Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, May 05, 1894, Image 1

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    fywfo (Dftirial apr,
VOL. !.
NY). 4H.
i . - .. . ... .
J'JMM U, ON SHAKEbr'LAdE. 1 1 Tt,fI I'I'1 Tl t 1 1 I 1 1 f II I I "P I rhiimn have Un Inlot nn M,nnn hrnn ,1ilrn. , ... ,,.,..,1 .. I
3 U 1 A l-,k,on,w,frmS.(. nin. U , . n A HON ALCAPITAL NEWS
I i r a t vj w ui i
: a J. A. DOUTHIT -
Tel-m. ill" iil.cil..ili.
ti'.r.tii. in iiiiw t
irfll K IN MASONIC Ht t I.I.I NO
I Ml
ID liltl. lal
lllll 1-111111 .
.... t m I r i'( 'iH'ii .. 'I
ll- I usuller
Mult I'l I (-
..,11, I riii'ifi lu.irneiliui.
miiriim J win
AII.H !') lllllilHl H
I ittli'l NIU. .Vii.lnr. ,
1 1 -t IH.Iil.l
"""" '" .'.I I
u ik, "Hi Ml. hi. i
l'i ir It Aii.'inro
i. it'll .-S'llHMit - . , - M.
niiai'iut r.
. Sllvn.ler I'l'luiuier
dimae W M.llil.l..
. ,. . I'lill M him
l-IMIlll llN.Ml
K II Mi lillel
.Win r I. ii, I
'II Ii, mi
If A ll.n.r
linn K (l,n inner Is in
l J II Ml,, I. .11
iJ N IMi.li
llliiKt-r llititiinnll
W I.. II, .,!.'..
II. tt lln.ll
A, r.,.. ll
lauuir itiie
I .1,1)11) Jtl-I'-
t .i.itmL.I'iu'T
I .Mint . I link .
H t v.-i,.,l.
. J I . -llllllll-r
,l ,li.T
' ( J W H,,.IP
, . A llllill lli'-ltfn.
A II..
1 1
A ..- .,
A. ii .
u.l.tw Oil
i , lie 1 1 lit-
i.ir.. riiiii,
lli. l'rt-vliu-1.
.1 N Wlilta
I'. Ili'lk',.1'
J II '...I
Kim. Illl.lt.ll
M II II.-, I
J... imi IHii.lt.
M II Ull, .11
llt.nr HiiimiiI
Aitl.al mimI li.arlure of M.lli.
I'll I II li rnt.Nk.Vll. I K I ..'. I'M no
tlliu rtvi) ila et ,' . M , airilt .tpi) .U) at J
r n
I 1. 1 S K VII I t INIlHIIlNn I. ei e I'rlni.l llle
Mi.ii.I. n I I l.ilt. 'la ) t A M , at 1 1 . p. W imIuh
'I., , I -.nliif lMi .1 (. r
I'l.iM ill.lfc AM "IIVKIl I.IKK lal'iii
frill, il In M.,i.It m. linn. mt 7 A M i ml
ii,,-. I iuii.'ir am, I i.Miui.ii.1 ii I r m
nilslMIIK (Mi I1I1M1 Prltir. tllv
mmI'iii. it . M ; urilvp li. IIM
fill s l'. III K IMI MftlKII" !.-. I'iIiim
Yliln M..II.U. tl , t il'Uf l . . MltltlW I llr
I.) mi. ,.iiii.U l J I H
r hi m h.i ,v mi is It M Nl'lt I Sl I..
I' In. . ,11. -. iiwli. nu4 il.l.f .1 1 I M . at
ft... ii.tiii.) i.'i iii'i.i ii ; r ii
f II Hurt .Mill, r.wlin klt.i
Al i. Tl.i.. II,. u. All It I . I, ,i I Nw
III. Un'l In l. K,-,.T
"Nut li.na nun." hii.I ii (iini-i-i..iiiii i
A II I ... III,,, IJiilin, , Wii.IiIiikUhi
r.iili'.i,ili,l, l,f l.( liliiiKu'l'ln,,,,, -J ,)M.t
Ji'liii I., h-iilllviiii, II... r HkIiI.t. II. Him
iimtiii 1 1, i . in ,,,, kihii. inii, H Ijiwirlry
Upl l.j mi,. I 'ml.l y It! ,!!,!,,!,, l,i,j,.vi., hii
I" lll-U lllllll' in' li. fin im iilinK
diMim iiT, liuikwl hi tl.t. hium ,'tmiii,n
"llli .iiini-liili'!-, ,!. I.'i,.,,iiIiii lunili.
riii'r.'iMi.i'ii.ii'ljliiir ii fur i o mrii. Almui
liliu li,,v ml j Iiii.ziiu nnii ,,f ii. 1 1 1 1 i i. i h.
".M int uf ii , ,.rr 1 1,, ,n 1 1, ,, i..i,i,,.
Tin HIT,. Iillklliu MllKI', nf I me, y,.ry
lliiiy irilil.', Ilif... nrl,,,,, hllllltllll H
Imli'MlMM llli ii M,rt ul .', 1. nli,n wliii li
ili huli I f,il. i w im (ii-nr tunny ui,l,,k
r 1 Iml Uii. I,i niKllmi ri'K'ii'iliil lilitiM'lf in,
'I'lllx Ii nf i, liUlriini ii. niiy, dihI
wl.i III. ViMit hiifii Inn Mi nn mi Hint f
iluuUi ri-iiiHiiKit.
