Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, March 25, 1893, Image 1

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    taV: pr-rA A e-rA AAi
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VOL. s.
H HIM (t
urifli-K IN M wiHH' lit (I IMNM
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"I Mill
M llll loi IS H M
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Dentist. Dentist,
11. o.-i
I Physician nml Surgeon,
I'lllieillln. Ilr
lili.e.llle, II,
ll In IV.tlttlii'MMt li t''
A v.;i
Traiisads i Cmirtrnl BaiiklnR Basins.
. M At I, s
j -! ur-l In eli . V
i .Loo .( N-
ima Ift) 1 rtlliil fUtflltl"
M rn hmut" i
.11 at I tttt I ll I
Ed n. White,
'Inln Klreet, l-i I ue 1 1 !, Hi.,
I'lnii iitrr.iii ni' nut
Popular Resort for All
- who wimii -
''ii, !,,
M.e llclrcalilllg Itilnki
I. nine nf lllllliiril., r
A Nnrlul tin me nf t'Hrila.
tioui,. early, lata anil olleu
Utah's Tohl Gold aiul Silver
Output fur Two Yt-ars.
Sill: AUJIMjLKLI) lll:l HAIiY.
Veritable Cu-.Ui- of Ihdiolit in hn
Boil- on West SiJc Alwve
Tint Hotillmrn Pad lie In to have new
depot at U. ant's I'ui.. Or,
Phm-nix, A. T., rM.rt thtl rain 1
Tailing, t lm (1 rt In Hourly una year,
I Fretno y,,t,.i against tli Issue o( (75.
OiKI launls to oinplele Iti soworagi sys
tem. British Columbia a imp ired a dis
c unit o( ill jier if nt on Aiiiniicau silver
o llll,
Portland's IIiik pa-'a-itg r station will
tie i-oinplete.1 hy Angus', I il'l. It la to
e..t $ioti,tino.
Tim Hunker II II and Silllv.ui mlnM,
tlm Urgent silver producers in the Cutur
d'Alrnes, have shut down.
j A traveling Insurance agent has il.ne
! "I' 'r,""r H iilum i'. unity,
' '''alio, liy Issuing spurious policies.
I ,""l"r',y the) ludinns on the
Nes Percea reservation have rgtifd an
agreement for t lie opening of the rwser-
H mm of tlm saiple of Hoi CitV,
Idaho, urn oii -c I to tlm railroad enter-
I lg tlit town on account of the smoke
killing tlm trees.
! In trower California enough rain lint
falcn to lii.iitM K'l rrn, iIhmikIi Iha
lfoii(lit ln'iiinmnK to I w irvrrnly
fn it all over the kmiuiiiI.
In tlm t'nlto.1 Ktntr Dintrlct Court at
1'ortlaiiil 1'itlair I in.nl, a nallom' laianl-Inir-hotiAi.
rtinttr, wu conviclw.l of liar
Imring iloncrtin-! ivaiupn, anil llntul
Tlmra It a warm conti'it In thi Ariiona
Itfiaialur over tlm ikb of an Irrl--ntton
hill, lnwi. fratnrna am minmwhat
aimllar to tlis Calilnriiia laat on tlm
aaitin Riihject.
It i tlioiii.'ht that tlm l-rvl o! thi. t mm r
rivnr In l.r.li'M I .iliiniliia in rii h with
depiwlts ol g ild, and an attempt will lie
tuade during the coining summer to se-
! cure a portion of tint wealth,
tlovernor McConnell of Idaho openly
stated In a letter to the District Attorney
that liiemhera of the legislature of that
Mate were brllied, and that information
will be luruiahed tu secure rxilivictloiia.
Ilra tatrecl'a Mercantile Agency rejHirts
twenty-one 'ailurea In tlie I'acilio C a"t
hlales and Territories for the past week,
a compared with twelve for the previous
w re a ami ' - - - -.. i.M-
iw rnal of IH i'J.
flah's total gold output for IM1 was
f.ll.HU; for I .., I'll.f'.'n; showing an
im-rre of l lm silver output for
lv.il wat H,7.'ii,U.riJ ounw; for l.aW2 il
was 7.7'tJ. '''; showing an decrease ol
llaS (1; nutllNit.
W, II. Winn, who went tol'h eniv, A.
T., mm' time a to and took halgmg with
two widows there, has nut ticcri seen
since Friday Ian'. The la lien give Imii
$1 10 Ui pay hla luriutnrit lull. II- failed
to return. i inn was a contractor li rui
eriy of ! Angeies.
The Nevada legislature lias ad) mrned,
nd a bill reducing the salaries of State
others ia found to Ian ml-sing. The
Htate Controller says the j iiimmIs show
It pa-mvl and tm thinks It will hold good.
It will las entered in the statute leik,
with certification that the original was
The Ariiona (niristruclion Company
ol 1'eoria, III., lias brought lint againel
the Uila bend U- servoir and Irrigation
C uiipaiiy, whose ollicea are at Tuc.-on
nd the City Hank of l.f Angeles, at
which bank obligations In trust si-ainal
real estate and water fram hisca ol the
canal dam are bel l.
One of Portland's wealthy htisinest
men, who owns an acre alaive the Will
amette Kails on the weal side, is con
templating building upon it a veritable
castle ol delight. One of the nioat im
portant features Is to la a huge dam iiiii
hall, out of which wida glass doors will
open upon a broad piar.a.
