ,-rt
C :
it - i-t ?
,'Wt - - .
C- . -c'-i.
Notioe Im orrelnr cin that tha foUowlne
aaaoed sutler hmm 6Wd eHiticw .4 hi.
tn soJw ftol pront in .Tij-p. t of hie ttlairn,
aad SbaS said proof wiU he eaada twfun
A. C. falaoer. L:. S. CooonWlnoes; a Irioe
eUle, Onoa, Mooday. Feb. , 1901. via:
- Francis M. Alluoo .4 Prioevilte. Orqrai,
H. K. No. S7I9W the E4 8W, SEX NW
and SWj; NE!, Sr& r. T. IS S.. K. IS Ei
He mutm the following wita.a.ia tn rif ove
hi. eootinaone madeaav apon and cultivation
oi said iaad. via:
Wllliaaa Adaaa. Robert Boyd AdaoM,
Charir H. Crsln, Chris Cobra, aft of I'rto-
eiDe, Oregon. Jay P,
La!n Orrn-c at Tbs Diutt, Oa .
Dee. 17, ISOtk.
Notice ie bersbr tciren that the fullowira
Bained eettler ha. Sled aotior of liis Intentiisl
j tnniake riual pmi4 ramipportof hisciaisn. and
j that Mid pmnf will be made before
J. I. Smith. Coontr Clerk, at Prtnevilhj,
Oreson, on Friday, r'rbrusrr 1. 1S0V viar
Daxin. of Hay Creek Orron,
H. t. No. 7KU. for the SW;f twt: iV
lanV;! XWI S.
S.-C 11. T. it's.. r..tiL
W. M.
. .
-Hs names tbe folloains wttneears to prove
( bis enntlnuooa nsidence uaua aad cultivatioa
of. .aid laal. : r - t -
fr"k - r'-'
jcr-tUm I'unhttm, Krniik lk. J1 of Ht
JAY P. T,T. CAS. Ki-t.r.
DKr.UTMK3fT or ths Intchios.,
LAMrarrics at Titf Uai-ks. Osro.
ro. 18, ltiOO.
Notice is hesyby iriven that in ooutplisnoe
with the prnsi..ions of tho act of C.mrvsa of
-Tunc 9. 1S7S. entitfed "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States rfGulifornia, Ore.
i&n, and Wahint;um Territory, hs extended
to all tbe Public LsndVMtjSles by aetr af Aug.
4.1W12, Kite N. Warner, of Portland. County
of .Multnomah. Stats of Oregon, 4au this day
Hied In this office her sa-oru statement No,
173, fortbspureha.1fSESVW, S WJ KEi
hec'. Q snd KJi S W'i ; Sec. 7 In Tp No. 18 S-.
Ranr No. 12 K W. M., snd will offer proof
to .how that thj land sought it nore vulnshle
for its timber or st.sie tlion -far aai:iciiltnral
liuiprwes, and to etabliatl h.-rlaifn ta Haiti
land before the lteisr and Receiver nf this
.Rice at The" Dalle, Oraou. i Saturday,
ths 2nd day of Feb. 1901. fl)e names as s it
nesses: Duniel V. Warner of Fortknd, Ore
gon A. M. Drake. 1'iorencs W. Drake of
lisnd, Mavc. n L ,D- Wiest of Portland, Ore,
Any and all persons clsirnfnK adversely the
above-described ara Kquested to tile
their claims in thiifu;e ou nr before said Snd
day of February, 19QTT
... , m JAY P. LVCAS.
US von whether yes enttnse
r..wo ui. a.sirr tor iohmk-o,
tut aoou. aaioH.
tlu., psrinc th ui..
acir.. Io.. BkAnSoMl
oar own amttcm. hm
oucb (or 11 a. 'favka t twit It
111. patas'btlT. txiraiairtf r On
ilaaaaV aahLaaaauLaaaaa W imL
"Ft swaaatt SFW a aWJS
ktar'JB I M
a. Jii'i rf ir-j
mKtwmi i HI Shi mmZfi
,t Pallas, On,--:
Km IS, I -
Ls4 u:.
iS.nii i hnjy tbaS la mump
, r... ui,i oi i as of ComaT
'. rnti'x d ' 4a set fsrtaa asieut
timfcar laads la th Htatss at CaliforniaOrs.
