Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, November 22, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. 0.
NO. 24.
pesl.lalisll KVN MATKRMtT
Trrma of iilnrrlilliii.
nu rear.
hil uli'tilW.
11 W
tl'tialile la advene I
HUH Oftti'lal IMraelorr.
n. i.t.'r hi le,
HiT '"'
wu f tn r, J
a.t. rie aUaV
Ueoaiie W M flell.l
It w !.!
Fa. as H1IH
MM M Km.if
f Wll I ! l..sl
-' w Tin rati
NN, Nra.eua
I J H Mil. HI I.
I J N taii.ra
J II Mlu
W II Wilkin
Ja.!"" twit,
t.ll,d Sietaa ,
C.m rMciitaH.
J.i,. it ..nt M.im.
j.tlul wit..
fount OSIrlal lllreelnrr.
K, ...,l.ii...
C.Wtt I J'.
I'.rtirtllF 1'l.fh. '
a. l...tl i,.tfliillilw
J H -.f....UU rreclwa,
T J TrNs..
J l CaBa
(11 araiau.a
I H Hi !
ABtHOa llmur
Kl. N hit.
C. M ItaiMir.Ta
W A o..
H K ll. .,
I, W Wnilt
M M Hill,
h Hi .
arrival anil learre of Mali.
Junta a" raiatviu. UtM rrlaettlla Wf
Ut .ik-i a.ial till arllt.a . J das eio-l
"l"a't -a'n i a awn "! tw r.lnatl M.awUy
m n 4 m . 4ntn ei rowans. aa rt1i iiunr
I'm .tin a ami laar r-'i a - !. rrtiwtilui
H H..U) i , aillte. M 1'HM.tlll. Tala, el
PWirmiL raiat,,.i.e -. MtteHil mi
M 'ii'Ut rrt.L, a a . el rrliMtlle at
r a .fwueilaf, nHuiM lu Miu4U oTwUi awl
"l'iol'tii l a an llaii - Im prHwvin.
W-.Iii. Utillt , M'UW fci rrtlHI. . Htr.lr
ur a A v. rami, r. M
iirsi vii i k
U'lMll! Nn
ra a r a m
MUilW 4IkI I'Wlh alM'.l.f ft
r tl lutia, MefUrf
r m
HAI.Iiwi.h, m
..... M. I .... 1 III . hi
at. I O O r. MKKT.
I)' II i'o IjilmK. N A O I' W.MKt.TN
.11 Hi. .hI UM M.anlay vt M aMnttlfc
i hi ii vii i r riHR iMMi-AMr, I
a tur n'MiuUi .miIii 4 aMiifcli,
Dr. Henry E. Center,
Physician and Surgeon,
Mll.lifll, Or.
All rIU altottitaMl ptimlAir.
ItaV Mm Caial
Dentist, Dentist,
rrlnlll, Or.
All mink .im. In U uimi .iiev. Mil
r.l .iliii. U4 ft U. b.lntM rlOn.U.Ma ul
l ib All a.k 44M at rfl!4 a Mtap
Physician and Surgeon,
lrlnlllv, Or.
orfirviii H.lhni'a drug
, I'rliiavlllti, Or.
Oltlo. iw Thin! alrMrt,
I'rlnevllle, Or.
i.!'? "B 'Iraat leading lu IVturtbmiaa near planar
Contractor V and V Builder,
Prlnevllle, Oregon.
i Tlia Old Paahlnnad' Way. .
"John," she said, as she toyed w.'.h
pne of liisoout buttons, "thia is leap veur,
Isn't ilr"
"Yit, Mnmlo," he answei-ed, as lie
looked fimdlv down on lh golden head
Unit was pillowed on his umnly hoamu.
''This a tlm year when the proposing
dona by the young ladles?"
''I linK) you don't rxtx'Ct mo to pro
Pw to youf" ,
"Why, Mumlo, diir, I ncvpr gave th
inutter a thought-L-er-lo tell the
"hlh, I've only known you lor thai is
to uriy" ,
"I'm glad you didn't expect we to
PfoiKise. I'm i,t (hut kind, 1 hope. No,
Jollll. llennuil I ...... 1,1., ' I....... I...... i
I Hill
toiug to let you do the pmpohiiiK
y mrnelf j, t)1() fMnhionml wav, Tl
liinhloned way Is giiod s.tiuh
'r me."
And the gentle mnlden gave her kiver
It'uiiilnu smile, Rn,t t,e youth r,.joM.n,l
ihut he h,ul found such a treasure of
-'-Ul, j,wtyu (jou,.,
Diphtheria Increasing Rapidly 'in
San Francisco.
The Influx of Population to Southern
California Almost as Great as
During the ll'iom.
Tli IiIhIid IUIiiturH will int'i-l at
llolau Cily un IH i ciiiImt H.
Itia k cihI nml NhhiiIhIi nmckiTi'l are
twirl nn I tin (u run on tliu t'uwtt " nciir hun
Tlit" Ulillinl NUU-h (rovtiriiiiiont 1iilll
tl lit I'ui-hoii in (liiialiml, and will Iw
rumly by Jiiiiimry I,
JoMlll Mlllllfllhl, a llilMllll'HN in it ii of
Sun Pitiipi, Ik h ni-lirw if tlm Into MrH.
