No acid except that from the rape is used in the Royal Baking Powder. The Rovul imparts that peculiar sweet ness, flavor and delicacy noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, lolls, etc., which l IN expert pastry cooks declare is tmobt.un.iblc by the use of any other leavening a-jont. Absolutely Pure liter si'io-ts In c' .lk;.ttt. - f t':. "St.'.tt " i.i.i m tho ii. ti r r.iii no .i..r.o:, t' si-o tho Tit Hry l Wl Tho hut. :c in) in pom,: to '"ar. Kiwis, I lav,' Mnvts and I iiisidt-.s c, ia . t ;;h snow ph'H1 an, I to'ec-ican-i, lie may ho Mir pns.l to It am that thcr is but one waily ittv.1 slide in ''anada, ami that is at Montro.-U, snow shoors art numbered now lv ti ns wlioro formerly they verx. counted ly htm- i drviis. It is sins ! etiotis;!' to under- i Hand what lias I'Tonci:. about this j cliaiisrt? in what is usually a,vojittl its the tyj.u-a! (.'anudian winter s;vrt. i A few years a.-o, win it toivyi-'S'-'-"-: ! uni snow she, m.:'! uns'iasl j't-.rely for the I great sport iariy.-ked. the jtrotosMima! I lin;iresvin ro.i, ,i ': y the hotel ; ro;-rietor. ; conct sveii ti.e i.iea ef I-;vmin- Montreal and moult -...aliv etirn-ht::r th. nif.'lvos j it s.-t j OtV.cer I O '.i::-' n ! on tile l'v, nr y a j includes I'ttv a',;u;i ate j fmrltto et'icor. tin, I the I was ni.'l's'.n' Scat a!. ! nut 111 a .i,vji s' t !o ! tU!idtt)J. lie descried li ! lie snpp. sed to ln a iioi i Of ootirsi1 that would in la . .11 1,. is lalelv Iffii ('lit tl-eet It'll t. wlllCh w lute is a :h'T nittht, as he 1 Pat alluo ave ' to the side of a ' form of wlsai taking a sins'.- . o r ito, vt tvi:.i a rrvlimiiury whirl 1 iniii-h, and a ifroep; his staitue he .-ipptva ,'iit d. in. '1 by hoid:t: esjs r.sos e f trial n.i re i. Urirely. ar. 1 with sr.- . -1 theypr.lle,:. "carnival" v liter c.trtnva.s, iieh w ere rr s. For a f.u.e ti'.o , t'V tnaiti Mon- ti.i y ilrew ra'.lv alive "'C OHIO o?' lie The !.. nitwle. TVve .ar otiet o' that, w I'll siunv 1 .." Willi that WUsraK IioIhi by the back of t w asa sh, rt, prelumi! trv : ing of a Chain, an 1 t'.i f.ew. It was tin' in-1 b Ins club, a Utile hie heichtetltllij of lied tile ItoKv. o' tiiat litvw, will t so iiiueii as a I sated ce ? e2 w on't. 'in alam; ii; Wull. in. n aavert v-; or s ; v :nt e: f vm tit 4 tro;,-; I'm. n c'.n ened. F. tiir re was tnatoh th- 'oil t tie supposed ,e ti,vk. There fowl, theclank- u tae lur fairly . ack ii'.tr of the 1' saes'it mat w mte had .ut .it r ais ! t tv,i;ty-tive minute j a little thi 1 1 v.-l ;.-t sorai-i'in,-j r tn n-a:x-!i:s tuai Has ei i-i' TIiv Art uf Working In C.oM 11 1:-- The Etmsoan l" .d.-i also often iw-d : taken from the the art of th- a was lost r.:.--.l turv. when m.-: uf tho Ktrr.s .ti ployed ly v, r fvtiti'to cor:., r 1 tioa Tim- s. v-i-d the :r.s work. 1 Mnch ot lel'.'.S 111 rrilll ariy in t':.-.' j rt-t :.' t'.i.-t- II I tit: i 1 It-en kn-'Wti in Tshii-o ci.'olos, and when : W hr.e $ 't out 1 f reach of the cub he w as - minus a brand new MackititoM!, a live dollar hat. to.e !,rvis of h:s mufona ait 1 his breath, and he was j.ius numerous w, unds and ss raton. s. bruiM's and black ts. Alet t- cap tilt-climax, tlie yotiu brum sto-d ituar-i ,,v.t Ins handcuffs, his gun and his club. Taenia News. L -IS S III . e A;i tt.M'li The corn Time- at Al thre l-ol-v rose t,-ran:t-' S-: Inn 11 It was a ; f .i cat : ::i t While V r o: is bit", r t r t. there . vu.: . I. after larje a 1 If know'.-i..v 1 cf v.-.-i- i.:.:-' :.: tclit'Sra. V lit a - uik'.r a fotv Th t ,r.l M It U now as. tliat iviiu.' 11 Mr Ptae 1 -: -.v. - n January, b inveterate. "The l -v done, and h kaw n t:.-: Cornhill y.r. m-n on the Si .;. . i-y ... 1 ,i, '-t ,.; ; eared r.i-.-n the X'.-..i;.ur, lt, and 1 u J.-.n. A I'ej ys, that -r, t- lis us that he saw i- "it U-init will he hr-t tune that I ever ue u;.a the 6tae. ; Ai ; Tn- tens l.i-al inv,--t:.-ator. first tWO repre--t;t II and 1-. ti I same thr lie. E.-vj.:ian tatn Th- tfatr-l stand::!.- npr;. seept-r l!i il his i.e.. !. Ii-.; ah -tatur. t Student o x F-.-,i statu, s. t. ja-t f--.-t is! was ina -i to toe Damn III ' !: Hen :m ar.t Tins is nritrthr). n t-.t-r i.uh. k ( U-n f uii-i at Ri-h.i. Tut- -at.