Prineville review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1???-1914, August 13, 1903, Image 3

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    I i
if i '
Aummt 1 1 x : I
nrn gniiuiuo
Kelly' I'li'ilm
work of "ft.
AnHiHcor Johnson will nun litv
kin tin' erection of new dwelling
Harden truck, ini'lil.IinR i.eir n p
,in, In finding ill wy to maiket
ilir-soday in pii-mv. (j,lllH
Nothing draws a crowd l.igrtlx r , lunn
'I'l : .. i .
I IHH lit lllllllll Ilm best tilllfl of
y'r In il,ik nliDtil Unit .nrk
I'tinevill.i W yoing l() llVl)i 'j-1 1 ; M
Wil.ll'C will lli i t,i t() Mk
I'ltfk llll'l II- Jtt Hilling will .i too
Into. Now in tlia H, i.,, i ; . . ..
J In uimllmr column will l. found
tlm iinmiiincciuciit of tlm Jn. key
'IiiI'h full race, ince'.ing. '!,,,
til lib in tillering
attention lu larger RHiim n h whhI pu uonal mention.
short!! ill Hon III u Cm .li.
hIi.m, t!i..y Lul.llv I tin. bar .. AI.U Brrivcd ,,ome fr0"1 ' t
film Washington l,.(. t 1 UrtU" 1 lmtt W ,"k-
nil, illy innriuiiL' liniir rind .r,,,,,l, Mia. II. M l,,ui Tlmm.
nil' ilm sum weighing over 5oo day lot her home in 1'ortlu.fid, j
pounds. The., f.-llow m Hr i.l Hruce (iray ianuw at tliu Porl-'j
righl and they Klinul.l bo invited j bmiiiiesn college, taking ajl
to count into Central Orreon and , Course in Unit if
tturvi! wv zra
t war w-m .
VVi A i VV Mli Pi K
good purse and . " '""'Ml ''"'" ol j Percy Duvia. one of Slaters' well
Ut. y h.t.iiiil to i,,iU. Huh tueclino "'"'ur m(:lm,l,H' known busine,. men. arrived in
the hot ever held iii Ccntul Die I lij.-k Vandervert, an old Cotlm-r. l'ri""viUu Monday evening.
i"""' Miroye liny, lint now MHor;i .i tc-tl with ' Itbt. Siir sou, of I lie firm of
; l.iixt y fviiiilnn tin I n- I his older lirotln-r in I lm i.'neli l.n.i. ' SiniiiBOti Wilson it Co.. left for
ill nil' I'aniiii'il 1,1.1 l,i Lm, ! lies ni,, I ,n,.,,, I ..( II... ,i ' l'ortlaiul mi M,,,,,l..,'- ui,.,.
i - J i I ' ' ' i.i'J biii loi , - o .
Oil (III. (,,i .,ilt ll ii Li. ililll) between l'linevillo mil Sil Ivi.r ! .li.ln. fl,.irr!..l. ,.f I
II It. 1. 1 'I'l... I I. . . I . . ...... uuo
Mpictuv " . j j ih'iiii ,avliiKi4 j ilhli. ;i!tl.., ' I.i.k.., t.-nt Kril;ty in tl,U uty 1 in our city hint Friday und
"1 1 l1, iiin,'lH,,iH tl.i. Ii...iiin .,f tl. i ,.. Wiling .il.l frit-it.U. fits wif and , lh U.-viw ofliw idt-unui.t i;ll
. ! . I. ... ii.... I I. .. . I I . I . I I , . . , . . I It . . ... . . i
11 .i a unit, ti m j iii nnviTinir ( nun mi i in i ii.i in) mintf coiil i D i ii iiii .11 wi-ol In liiionliiln l,i
liiiul.l itt.'iin .riH'liiiiiiitioit ! Iii'iird Iniii; iifu r mi loiiilit. j virit wiili li.-r parents f,,r n fi.V
1(7 '7
0 V
i AI..d
: Ladies Summer Dress Goods, i
'r 1im-i rut ( f It n hi i'rrii..f 1 r.ltril.riwf t:fr.l.- if lil!