IhMith, Willi o( (ii nrral Ilooth of till) Kul
VHtiuii arniy.
Tli Itlvcrnlili! I'lin'iifx niiva tlui hiflim
of hiiiIhi ion to Houtlii'rn ('Hliforiiia In
HOW ftlliioilt KM K"'Ht HM fill 1 1 1 VC t'l IlKXIl
time of llirrn vnira iijfci.
rri'Nidont (!. T, Huntington of tlm
iL.nil..... n....i ii.. .1. t.. i !....
iiiuii-i ii i m mi-iii-iiii'H mitt una inn
ly piirrliu' 1 I'ktniHi v roal lli'lila in
WnxliinKtiiii, a n'irtnl In tin- Un-iiii
illmli lll'H.
A ilul wi'tit on rii'unl ut Ixmi Aimi-li-a
taut wcik rolivi-viliK l.iMII Hrrva otlliK
Hhiii'Iiu Sun IVilru to tlu KiKliiiiito lli'iv h
1'lJlllj.MllV. Till) ClIIIHilllTUtillll iiiuihmI
una ;1,iM),(Hh).
t'niU'il Ktalca AtturiifV VHriun nl Halt
l.uk" 1 1 an llli-il anita fur tin forffiltira of
the TtMiii!t) liliM-k iimlor tin' owln-al law,
I'liiiiniiiK llmt K in uail drr liniiinriil ami
illi'Kiil urMai'H. t i
Tim liilnim of the I'mntilln rtarrviitlon
apiirulHC'iui'iit roiiiiiiiKaiuii' m aru now :
lit rl v tininlii'il, rihI iii'xt apriiiK will )
prulHtbly pi'i tliiti Una ) i y of luml 1
llirtm n iim-ii to wtlli ini'iit.
Tin luililiiij;a Rt tlm uiontli ' tin' On
tarlo K.antern ilrnin liinin l at Turk City,
I . T., were hiirniil the oilier ilnv. The
luiM ia IKI IKMI. Work on the tunnel ill
! il In yel a couple of iiioiiiIin.
A jury in ('nlnoa, Cnl., awnnletl the
(ileiiu I'Btuti' l.'l.'.(Ni.ilHiiiHin'aiiLaint the !
Central irrigation ilielrirt for ri);lit of
wav for their canal. Heforo the trial,
which hialeil one eck, the ice tie-
niniiihil waa $..0,noi).
TheJu.lueN of the Sup'eine Court of
tilih'i have iiiilillei ami draw n ium fur
loliu ami Hhort teriua. Hon laaao N.
Sullivan ilivw the two-yearterm, thereby
la'Coliiililf Chief Jiialice. Judge 1 1 union
will serve four years ami Judge Morgan
for six years.
The cvmtrovcrav U'tween theCouintock
Tunnel t'ompsny and the mining iuin-
imuii'S nn the CoiiiI.h k has Ui'ii ad
imled, by w hich ill ' rate of myall e
iss Ucn Vi'iIuiihI to 4 per cent, of the
bullion yield. This w ill enable the com
pHiiies tij work low er-grade ores.
Tlie I'ort land Oregoiiiun publinliea a
statement "aid to emanate from reliable
authority that the Km k Inland has
Joined liands with ('. I'. Ilumiugton to
l.iiild a line from Witini niiiii a, on the
Central racillc, Hing IVngra pass, eaat
of hpringlield, (r, through the Cas
cades ami connecting with liuntiiigton's
On'gouian railrtHid,
lliphtlicria In rapidly inrreiiHing at Sail
Francisco, and the Ikaini of Health ia
greatly alarmeil lent there la) a general
epidemic w hich w ill kill many children.
There have lieen thirteen dent ha since
Monday, and there are wores of cases In
1 those pans of the cily adjacent to sewers
aim iiuiiipiiig HOMiiuir. mi'.
niiiftv-Hvi' ciihi's and twenty deaths in
the month just ended.
A Jiulletin based on reports received
from over 700 farmers In every section
of Oregon, and from data prepared al
tlm Statu Weather Hurenu at Portland,
ssvs the awrnge of the w hole Stale is:
Wheat, '-It bushels er acre ; oats, J'.' ;
Istrlev, Mil; ive, I'S; hay, 2 tons per sen.,
except alfalfa, which averages 4 tons.
Almost every seel ion of the Slate reports
the quality of grain above the average.
The Hrilish Iron liark lCniblcton Juts
the rmird of making the longest iK'ean
trip to this Coast ever know n that Is,
provided that she is alios! still, for sen
ou doubts of her safuty are held by
sums iiiiderwriters. The F.mbl toil is
now out from Ardrossan 4SS diivsand
lias not la'eii ssikeil for mouths. 'She
sailed over sixteen month ago with a
valuable cargo on Uiard for I'tiget sound
and San Francisco.
W. II. Shelby of Nevada City, Oil., who
came to Oregon to get some Mongalian
pliniHiui'N, bus returned home. He se
cured alsmt twenty pair, paving iiion an
avurngii " each, lie paid one young
man 1M for ten imir, w hich he hud
cHptunxl when chicks and raiseil by
hand. The Milliner which air. rneiny
wMMirel w ill si.on iHipnhite the fields of
Central Cali'ornia, if lluy pmsHr us
well there as in Oregon.
