Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, June 17, 1893, Image 1

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igedi hrrCl
Hi " -M
5n t
J s
NO. 2.
VOL. -.
1 lllil U I IIIUUl JIwiii v , -..-. - . - - - - -
I'i'ni iiiitu Kimi Hti i'
1 ! .. f Hill.,'. t I I'll.
,1 I 'tM. I
nfl'h . IK Ml'inNllt III II IMN'I
111. V I'll! Ul 1 1 1 I . J.
, .. .,... W M.
, I'M! 'I- I
,,, , I ""
1 ii I II M.
,,. I ."-ll,- ll
il .t ( Mil' J il'U"'
I .
,1,1 1 Ul . I. I
1 .1 III. 111. I
I.,,; lltMtl'
'l' A
i, Y I Ihimi
I I II v
Hi, II.
tt ll I I I
W I H i
ii) IH1I.-II.I lllieili'
, i- "
-rl 'HI II
.I (
III. dull
iiiiiii t
I..I I,,. I
.,m,,- ... - i. , ,.(,; PACTIJPM VKU WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. ' "e - A TRAVELING CP FOR
II!!1 I " 1 1 ' I l I I I -V I ' " IjiliJl i;IVll MW II IJ
i iii, i am i. v , k . i a .
M. Ivrrr I. .Ii hm -i Iiii.il ' !' 1-
ion ii i hi. ! "...1.1 I" pro.ii.ii.-iil l..lna.
An'"','. '(I .-I'll V.Vl I Will. M i I In; I'll Ii' M . Vuii ' iii n"' I lir
i'i... Illi-I I' l, llli. I lull ll
M '.lliil l.'.'U.TS,
foikciii cue;' or c.xi i n picas.
Ootid iiml Me Willi tor Muflr Cntica
t Fresno, C;tl. - A MotiuUr
i ui tioiu inu Soul.
,-ciiiil.iini:r.l eolmi .
lluo.vrt lull iv-ntui'
iv-ht iU ll.n
) III Kll!'l-
;iiiriii( ( r flu
ll,rt vi nr. 'I lm
I rotk,
n it....tt,
Hi. '.
ll h I.
I II ll.
( I ill"
Clirllll"' o,i r ill
Hi lll I'lUI-Oll IIIUlL
eiupiivi-t .iit of
A ..iltr.'i,iiill is I
Citv n M.-xi-.'i ( t
) ll l I, I...MIT California.
A.ton.i oainiei are p
bit.'.'."-! siilnmli cat. ll "I
pn . nt run l very heavy.
A nnm-ler ftir-b.-iu in i"'.il. w
l.Ii i iMjiiti'li. wild r.uii'.lil at I'.U
H I .ilamixk, Ur fiviuly.
I'lulip K..tni. mi. I H'liU.T I. I ' i 1 . -rriv
li.'iv.. 1 1'1 Ti.-ti-l ,it ll.uiiv,
Mh.i, Hii'l i h.ir,.' ! ilii ..I'- i'ii'K l.-t'"r.
'I'll., f,. Ill III iT'ip ul V.'-' I"'H .'H """
r,.,i.v ..i tin. lu'.m ul V ' t u in. 1 "" i'
(in 'l.ii Uh.ii ill Hi.-hi ii l.t in.-,. Mil'
N'ri Bier ".r'i r riv.-i.
hi .inr tii-in h i '. ' i
1 111. Intl.T i'l in11 out
in, in tiin
Im- '.ill iiuvi..
I ll li.lill 1
I. II 1
A t lit Wl ..l lr.A.I ...
isn i ium i ii i i
n,i .i ii
i ii-. i, I
- -i j ..... r
lvX..'il" rt
11 I U I IK I- I
uy at ll
. u...
M, Whirli. r m n
i- I.. , ..mill., vrv in
llll.l li, tl'i:l I''
ul n .'ii ,n: in i.il ' ii
1 1- i .-I Itr.
mi i liM.s in m til ll
i 'llii'
ilii An-
' klHin ll Hi i in.
ol Hu n l.iilil.H.
! Till! i.. ll'l
' r IM- ul I i ri ii.i iir
t rii!ini;!i-.l Willi
i,. I r.ninl.'r i
.;"'. .
i J. i Ii U nf t'"J full- 'M.it'i In- I
t: I t I'.'IH t Hi l." A '" ll f"1" I " j
' I n.it.T iii'..' Hint Ili'W rmi-lllil" .'i ! j
1 j.n-.i.'i".
i N.nl.r,.ir ,d Co., i-.ilitti.t
1 i II I !.,. lit U. t j . -i i. - '
, , I'. i...t.i-t-.'i nii.l H N l!".'
i ,.-i iv .l- i-.ii ! I li"ii I " A
' ii... ! Ii-'i' an I i" . i im. '
. ', !! I'.i.i ! i't',.t M.-i. i-i!i!i- A.- ' '
tiinitvii l.iiinun a ' "
-l Mil'.. mi l 1','itii -ti. (.r I .' .
i, . a. ,-.,m'..iri.l ith I !l i ll 1 ' '
, ,...i, ii r !. :,ii I I1" ii l.r H, i.'
i im I
, . i 1
il.. ii fm r .',;;
i I j . i in'
il in,; v, Ii'- i I'll i w an " I.
l.i.ilM' " I II i'.IIiI'I " lM V' v,,t
i. ,,( Hi.- r.iiii.'U I' "i
..I i Iii'm -lr' i. Ii.'ir... i..-
ul, .i Hi" liiioii.'. I Ii" inii 'i'iiliiii:
(..nil, " liii.i'il ," ih i v , 1 1 t,i all Lint S'liu
i.xr. .t ll,.' n! I' -t.
Ii'ii I In. vi ft. mil .1 mjili-r of tin'
Clitn. Ml'llnliT III I in -lilll'l lli.l'.l M i-
full-1 to ij'i.'.'ti Vh t'.i i.i liny wi'ii !-
Uii. fit ,i:n K....!i'l iiM'T III nr Jin-
H. nl.iiiiMi, m thi'ir in. ill lii't inili'.lel
tin-Ill li.r lillltf fl .uillnu.
lii.v. I'.illi.r i h.iii-ii I.. Mi 'Tin tn, ,
t.f I !n' I.il ' i i r it . h ii a ' 'i'''"
i.iii-i .ki'ii ii-. h.i ih-!i.....ii..nii fiiii.'-r.
I ii Inn .''I hi "i In- t -i'" v.-i v ,1 IV III il
trin ih nil' y i. inl in i r.ri'iit i.i
n.iirn.' lit' ...iin .1 Ii .t hlixl int.. tin ft i 'i
mien ii.i.
Mr', I'liiti,'' i llul..- in I) iniHt i ki:i
.i l. ;i,' U n -Ii ii::ii.ii lor ii y.Mr' f'M .irf
:i'.!..:i l. 'i.ii ii! 't tun" mil "i"
in l.n im, w Ii 'I.' i .ii' i n1"! iiiii. ii
kiiimii iii wir.-'tv ti in N-w Ymk, Im' in
I tin- iinniiii'i fin' will iii.iko H tjur of
i l . -vpt uii'l Ih- I Inly I..U..1.
I iti-v.-r lln' . .vi.'iy ol tin' Iiio'ikln
Tiii.iTli.l I.'. I'r. laiiiiJ-... liimwU til not
j ii ...r ni.ui, 1 1,. i on 4ii"'l .ill i I r
iii.i" u ;'i 1 i.i "it mt'l o iii'""iii' ol ('-' ,
! t ) (i mi I." ! f im )'i". Iv 'ttiii'i ""J
j I'.lii.n i.il vi .i k. I lii-.TaiH-rnui l.'' tiiiiiu. i s
j li.ivi. In i n li.i'liy nintiii';. I ; utln'i i-" t Ik.'