u,, m i, I, f i , i i ii nn . i- vm. ni mi mi ui ,'i unit v ii"i v. i oi. iiun ii n umii;, AUlll"
si i . ill. K. Jiiggn left lui-t tvft k i J
lor Huron tvloru flu will vihii!? nwn A ivtcwtrtftrlc nvo v Invt 1 1 'rl i f I f if t VrJ r ? ! I tli'if wi o iv n
l.. r. llll I III V .l.ulMni.l l I l 1 ll IIU..UI. 1I1L.W JL I I1LV. I lllilllllt IT U tit U lltjlt Ull"
IliClidi) li Oil tflutivi'M fur ii wii-k or c '
u'0 : crin at lower prices than the siune class of goods were ever
W. W. lirowii, of Kifc, wan in ! t . .. .,
our city lu.-t MumJ.iy and '1 uwday s'( '(1' I'l 1 110 CltV.
looking ulUr koiiiu bu'liitss inter-' in i i i 'MaI . i
gMt). j Call and inspect our good i as we will take great pleasure in
llf C.ii,..- l. I....... I il x
u.v. it. c Miii.r. oi,i i',i,, I., . "n" T". ''"""': snowing uieiiiio you.
... , ,, j itiu jtHBi i-u u.iytj on Ins I.irtn fount j J
;.l ;;;::;;:,y';lv,,;:,,V - J NO IJKSKHVK on any ofour summer goods, as we must have
I'tiMi cininli. K.-v. MiIi.t it h ! V'Miiiii ttli I,,.k j,n divurc-d. ! !l tlm tliiilf.i-niiiii for .tif full .mil -in(oi.clf.l.- n-l.i'.I, ,1
i.. A. j;oo:ii ii.-nveU h huh from 1 ...... .....v.j
. . . . i i .... ,
uld Imvulol,,, I., id ""' vimi to in... M.llulO.lll' ll l Pil P 1 1 !! ' .
.r autiu.ti..d tl jH. vuii.-y, wtii j.iac. u in Wah-; been purchased (lircft ol 1 1 io iiiaiiiiiactiirer and will soon begin
Jul litlf of tvlntl lot lieiirn. well tti.tdc iiml tlm ilnrtur
A tic buildup trili l.o Hc.'l. d ' l'l""',r'1 wilh "'" l",rt-
iv.'kn ivl.ilu I -t-k nilllllii'il
I'.iiK' iiu tvln ri' til'ii r a few
ifiit In. riliirntrd linmi. I.y
f I'mirii) v,l!" v. y 'J'l.n Lnol.-rj
irifi. nn. I will l-ay liitti ri'L'ular vi-kly visit ;
ti.l V l
Ilm cmioty rotirl & L.-inj; imi
. v. , , ... ,t h I'lcffd willi liiit tmiht.ily
I'. Nif lad will lm akid for. ' '
;itinl fortoit 11 rm. It U mndt u : Vri-y l ivin, of Si-tcrn, tf I i v.-r ,, ,
Hid iircvnilalivr, Mun.l iy a l,irg,. h,,u, ,,f ,iwm
ud gnvii imtii tint) toniftto lo lr. l;,lkii.ii I or lln I'lxi.i
And tiviuo a iniiliy fart", iMi-ildows .Mining Co.,
i, order llial lit) Illicit r li.'iit City. "I lit1 Iihim.h iii.j
in liif-hly "!"' HIV'' I'ini lini neHHof old lionii) iiml county. Line County
lil lin k of 1, .Mnh.'l' clurv, J h-
', fi rt (.) 1.(1 UKt'd Hit Villrlnr,l-e.
II. Hlii ln!t llic I'unlriH't.
I'l, e hiila for 1 1 in 1 , 1 1 1 1 ir Did l,ri,l
. ii i , ii i K""d logical tpciker and liii inimv
IUHB Kliv ' '. iiij. if null. . ir H ! ...
. I .11.1 . i
mm nn tun iiinieiiiarH concert, m
i friend of yeiirs gom; I.y ivi tn l.i'li- t!i'' divurc." vvi
I'llting the I'Niit wrek ttn lli'T :
rnetrr Ii lit r.tngnl Around Ih"
iintf and liundred mirk, ntikiuj '
liiigK rather troicl for in poor;
rtalit. i
if I'littpvillc in in tii'td of ti flml-
foi lit.