Old Chief Moses hs returned to Sh
kauo from a visit to Washington, lie
has been interviewed by the Review.
ii ml mournfully declare that he should
have applied (or a pcindoii for his son ns
well as himself w hen he was F.iihI. He
Incidentally added that his son had been
dead two years. Moses has evidently
Is-en studying very closely the habits of
his pale-fiiee Tirol liers.
Ill the suit brought by the Catholic
lllsliop of Nominally t" obtain title to
430 seres of hind occupied lis a military
reservation by the I'liiled Stales govern
ment at Vancouver tlm Court holds, that
the claim of the United Slates govern
ment to tho laud as a reservation is prior
in time, and for Unit reason, ll no inner,
perlor in equity to that of tho plaint
. iAn appeal wa.s taken to the United
Slates Supreme Court.
Articles rf Incorporation have Uvn
filed tor the Washington Social Marriage
Itureim, w th Its lieaihumrtcrs ul Tu-
coma. T he onjoci oi tn. HcorH.rinuni
shiili be to aid ami assist In an ami every
honorable, manlier those persons desir
ing to marry In securing a desirab e hus
l.ui.,1 or wife, and to aid. assist and en-
courage acquaintance and social inter
twirse and eorrespoiideneo iH'tween par
ties who have the ohjeet oi uiiuriiiioiiy
In view, for which a reasonable compen
sation will bo charged, too cnpiuii
slock of the corporation shall ho 110,000,
divided into 100 shares oi ioo en-n.
The business Is to be conducted by B
board of trustees, namely : ). Hamil
ton. W, It. Miner mm t v. neiny.
St fuyv Worms Continue Their Rav-
aes in Ijuisiana.
The Mayor of Nashville Mesons Because
the Salary Is Inadequate to Meet
the Calls of Charity.
A tin lnt plimt to Ije etuliliHln;J
t Hrriuilon, 1'n.
Oil liH Wn struck ni'iir JoiMo, jeirer
Nyuiouiity, O. ,
TUn-retary nk iy tbM plonro pnoits
monU ia flint illMHpiN'nriiitc from tlie
A Tuniiilo Iiiiiiit fliiiri'n nut I (ml iln
ilruiikiirilN of thBt city lout fllH.tRj in
milium nwt Vfiir.
Tlit) North Iitkota liankimr law linn
Ih'i'II ilfi'linl tiix'iuiMt i t iitiouul by the
Statu Hnpreiiii! Oiiirt.
Louiiiiuna I ma a law wliirti reimiri-a
milroiiiU to Imvn enra millii ii'iit to wii-
ariiUi wliitcn aii'i li ai kn.
It In pniKiN d to li-vy a uniform tux of
4 H-r mil. in the (frnNN i-Hriiinitu of the
WiiMliiiiKtuii city Htri'K riiiUayH.
Chli-SKO iimmIn $I5,0,HI,lXI0 to Inaki- the
Worlil'N Fair a niiiti-nn, ami linika to the
country for aid in ruining that num.
Tlm Mavnr of NiHivilli' linn refium-il,
h rmiae din anhiry of 12,4110 win not
miongh to mwt tliu rallHof charity.
Thu Hitlvntion army in New York Iihn
ili'ciili-d torm't a lare Imililinir In that
oil v a a. lui'iiiorial of tin; lute Mra.
A ayati'in of nmninn Miih-KtrcctN in
V milling. Ml, ill ari'orihinri- " ilh (Ji'iliTllI
Hiiui)(ioirN orltfinul plan, lias Im-cii
I Th ncntTiil fiiml of tlit comity of
I Hamilton, ()., In exliaimtiil, ami tln-ri' i
! no iiioni-v to pav jtirorH, witiic-HHcii ami
', court olli iuln.
I There In a hill Wfort the Vermont
IhtiiH'VviviiiK to women who pur lux e
I I lie riirhtto vole at town, vi Inge ami tire
Imlrii t cleetloiiH.
i (overnur lluinphrey of K fin nan Iinn
1 nunoviil the I'olicn CouiinixHioiieni of
i Tnpi ka for pa.iiitiuK a rcHu)niHiiiixt
j a Chief of j'olicc.
Atlanta, (in., i lielicvcil to 1 the only
- city in th I'ultaM Hatca which Iuin a
: Ii,him inmilnirt4Hl w holly of liaia'r from
foundation to turret.
The final delivery of rerti Dentin of al
lotment of the Oneida lands in Wiecon
ain hun Ikm'H uiiiile to the general satiH
f Hi t ion of tlie Itxliaus,
Secretary Wiitilout has appointed an
Auxiliary lloard of Appraisers, tlie reg
ular lorce U'tng unable to cope w ilh the
present ruxh of liiiHiucsH,
There is talk of a Confederate soldiers'
home Is'ing erected at i ieimia. Nine
acres of land and a large Hiibwription of
money have ln'cn donated.
A Haw Iish Imiii discovenil in one of
the caatiiigs of the cruiser Maine that
will cause a ilelav of several months and
thousands of dollars of expc ni-e.
