. t.Asm. V- i.,iMwwi ir, i-11' 1 1 ' l ; VlS AT SI ll,vk, lis ul iifi. Wil'mS , pin"'- NTS DiilU'i VOL. X. I'lMXKVH.LK, CROOK COUNTY, OKKfJON, THURSDAY, DKCKM IJKK 17, IMOS. NO. 20. 5i iilii liiili U.VJ UiAlfc JiUjJiliiUii AAtlliUiltK .4 i TEMPLETON & SON . E I'RAI.KIi.-H IN Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Motllclnoa nnd Tollot Articles fj Wlimi un.l l.lijiuiio fur inelli-i! imi'iuirii only. 1'liynli'lniui iiitt-ilii n tiimniliy i'i'Hii i.ninli it. Sunday NVcdnea- 5? WtffTW vfT5?ir7rlVT1WWW7? A. H. LI PPM AN & CO. K U R N I T U R IC (louse Famishing Goods Between Portland and Salt Lako City. UNK tNTI'U! MAt.F HI Ot'K tKVrKl To Till" MANtTAO til;': AMI At.K UK I'VliNilUiti:. KTC. HMl'l.K I'OSSTUl'UTlOS COOD MAMI'OLUKU V1SIUI.K WHITISH VKltY UAHI.IC KASY ACTION Tho Pittsburg Visible Typewriter H. L. DUNN, Agent, hlCNtl roR C'AIAt. KlfW VOI HUrk Htroit, PjrtlunJ Oroon. ( llllicll Diieeloir. Services will In held nil follows: IIAITIHT.1 linevillo preaching tlm second and fourth Sundays, sharing fourth Willi rrmiliyUriiin, Hiibbuth school every at - i. in. I'mvcr meeting fvery day i-vming nt K o'clock. Iluyttni It preaching every thin! .Sui day, bind pri'iidiing every flrht Sun diiy. lu'v. Tiipht juihlor, residence I!iii it imrxoniigo l'rinevillu Ore. I'llKHllVTKIII AN 1'iitievillc prt-ii citing the fust Sun iliiy in Hip month. Sabbath school every Sunday ninrnini; nt 10 n. in. Prayer meeting every Wednes day evening at 7 .'!( o'clock. Kev Cum mtM ford Iteridence al I'rinrville hotel. CIIIHKTIAN. I'rwicliinf; tho third Stitidn y in the month, 'V LETTER FROM MANILA. A INTKKKH'I'INU COMMUNICATION FROM MftH. I.fcTTIK MIIXKK. Curious Features of the Orient. Itr.viKW: I having not seated flat in one ono of tliosn written Kinco lcuviii Hon Kon! crude vehicles traveling along fit I will givo you it letter of my a snail pace. I traveled thus to last, hut fur from least experi- j Hedujien, it village of () in ence. After leaving llony Kontr j liutjitants, here I c-ould j;o no we were on the (jhinn Sea three j further with u rig fiiid mu.st say days and two nights and here we j had left Togalois Illacaixi and muni Tented our seamanslii), all heing of n generous disposition and knowing tic tlshes of this 'particular body of water were al ways hungry ve all did our duty. We steamed into old Manila Hay where Jiewey gained his laurels, in fare of u thick fog itnd unfortunately emild see but little although wo could make out dim outlines of Corrigidor and (Invite. We landed September 27, find the fairer skined natives as well as good roads liehind, "was now in the mountain district of Luzon, and iiilies from my destination. In some countries U miles an; not faij but the rougheat moun tain road I ever traveled over in Oregon was an accademized road coin pared with this region. I secured the carrigadore to ussist me on. They are the Igarotter or head hunter of the North, in had the pleasure of meeting t be 1 height they are nbout us tall as THEOLD RELIABLE V, ; K--.: -r I Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE m. k. c iieiii'ii. i'rinvvi I lo preaching lh econd and fourth Huixhtva it 1 In. m, and every Sunday evening al 8 o'clock. Sahb.itli n-liool every Sunday at 10 a. in. I'jmoilh luii(;ue every Sunduy evening ut 0 ;30 p. m. I'rayer meeting every Thureday evening at 8 o'clock. Willow Creek preaching firpt Sunday in carh tnonth at 11 a. in. ) C'hiypool preni hing 4th Sunday in each month at H p. in. I Chrixliuo Kiideavor meett at tho l nion cnurcn every ruiumy een- j lug ot 7 p. nt. J ' j f , r lILllliSlliTlllM1 p,'Sr CORSJCTT & F.t.KINS. .v. ' I j n .ri " tii i i i4-i oie aui'iiiinii "i i .1 " i i fir i imh-i. U.f .,litiT. if 'Millli.-ii. A Ciiiwv' liiri'l." ulli.r nl Sl.itl!..-' Oul.ln.' "MntOi-M. K'trms i'l I'l'-n'linK"." WM, B. MATTHEWS, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW. Will ,r- tli t- !i.n- Hi.- t'nl! -I ii(1.- Wtitin-iiio l i.iirl, Ihc i'irl .'I I'lniMi. ,tl il,i' tH-f&rl- lm-llt. M ti .ft Ci'llillllltiH-. I'l t'liliKrini. ii-.-tt lti..li.n itSu li t.. i-.iiili.(cl nil'! n pun,-1 -.