IS 5H Ptift tlrfrtr i...e . . ' VOL. X. I'KIXKVIM,!-:, ( hook COUNTY, ()KK(i()X, Til I IKS I) A V, DKCK.MUKK 10, I'M',. NO. 10. r r-r k a ri r - -,-, s. . . I- i Livin.c. i cx .burs M-'al.tUiM in Dimes and Chemicals. Ptitent Muriicinoa unci Tollot Articles WlllOI r.ll I l,'iU"t n I nm to-M Mirionrt only I'tiyiU-l.triri iinriei Ip H ei r : v 1 i iiiikiuihU U. Kuiid.iy Wl (Jll( H third A. II. LI PPM AN A CO. K U H N i T U R IC House Furnishing Goods Celwccn Portland and Salt Lake City. t:r:t-e n.u.r in ock iikv.itko to tub manl'KAC- LUU AM UAt.fc K KUUNITUHK. K1C. Si MP LIS CONSTUrcTION C.OOI) MAN!KOl.!)i:it VISUM. K WIUTINU v i . i i v !fi;i;i.K KASY ACTION Inn i'li llli I'l'tni j. Service will bo held uh foll.i.vH : IIAI'TIMTH I'rinivilli! ptiiitliiiiK llm meohd mimi mihui Mimlay h, lln ring fuuith D" H il l 'rep. hi t: rum i I Kiibbalh Fchool cverv Ul 'J I), in. Prayer muling cvc.v lay cvrin'njr nt M n'eluck. llnyMnrk ireiichini' rvi iv Sui diiv. Ilcml J .fni'liirg every fnl Hun day. Ui v. Tiipli t jiati)i, rcniili-iice Ilnjitiwl iiirioii3;o I'lini'villi! Oru. I'HKHIiy TKKUV I ' i i r . t v i I ! iri iicliin tin; fi;Ht Kun ilny in tin' iiinntli. Suhlmlli Htlidol i-vtry Sundtty mtirniiig ul 10 n. in. I'rayT iiii'i'iinn every W'ciIikh ()uy evening ul 7 'U o'clock. Kcv C'uiiiini'iforil Kvili'iice al Ptinevillo hotel. iifliihn.w. I'f.u:liing lim lliinl Sundny in tliu month, M. K. ciiriii'ii. 1'iinuville jireHcliing tlio necoml nnil fourth Sund iyii Hi Hit. in. ami evt-ry Sundiiy evening at H j 'clock. Sablialh fchoul every Sunday ut 10 n. in. Kjuvorth lt'ity ue cv?ry SuiJuy evening ut 0 :S0 p. in. I'rayer inci ting every Thurfduy evening lit H o'clock. Willow Creek .rerlu;ig fiift Sunday in each month n t 11 n. m. C'liiVol pre in liing Ith Suinlay in ciii li inoiitli al '' i in. Chriftittii Kndenvor ineets nt tho Tiiiim church every Sunday even log at 7 p. tn. LETTER FROM MANILA. AN l.NTKUKNTIN'l IOM MU.Mi ' ATION KltoM J. I. HL'HTON. Curious Features of the Orient. theolb Rmmm V.l, Ul''.VIt:w:--lli nix 'dinnco to l.'JO i;iss'.i'l'S. I'onjily from toy promiso to jjivo ymt soino'iioHi'ly every walk of l:fo. (Iuukjh sort of a story of my trip from .of ovcry description, concerts I'l iiievilli: to Manila, I humbly j and dunces of evenings and re Kiibinit tlio following, trustiii to ; lijrious service) on Sundays wa your own pod u,it ire. and not to j tin: f,'enei-al routine and daily Hi'; worth of my untutored lines, I programme. for accept nice. Vi.ioii heiiij tli 'only true con ception of Hie ii d and ideal, lanUii'e is inadeijuate to convey even an idea of what is seen ami experienced during such a jour ney of over nine thousand tnilos, across the I'neitic, from San Francisco to Manila via the Ha waiian Islands, Japan and China. The stories received during our childhood of the far foreign countries and their quaint and curious M'ople. the land of jier petual .suiniuor. wliere the sun The 'seas were norally calm and we saw no stormy weather during the voyage. !,it few of the passengc-rK sulTered with Keasickness. Sorry to say, I escaped such experience. We reached Honolulu in the early morning of the sixth day out, where 11 hours were spent ashore, tnkin in the town. The city lias a very modern, Ameri can appearance. The presence of electric street cars, three and four story brick and stone buihl inirs that, cover whole blocks, wide streets and pretty, shady U THERE IS NO SmUTsTUm rises to u perpendicular and the wide streets and pretty, shady j American hotels and stores and most interesting