Koa, Nsvat, aad Washinittna Territory." as
xtfnisd to aU tba Pitalis Laad Butas by act
irf Auicurt 4, KSa, DAnial D. Warner,
ot Pirtlaad, aouaty of Maltaoawk Mata of
Orevaa, kaa this day fild io thia oOle hi'
wmiUtuMit No. 179. forth oarahaaa af
NKM.SW Sm. S ia towashlp tio W n,
Raast No. 13 K W. Id. aad U1 off peaof
tn bw that tha laad sooxht Is awn vauaola
for IV timber r st.a thaa f- asrlauKural
uaruHMK, aad tn atabllh fab elaia) to raid
laadafm RacUtsr aad Basrirar of this ott
os at Tha VtellM, Ombob oai SturtUy. tb
Snd day of February. ISM. Ha names aa
witnesses: Kat N. Waraar of Portland.
Oroa. A. M. DrV. ttonaes W. Drak af
Bmmc Oregon, L. D. Wiest f PortlanU, Ore.
Aiy and all awisoas claiinlng adraniety the
the ftbove deasribtd lands ara raqaeated to
file their ejainu la this uffia on or betors said
tad fay oi Febauarr. 1SUI. ' ,. .
JAY P. LUCAS, Rsatster.
U. S. Laad Offic The Ialle Or..
Nov, 30, 1900.
Notice t hereby (rl.ea that MaroellottS
M. Thomas of Priaerllle. Orecoa has fUe-i
Kie asAiOFof intention to make 6aal proof .
faU riesect-lwd siaisa No. U I the NEW See-
re- eierkotPrfaoTille. Useaoa oa
folluwiaa wit
1 ifrary . Cariia. Osorta W. Nail. Joha H.
TayW. Jha R. Fryrrar aU of Sistcn. Oresoa.
- f
Fire-proof builJintf. 90x3W) feet, is now
ready to handle Merchandise, W.m.1 .tc.
J I'n
inveq to
W. L,
B F.
1 Monaa
I c Bee
hce to
Stock is
W s
soiiijcait-, Shiokiii & Sbavino; Sets, Toilet Cases.
Clxristmas Candles, Candy, Nuts, at Special Prices
Easily by.
Trading with.
lood Stock Ranch.
Choice young breeding stock a specialtj-.
G. SPRINGER, Ilas-stack, Crook Co., Oregon
Mines Examined sr.d report ed on.
All york riven pronrit sod caretul attertlo
Aaltwoon, - - Oi-.KC.OS
Fwill sell good rough lumber deliv
ered in Prineville at f 10 per thousand.
Qrtlers left with Simpson Wilson A
Co will receia.. prompt attenton.
Carh on delivery or orders accepted by
eimtlsnn 'ilson A Co. Kreaaed lum
ber sit forresponding prices.
' ,. . W. 11. Birdsong
tf.' rrineVille.Oregnn.
Vitae Ore arid Vita Ore remedies are
for sale by Mrs. H.ttiie Palmer, at the
JoitRSAL ofMee.
Laxn Ornnt At Tbs Dallis. Okeoon, I
Deo. 10. 1000. I
Notice ia hereby clven that tha followinR
n uned settler has Sled notice of his intention
to make tinal pniof in support of his clsiin.
and that eaia pro-if will be made before
A. C. Calmer, U. K. Coruuiianioilcr at Prine
ville, t)rs)ron, oa Thursday, Jan., 24, 10I.
John H. Grant, of Lamonta, Oranrht.
H K. No. 7977. for the NJ NF.V and EM
NWJ See. S2, T. 12 S.. R. 14 15., W. M.
lie n .mes the followinir witnenaes to prove
his onntiuuoui. rtwidenoe uti.n and cultivation
of said land, viil
H.J. Ilealev, C. F. Smith, S. S. Brown,
W. G. Iluvrs, all of Lsmonta, Ore (ton.
Jay P. Lucas,
v 1 tntii
& IK s' w J
Our Grocery
and Grain.
wool trade. First-chMa baling;
stock y orbs, latest plana.
nrovements for HaiMlliug Stock.
Co., Banker. The Dallea
Bam. Banker. M ro.
Lob, The LVtues.
LarUS. The Danea.