-tl on ti A REFLECTION. Ski noAr th mirror U - Th VS of IHMU-tX'k fl-rttlltTH tirty-" Thcr tvH i UMui fnm tMihi-r littutl To lict1 W Ithtll It vh'Ulll Hvlt i-rtV, Thy tin?!' nu r?i but cMiiiol Niii;tit Uh tho ,'rtroftil mirror Uo. Tlt.wo tnm (In- mirwr crulni: Iwd, If mivtlutit: tuoii rtmnutni: mviu; Mor otuliT(ul tho ftHtliory Imvs.i Tho liluo Aittl outornUl Iris iflom. Am! rt thoy novor, nowr know It i: Uususolvr .- jui turtst tlu'i-f; They T but cam not unti'rt;ut TItAl it ih tluv w lu Art mi fair. IVor, prt-tiy tliin-s! rtithor lo A hiih. Ju4 a UltU Amt ktii Ju-t IiaI 1 i-i-rtHy Am, INI ruth.T -tH &t uw!!, A. fslr nml oalm a-i tho , Willi n. mUrvtim in tin woriii. Alitv WotMuioti IvhUuia lu PttiAtutri; Hut- NOUWKtilAX UUTJSIIIP. Tall? Yes, verv. She sbviil a head alwe the average man. Sinthtl' No. That is t,Hi wti.'al a j word to Iv in anv wav Ht'nlnsl to the heroine of this little tale, w luoo lean, j Korawtiy tiure hs'ke.l for all the world ; like a s'nes of badly etiitiuvtcil angles,; and whose st, muiu; slumlilers and nar-; row chest were clad in a faded Mack i jacket. j This garment, with its rusty surface and pulled seams, suited well the sad Uvkiiist woman into wlnvse dreary life t-aiite one little bit of color, which I shall t ry tti descnNi. Her face eornsjsiiidiil well with the rost of her apjvaratice, for it was fa. led and worn, and by a fringe of straight, dusty brown hair, pullisl tight ly back from the sallow, weary fae. whose one redis'inin feature wa the eyes -dark itray, and idt, so sad! She had that espre-csnm of wistful waiting soiuetiities s.'.'ti in the eves of a faithful dos who Uajth-t his master, and Kiseiusever to wait, always patiently, and to watch ever cspeotantlv for the K face. She was a Norwegian, named Ktta, and l:ed in our family as co.'k for near ly a I ,'.ir. i V .-ks i-wssed by and early autumn,; which cad IT-euht her to us, shed leafy j tear-., and dejurled su-l h-ulv, leaving ; us all unnrepard for winter's advent.; which announced iLseif 111 a cold, dismal ram. I t"p to this time Ftta c-ivi'd a letter or any fr- tit the ontside world. the h aft. ru day. t pris... all h.tu and M'onitsl i.'oit out. H 'wev-r :;,,-re was a Mirpri for K.tta was di-c -u e-t '. r tilitlv Iiat w in n silt. d. It Was h.lst hid never n' L-"iiimuiiication Siie net or left the idea of an 011 tins druily e, a icr.-at sur- V,'re.i holdstl,' t ;,-rasvd in on,, found h-rs.-if re iv thru-t lulu a Nut I lie 1, tuns'r thinu' about tin nilei'rtwt of tiueer men was a yellow t-h.vk of hail', piasteiiil down in care fully HiTaii.H-ed scallops all around hi cliubhy fact., I siiposeil never ivciuie. to him that it,., back of Ilia head wa.i rver m1.11 f.,r ihen the hair nlood ttraiKltt out III busily points. Soon Ktta npicated, mid titil-iliilirf ' luvtitatiiiit, vaid, "My cousin liaf comet from fhrisliaii'i." That wax nil but inv theory wa brovisl. ami 1 made use el that tiiuewurii and ai:trravaiin phrase, "What did tell your' Davs came and went, and m tlid the lillle Norwegian, but nothlUK was haid of an iiiitir., 1,'bim: marl lawe, Farcels tHUIIVil ill utiou lis. and Ktta sewed lend tl v on. Haeli atlorn.s'ii Autiste (we loaruiHl his namel apsaii'd, niiareti(ly nroiH'lletl hv the regular motion tif the il)T fane. Somehow he ahvai sis'ined like a ptooeof nntchiiierv, for Ins npiar- ance never chanited alwais the snuff colored suit, the little hat and the lull tolihole tHiuiiiiet. and lie sivmed to Ku and come mechanically, enveloped in 11 cloiidof smoke nutlcd fionttlH' bi eitfar. Ktta ow n, si 1 thuui trannely out of keepiitff with her other possesions. It a larvre gold watch, attached In mi old fashioned chain, f n .111 which dandled two iir thtwotld. fori'tu looking chatins of tine workmanship. She waa very fond of It. as it had Ivloup'd to her mother, and wort it ahvai s. till at last it mviued almost a part of herself. Seeiut; tier without it 11110 day. I etdatiued liiiiui' diately, aa I thought she luti.