Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, November 22, 1890, Image 2

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xo r m . i . c r tj i .s 77 c a.
Some of our patrons have mis
taken tho niotiws which 1ml to
on i im itifirtin tho notion of til
that if lie will givo tliom an oppor- K''lSsl I7C I'liliS.
ttmitv mi action will lo brought to Tho county court lnis been ccn-
,,,,,, test tho case. Ho certainly iloos Hliro,j 0onsiJorub!y for having ox-
not want t rook county to pay lus jUiuloil so much money in exain
brothcr's citato for services not rcn-j m nt-copting tlio new briJgo
dercvl, aiul couUl not otijoct to "I-j on Crooked river. To bo sum it
lowing tho matter being settled in oost considerable taexttmino ami
the higher courts. Truo it ia nsk- iu.c,.pt tho bridge, but it U bettor to
: nut a cood dea of n man to reouest ),.,.. KmI,. rvfi.i n.iw nm)
county cot.ri in uun mB .... ... , th.u ,0 , ft liuvsmt which lm gur0 Umt t!l0 work WJ, 8 pom-rlv
the estate of Hvron Spnnger, o' ! he can nvoM, but in this instance .o than for tho court to recoivo
haves charged that we were u't-1 vvo are justi,-HHl in making the re- u without knowing in what condi-
uated l-y malice towara mo icm-; t 0f Mr. Springer, muco it is a li(m it wat). Thol2.W paid JUr.
ersoi u.o eouu. , .... . . ... - (lllostioil in which tho olUc.al acU Connor M K.rt for examining
entirely umuuuucu. i.u.i.nu of hi mself and tho other members
cause for any ill feeling toward any ( u , t ,K0 in volm,
. . . 1 ... . i . 1 1
liieinner ot I no eon i, ana u we ikui r .. , .. , ,, . i .,
. ,'. , . i...v-()rA"s' ll'US bridge and personally exaomied it.
we would certainly bo fro from; 1 . . ' k j jt twins that it w8 either unneo
venting our individual spleen Governor lVunoyer lakes this J o oi , t u
luruLii iiiro'.: i..i.uit..ic. .. v in v view ui me reeeni uvuun i ;.i . v: u ii'ij
alwavs considered tho members of ;,t the elections held on tho -1th:
the work was probably unnecosary,
as tho entire court wont to the
was unnecessary for tho court to
tho court as personal friends, and "I will say in regard to tho late
nre personally desirous that every cU'dion that, whilo several other
net they perform, cither is private . tilings conspired somewhat in aid,
r-vitiaens or public servants bo com-: it was tho McKinley law, in tho
- Inendable. But their acts as pub-; main, that caused tho revolution.
lic servants, as members of the j The law is worse than tiie Mills bill,
county court, especially in audting The latter only allowed the inanu
bills a matter in which every tax-; faeturer to levy upon the consumer,
payer is interested are subject to , by aid of tho law, while tho former
the closest scrutiny, ami if found j allows both the manufacturer and
to bo irregular, it is but justice to i ; (le producer to jointly prey upon
the members of tho court that their 1,1, u, Tho MeKinlev law, in order
i. ..li.l . : . 1, .. i . . ; .. i . .i . r . -
miciiuuii ue t;iuci ;u n, oj n'-'w io inveigle me larnicr, proposes 10 . ... , . . , :a
. ., , i , . ... f .,, , i .,, bill for examining bridge, comniis-
Biimlar errors mav not again occur. ; him, it ho will only stand in with . , . . , .... , ;) .
i ' , ' , , sioner fees, six days, and DO luiles
It is also justice to the taxpayers ; the manufacturer, that he may rob ' . J, , , , ... f
. , , . . , , , ! , i, , as !fd.?. Mr. Mayton s bill for
that thev be kept intorineu as to ; the consumer a tackle for every . . ...
, i , c . examining budge, commissioner
how the funds of the countv are be- dollar robbed by the manufacturer. I . , , , ..
, . , , . lees, si. u;n !, nu u nun c, t-.- uv.
But the farmers have been smart r k. f
In href til I cntn llll.ll.llpr fl PR
I enough to discover that for every , . . . . . ... .
. , , , . . , , I lor SIX unvs ill to a u:iv bhiuuiih
, nickle this protection robbcrv putsj ... , , ., A . ....... ...
.- , . , ,. - ana v nines ni iu u nnio io
in one pocket, there is a dollar by I .,: ; n , .,7. n
it taken out of the other pocket. ' .,.,,,", n,r,w, Tll
personally examine the work,
though the county court cannot be
justly censured for acting carefully
in receiving any public improve'
ment for which the taxpayers have
to im But there was an item of
expense connected with the accept
ing the bridge, allowed at tho last
term of court, which seems to bo in
correct, though it was no doubt an
oversight of the court and will likely
be rectified. It was in tho com
missioners' bills. Mr. Springer's
ing expended. It is the duty of a
paper to keep its readers informed
on thesa subjects, and if it believes
the county funds are being wrongly
appropriated it has the right to
CriticU the acts of the oilicials
who are responsible for such appro
priation. Tnis was the cause which
led to our criticisms last week.
