Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, October 11, 1890, Image 3

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ocnoco REVIEW.
At a meeting of Prisevilte Fire Co. So. i A comr.
n: v of ITiiin Fai-hte cr;lr;ceis ; FoJowintr is a Kit cf te.e ca x3 d--s
I!.v-!JU-t Moi.-iay c.-iui:ij, aiBn.hU-c haw L-vi makiii;;acici::rpw:kucf il.e ; for trial at the October, jSW, term cf ioukh-g lifter rui'sro-.u! iavvs-uii
I was appointed to wait o;i the town conn- survey on tha Albany & Astoria iinefroni ! circuit court for Crook county ;
fcil and present to that bodv the necessity AsIOiU Ko::;h, which lead the Astoria! ., . x..x; casks.
cf either building a new ergine house or ' Cvbtn'At:t to think there is something
ta fiiiier tiu'iui'.i-' a new ermine no.. or viinuia.-( iv i:hi. iiic.-v is suiiieunmr i it
AwUwtlOTfornteat ! procuring raare suitable qiarter in which ; the wivl among railroad inausgew. It j tx
'V.HS M' BesaUir price torpoV ! to bouse the fire apparatus The old en-; gay-: j "Ibis is one fact that "tends to
fUMw Tr m"Tto 8in0 Uou :e lo:a;1i' iqnate lor ti.e ( conurw toe rumored purchase I the Or- not.
5t uK" IU free. ' " " j use to which it its applied. The front is ; egw l'acifc toad by the IVun IViftc . 1
- The citizens of Jacksonville and
Medforu have dwo'ed t's terminal
grounds and a subsidy of 2U.'.j00 m ' Jgf
cc.nn on note. '. with wMr.h tnhnilri r.nd wmma mo-- BOKSWJ
.. . .. S s- i . . ... - i - I , f.-,v.A a
Mmou fceu vs iiwu Lonu, aciiou on tor jijfe between the two point. 1
M. Far'aid & French vs Wm. Circle,
liigncst of sui ia Leave-iaj rower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
To SiWriw.rt open, atiOtrug du .0 gv laio ua:u- ; ami 01 lite maument tliat the. isma ra-sncta.
AH MJwcripUoB to tha 9clco Review ! S Uia mhicery cf the eaSiw during : Sc intend building a line i-oaediotely j Gibow, Maealbrt
notpi'i in advance will be charged for j tbe saaimer nwuth.-!, and caisnoi oa licat-, from there to Astoria. It Li f::id, too, ; ler, action o:s note.
F. A-l.-a vs EJ Scbaiaf, action oa
lister & Co. vs J. II. Mil
st tiia ratcot iwcniy-uve cems pcrnioruu, jed aaimg cy;u vcaiuar i iueeut n:e . iu.it lim UiC-in i'at'i:;c !:r.e u.i to es-! ..Lrnr Ia-ku va Win. jUynolt, action to
or tfiree Jollar.? per year, for ail arrcar-vavesf.-jm IriCiihgap. bo when the en-! fended tbroiih to Ilarney va'.ijy.iastead ! recover nioai'y."
&::: i.i us-J hat watr iias t b? applied to of bui-ding the line from Euki-r City i (ijo. W. B.imes vs L. L. Curl et al, ic-
thaw the valves, raiaing thj packing and sontinvest, us has been proposed. Thia ' tion on account
may caa.-:e disastrous dj'.uy at times when ; w ould make a road to the .sea evvr aiuin
the company is Called oat to batlle v. ith ilrd nti'.us shorter than by tfye circuito'Jn
iirea. Tiia town ha i a tire apparatus i Baker City route. ThU lino would cen-
which cosit over fJJ-.W, aiul it is not econ- nect with the Cnion I'aciiicV present line
Sli-JUel Slcbel stmrteJ to Port!a-l l-t 8ia-
Atvmeyj are now b3jr preparing or circuit
Mr. Smith, of Antelope, la here wanting to
fcaf heep.
C'.lae'a market li stocked with all kind of
ircih fruit.
Vie sivcdjbaral dUcoaat-t to cash b.iyers. SI.
.. BicbelA'Oo.
IMies, 70a will Sinl the best selected stock
. dre.i ? 'li at Michel's.
More raia in Defied t put gr.rja-l in good
c iii'liciim for p'.owiuj.
Cn-itle 4 3 m have mied nearly all their
cattle ut ot this county.
Take your batter and egg to Cltne and get
the highest price la cash. , j
f'tr stock of geati' Mmijhins g)adi eaaaat
be beaten. U. Sichel & U..
Perry Poinlex.er and family retnracl home
Irjm The DjUoj lait jundiy.
Mrs. John Vanlioutcn returned on Wcdnes
.' day from a vl-itto Hay creek.