Tlm niiriMin; cmnt of Hregon luis
tint given a drul'ioii in tint ,l,ile
of Oregon v 'I'liomui J. liiluiin
ii...itled from JoMjiliini. count v
tlmt a iniiil does not lute In rim
nv if uMOiulti'd I'V, Uit
i f lit for- t ho oHii:
.I'm' ine iiccohi' tieioro a nci'iit-e inn.
'ho iceileil. I'nilcl Stiili-M S.'inttor ! '"'
Ck,, and family, tvho't tinie
tft tailor. To n limit l H can la f.j!ly kill tl..( tif.'aihmt in
(Aintt and open up a li mt cl.icK truckn. do Aralt-UM work will i V, , I.i l,m;in h.l tlm mi
j a paying invr,t'.,t. filfu1, t(J (h(, laim,( ,wo
J. It. Shipp ha rwoi vcl III" lingern of Iih left lomd one day
? itt tract fur putting tin it nnic
r for Wuroveiler it T!ii)ii,
hack of their etori'. T'lni new
ding will hs :i".lll f.ct.
lid cucapod Coiivuld frmii tliu
Nniii pcnin lenllitry arts plnl ru
ng their OUtlng. in. I In) word
heen received of them lately
ii they think cf leturnitig
ll. Shipp ha jiml finiatied the
ni ami tipH UlcaliiiiK lor a tttv
.C'liaud dollar tniiKil h.iui" for
' : .. v. i a . - - i.l i .. I
nr. .roort in j ni'i-
lUtlc ill strict.
I. Ml week tvliih. tunning (ho plain
er at (he Oilmen Co'. piiinli','
I nil 1.-K I'eik'iitp ll :i , I l:,,-rli
U rg i re iinmednilely cille lun l
ft,o:i had ih" ll juied hae.l ilre.Hil
and lift lint Mitlcn-r ruling e-apy.
'I'lie to gmril mefehanlmi'
if yiutn. .,f Idaho, w,e,i u H. hoc,, itng the week ; : WE p OFFERING BARGAINS AND WE WANT
cctiff to marry u Mm. eiitniito, of 0,1 ti luiv cru-.-k, iirnvtd liome ; J J
i,!,,.,, ,,d could not I,,,. ; urday. YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM,
aiu-r the .otirrogaliou prnpoot.ded ; , M I.-,...,.,.,. ,; ()f i,
... I,;,. , l. ii,.. ,.!.... i. ...i i..
J v.v,,r , i ...,,i (.oluinUia Southern h::kl at Slim-
it day or two until hu could procure ;t. in- u i . t
' Hit), arrived in rnnev. lie laH 1 lies-
Ihep.ip' tn nml tcpttiuoti f in the ,i ,. ... .
11 ( 'la) evening.
tlivutce iroceet!itga oa tn give !
the aiiMVera ri'juin.l. j A')!- It"llr. h.)hi heen
t-pmiding tin pi: a'. n:x inontht in
Samuel liil, gee, w In caiiin from California, arrived in I'riiu vi'le
New lit uti'. wick I hilt l-pting and Sato;day.
puumiMil tin; tJlto limy place
vv ui i v y uiu
S I t
!H7IM rirVTOiJC-T m Kin sr:UOe
I.'x-couiily Jud;o Wills, cf
Oruly, Kpent Iiipi Salurdny in our
town attending the r-tock uui'oci
alion nuitiog.
Mm. .. M. l'.rown urrivi d frum 1
I'ottlimd liir-l Thurnlny' iiiorning
,md left fur Silver I.:ka with lur
l.unlj.u.d 1.1,-t Sin. day.