Smuggling is iucrctiHing enormmiKly
along the Ixiwer St. latw rence. The loss
to tlie Canadian government during the
past ye .r is estimated at foOO.WNI.
Iiilliis, Tex., has an artenian well Ihat
yields 1.0 Ki.OoO gnllonsof drinking water
every dny. With the present population
,,,.;, (0 llllIltt,,r o W Htl.r fl,mine
The screw worms continue their rav
ages in the interior of Ijuiisiann, and
several cases are reported where t' ey
have attacked human Kdugs, causing
death in seme Instances. ,
The effect of a verdict iu the Circuit
Court at New port, Ky., is that Mavor
Iteid of linyton, w ho has occupied that
iMiHitioii for to years, was not qualified
for the oll'uu by citizenship.
It Is announced at Washington that
tho President has decided not to make
public the HiMiintiiienl of a successor
lu the lute Justice Miller until in Dccem-
Is'rat the convening of Congress
It is said that wholesale liquor dea'ers
in Philadelphia, who bv law cannot sell
less than a quart of liquor, are selling a
pint of leorwith plenty of foam in a
quart glass, thereby evading the law.
The Nicaragua canal is progressing
w est ward. The cost of the work thus
fur dime has Ihiii alxmt :l,rnUHHi. In
live or six years steamers w ill lie passing
through the canal, unless ail signs laii.
The County Medical Society of Phila
delphia has taken a stand against hvp
notism, and has apsiiuted a committee
of physicians to din II a law that will re-
Strict Iiy pilui ism iu us leuniiiuu conn
Hlla. ';
An important lawsuit has been insti
tilled at Nehniska City, contributors su
ing for a tVWO Uinus given toward the
erection of a packing house, which sub
sequently closed down contrary 10 the
The Manhattan Club of New York has
at lust taken lossession of the old A. 1.
Stewart mansion, which is to Is its fu
ture homo. Nearly all the furnitnrennd
ciiriH'linu owned liv Mr. Stewart was
bought by the club.
Canadian customs officials at Windsor
have been ordered to collect duly on all
implements of American Smrtsnu n
coining into Canada for il day's shooting.
I leretofore the custom has Ihhui to re
quire a small deposit, which was re
funded, Hailway projectors have Wen figuring
on a route mini i.iikb nuron to i.ase un
til rlo. w hich, if operated, would cut out
4L'rt miles of liiko navigation and twenty
eight miles of canal U'tween Chicago
and Montreal, The railway would lie
sixty-nine miles long, and tho estimated
Two Japanese students of the Michi
gan university have created quite a sen
sation bv eloping with two American
girls. Tlie Jap are Kulsuturo Kuku
shinia and Uoitiiro Tokano, bdh of no
ble families mid graduate of the law
department last year. One of the girls
was Miss Fuller of Ypsilanti, who is
quite young, of good family asd hand
some, The other w oman Is considerably
ohler mill well know n In certain circles,
There ia no trace of the fugitives,
The Gjrinth Canal t( be Ojjened
in iHo
lirajiress Frederick I'jirthases the i-'ormer
Home of Martin I.utber for a
Charitable Purpose.
The f'r.'irow iu ia to make t triji aruiind
the world. ' ; ,
BiHiimrck In to atait a rewery at.
Tlm ilcat ia ia annoniiTat "tfei litt
tienerul von VV eyhcrii. .
The hitint decree of Kntflinli etl'iuetU
ia that bcarda miiHt an.
There !h to ! an Aiieki-Turkinh Con-
venlinii reHjieclliiK Africa.
I tc I i n rn propowH a renewal of the
Latin I'nioii for five years.
IIi-hMo Ix'iiiK iiiHiine, the (irainl I hike
NicholiiH in ciiiiiphitcly pnr.ilizi'd.
RtiNHia Iiuh a hi(li tarilT. Twenty jut
cent, in gold ha been added to the
C'uhan lmndilHare terrorizing the inl
and. 1'lunterN are ruptured and hi-Jd for
Krenchinen living outnide of Fiance
nnniUT, according to a recent cenmm,
408,0.0. ,
The iM-nfBiitii are Hoeing from the vi
cinity of .Mount Ktna in dr, ad of an
The vintage which in now in progress
i n . "... ....... or chronic ailmenU There are certain
proline one. ' chronic diseanes, as dysentry and pesiton-
The Kmiror of treniuiny him decided itis. in which the quick auliduing of paiu
to ili'inoli-li the w ail uroiind the inner j is ensential to tlie saving of life. But in
cily of 1'oeen. such cases tiie remedy, having accom-
The l:riti-h government has appro-! L'lisl,(', iU cud- ca" at "ce with
o..,l c t .oo t.. i, I,.,!.., ,.f . drawn.
liallinn, Ireland.
The French Crwiit Mobilier has ac
qniriil the works of the S'N.'icte des Me-
tilUX for IS," O.I.IKK) Jriincs.