-t linfe lost it. Site w aited a tiiomeut Ivfore r-;dy iinf and then said nlowti , "I liaf loud It to tny ivsui.'5'. She then told me that August.' was a harivr Ky trade, and had cme to Amer ica with money ho had sent hitn for the trip. A fn r the diwippt'.irnuce of tho watch Auuste came leais frtspteutly, and its time went on seldom appeared oftetu-r than once a week. There was no more sew in?, and Fata lc,- iu to 1 , Si more 11. of old. Latlle by little the haipy Ulit fad. si front h.r face, and th" ttray ens Issame stt.lder by contrast, (s-rhajv., than U'fore. A lime came when was-ks,-d with out a si,'n of the little N-'rwixiaii, hut one day a letter arrived for Ktta 1:1 tlm saute ens'kisl w ntin-;. Sane time lat. r m tlio 1i.1v, iiiiii; into ti-.,- Kitoheii. t found litla 1- tuuit; on thet.ibl-. the 1,-t t.-r crmupli -I in her clinched hands and her face bun, I in her arin. I touched her ftently oil tile shoulder but pit tie other r'S,Uts. lii all t!ie low stitle.1 soiis iui-h sins k tn.' ts,r. tinti ls-!y from h- t l to fo-.t. t la-i ,,,, laised her -or: vv ntrickeii face, .co l l-.ft in her eve;, t- tin ne. sal I sh'-,. iv, .i:i tier Il-plli.' aeertit. "I h if to..-,, Av. I iiaf Mirrow , Hertow." She would t-ll Imt little of b.-r st. 1" I from tl 1 1 n-ir s;v- is , i nun. th. i Venus and A C'hnstians hate localit v. ' represen'-s R imes. -in iiohtarv atnn-. a 1 an-1 a it.iuii tits .n l-'tli iar hi.-rooivphic m el b. ,t :i have i.-.-n tiirewn -t.tis face d-ovntvar-l. o- iinci-nt fats- Zephyr mains of tiie temple of as J" si 1 if; A Vertin -r;t r -irt ; a man who nur-s hnu-..;f v on S-ifelay can 11 .t r. v-r n an aei-id-n p- l'.cy wbi.'h he he! , Wau- he wa violatittif the law of the ut in huuttn. 0:1 tiiat dav. K -n found of tne eany ill the same 99 August r lower I had been troubled five months with Dyspepsia. I had a fullness ! after eating, and a beavy load in the i pit of my stomach. Sometimes a ' deathly sicknes, would overtake ! me. I was working for Thorras McIIenry.Uruggist, Allegheny Citv, Pa., in whose employ I had been for seven years. I used August Flower for two weeks. I was relieved of all trouble. I can now eat things I dared not touch before. I have gamed twenty pounds since my re covery. J. D. Cox, Allegheny, Pa. A Slerp Vfalk-r' Intrful trap. Jam S. t'laipie, a stos'k raiser of (irevi.-v. f waike-i into the iH-hce st.t- tlou a: II uiin." la., r.-.-ntiy, l.ath cuttlrs,- and ee .-rally hru;-.-,l up, a toci a r-uuri, st-.rv. ft- s.u,i he had left las i;.im.- t . vi-it friends m li.tiv Lis., mi l n.el tati-n a si-.-p-r at Denver Tne last tiiu..- h- r-m.-mi-rt was r. ' t'i,,ten. s nvii he aw.,ke h t-' ts mti- in t:i,- .iit.-n at t:,e ,,f th tr,Hc t,..t far from Burlington, 'n.eii hnnse.1 a-.-i half frozen. He waik-1 t the p-die- st,-,;;.,,, fr,,m th-re. His th.-or was tnat ii- i, t i jiiinjie-l from tne Iran wuile a-l p wn-11 it was riiuinn fu. s;-d. An itiv-sti.'atiun "ov railroad antnorf.i-s pr .ves til- truth of the man r;.r.n. ii" 1- now- 111 the b'-ispita 'pi:;.- 1.1 fr-.m n:s t.-rr;hle exiuT u:s Ii.-j, o.U IiiiTlotIS Now tills is n'.aet in n.-r sKirt. s'k. t w.i-s a marvel 1:1 it s if. ..s it coih ! t'.old myriads 1 .f thtmr. Why. one ,lav I -aw ie-r produce a pti low as--, a w-'rkis't, s i.s-ors and a '''r.t-s. thimble- at i-n- f.-li sw,.p; at another tune but I am watid.-ritii; far awav 11 111 t n.-r. I 'tt from t The mysterious eral tines a,-a.n sh w ed it to i- w-c ni'ii. ii r- tdinir. N 1 Us . !is,-,tiem-es. eplstl,- was s-v-aud t lies,, ej;mp.M -rn and rumpi.-d wit.h o dotii't It would have Cor. tst. L-i T1i fur In I'l 1 I.:! Wcti.rrrG:f C::l In the WORLD! ft .J :i rs-.'s. J u 3i?09!ciyn Hotel 212-212 wusli S!., Sen Francisco. Wii-u ti be was a-,; was ti;.- fir I-nr-i i-i ; s-r-.r s t.oa to advaii t a tWe.-,). t'ne spiwi-j Prmee Fr. h;s n.ajesiy was plain ri-.r.n-s. T, for nearly an h station, ,i.n.-1 on ; 1 I -iv : 1 w . Wasit'-rl wnn il w ,ss ,,, ,,,. , servants, with hi. London Worid. In L.tliri. mp--r .r of Russia pa--t-'l,'ll lJ--riltl t.he other III '!i r- i in jiiain ( !-,t ii,-s, and 1 f :u - tiiat he had .-v-r aj 'ous ..rray.-d. Tn em on,' f: -fir- wa- not iii.-pl.iv-- a bsi-,. ..i;t of hrow y 'iien i- ,utrast.