Ora I'atker Slid wife
Monday nioiiiiiig for
left luM
J'tliriot No. I. or i
'4iorn lh i.afo
"orllanil H,
ITit ! A'i'tly 'n I' ever ainee nhoi
Srt I'efCe Indian al a
i kher. All tho cluh iiip.m id (j
it ler to win in new blood and lit-
The i h-V l.l!l Ul.llll ll l:e.'!it:g of
ii Nitnniiil Iriigalioit Cungre
will he lit Id lit I iC'len, I'tiih, Sep
plarera. t.-inher 1 . Ii lo s-h i. -Itiaive
I you want two g.Knl pa'r lor i n ok county it enuiieii to ti.e loi-
nut the price of one, call al the lowing nuniher of delcg it'"., to he
lew olli-ie, an w e Imvo t I iibhing appointed a fn'inns: I'.y the
t with the Oreg.iniiin, llie lend mayor, '.' ileiegnlef . by the county
por of Oregon, whicli ili coiiiini.'Hoiietrt, I' d !.vt' ; i;y tin
jrmi It tnventigile. ', Crook County Irrigation Ai-oei
.. , i . i . ati.m, 2 de'i'g it. ! ; by our ngtieu!
ir tliu ii V ara tbi" to Mm. . , '
t' i i t.- t e l turai iiproe uiii"i., m ' l, . p.
' I t tirl Pmgee for ft ciko of tnnpln
' ar tnad by her in tier former Burglar now a il iyt d j n it ul
I ii" in New nruntiwiik. It tta want ruenk nronml and carry oil
brought a few poUiloin along ofn
new v.tri ly lo Ibis fiction, but
nbi. ii were gem tally ruircl wli. r'j
Mr. Ihhgre on from, c it I It d "The
(iieen Mountain", ami which bring
tjtores at Sirt,.t have cotun lo nn the highcut mil i ket piitea in l'o?, dli g hat i -'cifa of good J ton and oth. r falTn loiikits.
e.ull will catry, und in oiiir j M r I ling, e pla i.led ihece pttatots
ijil.tii'ii tin' line of each will hi ; mi the '.''Hh day of May, ami j'ift
more Con, plelu and u p to il lie than : t w o moot u i mil feicnteiu dais
heretofore. Smith it Wot n ill : 'i ooi ( be li n;u if planting dug up a county where he trill visit w it h his
carry groeeriert and hardware and'iiiii and hnuight four of liniu pareiila for the next three weeks.
AI.- will carry al( I,.,. , of , down lo (be .mat toaik. t of loler: .. .,, , ,,. ,r,im
.t I..-!..:..,., and ,.ut them on ihc ,.,,,,, ,t. fA of ,he wk w,,ere
eit!.-..J they wngh.d )ii.t two , , , , , ....:.. .....
... i ... i ii 1 1 .. " r
.1 : . w ai, l I'-i uiinees. .iu. I'.n-g.-c
picMiited them to the Review
iditor and wo had them cook.d
Mi,, I found Ihe-f potatoes to ha of ' -"t Thursday from llig Meadotts,
excellent llavor und as mealy us "here aim has bcjii vii-itin.; lur
iiny j..tatoen wo t-ytr naiv. Thin father, C. I.. Perry, for tho patt
.witly ii bound lo lie a gli al ml- ihrej wtck..
by :n .'.iilil.' (uirie 1., tliet fTe-.i
ate l'.tll Club dry good, clothing, t.t.-ota
plyofgixija for hid lumens bhnj
Mrn. J. 15. Shipp arrived liriuo .'KZ SEW H3KE CE'A'INS MACHINE CO
i, ,1
'mil rnlTf-d a tnit or,!nnti'n : 'vrwi-h
t. tim- ilu- I'l'iiiM' 'uA urrv i no irttttt in
f ii jn.rM. V liitv L' i ti ;nrint:
vr i,i a '.,. I, -lit- for v. r a tiui.t tT ! u tt-u tn.