There is now (k-tircelv
a mountain in
Switzerland which tins
running up to its summit
not a railroad
Kalfotir Udieves he can s tile the
Irihh luml 'luesiioM, mid cannot be in
duced to withdraw the lrieh purcliase
Lieulei.ant rchii.ult. who was tried in
Kufpiu on a char. e of ls-t raying the plans
of Croiiktailt to a foreign power, lias been
F'.inpreos Frederick ban purchased the
I II t I ...I
The French tumult . e contributinir
lils-rdlv toward the proved monuiuerit
of Uurifialdi. This shows a better feel-j
ing toward Italy.
Al'olisl, member of the Austrian
Keiclisia.h is unmnixliiK an exis-dition
to in.,.! re into the condition of the l'ol-
ish colonists in j'.riutil.
The l'rench Minister of Agriculture
reirls the Is-cl-root crop fairly gmsl
and the complaints of the sugar manu
facturers exaggerated.
niruier rexnuiiee in .tie- m i.ui ner lor si mil ne is so. the character ia com
charitable iiititut!ouNyneiuory of her : pletely altered. Like the insane who
liuslwi d. ... .waww "j know tliaf they are insane, he is the most
F.inperor illiaiu w ill have the sar- activity, and in some cases severe neu
cophiuius of F;mieror William I and the ; ralgia comes on. Still the habit is clung
iMiiprepN Augusta lnii.le in Italy tmin ,
models bv Professor Fneke.
An encounter has occurred between
Turkish troop and armed Armenians
near ICrzeng.in in Armenia. Seven sol
diers were killed and fifteen wounded.
The F' reneh budget Committee has re
jected the government proposal to ad
vance a loan of ti(KHJ,lK0 train's to the
Tonquin protectorate for public works
and railways.
F'trorta are lsdng made in liilluentiu'
circles to induce the Queen or Prince of
Wa es to Ik- present ut the Welsh Na
tional Fisteddfodd to be held lit Swan
sea next year.
The financial rejsirt of the exhibition
roeeiiflv held in FMinburgli shows a
deficit of 1 150,0110. This more than
nlieorhs the guarantee, fund, which
amounts to f12.l,h00.
Tho Russian government has decided
to commence work on the triins-SiU'rian
railway without delay, using at first the
resources of the treasury and afterward
raising un internal loan for the purpose.
The Corinth canal, w hich w ill sever
PclooiicsUN from the mainland of
tireece, and will permit tlie largest
diipsto p ss directly from I hw Gulf of
Athens to the liulf of Corinth, will be
opened in 18! to.
The Italian government newspapers
are milking it n favors do remarks about
the interview of the Poe and the F'.m
pre s of Austria, the imperial lady hay
ing lieen received with marked" favor
bv tho Pontiff, who also extended to h r
his blessing.
American pork seized in liern.any. it j
U'iiitt unlawlullv imported . by the way
of Holland, was soaked in kerosene to
make it unsalable, notwithstanding
thousands of oor in that country are in
need of meat and cannot get at, ow ing
to high prices.
Spain is enacting strong- protection
laws. The heavy duty which it is pro
IMised to pluoo un imported coal, and
the reported duties on iron and eoper
ores, il is asserted, w ill prove disastrous
to the trade of the country if the meas
ure U'couie a law:.
Tho repressive, measure' adopted by
Russia against the Jews are hearing
fruit In the gradual collapse of the Hour
mill Industry throughout the conntrv,
the capital in whicli -w.is all found by
the Jews. ,
A clause In the new French tariff
gives the t're-siueni ami v nomei mil
swer to retaliate to ns great exior"
I hey choose upon articles exporh
France bv any country w hich disc
nates against l'rench products or ii
way erects barriers against the Ft
t ratio.
Russian agriculturists are oC
upon expectcil Miropeun reprii i
the now tariff to find a larger opi
Kuropean markets tor moir o -cattle.
Numerous deputatio '
iiskiil the government to apply J
Western Powers r laciiiune in
liilion of Itnssinii cattle and nieil
What a
I'd j.lrian Haya About It Klapi
1'owaril m Cura,
The habitual une of opium and Its de
rivative, morphine, ia aHHuming vast pro
portiona. It will mifTice her to any that
thictima of thia habit amount to many
tlmufiarida In the United Huitea alone,
rrofeaaor Hall, of the I'aria uniTersity,
reckons the number of victims the world
over at hundreds of thousands.
Thou prediBpoed to contract the mor
phine hnbil are of a highly nervous or
ganization, suffering insupimrtiibly from
exhauHtion ukmi any uiiumiuI fntigiia, r
exhniiHted, p'rha, by any ord'nry ex
ertion or dimracted by long watching or
by sorrow. - Tliew lind in morphine a
temraiaKiluce. ftut tlie rerxatted re-
faort tot-tiw relief soon bf.vine a sfiara.
i The1 bu, Is formed. The dose is pro
j gTexnivlyt juciviBu to iii.nire the de-
. (Sireii eff'pt. Koon any nttetnpt to relin-
i juiu i, vi rn-u mi prolong ine loierrais
of Its uae, jiaiilt tn a defrree of Hyi!icai
and mental di firmsion w liich aet-nia in.
supportable. Tlie suiTt-rer lose all self
control. Lie cannot do without bis fatal
The physician is not seldom to blame
for the formation of this habit in his
patients. Says Profeaeor Ball. In giving
cautions on this point: 'i would not
deny morphine to tlie ataxic patient,
racked with pains beyond endurance;
nor to the victim of dyspepsia when ha
begs for some aMKuapement of his agony ;
nor in ciinfw of neuralgia, whore the suffer
ing i extreme. But I would be remorse
less in denying it to hysteric patients, to
hypochondria!, to neuropathic subjects
of every kind. Above til, I
take care not to let the patient make the
injection himself, nor to put into hi
hands the means of doing so."