Miss Vlcca ComJ returned from Portland on
Thnrcday, nd will remain a mouth.
Sylvester Belknap l:aj jrone to Portland to
bny hla toll dtcci of drugs, c:c.
loe Perry lias been engaged to teach tlie
school in L r.vcr MKay district.
Elder Ilolntan will preach at Union Church
to-morrow morning and eveuing.
Mr. D. S. Rowan is quite sick. It la feared
ehe is taking the typhoid fever.
Jack Cadle, the l'rlncvllle-.Vitchcll mail
carrier, in quite nick at Mitchell.
W. F. and i oc Elliott, of Lebanon, arc here
Visiting old friend and aciaaiutancc.
On the 1st. Ciiarles Michel! shot i
and killed William Johnson at As-;
toria. Johnson having outraged! a
Mieheil'g daugtor, a child o:t!y U
years of age. was the cause of th
John IV.ichnnan ret il 0 on hi
f.. n; m !
BnAs & E-.-ars va J. H- Milljr, action vond control, b Jrnc 1 a ST J;lt nuan-
on note. tity of fencing and it 'was only bv j
M. Sii-hcl & Co. vs V. W. Ray, action the most rtreinsoiis efforts of the
on m-count. r.eijhbors that the house and barn
ouiy to 1 jt it g-) to waste or bjcouis na-at Tarama, fifty-eight mi'.es soath of j Autoe ttl'.n va John Min'o, euit for were saved.
serviceable. I should le well cared f r
and kept ia the btwt repair so that it will
render eilicient iiervi :e whea r.e.-Je-l, and
the only way thU can be doae ii by pro-
The Jury List.
The f.jlio'.ung-hamed persons have
vUm a suitable house ia which to store ! uac J uran w T"J a J'"3 M 1113 Ui:"
ic when not in has. Th... town U now!t- lwr- lsa- teila of cI:cuit cutrt for
paj ing ioi a year rent for a room u.-ed as
recorder's o.lica and fire hail. Thi.s would
mora than pay interest on tiie amount
that Wjuld bs neee.-ary to put up a
building that would answer the purpose
of reojrdar's office, lire hall atid engine
home eombhiad, so it woaM bj a saving
for the town to put up such a building,
even if it had to bicar an indebtedness of
0 ) or f!j00 to da it. When the matter
is laid liefoe the council, it U to be iioped
the councilman aid t:d;e a business-like
view of it a::d thai their decision will be
to build a newf house.
. ; Crook count v:
A fair Outiool.
f The occasional chilly blasts that come
down from the north v. am residents of
Eastern Oregon of the near approach of
wilder and teil them that they cannot
much longer bask in summer sun cr be
comfortable in light garments. They are
also informed that the season is near at
hand when their live stock must be gatb- i
L. C. Perry has moved to town for the pnr- ered from the range and provided with
pose of sending hia children to school.
C. Kogern, dealer In lumber, hides, grain
and flour, north of Oehoc , ou jlaiu street,
At StcheVs will be found cloak for children
froia 4 to 11 years, at prices thutcau't be beat.
The members of Prineville Fire Co. Ko. 1
want a new house iu which to keep their cu-
J. N. Duncan arrived here fiom Albany last
Sunday. Hj will remain lure until aiter cir
cuit court. I
A. n. Breyman, of Portland, and C. M. Cart
wright, of Hay -creek, hpcut several days iu
town thin week.
I.ailie's misses and children.?' toboggans,
- liowds, fascinators and cups at astonUhiug low
prices at Sichel's.
" The approach of winter does not affect the
prices of tinware at Kuwaiu. t hey are still
down to bedrock.
Mose Slchcl n-as called to Portland Wednes
day oa account of the sickne ss of his brothcr
iuilaw, Siman Selling.
Mrs. W. E. Harris, of Puck creei, is here at
the rest leuee of K. Uraliam, with her babe
uudor mvdica treutmeut.
"llirdoi of a feather D cS together," hence
Ihc Craitt A'di'id'Jtc coiuijii:ati.a iu cuuduct
Ing our c.mtemporaiy of late.
Jasper Wright and family passed through
town laa Monday, returning from Willamette
valley to tbeir home oa I'pper Ochoo.
The names of the unfnrt.iua'e men who will
have to serve as jurors at the coming term of
circuit court are given iu luiolhur t-jluiun.
Ed White returned ou Sunday 'a sia-TC Trim
Portland. While in the city he visited the ex
p lsltion, and praaounccs it a graud snccj-s.
- Wta. Allen, who returned from Wilia.ne.te
valley last Sunday, reported six incliesof sr.ow
on the summit of the Cascades when he cringed
:-Liun Woods', returned la.t Sat-irday from
Mitchell, lie says the rain there la-t week wet
the ground enough to put it iu condition to
rlo w.
