u VOL. IX. HYM 'KOOK CO 1 1 XT V. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY , rJOf. SOIVJ I I. i i a , I 21 II Tl tIC TAILOR HAS A NBW UNB OF (IOOIM JUHT ARHIVINO "3 W1UUJI WILL MARK IIAhDHOMK BUITH NOW lit Tim TIM I! To Leave Your Onlern. if? V LADIES rDRNIHII- Ino ooona .... LATEST HTYI.KH IN COHHUTS ... Now Mllllnarv Cloorta at tha Old nllab!o Mlllt ni f Buira ' I, i n MRS, 3 L -A. TON' 3 0n of tha lrot and f)nl aelrnMi! lino of llnia ami D" Miiaa avr bmnlhl to rritmrilln. whirl) will ho nl nl till hwd of lnw ptii- Wa will fMilM-k hikI trittt old lint, fr W, h,vs flir HpfM-lal Halm Iliy V.vnry W KDNKHI IA Y and rJATUlUM T i wlili'h lima -o offxr MoorlaJ llaniaiiia. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY E. O. HYDE, M. D.. Phvalclan and Surcoon, TBINEVIIXB, 0RR0ON. (lull promptly attomM, tlar an. I niflii J. H. ROSENOERC, M. D.f rRINCVILLl OliBOON. UDtc, llril ilcwr fl.irlh of TfpLlon A Sua llril, Hlnr. OKKIlR Hot. 1014) , aUblaad7Ulra H. P. BELKNAP, M. D., Phyalolan and Surgoon. PBINSVILLE. OHBOON. OKI, I, Aaamaon A Win.., (','.. Iru( Star, A. D. MORRISON, W. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURCGON Prinevlllo, Oragun Offira N,i kor In A.laitiMna liriiff Htnr, tall, .mail; at ton. 11 to. C. A. CLIN E, HKNTIKT, rititr.vn.i.g, onions. iiiumiiiii luiir NO INPriMOR uoona K KIT IN STOCK UhiiiiilakiiiULUtUkliiULiLtAiiAlifcLl TEMPLETON & SON 6.' DKAMKS IN- Drugs and Chemicals, Patont Medicines and Tollot Artlcloa Wtoa and IJtjuora for rnadl pirp; only hylolan praaerip ' iiulia oaraftilty mmpmiic1el. A. H. LI PPM AN & CO. 0 FURNITURE - AND PBALEK8 IN Wood, Cloth and Metallic Caskes . EMBALMING! A SPECIALTY AND ALL KINDS OK BITILIDIlSr O MATERIAL H Hotel A .. : " I ppineville TMOKOUOMIV ntNOWATf D.ANO WtrUBNISMIO THROUOOUT American Plan Rates l oo I fHi J OO ;C IC. McDowell, , I'roprlctor. M. R. BICCS, Attorney at Law and netary, Main BlrMt, PrlnaTlll. Orsroa. OIBp, uihI mUii ta Cor1 II, ui,. W. A. BELL, Attoriiey-at-Ln v NOTARY PUBLIC. offlot on ilrrrt l,,lii ta Court !. I'KINK.VII.I.K. ORKt'ON. C. W. BARNES, ATroRNtY AT l.tW AN I) NOTARY rrill.lt PRIBVILLB. ORBUON. ORlr, oa WhI Thlr4 RUM OUR CELEBRATION. ThiCrondjit ever Hold Crook County. In A PERFECT SUCCESS. 0r flltai-B-huMrad Paopla It attand anoa From all Part of Tha Counlr, Foarth of Ju'r pmd into history, tnd tha crlfbrition t thi pltre wa one of (ha prrndat er wilnMaed n th city. In f,,. one mwlit aay tha work of cclrhrat Ing cnrnmpncad tha ereninj; fofora, aa moat of Uia houig wera decorat ed nd 'root about eight o'c1e3k until near midnUht a continual crack, crack of fire erackera, large, meHinmanl rmall wu heard on all a'dea, tofether witS homha, dewey cha-ert, and all other kinda 1 decora' ed with bunting and flags but graceful ft-atooning wai in ample itidonce ll around the float. The interior wi niclf arrayed with fruiti from the trnpicr of all Warm Bpringa struggle for maaierr. deKcripiion. aa w-ll aa ererytliinii I The Indians were awarded the tats that cuiild pleace the eye and rat-,nd h" the inning was orer had 40 to the lowr was thn announc ed and all repaired ta the grounds to nituffi the Primrille btH ball team and the Indian team from PORTLAND ASLEEP. fy mlui.ee lonp'ngs for gtioJeyi. Tba ludics on hurneback wai a fea- thre runs to th-ir credit. The I'rineville bya then took their i Colden Business Opportu. i nlty Liable to be Loat. ; WILLIIAKKIM AN BUILD ture of the parade that wai hia:liljr j nning ani when their men were admired i aitting uj on their hand- 'called out they too hnd three runs "0ir-ly capriiioned a'eadi with ! t0 ihrir ere lit. It now began to qaeei.ly flir holding with firm l(M,k like it would be a close game how, made nd one. hands tlifir prancing aright beautiful to behold trrJl worth witne'ring by any Then cirne in line citueni in ring- a ami on loot. At 10 u'tlock the procrcion war ordered to move to th attiring notei O toe Central Oregon T.