"'llli, I'll ull you ilnok. bIk.iiI ,huk
mi,' Ii llimlly anUI m li k,!,,,!
lrrii..'-iiiluiiii Imn.l In tin. fimivr liui n. if It
liml lin-u Hn.li Imln, hlnilii-iiiii-ii n
nil riiilit, 'llmi iiiiik wm nil rilit In in.
miy, i iiiii mtiiuilf llul i hut n luiiKBun.
Ilii' A llli. limn Tlml'. u liut SI,nkiMiH'ra
lS nml Ih-'iI kiiuw ii if In. i, r. liiiiiM'lf,
Alllllll ll ii. y.ui l,l,,ki ..-iln,t' l,t
hlmki. fti rw iilil.
'.Nuiv, I kirn .iniii'i liin uUiiii till, my
If. S-t f 1 in mi Hi,- lnKi. iu in k.
Ili III llli. I,.H-, In.i, y , ,,, .( ,,mr ,f(.
NllW, I It'll till IIIIIK U. ii,,. i,,, l ,V(,t
Hum. M,!ilf.i.-iirln (iIm j. 'J i.j ', ,. Kt
i.ll.l II t linl ' li.it Hi. ) Inn ,.. WoHiii'l
ul mi hliiiki'.i.i,rii, ,,. inr. nuiv iinvln.iv. 1
Tlml Mliirt- lliiiritl ii. Hi,. Ih-.i ,,'f Vln. 1
1 Iml in i, i( Sln,ki.it 'nriii. Ami lii'Hiin
oil tin. li n l- liml Mlwit lliiiri'tt ii. Mm
lis' iltiiil. tin mn t In It im li.iik'i r. Ami
HOW lii.uiii ,u M,i,ki-i. iff I l i' two
or l,rt t r I t w n. Iml Uii ) n- it l..t i,f mm x-
ir lul uf lir.i t'lii. yu)x Th,..M iiiti'i
mnka inn lrk. I nili mniinl. 'l'lii-y iuk
III llntl till Ui,mIi-.ii t, j l, " I
r.HI.IK i.,!
-la 11 .I 'l NU..U
lit . . t It.iMir.. N"
.a.r n.iut.i tii.i
Htl li.lttilt. Hi 1i.
t 11 Mt .! m U "
I. A
it., ii. r .u
I K" II.
iiiiivkviiik rum taiMi'.xr m. I.
II. ..at U 4..Ik te.l.. 4 ..vtt ttfMilli
,i .-.
VI cut I s.
C. A
w... aii . a.
.111., llr.
Physician and Surgeon,
-.l..r.lll.. Or
If IWIl...,-. -ll-HI M
l'.ln.ltl. Or.
A In III. A itrftiit'.
'I'm, yuu tlt-iM ritf I lit. mini inn mi-. bun u -lug
aUitu tlir . ,1 mi thf tin, l fi.re llieixiu
brr r" In,,, nr., I t:,.- ,1, i.-, i,r.
Tin- IVrklnii J nut i inn r.i,iri'km'M'r, mrliiM
plm-r uf uiifliiru li,l Utii lin.kiiii Intn nni.
rtiliUI uf u t-.,i,,i,li ilii. (i,,inuty f iuj
tnlmt-ii, ,-nmitMl tuiiiiit.i.-itHii,lilrii-(i m'.-ii',
1K.'1 li.-r will, Urn mure t'tiiiini; nf ll,
cli ilrnxrr, aiii.Hiiilln lo II VI, ri llit lni
M liiiiiiii.iit unit liitii Hiki-l:
"Do jihi ki.", Hill J-nut, f "
"I il.ni'l II, ink I i,."
"I.t,r iL.hu in t,n WnlJu k m-iclibor-
'I ilun'l kimw liiin."
Tim int'n liHiil ln(tti ln.,iili t.) ihrnlli
r rlir. k, rlii itl llmiitililfully uwlillo anil
MK tin.. M llnin-r!.''
"Nil "
"Ami" !i-r lliin. runiiil 1 iM,ini,n'.
a Kol il- -t
".Nr.rr lit ilt.l i f l.iin. llul it. t.i t iii. Ilian
roil .iiii ln..inK nirt.iii lit i,. I fur,' Uii. n.l
bry t.tt.k .,i,.... I v.".i. l.kt- in lu.io y,m
Umci lli.- I, I in . .-il n. ) mi citii "
Atf alii ll.t- .ntnk. r.fr n M. 1 1 it I,
"V1, I'll," l.r twii.l nl I.,-.!, "In. I'M-k. Mjtne
Ilka lllll .mini in, ! I.i...i . Uulirrla"
I'ni.-...',! I ii!iii.-.
Judge Langley Emulates the
Example of Caldwell.
Th Nraltla Nlr,.. ur l.n H In a
In uurl i In. .Iiiilgn u in in kimI tlia
Hi. h ll nf ll, II,. i, A .it'Hlliia lo Ilia
(unit I ii.it.it, ,,r Hi r I It 1 1, K .
Hkatii k. TIki vxaiiiplu trl l,y JihIkp
('Hlt)wi'll of Urn I'liilml Hmtfii Cinilll
'urt in n-nlnriiiK Ui wni. of tli
I 'n ion 1'iu'ifit' pin ploy f a, which hrnl fieco
nrliltruiily mt hy riM-i-ivcm without no
tirn tour I'onni'iit of tlin i-iiiployi'ii thfin
rtlvi', lum Im'I'H followt'il l,y JihIijk I.ii-
li-y of Him Superior Court in rerilorlng
Hit' until' of 1-oii.liii'torn nn, motoi innii
on Hie lltiinii r ve olertricliiie, w liit h
liml Ik-i'Ii miiiiMiniily rut from 20 t'rntii to'
IS cell!" per liniir ly lieieitiT W.J.
lirainli.. Tliia nrliiui hy (iraiiilr ha'l ;
Im'.'II taken after a runferenee lu'tuitenl
him ami oilier clreet railuuy inaiuiKcr,
ami . Inlli, e, hy niiuilnr ri'ilui'tiiiim
on tin- Ciiion Trunk linn, tli Conwili
ilatt il Street railway linen ami lliTliinl
clreet i lertrte line, tlie lo latter rim.