-- iiii-li'i (In- 1 1 iiiImt mi'l Stunt'. Ilonif ii 'l . Tun ntti nt iiinli-rul l. i Ih' l..r i'i-it(,-r,-. mail r-MiU- utiitrai t.i, mi'l l't-i-iil. (iir inn mii'ii.. iMIiiw Hi' nl HiitMiiK. WASHINGTON. D. C. custom otliciuls who )roceeded to ransack our baggage for dutiable goods. I found Manila much beyond my expectations after visiting the unsanitary cities of the .Jap .inese and Chinese ports. I sup posed nil cities of tho Fast were alike, but Americanism prevails where e'er you find the Ameri can rule. I spent ! days in Manila Fee ing uiuny interesting sights. I found on my arrival here my husbind had recently been sta i tinned nt a province some ;!! miles from Manila, t-o I again bearded a steamer, and now for new experiences. My journey took nie north up the coast of the j China Sen. We encountered u j typhoon, and to say wo were rocked in the cradle of the deej it mild. YV an American boy or 12 years, j weigh on an average I'd pounds, : : ; are pure Malay, us brown us a 1 some ri'aces it is ver' . : - V ili t.i i-U llie ulli'iilii'ii i'l llm -n,i!o "I l'u.k t'oiiniv lo Urn fit, I Hut limo twromo tlm uminr mil (iinjir lolor u( llie IllLllirM llTl'l",.!ll ct uiiiiiil i li ('.iini'il A l ilim. Wo will mnko a Specialty of all Kinds of Black emlthlnc, Horseshoeing ond Woodwork. t ll t tl.B o' I hlmul i l c.-t yuuf ..rk .Inn., in a oati.letory manner. E. O. HYDE, M. D., ' (i i'isry I'mnuiix) Phvslcian and Surtroon, riUNKVlLLK. OKECtON. CuVi iroiitl' altonilrJ, day aiil niglit H. ROSNBERC, M. D., 1'RINCVll.Ltt. OREGON. OIBc llril diHir nnrih l Ti-mplUn gon' eriig iuiri hronz statue and built likea g-ianl some vicinities are on a verge of Pigmy, their manner of dress is insurrection. The Constabulay very simjile, con.-.istingof u Ham-'is under ti e Civil Government boo hat, a bolo. the most ugly but much the same as the army, weapon I ever beheld, und a Gee' an' more than a Constabulay string, the clothes that it re- officer takes his life in his own quires to make an Inarotte a full hands, for he is alone with these suit of clothes, would not make ; utive soldiers and they areariii an American girl a neck ribbon. d with the Government U. S. These men were at my service' Arms and trained in modern they took a good stout Hatnboo warfare, and furthermore are far chair and made two Haiuboo ulore treacherous than ir.ost poo ailes fast to it, I rested myself j,.. think. One can expect an comfortably in the chair four of outbreak at any time with any these little brown mule fellows result imaginable. One thing raised those poles to their shoul- ( these people respect an Anieri ders and away they went, in a ! can woman, and we are perfectly long swinging stride that re-'safe from any harm as far as we minded tne of a pacing horse. 'are concerned. My friends can picture to them-1 Two hours after my arrival i. I . n' .1:1.., t . .. . Afn i 4i., puts it mild. We were tossed selves wnai mis was one. i ucuienaiu tinier goi iue ihsl hither and thither, and after two j These people live on dogs, lo- letter from me he had received days we put in port at San For- J cuses and rice. We traveled up in nearly 8 months, audit was nando de la Union and while 'and around and finally came to' written June 1. I will continue there I received a teleirram from a stretch of level country where, to write of conditions and pro Lieutenant Miller to go ashore everp step my corrigadorre's ; press here, but will not guaran aiid proceed through the Province 'would go to their knees in mud.! tee a safe arrival of my letters ,1.. 1. TTn!in t, I.e.iito liontoe. At len-'tli wo came u a ri or irom inese iar aw;i ,sie oi nu ll was taken charge of by the; fully tw swift us the Deschutes i cantain of this station and fared 'and much larger. My cor- I oieelv imleeil. Next niorniuL' I riiradorres here took of took'a carronetta similar to a 'clothes if I may call them such. c art in the stater with a cover, for they did not wish to get them and made readv for mv trip wet, and plunged in th through the tropics, hut alas .swam to the other side ami se tho tiny horses knew the art of j cured a raft made of course of iinnr lmrd iHambiHi. nrobabiy t'nree feet quiet and these conditions here. Lettie Miller. Allolin LcKintoe Bontoe Luzon P I. Oct. 12. 