The shipments of winter vegetable,
from rliiutlii.ru California t the I'.ast In
carload lota is ansuining large propi
tious. The S uithern California railway
rip.rif shipmeiils for January, IS',i;l, al
a.lMO.lsO pounds more Ihan for January,
1 stu, all Increase 111 11' per ceni. mo
principal vegets'ihi snipped are cale
tK, caillill iwer and celery. j
A. 0. Cleveland of Nevada, one of ths j
original promoters of the Man Franrlsi-c ,
ml Ureal Salt laikeroad, lias great lalth
In the enltirjirlne, and aei meil live years j
esteuslon of the riclit of way cross Nte
vaila and Utah to Salt Lake and Og.leii,
ml also thesanieesteiislnnouthn bintit !
oilcred by the State ol Nevada of $;i,ih i j
lor every mile of road cmipleleil. He it
now In Utah.
In IWemla-r last Mary rnshnian, an
eighteen-year-old mother, was arrested
t Unite, Mont., fur killing her baby by
t.i.ttnm iilns down Its throat, breaking
tlie arms and starving It. The defense
was Innanity. The State proved to the
satisfaction of the Jury that Innanity w as
foigned. and after la.tng oiu eigu
hours the Jury returned verdict ol
The railroad freight agents In session
atHanla Barbara. Citl., have "If"""!
form an ns ociatlon, to be called the
Transcontinental Freight Hate Commit
ln In which nil transcoiitinetital lines
except the Ureal Norl hern, the North
ern I'acitloand Cnmulinii IMclllc will lie
parties. A resolution to that idled waa
passed, but no wrlttmi BKroeunuit haa
yet Iwen drawn.
The Urand Orange Tadge of British
Colitinbla hat adopted strong resolutiona
indorsing Dallon McCarthy. Q. 0 , M. 1 ..
nd coiureiiining Sir John Tbo.iipson and
his government for using public funds to
assist the Premier's ixvrellglonista to
Ibrbt the people of Manitoba In their ef
orti to throw olf the separate school
iystem, and urging upon the British Co
himbla men.liers of Parliament at Ot
tawa support Mr. McCartl.v sresolit
tlm to Is'llsh French as an olllclal lan
guaga ud do away wiUi feparakeaclioolf.
Comparison of Average Wages In Ma
ai.liuett und in liiinlanj
London'a Railways.
The four vrat ocean routa emnloy
1,11X1 ti.aim.liln. '
All tlm itrRHt ran of Toledo are pro
pellwl by eloctrlcity.
than 1 cunt It tin valut) of tlio
raw material In a violin.
Mora than 2( 0,(MK) inmi ar employed
iiiiiihii joiirriauain.
A N'nw York (Vntral Inroniotlve ll to
K" lhty-two mlli-a an hmir.
There were WH,(HK),(;iKI paiaenKuri oa
American rallroaila I ant yiur.
Ahuiit 4 0(10 nil lea ol railroad track
were laid during the last year.
A Maryland raiinlnK factory put up
4,(imi,uuu rant of corn lavnl tvaaon.
Clili-ar'nl aipect a f IO,(KM,000
World'a Kalr revenue from caah tduiie
iont. Tlm contract for the oonttructlon of
j in e Miiiii (,iin rnnal In Arltonn hat jnat
Ix-an let. The work when I'dmiiliiteil
j will coat $2,l,OI,lio().
I An KiikIikIi company Imt liren Incor
porated with irj,()iXl capilal to manu
failure ele,trie hicyclot. The utoraiie
hatteiy la to lie naml.
An KnuHihinan liaa Invented acombl
natiim foldinn ld lnlli.nl table, wttce,
tahle and hnreau all lukmu op no more
room than an upriiiht piano.
Notalllmlandinif the fuel that the
Wetlern 1'nliin Teleirrapli Comnanv haa
over 7:to CKH) uilea of wire and nearlr
21.0H0 oihcet, It oimna an average ol 0-X)
new ollliet auuiially.
The twin errew and triple-fcrrw tleam
him with linprovml eniiine develop
more Kiwer with ler coal thun the tin-ttle-ncrew
enKinin. The KLruria burn
about :t)0 tout a day.
Kniiineera aie dieriiiwing a water-tor-an
projm t fur a loiter tiipply of wa'er
to the Krm canal, InvolviiiK a dam l.'ld
Iwt In ImiKht acrofa tlie Ucni-aee river
at a coat of (2,70.l,(KX).
It U Btate.1 that In Knglamt thute ptrla
of locomotivet which are liable to runt
are made of (jalvanmod Iron, and that
thin Include! the innide ol tender lank a
and alio the coal apacea.
Nine cent a mile It thernat tlio Ninth
avenue t.NewYork) alreet-rar line re
cently raa a atornKi-l nlterr n (-eriiiient
rnr (or. Tlm car weijr' e. tii and nne
half tuna, ami rarried l it llorpti cvlla.
A clerk In a bicycle itore in Kaneae
v ny una oaituei ana la linililin-t a new
'".'""f Wl1'' fuieiitiiatie tired bicvele
wheels and a ntlmtarr ol iiinrovenients
calculated to add strength, ligbtLeanaiid
speed to the vehicle.
Carroll D. Wright, ch ef nf t'we United
Stali-s bureau of atat iatics, rexirts that
wages in Massachusetts average $1.70 Uy
every did ar paid in Kngland, w bile the
cost ol the same mod of l.vnig ia (1.17
here to (1 in Kngland.
An alkaloid prepared from atropine
(an active principle of le!!a.l.,iuit ,
which it naed by optbalintc turveams to
sed for $'J, lial a (eintid. Tlm cet is (if
iUelf eiiougb to make one o,ien Ins eyes.