In iiid ill lliar'e uf IllS't'iter M. y.
Itai ku, u In j uImi ni.,,1,. il,n reilm-timm
"iiniiiiarily. In iheaf lat two raw the
I'liipl.iym aln.i inteml (iriileiitini; in roiirt
nunuiat llir leiliHiiuii. The rimrt aai.1
Hint all eviilein e hiiuwetl that 2U renin
an hour wa unlv Inir rnineiiitaiion, ami
if the in'r.i mil of ttiifi a hal lieen Hint
prrririili ,1 In II, urt, he wouhl liave
pmhiliiliit it . He nun in, .n litl th spirit
of the ine.'i in apiieuliuii to the court in-
I'luiiiin liavii Ikx'ii loratd on Salmon
cieek, oiti) in i 1m from Siininpr ami riiii
Inilen rant of Taivitu A dozen lllinen,
me nriinpei'tinK IhorK, rtinl are inakinit
t!oo, wkki' hy wanhinx with pan. Old
ininem ray color ran i fouinl iiiont
knvhIii'II' hIuiiK th nlrrain went of the
( aMcaili'ii, Thn (luentiun is whctlmr trie
intntity in millirirnt to pay for the work.
.In. t What Iiniiilaraiita Want.
Oi.ymi'U. Secretary of Stale Pric in
oniipiliiiK a Inxik, anon to lie puhlinhfil,
w hiiii will h work ileacriptivn of the
Slato hyooiintie anil i diifiiri to meet
a k'nmiliK iIi'IiiiiikI for ilD-illnittiiili roil.
rrrniiiK thin Slate on thf part of proa
pertivtt iinniiirraittn. It is iinponnihla
for thv varioiiH SIkIm ollin n to anawer
tlie corrrnMiiiieiu'r of tiiia .'U'r r
ceivpil every Hay. Kor tiu.,1, oe of
mciiring rrlialil infuruia; ' y j Htatia
tira Si'i ri ':try I' in. aiUi.Va a cin Ular
Inter to lloanl of Traile a -Ml a conn-
t y uIIu'ihIh, retiieliiii( that nh matter
In- furnirht'il iniiiirihaU'ly for pitlilii atiun
in thin hook. Thn cuuiitie reuerallv
throttKlioiit the Slate liave renpomleil,
ami rutiniilerahlM inaller i nowrealy for
roiMiiiliiltoti. However, thn threfl prin
ripiil (-niintieN of the State have not IMen
heiuil from, neither King, Spokane nor
Pierre havint; a yet routrihutetl to thin
work, nliiili, if 'iiiihlinhed, will I a
atiiin e of k'rrat u"l h) the State.
Governor Evans Makes Some
Very Grave Charges.
Tha I'onitllltin of th Nallnnal Traa.nry
I'revanla Ilia Ilrciiiiiiiianilatlim of
Mew llallla Hhlp Thera Mil. I Ila Ma
Halt In llull.lli.j up Ilia Navy.
Wabihmitox. The prenent and pros
pective naval ilrrriKtli of the Vnitei!
Slate In compariaon with that of foreign J
Truant llunlianil Illaravared.
Sk t'rTi.B. After a earch of fourteen
veurn fur lite Illinium, I a lio (ieaertetl her
in New York ami elujieil with the wife
of Autru.t Ilorkman Mr. Anna Frietl
erike Wolleimteiii ha fonml tiie jruilty
couple livinif in fironprrity in thin city
tiinlcr the anMimetl name of W,t. They
have rmidei! here fur the pant twelve
yearn, ami held tlieinwlve out to the
puhlic im man and wile. Mm. Wolfen
ntein liiin Inviin an action in the court
t. recover a portion of the wealth which
In r hiinliaml and the woman hehaahet n
livintr with have acriiinulatrd. Moat of
Wilnon of WaxhiriKtor; ha reporteil to
the Hotifte his hill graritinft the t.'olum
hia Irrigation (.'ompanv ntiiit of way
through the Vakima Indian renerration.
Senator Palmer ha introduced a hill
repealinif the State hank tax, hut pro
hibiting the leaning of mn iey tiy State
hankinn intitntion or other wirpora
tion except national hank.
The .Vary Department ha juet pub
lished the reprimand in the cane of ( ap
tain K. M. Shejiard, who wa convieted
ol writinir a letter reflecting npon Cap
tain Bunce. The Secretary deema the
publication of the flndinir and eentence
of the court and the action of the de
partment thereon in general order to lie
n indent compliance with the rer)uire
nient of the eentenre that he he pub
licly reprimanded.
Secretary (irenham ha Drononed to Mia
power m art forth in the refiortof the ftovemmentof Chili the establishment
HniiaH Committee on Naval Affair pre- "' 8 "ew. connnicsion to consider the
mnUl by Chairman Cunm.ing. The ,i m . I ! ' i 'a"uV. 01 '""
Ji... 11.. .i.-. , I,0,,e lji:l"te,l hy the late cornmis-
. ..... ..w....iTd ,r- i0n. An intimation liaa txen received
liictantly concluded not to recommend that Chili wouhl agree to such a pron
Ihe count roction of a new battle ship f. : 1' understood the Chilian gov-
cat.ae of the depleted condition of the "nment . '" to promptly settle
U. , ..... ,K v. an. in lauiri iiiBii UJ rer'
strit.l nf striking, ami said if the men the prnM.rly is in the name of the wom
liad a higher ii,iie. intion of the iiimire1 ". r"- Wolfeimtein alhve that it
of the courts, there would lit. fewer '1" arose from the investment made
strikes. Tim prayer of pel itiuneis should
lie gianti.l mid wage restored to what
they were when the receiver took charge
ol the property.