y. l It ..r . tiMttiti-l .t n-;.i!U'tin:i f..r fir
iv u ni; 1 nitt-t-!iw Jlmi i thr envy r U
t 'r. i .r ' "'r ..inr" vm 1 .10 t.itt
'v.- i ;i -:v.i; il ok 11 (..ii.Cy in 'icSiinc-It
.:r,ti' !;u h i- o:;iU fiiith f-rnrf' -vrii.g
; a i. ft -L l- Uftii tt. turn T
.' " . ir iirtttif' is thr only fcafty
itlb-U UH 9ti: Setting XiUhiuQ
: tit? Uitzria t. '
, : if pn1 IV, r tis in ent. r Into a tnut
-.t r ( rilii i.r t-7 anv lm un wt- Imve
li i.kuiMi hianefi.iil.r4..f lot ir.d.i I V
.SI M't.' NlM. K li'.'l pn: l!IQit lO rtc-tT'l-
. . : - 1 . tu'ritiHir nn r,i.. Ik not to d-vt-.,
ti. ii y,ti w mil wtntE maciitnf don't
M'l in n y bwmv ft.m lioim; mil on a
. tr It-tiicv, Uv ran t 11 ym i.
ii' r tiiif Ur ""fir s Uutu you ran pun-ha
:-wln. tv. ft tlK-ro U ftj iltaler uoar juu,
t iiU tlin I hi u.
rk. ClilmlK. r,:..Mt. I ouls. Ma, Allan,
.a., li .., Km i-'nilelMO, lnl.
V Si.
8HEUIF?3 SA1.2.
Otl-'e w lie n
Iyer tn:e
diiimt to Ibo potntota now rtitM 1 . I)r. K. X. Schlecht, of WUcon-' .W.UoVIn
in tlii- Mition a tn!
iievo it ivM In- many
"The liiffti
C"7'ltM Oelt
trade with
liere you will get
'iJOl il)OI)8
L.rjre stork to select
finni, and whereevtry
r!i- rt will be mule to
(.ive Jon complete
we have
"ii'.in. r.nit.',
i.t.'? an; a VAUitaY w. k.vum NECLtlTlE3.
'Dont 5PENO '
1:1 .i-ll tllHl nr, I -r Hi"! l-
1 1 "ii i--i,,. 111, 1 ul il,,- . ir
we do not ie in, who has been visiting for foii.e "t mii.ti. "'i'l ' i- "" .' r.-.,..un 1 .1, 1, , , r
Veam Until linn, with his lirnllier Cenri't. rf w,h,,iB ,,"-!t'iAi .
t 1 ,;, " ,. , . : , , , , . in iii.rt a I. tn-i:.. fi.iu it. .:.t .h.m
i"''""' , ih'iui, piih.cii tnrouju our civ on " " mm-i'i i ..i... 7 ""."' ,
I.l. 1 '.'I 0 11.11, lill-Ti-l IH'Tm 11 inr r,r -, " A
wi'l the leader 111 our market. ' hut FiidavV tage enroute for hit i--r .-. in i- r .....i.... ir i..- th .iy " - e J
. " c :,-ni!"T. 1 -:., ,e,.l li,-' ii-I:irr .,n,t "f t M li
nOIIll. till lllte..--! Ki..r.-,,it n (lit- ...,.-!,,j
lJtcelletit aatntiht and ono that the tjood
J a plcaiure to eat. and napkii.a, but are turning their
i - .....
. .. 1 iioioe. Rim iiin-,',.i ' ' ;v
nut) tn Mr. anil: , ,.,.r tl,i ir., 1,1 e .-tii ii. s.-.i-m'. -r,
- . . ' ... ,, , ,. . , lv.. hii.I Ihi (unli.-r 1 1 in i'l ti:ti'i i-.,-L.. Hiui
for out) of too1 U . M . Kay, tin! obliging Mies- i. ih,, r..-ii,.t mi.i ni.n un m. 1 i.t.
, , , -.11 11.. I'-vie-l II 'll l 111. l.iH.illlHJ iu-..-ri'K-u irm
pn UieKt boii,uel.t Ihat bus inloru- man 111 tho dry goo hs . ( rpartmant .r..,iri.