-d wit: -.-Ian uniform in will- -. 1 . , 1 lj-oj,, 1 apps-ar- !, an 1 tne omy js-r-nna.'e 1 - eiiJr.r.,r, wno stopj, ir at. tii iSt.-tiin i: -and-.Vi. in-s. w-nicu h in era in 1 howls of t. Js.t by his ti- caravan b ;i. It'lSsU. ' orcein of the Itns ikse.,r4 a,l i'nil er of Workii ijiii.- Th!. fv. -; Of ' 1 1 A 1 . 1 K uot Um- U-.' In r-io, Kraja risiinf-n-i-ni. i.'i'l-i- tl.u Mhli V, n tel Mii.a,,-s. Meu Hotel Fame C F s.ntcrtss Uuisine Unezce ed ' hi! 'Kii'inni r( r?-i.w!K ,;'.;. fiii'-.'-ihlh-'i, f-.r r ,m r, f,.,t uiitr.! -cm -,!, fri flot.fl fcii'l I "-1 'I'.y, i. ..'., I! T-,m-(.J fj.inr. honM Uj J. 1-rtt; Kna.t-u u nwi turn ijoU:l. A TYA liKNHKIM vif-r of Hits Vn: NorUiwt-Bt k'-M,a HK.' KK I f-.(;JK' V HA fc,f on hnjj.i Ml tltcuriMt. H&sIkp iuiilt Ut orrler. 1. V. N, U. No. 60y-8. K. N. TJ. No. Bf-O SOCIETY BADGES. Ileoko in It p;-ars from the -nan Ass.-i,:tf jou of lu lisiiers tiiat tin- num , u-ni-u 111 mat eoiin'ry last year wa 4,;;V and tiiat tin-total rmmie-rof e,,pi,- Wild was not far short of I .'.VS),'""! Translations from .'or-iu UniH-fi coun'e.l for only js-r c-nt. ()t th.-s,-a little more tnau one-thir-l were from the Fr-noii. ;f ,, w,,r by Z-,!a s,h4. copn-n w..r,. w,,p Si xl raine Oahonae. iM'idet, Jfuoo, Jul,.H Verne, Moii.-r... Fiauls-rt, Dumas. An edition of "i'ara dise Ltt" (wdd 11,000 and one of "Ham let" 10,000. London N'ews. Tim Fimt Thaiifanigivinff. On Nov. 'J, 10JO, th weary wavetosw l pilgrims on lioitrd the brave little M;r flower cautit tin-ir first (.'limjr of the New Hnttlarid coast, A year later (iov ernor liiadford issu.-.l th first Thank -ivin ir'xdamation, thus iiiHtitutinif a festival w hich, after tx-in eonfiued for more than 2SJ years U New Knlaiiil, nt length becamt) national in its charat.-hr, and is now observe.! ,m the lat Thurs dayof each November throughout ti e length and breadth of our land.-Kiik ilunroti in Harper's Youn People. Great aa is the mass of silver at pres ent in the treimure, houses." of the ov ernmeiit, it is Mim steadily in:reiu-d by tht) ))iireliun of M,WX,M addition; I ounces every year, or at the rate of seven tons for every working day of the year. ls'u read an-1 r-rea.l out of existence had tot another, fresii ami clean, re placed the tirst. Tliis I t-sk from tiie psystman, an-1 so had a chan to s.-e the iin.-v. n. char act.-rl-s writing, tiie Curistiania p-t-mark aiel Norwegian stamp. It was follow ed a week later by another, then am 'i ro-r. I l-.-aine interest!.-,!, for I felt I w.lsou the track of a real, live romance. Th paie, tir.-d face s -iue,l to irrw brighter 111 tiio-e days, and for the hixt tiuie Ktta ma-le fmpieiit trips to the city, returning lad. -a with bundles of every s.z an 1 u.-cnpiion. All tier spar.. time was 11 w empl- yed in ncwinj. fall cos and prints w.-n- made and laid unide. For some r-vwon or other Htta was ropleni-nim,' h.-r clean but scant and somewhat dilapidated wardrobe. Another I111K in the chain: thought I, and iis-wt-in to imagine tiie arnval of a stalwart Norwegian lov.-r left in Nor way two years Utfore, when si,,, had coiue to try her fortune in America. Letters came more frequently, and Etta irri'W corresjsindmly bnithter and Sh was to hat" married In r e-ms few we.-s' tun-, but be h id t:r"d an 1 tiiat day a letter ii.t-l , i;i him, tirst i at h.-r t.i!--r;,-. alii tuelt t- ii.." her tiiat If l..i-. t.-eisunsl M.tna.aiet t-y t .a t;iu.' sae s'ot that 1. tier W011M h.iv. s.iiie I ,.n a vcvj-1 Ik .ti t;d f. r Norwav. "Mial! y. .ii. too, t; Inline"" I sa; 1. Slowly and sadly came tiie aii-w,-r j "No," and 1 !'"it that wit a tie. utterance ' of tiiat lltt ie t - rd she K ive up ail t, -j-. j au l reiioim, -1 forever ail Di u.-hl .f i the happiness siie had Is-, n pi turnip f r i hers. If the last feur Ut'-Mthi, as s-.. n..t : sewing si.-.elily, ,-nly j-tu,;!! now- an I j then, wi:h a little tlusu in h-r p-aie ' ciieeks, to softiy s'. al a haiei tiit-t io-r i p-s ket and toin h tiie I i carried there. ; Next monunif F.t:. i In a corner of h r r ; hair trunk laU-bd a-ld.'.-ss and ti!le. wi'ii recent s.