day of the trip. long voyage at mm where land is driveways and th- .sight of Old the L'uroTxun Tostffii( o. Oc- I was there during the lotus not. seen fur days, or even weeks ,U;iory Moating ov.t the man y 'easionailv vou wi1! see a rro;m fetes of August, which is one of appear strange, ext raordinary ! government building ju-eseiit a ;uf American residences, erected their occasions of great rejoicing, ami even mythical. Hut after.'pItMsing. homelike and patriotic ' penerully mion snn.e knoil ojr side-' with decorations and illumina nll. when seen, these things ! appearance. While there are hill in an out of-way location. ' tions galore. Kobe is a place of w hich ajipoar in our illusions or ' many American business firms : These are occupied by American interest to sightseers. Its Mo fancy us superhuman or super j there, the majority of shops and or English merchants or mission- tomachi. or main street, with its natural, are brought to a com-; stores are owned and erated :aries. The Ktiropfan sections array of shops, three ancient moii level with many very disin terest ing. I'aving I'rincvillo July Itl.lilying between the bav )V Chinese. Tho citv is situated on a low. narrow stretch of land. " on the reached San Francisco August southwest and steep, sharp point 5, after having made stops nt'ed peaks or hills, some cum Tho Pittsburcr Visible Typowriter ' ; " J X ; III..' ..I llli-l lO T" "I It. L. DUNN, Agent, "i.-S.m,,;,:" j.Ksm POtt CAtAi. i..: VII auric crl. Jortln4 Qr4.n. ,fjfj. B. MATTHEWS, "Mnllle-uii A ..( -Mt.llh.-H.' ..fin. ..I I'i. fi-hfij,' j Pendleton, The Dalles and Port- than two thousand fee? in height land, Oregon, and Mmit tgile and to the east and north. Tie i. 1 Yrek.-i, California a very pleas- an elect ric car line by which tie i ant journey of over eleven hun ,died miles by stage and train. are very Similar to portions of temples, and the .MunotnKi water- Anierican towns, while the na- falls. five or Japanese soet'.tm and the ; From Kobe we had the most Chines.. pi,i-ti-.i:i are dirty and delightful 'voyage. It is the disinteri'stiug. The Louses and world famed trip through the la buildings of the latter are l.,w in land sea. a remarkable sheet of height, li'.thy l'K.king and vciy water, bordered on either side i-rudelv erected. The streets of its narrow chancel with scenic summit of one of these hills can 'are narrow, mean alley-ways, effects. The sen averages from be reached. Here one has- a Tliev have neither strtet car nor one half to one and a half miles ATTORNE Y-AT-L AW. J ,,.., ..,,. .,..i...,l.i'i..a s,.i.- in birdseye view of the city and bay drays, and a carriaire drawn by in width, and is so full of turns for below and the surrounding conn- horses is a rare sight. To travel and tivests, at times one wonders lb- v i )! irivMllTI VP ) j; l W. I IU f K ... - 1. . ) I'ti.p CoUSfl't ELK INS. 4 t t I ... .11 It i t t t U " lll't)l, "till H-rci', Miimill t' t I'uhsrvti. IbTlHetl KiC'll I" '!r-lt. Hil t I' i ll!llT t hr T:tti tll.-l Mull''. If iMi Tc-'i ti-lfc HIM) mi-li ful Uu ifi-r . iti I rit' ft'iitr' WASHINGTON, O. C. 1 Wo l.i r.iil ll.e all.'lilieii nl ll.r. I.I I'nxik t'etllllV til II..' la. t tl. il haie 1h-c.'IIii tt.e iinr mil 'n. itCer el llm I.-I.IIIPH I..-I.-I. (etn tei.ilu.l.-.l l.i I'.iri.i'tl I. kum. fit Wo will nnko a C-peclalty of nil Klnda of Dlack Btnlthlni.', Morseshoclrn; and Woodwork. E. O. HYDE, Nl. D.. (C-M rilVWUl!) Phvaiclan and Surceon, ritlNEVILLB. OKKUOM. full ernmi'tly Httt'iule.l, Jay nJ niglil J. H. ROSNDERC, M. D., PKINKVII.I.R. OUEOON. Ofllr flrtl J.Hjr n.tith ef Templeton A B.m' 1'ruii Mor. ' OKFICK IIOi'RS loin 11 M.J lo OtnJ Tlo r M i After two and n half day l-'i'i.'