I I. Hi- f-.,i( i' I lu-rii iit t i lumm y (ri- l.t
! om wml I not lniVf liwn in-ii-. iry.
(' .',ii,i. I'. .1. Iii..'i'r..II o'u'ii vi-iti-1 tlio
' 0t..:.i; li..l.' ! :i" A il'' ' . .HI lili.'f. A!ti-r
! i i..iii nil lli it nn" to in' "''ii lie .Iriuv a
! (.'. i., I (ii. hi Ir. (i.i'-'.i't ii-1 H.ml : " l y, '
I .l.in't lu ii 'i " Hi In il, l"H I K't'""i yl
; .I.i. VV.' iv.n't l"t n.ir l.i-ln .'til'T into ,
i y ..If-!!.... !.i. : "'I Ii":'''" i..i!i'...ti'ii- j
I ,1. i .k In tnv li- il'li wit 'i." An I tl" ii li I
..i,t. nit!) Inn i jiiiiii ao iwriui on. Iii
ll.ll'li.l. j
M , .li.in! Y'Uliii!, t'.'1 A'iicri"ilM wlio
r, . .-ul Ii i .t u rii'lii. i i l- I'll' ' U '!;-: to
r.ii i -I -j. i-i 1 - i n'ii hi t In It ii. i'i 'in. I. i"
.i-,-i.. I'.ii'i tin- M : i". in ioii-i inn. ut
v.itu it'll- '"ll! i 'i tin' lonn ol A
,rii " fir I ; , - '.l' 'i r-lllll1 lit lli I'.'O-
: i 1 1,.. : ' '- .il i tiili'i iii 'ii tiii'l ('-
Florida Phosphates Being
Shipping to Fiance.
The Michigan Legislature L--r;tlize
the Ue of the Mcr Votir.-f
Mucliina In the Stato. '
Ktif U to lmve r Misonic Tern
,l... U w.ll .oil r-i.t.uw.
'I Im total r.yiiitriitioti of Cliim-M; un
ihr tlia tu ary law is l''fi than l",'."".
K;iiii.hm r...nlii.t Ii .vi' i-1 'ti"! a !'r")
u l. to bml'l railway t r i'llic-nii.- ri
ti hi.
S. viti.I r:ii' "f ni.:i!l.'I lia1 '"''"
I l . v.. York t.'in..iii"iit on 1 n'ft
an ' t.
Khiimi1) iiii'.liTK, f i infill of nhorlaae
tin- vl.i'.it ci' l', aie i'iiiiH:'.'? ,u"
tin - ili-livi iy.
tntnl n'ci-ii.'K hu
rl R ri tin; I iiit"'i Muti h
- "Allll'l il Ull Ml-il." M' "1
At ih'' t'ntriiii.'i- of tint Col.inul" hiiiM
iii.,' ul. Id.. HoiI'I'h l-'nir in a llanhitiu of
i-i-il f.uni.,tim! 5x8 fci:t ami Utn iimiii-ii
ll ih ri'lmrti'tl lh.it ('onnt Tolstoi in
t.. ,.U lo i int. th't Vo l I'f I'liir ami hriti
on i with him a pin ty of yi.iniir Kiiiau
no'.!.., who ar" to tnv-t i'jhU: Arnof hhk
! -i i - i i 1 ural in.'tlio lit aiii t li py.Hunn of
i,i ,;.ii! ion in lit".' in tint Wi-ct.
A n-iiui.tr of fon.-i.'n i'o-iiiiii--io:i"r
who, nhi-ii .li.-"al.;-ln-l with ti.a.ir.l
.i,iii, ,i nli.lnt.v L 1 1 . 1 r ixliit.it- fn.iu i-.;
),.ti1,..ii iiuvit aiiiioun'i i ui"v iiji..
t,,i-...l tin'in us Ii. i- t.-'ill of Hut iti
i:i..ii,of tlm m u ll Mi. i'"'l qit'ft on.
( '. l'.i-, in "i "I th't lll'l il".ll, i-
1. ;-i a
Uif) of
' whit-ll
ri, o- -i hi to
-rolk-i ti. .11
fii r v
l . lit of th.t .
cli' h ihn-'-il ovi'i
" iVoiium 1 .ik' i
tint roliitriilti". h
i"lhil)lt, '.lit u Im
How tii ll..ii.-t.ri-al.,.r Ar..n..illht lit
I;ihI--H..iii Amu.li.lj: SU.rl.-i.
1liirl.irH rc tin- ariMocrai-y of criminals.
An lu-i'iitniilislii'.l cnu.k-m;in iK-'in-''
Mii-nk thii-f evrii ai tint wi ll toil i hoiifv '
liolil.-r ihn i a "Im. f nil. Ainoi, ; tli-.-rinn
which ri.iuir i;ri-at Hkill nni no litt I-. wl
flicr, KIH-il a for.ti-ry, liooiiLi-rf'-iti'iu,', rL:..
burlary raiik w lni.'li that It iin :tt in
clanl amouK the "txuiu.uve iinJuoiriefi."
SI l III I li'l"
i i
1 1"
.-r v.i'lf
ti- mi l I
P-I ill, "
I., i
ti., ,
j - - -
M ... 1
in .'
- ni;
.t. i
I ;-. I"li 'kr
fixiy-foiir u l"
:llt,.i'Mit'''l to i; 1
r.ii!..ii:i ti.t'i"
wi.iiiii n ' 'I"'
mil pira-i- 1" '
'II." 1 ar-t.
(' j.l'.liV k.. I '
It M. 1.-.I1I- h.i
K.'iitu.'ky '..
m.i. 't Ii1; in n.
fur i iht in.-n'i
Tli.. M-IH'-i of
n, . ill, ,1 t" I"'
!.! t-, -... !:''
Ii,,' M .i'-.
.,,v,. ii.-, ul- i i!
I pti'il ll- '''
I i ii'.l l.y a I" '
i rii.l ..I- :p
i . -t i , ,
; u I'-' " '
j w I . : 1 1 iv in- :i.
I Ni-wY.'l
i i.iii, k. r ti.ii
,.,..:,!. ..
- puj.r-, w i.o. i
1 an,! M -.1 -.
I, 1 -. ii ; t
... :.u,..l.
a l''i;:
It I.;.- I .-
ifl- ii "ii'.
t'ii. iTip-i-r :
I n.ti io;:i'
lif-i' l.tini'.'T
uai Coini .ii v
Hunt vlii'ii
n in i.-.-.i.i!
'..'v Yor-k r.i'
iu',;i'.!i:in m att
I-air. ii.
Aii'l.'-roii' i
i in A'l ilu-rv
nl r. I I -'"I i"rr
Ii til.-1 i"ii"h r
iivi. rci.ii-Ki-iitniioii to in th
of pii-ttin.
lii rr Wioniilli, Ih" Imp'-rial (ii-rinan
r,.i,,,.,...i,iii.'r. i-siiil ih" ot Ii.-r il.iv, n-fitr-
liiiK to lii "'p u t ill la " ,l;t-p.ii' l'. .-. t ii.it
iMiiiH-ror William ha 1 liiKiUv .tvci'lfl o
roi i" to the fair, that he ha.l no olln'i-il
Uilvi. " to tll..t I'lll. t, hut nonlii Il'it U
mip iM-l if it "m" to pa, as tli Km
p . i..r i, an a k""al travl.-r aii'l hiul tuk.-n
a ii. i iiiti-n-.-l in tiie iair.
lit- mix ponilivlv known that the
i fm- f t'lii'T Ori.-nliil liionar. h. the Siiitin
,,( .i n.', ii roioiii-' to tint World'.)
i i'iiir. llin M..j-1-t.v vah'.r-l th'.' f;i.:t of
ihi- iiit.-tfl.-l vi-it t' J'.-p'ity (oniiins
!.,ti. r V. W. I.iik.-, n!..l .ii r.'.i.-.i Mr.
