- ,1 ... j v PHINEVltXBORBrtbN, I'llURSDAT,. JANUARY . 1901. HirCHELL f MpNITOE-OL,, JIL VOL. V. NO. 8. NO. 14. TIKGS. KVILLK LOlXiB, 0. , A.,'. A. M '-- ' Man.mli' ft-miile on Sturdje. . ntou. of i month. - . 1 .t t V ..- T BALDWIN, T pARSATIOS ChSViKR, JCrt. 'o.. ft. - I Mwrs mm j i,.Wrth rpnirtv(feaYlt. month, In Masonic IVmrl... ' V T t I . .. W U DiVtD P. ADAMSOS, S.M-'. ' ' . ' ' ' ' r tu tUg. Odd Fellows' ball ever !Mfw, Chrk Cohrs, Secretary. f .UNA I li Odd! intr. AUtj OnE. MO: .V It rf P.-1eot in Frtlnwr ball fverv Wfirs rt. li. AUbruUivrtiu toKXi gtnnrtini! invittHl to H. Sichk, K. of R. aqd S. OCHOOO i:oiXiK, NO. 101, A. K V. W. Mif in CVM telU.ws' hfcll -oa t'x second ud j JiTrttt MudavoiMrh Trionth. I W, Draper, M. WJ -a C. Corns, Recorder. 4 t 9 x ; SUNBEAM IfSHS.TsX . r. of H M-, " ine. MrK M rf; PK hief of Honor. ' HS. H. P. HSi-KSAP, Kec, . PRINEVITXK CAMP, NO. WOODMES I of WorW.-Moets l Fellows' ball on ! the first ni Uurvi TUursly eveuinc oj.etb 1 BloalQ. - - M. A. Bklu j Consul Cowumwler. . J. I McCtuoch, Clerk. J cie. Meeta t Old Keliows' ball every Frt uy evening. ju.RS.fN. 4. relsn?. - Worthy iiuatxiian. Mim Mtnxtk Crooks, Clerk. lRO KKSSI 0" A I. CARDS. H. P. BELKNAP 1 , 1 - "' -'" s Office in the rear of Bclfcmap Moore a iJragstore, 0. HYDE, M. D. FtjsiciaB d Surgeon. Phone Xa. 2. Keitrce, in eome'a Addiuoo. few- PB1NSTILI.E ,. ' OKKCSOM H. RCSEKBEBG. M. D. . PHISICIArilb,SGRGEOH'. Cal 1 9 ans wrel pronlItly"iaTr bight." Omce wi h ir. . xsaer.a-Keai- deoct iWdby Uotei FKINETILLC OKKGON C PALB-.R " J " .' Ittoraey-kSr taff lalarr PaMic-1- ! ' " : - ; All bosiDewrQnykUiaii careCnlljt a tended lo. l"olietuJn4 a Specialty. .j' . J " PriMcrlUa . ' Offfoi.', M Ittomsj an4; .Cott-seUor al Li PrtwwVtn-- ' -nVrejblT T W. HfrtKifi- - ? 0 1 aa'v'-v.-."' Altoniej-it-Ltt. . .. J .' , V5 ,sv j -'.i. . 1 ."..v A. C PALMER , . . i Land Filinn and Final Proofs XjTven Special Attention. , .,. ,' rRIMTlLLI ED. X. WHITE dialis a Wines .. Liquors Cigars Main Street PEISEVILLE. . , -. , ORLGOX ' " " - Cary House Bar J " ... ... j. .. . .-..-! HENDERSOU iuBQUtRD Li a1" PfilNEVlLLE-OftEGQN o: GYnus' v Tonsorial Rarlors MOORE BLOCK 0RI09! DEPUTY STOCK INSPECTORS Kt :! Is herebyl given that I have appointed the follow r,g named persona - Deputy fetovk Jus. J. P. Cartwriifht. . J IIP pi ct o . ..ffay Creek ..Cross Keys rv . .Ttfffrwctod Jvrueet Sherars. .. Harry Webb-.r. -K. parks . A. Rjfrow. ... .1 . V. U Sirikh...... Ror-oe Kulx T. C Hwain J. 6. Bouue ......... . - - . - .Siaters . . -. . .Jlayatack . -. . M. . - Paulina ....T. ....... -..'.fost Bear Creek Kosiand Hardin JOF. HIXKI.E, Alex 3Uintosh. Stock Inspector of Crook County, t Yon cannot sell your goods Unless jou advertise lb cm THE JOURNAL j j ' the fcest jnediaaa otj cuir Mil otel'Prineviile I ; Has established its reputation astheIOSl ' COMMODIOUS,- CONVENIENr W TOWCTfrgTLMvEPT HOTEL in Crook County. ,. - - " -..- Hsadauarters tot Stockmen .sjSLt u , , Terminus of The , Heoulatoc 4 1 THE DALLES, ASTQKIA NAYIGATIOpj , CO. . . . REGULATOR" and "DALLFS CITY" daily between The Dalle and Portland. Passenger and freight Service. Steamers ' PASSENGER SERVICE: '.- VV'e offr nsTnaj3eS ind'cement to jMaWnfrer, tn4 reieVSfuny ollolt their pl rvnjre. Our t,piUii are Cumfurt. tjvtivkt Tln aui l"l-aur. nr tea men 4 b .vti been fit iu ibM'M4K reuau-. kud fotiiUft adl4 tc Ui comfort and at oJ patroua. PLEASU RE: - ,r Too Tt)nch cannot r aaW tfi far or of Cnix 10 y thtU idrn ihe Coluubia." livtcom from uuoitd dwuA, combine .. ,'. - , - -- : FREIGHT : t J , are at aH t!nei rtrpaml to handle ness. W e have a commodious arehoue, where (hipmenu can b caxa of un til called for. Wool aud wheat ahtpmenta eapocially aoUcttod. - R A.TES ; Onr ratea will always be found