1ST! HIT l TK Kt I It.
I anil In Minim,
All opuini.i I v n il
Clllllg t" Ute I'L .1 Hi, it
lller hotel life lime I.
..Irl III.
I have itlwnv
tin. thu'i nt Sinn
. 11 111 I. it u llll'.m-
1-rlHOllla, Or.
,1... 11 ant i.l Ii I ilia '
m .act. t (."in tiltl. it.
st va;i
Tr.riMcls i General BiDklof BusIdm.
i'i .i.t. in
V I. p Cir.l'l.
' ..hi. I
. H r Ansa
M si. list
U. It.u.ais
A't .( ..(! ..iI.)m'1 I., bim-. fe H.II. v.rl..i.ff. ,
r- i..i,.i n r..".i- .! a v. ii.,m ,
b'.vl ..1. It,.,. ..,.m,i.
I "II, tl,"i. m ef-mP .lh.t.ll,si
Ed n. white,
null, airevl, rlMf.llla, r.,
I'llol ItlKrolt of TUB -
Popular Resort for All
1 -who wish -
4 itaud 4 laar,
Me llrlrr. Iiln llrli.k,
A (.i.ia of lllillarala, ar
A Moi lnl liinur wf . ar.
ee I lltiur Nni lti of Teal times.
Fine Wines,
A Thorouifhly Flrst-Class House
In Every Respect.
"Illlaril ami rirtaan-llall I'iihI Talila
Liitiil Itatmlr.
I'uclal stlvntlou to Dllliig uoutitry urJun
lirrt lilt llliklnd illi.l tilitliu- Htlrlnl't to
lie firt tl..ll. oil lie. p:,tl uf I'll" Wililiil l
cvlllcil. 1 give Hi. I .In It uitll frgret.
hut aft.-r a t.'iir uf - ii.'-' t (lie .-.-i.in'
h..t.-U ill the ..t." Ihrt rrMilllu'
piimtinuia in one p.irt T.-i'i'-.-iti"ti to nine
part jijilniir-y and ail the evil. I litii
light under thiilllig Willy nilly," a
fi'iiiltiiue ft tend li nl .,, inc. "n Wuiimn
at a .uiiiin. t hut. I mn. I f ill 111 ill tlre
Jullil'ltt to et-.l.' In-Ill tin. i-wn-lire uf
ad s..r! nf riili.-.d uud i(i-u.'ruvm'
ghilli t-a flll'l i-ul'lli,' nt" In-e r-ilf lines
II nhe in I. -I to tin' re. I v II tue of cullli
try or slmre or lituiiiit.illl life. W hite
kid sins', don't 'go' with Ir.tmps, tmr
i-iiinetn v. ilh iitutini.,111 1 luiiilie-iii, m,r
line fita k w nil I' liiv.ittnii uf any suit,
while Is'ing thruttii in!" coiilart, Inti
mate or il i.t 11 nt, it )i .ill -urt-t . f pe.'p!n
is hariisMio;. s.iy wluit in nil!."
I thought i f II lb" Kiln r ihiy when at
one of the lending hotel. 1 saw mi ntlier
wimi noriiml joiing u. unlit U nt over a
piece, f "fancy Mois, tn the f ee ami
eye of a tilnriuiia 1 a. h, iitul got tip
in a rig that shuivcl i,f a III inch waist
measure and emli d in while Mil; slin k
lugs and w hite shi n i f inlreM'd kid.
A few slips away 11 ;ii.up i f older
wniiirii were 'la Ing wlii-t am I VMnnler
ing who the new mi t nl w a-, mid as 1
departed I uvetliiaid 11 VM tii.iu of full
folly, to he pubic, ini.i.n.l ill virgin
w hite from head to (...-t, show ing tip
her sallow ci'iupl' .vi' ii under the glare
uf sunlight in great shape, asking (he
cletk, "Ain't my n il gnl ha. k fium
hathtii yetr" and utMiig to her t oinpan
iun: "My Lord, Jiwmr see such it dull
place? i il'i'lnte I dunlin's I want lo
slay here all siiiiuncr, t In y say diet
over at th' Uii-l''' soinelhiiih goiu
on all tha time."- 1! m ( iloU'.
lu lia ('.iniiiieiii-etl tin I lie i rtiumlt
and Itnllilhigs at llnre.
I TAi'ottt. The truster of the Inter
state Kair have ordenil work to lie coin-'
nieiut'd at once. Ten thousand )rorr- 1
' tuse nill I. is.iied and sent throughout'
the l' a.t. I n italiuun w ill he sent to the '
t iovemom nf the various State to par-
ticipate, asking each Mate to apmint a j
cotiiiiii.nl' m to meet at la,, una in .May, j
i-xt r,-. s to N. p.ti i iiv tlit. (air. I he
J,'si.(i need. d. in addition to a capital
uf IKI.IKKi iilie.ulv investerl in land and
hutlding., ha. Is't-n siihscrils-.l, and work
aill Ihvui verv smin. A clearing lie.',
Cliluliri.llltf ?.ISlO men of all rw-.'iri-li.
aili Is- eiiiplnvt-d lu remove the brush
Iroin the site ovr-rlisiking Piiui't Sound.
Washington. Oregon, Idaho, British Co
lumbia and Alaska will In represented.