1 ul; to m"-t him in Car!. ha I, Our
im.ii'V. to ni,.".tii''ny him to Chi.;a..
i i, lut... at orue 1-It for N"W York,
he wiil n.i'.l lor f-nropt; on nut
i -i-U to nttiirn ui ;
y hi S
; ii I Ii
1 H
rv-t-ntvo a nofiR.
TliiTi' Mtiui to lagi-im Ltimor e.w.r.i tiuU tl.
tin-in, t.x.. ivhiiii mak.s tii-'in t.:.-.'ii ...
tliiii',-s just for fun. For i i-i.'iii e, in Chi
caiio' ruci'titly Imr.'lara r. .r.Micliil a ''"-!
banln-t..-e More ami took i.ovliii.-.' frcm the
at(H.k hut ttiri t k' -ith of naiU. a cav- of ta;w
How to Hnk. iiinforliil.l. A ..r..prl
iitn nii.l I. o- i.-.i.iitH Artl.-ln.
Tin ',ip i" ' .iv in ..l- In an liimr, nnd
th. cxi.-iisp i. vi n- sin-lit fur the malarial
1-iquiKt'l. Ti."... "i''.-i I'or fiiiiii'latiou or
fniim-. a pi " of Wack raw la.ai or plain
thin ' rinolii." ill uinwitr, II to hi tntilim
In U-ii iti ii hii'1 'J to II iin-i.t. in m iilth, no
roninii' P. tint .iz of the tn-.i I Ni-xt.
rji..i- of ll,i'-k vi-lvft or HiiU, iiuh wiile,
nhioti. t.i.rt'.! 'pinrii-rH of a jar-l la iifH-cii-iil,
an f i 1 1 1 or.iy for luinhiij: tin
fixe. Il.ilfayurl of p.,ilti ISrinufH uitt,
twoynr-1. aiitl a i'iar'crof !liaiitHK. or
any pnttiy, 'kii' .iu-l.iii'.ii l.inf, "ml live or
nix Hinaii f.iii'.-y I. il I'l'i-i r a" 'h it l re
quir. il. Tin- ...nisi ruction of tlio hat i ex-c-i-iiiuiily
Tai.e lir.t 1 in- -i hi ii re at rir. lnrtTir rrlno.
line, tin-rrii-nt w:inf t hi- nm tiTlal-tliat
Is. ii..'thwwr of titt ifxrin. for l.ne lioitttll
of the fr.-iuir. I'm n.' fron'- I" H'l.ipe hJ
makniK a .lo'i'.h- hox pl.ui., ilaitinu! lli
'lxi ftvenlv lot,-. ' in r; tin' thrr . lad a at
tne back arid f..riiitl in a simii'ir ni.iyn.-r.
Kit tin. fr.iti.p to ti.e In-ill of tlic ptT.on
for whom it i iuti.n.l.l l.y pinniiK it mure
or ! at the pl.i. i.. iinliitatcil uni
t.vn.f-rt'.i!.lv 't'.i iv.-. 1 anil
tnitn remnvi: iti'B.1 trim the nlsi Mn-nly
to the ili-siri'ii situ at the si.lvM, anil e tin
piaits n. otili.-'l.
i Cover tlii frnnir- nr foundation wit two
thic-kiie.""-. ni ih plain liriMwi lift, ano
l f t lm uitt ami tue foilUiln-
uni 1 It Ll
too 1i;lit;
1 hii.j
, .me
; 1"
i ro:i 1 I oliiliiii--.: .til
. i i i -ii- hoi-.' in ifl
th ,'iii uiia.i-o.iij i
U w -r.
aii, in -
t i lo
i m it i r .
,,i t.i u ... i.i l .
i I.
.I .
I-o r. i
I v , .. Th" ill.t i-oilt -!' I lor i
) initial.
j i i,,- to til It ini-i, who ii" v, il'i l
' l , .1,1. . im-, a! th.' ti". ' NH.t
1 .sin- tii.-, oil tli'-tn. 1 t" '''
ll lol in,.-, ii, .i i
...,,.., I.-pun-.
.i.i 1 M
.- ,,( Ih
Mr. 1 1. 1- !
.-ti !.- I.ik-
i l 11 it hiil.
. lit.
.nt Hair',
i I ii.li.iti ' '
-i lo-.w ri-ia
1. in. II
i .i-.l t'"'".
1,1 l-t-1
in h:iin
an I ii i-1
i u ith hi
- II I -I. 1
') . ll
1" 1,1
a p'-i-i
not i ii."
m : - s Th
I t 'll. I tl," l
I i i v I p. ;
ti ii" ,,.
Hi' !,'.:!.
i to
i ,i I a" a pa '.ant rf it" c.i n,
,t in iti-l a i. vi iui" !' .i"r
ii ! ,i ti.ui to th" In-" of
. :. l !.. pi:h.t.- pitij -.
!,.... I!,,, i-i,:- at.-!
-:t , !'... ..'. i..;. I''" f
v hi, ii h.". t' ii.it.ii.. 1 ii' I
ii it r.'!i .:"' 'i ti'or" :!.f ir.
iiittiioiita!)-.' ly slat.-.! to. it
lli.ri'h. tin? .i-iUH--l , !i-iii.-
ti. ur vh. a' .tift iu. I " '' "ii
if his ex -. -nt urn t'v- tnii.
. Mi.-!.-.,-
,-f t:,.
a ill i
in ""'r.i
.-i naif
i a.
ii I i-.o-'n'i-.r.-l
,"i- iii'i". i , ii. in
.in 1 i-i-i--. Tii" v..t- in
i-i 1-J to 4 ; in the llou-e
- l.-
i.i v
IT.i'l l -Mi'SAl. C
Dentist, Dentist,
i ihi
,. I .ml of in v
'- il- il' 1'
I ti-, .' I...-H f
nl it at a
, in... HI, i"
i . .' '
1 1. I lu ll- " l" '"il-
,v u,iv I ri ti i. i
Mil "II f "'t l",.'!, i-O- I
to hr f .' h ar 1-1 I . 1
M iiil" f.-hel ill.-" "f t it'
ll. I HI.I.KNAP. M D..
Physician ami Surgeon.
A .. 'i'i..n in
tana fi i th"
I raw r v ' r in lit it
tl- tilU' .-,lltlt til'- pn
riuioi". t in' .1 ut an I a!
uhr.'.l an I t Ii. il pro, nt" Ii'!''
I ii.. A.i ii., iiff taking the
1, .,:.l ,.-i- Ol lli" . "'".
i rhi' t-.v in th.- St. it i I
! m ar ."ai.-m an k
I Uii-I. A ' "Ul t"n
i for tin .!.i t!i " "t
olit'-i'. i p "
lit km, l.o-l
11 to U'-l tin' ur-
li li.-.-ll-' '-.
nath vf ai-
I t . t
',.T -t.ii,- liiili.. It''
.. ', to iii mil ll 1 i -v ''lion,'-.-,
ai'.,-' In" r.'i'tni fi'"!" ' ii i-i-iiiii,
li - K n- in ' i -. .'.r t.i v.- a ,-rit'i. -uu
at Sunf-iiJ 1'iitv". -i'r.
i-.rul I
n ii !
f lo.-t-
NAT10...VL, CAriTAl-
Tic J-'iir f- iy t! -it
iiit.n,t.sl ti.. .it he
(.'..tig' tl.f; ti'.IT
nttt.-a-l .if tii" no i.'.i'
f S
i li-nf In,
a'.lv .ii.i
'llu- I.
m, will
i.:1'.-rp,l firtvyi-fOfort!:
.1 I'... st ll,. , .until o Is- l.l ll' iv
fi.itii 1- i.i'-.!- -"it to that i itv
in'iii.'. n I t. h ii now in ' -
in- tin- li-i.-stton.
