fj v m!L 11 on 1 VOL. X. sip tgr I TEMPLETON & SON DICALKHH IN Drugs and Chemicals. Pntont Modlolnos oncl Toilet Articles U'lnti nil Utjttora fur ni1ica1 mirH only phyalrlitna pora.ulp tuna 1'iurfUliy -t'Uiitium1tHj. A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. rry lite larM lui'll l f u R n i t u R i House furnishing Goods Between Portland and Salt Lake City. KNTIH HALF IIUH K t.K.VOTKD TO T1IR MANUPAO JUHMi AND BAl.B vK Kt KN1TU K. KfC. - ----" 'lrt I on a SIMI'I.K CONSTUUCTiON (iOOD MANIFOI.DEII visum: whitish very m.mum.15 kasy action ( liurrli Illrfflorjr. Purview will bt hclil a follows : hai'tiata I'riiicvillc iircftchinu (lie second am! fiitirtli Siimlu) B. Halibiith achool every bunuiiy at 2 p. in. I'fBvur riii-utina every Wednea- day rv(Miin( nt S o'clock. Hiijuliuk j'rcochiiig every third Kui day. lii'tid pri'iiching every firat Pun- dav. Rev. Triplet paator, reaidence llniitiHt parnonoKo Frineville Ore. rilKKIIVTKIUAN 1'iii.eville preaching tho Dint and thinl Sunday. Sabbath school every hum! ay ritiiriiiii t 10 a. in. Praier meeting every WVunce- dv evening nt 7 V) o'clock. Kev Cnmmorfunl lU-mdrnca at Prineville hotel. M. K. CHUHCII. I'finovillo rireschinu tho necoiid arid fourth Kunduya at 11a. rn. and every Sunday evening at 8 Vcloek. Sabbath school every Sunday al 10 n. in. Kimorth leagua ev-rv Sunday evening at 0 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Willow Creek preaching nrft Sunday in each month al II ft. m. Clnvt'ool preaching 4th Sunday in each month at 3 p. m. ChriHlian Endeavor meeH l me I'nion church every Sunday even ing at 7 p. m. i1 . .... -- TSANlili ADVENTURES OF JOE MEEK by Miia. raA.HCKS fuller victor. EAIU-Y DAYS IN OREGON. In the Camanchfi country, tliey knew whal to expect if they allowed tliHirmelvea to te iaen prisoner. They gave but a mo- r.urit I ft ( hi ntmei ration of their foea, but that one n.oment revealed j a cpirited ace ue. Fu'ly mo bun-; dred Camannhoa, th ir warrior in front, large and well formed men, mounted on lb el and pove-ful. hore,a, armed with f pfxra and Ut tlo axeh, racing liko the wind over Ihn prairi", their f.a'her hiud- dreMU bending to the brerz-, thai awept pal them in the men with doublw force; all distinctly Keen in the clear i ir of the pranie. aim giving the beholder a thrill of fear mingled with ndu.iriti n Tlit first moment fjivn tj this HiHH'tivclt', tho second one wits oi,,.,t,.v..fl t.i clcviso somo means of I'SiCiiiw. T run was useless. Hit) swift (."amunclif aw v.ul.l soon ovortuko thorn; and THEOLD RELIABLE bo wit hdrawn, fell short of rf-ach-inX tho men in tho fort, Ak''" ud iiitin tho CumancheH made a fruitlosH chirife, losing, as often as they reieat!'l it, threo warriors, cither dead or wound ed. Three timos that day tho ihe id chief or medicine man was 'killed; and when that happened. theheroeH in tho fort got a little time to hre.ithe. While the war ' riors held a council, the women J took care of the wounded and I slain. As the women approvmod. the I fort to carrv o!I th i fallen war riors, they mocked and reviled the little band of trappers, call ing them "women, lor ngimng ia a fort, and res jrt'm to the usual Indiau ridicule and gascon ade. Occasionally, also, a war rior raced at full speed past the fort apparently to take observa tions. Thus the battle continu- I . ... i ... then their horribl Am Ll. Ko covert was at hmd. It was tcrnblc work forth, ... . : ;M,fr;miM'H. Th -3 burning sua 01 null linr I ilrKl'L n ti KiuiM , i Tho Pittsburg Visible Typewriter II. L. DUNN. Agent, D., E. O. HYDE, M. (Cvxtr PaTicu) Physician and Suraroon, PRINKVILLS, ORBOON. ('alia promptly atu-ntled, day and niht salvation the niountains there mif-'lit n ae , be.