1903. sea, where I came to share the lot of one of these self appointed their i exiles for such thev certainly are. I tind it much cooler and far more pleasant as for climate, it river I is simply delightful here now. We are so near the equator that our days and irghts never vary V2 hours each. We have no twi- orncm.fRwu.u.J4.47v.ri work m.horjo wilh ,hehelpUvide und 10 feet long. They!light and no Hies. The mos- H. i- numr cm rt.iKi CCLKNAP A COWARDS Physicians and Surgeons riUNKVlLLE. OREGON, omc. lit AJamn A Wliinrk Co't. lru 8lor SHArHHO-PRlHEVIUIiE-BEHD STAGE LINE. ii l oitsrrr, rriv . ;,, f. S mi,ilrnvea Sliai.ik.i every rveiiing.m the ; ' : ', S. It, ,in f, IViueville an I tie,, , our ,,..f,r I'.uo.l, .a.kn.g U," Ihtough tr,,; n. twenty four noma L-p.-1-ii.l nltem-ion g.v. n to pio -engera ami eMu,r, Ii. die-, il rnli-M on found tot- , iiuol) COAI'IIKS, CAUI I I I. I'MN l'-U. OSCAR HYDE, Agi nt, I'lineville, Oregon. M. R. DICCS, Attorney at Law and notary. Mnln Hlroot, Ft'lnevUlo, Orotfon. omc on ilrft ImJIui to Court llou. of probably "0 more natives convinced them to move on all day. I traveled through this tropical country through jungles and again by the sea and always in the midst of the most beauti ful tropical vegetation. No park made me know bv surns und motions that I must sit Hat down, which I did with two of these lit tle fellows one behind and tho other in front. They held me on this priinutive raft and the other two rowed us over. You may swiftness of this I Foster & Lehman, THE OLD RELIABLE BUTCHERS ft W'n i nrrv only the ihoii' ii.irlr Kinn miiokrd meiilt Unl of extra qimlil.V table In eetoti. t of beef, mutton inn! of nor own raring. Kiidt in neiiHon. ego- Sours is the family supply ? HOUSE OF rniNEVILLEitt. o c. W. BARNES, ATI'OIINKV AT LAW AX1 NOTAHY ri'llt.lC rUINEV'lU.F!. OUBGON. Oltlroon W Thlnt Slroi-t. A. D. MORRISON, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUHEGON I'l tnovlilo, OreKon oiIht Ninl I'niir l" A.lnmm I'riin mM fill! i rouivll)' MU'iidi'il lu- C. A.C1.1NK. iKMisr, nuM-.viu.K, oukcon. W. A. BEUL, Attoniey-ut-Lnw NOTARY PUBLIC. omro oh trel in.iiii ' - PUlNKVll.l.K, UUKt'ON. T irum-nr in U suroussod or i niiuirino tne bardlv collided bv this lovely stream when I tell you we were country. Huge Cocoanut, Palm. . a. Jk. Jtk. Ji&4&tr n.c Weelcly Oreontan Hanana, and Orange trees, Bam boo groves, lovely rice fields, till went to make my trip from San Francisco to Hangar a pleasure, it was indeed like traveling in a Fairy land, with saucy monkeys chattering here und there, birds of most beautiful plumage and wandering natives on all sides. I passed huge stone names that wore moss grown and seem ingly a century old. Through towns mill villaires. crossed huge rivers on Itamboo llotits or a small ferry boat, and bridges of the same material.' At length Hangar, a native town of 110,000 inhabitants, was reached. J. nan n letter of introduction to the Ibacuno iui- quitoes are ve:v small and quite an anoyance, but all have the beds draped in netting similar to bobinet or very tine net. Trusting I have not taken up to much of your valuable space for I could write volumes on M. E. BRINK, A-rrOUNKY AND I'Ol NKKl.Oll AT LAW A Stroot, Tlotweon Flrat Second PUINKVII.I.H!, OUKUON. J I, McCUI.LOCU, Abstracter of Titles Prinovilli!, Oregon. uresideut here an tive, he made me welcome and showed by e cry look and action i,..t T n-:K i welcome iruest. On i ii.ii a . -account ofthe'river being up I was delayed several days here, and subsisted on native sou sou, rice wul chicken cooked in a primutive style. I tinally was able to make my way on. 1 next employed the services of a curri ! ton. Now I will explain what, a carriton is, a two wheeled Itam boo cart drawn h.v a bull, u cow brute similar to the Chinese cat nearly half a mile below where we started when the farther bank was reached. Now for a climb over rocks where it looked impossible to climb along steep hill sides where I had to climb ! in some places it took the com bined efforts of the I g rotter as well as tho squad of native sol-j diers dispatched to meet me, to, get me over. One jilace for 50 j yards I was compelled to walk on a shelf of rock not more than six inches wide with a sheer precipice above me and a raging stream beneath, but I was neither drowned or had my neck broken. 