as low as the low4Q aad al wa aXlow aa ( a'ibl j to ma.w them. Oar aim m to nl avor to keep iu line with uur former policy and b it In lid ts well u name, -THE RKiilLATOR LINE." Write for rie mn, iuMrated fo.tler. Porohae your ticlketa aud btp your Iratcht via ttso Riiti L'LaToK LiVK- correspondeuc aollcitod. . u. allawai, uenerai General Commission z. f: Still and Adjoining' R. The Dalles, CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED Jp3pt SUentien will be paid to thoe . -.. "' - WaoiT. Springs: i.vv. STAG ., Leaves Prineville at6a.rh. on Tuesday,. Thursday and ) C..P7P.T7 ', 7o7v" -T?' YrrTrV-STrTrlnrrc --Itlnli fir Cr TV. i . . . . . ' o ... Ua ts ana wav points. " .- . . - , 1 . , , .',,- , ' . 'i- 1 Die cpnttt)Ur qf.the.iCurrency hat Leaves Warm bpnngs at 6 a. m. oiv -ftionaay, AVednesoay. appointed a seeiur .for.. h.Aiericn and Friday," ion;necttng; at Prineyille wkh-.tages to Curns'Netionai B.apk " of Baltimore. it iLakevif-vaiHl other poiajk:!. ., ' -; -.j thought that depositor. ui be paia " Through to' The -Dairts in tXAVTm,.; Farei .f.soq .-"mh, .Tien T.m i.y.s 1 Roynd trip, $13.50. Good accommodations L all Stations," and . "Prince I'hing asserts that Kmperor rrsmtrirrnVilp vf-riirlpc f : ' . ..'. " 1 Kwang Hsu, : unaccompanied bv. the , o...:-..t.. : c 'ri t n j xa: iit 1 a, p(tirQm.1inc.uai io.-;tjncviut-f 2 j Jiajt" Vllil.v ' CX A 11 1 Jl. STrm.-rtrila rfriirfel ThdDalles. i i t - The Prineville & Qnahiko ..STAGrE GEOv M. -f - leaves Fhsniko at 6 P M. every day, and arrives in Prineville at . 0 A. M Leaves Prineville at tt P. M. every day, and arrives in Bhaniko in 12 hours. ,. Carries the U. S. mail, pwsengersand express. . ..; ' ' ' ' . . - Connects at TrinevJlTe- with stagfes for Eastern and Southern Oregon, Northern 1al1fonia and interior points. , Also; makes connection at Shaniko with trains fo" Portland and. all Eastern points. . . , -. . . . A . . . . . ( . - Good accommolationa along- the road.- r't-ace coaches, and now have the uest equipped stage line in astern Oregon for the accommodation of the traveling public '. ' ' - .. . . '. All persons wishing passage must way-bill at 'offices lfore 'taking' passage; othrra will not be re. ei veil. . Expreet moat be way-billed at the offices, or Stage Company will not be responsible. j r.i. The Company will take no risk on money transmitted. ' '.Partiatilac'fttention given to delivering express- matter at Prineville' and Southern poind in Oregon, and advance charges will be paid by the company. I',.; STAGE 5 T': J.JJ . j ' . -av 'V 5 All Stage; Lkes. Line A Mi rOlttAM) & line as a ftteanr ratife almvst artoort The eooliuc ttreaa. the K rlUid aceaerr, tli u BUt tt a momi a jo able' irp Try IU r ,- ,-0 ... - - raref-ilW freirhl of all kinds, wltlt vromrt I A?ent, me uaues, ur.i"'". and in Business at the 013 Well - Known Stand - ' ' R. Depot Or : - P: ft f ho favor me "Vitb. their patrona gn,J ? ?.': .; i . i i - E MOODY LIN rJ.' E.. .CAMPBELL, Proprietor. t'la-r: 1-.2 ye. . i , o 1 r.- u. i ;- , 0 i tcqLb per po una. -, a 1 111 V IltCj '',1-aU ' K' - ' - 1 I-ISI COKNETT, Manager. We- have recently put chi new thorough-' all OFFICE. HI- mm From All Parts ol the New World . .r.tiv' a i i - - and'Tne Old." ' f ' - u- . , v - r ; . r t p OF INTEREST TO' OUR MANY READERS, ; . " ' . -v ;. Comprthensrvi'Rltvlew or the Important Hap-1 i penings of the Past Wtek In . ' ' , " Condensed. Form. . . ' - r , i Dewet Boera. the Kuidiun genina ef the I i. . , i. Minister Wa thiuka demands ted mncb- , the joint note Minnesota 4)as experienced' ber fiist blizzard o the year.- " . . The Japanese minister of wmmH cation hss resicned. Spokane baa' decided d ! . a. .