-ada Dlvjrtad It WIU be hard to Raoover. hut at inning after inning was played it was rren the Indium were no match for the Prineville boys, Cir- j arid at the close of the gme the core ntnol II t 35 in fvor of I'rineville. j After the ball game all repaired ofmoaicfroin thttwo bran band, to t he coiner near Simp-on A Wil- mid proceeded from the corner of ,ou'i store to witneisthe hose race A and Third street outh to Firt tM.lwPe Xo'sone and two compan-' ulreet, thence wet in Ftnt to B ir( to see who could get first water, ' ....... . i, .... t. : it v,r,i. . . . ... i turn, mem c nui ii .u . ..... leacn lesm ;o run zuij yarus anacn Mreet, thence eAft in Fiflh to A j ut K hydrant, then lay 100 yards treet, thrnce s?ulh in A to Third j0f hose. This rsce was an exciting treet, thence east in Thirl to the one,t rleh team striving to do it of Iniag'nth's things made out of j school hou.e groun Is where the bnt. and that in the face of a powder (hit roaka a report ss well .csinroittee had arranged l.etutiful strong wind which cut the tiiTie as the swieh of sky rocketts ascend- grounds all covered with ftergreens down toniderbly from what it i"t in the leavens, beaut'fil hunting entwined rn the pests and jwould hare b en. had it been calm. Roman candles shsotlng balls of platform, (lugs floating in a bun-, J19 time keepers nnd judges an M. E. BRINK, ATTliRNKY An t'or.NSr.UIR AT LAW A Btraat, Dotwaan Plrat and Baoond PRINKVUXB. OREGON. J I- McCTI.LOCH, Abstracter of Titles Prineville, Oregon. JtULULtAAlUll ai 2 i a THE PRACTICAL MAN SppreelAtes the savinii In wear and Initr, in friction, itraft and la!Kr gainel ly the iinilit lly ol PhuiQ Mowers He kiniwa llie vnln. ol aliolinhlnx nes.lUea itimilntn.tliil ami spi'l It'll ier ihrvnt llano's xiiiipln, uloniadii CluleliSlillt.alrJiM internal Drive rtnur. eiv-ifliiitl Verllt al Mil heiee hiI erlf-tl-jtistlnl llrall lto.l ie lite lintl if lnvt r Improvement Hrnr'aprM'"! to ttltit. TlfV me lle oiiikmiwHi uleaperi nes and at li'iil lilt! Initeiiiiity. The rimio t'HtultttftiH esplalna litem iie.t tella aliout om Oilier lnlerteliii priMliifta ml lint I'lrtim lniw Hraln lUnttera, lleaHers, lteaier, Mowers, lUln'it lite "I'lano la the inaelilne Uim-tl lor ila fle, aw lit einl Ulaulory woili. v ASK TO SEE SAMPLES EIvKINS a KING IMUNKVirXE, OHK. I IIKN Ylf WANT A MUST- ll.AMt HU'VCIK CALL ON J. H. SIIII'P AOKNT FOR TIIK Kmiiblcr, Montircli 4 hicycl ic s RCNPRIliS pH ALL RISI 3 First National Bank PRINEVILLE. B. F. ALLEN rreaiHem W. WURZWEILER .Viee-rn.ei.tenl T. M. BALDWIN Cael.iei Tr,ni',ii a (aiteral txaklni bMalnau. AtrnimU keel tilijert to eheck. Kxcliaaft lil tui I'nrlUtnl, Man KranolMHimi Htm York Cntlm'tlnn, rerelva armel ,it,ntlaa. NOT IN ANY TRUST Many newpapera have lately siren enrreney to n.ru by Irroaponilble partial to ibaedaH Hint THE NEW HOME SEWINO MACHINE CO had entered a trnat of eomblnaUonj wa wtah In aMtir the puhlle that Iheea I, a fratt la ...... .. U' . w . mnntitttrturtna ' ai-wlii mnehlne, for oTr a quarter efaeent ry, ami iiaTeeaiautiaiiru iiiuiuii.. .... ...- ' ulv.. Ati.l nur marlilnr, that I, 11), fDVy Of alt never lieen rivaled aa a nimlly maehln.