These cautions to practitioners reflect
none too severely upon a profession
carelessness that is far too prevalent It
sliouitl lie noted that they relate to cases
The first effects of the morphine habit
are no doubt agreeable. Depression
parses away and a feeling of comfort
takes its place. The barometer rises.
AH tilings look well. That which was
i lacking in the normal force is supplied
! by an artilicial force. It resembles the
kiwh and the spur without their sting.
But the uting is sure to follow. It is not
long before the victim realizes that he is
in a wretched snare, from which, if un
ai ided, he is powerless to free liitnstdf.
ktsown to pernicious the moral effect
is noticed as deplorable. The habituate
who in bis normal condition was con-
scientious, high minded and sensitive,
tvYnt.a ni..r:lll' in.ntil.la md lrnnn-a
"retched of twings. The consciousness-
ot moral perversion is tlie neme&is that
follows him.
) Equally iernicious physical effects are
1 J1 Ty ta- after '
T i' hs
,,,at, d10 .ponies impairecl. This
result more quiCKiy ioiiows tne use Ol
morphine per orem than when used hy.
potlermically. The sleep is disturbed
witli visions. Imaginary voices pursue
him at first recognized as delusive, but
finally believed. The brain losea its
to, or more properly the snare holds its
The extent to which the daily allowance
is carried by those long habituated to
morphine ia simply amazing when we
consider the potency of this toxic agent
It is not un usual to find personB con
suming thirty, forty or even sixty grains
daily. These quantities are, of course,
reached by a slow increase, else they
could not be borne.
The first requisite to a cure is submis
sion to restraint. Without thia any at
tempt at cure is certain to result in fail
ure. The power of self control and de
termination is noi adequate to the case.
Moreover, if the habit has been at all
prolonged there will be a degree of dis
turbance during tlie first period of ab
stinence, and a degree of illness and
petulance following. For these reasons
seclusion is requisite, and seclusion under
restraint. Following the jierturbation of
the first eight or ten days a degree of
well being is experienced. The sufferer
has passi-d tbe turning point and is be
ginning to mend. During the early
period it is essential that a skilled and
willing nurse be in attendance both day
and night. The case should not be with
out watching for a single moment
There are many alleviations within
reach of the attending physician. Abund
ance of nourishment, regularity of the
organic functions, and all right means
for quieting the nervous system are alle
vinting conditions. Individuals differ
greatly in their reenfterative power; but
from one to. two weeks in bed will lie
,he djt milk mU8, no, beomi,,. EvPn
requisite in all cases. In attending
to J
after leaving the hed and resuming his
place at table, milk should be allowed
the patient abundantly and often, and
especially t night as a sleep producer.
It must te admitted that among gen
eral practitioners there Is too little atten
tion given to the requisite treatment of
this Condition. Even among specialists
there are those who are disiHwed to make
light of it. Hut it were simply cruel to
overlook the real suffering of this proc-ss
of abstinence, and equally unsafe. No
relief should lie domed that can con
scientiouslv le given, and the progress of , titter a falsehood are yet eternally schem
the case sliould be carefully watched to i ing to produce false impressions on th
guard against syncope or collapse.
George Edward Hopkins, M. D. in New
York Herald.
A Paradiae on Kearth. i
Honolulu is a iorfeol paradise on earth 1
sor- j
,-ou, I
it is
Tbe aoiind of a boat Advancing,
Tramp tramp' trarnpt
TJntier tli a-imlv flldfar
And flare of the evening lamp.
CD'Jer tlm Ktatr wliluimias
f ttw i lir elnclrle light,
Tbi sijuorl of ao arm niarchlog
la Id taa atme.la to-ailiL
H't to the clamor of bugles,
Nor to the Htonny liwit of drums
Hot to the haitle'a toc.in.
The Jiitiilatit array comes,
A swwfr niuNio aiimmona
Awl llirllls along the Una,
Though each to hiinwlf nuiy bear ft
Aotl niakc to the next oo sign.
The pattiM- of tiny footfalls
Thai mo to an open door.
The nv.:fcir' ir.Hf-r almrlnar.
liri4ion tli atirMrry li-ort
. Th DoyiKli aiioiit of wrJronie,
TUe slrtnab rt(frio of eke, ( .
At t n clllt In t J gimrdwl ponat
Of the fcmuftOouniJ rtuliar'a key
' Thin i thi armya oimrfc: , .
" ftopwlly tstiia twi-nitt
v, Xh eoerty aM of Um coaimoa
AM be paaaeaoiH 'if aij(lit
tutn the hoart f n,e houenol4
Wtieo Uit! (kiy a king work ia doaa,
Anti wife and Daiitia are waltiof
With a kua for their dearest one.