- ersl fair dnrins 19U2. Oregon baa paid out i ,.v. in scalp bounties during ' Pnblio attention in .0 copied with crime, in hit 1 Kitchener reports that -. into Cape Colony has bee. ...Germany wants the sal . bi 11 before buying an A , ship, s i; -t s . . RebejL are 'anlteT&d tlnces bi&'anay a CebD. islands. . Rnalpad will buy 5O.P0O asnles tn-taie Ijnited Stales. f Sooth Africa. - "' . Delav in nreotiations " in gTeat change of sen tint en is t China in Japan. V AVtofiMdo ai rent Vaffye wirea beins down. H. Pbelpa Wbittnarsb baa I JJtrv-five Insurgents were kill. one American wounded in an enc :--"qar G-anobat.ui Philippine iln - ' ' E. II. Sonthern, the weir know tor, Wlbo ha been laiii up for some - , . by an "acot-Dt. ia entirely ecove v A large portion of the Philpp . must be abandoned nnle&a the relie the army is immediate, saya Secret . Root. - ; ' . " . - The police are working, on the ca ot Lock, the l'ortland burglar recent';. : rrerej. It ia thonght that a chai 5 of murder will lai.l t bis door. ' . Fire which started in a Pennsylvanh coal mine 42 years ago is nnder control. , ... and it is aafd.ihat the next two years will see it extinguished.- Ihe tire has consumed about 35 cres of the fiist coal band in the anthracite region. j 1 longer was instxuctei' to sign the There ia another bitch in the Chinese negotia(iona. - .-- Xroosaa'-wre 4ieia -concentrated. -In Northern Cai Colony." iuB war aiucs nss nrrHngea po reiakirce-Kitct)ener at ooce. t Nicholas Darnell, a pioneer of Kaat- ' em Oregon, ia dead, aged 63 yeara. " ( Bator McBride appropriation tor hm askod for lrgr catotus eervic launch sjtatoria u .... i Tha fiooth.lCel Iv Lnmhftr ComtiABT wafchaajte ita bea partes from Sag- inawto JJugeqe, Or.... I ' ' " -. !' G6veTnor Ueeraska Pacific Northwest atat-a to Join .Oregon in ceJeuration of Lewis, and Clarke-ceuovunial: :'-! ' A mob at Gulf Port. $liss, lynched egro. It now ai pears that be was" B -wrong man.. , .. . .. ' The supreme court of OClo has dis missed five cases brought under the I "trait laws of ttm tat. V it is probaitle that tne president win visit Portland and the Pngst sound cities on his trip in May. . -ftate'of Washington pays .IL.300 ' Bugwr Dfluuty to.iocal sugar -ueet . lao tory for Spokane county cropC The striking telegraph operators on the Santa fe have given ap the fight. Their placea nave been filled by new have been massacred by Turks. . The Turkish authorities, -show the fctinbst ; inJ.ffan i tuu s uci vui.ti. - tmpresa uowager, ieit hinan m oe K ' The dead body ol rVfwf F. Johnson 1UMU, TV awl VU M.a -venue, Puyallup. The. presumption was: found in a 1 U.tlist Johnson fell into he ditch and ' w&a.nnable to rescue himself. r. A coal mine under the ciy ot , Pitts. 0-'tOTf!f Pennsylvauia, has partially j cavin in, allowing part ol the priuctpal ! street of the town to fall iuto the oiine. I It if feared other sections will if. ho amk. ar. '.' The salmon output in- the Ngrhwess exceeds that of nil former years. - la Prussia an income tax is levied on ' all vihoae income exceeds $225 a year. . . - , . An agreement has been reached set ting aside $20,83 month for Count ess Caatel lane. Jay Gould's daugter. . fti M. H anb'a, brother of the 'sena tor, gave a Cleveland hospital Northern Paoilio preferred stock valued .a $82,- '000'.:. . . . ; ,. Thirteen colored women whose ages range from., 85 to 75, are -attending I night school in Jersey City, N. J., and I taking their firkt lessons in reading..- . ' .-'An Alabama geologist', who has Neon' prospecting in the -neighborhood of De oattu, saya he has found unmistakable traces of gold and phosphate within 15 miles of the dty named. 1 ' ' ' ' ' - The gross earning, of 143 representa tive railroads for the first nine month, of this year amount to the, sum oi $888,991,000. This is $80,000,000 more than . the same roads earned for linejerreponqinB.l"BB.lnjeuM!. . - 1 .