-n. Carson and -MeoK oxenan-1 il t wo or three sentences. At last, "We must kill our mules, i suid they. Tlmt Tsihuus a strange, devise to the uninitiated reader, who no doubt believes that in such a case their mules must be their And ho they were in- the plains shone on them, scorch- Absolutely Pure THERE iS NO SUBSTITUTE "''G-n' Mighty, I expect: ' Hc-s'.'rivcd at by an impartial observ a firn. into camp;" drawled out er of the events of 183.-3d is. 11, whos;.ady wit wasjthat none but certain jnenrftajjf very disroganlful of sacred' experience and liberal means and Wets. could succeed in the bus.ness of 11,0 mounttnoers w,re fa- the fur-trade. There were too -,-f,,t mnnv chances oi n, w miliar wan u? u. j . . . i. 'I'l.,. II n ! II f l. VJL liami-i I m in them to es, f . con-' amity; and to jx.werim opi-r fa-es were beamed with , ; hardened 1 sition from the old estabhshed der and dust; the.r throats purch- - n ilIlpr(,ssi()ns companies. Captain Bonnevdle . ed. and tnfues swollen with , w- e PV1)orif!nce was no different from wmcnowier u.v both cases under their mfluence. i Mr. . rirt. nntlaV. r miu y - Unt'ed north with the main thirst, and their whole frames .ichins from their cramiKul po sitions, us well as the extitement III ill I ' 1 1 J. H. ROSNBERC. M PBINEVUXB OHKOON. 0c "l looi north ' TmplBlon orrtc hoc as. io to n . t u. 4 na li r 4 Son l ydX. 1 WM:.. cKJHNhrrr a. elkins. !;i,iu. I A w -I W.,.I1.. rail lh. attention l i t JM ! Ji ' y ll.a ,-o,.l. ot f.m.W Conntv lo lh J I Kf-Vf q. o.oe, .,,1 -,.nel.,r ul II.. t " ;t b,n,,m l.e,et,.(or. cundufteJ I.) I . . CLKNAP 4 I0BI Phyalclana and Surgeons PBIN BVILLK. OKBOON. 0(B la A4o A Wlniiek Co't. l)rC "' M. R. BICCS, Attorney at Law and notary. alala Btr.l, Prinevlll., Ororu omca n ir ImJIoj to Crt Ruh. C. W. BARNES, ATTOHNK Y AT LAW AND hOTART Pl'BUC I'HINB VILl.B, OREGON. OAea.a WhI ThlrJ luv.t. We will make a Specialty of all Kind, of Black- mlthlnu. Horseshoeing and Woodwork. i i.. . ...ii. U, l.irv wianlier. Call at the oM i..l an.l gel jour SHASIKO-PHIHEVIIiUE-BEHD . . s, -r-n T T"KTTP qTAQE I-jINE3. w cuiiNKrr, i re A. D. MORRISON, M.D. PHYSICIAN AMD BURECOH PrtiMVllls, Oregon olo Neil Por I" Adamiom Pruj Slora Calla prnmpllT aK'n44! '" C. A.CI.1NK, PK.NTIST, ORKCON. . ci....!L .unri- evennmon the Daily alage. carrying I;. S. nn ie cnnecU with our riv-.lofU.c C.H. Uy tra.e , ur . f )ur ,w.coa.-iim.chkki. ue.J,AB hydE, Agent, Ptinevillc, ynr,. Foster & Lclim'an, I " A THE OLD RELIABLE BUTCHDIb t V. A. BELL, Attorney-nt-Unw NOTARY PUBLIC. Uftc. o. ur..t ""' "ou"' VKINKVIU.K. ORKfON. M. E. BRINK, ATTOttSKY AND COl'NKKI.OR AT LAW A Btrw.1. Betwwn rtrat and Second rRINBVILLK, OBBOON. i, .ha choiceat of beef, mutton nml M . 1 Id n! ft r l)TII r- - ...... If l.f 1 Il.l'llt. I . -f ...i,.. mm lit V. f f 11 I, aril oi e"" i tiiblea in neiioon. Dill V"" - - in aeaaon. ege- I OURS IS THE FAMILY SUPPLY t ...t-wn i C a HOUSE OF PKiNtviui.. j 1, McCULI.OCH, Abstracter of Titles Prineville, Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS Alt kind, 11 rinded in tho mar k,t .bwlulely cff"'1 "d rev,!C , ,o dute, and l r"""'1 r,of? 'l PRIISEVIUE REVIEW Off iniirnutTICLI The Weekly Oreoontan vcar C4Q no. lltit I'nln flklfl PI"-"""" " (:t,ri,lf. nn "....I. llrt..k"UT. bumit""- i .""!.l,.K"L!", " 'f..,"....l..i nml.tnc I ButDfoaa A oo.. ww-v Xn less than half an hour the Camunches charged on them; the medicine-man in advance shout inr. iresticulatinsr, and makinir a desiH-rate clatter with ft rattle which he t nrruHl ana sikm.iv . lently. Tho yelling, thewnoop ing. the rattling, the force of the charge were appalling. Hut the little garrison in the mule fort did not waver. The vanmmm- lrses did. They comu noi w mkde to charge uim the blo.Kly cilcasses of tho. mules, nor near loughfor their riders to throw a spear into the fort. This was what the trappers had relied upon, 'lhey wen j cool and determined, while ter ribly excited and wrought up by their