Ii.. ,li ,itirv law !' mt" ei-
uih t t'.niiit.a on .luiy 1 th
. -,:v-- t n v ' o.l i-V.-ry '.-
,-'..,;,!. nt"- . v) ... Ii
Ihi- P.-t y.ir.
alio tiiiii-'rt'.k to
,,,,..,i,iii i t fin
a"i l..-f.ire tin- Pti'l of tint
... i.t month. Tin Mil. an U famous
. i.ij .,,.. i wi'tihli. ft'i l ii 'iii l to
1 i tiif fi ii.-it i'ol!i-i'tio'i "f (liiiinoii'ls
1 H'-.l rii'-i-'f ao-l ' a'it i" th worl l. il"
Uui I . in.' a i. '-.ti'i" of t.-ii "rvaiitf ami
! t., I',, -ii-li phv-ii-iaiif, wli-.m h" carrt.,-3
j iin him to lo ik aftfr hi In-aitii.
S Ti." f..rttml ."tiiiiit f tin el.-ctri.-ity
hi.: I.ii". Mhii'h ha. i-'-. n , i'.".' 'h
! ivi-n- I. tin!: j.i.iii o-i" i.-h. la-t "'!t.
I r.... ( .. ,,f ll," llSl.ttlV ll- til" 1111-
au.l l-.v'htitis ol lt' i'i ' ;
n.-tfl t.viho (l.-tn.ral KI-. trie !
v. Tiii.if'i.ift U ".ii.it"--l in I lie !
I I , r.tpr -.1 til" I' lil'l ll- ." ' ' !'; '
I. .!-t a.- .; v. I'-'it "I u
it Limp. H .I'- o'l-' nit Hi'
... i.,i ni".! i'v tin- iot.-r-a-.-tloti of !
an-1 tinii-'-pt. ri a-'hin.' ii h."-'lit
...,t UU (. .(. '1 ' iti--:ti'-l" -- t m
l I . .. I i wi,,,u-!!!.-r a
iii ni-ii 'ii iiai' 1 1 ' "' -
rf.-rt loiiiiuii iv- Ih'.u.'li tl." iuii.it- s i.i.i
.l'.i n (null "ti" m i- -ivi- i i" . ui
It .-ntitu;-! from tin' roof of a r.-
,i:ii.:ti!i tli- '- . an I tt.c
M il '.V I It I I "1- I I "1
n iti ittv mi.- I aa
Tii, i,i'.,i are ar-
ill, rlli l"lit
a i .ii tin
1 ! : .-. i- ,i".niil i- t-novlK'iJ
..r-ioti.vi r".ii.a of an
1.i'..,vnt i.-.t'tn. I "rtiusi iioin
nf in,-.-, s of t .i-im.it if i-rva-
! ti"
..itr i-l-.' M
, mi'-.- im
ni itii-nii '.
,1, W.-t.
rior i-
-(-.itt i.itiip:
rn ..HIM-;.
,1 !.v in.-
I, - fllt-l!
mil iMi
,,f !
mth a
I Mitioti it
j itmltit.
I i
A 1-
,' -
I,, ati-.l .n'-. " i
kli ' t ol 1
: 1 1. .t i.
.J l..li"t:t.
i.'.i-l t .-
tl '!
ill i
l.. Ii. ll.U.,.1, . .0 -1 .1 .
. . A-r I A J
A I I u Ii n l i - -
rn.,..in. "
u.- Via. I t-t
l-i In... III". r.
... It'' '" 'v'u" " "' ,''""'
MI. Hlii.nl. I'lli.'ll. "r-
M i i n "II II ISI. UIH
forui Si-lio-il
uk S.-.iriWs'
1 l, ,",ti l
, lll.lkilll a I. Ill"
( tin, tot il .'ftllli'
, , 1,-. I..'t W
,s.l ii vi-.T. nti-1
1 1 in '
iiii;.-r of tin"
Hi.ii'ih ioiM' '
J n-k-.n. a
ll-v .'.". i l.-l .ii a ("11
. i i I... .. ,t. it n it
,,, that I..' ha l ''" I" lI'M.-'I'ilu 'or
",.,. tun... Th.-u hi- ivi'i.l to i. onii.
., th'.-.' inoiithti a."' "'"" t'Nu I'l'in-i-
,,., II Ihmtt.'lit hi' w.i "lily miti.'rm.j
from "iitfl't -" 'I""'-'"'-
... ... i.- i'......, . "11 kii-ovn la-.iM'r
of Sail 1 ' m.'i-'". li",,M
, I '.-p i; lltli lit
:,- I of tin- i-!
t, .11 l.iT" to
i.t that l'H"'
1 1.
,11 pKI til!.l
l.l ilT',' .1' r. 1. I h" ''
.,..1 1 I. 11 .s.r.t. of
' ' ... . ( il...
in niii! of it r. iiiov.'P iii.i-i ""
,-r fro n tin' tni.-li lo ho i-i.-nn- I.
iU, Uili.rr K". -t. v ami I'r. 1. .'''"
l 1' l illl. i-"" I"'-"" "
lit lo th.' I'.-Mhoilii' H"h
.(I Vi'iir-.ti I ''ok. whom
tl,.,l'". l. p.r.
v.-..( I lii.-hlliil.
n oi i-
ion of till
rank of uu
- ha1, a. ' i'"
m .r,fi'!.t
I ih.
Im ins III" in
l-t t,V"
mi h-rin-.' I 1 In' VH'' ilia"
lii'int. I'll ' Si-iTi-tiirv
- Ii
-,,M,.,,,I I,,- an '..l-ll.-ni'V't ''k"' l"r
Billiard Tattle and ElrRant Club luoini
K.ii It.-- .-.,..,ii'.."H.tl"" -"""'''""" "I"'1"'
Iil'iiil llli.."l"i''V ""1'
rtlntn arl.'l, Tr " 0r,
I Hol-11111'.'lt "K Hilt -
Popular Resort for All
-who wihii -
A .ii"l I li".
A NIi-k Hi.lrclltl lrlK.
A i. "I Hlilt'"-" r
A .,. I.. I '"rd"-
lu-t.-a in-
iiMii. ut of n.i,-
(.), tin' lnn.li "I in" i ""
... i.il.. ,.i,iu ii. ii iiniri-r ol
nation, li'iu'f ''"""'. "' I f.'."
I,, , ,,i uu alum! niotitli i"-' '
I...M..I .tf, .1111,1 ill li'l'
,r','!."h.' .-nm.' I'V it hi'i fit.'i r. iii.iiiu'il a i ,'htitii- .l.-i
ihou.-li ir.'iii'i-aiii ni i
i ,,( iiiii-inpti- l Min i 1'
I....' II,,. I h" ll1 a .Irfillllt'T wan
I ' i it, n- ihil.
.....r. ..r ih.i 1-ji'i'ni' I'liuui'i y
ii, iw I'liini mi; "' "
,,i ilfi.- u tt.'ii'H ,v "
.,.11 fiirni north !
mil I'limt al"'"1
Tlt.-v hav foinl"''ii
, i uork an-1 a i
h... ,-ultixal.ira itml hmi' Ihr''
' .i 1, n-r-i. Ih
l ,o hlv inlliM't."! li.-(o.-.' plaulimt'
""'iithii.-jju-'t ritshl to liiHtir,' a,".l
l'"l'' i
... i, ,.i iim invi'Mliu'iiioit hy to"
Hivnillllli'lll ill-p."h"'H 11,0
iii", -ii the hIi-iiiiiiw
.'. ', . ..: , I Whltl'sl
1 '"""" ,. , ,-,, ,,.- tlml ll'i'l Ca
I... ,-ii'.. lit in I- at. mi Alnhrif-i' I'"
,-ii-t ii v I.atnotit ha- n-k' -l A't. riii'y-lii-i
- t il .Mui-y lor an o;uuoi. a- to
.. i...ti,..r il,,. a.-i-.-i't i-i. " I'V M. r.i. II.