-nt t. .: rs site acsat; uhl n -t 1- m I , found. , 1;! tl.. :h a Norwegian th garments o ly finished, h n ascrded tii and ' f hristiaua; it mav have reached not. ins f..t. wn. The t Clleener-she ev.-n s.-eiu.-d to try to h her-.-.f inor-.-r.-i-tiy f,r often th.- lent shoiild-rs were suddenlv straightened as she w.-nt about her work. Her Vot ii.rmeriy no tir.-u ami noiiense, its-k on a more cfo-erfiil tone. Not tiie bast remarkable, of F.tta'i p-s-iinarities was her manner of rpoak iijo; hiowly and lispinly came tin brokn Kntflish, wbi. h was at first s. hard to understand. Such a sad mix tnre of h.-r mother tongue and tins n-w ran,". Ian ua u"h Verbal c unhina- tions and tuisnhu-ed nlurals were never ar l ijefore. Aliout this time I mentioned my ro mantic notions to my inoth.-r, hut she only lan-fied, U-imr entirely unable to connect Una's sad anw-aranre. with lover, Norwegian or of any other land. .Sher-ai;.-,! nj a romancer, but I still felt fire I was ri'ht. Sooner than lexps-tited came thecbanee to vindicate uiyw-if. for tiie neit day a I sat idiy by the window, watching tiie pa.s.vr by, my attention was attracted by a 'jne.-r little figure way down the street, which came on toward the lionise at a rattling pace, (fayly swiii'in a hue line and pnftiiiu viKoronsly ut a mam moth citrar. At a distance it was im jsihle to b-II whether he was loy or man, such a comical, little Hirim..- he was. Iress.-d in a snuff colored suit, with a rose in Ins buttonhole and the tiniest lerby imaginable tilted over one ear. (iazinjr laiiKbinttly at him, I was just telling my mother to look at that absurd little creature, when what was our sur prise to H.-0 Etta, the staid, the unlet. lash wildly across llio lawn, rush down to the Kate, and tnrowin her arms Unit tho little fellow's neck kiss him first on one cheek and then on tne other. The man, afur few ipib-t but ear nest strtitritles, nianaeil o, f,-,.,, himw-lf from tier lori(r, thin arms, and looked up into her fate, so hi"h nlxive Inm, with pleasure min-ly, but without a trace of 1'jVt-rlike ardor. On rhmer inspection it proved to lai such a funny, rosy, childish faoe that, it was impsMble to look ttt it without tiiKhitix. El la seemed to find it so, for. miliiiK happily, she esr.orb d him biiclt j to the liouwi, her hxtif arm linked in his short one, almost lifting hini from the irroutid at every step, and presently we heard the low monotone of their voitum In the kitchen below. its destination or it m y as uncertain as Ufa. woman, tiled, ilts,. p.,.nt.-d and to t !es.s, ha 1 vanish.-d tnat n.-ht, takm with her little else t;,,,ii h.-r sad, m tiion-tita. 1 01 ten picture n.-r with in-r stis.pimt snmiijers and pai.i I, tear statu. ,t fa. ,-ev.-ry v.-stiijc of love and ho. goto- out wandenmr away into th- uicht and if ii. m at the iitar. so serene and far away, as she murmur-, ' Forsaken, foi luik.-n." F. L. (.'. 111 lts,t,.n 11,-rald. Mn Msk Tiislr ilwn Kt. A man makes his own f.-.-t. Just re memls r how nat ty ai. 1 small your fee were w hen yoil went i-.,uriinjj Amelia or Clara, mid Im "pi ty they are now in your easy slippers ns y- u sit h-foro Mrs. Amelia or ilrs. Clara at, the br-ak fast table, surrounded by 1,,,;,. Touiiny, ,n, Amelia and the rest of the young ion don't care a fig How what iiumU-red shis-s you wear, as long as youre.irn mm 1 iio'iiu.T jou. , on, ijllrljliy go slopping through life in l-s made iijwui a No. W "common sen-.-" last, and are ready to we the shoemaker and go bun one Is-tter if you f.-,- a little pr. sstire anywhere. Well, some men were l.rn In the (-ondilioii of mind which time and dome.stn:i"y have brought to you. and sucb men have big feet all their lives. - Kate Field's Washington, 'llu Sail, its' I'lleiiil. Mr. Samuel l'llui""ll Mill kecpi to Ills house in I "an. tane, mid is far from Weil, hut he has sutiicienlly reenvcivd liiiuself to lie able la wnlc a letler clainiilig tute result or tatiier the waul of result - of the lecciit stonii to legislation. Has there ever I'eeii ri'tuciiiln'1'ed, he asks, a gale of eipial suddenness, violence and iliiraUoii with It was not the cause of very, voi y much greater loss of life than that rcci'idcd of the gale which lias Ii cenlly passed away, A veal and 11 ;lit mouths ago, w hen lie was fen cully tiiitiug the gioeiuinent to assist in passing ihti load line lull, It was shotvit that I he dep!"t able loss of life at sea fi out oe ilmidiug was ciiiuely pre ventable, and that tin passing of the bill would immediately check It, while, when the act w as steadily and uniformly administered, this head of lo-s would disappear, lie poiuia ti iinuphaiitly to the recent gale for coulli iul ion.