The fair will n,en Augu-t IS and ctut
timie ten wiH-kn. The fair aims to pre
aent a complete evhih t'ori of the variisl
resources of the great Not thwest for the
In-netit of 1 a-iti-rii investors and inteml
uiit si-tt'i r. and to bring the people ol
the Nurthne-t together (or an inter
change nf ideas regarding tho dcve!u
meiit ol (he Nortli I ii i lie coast region.
A II I I (. I Ii I ONSI'llt At V.
s.iiillierii rw.-lltci t t.iitl iirttir. aiaitit In
U llli Ilia Seal pern.
Si r ii im is, o.- Another sensation i
brewing fur conductor on the Ia An
g. lr illusion of the Smlhcrn Pacific.
The lind intiinalioii uf the trouble w a
dining the preliminary examination ol
.1, II. A minis and J. A. Whiteside, two
clerks, ho are U'ing jointly tried w ith
A. It. and M. tireetiwal.l, ticket broker.
A. I!, dreeiiwald, who wajt on the wit
ness stand in his nun behalf, dropped a
hint which buds the cuinpanv to be
lieve that conspiracy to defraud extend
lo the conductors. 1'nder cross-examination
tirrctiwnhl said he told Whiteside
and Andruss they were perfectly safe tn
selling ticket to' him, for Uith he and
his brother made a practice to clip the
corner oil' all tickets sold by them, o
that conductors would know at a glance
that the ticket came from their .iliiitf
and would say nothing. An investiga
tion ia now in progress upon the theory
that a conspiracy exist between llreen
ald and (lie conductors. Thus tar up
ward of Jir,,GV0 worth of fraudulent tick
ets have Is-rn accounted (or, and the
Investigation has only Is-gtin.
here hy her liusi,aiii ol the money he
took wit It lii in when IttidearrUi! her, and
under the law of this State the wife i
entitled to one-half of the community
property. Mr. Wolfennttiin ia 55 year
old, ami has lived on charity lor the laat
four yearn,
Chines ltel.lratlon.
Sas 1'uasciwo. The regiatration of
Chinese in San Francisco under the Me
Creary act has not la-en a active a waa
eixcti d at the time of it passing, and
it is estimated that (ruin 4.000 to 7,000
have a vet tiled no application to regis
ter. The Chinese claim that the time
ha !ecn institlicient and the method of
registration inadequate, and are said to
have sent an appeal to Washington for
more time. The last day i May 3. It
in claimed that the perparation of the
government to carry out the law' pro
vision were not completed until Jan-
liar.- II. I -V-
on'iied (or bunnies. Consequently there
waa a long periisl o( time in which the
Chinese alio wanted to register were de-
! nied the opportunity. The apeal neiit
to ashuigton ask a conauierauie ex
tension ol time, but it ia lelieved the
Chines will Is' satisfied if given two
months additional.
r i, iniilt.rf.il In th Brakra.
San KitiMisio. New baa been
ceived ol the los of the fishing schooner
liautitless and tho drowning of four men
at the mouth of Klamath river on the
North California coast early on the morn-
ing of the 12th. The schooner wa com
pletely wrecked. All on board perished
the drowned are Captain Marquei, two
seamen named llionipaon ana itrown
ami A verv Kdson. a vouth. whose par-
enta live' at Crescent Citv. The bodie
of Captain .Marquei, Avery Kdson and
and one of the sailors have been cast
upon the beach. The disaMer resulted
through an attemnt to put to sea front
t!:i Klamath river during a gala The
schooner foundered in the breaker on
the bar.
Au Attorney Huspandad.
Sai km. The Supreme Court ha made
the following order: In the matter of
the charge against C. II. Finn, an at
lornev of this court, of willful niiscon
duct in his profession, the defendant in
this luocecding having been suspended
from practicing ill the courts of this
State hv the Circuit Court of Wasco
cciinty until the first of this term, and
the matter having teeii regularly brought
before thin court, after hearinu the ar
imiiiftiis nf the reaniN'tive attornev the
niiirt tlml. the charges supported V the
evidence, and orders the lurtlier euspen-
iott of the defendant.
treasury. It is airreed, however, that
there must he no halt in building tip the
navy. Kngland propose, navn the re
sirt, to lagin seven battle ships of the
first class, six cruisers of the second clan
and two sloop. Italy with a deplete.!
treasury i preparing to build three lirst-
clans battle ships, three cruiser, twelve
hirjiedo boats and four transsirtn. (icr
nianv, France ami Hussia are going to
even greater lengths to secure the in
crease of their navies. The report then
says :
"In viewol thin fact it certainly wouhl
not be safe for the t'nited States to build
nu more battle ships. With increasing
prosperity the work should go on till the
American navy is strong enough to stand
all exigencies. The slight increase pro
posed by the committee will certainly
not burden the country with taxation
during the coming year, and with re
newed prosperity the work can las con
tinued in the future without overbur
dening the nation. The total loss of the
Kearsarge leaves the Hartford, Admiral
i-arragut s flag ship, the only vessel in j
the new navy aside from the frigate Con
stittition around which historical mem
ories cluster." j
The committee in accordance with 'he
wishes of the Navy IK-partment has rec- :
oiuinended lilieral appropriations for her '
preservation, believing public sentiment
demand it. I
A Ml l!lKi;l II l Ml;K.
I't-litoi lilt. Or.
trwt tWtlri.1 Ut tVuilli.un iit t11"
-a r 'iiif
Gary House Bar
lit ,11 IN'
Cutter Whisky,
Wine. Brandy and .Jot.
KeyWestand Imported Cigars
Neat and Comfortable Club Room.
No.alui..rl t'i"" I'u.li.mi'r. cmifur.