We believed that $lou 67 of the j benefit of another; that all
Hence the deluge. Whatever party
second bill tho excess is nlso $(,
will ti'f tilnnf itsi r unnn In.? siHiml ; ... . .
, , ,, , making TrJ the commissioners
doctrine that tnere shall be no rob- , . . . . , . , i . :..
nave rcctaveu mncii eviuia n uo
excess of what they were entitled
brrv bv law of one class for the !
county funds had been wrongly ap- taxation snail be entirely removed j .
propriated, and in justice to the ; fr0m all necessaries of life and
taxpayers wo asked that it be re-1 levied upon tho luxuries, while
funded. I tho wealth of tho country
Since the last issue of the Re- ghall be compelled to bear, as it
view we have examined tho bills ought, tho burden of taxation'
allowed at the last term of county through an income tax, they will
to, and there is also a question,
if while traveling from I'rinevillo
to tho bridge, they were entitled to
both mileago and per diem. If
they were not their bills for com
missioner fees should not have
been for six davs. but for the time
L i . i .i i, i i . . , 'lOlin. ilo UVU utv 111 pirrivn itvu.u
pnnft .nnl hucl Hip nun nl mvpil tlifi . w.t.-,-.. aio.lt oa l,na ,n-m
........ ...... .... .... ...... - null, t Ji I . til V ii 1 1 . i -.1 i ii hi . . . .
. . 1 1? o . i i. .11 j court house and not for time cpent
estate of Byron Springer to be as ' been seen in this country-." . ,. .. , 1
follow6: j mrr. l j I " traveling on the road.
"Sent 4 1S00 I The Indian Messiah has made 1 , ,. - . .:, . . ....
, . , p; !.. ... . , ,, The Orf'iotunn savs "the tanfl
'"Crook county to estate of Lvron 1 his appearance upon this wicked: . . , , ,
Rnrincror i 11 i u.i i ii l- 1 'lucstion seems not to be understood
prlnger. world, and savs ail thedead Indians , , , ,, ,, .,. , .,
r,T. mileage, SOO mile.. . . . $ 10G GT , - r,-t.ti.A tn ,,; elsewhere than on the I acfic slope.
Telegraphing........... 30 00; . ! Looking at the ntult of last
Tucfdav'tCehclion ficm n difTereiit
' crusade against the whites. Old
.ifl3G G7 j iittitit; Bull has declared his inten-
.1 , Total.'.'.
Above bill is for services of By-' tions to go on the war path as soon
ton .Springer, special deputy, for ' as his dead braves come back from
ferving warrant of arrest at lied
Bluff, Cal., said warrant issued by
Justice Bel!, of 1'rineville precinct, j
On the back of the bill is the,
following indorsement :
the ''happy bunting grounds," but
if Sitting Bull's followers do not go
standpoint from which theOfrfjo
fit'au views it, one is led to Lvtcive
that tho 1'acific slope is about the
only portion of the country in which
dm 1 .1 ri IV et t wiut inn ia iinf 1 1 inTi're ( null
ionthe war path until tho other ,, , , , ,.
' . , - ( However, the people of this const
braves are resurrectei there is no ' .., , . , ,, , .
I I... r iiiim.li.r.il.lil liiiln'nlin
I immediate danger uf an Indian out-1 ,
I . ...... now and 112. Oreaonian.
"Filed Nov. 8, 1S00. Aktiik ; break, for thedead Indians are; -,.
Hoikjes, clerk, by J. St mnsk." t good Indians and they greatly out-i Hon. J. C. Fullerton, one of the
"J'0,veJ-" , , ., ! number the living, who are in too hold over senators from Douglas
I Conn! v ( lerk Iio-Ie was su-k and ,, . .. , , , , ... ,
Bbbwnt fru'in liis o;ik-e on Nov. 8.) j small a minority to do much dam- county, says he is going to vote for
There are several reasons why age, even if they have a Messiah to the repeal of the mortgage-tax law
this bill should not have been al- lead them. j and possibly for the usury law, but
lowed, the principal one of which! . ,T t 1 ' ' 'lC ''as not thoroughly made up
18, we believe, that the county did ! . , . . - .
' . J . uoolhas become the owner of the
nut owe -iir. springer a eent. lut
. tr rilj'ti re i tt ! i tot mi no iwinr.Itirusn
It is gratifying to note, in
this relation that the object of tho
purchase was not to make money
by charging pilgrims and visi tors '
an admission fee, but to prevent
his mind about exempting indebt
ed ivess. 'He says there is some
thing the matter with Oregon, sure ;
that she's "not in it," while Wash
ington and California are going
ahead rapidly on account of the
introduction of Eastern capital.