- laver shi tl'.ng ) Men 111 y. Art-rsle.l t loler a tiueer OnkntM I nw. Isaac Miliiner, a rancher from the vicinity of l in t Mead, has been arrentetl in IkadwiHi'l. S. IV, on the charge of Ifeiing tss f for sale without exhibiting the hide, an act piohibit.d by a law, passed at tin. nistauto of caltleiueli, liy the last legislature, 1111, 1 tiilelided to pro- tit the :ib' of stolen t attle. Mr, Mil liner slat, that the beef offered for sale vw Ins property, and that he has she In, le at his i.tiich, and w til ptisltice It to prove that he has not commuted a crim inal act. Tins is tiie Htst arrest uisd.i Under the law. and It iM'oa-ooUed colisld t able sitrpt is,, as the peculiar provisions of the law were imt ener ally known. There is no doubt of l ; : 1 iner s Inn, s , -lire, lllt tll III test W ill m-lt'll to spiesd a knowlisl.o' of the sir iiu-e law. Milliner was released under isl Is.nds. for. iinalia World Herald, A lle.Osl.le tuilt. "t'.irtoii bis ni, 11,11 a sh'iy that'll 111 sse I our hair cut I, al.iasoti. 'Itet It for I'l", for t-.-Hlh.'-ia" sake!" lid Mrs, M " ll ll vte llle flolil l iirij- lug ln tins'. Is "II Willi tiie long. 11 trisu 1' tar 11 s St. : not s rn Ki-1 it ITKOS. A 1 11 01 a ' l'o it "t r Is t'ouipoiwd p'tn-ly .e.o-talHii Hifirr.tirnl, S't4 Is !.- L.tutelv tiartiilest It ass.sta imtnre tti her j o it -:!., r I to ttral and 1 11 or.ttit. and Im parts slli-nth to the mtiole Hint' III. Vanv I'tepa-tttlons t-titila,u ttroiiit i-itrm- 'cil una oi-tr,,'c. nto ,lui an In 01 nou rltts'i not oni r to SfeMl. f'llt OlsMl tllS WlliCp S.Stolll, WIMIIMI AHIII'NII THIS t'HI.l Of llif , I, .''. In i lili li II ! s.litl'leil with On Is'Ht t.,tilt. Ilxsteili'i' ssionmeli IllittUs, a ftutt lit Itit'dli-lliti. t'iitn.i' f In !! eelie, lm lii'Ver Inset lliltl-l touin tiiil'lle m 11 Mti I lull til llt uiil.i. el H lliilvtuaal iHOiiiien tor lusllly tils 1 Ills ,'l.iltti, ttsllt m tt,isli'il In IIim I'lilitlnns til llu'iUIlt liit'ss tit lliu etoixlotots el llieoli-lll Ul lult'i let to II s si'eelfli'.. Its tit ft llnitisHiiil IIKlilll, es tlUiillsli',1 III.- Iilll.lll' III .IViie I,t lla HlMiiritll ,', met I lis. f,i,i.H-,-ls ul .illu.1 retlteUle. I't Sll'elter ,411 nt 1 1 t- hull' la'i'lt tlStnlli'ftl l-d 1 1 tin. la, It'll. I, 111. lit lltl'lt ItOlllllllSM MI t' lint lit V men, mi M',i1f knut. , l..',-mi. llit lisle'li"! Ill lite! Io lla' llli-sl Itllliu le.t. Iliftt I tie Ititieti lwst'..t. (lis It tin id a tes .S','Ol,- III I'llNC ,'t IIKtlsi Iwl Hint tltlT ill-. .1, let e,nillMitliiii, net vim-, iln-iiiimtli'. .ntiini.-li hoi! klilli.o tniitl-li' W lot! II 'lis. It doiii lleitntiuh It, i.ii.l Itlsliilv I'll tills leit.iilt It Is tiiilmeil met 1,-i'oliOtiSluli'il t' ll.istft til le.-.elulil0 Ult'iltcnl llli'it, .Huh Aribii K a nntnleitttl ttiemoty lllllllts linn ilii nil kkmwt illlkl lie ill.'it mi exis'lli'iu icltov t.l h iliilUf Hit. tiitter tUjr IIIMVN Til I It We offer tine tltiit1r,t IsilUm rennet ti.r any t's.e n i-iitMirli Ihnl t'silliul Isi llli't i sisn h t me I J i II I n , V . I ii , l,.l.'.l... II Vt e. Ilts iitt.ter.lK ttr.l. ttHve ktteiftttl J t lie lift (nr lite is. I llltieu i'SI., mi, I lilli'le film lttt' ly hiilii.rsl'ie III nil liii.lne-s IfftliBitetlnti. nil lltiNiirisllv stiti. I,. i-Mtn nil ml i'tliti,iiift ttiftitti Io tnelf linn llKs ,v lilt A It.ilosnte ilMIHH 1st. l"l,-.l,i ,X I 1 1 1 N , , , K I N N A S A MVKVI Wl,.'l,'l inKglt., Ii,I,hI,., Ilsll st ftlstth I lite t tsheii I tlli.s-tlt uts'ii tiie lil,Ht ftii.l titiu- llie kti-m li-.tlnti'iosl. M-nl Irt-o I'tlee, ii'ltt s t lioltl,'. .