1 1,. ur ami li.-tiMi'tl "f portion-, on th''
Calif.iruia I 'i-hnti r.,niiii!.-"oii wili
j...p.inlue liimr army rank or p.-jiiui-
-, cr,.'.irv Carli.V turititj til. pnH f'-w
,! i.- lui. i",-t iv. 1 .-ii-vi-ral t--li'-jr.i'iii i-oii-t,ni.
mc I'"' n.'iv-pip.'r .lit-p-tt.-h.'" a to
K ,-,,i.'iru.-' on tin' ostn-iii" N"rth'.vi"-t
I,, n h'l In Kiii'.;ii' opium 'i'l I'l"111"'
int.. tin' viiiiitn. Tin'V i nt i tin. ! - that a
iiiuii'.rr of (-ov.-tlini. lit employ.-., are
iinpii.al il.
Th.-ti, .i tirv -iiil"ii'iil elioivini the
I ,,t .,,, .! till, m i it i 1 lino "
,,. it.,, u i.l .,( l int" I M il''" n
mil p.'.o k in"'
. M,'i
I tin' n ,
,1 ,.-
l-Ut '.J
1 silvi-r
rl III til"
in. ft.
tv. It
t 1 a'!
f t'
I hi. liifii
itl't. All'l
ill (llilllllt UUI .Illlll'
It -liiini tl." total
S.r-.' 'Ml, a .1
i-it 'li'
f. a- of
lii-i-T ln-'-nt-i'.
!i a en-' n ih' J
llti li'.l l-o-i"
at that p'.'t. -v'n
ink Caf Hoi. ''"ii'
J U-r toiiiuiso it
fl vim.
n l.i'.v
an I lor
S.'.t i'.Jt.
1 "I
nit t
ll hoi.i-1
r,' lllliniii
lli.iHiV -
till' l.ltl "
I'm' I', nh
min. Th.-y
Tn" a. I.--',
i uu I i-ii'ht
two roll
iitti o
v tin .ii I i l
n pi-r i-.ipit.i n li- ' SS.
i-, -h uu ii'i!li"ii "-i an i'iti-
tlui at.it.'iiii'iil Hi-it ''ie
t hin''--"' Mm i -t r lini iioiiiit u i '-
paitiiii'iit of Sl it" tl'.nt th" t hoi.-.'
' ..il I . . I .. O I I,,, ..'ill V
rniii--nt mouio ii-, ,, ...
llfnl-i l'-i. llllt-l'.lll'U ll"l'' i"''i ni "
im-, -n iii-ii-i-ii
ml tin- t'liiin
nu'ii run-
iti-o'lll'l i
I Still" "I
I mi
'I'.i.-hiV "f th" Wliil.-h""'
I, :,,iv on mi'
I, .vnn; Ih"
iiilh-rr, in
mint "I
,n,l m itt', an
i, ., 11. li t i'
", i ... ,!. i In. rollifion
Kiinwii'iiii" "'-,
I'niit.iin i.ii'i'i'u
till' ll.'l'lil"!".
ilni' to lit-.
, i..l, l,iiv nit Phli'i'il ii"""
''"I""' ' .....I 1,1
, a"
hi. li. i'ii-'i' "t i 'n "'
,.r tiii'iv
,.,,r III rll.ll
i ..n.. I I.. Mil' 1U-I1
t"r no ' t ' , , , .'.. ,.i ,!, si it.' ol
1 "IV' ' to S.-n.ih'i' Slanf u'.l
hav " "" , i mil," hv a
timu hrcii
I'- ' ' ...Mill
ni"'" ; .;,,:,. hni it.vi-pt
fi iiiiu l'-r i I t Ivit it th.-on l oi
m-hohnt.'-V''' 11'' , . .,l,vnsn. 'I h.'
n'vth.i. Willi Ho. ,11.'K' ,
, "h h ml -in ha-niaii'i' 1 tl..- a.tiv-r-w,,,-li
. ontan in rt, I from
"J,"",-i i .. h.'Hii.n.o.i.'.HIm
nliroml uk;''"1',, t, hii rah.
r.vii.i ',' V,m i i'ii,-i.h-a th,.
Al, n'.iiliii'i. ' ,,,..,. ,,,Jt,nl,sl
, ,,i , "111'"'. ..i.l.
rt K'.milonul it.l.u ".vn'
with th
ll, t ill 1'
.1... inliiri ii'iv
l"' " ' 1 . ... .i. . I
Vluii.ti'ruti uu- in i -'
.I...S ...,irt I -,,iit I nil lli'io-ii'i I-"'
l.l 1 1 n- "'i . - ,
a.i i.l -a -.int anil (li'-ii'llN. V't a""'-,
m.riiiiiiitiniati"" 'f lnlU "ii" ''' 1
duriiiR th" i'lt.'i vifi . Nn v.'i Ml or
, rutin -itat.'iu' iil l""" Hi" , hini'ii'
pirtiTiimi'iil h.i" l"''n r.'ii-iv..l t-.m-i' tin-a.-i-i-iui.
to inili.-at" that tl,.' 1 i.r"'tvr
,.,-i.piwi'i rrttiHition. Wli'Ui n-k-.l il
L.. kIi-im l.a.l h.'i'ti t.ilo'n tow.vr.li. tint
,.i,in-.-iiii'iit "t tl"' 1-t'T' I'l''""'"'1
rophi'il that Ihi' inalti'r was m nm '"."'--of
tlm Hivrrtaty of the Tn.tiHiiry. Ni
far nf lie know nnlinan mi'n"""""
Atlliuiii'li tlii'r lias !"' """
lin.-e tlio now linuil-H I'linon i'a"u; in ;
rrvu-ii-un; t Hf tniuiiiry .hum...... .
pn.hiihlv ho nll.'W."! to r,'t nn il ail"r
i. .1 ..,.u..m nf i'iin"ii'. Ilu'ii'in
roiisnli'i'iih!'' talk now of ri'Vivin t th
-.nik nf l.i.'Uti'iiiiiii-iii'iu'i'al. nti'l !"':
... ..: !..., I S. lioli.'lil.
t. ..-.. iln-,.,. M iiiii-i ti-iii'ialH to h" h'it in
i ..,' u. ilii-i'.i Ini-i'O ilivintiini
l-llllllllllll'l v. , 111.
a. .,,.,,, I. .1 i-.nv nil-fi think It noma If
iiuiiliiiuh!. t..r.'-.ittil.l'-'litl''l'V"'
Thi'iv Moul'l li.w--i"artly li.Ml.riv, am
fun,,' ll.i-,Mili.-r wouhl h.' ustii'tu.-.l to tin
i f tiii'in. I wo M il 'i'
COIlllllllll'l 1,1.
,- i .....ni, l ...ii-i lavouni', anil the
thinl Mill u-'h-iii'ral ii in I'oiiinui"'! "
. ' If ,!, rink of l.ii-l.tl-llllllt
I III" 111 HI I ' 1 " , . ,,1
li,'ii,.i-iil .hi'Ulil I'P ri'vivi'u, ii "i
,.,nirt..' iin iin a priinint ion nf nm' "t tin'
n, Ill Itliiril.lil'l'K t" M-iljoi-'"''!'''-!!!,
rt, n.(h'..'M-i.l Si-ho.i.-l.l wouhl ri't.tv
ithin livo v.-.-irf, thi-io wouhl ho olio o
tho nivHi'tit llnnii.lior I'l'innalK folort''!