After five MIuuIh' Iiallbarallon
Sas KatNctsto. William Fredericks
lie near. Ills i n i l,er ami si.ter f ih was found guilty of the murder of Cash
i tiiirge. j ier Derrick after five miiiutes' delibera
Sit.K n e. Then' wa a dramatic scene ' lion bv the jury. Fredericlea' trial was
l ...,,,t th,, other dav in the Wilson ' prosecuted w ith great expo, itton.
murder trial. Charles Wilson and his
son and (laughter, llciiton and Nellie,
weir on trial for the murder of the lat
ter' husband, J. W. Johnson, nearChat
tiiroy. Tim court had overruled a mo
tion' for dismissal, when Judge Clagett
(nr the defense announced that he had a
reve hit ion to niiiKe inat iiciuon iiaon
defense of Ins stsler, ami that the other
were iniimviit. Later tire Wilsons went
on the stand, and Ucnton told the story
of (he trugiily. He walked along the
mad w ith Johnson, trying to get from
iiini a check for Ins sister's trunk. John
son frothed with rnge. Suddenly be
turned willi a threat lu go buck and kill
his wife, and as he did so threw his hand
back to his revolver pocket. Then young
W ilson struck him in the buck of the
head with a knotty club, crushing in hi
skull. He dragged the Usly Into the
brush, and Unit night buried it.
testimony was introduced by thedefense,
hut Fredericks' attornev attempted in
his argument In show that llernck was
accitletitiillv shot bv Assistant Cashier
Melviii (luring the fusilade which fol
lowed Fredericks' attempted raid of the
hank. Fredericks was unmoved wlien
the verdict was announced.
,.,1 Johnson; that it was done partly i ..".... . -r.
-..if..l.,f..... but more t.i.rt icti bit Iv ill I Pvi.t I.akk.-A special from Hailey,
Idaho, to he Trttuine says : iv. nan-
dulpli, a fiiriiier living on Silver creek,
Ixigati county, was murdered in bed the
other night.' His head wa beaten In
with an ax. The floor and walls were
covered with blood. Randolph was a
nut ive of New York, and leaves a brother
and two Bisters in California. 8. A.
Stnll, a tenant on the lurm, has been ar
rested on nuspic ion.
I'minly Siiperlliteiiilant Sustained.
Hi.vxii'iA. Superintendent of Public
Instruction IVan has alHriuetl decisions
in four cases of appeals from decisions of
the County Superintendent of Lincoln
T hese were the cases wnere ap
for teachers' rerti Urates were
refused as not coming up tu the re
quirements ol the examination, and who
cluitged partial marking.
nulke a Held Mine.
Tacom t. Some cxcileiiient exists In
this vicinity over recent gold discoveries, county
.loseob and I'M ward do Liingevin have pli't"
(lied inineriil claims on twenty acre of
valuable land in the residence part of
the citv, claiming gold is to lie found
there in paving tuiantiticfl, The Po
l.nnircviin claim tliey iliscoynred tho
until two vein ago while digging a well
at their homo, and that when they pump
the uroli! comes up in tine siuid from
bottom of the well. They have alsodis
mvertxl gold in a gulch hack of their
In, use. Thev propose, to form a stock
itimpany and begin mining operations.
Within a lew days icverui goat piat-rr
Warrant failed In.
Ot.YMfiA. State Treasurer Uowen has
received taxes front King TOunty to the
amount of ff01.S10.96. The Treasurer
Immediately issued a call for outstand
ing warrants, Hv the call general fund
warrants to No. 3,115 will be paid on
presentation and military fund warrants
to No. LAW.
I'rolaat of Kz-tMiverniir Kt-sna Again. t
Ilia Klaetlon.
IittxvFB. Wells, Taylor A Taylor, at
torneys for ex-iiovernor John Kvans,
have filed a petition with the United
Slates Court asking to have the recent
election of directors of the Union Pacific,
tleiu-er an.1 I :..lf ,-ev.l - ,
s'tition riHites the protests made by
tiovernor Kvann at the time of the elec
tion, April 10, against voting of stm-k
held by the I'nion Pacific interegt, goes
over the story of the acquisition of the
(Inlf rtrad by the I'nion Pacific and the
alleged intentional misinanageiHeiit of
Ihetitilf liv the controlling corjKirat on,
tells the facts of the recent election of
oiliceis. bow it was all "a put-up job"
previously arranged at Omaha, and re
peat the protest made by (iovernor
Kvans against including the Gulf in the
pniosed reorganization of the I'nion
Pacific system. It is declared that the
I'nion Pacific ia planning to take ad
vantage of the poverty-stricken condi
tion of the Uulf, brought about by the
mismanagement of the controlling cor
poration, to cause a foreclosure and gale.
and that the I'nion Pacific desires to
buy up the property and make it a part
of the larger system, thn doing away
with a formidable competitor.
Breeklnrldaa Is Safa.
Washington. The feeling among the
leading memlier of the House of Rep
resetitatives is that no action could la?
taken concerning the Breckinridge scan
dal, although one of the best law yers in
the (louse said the constitution gave
ample authority. Precedents cited, how
ever, deal almost exclusively with of
fenses of a personal nature committed
on the Hoor of the House, as for instance
the case of Urooks, who was expelled lor
assaulting I harlc" Sumner with a cane.
There appears to la1 a lack of precedents
for offenses committed outside of Con
gress. Some nieinliers interviewed de
clared no action can lie taken on the nu
merous petitions, w hich are said to be on
the way to the House, demanding the
expulsion of ISreckinridge, these uieiii
hers affirming- Hreckinridge is only an
swerable to his constituents; but the
burden of Congressional opinion is
against this view, though it is pretty
generally admitted no action on the pe
titions will le taken further than allow
ing them to be read.