Coder tbe aindy flicker
Ami flare of the evening lamp
X bear a boat advancing
With Mteaiiy and reitolute tramp-
A boat of the strong and gvmtl,
A throng of the bravt and trua,
Dear little wlvea and mothera,
ilaitti'uing home to you:
-Margarut fel. SaagsUsr in Harper's Bazar.
The Halm on 'i Fedlng (; round.
Where the sea salmon go is as much a
mystery ttxlay as it has ever been. After
leaving tho coast they disappear. Stray
fish have been found in very deep water
hundreds of miles from any salmon river,
but their marine feeding grounds are still
undiscovered. In the spring they sud
denly reapfM-ar at the mouths of rivers.
While in nalt water they never jump at
a flr; the moment they strike fresh they
rise freely. When going up stream they
frequently stop in pools as though to rest,
and when descending go most of the
time tail first, letting tho current carry
them and keeping head up tlie river.
"Kim Care" for Connomptlrea.
Tt,A r-W t . ,1 ..i.iM t.
hn.,i,i ... h, . ,.rr.,
consumptives. A hospital for this ''kins
cure" is aUmt to 'be opened at Reinick- j
entiorr, near lJerlm. The sanatorium i
proper consis-ts of a vast circular build-
i ing, Ul the basement of which several
hundred cows will be kept, and the odor
of the stables be conducted to the rooms
j in the upper stories. In the center of
( the building is a large yard, for which a
! whey cure, bathing establishments, etc.,
are planned. The surplus of the dairy
products id to be disposed of to the public
under proper precautions. Homo Jour
nal Cnrlona Treatment of Hydrophobia.
I recently met a gentleman of high ed
ucational attainments, who stated that,
in six years' residence in the East Indies,
he had known of three severe cases of
hydrophobia, and that each case was
permanently cured. The means used
was to take the patient to a pool or
r .... i. . iy -i
mcniu ui I , piling.? mill UJ BI1U Ul
low him to just about drown and then
resuvitate liim him. In each case, as
before stated, a permanent cure was
effected. "W. T. G." in Scientific
How Clowns "Make Tp."
How do clowns make up their faces?
I will tell you. They take oxide-chloride
of bismuth, which they mix with grease,
rub uin their hands until tlie conqiosi
tion is thorough, when it is put upon the
race ukn in-- horned mrb or IIia nmrm
minstrel. After that, comnon chalk, i
carefully dried, is laid on a second coat, j
The chalk adheres to the greasy skin, and
the face is soon verv ilioi-om-hlv whitenerf '
Clown in Globe-Democrat.
She Seemed to Forget.
Mr. Benedict (to sxirtsman friend)
Yes, we paddled that day over fifty miles
against head, winds. Made a splendid
Mrs. Benedict John, please hold the
babv for a little while. My arms are so
Mr. B. You seera to forget, dear, thai
that infant weighs fifteen pounds and
that my arms are also tired. Pittsburg
Onr Consumption of Ralslna.
The United States is the largest raisin
consuming country in the world, and
trustworthy authorities estimate the con-
sumption iit aUmt 8.000.000 boxes of j
twentv-two nounds each, which, at an
average of $3 per box. shows an expen
diture of $4,000,000 per annum for on
dried fruit Once a Week.
The Tooth Rnuh for Children.
In many homes a tooth bmsh would i
be a curiosity, and yet every child should
be provided with one and made to use it. i
This is a duty which cannot be too I
strongly insisted u;ou. L'nless the teeth :
are kept clean they will decay, and with- i
out good teeth perfect health is absolutely
impossible. Ikwton Herald.
Leaves of the Pulm.
A tribe in the palm region of the Ama
zon cradles the young in palm leaves. A
single leaf turned up round the edges by
tome native process makes an excellent
cradle, and now and I lien it is made to
do service as a bath tub. Brooklyn
Eagle. '
9uit aa Bait.. -Many
who would not for the world
minds of others .respecting facts, char
acters and opinions.
Norway baa more earthquakes t"an Is
generally supposed, ur. tiling Keuscn
records twenty-three for 1887, all but
three, however, being very slight.
An "inch of rain" means s gallon of
water spread over a surf aco of nsarly two
square feet, or a fall of about 100 tons oo
an acre of ground.
What we ought not to do, -e should
not ever think ol doing. Epictetua,
Six hundred thousand Frenchmen own
hares in the Panama canaL
A Tlclona Monater, llelns; Wound4
Plerrm a Hlm h Inland Boat.
A man stands on a little platform in
front of the bow armed with a harpoon
having a sharply and deeply barlwd
point, so that in piercing the fish, if it
goes in far enough, it cannot be easily
got out, let the fish be as ugly as he may.
The iron is so arranged, in connection
with a pole and cord, that the cord can
be detached from the harpoon, the pole
pulled back, and the harpoon left firmly
fixed in the now maddened fish the
line, a very strong rope, 800 feet long,
being fast to tlie iron and the other end
secure on t'.ie vessel. This end is Imme
diately fattened -vurelv to an empty
1 barrel, vchhili is tlw n thrown overlioai'd,
J and h murks tlie cours anil pvadtion of
j the cnrsd Ci A
: It also enahies ;. vimei U-"er)d onwa,
, life bout to haul in. t;r.j out aiid, it p0-.