- .4l. .1 CS . LATER. NEWS. Tbtee children at. Qiymnia were cre mated alive.: '"' - " ' i There are said to be 30.000 lepers in p cl- I -SlassaoreBS of nittive CliristianH in China continue. ' . Cleiients cannot force ihe I5oer a ' ? The liittiber' iiyluarry in Eastern Ore- 4Hi npiiliy growing. ' V squadron of Veomaury ie eniJ to la've been captured by Boera. Whitmaran, the new governor of lenguet, ia Vlirilisn aaliject. ) - - Stocks of wool in the United fetates exceed 350.000.UOO pounds. , . A receiver Old Town bank, ' A receiver was appointed . for tbe at Baltimore. . . . The trial of A 1 void, the' defaulting aote teller, bin been iostpnue.l. , ' "i ' . u:'i ii of ex-Attornerv-General " icted by his mother. ..e. ..-making-little prog-rws ' . . wi from Cape Colony. . a -well known reei .i. -t . ; . : .: committed suicidji. l'---:;." v r sli, at the New Tork ; . - . js " greatest ever known students have been foreign ministers there are unanimous rsburg for propagat- j ly of the opinion that China will ac aes . cepa the conditions imposed by tbe 0 refugee, ears the ioin ' of ' powers within a 1 neves succeed in I month. The note was .started on its ine islands. wy to the dowager empress and the 1 emporor immediately- after its presen wked to recognize i tttion bnt communication ia slow, and sinking the .Mer: ) u probably will not reach thein nntil 6UUno. i Doc. 27. ' .' ' yed the 3 ethedj f "Vice-Admiial ' Aliexoff." says the olored) oflW ' St. Petersbarg oorrespondens of the tor. was fatally Times, "baa issued orders to the men . ..i - ... : voder his command ' in China to make id rejectis the ' . ' . nrt'a-aiii ' .00 at- ' Ttiey were vounded. most likely show that to justify the tinted t pianist. : e.. t - en forced myiU.. - netting a pruuu- i ld . . . " 4. . Jbt i 1 , ' 1 in racj Fi half 150, "Tbt -"". T- Kho01 the legujiatnxe to gram normar g aauates dint.miLS tinder foi mer ioikI lti.mii "An unsuccessful attempt was ninIe to blow op M;Jiuiel in Oklahoma, terri- j . Jor- A saspect has been attested. Two tiotA.1 ChimLrn scipnttAtA dMnlurn alter long experiments, that the beat ing of the heart ia caused by comuiou ! salt in the blood. . ! James Patterson, for the past four,; years city treasurer of Aberdeen, j Wash... ts dead at, his home in that ! city, aged 67 years. A shooting affray occurred at Burke, i idahu, aud as a result 1 earley Gordon j , ,, t . : .1.. .. i. i and Charles Beck are in the hospital . . . , suffering from ahot wounds. ... Alfred llarmsworth, editor and pro- prietor of the London Dniv Mail, pre- ,du:taa complete revolution in journal-' tarn dniing the coming century. John Tiger, full bloode.1 Tn.lian, living in Indiao territory, while Intox icated, shot and killed thrve men and wounded a bov. He ww captured. . A sesioua race war is eacpectej at afwuedtville, a small Indiana town.' The troable was caused by two negroes getting Id tor tea tod and trying to in tiinidato alt the whites they met. . ' A French detachment of 100 men on I.. - , ... . . , . ... - their wayfrom Tien Tsin to Hung Tsu, fwere .fired upon by Boxera' aa they ap- nrnarhed a sma II . vil aire. One ollicer mall . villave. One ollicer w.. killed and another woundeiK The! r.,h h.,rn.ri th. villa... - -.- - - . "1 , Webb Jay. Indianapolis manager for , tne riica iviauuincturiu voiuihuj, oi Winsboro, III. andf a promineujf bowl- was arrested on a charge of embez Element, preferred by S. B. Uaiehat t praftiilent of-trie company. Jlr. -Kiue-hart stH tea ' that the alU')Jrti'bhoi tage will not exceed $S,000. " King Viotor' of Itaiytiad a narrow escape from drowning while viewing the tlood in Kawie: " ' r - i Since the repeal of the Colorado law providing for capital puuatdimeut there have been 73 murders in .