The wages paid to Chinese laborers in
China are a 'ami 6 pence per ilietn, with
rations. The wor.ere are esaily con
tented, demanding only the plaiimat ol
food, while for housing they are satisfied
in winter to creep altogether under
long, low mat shed with a solid back to
th) north wind, ,
Within a six-mile ratlins of Charing
Cross, London, there are 270 miles of
railway and -."'"i stations, and within
twe ve-uiile radius over 4 K) miles of line
nd ;KI stations. The average unuilwr
of paiMiciii. ers carried on a week day by
the public conveynncfB of laindon, in
cluding omnilmses, is S.rnkl.tkV). The
total lor last year waa 77.0,O,Oi.H.). !
Bishop HenJtlx to I'rci.h the Commcnce
tnent ;rtvii.e at the Vjuderhilt
Universl' Etc.
John I.. Stevens, tlie United States
Minister to Hawaii, used to edit the
Kenuetac Juiirinif with James U. Blaine.
Congressman New lands ol Neva la will
la. the only memlier ol the next House
who was elected on the straight-out
silver question.
Mrs. I.angtrysnd the Duchess of Mon
trose have joined John Strange Winter's
liocriuoliiie league. The league now
ml nil a.rs over ll.o(K) members.
George Wheatland, w ho died at Salem,
Mass,, the other day at ths age of HI,
waa a contemporary at the bar of Web-
ster. Choale, I Vrtis and Jeremiah Ma
1 -.l I... I..I. I
President Barrios of Guatemala has
an American wife. It is said that ehe
praclha ly rules the Republic. She is
the leader of all woman niovenietita hi
that country.
IVath has no lerrora tor Mrs. Annie
BesanU What the majority of mankind
regard aa a theory to be dreaded atie de
fines as "a choice relief from tlie burden
ol the flesh."
Bishop K K. Ileadrix, one ot the most
el. quent Bishopn of the Mothodlst
Church (South!, will preach the com
mencement sermon at the Vanderbilt
Cniveraity In June.
Madame O'Uorke, Mother Superior of
the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Provi
dence, It. I., who died few days ago,
waa the widow of Colonel D'Horke, oue
of the most gallant heroea ol Uetlya
burg. I!ev. Dr. Kdward L. Clark, formerly
pastor of the Church of the Puritana at
One Hundred and Thirteenth street and
F'iftli avenue, New ork, who tendered
hla resignation to the I reshytery of .New
York on the day that Dr. Ilrigga was ao-
quitted of the charge of heresy, claim-
ing that he also could not snhscrilie to
certain articles coiitnlnod In the con lea-
aion of faith, will In all probability join
the Went Stillolk Conference of Uongre-
gational mluiaters of Boston. !
Young men are managing politics In
South Ciuolina lunt now. Scnat r Irba, I
who was elected Chairman of the Demo-
cratlo Slate Committee, Speaker of the
House and United States Senator, all in
three months, is only 8(1 yeara old. Hoy
ernor Tillman Is only ten years older,
Congressman Mcl.aurln waa Attorney-
(ieneral at 28 and elected to Congresa '
when 20. Congressman Latimer ia aj
young man, and nearly all the members
oil be two I louses of tlie l.eirislat ure are
younger than th. average of le.islatorf
ilsewhere, '
C()UrtV, OIlKftO.V.
Grandest Poultry
the Terrestrial Gfrbe.
Is Fqual, if Not '
Wheat, Bui kwliea"
as an tigg l-
A -n-rft.nnnil.nl
I'uultry Yartl, n'i(kiiir ut ' f.u er eo l
at a (Hiuitry feed, tava it (k the itrandeit
poul ry ftK. on eanfi, helnir va liable (or
i!K-proliicinir and tli-Hh formiii, well
at lor addiriH a lieautilul lut'er to the
low la. An an eitij f.x d we lieiieve it la
fully equal, If not mpurior, to wheat,
buckwheat or oata and (treatlr mi-erior
w o, i . in nun oer eo near nir nor
.. i.i .
laitenine as tlm latter grain, lit saye:
Minllowers wiil .row on any kind ol
foil or in fence corner, hut yield befer!
when cultivated np-in k'"1 land. They '
should be planted alwut the same M i
corn, two or threeaee.il. in a hill; il they i
are plante.1 two thick, they row slim
atid tall, without making co d l.ea !. ,
U'. i. .1.., .1 ,i.,..b .i .
f, to
tall one, aa we think they vi.,1,1 U tu r b-K-tram from Mcretarv of ar
- . .. J . . ...A v.iu. n rt I llm u ...in.. (J.nt..L...
aim are ea-ler to fattier, tare atioulil ' v.. .....,..., .....i, mum.ri
1 taken in cultivating them, aa t;ie!Wa" " ' t,1"8 " luok nP rm'
talks are very brittlo and break easily. ; I'""? ttie Koverrunnt and captured
Tliouuh thy will grow upaiMm il broken' 1 ruilln June 1. When the tiprmintr
off, they will branch out and not make!'"? P1" d",;n. limUker wa captured
rood heads. The hea.ln vary in sire ! "nd trl """J" ll'indur.3 la s and
from two bi eighteen inches in'diatneier,
sometimes to even twenty two inchea
w ith ir mm! rultivalion : hot t i-etve ivi.... .
it a good averaL-e, a bo.k1 hea I of thia
e - - -
latit diaiueter yielding aliout a ; lart of
Sunflowers may lie planted any time
from the moment tiie front i-ive the
i-roiuid nntil the middle of Jnlv. We
Udieve when thev are planted early
fiinugti, say in aiarcti, mat two c-mpi
could lie raised from the naoie ground in
a year bv planting the ircia I cio be
tween the rows of the lirat after they
have matured and cutting down the
talks as they get ripe. We planted t o
acrea i.viii juim w 111 iai year, an. t senators look upon the a-t Irjm a twe
thoiigh the season was an excentionaliy 1 'old point of vier, some tak ng the
dry one, we raised a hunt six bimhef to ground that it s! owaC'eveland isagainet
the acre, and we think we wou d have ' annexation or Amern an domination of
raied four or five tunes much if it! any sort in the Hawaiian lalnnda a-hila
lis.) not la-en so dry.