.t in lin-it t il'io -i e:i I i. ut : my long voyage ami sightseeing try. The tall coco-unit, palm.; about in the t-vva you nnist walk what the next turn will lead to. ! around the city, 1 took passage, and "cattle bean" trees on either 'or ride in a ricshaw. drawn by The banks and small islands rise : on the Paciiie Mail Co.'s S. S. ' side of every street hide nearly a Japanese man. A riohaw is high above the sea. and almost rr.e imiYM I Siberia, which sailed August s.,!nll the city's buildings from view';, two-wheeled cart of very nar- all the land is in cultivation. ! for Ifing Kong, j II. I., Yokohama. gasaki ; t 'liiua. via. Honolulu, ami give it me appearance oi a row trauge, with wheels ot lour even up io uie topmost !, Kobe and Na-; forest. Passing along the streets ' feet Iu diameter, a shade or top being an apparently endless suc- Japan and Shanghai, ; you s The Siberia is an immense i shady in ever -and always in a ' similar to that of n bi'jrgy with cession of artificial terraces, one park. The native Ha-' sealing canacit v for one oasson- above the other, where the soil is ! freight and passenger steam-' waiians aipear as a very content-! ger. The Jap runs be;v.v:i a carefully tillM- i ecnlmrily con- ; er, measuring ."7j feet in length, e.l people, and seem to live a pm'r of shavts by which he pulls structed junks, little villages ! She carried 130 cabin passen-'laxy. easy life. I his rieshaw. They travel at a with oddly shaped houses, 1 gers, 155 Chinese and a cargo of ! I regretted not having time to ' very rapid rate a real dog-trot castles, forests and temples are ' .".end tons. ! make a trip into the interior of and can keep up their g.ita for passed by on this trip, making a tiie island and visit Mt. Kilauea. hours. J he fare for ruling is . periect panorama oi oeauiy irom the bir.' netive volcano in the cents U. S. com ' ler hoar or 15 one end to the other. world, with many other rare and ! sen, Japanese m-v.iev. I The interesting sight Promptly at 1 o'clock the big shin drew away from the dock. A large crowd was in attendance:' li, r tu:i .Ml' BELKNAP Physicians and PriINKVII.l.K. OllHICN. nu.i s. fci.M via EDWARDS Surgeons ("all at I'm ' I ' ! 1 t ) o "U .I'.ue in A iiii e " J s HAOTO-PRlHEVIME-BEflD uirco It A Wliini k Co'. limn Kloro M. R. DICCS, i Attorney at Law and notary. j Mnln Slri'ot, rrtnovllla, Orviron. I omr on irffl l.'illn 10 Court Home. j There are many very interest- was night and 10 o clock mg sights to be seen, so many Am it we eft Hoiiol u 1 n . iilaccs ol nitcro? t to be visitoo. . one after n pleasant ami eventful day ( is constantly on the go. Tho rich there, to continue our voyage, j bazars, the ancient temples, the and after 10 days' sailing, of a 'great bronxe statue of Buddha. f desultory, routine life, j the Imperial Calace at ioicio. ana ii waving of handkerchiefs with nothing to break the inonot-; tne museums. I'.ooiegicai gauu-us brought many admiring com-1 any but the presence of playing and native theaters there. My inenls. A chorus of Hawaiian ! schools of porpoises and bands visit to Tekio was by far f.:e tish to witness the departure, and it ' interesting sights. was a nict uresniie si'dii. Lined It ' . . . up along toe decks ot tlie slop and the wharf's edge were hun dreds of people, the ladies heav ily laden with georgeous bunches of flowers, and that coupled with j sort STAQE LINE. 11 eltsm. IT' P- nt lll:ll! i-(lVeH . .! :ll Si,,a-,irivlvl'Vi- itnu lai v Mum cam u 1! l . 