( ,,,-,-,-,',l him, tluia rrt'itlini; lit..; h.T
viu'iuu'v aniom- thr. Ivriv'iilii'ra. lo-so
rliiiiiat.'t. an- l-in ptv-wiil with all the
iiiiliii.ni'i' tho l'oloni'li can lirini! to hoar,
ni , inil ,in tho l.iti olllri.ru, lu'i'iiifo it
will moan promotion for a in;iulr of
thorn who think thoy aro ontitluil to
woar a alar. Tliow will h" ttnothor
lli-ii;ii'li''i'-tioiioriil tho last of Iho your
mivivuv, to miiroi'il lioneral Carr, Mini
prohaliU' tlio naitta Hlit that wim uiail"
lor tin Uut vacancy will owur.
pn -t.i-i ;- '-t
mil lake out tho i.s,-
'iho firt V".-fl wit!
;,t h. r top that ov.-t .
Lir ha- just ii!-m"l
ii Iho foi-.r-iiiii-t, ii h
in l'.i-liaal, lroiaiiil
l. i.'.r.
riiii.iiii- phut i
tlion.ii il. lion o t , I oi:-"'
ii..n as th it vihii h ! now
Ihi- r.oari! of In-a-Ti
lli" pa--t vi-i'i
,1 - .ivi-nsl S7IS no.'.v.i
Th" iv.-. -nt ! '.'. - in tl"' YVot-t have
!.i,u-,ll,..nk.!.i -it'-f-'. ami toany ate
,.!, !,-,.., in., ihi ir iii-'in-v ami rvtit'it?
,,, .li.'no.lt i-omP lllii'l. Till'
i. i, j so -i.iti..n a', i h f i :
tli.it iiKI n.i'.oa wore roulo-l sa'vti'.lay.
'iho hr-t litiio A n l,l'!-li"P 0..I i U'-.ut of
Now York liinl !"'0'i in ! I'li.t.'-lanl
,.t,r,-h.liii'iiutar, h,. i . im -.i-i-vnv wai at
Ihi. rooont fnnor.i! ot Mrn. t li.i'in.vy ..I.
IViH-iv. I ho pri-souiv of tin; pn-lato is
,;,',l to liavo ti.ui hi l -Mr. IVpow very
It.- r'iw of tin- I'llih'il St-.tto" t If
f tit. -" h -iiiUi-
i : :i fi a:no. an I are
nil ico:. o U 'i r.i..-. Voi". "v l-y
n.m.!rf i""oti i-i ,-..t ..i."r-'- i"";';
fci-l priHiiti '-'l i" marvoioit-i. an. I can iUy
I., annrivtati'il lu'll Stvll.
Mt.iit.iiia's f.unoun
,f ,, i . . ll . uui '-'
i I ii. iii.i I uAii'U lit" olimr
t.o- tin. , -ii tiif si--i"'-f. -i;.
1 as a tii !"1. an I ''' s ' -ii",.
h i-'iii!i'titi"ti am-iRiS l'r
s- ti. n iio iiiift'"
i. th-.- .-1,'iit ol tin- .lay
Ci.v. ami too il'V.it hit.i'i-
i'i hi.-h tin.' f Ut' ftan
... ... I iii, i. H 'l" i- t to i
.i.-.-t.t wo !: of ai t.
ii.i was n-si'iul-hi!-. tho
,1 i.hiv.,1 nation.'.! air,
t .i i. in si m m hy M ,r
urns nt ii .tii.itiii. " -
i.-rina ni tl,.- brilliant
it S'nto, of hor tl"
rti-U mid nonnt ii'i-Us-l i.!.-it
cfthe work of tint lnj'i'
r bliinu of thu .'' I li'i-i' m tlio u.m -"i--,
the tlwft of a hail tmt from tl," ".rri'lor l
aboun. aii-i the rut'l n;X)" f.ii.' t.tU hi a
d'-iitiit'a )-h'.p. wouhl Ki-lii fi li.ivc-hv'U
cotnmittiil in a spirit i f pure ilt viliry.
The poliri'. houevr, n.si-t that tin-e
wero "raw hamis" aii'l a; ran to ' ik-- nr. i
cht of iniii li value. Anot 'o.-r i-xtraonliimry
Cliicauo case tin. ivinti-r w-ia that f a K-'M
of n.i-ro tjovs vi ho l,Iiov . p.-n m vt-u .-t. -t
ami trot ?!'i'"", but w,re co'.i.'iit t.on ah ,-r
l l l-,iiil..... mill are noiv in tin-hou-i. "f
j corri-rtion. Uur-h.n are .f.-n liU n:..l
g(;ntl.-n,.itily. Wb.-n Colon. I John .-
j bin-ki. ItoUibitiou c.ui.ho.iie i-r govt hi r
! of Mis-imri, was roh In-1 sou." t inn.-a n lie
I grew very U'-noti. uliout t iie pi.-tol w hicli
1 one of the Kanir iv ai hohi-.tii,' to his bell
ami i xpi-tii!iu.-l. Tiie bin ,-l.ir !:it: :!i"l.
,1. ! an.l the colonel th'.-i-iit it n-' :nt i- w.-.i in
tiiil.rte witu loin -
y.iti have pot my watob nial inotii-y p-r-hii'ts
you wiii o'nii-i' me I y t.-llw-S nas 5'oi.t
poliins. Are you a I'ruhiiiitii't.it?"
"No, and if 1 thoa-.-ht !'.ili I'd I.'.I
you with hull' ti." rs id I- 1 t he ;'".;. rd.
"Oh, no," K'iii ilieenioiu 1. ' I'm no Pro
hibitionist. 1 i! have a drink with you if
you'il f;s-t a b.ltie is.mi wln-r- "
"Not now." fso.l the b;i!-t:l:ir. "nic
other time ben we are i.ot Lni..y." Ait, I
with thiit tin eoi.vi -sat ion
A still more ntuu-iii' story i.i told of the
Viscount k Sail, tlii. nl, n. t-J club an I
lrfi.i..,n ,f I'm... who Hi i.t l.iar.eaton uu-
Esully early In.ur. i-nt.-n l n
metois if a liiUtlt kiV Mill
itraniA-r i tab tmirintf o-n aiiaioKiie.
faint-1 U, ul t's ii "It hi- hat ai..i m a cour
teous tone aiil. "No dou'ot. fir. you are a
'nri-enough.' ! ;-i.T Hie . ma ; T.
"I am sorry to di-turb you," coiitinni-J
Saint-liii-ul. . .
'How coi. Id a h '.low itua ..i.v, s-'id tin'
t.i- "ilmt a ln..uef the M rid h,o l ."i
, s i ,-t -tl.
..-at" 1 :
- ,,t ih.
, -I;,!...,
,. Whit,
r l ti'l '"'''' f
i.mitai v iti-o, t'C-i-nii
in i h' hy
nil, u ho 'luriiii;
."Uj ll...tl.-:i.1 ami
w ai
Wl.iie ti.e
I iiui'in a:i
Tho op 'ii
M.itlin Mo-
i IKO in 0l ''.V-
ti'.tiire 1 1 fore
I wealth, ol the
,-iit. rt.s-i.i "t nor oiuo-ii. no-. ... . -
il -if-ii i-.itnr.il ri-otin-.M. Hon ho liti
i .! Mri. Ki.-i'iir-li of ..loiitun-.t
'. i i.,r..-.,r,l nnd. takin una fiuall
ii,;,.ii .-or.l, cav.' it a R-ntle I"!'
tho Stars and Stripr
tiie ..Ivor im.iuo
and i-xp '-" 1 the
to ptl'.lii' tato.
mid oli'-i-n. while
tion neatly toji-tn.-r wun tne r.i.noii. i,iu
froni tiie 'i:i'ti netn.trip two luulm and
a In.if in w nl"., and loi, itiiouijh to (jo
once nm! a third .-.r.iuii.l the hut, fold it,
and gut In-r scantily nt tiie -.i!e. Sew it
around ti.e ha'. " ih.w ini ju-t a tri.'leof
the il'iiih!'..! fr io to vt-tid h.-t-.-.v the blral
Inrof rii.hun, tins f nil to be, ol course, on
the ont.-ide of the h it.