1 ins gia n can nsiiauy ta nan at seed-
houses at about $1 per huBhel.
Kiteriiiliistlnic Uatf.
A snlcrilar wiahea to know of a
remsdy for driving awv rats, as hia
nulla are almost in pon-e-si. n of these
"varminta" excltlaively. At one limn
when wa hail a storehouse, ws anr.
bothered verv much - ,?
pie, o, fertiluera,
there, which furnis!.. f- .". ao 1
and plenty material i,fu o
make neats, etc, and ws cleared the en
tire premises, permanently of these
vermin by making whitewsl-h yellow
with copperas and covering, every ex
posed surface with It. In all crevices
wbero they could get we placed some '
copperas crystals, and scattered the
same In the c. rnera ot the floor, lne
remit sin. iLrU-t .tamnklaiif rats and
ni'ce. tunce lliat tune not Dot tan 01
either rat or mouse has been hears!
alioiit the building, and we treated our
residence, birn, etc, with same, and
like results ensued. Kvery spring the
cellar as well as the entire interior
of the on'liouea receive coating of
yellow whit, wash, and mice and rats
and the l.ke have so far given us a wide
In addition to the power of driving
way these veim n possessed by the cop
per solution, it is an excellent disinfect-
win, ami we iiiiveoneii prescnoeo 11 mi
Imildaiga, tenement house, and blocks
Infected with ma'ari. and typhoid (ever
w ith the la-nt r.-n.-.lts. and we advise our
querist to proceed at ones to thoroughly
wash all portions..! bis buildings where
at i..- .i.;. .i..
en.lilimi .ti.l liave tin ehu 11 ..A uit her ia
care or feed. 1 hey have corn fodder,
Imv. straw and bran every dav. He ia
-i. . . .. .1 --i . . .1
milking seven cows, and churns three
timet a week. All pails, cans and uten
sils are thoroughly cleansed after each
sing. Yet there was a red brick colored
scum on each of the three chtirnings of
" t .v... L
on the tirat churning this week. Cream
i .,. i !, i,,,u rtioi.i
"I'l""" " '".."""
Irom It waa not good, tl seemed saivy .
nd liuiit colored
' -, ' , , ' ; ;
i.l.lnr.,1 lAitia nn. nt tto. lier.1 or IU14.
Ully 1IVW TUIl WYB, Willi Ul'B BIIHH uu. 7 , . , . . , 1 1 a rt
It Is much l-atter than po.so... . they i tender to In, made in goal As to
re apt to crawl la-tweenthe w alls to die, " P"luy of using a Ivor I am not pre
ml what amella worse than a defunct P-tred to urge t his action. It n
1 a panic, but it could undoubted y oo
done. Tiiird, the Secretary of the Treas-
raulty Milk nrv has no power to issue l.onda rodeem-
A Wiscnsin man ia having faulty milk 'M r si'vlr- 1r
to deal with, and wishes to know the stipnla'e, they ehall bemleemed iu coin,
cause of his cream l.avinga brick-colored which means either gold or aiiver now,
-..,., . i. a-a .re viil..i,i Iv i.. .aat snd did so mean at the time of the pa-
, , . ' " i attention to moonstitne's ana me
eiblyto the defec ve action of the e-- ..whi!)k . ri ns.. in the collecting of in
cretory glands. If yon keep the milk o ternal tevenue than it did from lssr. to
each row separate you onn I'robahly tell when ,t collected $51,010 H24 less
which cow gives the faulty milk. If you t)mn rre?i(mit Xrthnr Rml nr.,S5S,542
canmit it will not hurt them to give all ! t,llln ivsidont Harrison, lie sava
the following treatment: 1" . the retiring administration paid
of F.paom salts and an ounce of ginger. ' sm lbli (lel)t g8vil,g in
Dissolve in quart of hot water. Iet
cool, and give as a drench to each- cow.
ro-ni.erallve rurchanlna,
The Ohio Slate Urange la successfully
nmleavorlnir to ileveloo and extend :
mong the members of the order the !
...... nt n.. ......... .ir..ii.diiiA nt ;
, - .... i.onsobiild snm.l cs. Its lecord '
n uda line Ior the past few vesrs has !
, wa , t,oti-and dol-
Hr9 ,ftve he gaV(ti by iiieniiiera who
p,,!,,,.,,,! ihflT Hllplies'on thia system, j
The Kxecntive Committee maintains
t,)Bt on PHriy pvt,ry Brtiele needed by !
ntemlierf 25 per cent, can lie saved
through co-operative buying.
The eaving of money ia not the only J
benefit the fnrmera are gelling from co- ,
operative buying. They are getting val-
liable and needed business training for j
future oooiieratuui in other lines. It, is ,
doing much to break down the conserv
ausm ol tanners ami prepare mem ior a
general system ol co-operation,
. -
jf projects Ior roads through Ohio all
h..ma a.t.Mished facts, the wearv naa-
t won be able to travel over
lot) miles in line on street oar. i
Solicitor-General AlJrlch's Opltiion
Uie Power of the Secretary of the
Treasury to Issue H inJs.