' Bible, i-aprnrc rln ti'iy frll.nr. ; And Uj'ly
j tie is. if tie it a young IkJi. ii He is old .
and heavy, he is much quiets even
j wiih a hariioon in him. Xt is tlie
younirer, iiveiier fellows that are so full
of ugly courage that attack and kill
whales, and attack, indeed, pretty much
everything in the ocean, unless it may
be tlie sea serpent and the devil fish.
That they will attack a man, even a
bather, who is in water not over his head,
and kill him, too. unless he can make
wonderful time in getting into shallower
water, was proved a few years ago in the
case of a young Catholic priest who wa
attacked w hile bathing on the California
shore, in water just above his hips; he
was fearfully gashed and nearly killed
before he could get ashore. Sometimes,
in its fury at being harpooned, it rushes
at tlie small boat and thrusts its ugly
sword up through the boat's .bottom.
Woe to tbe man it hits!
Our harpooner fastened to a fish that
was secured, as it happened, with little
trouble, though tlie harpoon only pene
trated a little way into his big carcass.
He proved to be UT feet 5 inches long,
and weighed undoubtedly 450 pounds.
Much larger ones have been caught, but
rarely. We also secured two others, not
so large. And it was with the second
one that there was an exciting time. He
proved to be "a young man" among his
n i i, .
t aeuows, ana an ugly young lenow, too.
I Having him well harpooned, and the
barrel going dancing at a great rate
against the w ind for it is a curious and
hitherto unrelated fact that a swordfish.
j when harpooned, always rushes off to
! windward tlie Ufe boat put out to secure
him after dulv "plaving" him. In it
j went a Block Islander belonging to the
i vessel, and two courageous passengers,
j By tlie time they reached the barrel, they
j were a mile from the vessel, and could
! be seen, with a glass, pulling in on the
They worked the fi h a good while.
When a swordfish, rinding himself har
pooned and tooajeb-ABty held, rewlly gives
up the fight, he suddenly turns aud goes
to leeward. Tlat mea at iih- tin under
stand what that movement means. Tbey
were still "TvHiTirt" th Mtow, artd ex
hausting him, when, havhur sersral
times had him hauled hi close to she
boat, so that bis blue figure was dis
tinctly visible, and as often permitted
I , -
i m
to go 100 feet off or more, some
thing happened which caused the captain
of the steam yacht a mile off, looking
through Irfs glass, to exclaim: -'They're
in trouble! he has struck the boat!''
and to order an instant start for them.
lie was none too soon. The enraged
fish, withdrawing some sixty feet, had
made one of thote arrowlike rushes upon
the boat, w hich can be equaled in it
velocity by no oilier fish in the sea. The
sword pierced tlie bottom of tlie boat a
little one side of the keel, near the center
coming up nearly two feet, tortu-
nattfly men have learned ere now not to
Blt down ,n a 0031 engaged in hauling ia
a swordfish. By standing (as well as
tbey can) their feet present a smaller
surface, and hence a diminished chance
of being hit. Last vear one man's boot
heel was partly hit, knocking him head
long. In the present Instance one of the men
had a narrow escape of hardly ten inches.
But tlie meu were saved. Indeed, the
boat, being a fchell lifeboat, would hardly
have sunk, although it was already half
full of water and the men hard at work
baling when the steam yacht reached
them. The vicious fish was repeatedly
lanced through the head and neck till be
got comparatively quiet, when, in haul
ing liiui up the side, with the harpoon
purchase at the shoulder and the long
grappling hook at the tad, a slipknot was
successfully got over his wide forked tail
and lb ImJ Inn. But for this
'ast gr-P -10 would have turned the boat
over, but the way he lashed the sea
with that tail
was a caution. Hartford
"Soman? caret for have t-; aoV-
catcd for sWpiessness that I am
tempted, writes a corrt-apoadon. -"to
praiasuiul my Ptrn recipe, which, if it
may appear t:mewhat impracticable and
far fetched. I.r.s ut least the advantage of
simplicity, It is merely this: When you
have tumbled anil tos-sed about one bed
until your pillow seems to be on (ire and
your sheets red hot, turn into another I
mean another bed. You will find the
sheets and the pillow refreshingly cool,
and it is probable ut all events that you
will go to sleep. Tlie recipe is not in
fallible, and it is of course necessary to
have another bed to turn into, which is
not always possible. But when practica
ble ic is norili trying: and if it fails one
can always fall back on tho undoubted
fact that there is no universal cure for
aleeplessness. What is one man's meat
is another man's poison." Pall Mall
Budget. -
UK inn the Finger Naila.
The wife of a well known iron operator
in Pennsylvania is beautiful, witty and
accomplished, but she bites her finger :
naila She says she cannot help it. She
acquired the habit in childhood, and has
tried every means to break it up, but
without success. At times she haa suc
ceeded in resisting the inclination until
all her linger nails are triumphantly
long, but invariably they disappear as if
by magic the first time' she is disturbed,
annoyed or rendered nervous. She does
not know when she bites them. She
suddenly finds them all gone. Her doc
tors tell her the habit is incurable except'
for very strong willed phlegmatio per-sons.
t f
i )'