situation. It was agreed that no more than three should fire at a time, the other three re serving their fire while mo ,tv dins could bo reloaueu. They were to pick their men. and kill one at every shot. They acted up to their regula tions. At the charge the Ca- manche horses recoiled ami could not be urged upon tho fort of slaughtered mules. The three whites tired first, and the medicine-man and two other Civ i uumehes fell. When a medicine man is killed, the others reure to hold a council and appoint, an other, for without their '-med. ,.!" ihov could not expect sue gained. The warriors retired, while their women came 14. n ...n-vied olT tho dead. aii., .lovotimr a little time to K.. ailin.r tho departed, another ...i, .f was ai)tointed to the head place, and another furious charge Ava.s made with the same results ! ..o i,..f,,re. Throo more warriors 1 bit the dust; while the spears of attached to long , I hair roiws by which they could and loss. Nor was their launre owing to any action of the Hud sons Bav Company, different 1 aL M hnnch of Be ir River; thence to Irom or mu.c j - Silt; d finally to Green! the action of the A,, -an eon. River to rendezvous; having as traveled in tho p.Kst year about, represented. It was the Arnn Ihre-thousand miles, on horse- can companies m the Eodqr iuri.u.u.M , , , , . tlmt drove both Bon- 1 . , , -T'l. r. lnpvrrpr em-c ..v.... " i..,i;..t-o the Momercv ei-. "lru . . . h1 fifttvn or twenty tunes, lhe " "t?f '"v . m,vlhr ,hme core with tho thorough Knowi T.,.,:...,o ,i..,v, nffnt. niiditfall to P'dition was the pop.ilar tlume i KnR:.p8S. and the - . ; rtnrmo- rendezvous, it euge . , ' ....., . v 1 " . . , ' tvr Ti-Wh their oiaer riais had been difficult to get voiun- , , " pcruits were teers for Bonneville's Salt Ike possessed. r v, iTiiit-h. in tranpnur or Exploration; out sue n ;- molaineers; and wild adventure ioiu -r- that volunteering for a tr.p .. cer. Monterey would have been ex- long u" , ceedinHv THipular immediately tarn leaaers couiu r ccatin i pipuu service ex- thereafter. ... . 1 " .i. .-trnv-Mnt On He ir Kiver. Bonneville s ,cept upm me u nun e l in with their com-! offers; and these extravagant m inder Cipt iin Bonneville, wages, which if one. paid, the rrdisanUtnaent and in- other -1 dignation at the failure of las ;PV , ,,iuni imc ovcpodinirlv trreat. in this indignation there was eon- cVWMhle iustice: vet much ofi his disappointment was owing to( and fatigue of the battle. Mutj " " ( , V, thov dared not relax tho vigi- Posing farst to tl e Old l ar 1 - . . m...... thonce to the Little Snake, a tenuea 10 oe. .u - , ,.c fl tW dead mule was far more usetui ( mgniing i.u than alive one. To the ground meant to win In every man; and placing At length the sun set on that ! he r mules; seven in number, bloody and wearisome day. I Sarin", they .in an instant cut Forty-two Cainanches were kill !1,ttr f' ... A.,..,. hnntinsr ed. and several more wounded. un-ir .,...v,wo bad been repeat and held on 10 in,"- - . 'bridles until each animal fell T !" r 'Zi: mourn over their dead, and hold 'Then hastily r 1 :, t1... ...Ww w , .. l.i ,..Hl, 1.-11 VPS . H COUllCU. I uiunuij J ",r f a ort-a lost faith in their medicines, or J U 'in for each man, believed that the trappers pos h..le to si.imi 1 u,.....t. Lessedonefar greater than any and a Head mine ui it .., fri-ni,iv 101 ineirs. 1 WorK. cover of roes who ly more munches. the night, the six ho luul fought successful than a hundred Ca took each his blanket and his gun. and bidding a oner adieu to dead mules and beaver packs, set out to return to camp. When a mountain-man nau a , iiorfiirm on fixt. to JUUl I" J vv. -v . travel express, or to escape irom an enemy, he fell into what is ..,.llod .1 d.vir trot, ami ran in that m.iin,.r sometimes. all day. On the present occasion, the six. escaping for life, ran all night, and found no water for seveuty-.