-s,t, ,y l ittnUtfiiM. ilrllisllt . eetllitf II 1 1st . st i.f Hood's5yCures (lit) lr. U, . 1 Mlili it. U. H I 'rt. A ( ) f ir!lh (IUt tun. Ail t nttii'tt (wtstuMluu t tHni litrlittit ( Imif ll.t1 Jrirt t f, tt 4 mi tunrh tini'nvl Kn-m u kit fMU Uwit Htl ttlti t have lorwit r PRINTERS PUBliisHEHS -Wtl,,MN, A KCI.I,UN(0K T T P IS Presses, Printing Material and Machinen r.if Mil ftt l.t lrir mi-t ' Palmer&ReyTypeFoundrj, Cor. Front and Alder Streets ' POUT LA KI1 "'l POHTLANU, ON. Wtlteliw I'M el iii,1 u,,.i,.. Item t'.lni a. DOCTOR Pardee's Im mis ( U ludjl Hood'n Pill rv :l Ihrf U. IIIM1II th I timl tti.'T trrv l--ir.r(if'sI i-n i'.ii!i tf lh-tr n. lu'Uftti-l t ti t r-v Tl'ift ti(-.!i Hip iurfa- W hrn j'ui. ft4'iti j'iniiff ti ti"l t'ii!r A-k. fi.f Ai.iumh, but tii. ir that 'i I . i. her fj tt it- M n III- 'imtsf.ind git !. t II. -I ll.ll W !'. TY fiimie for ltrrkfvt. TIIIvCRI-ATClKE lull INDIGESTION Si CONSTIPATION. A Regulator of the Liverand Kidneys Im-h it ttfw t Scrofula, Rheumatism, Salt Fhe.m, Ntun:!i I Itrual, leresns, Wheui'lnf C Aftlhn.. C.niiRiimi l.i J'-s-V.';. ' 'I Tin: Hcviv ii tt'i y"t:K j.. h t Ui I - t'-r I t.-r t r m fc'rt.i-iiirt 'r . ittjri. tvrlc'-Ujr tiAitiiiw in fciiT t-iH it ( iMif -itdji tr tmt'Kfti fill.- ('!, Altai r':ull., i tirm, iuij niiiiiwiiM'tit. nur iifct Mtlr, n. vocjr w.h, run t 'in, tloii (ii to wiiiitAji, (t u mil lu x, itii'(Nirtiii( htsj!-lll CUKh tI titi ft al: Ktw cwi 4 ihsHMni, ftit. will it nil T'tf if UB-ft,u Hum. f M t'f l-mstfiata fit lutr. II LOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. MASQUERADES. PARADES. I i mux Vm.... mm ll ! ! 11 rut o, rid iMin, ;ttii . f.-t j ' ..-nr u, ' ftml -U.i ft it r j I he . ff. I Imtur.i! If r, , .!., v.f lt; j I"", Hi; 1 ('l;llf,) n. r ! V'.- - . 4 I i.. U - i-: lt Ii . Ii (. ft I. m -i r k -1 :ri frfrf II 41 n. c-l tr i. ti -lf' lr r . "l I Itit I: y I! . .1 I .-t, nu Mti. s.. i MACK O nnrt ii r ront St, & CO., , San 'ranciKt IntelllKsnt Vll..l,,nry KITi.rt. The liev. Dr. Ktorrs, the i,reid.-nt of the American ttojirdof f'ouiniitwiotier foi fon-iirn missions, Inm jisl rensoim for felicitatlni luiimelf tin the reinilt of liin lonelliutory Isiliey. 'l'h Is.itrd'ii reo.-iotH for this year hay li'n '1'.),WI, nirniimt f-ti'h'i. tiiu previonn twey inontlm To inanin suei tWully a Itourd which hiot mich lntert-Kt under Its churffn h thin one, noiiiethina morn in lo'eded than u determination to cruh out nil in telligent ilis.-nt, Bnd keen the y.u.t Ion- chin"- in nitration ttlonir iinen Not lit nil Hduptcd to increiuu) themiiijiort of foreiin mission, ey.-n iiuionif thime Inclined in their favor. '1 he Hev, Dr. Ktorrs, with Ion hroad outlook, has riilled it halt to thoMj eleinenu which were reducin( the imnniil conirihulionH for that ohiect. Iloston Trunsorint.. i;.fI I l.l,,,( n I'lills.lelpliU. Iiy the Kiadini; of Ridto avenue for the purpose of iiavln,', it deeji depression extendii, two wpiuroH has heen nunli! Ixdow Hhurs' litne. Miiniiyuuk, and dur- iii(f m Inavy rain recently it uiiiiiatiiru akit wan foruiid. It wiw tiromntlv hrislened .ake Mimdtroin, after tho mirveyor, Th water nan no outlet t-Aiiept tlrainaKO through the noil. A citiiftn whotw iirotierty Ih ilauuixed hy tho channu tif rad l)eian flihinif from tho hiinkit. Just an a loaded Ktreet car rami) alon Im nulled np a mackerel, much to thn amusement of tho pawm Kem, and succeeded In bin ftlteuipt to ridicule th hoard of gurrey. I'liilatloJ jihiu Itocorti toll I. -Kiss It, Hut it' m.s thn lltnl, I'-" lt' lh "tilr .elr.,itd rue,lt for ll flllM-tlnnAl iloliirUuiiv.. Istanfal il,'lertl, n. elirirtij.' vmknnni of wniitAtilfssl. In '" fHnl rumi'tanils " tif rrr kuwt, w.r1'"lts! ln, lsriti down,.tift, tutwrnat lnrlniitu. tlott. an-1 kiit.lrr.1 mlinelils. If It r fniii Ut t-iwtll or csum, you h your nony U.k. Ss-oielhlnt .In tliat ran ttia dmlrr lotlar, nnr m ulTnrnl u " Jtt.l M ni"t." 