The flrnt ro"tinater (riven office under
the new d ininintration in Newton A.
Hamilton, w ho hki appointed poo tin tu
tor at f lora, Tenn.
pU-cretary Mortun haa appoinfo.) I)on
ald Maccuaiur ol Nebranka Citv. Neb..
chief clerk ,( ts A it . I tii ral Departs
roeai, v a i lenry ua'ettrn remnuea.
All liie pr riiineiitoflicialaof the Treas
ury Department, including the Aa iHtant
r-.:retry, Coiinninnioiiern of Internal
Heveutie. Comntrollera and all the nil-
J itorn, except itt.rn and Kinder, have
vwrbally tendered becreUry Uarliale thtir
,i-rVcrUr- CarlWe hf aceepU! th
t.n.Mi-ICiill fit tlm Ilfivr 1-ilurli, lifm.a
to let the itoverninent have 11 ,,o,0 ) in
(rold for a like amount of treasury notea.
He haa taken no atepa toaard iesa n
l.ndi, and has not indicated what pol
icy he will purcun.
In the raa of Captain I'haroa B. Bru-
eo r : j, - -,,'. ,u
lalrriil nrth jb.l. ini.i.mn.H in
imhiuu, u i-reeiueni naa
''"'""'"""i ''J me wnaie in compliance
it reeolntinn of the 8d instant a
r"l",rl ,r"" Hecretary (iresham ifivinif
'l tha information ill the department
rrlHt,vt' 10 PP' -1'OW
that K'-,'rl"''r'' Hepleiuber 30 tee-
"a',llH M' meter Hachei-o to look into
the matter. October 111 I'acbeco tor.
,nt-n.dto eoven y are' imprisonment,
'"-n us is now otme-going at ouroa.
Iva;a.n r-iA..At l i . -t .
' , tni.ii-u. v icvnnu'i li.e uv.iri ll urn,
rlrte1,!?."!'! T" " H
, , " . i"... Kiii
the l-ejte. The nies age was short.
ainiply reiiteeting the Senate bi trans
mit to the Kxecn'.ive the protaistd treaty
j without comment on tlie fl air of the
w itii iiawan. 1 tie tneeaage wai received
renaie. itie liepiitiiican senators re
gard this action aain line with the cotirfe
nriied by Cleveland in withdrawing
th- Nicaragtian treaty, sent to the Senate
ly 1'resident Arthur in tbecloelnir d ivs
f his admii.istratinn. The Democratic
others hold he will send in s'nither
treaty more to hia liking.
Ilolman, Chairman of the Honse Com
mittee, in the remarks which he is pre
parirp for publication in the ( Voo;rc
tiimal Rrcord conierning the appropr a
tions of the Filty-eecond Congresa showt
the appropriations of the session just
'4'i point of view the approoriationa of
.Jrt Congrees rega-ed
Wreea f meant w tt.f-.i.-.i ; r r
cioseii amount to $fil.S2i.hnI. From
$,8-.W0 less than those of the Fifty-
first Congress. Ilolman will present
statements of the apnroprlationt ma.lo
by the Fifty-second Congress as charged
a;ainst it nndvr permsnent approiina
tions in accorJiince with the rtquire-
ments of laws enacts I by the Fifty-first
Congress. Hie-ee include sums iigre- I
gat im in an io-i,ii-,oiu. o'
1111:0 atatt-s. if these snnropriatiotis had
n .t been made aa required, tne total p
I topriation of the Filty-Sroond Congress
would shows reduction of more than
fliKt.OoO.OOO than the appropriations of
the Fifty-tirst Congress.
S me time when the question of
the power of the Sure'arv of the Treas
ury to nee anv part ol the $100,CXsVWO
gold reserve waa under consideration,
Solicitor-Ueneral Aldrich was instructed
by the Attorney-tieneral to look up the
matter. Aldr ch'i opinion in brief is:
First, the Searretary of the Treasury
, ' , - . . . i,,
J contlnmii power to issue bonds to
tlie ,fi fBi 0? 'JT.3
j. T" Td ",e a, t jJh
ltV N m"' v .,
u. necessary . "
o iirenieni ior iiic rwiu uun ui
l the law.
This) opinion, while
a-kexi and prepared, was not delivered.
owing to the fact that the occasion did
not demand it. Aldrich aays: "The
belief that there is no positive provision
of law requiring $100,000,000 reserve
shall te kent is in mr opinion correct.
It is also true under tlie law, as 1 under-
stand it. that all legal-tender notes may
ue rt-...rriiesi ... v.iin. .tuo p s.
at ttie peri u nxeu ior ine resuiuoiuni .u
m.a ..l. J.niurv. 1X7(1.
-i --- i-v - ; " ' ,
under the law of IS. 5."
To gu.nl against a dellcit ted,rj
warns tlua administration to give cio--er
. ... . . .. i ..
terest $"15,352,403 annually. He onched
on pcusions, showing that the pens-on
bureau rolls will renoh their highest
point lX'cembe-r SI, 1SH4, with 1,101,018
nstues mi the rolls, including invalids,
widow s, ornhans and dt opulent parents.
the aunnsl value, of tlie rolls t that date
k inn xlAs fii;i ntn iliAf in 1-0'. there
will be dtoni-ed from the rolla 4I.IW2
pensioners, with an increasing ratio
thereafter. Referring to the romp'nint
sgiinst widows' pensions, lie shows, if
all the widows' claims yet nndispoe I of
were allowed, there would ho 7i,!4
dead soldiers unrepresented on the lolls ;
by widows, orphans or dependent par-
enta. He a'ao points out the danger to
the treasury from war claims, and says
Congress now has the data to show that I
about u"0,0;XUWO mav yet be drawn i
from it to satisfy their demands. Hen- j
dorson refers to the defeat of the hank- 1
rnpt bill in he House, the burial of the
mire-iood hill, the slaughter of the anti- .
option bill, Congress' Inability to grap- ;
pie with tbs money question, its silent '
admiration of the MeKinloy bill, nd I
predicts that the Fifty-second Congress
XC' dSr,Z
nothing and do-nothing congress.