000 r, ......... . , ri,,,r..f the C. S. Kv tr.0,1 f.r t'r. die n 1 h,r.. . .. .i.....i. in., 111 1 ripen V loir Hours ..-ror l'.eml, ne.KO.g oc o...K . I'..pec,,l Hllco. i -i. ,:.v, n t. .u.s.-t.,'.T and rM " r K.'dil I rule on fi.un.l til) . I) CUA ill.S, i'.MU.t 11, IUI Kh. OSCAR HYDE, ,,.o o, I'linevilb, Oregon. C. W. BARNES, ArroltSEV AT I-AW AND NOTAHV ITIil.IC rKlNKVlLI.E. OUEOON. Olll.'f eu Wr Thlr.l Slres'l. A. D. MORRISON, H. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUHKGON I'llnevllle, Oi'PHfon Oiti.-e Ni vi l'iT l" A'ln'i I'h'K Sl"r C11IU iTiMiii-Uy Mtoii.1. .1 l. singers rendered llieir native. 01 eying nsu ami ine uiee.n.g: song as the steamer slid slowly .and passing of those ocean steam-, out into the bav. In a few min- crs homeward bound, we reach-j ntes we were passing through eu loKonan.i, japan, wneieiwoj Ut the voung girl cf womanhcl lays were passed. HE mm th.eOolden Oateand in two hours land a half is not seldom a painfal erne. She loams were at high sea and the last j and during which time, in com- j ,.,., an,t sJuicdmes is sadlV borne down from panv with a half dozen vouiii;; bytiiisimvcxfenrn.iPi u.t. 1 ... ... . . insi-rv which voiinrr VCtur men from the ship, visited: coi;nio:ilv cxrcrk-iice at such u taif, 111.1v in almost cveiy nis'aiK-c be entirely pre venieil or curtd several ! I Iowtcr & Lehman, $ 0 0 TilE OLD RELIABLE BUTCISERS Wec.nrrv.mlv ch..icM- of l-f. 'H K of extra-rul-.y. KiKh ... h..ho... -M'- tllhlcH ill Hl ll"Oll. 5 o o o o o o OUHS IS THE FAMILY SUPPLY t HOUSE CF PKINEVILLE The Weekly Oregon inn C. A.fl.lNK. PKNIIST, I'lllNI VII.I.K. OUKUON. W. A. DELL, A 1 1 on tcy-nt- Law NOTARY PUBLIC. uffli'tf oh .iro.'t lon.UiiK lo Ctfiirl Home. 1'lilSKVll.l.K. OltKJ'PN. M. E. BRINK, AlTOllNKY AM' COl' AT LAW A Mtroiit, llotwoon nrrt "J SotHiml P1UNICV1U.F., OllKUON. J h MtCUI.LOCU, Abstracter of Titles rrinevillt!, Oregon. sight of land had faded view. The afternoon was cloudy vet 11 r men irom the slnv and a cold west wind prevailed. jTok'to, the capital ot the empire. Overcoats and wraps were iu : -0 miles north of Yokohama, evidence. Kven then the cold! The quarantine laws of Japan lo'evented it heiinr oleasaiit on are very strict, and deck-. This chilly and disagree-'.hours were taken able weather lasted for three ; quarantine station. One days, when suddenly it changed an American or any oilier fot to wiirin, yes, hot weather that 'eigner has every liberty. A continued 'throughout the voy-! passport not being necessary 111 age and up to the present time. ! traveling where and when yon where I now am iu the beautiful, j please. Neither is an inlerpre picturesqiic, tropical city of Ma- : tor needed as one will I'm! nihi. on the sodden shore of the English speaking clerks in every Jsland of Luzon, where porpetu- market, hotel, shop or store, and j -ii; al summer reigns and the indi- j nearly all the jinrikislia (rics)a) genous plants are in continuous ! men can talk pidgin-English. I'.-cowth. i Leaving Yokohama we reached On board ship we had every! Kobe August 28, another Japa- coavenience desirable to make! nose port, and after a day of trip pleasant and to cause sightseeing there reaction n fune lo pass, seemingly 'gasaki Sunday morning, August fStf J bv t'.ie use of T A ur- ncrce s Vv X.v'sV vorile Pr.-scr.iv on nt. He . 11 r y"s'- tio"' hicefcshoie , 3itv. f, ' 1 V tlle general C 1 1 Uealth, and .. j cures bea.i.tche, It ies ret;i;lar- H tones up w vsiiianl li.