-H alanil, at the neauotati Jf'ga wai' anw mni'lilnea,ntl atandaon luaara) ntrrlta. TAe Aete llatne" I fAeanlw rett It II JU WAJVa 0variv.7 aaii., ... it, narM. II la not neerary for ua to enter Into a trnit ... am ail tf.rn.in iu.tr ittf drbta aa are hare noilelita In ay. V bav never anlered Into eiimiieiiiion witn manuir.Hivn.n ruw rreu. rlin.i iiiaelilnra llutt are aiada lo aell regnrd- i . Hr..alM ninrl.A. IV. Ant b da. eelynl, when you want a aewlnt marhlne don't arntl yotir money away iran .kh,i wh . -"Arap flame" n1er, lia eau aell yon I. halter inaehltie tr leaa than yon can pnrctiat I elaewhere. If there la no dealer near you, write dlrert tout. THE NEW 01 New York, in, lln., ! Are upward, all th:s and much more was the order of the evening. When meming dawned and the bright sun mde its appearance, teems gaily dcortted with the national coVrs coald be seen com ing from lK North, the Pouth, the Eaat and the WesL all bound for Pr!neil!e to assist in celebrating our National Anniversary. At " :30, according to program, the firs ball taped and lh immense crowd began weeding their way to ward the place where it was desig nated the parade was to be formed. In a short time under the able and tffieient management of Chief Mar shal, Frsnk Elkhis, and hia assist ant, the parade was formed in the following or Irr : Prineville brats hand, the pride of our oitizena; carriage containing President speaker, chspUin and reader of tSe Declaration of independence; N'(S two boee company, which ia compos 1 of jo si men bright and sctivs, together with their rart be ing beautifully decorated with hunting an 1 fl ig, and silting in a I tower wss seen little MssterGussie O'Neil rej r eenting Oregon, which dded a pit iresijue charm to the 'urroundings ; the Liberty 0r con taining little girls all dressed in white, beautifully decorated with ahrs bearing the name of the liflVrent elates, togather with caps urmountcd with stars, the God ess of Liberty Miss I.ippman seated npon s raided platform Iroking like . Godesa in fact, and the three flag j;irl Mirses Boms Polndezter, fiertie Sharp and Stella Young, who were handsomely attired each holding ribbons of red white and it) ue which were attached to the bridle bits upon the horses made a picture which would be the envy of any painter. The hook and ladder track of No one's came next snd the ropes were manned by sturdy fireman, who whether dressed in their natty uniforms or fighting the fire fiend will always be found at tl ei' post ef duty, snd a mascot had Warm Spring Indisn sitting drid places, making it a veritable pounced No. tw. s winnrs ns they Itowi-r, pleasing fur the ere to rect upon and more pleasant yet for the rast assemblage to sit and li -! n to the forenoon exercise which ecu filled as follows : An address of welcome by the preeidritt of the diy, Ilor, M. K. Itrir.k, who in a short hut w. 11 timed address eaptured the he- a made the run and got tirt water in aecor.d , S t. ones getting it in 6-1 seconds. J After supper oilier gnmes and. spirts Wtire indulged in aa well aa, a good ball being given in Glxze'gj hall where an immense crowd ns- j Semitic. I and trip-. I the light fan-j tastic until midnight to music that efhis hearers, which was folloe e I i mnde the wal'zers fairlv float as if i by a beautiful sell c lion by the in air. Prineville braas band. Rev. II. C. j Thus ended the celebration in Clsrk then delivered an impreseive j Prineville which was unanimously j peayer wltich wss followed by the declared the best ever witnessed in ' choir einging An.erica ai d was, the city. Not an accident occurred ; joined in by the reopleV .Mrs. J. II. j to mar the pleasure and harmony , Wigle then read thi dtcUrs'i' n of independence in a way which showe-u the true n.eaning of that grind document, and Lrouitht lo I he heart of the listeners something of the fueling that must hate been in the hearts of thc6 noble patriots when they declared