25. i8::t.
Froilane, Frnlt, Kte.
W it eAT Valley, l.l2i; Walla Walla,
f 1 .05 per cental.
Ji miiib htamlard, $3.30; Walla Walla,
t.i.fk); (iraiiain, IS; hupernne, l.fjO
per Imrrel.
Oats Choice, 4.3a44c per bnnhel ; fair.
iOv; rollwl, In baiH, 'i.2.r)(a0.60; barrets,
td.oUi4j.7o; caet, W.75.
Uav Bent, 11'U3.&0 per ton; com
tuon, '.).lxiii;h).iX).
MiLUfrLKim ilran, (16tl7; itiorta, tl9
30; Kr"Ut-d barley, . 44; tnon !eed,$18
per ton; whole feed barley, b()'a;t,c per
cental ; iniddiinira. 23n74 per ton -, brew
in beriey , !iuijt.e put eootal; ebicKeo
wheat, jr (nt-ii.
Mo'TTaa Orwrm lancy cn-nrnery, 27
3oc; fancy dairy,
a ::,.
lair to
(root), Uti,ZH i--auxt, U'ilht per
pound ; pu;l roll bntJei, ao-uSic pit
! ---''. VHSoCc pel roll.
x' "rr ""01 ' u
Tamil, H'ue; Youu Aiuurira, I'k per
Kooa Oregmi, I5c per doxen.
' rot-LTBT ChicXena, miieJi-oope, I4.00
, 4.50; old hens, ti.ma5.bU ; old rooelera,
14; drensed chickena, 910c per pound;
ducka, (l.ii0ftiU0; geeee, tlO.W per
A . .-l 1 .... A I , .
uuu, hiiibjioh, ..uj urnnxi,
(g iDftc per pound
VfuaTABLM Cabbage, $1.65 31.75 per
cental ; onions, $1.5(1.75 per cental;
cut onions, 75(a86c; potatoes, 75'iic
per cental; Oregon turnips, 7oc'51.00
per sack; young carrots, 75cal per
sack; sweet potatoes, .'.5Jiii 4.W per
cental; Oregon cauliflower, $1.00141. io
per dozen : celery, $1.00 per doien ; am-
chokt-a, D4c per doten ; lettuce, 4')c per
J . ... ... ....... t
oozen ; aparaius, 2-;tc per pound.
iaaiTS riicily leuioua, A5.0jia5.5J per
box; Calilornia new crop, H.iO(S6; ba-
nanas, -'.50ft;.oO per bunch; oranges,
seeliinKa, 2.UO(S2.7o per box; navels,
J3.-50 i.OJ; cranherriee, $1.50 per bar-
rel; apples, $l.U0i!S2.0O per box,
Hot.iT - Cho.ce comb, 15(317e
pound; new Oregon, labile,
i iurr,i v..i- .1
Salt Liverpool, ioOs, $15.50; 1iX)s.
$ltt.50; fxia, $17.50; etocx, $10.50(gll.60.
Dmai) Fbcits Petite prunes, lDSl2c;
Bilver.llojMe; Italian, U(g 14c; Ueruian,
10(iillc; plums, old, 6troc; new, 7yc;
appiee, 6(3 11c; evaporated apricots,
loiijliic; peaches, Liloc; pears, 7&lle
per pound.
Ricg Island, $4.7o35.00 ; Japan, $4.86
per cental.
Corm Coeta Rica, 22c; Rio, 22c;
Palvaiior, 21c; ilocha, 27H'30c; Java,
25',iir30c; Arbnckle's, Midland, Jlo
kacka and Lion, 100-ponnd cases,
25 S5-liJc per pound; Columbia, same,
25 iVIOOc
BaA-vs Small white, S'c; pink, Scj
bayoa, 3'.c; butter, S'4c; iimas, 'i iie
per pound.
Svecp Eastern, Id barrels, 40355c;
hali-barreia, 4'rto7'vc; in cases, 35iJ
Sue per gallon ; t'.'.io per keg. California
In barren, 2U40C per gallon; $1.75 per
t-uGAB Net prices ; D, 4c j Uolden 0,
4 c; 4c,s Ma'-,"a
V , . llor,T4i1u fmi
'4'4c; extra C, 4",c; Magnolia A, 4sBc;
cube crushed and pow-
";iri'"ri 'four .
Cankd Uood Table frnite. ajsorte-1
nted $; peaches, $l.t0'32.1d;
t iett pears, $1.75 2.00 ; plu ma, $1.37
(Ptl.oO; straw berries, $-'.25 2.40 ; cher
ries, $2.25(0:2.40; blackberries, l.6ij)
2; raspberriea, $2.4)1; pineapp es, t2.25d
tSO; apricota, $1.05 or 2.00. Pie fruita:
Aaanrto.1 tl "it- neai'llHS. f 1 .2S 1 nlomft.
i.io1.20; blackberries, $1.25 1.40 per
doien. Pie fruita, gallons Assorted,
3.15or3.50; peaches, $3.50(84.00; apri
cots, $;!.50(34.0O; plums, J2.78tt.tf.uuj
blackberries, $4AK)(4.60. Vegetables :
corn. tl.tkHtt 1.75: tomatoes, $1.00(31.10;
sugar peas, 6cuj;$1.00j string beans, 90(9
Hoc per doien. Meats: ijoruea oeei, is,
$1.50; 2a, $2.40; chipped beef, $2.55
4.( 0: lunch tongue, Is. $4.00; 2a, $6.75
deviled ham, $1.75(82.75 per doxen.