Titrla Ham a Peacemaker.
Washington. For the clemency
shown and the general amnesty extend
ed by President Peixoto the Brazilian
rebels have thanked the I'nited States,
for it was through the efforts of Secre
tary Cireshain that the expediency and
propriety of this humane course was
urged upon the llraiilian government,
although we have declined to act in con
junction with other nations, notatily
Italy and Portugal, in making a joint
representation to this end. Our govern
ment made no formal proposition, nor
anvthimr that (Wild le construed into a
demand to yield, which would have stung
the pride ol the great neigittioring Ke
pnblic, but in an unofficial way through
Minister Mendonca it has been made
clear to IVixoto that he would add to
the g'ory of his triumph and sooner re
store goia! feeling at home and retain the
respect of other powers by kind and hu
mane treatment ot the defeated rebels.
Mnrkay Again sued.
Nxw Vokk. John Anderson has be
gun suit in the 1'n i ted Mutes l ircuit
Court before Judge Chapman against
John W. Mackay of the Commercial Ca
ble Com pan v for llHi,tH.Hi, alleged to he
due him for services to the Commercial
Telegram Company, of which be was
Manager and I reasurer from March, lSSS,
to March, I8!0. Anderson's contract was
made with Kdward 8. Stokes, who trans
ferred his stock in the company to Mackav
January 1. ISSli, one of the condition of
(be transfer being that thn contract
should be assumed by Mackay. It is
barged in the complaint that the value
of the stork in the Commercial Telegram
Cuinpanv acquired bv .Mackav, clear of
all indebtedness, aoio'iuttwi to $400,000.
t mil their continued vexatious existence.
j Superintendent Stump of the immi
gration bureau w ith the approval of Sec
retary Carlisle has issued an important
circular of instruction to commissionem
of immigration, collectors of customs
and immigration inspectors, which ex
tends all the prohibitive and inspection
features of the present regulations relat
ing 10 transoceanic immigration to per
son arriving in me L nited tate bv
water from Canada, Newfoundland and
1 Mexico.
j Legislation ia probable daring the
present Congress looking to thealwlition
of the oflii-e of Collector of Customs at a
number of smaller ports, transferring
the business to larger office. Among
the places named are Humboldt and t.n
reka, Cal., and Coos Bay and Yaquina,
Or. Secretary Hamblin concurs in the
proposed changes. The Assistant Sec
retary favors a more comprehensive
measure consolidating some districts in
the interest of economy.
Mallory has reported from the Com
mittee on Commerce a bill to place on
waiting orders or permanently remove
from the active list officers of the rev
enue cutter service who become incapac
itated by reason of infirmities, age or
physical or mental disability to effi
ciently perform duties of their office.
Vacancies in the active list occasioned
by regular incapacitated officers will be
filled by promotion in order of seniority
after a written examination as to profes
sional qualifications.
Another international monetary con
ference, this time perhaps to be held in
the City of Mexico, is among the proba
bilities. The government through its
diplomatic representatives is quietly
pressing upon the attention of the pow-
an adjustment of the monetary question,
and the time is ladieved ripe for further
efforts in that direction. Minister Ro
mero ha already suggested the matter
to our government in a way that does
not at me moment require a direct re
sponse, and the President is considering
it caretullv. tor nndouhtediv the success
of the nn, I, rtaking will depend in a large
measure upon the support of the United
States. The adhesion of Great Britain
too, is of first importance, and the re
port that she will limit her representa
tives to that of India hardlv realizes the
hope of the projectors, though it may
not deleat the meeting.
Census officials are confident that
thoroughly satisfactory adjustment ol
the work of the eleventh census will re
sult in the carrying into effect of the
bill, which has just passed Congress,
providing for an extension of time for
the completion of work till March next.
Superintendent of Census Wright says:
" The extension of time is for the pur
pose of allowing proof-reading to be
done. To those most familiar with cen
sus volumes the statements that the cen
sus reports are being doctored are ab
surd. 1 lie reports are being drought
out in all the integrity of Mr. Porter's
plans. Wherever matter has been or
will be eliminated it isor will be because
in accordance with his approved ideas
No facts collected for the eleventh cen
sus have been in any way suppressed or
changed. As the Superintendent origi
nally declared officially that it was to Vie
a purely statistical census, the present
administration is trving to conlorm to
that declaration."
The modifications which have been
made in the Hehring Sea bill have robbed
that measure of the features which were
most obnoxious to our government, and
it is believed that if the act is thorough
ly administered there will be little op
portunity for pelagic sealing in the closed
season. As it now stands the result ol
the Paris arbitration was pablished in
the British Columbian newspapers last
fall, and it would be a difficult task for
the owners and masters of any scaling
craft to convince an impartial.) tulge that
they were not aware of the provisions of
the award, and until they could estab
lish such ignorance their vessels and
cargoes are no longer free from forfeit
nre. The opportunities to plead ignor
ance are expected to be very few, as it is
reported that the customs officers at
Victoria notified all of the sealers clear
ing from that port since the beginning
of the year of the provisions of the
award, and warned their masters ol the
danger of seizure.
Senator Morgan, Chairman of the Sen
ate Committee on Foreign Relations, has
reported favorably a bill intended as a
committee substitute for the Nicaragua
canal bill heretofore introduced by him.
The bill differs in some respects from the
original measure. It contemplates full
eo-operBtion on the part of the United
Mates in me worn oi me iMraragtia
Mercantile Company. All stocks, bonds
and bond obligations and liabilities of
the company are to be canceled to sat
isfy debts and enable the company to
take care of its stocks and bond obliga
tion. An issue of $10,000,000 of non
assessable stock t par is to be issued.