. .1 .1. ..!....;.... il.!.. il,!. mmn-o ,11 11 ri wrier .t T hooiMiiiV eft. tti-.t n.u 01 ii..rn, ,-.., i...t
1 1 :r tli.ioks ale
Mm. CbiiH. l.vth'
M. A. TYE & BROS. .
s '
it 1
U 1
laM Tuesday for a
viit lo his parents
conn' v.
iu Marion
hnii fiuht Htitl '( hut) l tti- n-ir'It t'tt-i
,imri r of MM-iitm rcn. n !ovti-np :lrh.ii
Miu-- H "I iili.u-t.- MiTl.l.HH 111 11 M.i.
t t.untv, trrkoii : atul I i-t,
f-tutro'tiv, llif .to iIa v ol "tin !nU-f I'""-:,
ul 1 oYl"ik S' I" l ""''I 'liv. in iit'i.l ot I
(..itrthoon' .o r. til lTMif tlliv ft-iiitU ol
t r.xtW, sirtif of urrtfon. utl tu- nyl.t, hi
Jttlin l'onil8 lrft last Thumuv M,u r-,llt' 11 " ' rt,"-," !'
, j mul (. Hit- nltioi' ilf-i TiIk-.I r.'Hi iriif: ty i.n r
fur Mikeview where ho intonds nonho-.wii iiv ( i , i-w i pui w mu -
tftnvins a few duvn. From tlicre ' t-' " i'ii" hi sti4o.t;on of ui
I i " . " lutlcmi'-il Hit'I nil
O.Mr, lomlis will co to klitinuth iuim ;Mimy uf Juty. iw
foro rolurning home.
VVVWVVVVVV' . A. DiDard and family, of
l' SOI SMI I'll. Sin
lly Kreit C1h hmi, I.i'l'Uli.
I'. S. l.aml iMtutr, u- l ir:
: Hume, passed through 1'rineville VTJ. ZX
Monday on their way homo f cm ISlii'iSlSTtS'
Tithe IhiH'liutes coiinlrv where thev V'"."",v '"""" "k""- S'ii
IMh. t:o. 11
nf Suiiiml A. 1...:mii
11 II K N" :IIS, fur Hie .ir ,r of
, HI
Headquarters Tor
a i
Stockmen's j
Supplies !
havo heen fit'nding a couple
woeka fishing and liuntinf.
I ' Ml.'li M 1.i;iii
Mr. and Mm. Win. King, nreom-: J. !j!,tVc m". mI'I-":?" V
Almin i., ii'Mm. Matin ton. of An. ' .. 1 "'" "" '." iiii.-,m. t.,
; l .' - ---- -- i it-., ir i', luminous ri'-!,u'ii,-t' iinni m ti I eiillnu-
i. v t. e.
1 1, una - .
t m' .,r m n r mi or ul m'c l i, l. 1 r n ii, v f
r A nil
1 telope, and Mins Hazel llowatd, of
J.ll.i ..ill. I.tft ' n fl .irritinii
111.51 i.,ij, ,. uvnniv I'.".""". OnH.'ll
for Crane Prairie to camp a few
I weeks gathering huck'.ehei r'es.
tl-.,Mr I'tinnmious re-!
tloit nf Mtiil Imiil. vie
.Ihimi'i I'r.nil ul I'riii.'vi!!,'. Oro
Miss Kthtd Liggett, nccompati icJ
j by M rs James Sharp and daugli
tor, Miss (lertie,
I for tho Willamette valley.
K M UlllTTAlN. lUishT.
Notice Id t'e n Inn luis.
Wo have just receive;
a new line of Men's and PoyV Hats, Over
alls, Overshirts, I'liderwear, Fancy Neck
wear, Mutls and Handkerchiefs of all
kinds, also a full line of boots and Bhoea.
li n't firget that we carry a full' line of
Fresh Flint, Candy, Nuts, Tobacco and
Call and get Prices.
AH kinds of Fishing Tackle.