Fish: Sardines, t4's, 75c'S$2.25; Sa,
$2.1504.50; lobsters, $2.30(83.50; salm
on, tin Mb. talis. $1.25iai.50; flats, $1.75;
21ba., $2.252.50; hi bbL, $5.50.
The Meat Market.
j Bkkf Prime steers,$3.85ii 4.25; choice
steers, $3.75o3 1 00; fair to good steers,
$ t 00(.3.50; good to choice cows, $3.15nj
i 3.50; common to medium cows, $2.50 J
2.75; dressed. $4.60jt7.OO.
I Metros Choice, $4.504.75; fair to
i good, $4 .OOiii 4.50; dressed $S.00; lambs,
j $4.0Ot,?4.50; dressed, f.4 00.
Hoos Choice heavy. $7.00(37.25 ; me-
! diutn, $(.f0tj.75; light and feeders,
$ti.'25iitO.M; dressed, $7.0J.
Val $4 00(7.00.
Smokisd Mkats Ijirge ham, 17V9
' 17tc: medium ham. K'sidi'lti'vC; break
fast bacon, 17(3 lS'jC; abort clear aides,
141,(3150; dry Bait sides, 13H14
per pound. I
Laud Compound, in tins, lfj'tjl
im in tins lllf 1 7 t-,e . Oregon. 1 1 1. 13
12o per pound.
N.vni Base qnotationa: Iron, $2 75;
steel, $2.75; wire, $2.50 per keg.
Iron Bar, 2 4c per pound ; pig iron,
1 :t ,-ft tier ton.
1,11 . i
Stkul 10t,c per pound.
extra per box; I. 0,
1 yr .
extra per box ; I. 0. coke plates, 14x20,
prime quality, $7.50(33.00 per box; tern
plate 1. C, prime quality, $tj.tw(i$7.00;
14x20, $14.00.
Lxad 4lscper pound; bar, 60.
Phot $1.80 per sack.
lloKSBaHOss $5.
Naval Storks Oakum, $4.50(!5 per
bale; seem, $4.80(35 per 4M pounds ; tar,
Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 per
barrel; pitch, $0.00 per barrel; turpen-
tine, 65c per gallon in carload lots, j
Bast and Hacxlnf.
Burlaps, 7-o., 40-inch, net cash, 6c ;
burlaps, 10-ox., 40-inch, net cash, 7c;
burlaps, 12-os., 44-inch, 7SC; burlaps,
15-oa., 60-iuch, 11 0 ; burlaps, 20-ox., 70-
inch, 14o." Wheat bags, Calcutta, 23x30,
Spot,6'iiCJ two-bushel oat bags., 7c
UxJi Powder.
The only Pure Cream ol' Tartar Powiler. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
NO. 42.
lie I. Mnt Almtya n Unit a Man a. Ha
la Often I'leturrtl to He.
fly the ordinary citizen of the educated
c1.ih t he pieciicfti fioiiiician ja thoutit to
lj a man hIio, Uioukm eomrtiuica i- ihnn
having go,a ititt-filioli, ia fievertheleaa led
bym lii-li rr.n1 i vi a, i.i t ,e main, to do ael
Cah, corrupt nrel diahoneat dceila. In him
own i-yea the pr.u:; icul politician of the
higher grade ia a patriotic eitizen working
for the tr'a-al i f a pi. r r y upon the aucceaa of
which di tula the wi lfiire i,t the country,
lie fi-ela fti niaiiy ea-.-a tliat he ia driven t
acta which lo liiin are iujiii-a-wiiit ; whlcb
are rliu on the whole imfortainnts for
tliecf.nntrv but which, under the eircum-
l...iir. iir ; -r ;ri a '.r..-ii .'i.e. j To li,
U" '' il.u ' ww er , ' i-.i,' f, found
tna:.y w)m. .jo- i,t-itti.-r ;. r n.m,,,, m.r
panv. i,w ev. u ii.i :-;,;). -r. f.u-lyU that if
; i oi o tX i.imiIi T ratiks tii- oropor
ljel of ili. i.naei --laly .'.irliriivi.s.,-- h.i i .. h
,o i:dj i, .:. - tao .r ll. trrmt;:
ai- 'i n.i r. i,.'. or jMw cm itiilrns!t.
.f t i.fl.. l..-e. lii r
le it.ve ,'oi .x. otive aaiiWut.8 ore Rt
!'' a- l"mw, ii-ir-lwerkir-t end f- 1
a.'.ctiiii io n. lien -.f fitnir ri.;.-,-,. Xht
'niihniergefl tenth" have di-.-iL-geti ilierepu
tationa of their fellow politician) lower
tnan truth would pern.it ua toileclare their
charactera to he. Tbeae dirTerencea of
opinion with reference to the character of
the practical politician conie larueiy from
lack of knowledge 011 the part of the public
a to the circuninuincea in which the poli
tician is placed ami aa to the preaatire that
Is hronglit to hear noon him a.a well as
from ignorance of the amount of excellent
fc-lf Kieriflcin work that lie really does.