- Denver and vicinity. - - . ..- Horseshoes, weighing, an, ounce each and1 just a trirle larger -than a silver, dollar were turned out-in a California shop for a Slietland p"y "six- mouths Id. . ' ' - "'- " v.--. ' : . ..- j - A furniture dealer in Providence, R. I., offers to provide the .eninister.r mar riage feast and' wed iing trip, to yQ.arflK oeuples patronizing him for house hbld goods. . ''""' " ' ' 41. ,' ' . I- : The famous oH race hoaae. Robert J who went a mile in 2:01 H against time, and ..went a. mile in a race In 2:02 was sold at a recent horse sale (or $625. , The New York Centra. railroad will spend $2,500,000 in improving it. har bor property at Boston. . The plan iu- eludes tnaiart ist grain aievaor qnne j .i.4-i'jK -. . - in- " I in...-n..i CtllllA WILL ACCEPT Envoys Believe She Vill Con cede Powers' Demands. . - RINGLEADERS HAVE BEEN ARRESTED Princes Tuan and Chung Taken Into Custody In the Interior Yu Mtien Ordered to ' Return to Sinan Fu to Be Executed. " London, Deo. 27. The Shanghai correspondent of the Standard 'tele graphing. Deo. 26, says: . ' ,4Tbe srovernment bai arrested Prince Tuan and Prinoe Chung on the borders of the Shan Si and hen Si provinces. Yvt Hsien hits ' been ordered to return ito Sinan Fn forthwith, to be executed, ! it ia supposed. "It ia inferred from these reports that the imperial authorities are pie j paring to concede tne demand of the joint note for the punishment of the I instigators of the trouble in China." j. According to a news agency's dia- ratrh from Pekin- dated Deo. 26. the detailed lists Of the Chinese property money, cattle, tirovisiens. etc. -takii by them, and where soch property now ia. The oorrespondnt also says that detach mnt f fiotsiaaSfAii Soutbani land Soatlieasterii Maucfanr im-poaXimam 4 the work of eT.vrwiwvtrtoxjtMri j Chinese troops and origan da. - i A dispatch train Pekin to a news ' agency here dated Dec. 26, ears' mis tionariea state that Boxers 35 miles east . of Pefcin killed 12 Ctftholics and burned .eight in the temples. - . , - , MAY TURN DISLOYAL The Positioa of Cape Colony Is flanging hi . the Balance. . ' London, Deo. -27".-The position of ..Cape Colony ts banging in the balance. he closed by Lord Kitchener's combina tion. Lord Kitchener ia in the heart of the disaffected districts. He haa the advantage of being personally ac quainted with local conditions. Last March be supervised the suppression of the ri-ing which occurred then. . He ia bringing down thousands of troops from the North. The Standard'a Cape Town corre spondent saya the loyalista demand that mai tial law aha 11 be proclaimed throughout Cape Colony, but adds: tbt lack of aufflcient troops to'en" force it.' FOR -THREE ARMORIES. Desired That Washingten So Honor Spokane, . . Seattle and Tacoma. - .. Seattle. Dec, 27. A committee of K nr . . X" ! . i f . i. "? ''"'7' " . . , . . ... r , revision of the state military code. , , . . . . , . , which ia to be presented to the legia- i . , . . " lature next . month for formal accept- : ance. This code makes the guard oon- j form in all respects to similar orgah- izationa in the regular service. -. The strength f the guard ia to be consij- ' "u" examinations for commissions maue mucn: more rigid. ..Special apropriationa to build three armories, at Spokane, Tacoma and Se ectle; will be asked for. It ia also hoped to secure a small appropriation. or installing a battery and modernis ing some equipments aaid to be out of date. Releated From Prison. niiv.ii iviii rnwn. p, ai - , - " Montreal De. 27. Jmea Baxter, i"rmeriy or mcagu. ana lately oi r.ew wno was seaaenoed here some i time ago to five years in the ueniten iry for his connection with the Bank yille Marie