Over tin- plii'it tiie trinimini.' lac, which
eiiou.ii he from tiir-eund a innf to four
Inches ill H i'i.h, and p. il ."", :lul tue hat,
liegillllin,- at the c-l.ter of the front, nliow
ln,' oniy liioiiith f:illn.s to prevent hooje
in. Ti.e stifuio;..""! .-'," of tne hoe .iiould
be'even wi'li tit e I ;! V.ie plain Prill of
net. Pin the hn-e lii-t nt the liottom tothe
desired filiiae-s: at ti.e npfrMr:ii-bt ed".s
of tne luce lii.-triuute tint fuilnex i -.viiu.-li
will be th .-'titty --, -.iter ti-.i-r") i-vnry, and
ew it in pi nut- Titft tiie l ice, nt iiiU-rvali,
aimiit an inch 'i"tn it. I.. .-r v'.zv to tiie
hat fonu'la'ton ut.t.l it r- tcin-1 the start
Ins point in front. Lei it lu; wed tiiere;
then draw it up so tnnt tiie ....-uiopeil ediw
U nearly two inctien niir ve the first row,
atid continue around the nut a setuuil time
(not ciitti.-: ti.. ! no i si .v :tr,- it at the top
and ta'.-kiti,' it tjelo'i- im in the fint row.
Tiie tacking must he lioite very lightly,
and itn-.it can- tak. n not to ilKiff thestitch
tootlifh-iy. f-r alti.nuab It shotlW be faa
tened'securely, it stioiihl at tii have Uie iin
pearauce of U;i;4 qin'.e free. Tiie thinl
row is ciirr.n! an.uii.I ti.e hat in the same
way ni the secuul, hut tiie unp-r e.lea
ahouid tie iti' i "r.-d t.t-.l tinned uuder to
gether on I he P 'i, of ti e hut. i n an ohiollt"
f.isLinn, ntt.1 tin.- rn.! of the lute. hro.t -lit to
tne front, plaited caivie ;y in a sUti'lina
rosette, or f.:il cii ci .f lave cau-bt doiva
In the center hy on- of the fancy pina.
A pill is llUo I-d ti) hold the top -row of
lace ill I i-ite i t ti.e 1.1-ivk. iit-teii'l of tack-In-
it as in ti.e Ill's; ,.nd settimd ro-.T. All-
otiur pin may be snick in a fanciful fash
ion anvwi'.-.-r-t i.i i,v!.".!if nt the front.
Tie in'iirr. inn. 1-5 .:-' rihiit.'d accord ill g
f.-ii.-o.. .. hot ii;'. I 1. .. lie-a.i'--".'.sc 1
keepit.,; t
be: n 4-
iiiti.i c'iii.m.-a
Iii l C.-I.l
Only f'T tbot my
...c.ihh', hut sit'ee 1
. , . . i
time, juat oe .om lace toque iti
; Alien in Co
ai.l the visitor, "he-sA.tTv-
to co away
. at St. rao.l. M inn., j exposition
i: 1
which l'liio'"h"l
nf "J'jituv ' foil away
statiio for tho firm time
Tho crowd tfivo vent to
tho te'it't piavi-u
"Anion, -a." Mion mo Hp.iu.iii. .......
mi av, Hon. I. M. t.hniin. e.mor nm
Minor, mate the i-ioinis n"""
.,.! . ..I the stutno as a work of nrt.
h iw'it oii'ii- to bo l, nv h,
,., s -i.to l the wealth, oiitorpri.to and
. .1. . ..:.:...nu ,lt lout
tic tas'P ot too i n- ' ." .
.... i .f .1... aT.n.ios
Stat.., At tne I'losf in im- . -
.!,',. M...iiiinii 'oinnii-sioners ontorttitmsl
,l,..lr fr:..t,U tltld A l.irfl' lltllll!
pi-ition otlii'i iii am! tue ri'prifi'titauvt
ot f.'foinn natioin at luncluvn.
t,.,. I eh.se.l the ttnt m.mth of tho
and such a
homo so tarl a. i i.i '
"I forgot sotiicthiio.-.
pres-nce would 1-e iii-'V
bappened to wmii in
enough to ri i ire."
"tV-rtainly, sir."
"Take a cii;.ii"''
"With miasm-.'," is
calls.' 1 would
"The stairway i lilitftl. rvpi.ni i"
viscount, "so thnt it w hi not bo necessary
forme to show v.u the way. It" the con
cierge should be iiiili.clcct etl..lli;:i to n
you where volt lire cotiiinu from, ted him
simply that yo-.i have just left iL ilu -Niiut-Kieul."
"Thank you, sir.
"I.i-tht votir ci.tar."
"Ob! ih'n't take the trouble, sir. I have
"Adieu, iiiuiisii nr."
"I have the Inmor to salute you.
And tho ln.i-i.-iar quietly weut
without w
small a-i a
and tin. kei
ret otll of .-
on tne
t i.i..e in place, as a reasou for
js ii en coml"
, and aa It is
almost as
iti's s.lk truveim c;ip,
the -i-xket. - it dues not
i.s tiiish; he supposed, nliil
i nil ti e nppeetiince of a
i.iv-r a v. ire frame- -S. A
it, I' i.ion.
i or Near tint Silk U'M.m.
ii iisi. k ri.i'tii, the sound
-;h- ..tins t . nn invalid.
.iy in a ciear. div
-s.-r,:y loud voice
,e under no stniiu
i knew of a i.wiy who. Iiav
..tne lime, lia.l had several
w iiii her. "I-t me have
Mr.. ," the at last ocieil. "bue ueer
People will often stand outside the door
of a sic!- room and carry on a whispered
conversation, io n-'t inui.e tue mistnke of
thinking it an improvement on louder
peaking. Tiiere siiouid iat no talking
uk ro.'lo UllU-sa inite uei.-ess.ii,.,
1 liave Muni, it
About Talkm -
Never wiii-t v
is exeesdveiy e .. -p." .
Say what j o l lmve to
tiet, liioiij-h n l li"i
which the patient wiii
to understand.
iC4 been tli for
people to watch
Ptairs. .
It Uix-s not oiton uupi-i u "".
to Kill ii
oace lie is
for in a nii.ht en-
ox- I prov
t wl
tin- I'ir.tel
ii 'J StittlltOS diM'9
n ft ili-i l.iration
Ho limit comply
ot tno l isti'iai
euit t'oitrt ol Appo.
it is held that a to"
i:uli!-e,l to l.ci-.tnic tu
ia-.i'S tind"r the Kc
lint I.I-COIIIO PUl-ll I'V li
i,f inti-utioii to do so.
Willi al! the provi.-iotis
etat uti 1.
duo of the 1-loriht pboiphati co-n pa
nics is shippihs l.-'d top.sawi'ck. lhere
m-e now a d---en ,-oipiimci thm o;v-ajed,
, ,. ,,f nl, , i :i .riiied hv l-ii'iioh oapi-
. .11...- ..I. , shin nPilslillillO til 1 CK'UV.
i.'-,,....l.' ii, ne iiiiiiui'llv C'iiininti'3 .0 IHW
,,( I-1. .. i.l i phosit'hatcs. Tho capital
i,,v. M,.,l in thco Hot'ida compniuei) u
li'.ii 'M'.O.tVHl.
Tho Salvation Arttn in Now York ex-
,!.., lviiiaikiihlo ilisphivin
hat citv Iii'v! bill, h.-ti to'itonil U 'olll
...ii .ii., . thii cotiittrv. I oiiiiiiainl.'i
r,il'iii"ton 1! '"Hi nti'l lit wil, W,U v
.i ,t i. Ihoir niiriu-is-o
l-liu-i;.-, ........ .' , . ,
York nt least iiiiM'im iiieuu-i-iM.i
mid that evot y state aioii-verv
will ho roptvsonii'ii.