to the world the principles they tt od for. and which nient to theai liberty, or ser vitude to a despotic king. After another beautiful selection by the choir, Hon. Fred Wilton of The Dalles spoke and his oration was one of the finest ami best ev?r heard in this - section ; during the rnlire time Mr. Wilson was speak ing he was given the closest atten tion and wis war inly applauded. His t (Tort wss truly a masterpiece, and hie words f U d a resting place in the hearts of the audience and give them food upon which to think and in future years -tha fourth of July will mean tnucb mora to all who heard him than it ever did brfore. Then followed an inspiring and pstriotia (ong, after which the Warm Spring Indian band gave an excellent selection and splendid ly rendered. The nono hour hav ing arrived all repaired to lunsh At 1 :"0 o'clock the sports began the first of which was a 50 yard toot race for boy a under ten years of sge which was won by Newt Poii dcxter, Ed Barnes oomiag out second. Another rsc of 50 yard for bo v a under 15 rears was in- of the d iy, and every one's cup of pleasure both old and young, was filled to overfiowinj. Notice it niny ci warned ( stock U Dry cre upon the top of the truck with the j nnunced. and soon several entries stars and stripes floating over In in Th thirteen colony float whit h was made in tho shape of a boat presented a nni'ine appearance, aa the thirteen little boys all dr. scd in the customo ef olden tim s, o guther with Uncle Sam, mnde it the center of attraction. No. one's huso cart came next in the proecs sion decorated with bjnting and fiife, and sitting beneath an arch was little Misa Fern Slay ton repio senttng Prineville and looked ss royal as a queen upon her throne, weilding her scepter over wil.ing and loving suhjeits. The Warm Indians brags band made yi from the Indian school hlace came next in line 'r handsome appearance in de was noticed by all. The Wed by our enterprising ft I. Michel, caiue next in it was one of the main at 04 iV r?ai not only perfect wrre made ar.d the race resulted, in Win. Pomp (Indian) incsrryinj off first priie and Sichel Hlnkls second. Tho airls bicvels parade for decorated birych s was then an nounced, and for a long time the committee (misled over which to award the prise to, as they all look nl m handsome as they rode aloigthatit made the swarding a tiulr diflicult matter. Miss Vtrna Smith captured first priie and Mips Wilda Salomon the sec ond. A potato race came nsxt and it wrs exciting fiom start to finieh, each contestant having his friend whocheerol him along. Harry Set as taluekr Dir. Why should Friday be more "unlucky" than any other day in the weak! In fedual times when msn'a heads were likely to go into the basket at any time, there was a business m?tho i adopted for such who'-esorn alasgh'r and Friliy was the day set apart ss the time for the beheading. This finally grew into a custom, which is still at the present time, hence Friday is hangman's day ; a custom of mortals, not a day ao juried by tljd or angels. Many a great and good as well as ba 1 thiujS have transpired on Friday. America discovered on Friday. Mayflower landed on Friday. Battle of Waterloo fjjht on Friday. rattle of Bunker Hill fo-jght on Friday. Declaration of Independence signed en Friday. Napoleon Bonaparte born oa Fri- day. Hantile destroyed on Friday. Moscow burned on Friday. Itattle of Mareng t fuight on Fri day. Julius 0a.