Inn the !,., ;,le reaily nee thinsrs as
ey are. know what oiiirhl to he done, and
dein;ir,i ti,,,t .-ution la- taken, the politician
will la- ready and prompt to act. The
politician c.u. not act until he feels that
public opinion ia with him; bis biinim-as
io f.iit. and in ju-tice, vrx,, in the main, is
Hot to guide Hllilic Ollini.in. but to follow
j it. He may to create anil guide pub-
j lie r.pinion, but that dii-y la equally in
j cunila-nt up. d lawyer., preacher, teachers
and all p .al and int. liig.-nt. citizens. We
j need t.i.iiatinL-uiab in ti.ia regard the re
I former, and cveu the statesman, from ths
politi.'i.in. It ia tne huint-n of the poli
tician, arid the hiiaiiicss ia a worthy one, to
care for tin- iiirwe..; of hia party, and
thereby. ::- it appears to him. fr the in-tere-taof
the sia'e. and bia party interests
cannot la- carni f.ir imi. ss he fniimvs pub
: lie opitiion. To the politician alo "ths
ptil-lic" in. ans not merely the educated or
i -fiiisi.-na, hut nil citizen w ho have
I votes. If liieu we ex; ,1 t t!;p Kilitician P)
ictianehis ii;.'tiMi- of acr inn, we must in
j swnewav liriOLT it ll'ioilt that by t he . -bares
I ui. ire vote, n 1 : i lr p ,j t,, the ,Hr:.vlll
p-iwerinan ui.i ! ..vt.
A p-iiili.-i.-tti k.'lo.vs ivry w, !l 1 1: n liedo-s
many tilings thai are 1 .1 .;, um-1 I. v tlie
most etilii;!, ti.-i i'iii-ci. ,e "iha-a
many tiiint;- ti t an- I., i u..s.-,f iii-a-n-ea-bl.-
and that troiii.ie . v.-n ids well trained
conscience; bur, a- has la eii -aid. to him
these acts alv 11e.-e-M.ry. and he d.a-a them
as other g..-"! IM-c-i V 0 . le-c.-siry but un-pl.-.lsilllt
t,-s s. Wi.etl be can la'. ma,e to
s.-e tfc.it if w ill la- I. 1 ; 1 r. 11.. t for himself
.peroiisi!r. i,ut f..r ti e i ,.f the party
'r .eu, me T' -ai. 10 i.iuinieajm 10
fA (A COTHlUt 1 it'll .-l-cEKiliS. nOlWSly WVft
; more ready to t looiir- if an he. Inife.d a.
I -te bayioi: I- In Kaiiiy a very uupt.-l.t
; busiri.--..- for rnaayof ni:r nuit iniluential
i i-dinf-iaus so ii.u.-li .itt..-ir cMiiyof tta-ul,
1 while ilirectli; i i T , w 1 . 1 ii. -. . r tlo';nsa.-.ves
titke any part 111 k no one w ill work more
1 actively to make this practice unnecessary
than they v. ill, if it. tan la? clearly shown
that a 1 hance to a la-tt. r s stein of carry
ing elections is practicable. Professor J.
W. JcnU in t'etitni'v.
Iturul Courting.
On the shores of the Moray firth tbs
I no: ! im.re .;.-. -iticallv bx-al-
ixed there is a flourishing; little village of
son-e I. tit) itihfti.diints, consisting chiefly
of fisher folk. The yoitu man and inai.teu
do not court iu the orthodox fashion.
. Their nu-thiHl is much more prosaic, and
. what is .iano-teristic of one case may pen
era liy lie accepted as chara.-teristicof them
jail. There is of couie an occasional in
stance of genuine old fasbioned courtship,
j but ihat is rather a rare exception.
"Mother," said one young man on bis
return from a successful herring fishing,
'-rm goanto i-ct merrid." "Weel, Jeems,
a' think ye sh'd just irani; an ask yer
cousin Marack." And as he had no partic
ular preference, he went straight away to
ask her.
! ' Wull ye la'; me, Marack f" waa the
brusque and businesslike query which he
put to the young woman in the preseuea
of her sister Bella.
Hut Mary had promised her hand to an
other that same evening. "I catiua tak
ye, Jeems," waa her reply, and then, turn
insr to her sister, "Tak ve 'iin, liellak."
And the sister took him.
Chamla-rs' Jour-
A sporting -Han with
I Mr. W H Urenfell, w ho coached the
! Oxfonl eight iu their boat nice, ia a tine
I all round sportsman of varied experience,
j He was in the Harrow eleven, bowling
with reinai-kahle success, has rowed in the
j "eitcht'' for Oxford, baa sworn the Niagara
rapids, explored the Rocky mountaina,
j been a war eorrvsixindetit iu the Soudan,
and stroked au eight across the Channel.
He lives at Taplow Court, and ia master of
an excellent pack of harriers. Mr. Gren-
fell holds the amateur puuting champion- -
abip -I-ondon Tit-Hits
Tlm Test Una Familiar.
Three-year old Alice went with ber par
ents to church oue Sunday, and after the
manner of little childreu waa restless, aud
found it hard to understand that she must
not talk aloud When the minister an.
pounced his text her attention was caught
for the moment, and she astonished ber
mother by saying, "I I inn ph.' that's not hiug
new. I've heard that la-forer' New York
In Iowa there are thirty nine counties,
each one of which has exactly 570 suuare
miles. Such divisions were possible iu tbs
newer west, where minor political divisions
were mada in advance of settlement. In
the older parts of thecountry the territorial
arrangements were largely accidental.