-'.;at'lio, ner' Ci'.sncss a u d :;-. i?..- other conse quences oi weaknes or disease. "I r.-ei'.-l y ur I. o. T ro-,-'..- time re.:.-., wan ,,!ui-- ah.ui weiuk-rliil ine.lK-ii:c." writes ills., '.t.-a-i l.'li'iM.n vt . l.i-'. 'V Strt-O. euvtoil. ! oSio. I nat IMiWvsl wi:!l . v.-!t pains every il!l vlicu I wrou- to ou t.-r "...vice. .-u-.'i i reccivui'l vour Ut'tr ftll.1 lv..ioeis 113 e-K.v-"Jtoiis, V: imw ':-.;"' to ay Cot ail. r u I ycaw of tiat.-M sm'i iHi. 1 have not !;."! r : l;mi8 eiuoe Test liui. vaitr ' Favoi ' V I't vi'l : I Iv.ti.' I w .s iitiUr-.-.l taroit.'.ti n tru-it.! t" ritt; ! t, nn.t follow Vimliulviee. 1 I"1" V0'' au.l Or. U. V. I'iircc fol- Ihc h.-alt!i I uow eeity. : 1 shall ur.e etlii'r voicn wli-J siitl.'r I ' I use your niedlv'mt'.1 Favorite rieseription " iae women stronij, sick women well. Ac Mpt no sisbsiitute for the uieiliciuc i.;.a. ,.-t- wnml.-rs for weak vroinsu. sre lu.iejv. ... a:i the Hie . . ,,. .i... .a.:.. ....... ..,.,. I it WiMik pull ek women cillici V. riiollgn a loun sirauger oe, luien; uie --e'l' s ,,,, Tlr t.v loiter. In .,! t,...i mt. wer. not three da vs hours and took Coal. eorr.tcmlenoc i held as strictly private . . , U.,.t saeretilv co.v.-.dcnlial. Address I'T. out until 1 had a score or more i Japanese iuwukuio N ' ! V, v. l'Wce, liit.r.alo, N. V. ..f ..........l.o ...I...W ntnl ere i be I lar ill many wavs, being divided I Fshs. lr. l'teree's Ceiuiiien 'oyage was ipiaintance I inn iitle;! a. general ac inic) throe sections or hoods. There is the IClirtiDol - t0 pjy ontkmisc of a i I i r. ij ' ? i i I I fill .... :. ( !,',, ....eill : e i ...i ,i.n,o of , IK preva'.leil. I'.Verv lioiKIS. llieee is tne i-.tiie,..-.... fi-n.i ji one -- -1 ., i ... i ,, )...,. mKt covoi-s, H- ;.i li.iinj'f lor t.u' .lotli- was an Hour or more , sec. ion, w men is jjnu-i.iii,. " c ;iml vaUmlc, Adaresa l'r. ii.v. urce, BUds-al A IvU' "at in reeei... at Ma- gaski was the coaling of the ves sel. The coal is brought along side the ship., where she is anchored in the harbor, in small boats resembling tlatboats. A series of crude stairways are erected. extending from the small boats up and into the ship's hold. The Japanese, both men and women, line up on this stair ' ,r gangway, and tho coal is pass, ed up in small baskets, holding probably a half bushel of coal. With thirty crt-ias, or gangways, and 900 workers, they .loaded three hundred ton of coal infiv , hours, while the thermometer stood at 110 in the shade. By tli;? way, this was the warmest time I have seen since being in Northern California. - ( Japan is the home of the chris anthemum and the cherry blos som which inspires the Japanese with so much poetic ervor. It is a minaturo woi:ld in'itself. hav ing customs and. peculiarities un like those of any other country. It is but recently the Japanese overthrew their . dynasty ffavo power to one of -uioro ancient re gimo find opened their, ports to the commercial world.. The em pire has built railroads, purchas ed modern steamships, accepted many modern inventions of Americans, and shown a degree of progress that could not have been hinted at a half century ago. We reached Shanghai, China, on the morning of September 1, and spent the day there. Tho Chinese cities present a similar appearance to those of Japan. They have no street cars, mid in of jokes and laughter among i he tho water front, and consists of Buffalo, N. I (Concluded on puge 4.) -I 1 i s i w r i "I U. : . M a i c t 1 f- x I ( ! i, I k if. Kt ' - 'T' 2.00. VC v 10 V lor only '"'r '