Save Tljoney
in and see mv
WLeelbarro-s, Battles, "Wagons
:-hes. Stoves, DtIls. Tops Whips,
,Tt THF. DEAF. A rich lady, cured of
her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr.
Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $IO
000 to his Institute, so Cist deaf tieople anahle
to procure ths Ear Dt-unis may have then, freej
Aihlress No. SSSS, The Nicholon Institute,
780, Kxhth Aveauc New York.
asatTabare Salt aad Saiaks Tsar Ulk Swsy.
Ta autt tobaseo eaetly aad forever. I mar
Stetle. full oSita. nerve tui.l viiror, taks Mo-To-
the won.ter-wnrlter, tluit uialteN weak men
ua. All dnu;i;isia,i)corSi. Curesaarsa-
teeo. Booklet ami aample . rose. a.luress
Sterling Itevieilr Co. Cliioaso ovNew York.
. ,..i . ;
- -Everybody Svra 8o
Cni.rvta Cmndr Catlmrt ir. th ftirvat won.
(jarful uimiIUmI tlimw tkv of tlw Mp.
ant aiift rfni1iine to thr lanifwaft eitt
ail (sonitivs'ljr on kMttciva, Uvr iumI iMxvfis.
i'lf&immi; the entire avatrm. dliHl rnM.
otim tiHthlnolie. lvr, hsihituul i iaibtior
i?tl )' litUHmwa. Plt-asv buv atvt try
, kJ-S.
You can save monev
by , maki
yohr iinnl prrxifs and land filings
Jpie A. C. Palmer, U. 8. ct.inmission-
Land OOioe at The Dalles, Oreaon.
' December 17, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of hi. intention
tn make tins) proof in aiipiort of hia claim,
anrl that said proof will be made liefore J. J.
Smith, County Clerk, at PrinevUle, Oregon,
mi Friday. February 1, 1901, vix:
Fssasr B. Doek of Hay Creek, Oregon, H.
E. No. 7581 forth K1 SE See 14, NF.j
SKi Sec. 23 and NWk N WJ Sec. 24, T. 11
S. R. IflE. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuouti residence upon and cultivation
of esid hurt, vis:
. Uuuiel Hasten, 11. D.
Dunham, Frank Dusk,
Oregon. 11
. Dunham, Preston
all of Hay Cnefc,
Jay P, Lucas, -
- ; ....
on tho PtOTXR; proposition. e "Uiagfoi fr 4
Cash, best Prinevllle Flour at following prices;-
Bbl. lots & over. $3.75
is complete
is all new -is
fresh 1
Simpson, Wiln&Co.
Stock boarded by the day, week or month. Fine saddle horaea
and livery turnouts. Rates reasjomtble.' Good accommodattiona
Rerrrwber u when in Prineville and we guarantee that tha
j your patnonage will be deserved and appreciated.
Bay Horse, Foaled in 1894,
Owccd bj Q. A. . QTiTJE,
Will stand for the season of 1900 in Prineville.
Bsrnslo was entered in foar of the Prineville Joekey Club races .
! of Ortoher 1899,' ss follows: The laile dash, tha 5J furious Ja,
She j-o.ile heat, the 1-iuiia dash. tAkinsfirsiNuHM'y in all tlaWe Jtawr.-.
. over sucit horses ss Bozemah, Bed 8, Latah, Paul Jones, snd others.
TERMS: tlO for season, payable at time bf service. fZi to'
insure, psy able when mare is koow. to be with foal orchangesowttet. '
uss tm fmrmJk wwsrarsVar
rsis awsii'sMS im imitymmfimf
trttittra, mmj
sTJas JTtsar ewA 0P atrf
ZPrinevitte, Oregon
City Meat .Market
A Complete and Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon,
. Lard, atid( 'Country rrodiice.
Main st v 001 'Phone 31.
Send in your
We have a good aafiDr'.i ...
Call at MiU -or
Haw yy
DfZ5 1E3L
Always Lowest
a' - i ;, f. ; ;;..IJ
Setttars, - jftUntion i
Cmim4 7ew,
Jfewar-rarrV aratat Cmmptmm
&imtf J Cmin Ctrnfy
SMsaf Jkmmt'my imry ojtm-ti
as 1. f. Cm-
i &
Foster & Lehman
. e .
orders at once.
tn hur ' , - . ,. 0 . t -. r
k4 .
t' -