-,- miiou When thev did at i,.t come to a dear running stream, their thankfulness was equal to their necessity, "for, says Meek, "thirst is tno great est suffering I ever experienced. It is far worse than nunger 01 pain." Having rested and refreshed themselves at the stream, they kept on without much delay un til they reached camp m wnt v.,,r,fnl vnUev of the hoeky . Mountains called the New, or the South Park. While they remained in the South Park. Mr. Guthrie, one ot the Kocky Mountain Company s traders, was killed Dy iigiiuuug. A number of persons were cot- ted in the lodge of the Uoosii- way, f rapp, to avoia me n" tomnest, when Guthrie, who was leaning against the lodge pile. was struck by a Hash of tho elec tric current, and fell ueau in stantly. Frapp rushed out, of ti,. i.mWhv nnrtlv bewildered him self bv the shock, ami unuer nit- impression that Outline nau been shot. Frapp " was a Ger man, and spoke English some what imperfectly. Hn the ex citement of the moment he shout ed out, "PyOott, who did shoot Guttery !" vi. m.,-ti does vour coni- ivnw v vou?" asked Bonne- ville of Meek, to whom ne a f.m,1lI.inin? of thecondui-t of hi Ms disartixnntmem was owing i"-i . . .i:.:.. causes which a more experienced I men on the Monterey e,... ta . . ... mi.. ..vxttaan Voindrea dollars, ...,,i.,. ii-ruiid liave avoided. The UllH. . ,, .....v. - only conclusion which can be ar Si si . If Fifteen hundred dollars, answered Meek. "Yes; and I will give- 11 -u you." said Bonneville will bitter ness. It was quite true. Such wa the competition aroused by the Captain's efforts to secure good men and pilots., mat rainer 1 .T LVvk -M lose them to a rival couiihauj- . -Rocky Mountain Comiwiyr puid . . .'1 .... tkn few of their besi mw iu s - above named. There it a Rrent many hunery hearted women who would atlen l a babj bnbies were ever offoreil for stile, because tliere are a crrat many wives who love children anf have been told by phy dans that tliey can uever hope to nurae a child of their own. . fimc of thew women who.have u,ed Dr. l'ierce'9 Favorite Vrescnption for the l"' . ... :ti- hr.n made cure Ol womaniy u ..- ----- Cppv mothers as a result of the cure ot CHAPTEHX: 1834. The gossip at rendez vous was this year of an unusu ally exciting character. Of the brigades which lett ior umt-.-.uirts of the country the previous 1 r . a ,r ia I'oUiVS summer, the wonieiey cure - ... .., suiuiiici, i"- , . wcreI,ot the only ones wha had; IK-pavoHte Prescrtptio, met with xveak women strong ana h t m.K nuu - ' . 1 i- rocnilnrttV. ( .itien well, n csw'-- .-?s" dries weakening drains, heals m"" tion anil uiceraiion v.- weakness. i wroit to you ".mrf"J; i. Hl Hon T "-j"-?, "CSJi with rv. of Dtvilm. la. " . RN.i,Til rnnwer from you. ..Ivism, icMrlict li- FvorUe WmtW " of -Favorite IT. we?.' 1 3 f oh m rl. I had 1 c..l "X lir "lulv i "h. by the help, of llm. ed1c"; "I P' ,"ed'CUi'e fclf tmi a KK thi WW y w"h', 1.-BKK Pr. Ticrce'a Common Sense fedieil Adviser is sent fret on receipt o 1"! to , expense Send 11 one-cent stamps for tl e book m mper covers, or 31 'yrci bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. neroj, Buflalo, N. Y. .1 ... iiie viun v. u . had met with a characteristic re ception from that nation of cun ning vagabonds. (To be continued.) Although Hitchcock may be de prived of the aid and contort ot ex Congressman Moody, he can still thank UoU thai a. iv remaii.s. -'Hitch" ought to tan. Greene out of Oregon and him from bring "theae aere ornery" 0iegouini. Echo. M , . .-' ... - ;: J.,"' J ' - Ji 'l is 1 ' ' T $ ' -. VI - I . kl . V u . " ' ..." 1 .. 'I - r . .... .- .. ..Si ' " - t -'- ' i ' - 1 1 1 -1 . " . . . . "A i 5 ""B- r iWsaiaasanBnc 71CW for only ' . . . . ? ,1. -f I 1 1 4 I'. i V ,.) t '" ..' .... v.. "c ..---( - v- -