Si'rtloiMiM". will In" rtH'Otve.t lv tin tnOts
of Ilu Kir-l tr''l'v UTimi i hnri h ot I'rnit-x :1U
Orroii, until 1 o'cl ifk (i in, AliiM Lt'lh, l'l'l.
or tit t I'fiM-tton nn I (ton il. t;o't of a fra
fr 1 ml ATiMiiln v rlturt'h buil lltiji t I'i'i tt' iH-.' Ortuon. Hi-n r
J tin: U the ;iIhiih Nit I pt'i-itirnHiMi- n.nv on fi t
T.,,v lit the l'ii--l Nhtioiinl lUnk. I he .iu
J il.-r w ill fie rotnuroil to :urni-h h uo
;.... I t iItiit rr'on.Ij n CnriMilliu ti.'leiit l'lltl wt I) I U letl 'Hi
ni ' i iv "(-'l'"fi v. into!
j w ntlicr portions of Ilm villi'
during tlit'ir throe weeks' stay.
toi t
I All t v(it
mi t ri t for the fniiliMtl ivrnirih :u e
v ttierent. 1 ho i ifjlil to ivJ'M-t anv auvt nil litis
J ln'pehv re.Mr-et. All UuU Nlumltl vnK J
i mid HtMrcvMM T. M. JtA 1.1M N, se. re!,irv.
m wiMii i iiny io t ratio an ca Kfi'i
ami JOW tdht-iooni eottH-jo fur yiod
?rs anil t rane llo,;ls ortuck mule. Tlie
I'l'HTin i,-t rn uiiirw i in i' utH K n A
M.ouri e lit ir is B!ii 1 to h vo o
IitLt'ti ull'tho following: "Wo It V We Imvo a tHmtt v lio wants lo
t l K I .... i . . J I Ul 11114) H K IH'K II 1M HASH ililll V
t . i .1 it . ( ri iii it i i mnn i r -i l it iihi
Ill It mini I'l tiifc,n v v. i. ii T .1 i i.i... .. i . 1
high taxes, low valleys
waeea ; big, crooked i
and 1
silver slr.mnia that gambol in tho I t'"'!'' UWk1 t
, W lli'tfo I hi nun, ittlilgn tlUMf MMI
luountainp, nn I ious nouuoians ot'itr nnwiiry outbuiuiir. Th
flint mlt1 in tlirt niclit : roarinff piopm v ia nearly nnw W;i8
c c i Pivc titl rtl a t'l't of iihtnit s'Mmi (VI
iB The Druggist,
C UilMFS tlo. 1 rut cut i linle. st ilrllCS. Dtttfllt nU'llicillf S. loill-'fc tit- . "
etUlatetnent big lakes , big ro, Ti. UiKoh IWi jL, 1 1 ides, : car? b, u 1 ei Aeto, v, hich arc lo ho Mud on' iu an up-to-date
a, big drunks, lug pumpkin. 'tee l" , ' . A- ; 'i . r
ig men with p nnpkin heads ; all kimls olitnii an l IwoieJ; also "nig store. ;,, ,
A fit line of ftulionery. ricscription cart fully compounded.
We als.i carrv in comiect'on with our drug line, a full and complete
catapults anil roaring orators ; fas-t v,ii,i mk Verv sirai.lo i line of lhu ve'.v ': unices ol lurmiure. ; ; -
voiinc men and irirls faster, fastest; home l..r some one ws,i m r- ' ' "
- . , me lonit teiMiiesa or wisiuinr tn ai
sharp lawyers and sharp linaiictcrs ; j-ue their t-tiiM:-en fie bonetit ol
noisv clti'dren aid fertile plains ctu.-mion. l'..r J
J.',.,ini rustic, and (inisliinf ( I f you want the vi'ryhef t of. job
.... I ..... , . V -..., I I. 1 ...
Jk. .. ... ,., i . I I .'..mi. I'ufiiiunia r i,i nnif m I ii n, hi r 1 1 l O OC USi O I U CH',. HUIIU "i uiiiio iii ' nil uuici nn' nieim
D 111. Ill IKOI WO 3 Ol Wilier. IIIIU IT I1i i,s,,m A i,.ivi.,,, If.... I.V. t 1 . ..
T '" " " I I . I . i....t ... ,!, ,,..,1111
.1 ...1. ..f that A TITS .4 IVWmifSr I'll . Wl,l, in X if lull OHM e- M l, I uv o.r
likti lliuuder " j ton St.. Tho Dulles, oreiion. j known firm of 4. II. Lippman & Uo. place to come la
only be had at ;he well l' hit pays", the Review oflkc is the
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