The Secretary of the Treasury is to con
trol the retirement of obligations and
the sale of the new stock. The bill orig
inally introduced provided for the im
mediate issuance of onlv $1,000,000 of
bonds, which the new bill increases to
$2,000,000. On the liquidation of ex
penditures already made on the canal
the Secretary of the Treasury is to issue
$4,500,000 of bonds of the company,
guaranteed by the United States. The
new bill strikes out the provision forbid
ding government directors to be stock
holders in the company, and also elimi
nates discretionary powers conferred on
ib visiting extgineer in the original bill.
Da Gama Will Seek Revenge
in Mortal Combat.
Admiral da Mallo, Laadar of tha Braall
lan Kabala, Hrandad on All Sldra aa a
Coward Th fturrandarsrl War ship
In a Dilapidated onrllUow, A
lie r so A vans. ThsT remain of the
Brazilian rebel fleet commanded by Ad
miral de Mello, which arrived in this
port recently, are subject to extensive
exchanges "by telegraph messages be
tween the authorities at this place and
the Brazilian government through the
Brazilian Minister here. The rebel ships
are the Republica, Meleroe, Iris, Urano
and Esperanxa. They are in a very di
lapidated condition, and the retails on
board are suffering from sickness, wounds
and lack of proper food. Advice from
Kio de Janeiro say that a general am
nesty will be granted the insurgent rank
and file, and that the Brazilian govern
ment would pay the quarantine expense
of the shin if they surrendered to the
Brazilian Minister. The Argentine gov
ernment with the consent of the rebel
leaders is now superintending the deliv
ery of the five war vessels to the Brazil
ian Minister. . President Peixoto's gov
ernment has notified the government of
Uruguay that all with the exception of
the leaders can return to Brazil with no
fear of being severely punished. Noth
ing seems known of the ultimate desti
nation of Admiral de Mello or General
Caldego, although it is believed the
former will take the earliest opportunity
of escaping to a foreign country, where
he can hide himself for the rest of his
life. On all sides the ntmost contempt
ia expressed for Admiral de Mello, whose
desertion of Admiral da Gama is looked
npon as being a pieceof cowardly treach
ery. It is openly stated Da Gama pro
poses to seek out Admiral de Mello and
compel him to meet him in mortal com
bat. If the rebel Admiral falls into the
hands of Peixoto, there ia little doubt
he will be promptly tried by court-martial
and shot.
Measures Ralattre to Scotland to b Con
Iderad by a Committee.
London. The bill introduced into the
Commons by Sir George Trevelyan, Sec
retary for Scotland, providing for the
appointment of eighty-seven members
of the House, including the Scotch mem-
Scotland was again up. Goschen, Chan
cellor of the F.xcheqner in Lord Salis
bury's last administration .asked whether
a similar committee would be appointed
to consider Irish measures. The bill, be
declared, was a sop to Scotchmen, as the
evicted tenants bill was a sop to Irish
men, thrown out to secure their support
of the budget.
Henry Campbell-Bannennan, reply
ing, admitted that the bill was an inno
vation, but said that if it was found safe
for Scotch business it would be extended
to Ireland. lie accused the Conserva
tives of opposing the measures simply
to withhold from the government the
credit of any paragraph of the bills. He
saw no reason why Ireland and Wales
should not have similar bills if they
wanted them.
Balfour introduced an amendment de
clining to sanction the proposition. The
amendment was rejected by a vote of
252 to 21. The House then agreed to the
amendments to the Behring Sea bill
made by the House of Lords.
Re 1 Hot
Opposed to Reforming
House of Lord.
London. Lord Salisbury in address
ing an audience composed of members
of the Primrose League said he himself
was not opposed to reforming the House
of Lords, which he thought could be
done by the appointment of more life
peers. He said that the government, if
it believed that the action of the House
of Lords in rejecting the home-rule bill
was against the wishes of the people,
should at once dissolve and appeal to the
country. He did not wish to be under
stood "as saying that the government
ought to dissolve every time a difference
arose between the two Houses; but upon
a difference affecting the relations be
tween two parts of the kingdom, which
had subsisted for geven centuries, it waa
manifestly their duty to appeal to the
electors. "Lord Salisbury then referred
to the government's registration bill,
which, he said, would disfranchise thou
sands of the best people and extend the
right to vote to many who were practi
cally vagrants.
The Brazilian Refu;ee.
Montevideo. The vessel sent to Cas
tillos Island, on the east coast of Uru
guay, to convey the destitute and wound
ed Brazilian insurgents to the quarantine
station here is capable of embarking
only 000 refugees. Consequently another
vessel win have to De sent, as there are
fully 3,000 Brazilians in the hands of the
Uruguayan authorities. The men are
very bitter in their denunciation of Ad
miral de Mello, claiming that the rebell
ion would have had an entirely different
ending if he had transported his forces
to the assistance of Admiral da uaina
while there was yet time to succor that
Turned up a Ktna;.
Caieo, Egypt- Prof. Morgan, who has
been excavating in Egypt for some time
past, has made a great and important
discovery. A few weeks ago he discov
ered the remains of a supposed King of
r.gypt. and now it is announced his ex
plorations at the Brick Pilot of Dnshour
have led to the discovery of the fourth
dynasty King, Morns Katbuab.
Whole Town In Rnlns.
Vik.nna. The fire in Neusandec has
burned out, and virtually the whole town
is in rains. Many persons are missing.
and are supposed to be dead. The in
jured have been removed to other towns.
Hundreds of families are sleeping in the
fields. They are without sufficient food
or clothing, and many cssos oi extrauM
diatrasa ax icyusAed. .