allowing him fees for 800 niiies
was too much. It is not 800 miles
from Trineville to I'ed Bluff; in
fact, it is not to exceed 375, and he
could certainly have been entitled
to mileage only for going, as he
Tl n t? V Plj( n fui.il If 1 . i-i ii- n n Ail, in
. , ; story given out in connection with chus tts, who stood up ho manfully
the service of the countv and en-i., , ... ... , ,1. ,' . , ,
titled to mileage, it could only have ! . . I)Urt!)afi- a"'1 t,JC "rlJ ,'ou."d i Reed and McKmley in the late
been while bo , r,i,;. to believe H untill the gentle vo.ee ( congress and who introduced the
, . . , , ,. i of the ticket taker is heard at the
fupposed criminals, and his serv-1 , ., , ,
. r , ' 1 gates of the sacred garden,
ices mu!-t have ceased when be
reached Red Bluff, for his death: The republicans in tho recent
the spoliation of the grounds by Henry Calotn.odge, a republican
relic hunters. At least this is the i member of coiiereHs fiom Massa-
occurred there, and his dead body election have returned to tho fifty
being brought back to Yamhill i second congress, 2 from Kentucky,
county for burial' could-not have
Force bill, has been giving the rea
sons for tlic'tfeat of his party in
the lato elections. Ho attributes
it wholly to tho passage of tho Mc
Kinley bill. He should also have
served Crook courity iri 'any offi
cial , capacity w hatever,' to . if en
titled to mileage at all, it could
2 from Tennessee, and probably liaddcdjthnt bis own little election
from North Carolina ; and if any ofi1"" "au omcuimg 10 uu who o,
To be run over the 1'rineville track
November H7 and 28.
l-'irst race on Thursday, Novem
ber 27. Single dash i of a mile,
these districts" are contested they
will of course, be given to tho dom-
inly bo fur the actual distance ocratic claimants. Orrjoniun
traveled while alive. The 30 al- j The Oregoniun evidently bases
lowed for telegraphing Is, to say , this conclusion upon the action of
the least, unusual mid unjustified, 'the republicans in the last congrees,
The warrant issued for tho pay-j who unseated every democrat but
ment of this bill has passed out of one whose election was contested,
tho hands of the estate of Byron , whether upon justifiable grounds free for nil, purse $75, entire purse
Kpnnger, having b en sold to an or not. It no doubt has twisted its ; to go to winning horse.
innocent purchaser, hence whilo iti golden rule around to read " do un
fa in that condition there is no way I to otlmrs as they do to you."
An action at law can be brought to' -
,i :,.( , I Blaino thinks it will be a difli-
tet trie authority of tho county
..nnrt f..r nl..ri.. it. ,.,1 n. CUlt ""ltU'r t0 8 " W'10 Will
;.. i. i . o i take tho nomination for president;
if li lntv (.0 umissioner (i. Hnriner '
ntUCuui tUt tl, ,.,.v ..r.!f'n th0 republican ticket in 'U2. Mr
i I ' . : ..: I .r -
was justified in its action in this ; s ,l wa ul''" u"'rB
.natter, let him, us representative Carr co....lcraUo weight
of his brother's estate, ngain take i tht''"' .tut "! li0- ,8 ';rjb-
personal possession of tho warrant;
eo that an action can be brought;
enjoining the county treasurer to
not pay it. By so doing an opinion
'.of both the circuit and supreme
court canjbe had, which will de
cide the (juestioi) definitely, A
number of the heaviest taxpayers
jn the county are desirous of test
ing the 1-gality of the court's ac
tion in this matter, and r-pcaking
a'jly mistaken. There are always
plenty cf lambs ready to bo led to
the daughter, and Mr. Bluin may
be the infantile sheep who will lose
his political life in '92. It is not
unlikely he would take the nomi
nation if tendered him.
Mr. D.inn,of the N. Y.iun, wants
to bo the next senator from New
York, but bis tirades against ex
I'resident (Meaveland are doing him
no good, and he had about as well
for lU'u., we wstgre Jr, Springer j cooj dovyu his senatorial aspirations.
Second race on Friday, Novem
ber 28, Single dash i of a mile,
free for all.'purse !'75, entire pi. rue
to go to winning horse.
Baees to bo governed by Blood
Ilorno Association rules.
Entrance 10 per cent of purse.
All entries must bo made by 7
o'clock on the evening before each
Just Hiipposin- now, it was (nic lhat
wo had put iu the
Biggest Stock
Ever Seen in This City.
Just supposing nmv, that we had put our
prices way down to the very
" m. v i i i ni iv r r r h ft .
fS-WUULU YUU CUT rnwivict
? T ? 7 , ? ? ? ? ? f ? r ? ? T ? ? ? t
r t ???????????? ? ? ? t ?
point 'If Lowest
to cvz prices
A Bacord Making Stoek
.At ccortl Breaking Prices.
w a H A
That We Will
hmmm n.
and vill iiy lo deserve a pmf
f - : 11) I J ( J
u y jjj jAaj nxy
A 1
Cf our claims and are willing to
Stand or Fall
Facts and Figures
:0j jjp 4' f1
. Place in Crook County.
Don't listen to what other merchants saj
our prices. Cull and we will make prices ft
will surprise you.
We are condemned by "some" merchants.
Because wo under sell them and they art
Wo Will Endeavor lo Please h