frauds, has been released on 'conditional. Uardou" from St. Yin- cent de Paul penitentiary, Hia.wiie( santly for his pard on accounj of ill- health, ever .ince hi. conviction. He is suffering from dropsy and his condi-' tion is serious. Peru Buys a War Vessel. New York, Deo. 27. A dispatch to the Herald, from Lima, Peru, says: It is leported that Senor Cervajal, gov ernment commissioner, bits purchased a war vessel in Franoe. The British cruiser Amphion has arrived there. Large Shipment of Peach Trees. -, A shipment of 100,000 voung peach trees from Georgia nurseries, bound for Cape Colony and Natal, South Af rioa, has been made. 'if'' Residence Burned.. Salem, Or., Deo. 27. The residence of Elmer Seeley, in South' Salem, was burned about 8 o'clock thia morning, soon after. Mr. Seeley , had left for Port land. . The origin ot the fire ia un known. She house was valued at $400, with $300 insurance. . The oon tents were worth about $300, part ot whioh was saved. It ia not known whether there was insurance on the oontenta. AS the bouse was a half mile outside the city limits, and no water iapply was Bear, the fire depart, aient did not-go ouV " : ' . "'" ; ',. -.""A" - : . KITCHENER'S TASK. Unable Yet to Drive Boers From Cape ony Disturbed Area Growing. - Col- London, Dec. 28. The paucity and ' Dbscority of the dispatches from South frica give rise to renewed anxiety, j Apparently the disturbed area of Cape Colony extenda further aouth than it did-' last December, ..and Lord' Kitch-1 ener does not appear to have much noce8g as yet in driving back the in-1 vaders. . . ' : The war office had received n6 news but evening of ' the reported capture ot yoemanry near Bristown. . A Burghesdorp dispatch bad a mya terioQs reference to an "unfortunate mistaking of the enemy for" Brabant's Horse, which resulted in the sounding of 'cease firing' and enabled the Boers te oceupy ' the commanding positions, the British retiring from a . diihcult Predicament." - ' General Clements' success against the Boers in the Magalies Berg region hi also . doubtful, the last dispatch re porting that "it was considered advis able not to force the Boera from their position." The British press continues in the main optimistic, but the condition of affairs brings home the enormous diffi culties that will face Lord Kitchener in patrolling and policing duch im mense tracts of country, even when the Boers shall be finally subdued. The Daily Mail, which makes a strong appeal to the government to "face the facts and send Lord Kitchener more troops," says: "There is a real risk in being lulled to sleep by carefully censored messages." Lord Kitchener, according to a dis patch from Johannesburg, has issued a proclamation, -dated Pretoria, Decem ber 20, announcing that burghers who voluntarily surrender will be allowed to live with their families - r-nst" i a- In ti o s&sch time aa guerilla a .! wa-ii4a' KterT I i to admit a tMx r-tura . to wir nooiai. z .- also p-ni ifcuw vm&wmr mx4 cock brought ia aa will be raspi eitioned by - THE SCRANTON STRIKE. More Imported Mea Induced t Chanja Their Minds and Join the Strikers. Scranton, Pa;, Dec- 28. Fifty-three more men reouited in New York to take the places - of the strikera on the Scranton - Railroad Company - arrived tonight, bnt before the train had come to a full stop the strikera and their syuipatbizera boarded the car, and bv t -r "... r "vhy are in ..a', -.t ! - .' .. '! :.-ru - r:-.- r. l;.-T- . .i . v'. .-'1 Klj ' nr. . . . -.i s iif.i. h!r.' 'iv ; .-. t-.i'jLp i- '. - r. . - i tht. ikai . ' i ! v.a car. :. ... . "i.t cars v..-.