8 hours was consumed going these 9 miles. At last Allelim my future home is reached. A beautiful town by the river, mountains on all sides, on the east they reach the height of 8tW feet. Lieutenant wilier hud not heard from me from the time he had sent for me until he received a telegram of my arriv al in Manila, ho was not looking for mo until the next day so he was the most surprized person I'd seen, lie hud arranged to meet nie at Sedupen, but 1 walk ed in unawares. Will draw a lino and leave my renders to guess how we met. I tind the conditions vary here, Many a man would bet ter go wilhout lunch at al! t'.iRii eat the hurried lunch which forms the noon-iiay meal of many a business mail. Hasty eating, foods hrinl to digest, ami no time allowed for digestion are the cause of many a case of stomach "trouble." risensc of the stomach seiioiisK- threatens the health of the whole body mid should be promptly cured. Dr. Tierce's Colden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach ud other organs of digestion and nutri tion. It enables the perfect assimilation cf food and the proper nutrition of tlie Vodyon which physical strength depends. "Nine or ten veare nso try health becamt vry aw. ntul Im'iSqj was so for gone lht Roo.1 . . .i o.r worst thi-v naa lliiwy l'hipp. of Tho Obelisk Of Wont Pole. Mont I'elee etAndt unique in the history of volcanoes in more tbsn oiis particular. A little over a year ago, scientists who were study ing il.in volcano discovered a pe culiar tooth-like formation growing out of the old cra'.er. Owing to '.he quantity of vapor and smoke which covered the mountain, this formation was not observed until it had groivn to a height of 295 feet ibove the rim of the crater. The lormation conlu not be mistaken a cone, such as is commonly formed in craters by the heaping up of matter ejected from the vol lano, since the sides were quite uiiooth, and approximately verti cal. It hd rather the appearance ,fa solid shaft of stone, and was henco calied the "oblii-qu of Pelee." From the time it was first discover id it 6teadily increased in htight, and when measured in the latter part of Maich, 1903, it was esti iiiutud to be 5,143 feet above the level of the tea, or 1,109 ftt above Mornc Lacroix, tut this did not mark the maximum height, be cause a petiod of heavy volcanic explosions has reduced it some what and caused its form to under go many changes. Thus, during the sprir-g and last summer it con stantly altered in height and gen eral appearance, sometimes rising a uumber of yards, and then, fol lowing a period cf explosions, be; ing reduced again. From the lime of its measurement in March, the iossis exceeded the gains until it anally disappeared within toe cone' which had been formed about it. This cone seems to be made up of Uva and cjecta which had been formed up from the vedta and of masses which have been BhaUered- dd fiQm the cbeiitk. The peculiar j henom t na of the obelitk have owtkencd great inter jet. IIo.v such a huge tiiouuuient, taller than the Effel Tower, could bo formed on thJ lop of ft violently .ictive volcano is a problem that is not easy cf solution. As far as we cau asceitain, only one plausible theory has been advanced, and that does not seem very credible ; namoly, that the needle was form ed of" molten lava duting seme previous peiiod of activity, that this lava solidified and formed a plug which closed one of the pass ages of the crater, and that now it has been worked loose and forced up by the recent renewed nctivitv. Tho obelist does havo the appear ance cf having been forced up in a solid piece liko a stopper in the bottle, mid held by fiiction against the sides of the epening. The northeast side of the obelisk is verv smooth, almost polished in Its true color, how . , , . ,i. ever, ib a reaaisn orown parujr v.-r rea.c.- '"S,...T.;..Vi.Wi.Bel, tr , u ntciii 1 cmiU iwi ceiv 1 hiiaily irot oirce iml ...in 'MW T'wk l,"M" 'oui," 10 K to lie bottles, n.,,1 in tew .)., , it-l,l n ile"l.le.t lm,.r,.veliient. I a.nimriuv.t To R im re Ve'J t Wht .ul coi'ta eat. wuh SriTme where t'ornierlv Uxxl m like- chips to 1 v" 1 '. a new nun. -, coukl cat n.... e.'t for sitl'IH-r. no in ne.i in ". wenllirr, ami Hunk if 1 had ' not taken y 7r, Pierce-. Pleasant Pellets cleanse covered with a whitish incrus the cWged system from accuunualed ' , Impurities. j (Concluded on page 4.) ' f S - t n j f ' If f i (' tle. My readers can imagine me vi ? I , L '' iji AMI r czr