-s.tr assassina'cd on Friday. Joan of Arc burned at the stake on Fridar. King (!arh I heh'tddl oi Friday. Lincoln sa.iittd on Fiiduy. B it le of New Orleans fought on Friday. Shakepe:tr born on Friday, Q'leon Victoria married on Fii lay. TVhj the KJIt. Skipped. An editor of a emiill American pnpar recently statt d that he had been kissed by one of the most beautiful married won.on in the Almost a month has parsed eince representatives of the Harriman system of rail roads came into our country on a tcur of inspection, to see and report to that treat mag nate who Lolda in his power tho words that will allow the construct ion t' rough those lines which he controils, a railroad in our midst, and yet from all that can be learn ed he is as silent as the tomb. And while he is thus silent, con tracts have be. n let upon tha line that is entering Oregoo from Cal ifornia, for a farther extermination which will be immediately built. Considerable surmising has been engaged in since tie activity has been displayed in the line coaiing from California, an l the death like silence of Harriman in regard lo this othtr extension, whether this gentleman is not playing a double game, and by silence, wishes lo lull Portland to sle;'p, while prob ably he ia the ower behind the throne that is mnkirg renewed ac tivity in the extension of the Cal ifornia branch. Our people throughout the entire portion of Cei.tral Oregon, while not averse to a railroad coming in to our section from California, vet above all thing want one which will connect us wilh our own peo ple, our own statt) and our own center of trade snd commercial interests. We want a road to con nect us with Portland, whether that be by an extension of tho Columbia Southern, the Oregon Pacific, or some entirely new road, it matte: b not which, yet a road we want. If Poitland will wake tip and fee that a line is built into Central Oregon whether with or without Harrinion, Central Oregon will do its part and furnieh the traffic ami pafseng'T travel to make it pay fro ji the very beginning. We lnve the country, rich in everything and when once trans portation is given us, it will be cal tivated and made to produce crops. It would appear to one tnat Port land, situated as she is, having such a country tributary to it of bound less reiourees, begging for trans portation facilities that will unite us in a firmer bond of business fel lowship, instead of sitting idly with folded hands while we are asking that which will build her up in a few years to greater propor tions than all else will, and letting another road silently enter these confines which by right are hers and take all away, sou'. 1 awake from her lethargy an! be up and doing. Yot unless Por tland d xs this thina the lime is fast and surely approaching when our trado iil be diverted, and when once divei ted will be hard to rcoovar, if ever recovered. Quipina and Jr-ck Stucktu (both town. II promised to tell her Indians) carried oil lint l Ud sec ond pria . The time set for the gatno of bail forapuratiofiM-Uuf which $100 would go to the wiuuing team and M .a -f I, ? 13 rtuliAr name in the lust issue ui u. Ft-v. next month. I two weeks the circulation of his paper doubled. Rut when he gave the name of his wife he bad to leave the towu. Kisses Come Ultra, But We Must Have Thorn Miss Francis Pettit, of (iulway, has recovered a ju Igment from HO- year-eld James I. Tittemore, t ne village blacksmith, for f.AW ur breach of promise. Tittemore had courted her for H yers, and, no cording tJ her memorandum book kissed her 1215 time. The fust in hr bojkwere as follows: I ' Mr Tittemore emm Id sm m t to night. He is ',ioe Mlov hut be i married, and I gutss mother won't like to have him come." "Jumes was here tonight. He kissed mo. Itwaa tho first time I. was ever kissed by a mun." Tiltunore looks upon the judgment asexces- sive and has dt ti-Jid to uppea.. Chicago Tiibuue. '