-. :u . u. t :-w a, p; t-r? , "to t' il- l'l. vised hotel in the Linden street " car barn for the accommodation o( the im ported men. - The hotels refuse to re ceive them, and the merchants refuse to furnish supplies. Three men were coaxed off the cars this afternoon and sent away by the strikers. General Manager Silliman saya the company will have cars running on all the lines tomorrow. Wilcox's Big, Mileage. Washington, Dec. 28. Robert II. Wilcox, delegate in the house of tepre aentatives horn the Hawaiian islands, haa just been paid a claim of $1,000 for mileage. It was the largest claim of the kind ever made, bnt it was paid promptly by the sergeant-at-arms ol the bouse. Every congressman ia en titled to mileage at the rate of 20 oenti per mile, "by the .most direct and practicable route from his home to Washington and return," The dis tance between Honolulu .and Washing ton ia figured at . 5,000 miles. Mr. Wilcox will draw $500 more (or hie return trip. ' ' ' . Cashed Worthless Checks. . Aberdeen, Wash., Deb. 8. Ll' D. Savage, stenographer in the office ol City Attorney J. C. Cross, yesterday swindled many business men by iuduc ing them to cash worthless checks in sums ranging lrom 15 to $40. Sav age made out the checks- .payable to himself. He bad but little trouble in getting them cashed Pardons for Farto Ricans. KewYork, Deo. 27. 'A Sispatob to the. Herald, from San Juan, Porto Rico, says:' Governor Allen has cele- 1 brateil the toli,lr season by extendi executive- clemency to 24 prisoners Porto Kican jails. Jle haa pardoned 17 murderers and' homicides and seven thieves. ' ' . . Arrested for SUge Robbery. , Lakeview. Or..' ''Deo. ' 28. Bob Oglesby, driver of the Lakeview. Pais-1 ley stage. was 'arrested! tonight ny i i " ' " noxtrouoe ' ' that stage DeceruDer 21: Money that no tuujk uum wni una iuoui.1- tied. Andres's Brother Gives Up Hope. London, Dec. 28. The brother j o' Andree, the missing .aeronaut, saya a dispatch from. Copenhagen to the Daily Mail, despairing pf his return from the Arctio regions, has ually opened his will. . ' . ,,' . Another Chinese Envoy. London Deo 88 It is asserted in ShSai .crffl, " disparch W kin having been appointed to assist in .uv ".'O " " " f . ' ' 1 Bound for Tahiti. . -' -New York, Deo.. 2$. The Normsm- die of the t renon line, wnicn naa just rrTn'nt five Fren'c Tus in full uniform, -who are going to Ta hiti, the prinoipal island ot the Sooiety group, in . the South Paoifio, which is owned by France. They were in charge of a Bub-lieutenant, ahd came from Lyons. They will relieve a like number now in Tahiti. They will UXV-KHS IiUIB UUUklllO-V W OaU SMUViawi and will, there, embark r. oioaa thia continent to San Francisco, naixou.i MADE 11D But Kitchener Cannot Drive Theni From Cape Colony. . ; EFFECT OF KITCHENER'S PROCLAMATION ; . . Watward Movement ol the Dutch From 4he Vryburg Diitrict Dtwet ia South, . eastern Orange River Colony. . IondoD, Dec. 29. The latest dia patohes from fconth Alrica show that Lord Kitchener haa sacceeded in hold- 1 fiilS te -Boers ia check. He has nut yet been sucoeesfal in expelling them from Cape Colony, while different commandoes continue to display aston ishing activity over .in immensely wide Held. " It ia questionable whether his proc lamation will have mnch effect until General Dewet ia captured. - The Boera are likely to regard it aa a sign of weakness and to have a wholesome dread of vengeance if they surrender. 1 The proclamation is approved by the party at home that favors ooncilitory terma to the Boers as a step in the right direction. Queen Victoria, it is said, has an proved the proposal to izistitnte a new order of knighthood to reward officers who have served in Bouth Africa. The order will probably be called the Star of Africa. A dispatch from Vryburg, dated De cember 20, eaya that Boers in consider able .numbers were making a move ment westward. They had 150 wagons. The dispatch suggests that they were trzi-jg & Oamsvr i-ano, although the Boers themselves denied ny soch intention. ' . ...Bee's May Surrender. .. : ... Bloemfontein, Orange Biser Colony,. Dwe. 29. T Venewed "hut ou i. fls " ramora that Gent. Dewet Presiduit Steyn and Cisueral Vjalibi "c save had a conierenca and decicied to offer to surrender, providing the colon ial rebels are not pnniahed, and the leaders, including themselves, are not deported. - .