.. i .
...... i..,.,t i'. lia h.ii. aiini ni.,
.oi-. ' - - . . ,f . 1
i l- i i tiiioro. a ins nail u '""i n
n in. i . . .
oilier inline-, who was iirietoen in ...
iv toe, mlv at tho iiisiiimv "t her
I li h.'i-iu-law, Jiu-oh Hitthm, IM'-
p p. he the most, ii-iiiuikal'lo ai-ven-,Vss
thnt baa ovor oporatoii m w
, i. ,.i si ... . Her s.-hi'ino was wmiliir
... .!,', i ,,( llvii Matin, who wroi'k
linVlv diovo to aitioiili)
Mexiindor littnoll YVobb, tho VnU
Sirttoi I'lu.sul, who four years nj i'';
1 ..,,i re !,' oil 1 :i ii naiuiii' "i
ii .n i n r- , - - . , .
tho army
jii-ovini'.' in Caumla wil
Mrs. Tiiitik C. Hi
AlthotU'h tho weather and
-.,1 ;,..r..ii on that the iair is
tinishtvl have aiVected the ntton.l
. the averiiiic lias not been ai liifii
lis tlio covorniiii! olltc-rs of the tan-ox-
... I. I I',-.. si. lent l levol.lll 1
IVi'li'.l in-line -- -
-I il,.. hniton Mav 1. lhere is no
ilon'vitij that the Iroastiry departinont j BmI.a bac
of iho fair is pros.,-.! tor money, ai
lliiiimh the batiks, which aro represented
in tho local corporation, stand rctidy to
adv-tneo moiiev at any timoto tido tne
exposition over; hut money inowi.tc to
tho cvntrai'lors and oniployoi, an.l the
f,,or llini nun-li ilitliculty in iretting
,r,,ii-k ami full payment ot tin ir chiitin.
Ti-ca- nror .ochers'er is compelled to
resort to all kimN of excuses for ptittiiiij
tho contractors oil, but some l.nvo Ihvu
w-iitim- two months after the. -out rai'ts
)..,.- been completcl and their voiichora
ssi 1. ThorO Will W ll ei-vcir l' "
burular is in the hull
ruined, at-.d so your best chain-
In. is to lie perlectly SI ill
counter wilh an expert tho chances aie
... 1 ii,-,llllsl VOU.
And how do they rot iti Ah, there 11
where the science of biirjtiary coiues 1:1, f.-i
they improve their tools mid nietbotis nhnit
aa Uut as lix-ksmiilia uml ssit'euiakoia im
prove theirs. The low down Imri-iar K- n-
rrallv uims to sneak la tlurms the 'pi.'-t-est
time in the day and lie hid la the coluu )
or carrot, but the lu-ooniplishi d cracksuuu)
trusts, to bis skill and i in plements.
near a si
should not L in whispers. And lei m just
here put in a plea for tiie nui-sei You who
are not in the patient's room, do not lie
offended when naked to l inure quiet
about the house, ev, n when you think that
you are beit-K very 'tu refill.
ltisalmcs- lniud-il'le to realize, when
you know unit ti e doors are shut, or pos
sililya rtorv is ls-tween you anil-the in
valid, tii.it what ect-ins to oii il cenversa
tinll carr:, '! on in ordinary tones can pos
aibiy penetrute to that distnut t-li.-imher,
hut it can, my f' icint. an.i ui. i"
the reuuistwhin it ccines in ttood part.
..I anil
Holioit Kay
tlio Molnitnnioilaiis
.. l... reoresi'llts
tho I iiilod i-mi' s, oas "ei" -
lure! in l-'lorida ami C.oornia for tlio pin
ps,. of cstahlishini; colonics of tho lailli
lul in this I'ountrv. Ho heliovi-s thnt
within nvo Voai'H inore win -
MHH) activii, iiblivbodiod Xlussolnuina
settleil in tlia ilrat colony.
A Ik.crlptl.m of Hie Ursrt.
Horo ia a .luestion nnd answer of a
hii,'h school pupil:
Uriotly describe tho heart and its func
tions or work. The hoavt is n comical
The heart is divided lino
Bovonil parts by a fleshy potitiou. Ibese
parts nrecalloil ris;lit urtillery, left ar
tillorv, iiml so fortii. The function of
tho heart is between the lunirs. 'I he
work of tho heart is to repair the ditYcr-.,i-1
iii alxiuthttlf a minute. Miss
A. C. Graham in University Correspond-
for it is almost
through in
the sound of
n-roiiy lit tunes to tne niiiso
patient to have to eudtirs
tlii.-e voices. (Jood Houe-
Ivtrencl.nieutin all departments of lie
fair iK'Btnnitii! nott month. Tho 'Us-,-'h-iraoof
J.iH'Ooiiil'lovoa is cotttomplatod,
ami even Major llandy. who ;
tho press representatives of the wo. Id,
l now pivparnm- il deluded ;''.t.;..u.t
of passos given with a view to b- a V
rodi.otion i.l the hit. I',-1''-'''.'1'
Pakor of tho expontmn. who u of t u
special committee Investi-attnu tin
press imittor, thinks that the press of
iho country has ibmo more harm than
eoo l to tho fair and sinu in ii".
tr .atcl litvi-allv. ll.'fo th oH'ii;ti!?
fhc oiithti-.iast.i'conm'1'ted with tho lair
talked about an avorm-e d uly attend
anoo of IW.tW. but that tuuubor has
onlv hoon reached twicethe o"'.iiiiB
div ami Memorial day. Sptvi.il fete
,1,'vs aii'l aiiiK'lt-faro i-ttoursiona f.im
disl-int points will swell tho crowds for
the next four montlii', but the Ktiropoan
patromive is not luin rolled on to any
rer,t extent in ftj-uiiioj lip i.rospivtiye
receipts. Kor the month of May it call
onlv be (.aid that the fair has not union
more than paid the opening expenses.
A Shocking OrBiinlintlon.
The Liars' club is all that its name im
plies. It is composed lanroly of wicked
fishermen whose improbable stories have
Riven a bad nntne to honest, truth tell-in-
worshipers at the shrine of old
Uiuik Walton who would not tell u lie
about tho number id' tish they caught
for tho world. The hi-oest liar is cuose.
nivshlout. and several
pri'litiueuee m
tho nthce. - Nov
eiith'iiicn of
ur community lmve held
York 'rimes
lleiU Tlint Need to Ho Looked At.
Beware of the bods! T'nere is a aanitary
enthusiast at Hu.hiershVM who t.i warning
the world of the frit-fitful consequences of
ni'Klcetina this maxim. It has been esti
muted he says, that ju.iXiO.ttuo heds are in -use
la this count ry. of which lO.Uoo.OOO have
Dot been oia-ned fur ten years, and liavo
diiritii! that time remained wholly unpuri-.
lied. As this apostle of "nedrooni sanita
tion" puti it. "ail sorts and conditions ot
people have used them." Sometimes they
have been beds of sickticss-deathbeilii a
vast uiimher of tlietu have been, soma
many times. Hut. us he mournfully ob
serves, "as soon as vacated they are ayaia
ready to do their insidious work."
Seriouslv, the common ucxlect of tb
duty of ojieiuiiir and eleansiiijr beds can
hardly fail to he productive of disease.
Wo miRht do worse in this regard than
follow the pi-actn-e on the continent, where
the hod 'cleaner, with his two sticks for
beiitini; the contents of beds and mat
tresses, after exposing them to sun and
air, is a regular spring visitor m all well
regulated households. Loudon N'ewa.
vi. A -miK l'lirf. I'lt-aiii nl Tartar i'owdev
i liv
Used iu iUiinous 01 iiomtb
Mo Aiutiiouia; No Alum.
Couiirly.lt"'- oil''"-