'nrlul U u, for Aim, but 11 ran I Im, lr ynu (Slden Btikuijl Poit fer Purity eind Lc t.vMiini2,Poucr UNEQUALED QMH PRICES (rmirtt IsiilUIrll illot MHK.tig ttm r tiiuiit m m n.fiii-r ,f ntt -inim x., lh lfr,nt,rviih rtrturiiltn u llm irffm nti'ntM r f.frtii tl. aimmi ,r tf ,rm Jt,,i 1MH 4, t wl I rtvm m f wifi -rli f iiMI, i, J t l Urn tiit Uf-l, rirtriivrxnti dltirf utmmm rftiltifrs.m I.. 97ft N uahii. CLOSSEf A DEVERS, PORTLAND, Or. HARNESS. Saddles, Collars, WtilU tai Lntbtr. WHOLESALE. lot... r.t.g. KIDNEY, Mst iu-i-' r tl .i :", . ( 1 l"i-W (ltrw liiM..t- l-'r lha J I tti i ..f Is. l.o, h. t lnt lr'. ittta mi- FOR BIC VALUES 1" ?"Z Hit u W. DAVIS A. SON, MAM r M i,U-, 4IO M.rk.l Ktrl, : liUtlrf, I'l 1,-, 4'nt t.iVrf Ii'-4t, trl 4U.1 l,f--t fe Ci4rt hj rl It ytl 1m ftfH.t tf Uilf HUNT'S REMEDY TH t BIST KIONEY AND LIVCH MtOICINL 1 ROLLERS Till" IH HIK TIM T enier your HliMMKH IHil.lKFtlt Yen t.iu His bust, that', ihsoiil) k liel rir.l Iti. setel ytinr or'ler fur Hi. Htll.l.Klts ml I N k rt to I'AI.MKK tl HKV TVI'lt rllKV 1'OKTI.ANll, OM. HAVE YOU GOT - PILES i tTfTniW I'lI.M Itit-mn t-y mrtlattiw Ilk ii iffirBiiira'tiii, iiih" IiiImi" l"ijii,,g lirn w,,.',. 'Tr ! I nn. -i I HI IN P, llLKKfJlN I or VIU1 it V JilWii V1LM.J Til i n a r K T' Off. no san ko $ pile HRwrnr, I M (lrt'ilr rn t.arf !1nttt4 MtwrrlHi t iimur, llyu II r nriMfttti r int "iri. I'rt-- mi.' liriiiiiA'a MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTMINO bYWUP ton RHILDKfN T t IT H I NO - ..r sal. Ir Mil I'pucvl.u. Ml i skis a b.ttu. SYRUP COLDS AMD CROUP. GRAND MOTHER'S ADVICE. In rltn fml! "f Mn nhl1trt, tr.f aft wtr ' r . ' i-n I anil i f. DR. GUNNS IHUNT'S REMEDY ONION t ',,t,, HrljH lH,rr, (trl-nl'-n ,.f Ve i l-pfiUuii o( I lif. I'klu It tbe link l.nriJ M n t HUNT'S REMEDY I ' n tm ( ti mm r f t - , St trnt fM ll Wtil-ih I alrdt f .r iMtr-l m m rr- ,Mt tn ikt ( l'iiHi I I'jIjK'IMti Hercules Gas Enginb (41 A A OU OANOI.INK) Mud for Powt Of Pumping Purpo tltl ilm MaltMi ; HUNT'S REMEDY t'tirrm l!IiiaitM. Ilr,ls Um, i m .!', l"Wi li, I'ltjK-trt t, i utit n-si.-i ---- I HUNT'S REMEDY ii M m OUT t0 fMrHHf i wum t3m lin.ll lly It lt. h Hu.1,1. It .ill. Ilaeir fri,i a ltartMlr, Hn (rl u oftirtlar. Nil llallerlr. ,,r Kterlrlti Miark II ru,.. -Ill, a llt. .-f Ot.,1.. f liaa,llli II, as a, ..llief .i,(n, itvi v.. a e.r.i.-ui'H T "ALMER & HEY, MANurACTUl-e 05 Unvm ilmt, Ian rranatcn, CjI. !- I'OKTI.ANII. OltrtlllK I I T s ,,n tt.s ii Id Mr,., I lot at, -I If rr la, r. tenet tliem t" . U.oli" II. 'ti. nail I I III al,n all "ilir, n,r ti'. fall ll,ii,,lir.l. i,aSF Is-pii .a. e,l .h-la t8 iiii ti(, tn tiie by tritnnl. ao,l j,!,) n.oau ii lit 4i i, iiki FRAZER AXLE SestinthaWorldinrirJlOt fiet the Genuine hnr Ail L Sold Ererywheral U 1 1 l-Il U I- ft A UK Wllill.a K .A..l, l-iirlUrtit,'' BLOOD POISON Hun" i s "nr , ,,r 'l-.tto-T ,,i,l II A DDTPI A I TV I rsi fc s r si a- I a -, , a.t.'t'li iMiniiaiirtit l p t-uml lit I', ini'i run Imi lrt'sl,-,t nl li, ton fi.r llin ft.tina I't smlia MiraHlrs II It lliinn m It'. I'l' " ' " k t Will ts.,iO, I I,, , nil, llieiil .T f Hul l "'"i ftit.1 i.r etiM'.iMiel t"iiln. rlln'.l Ism an-1 li'rt Mil.. Iftl Isll I.I eur... II tiovit Uli H "'! t.rr, ...tlnsh, six). oil Ii ive n-1"" film, lis. I'i,l,h,t in is. ,ii Ii, lor' l k's""1' I'lopln,!,IN,...l.l I""""'! I". r I ef Ilia lsslr, llnlr ur I .. I.r'ilt" 5 sill, ll U Oil. Htphllllls II I.f Hill I'Oiai.s that U iriiiili-r Lnui,. V. n a.. Hi II I' at,. rli.nlrr.a" lliet.i'll'' " .... a rwniiut rtir., 'I In. .ilsrunili i. i"s. knmrf Ilia .bill .r f ha MH.sf rmlni-nl a1""' .-li.aa. ll.llHl.fHIlk cai.H.I Iwliliel e". u'"'",,l,ll lloiial trtinisitit'ti. A .altlls.r.'a""'""Cs,o,. SIM sllisi A'MK'sa f link III HI H' 'JV IUa lu IUUI Ma...nlt l .raple.t kltar. who Iiitm wi-k lutifVi nr Anlli irm.iiiiiul'1 uh PimVii Cum fur trimiu)itjiti It Emu tiiirnil IhnaaHnda. 1 1 h riot lnjur wl on. 1 1 la not hn-l io tnkm. It li the ItuaL fwiiiuh frnit, HjW Vfirrwrinrn. SA, in n;u.M.i "WHERE DIRT CATHERS, WASTE RULES." CHEAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Moore's Revealed Remedy. Aart.Ru, riKinna J.ini.r HlMK'H K K V It A I . It 1 1 u u u ii f: . .v:: ?l 1 mM "i "it romikt'st ho no I oansliilillrnlj n( INKI.AM M Id Kit illfl hlat ua a.sst roll MH. N. V atailflM whan til bMl a.aib.. I nni.Lt AtA s,. ... s In It . isiltv HIIKl'" rfili". IOt.I BI rol UHUWMMf, nlte4iiii