- - - ; Boer Attack Repulsed. ' " Cape Town, Dec. 29. A small party of Boera attacked Burgbersdorp. on December 26. They were repulsed after heavy fighting. The Boers are active, and skirmishes in several placea have been reported. . t t..rt... :u i..H t.l-.r ti c-. -s.-itE. ;r t - fcr.-; : tor P orcrt. ue! -.' zi Li.'" 3 ?;'.r..'t...T. 1-' -tt t-xr 1: A.ilj, lev ary, for the settlement of the claiii.s of Chinese and Japanese growing oat of the destruction of their proper -y at Honolulu at the time of the .bubonic plague outbreak. It appears that the Chinese claims are less than was at first estimated, and that the totak of the Chinese and Japanese claims are, approximately, 91,800,000. The Chi nese government has not been in a condition, of late, to exert preasnre in behalf of the claims of its citiaens, bnt the Japanese authorities have been ac tively looking out for the losses sus tains.! by their countrymen, and now seem to be in a fair war of securing partial remuneration. Governor Dole suggested a short time ago that the matter be referred , to the Hawaiian legislature, and this 'was approved by the off.cials here aa the beet means ol adjusting the matter. There app-rs to be little doubt tbat the legislature will authorize a settlement. Frozen to Death Near Dawson. . Oregon City, Deo. 29. A Tacoma dispatch states that Harry MolT:,tt, ot this place, was frozen to death some thing over two weeks ago near Dawson. City. He had gone alone to Eureka creek for a bunt, and Vas cinght in a ' snow- atorm and wandered aimlessly about for two days, l.'e was found bv . a rescue party with his hands and feet badly frozen, bnt died before they could reach Dawson'. . . . Excepting the dispatch, no news has been received here by J. W. Moffatt. brqther. of Mie reported ' dead man. Hairy Moffat left here on the first trip of the- Elder for the Klondike ci nutry. ' where be had since been esiraged in mining a short distance front Dawson. ng F- White. whp leJt Daaon a few iai"weelM ago, states that Moffatt occupied a cabid"adjotafj)g. nis own. . 'Turks: Assaulted a British Clurge. Omstantinople, Deo. 39. Soma Turkish soldiers have grossly assaulted and maltreated the Br ish charge d 'affairs, Mr. De Bulsen, and other members of the British embassy in the 1 vicinity ot tne . powaer tmtgailne at Makrikeiu. Sharp demand, for re- dress nave utwu uiHua wj ine i ori. 4 Santa Fc Buys a Lac. Chicago, Dec. 29. Announcement ' was made today of the acquisition by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa 1 Kailroad Company of the Pecos Valley c Northeastern, which rnns from A ma-' i rillo,' Tex., where ir ceuncts with r',"-' "-v' distance of, 877 miles. The price paid 'r the property could not be cer but is understood titat the payment wu. be made in oaah and gen- ' London Dock Firs. 1 London, Dec. 29.. One of the most serious fires which has occurred in the End of London during the tas. ID years broke out today at the East In-- dia docks. Five immense sheds, filled with goods, including M.GpO bales tit .hemp and quantities of jute, were 6on- , sumed. The shipping in the neighbor- hood and other warehouses were only saved by the great exertions of the "fire- - .men. The loss will reach nearly A U a ....... ,3 1 ill ut Tt rf the f all "en- ly.uppn ti i4 X '' property. I ' i i r '4r?-