The wonderful "talent" of C. M. Craiu was
not appreciated here, to he has emigrated to
places where his kind of "talent" is appreci
ated. Those who are in arrears on subscription are
rcpiestcdtj drop in and see how their ac
counts stand, even if they have not the cash
to settle.
Mrs. Kobblns will 'cave to-day with J. C.
Lackey for Warm Springs. From there she goes
to Union, at which place she expects to make
her home.
As usual there is a scarcity nf teachers in
Crook e anty this fall. Several ountry schools
are not yet supplied and about ail the teactiers
have employment.
Frauk Poiudextcr has pal ed o!T his cnat,
rolled up his sleeves, and sworn he will be a
printer. He took his flrt lesou iu the "blaelc
art" in this offlee last Thursday.
Ah Poong returned by last Friday's stage
from an elca-cn mouth's visit to Cains. H j
did not bring his family back with him as he
Intended doing when he left here.
This week Frank II.imnt.in received some
thing over ) hea I of beef cattle here. This
is the la.t drive of beet" Mr. Hampton will
make from this section this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tcraplelon returned lut
Saturday froat Portlaal. While b-jlow tliey
visited Yaiui.i bty and numsro-ts p'.a-res of
importance in Willamette valley.
Geo. W. Barnes and Ike Mure lefton Thurs
day for Barns. Mr. iiarues went to a'tend
to hi, cases tit ttw c'Miit court at that
place, and Mr. Moore was called there as a witness.
artificial feed. But for this the people of
Crook county are well prepared. Every j
farmer and stock raiser in trie county lias '
abundance cf hay, and there probably j
has never been a seson since this county j
was first settled when stock raiaers felt
more secure or when the outlook was bet
ter for the people to get through an ap
proaching winter with light losses. Not
only is hay and feed on the range abund-
0. O. Colver, fanner, Haystacks,
G. Khjpard, stock ra.sjr, Cmp Cr,
1?. F. Allen Jr., " " l'riueviile,
C. E. l'erson " " Ciack Butte,
L. A. AVrctin, farmer, Wiliow creek,
V. Circle, stock raiser, Ueaver,
E. E. Stone, " "
Sam Smitii, Liveryman, l'rir.eville,
J. P. Combs, farmer, "
E. (J. Conaut, stock raiter, Crooked 11,
Hiram Smead, " " "
V.'. U. Pollard, " "
J. ji. Lawsoii, farmer, Summit,
W. II. tiuinii, stck raiser, V iilow Cr,
P. ChitMocd, farmer, "
W. P. Ciaik, farmer, .Black Butte,
(i. V. O'-Neil, " Pri:ie.;ilj,
W. II. Kinder, "
A. L. Alba, " ilowry,
Perry Head, stock raiser, Willow Cr,
15. Vowel!, " " Ovhoco,
J. S. .McCoiii, farmer, Haystacks.
E. G. Bolter, " Lower Trout,
C. S. Simpson " Siilchci!,
T. 1). SpaiTord, stock Taiser, Haid'n,
P. G. C'arinicle, " " Piineviile,
S. A. 1'ros.i, " " "
M. L. Brown, " " Mowry,
W. II. l'ort, " "
Ed J.Ierritt, farmer Summit Prahie,
1. L. Ketclmm, shoemaker, Prineville.
I u-im:,'3S- The residence of Thos. Stearnes
1). M. Osborne & Co. vs sStrotid Bros. ,,03. Spri!iRfield wastotfllv destroy
i an-i A. Bnnneli, a.-tion o:. note. ed by fire last Tuesday night, bv
... ths upsettinR of a lamp -by some
a!, action on note. member of 'the family. The" flames
Halm & Fii A vs T. 1. i.al:oar, action ppread s(mpidlv f)at but jtte fur.
0nr"Ot0' ,( , n r c , niture could bt-Mu-d. .
Cowan, Ralston &, Co. vs J. S. and
Annie Schooling action on note. Charles Cunningham, of Ileppr.er
A. J. Shrum vs Ed Fagan, suit for lias recently lostsixfy head ot thor-
damages. oughbred sheep by poisoning
Hahn & Fried vs Win. Prino and E. This poison is found every year by
sheepmen, and can ha.diy lie ex-
I mew TDISO'S UiilriLl- i-Jii UATAiCiiK. Best. liaicst Pgxa
I A ;oaa. CaeapsMt. Kclief is iaiat.vliat. A cure, is
Jjgjg cerUiin. For Cold ia ttw Xiaaa ltjiasnoeiuai jj .
Barnes, action on note.
Barnard Mclia vs Haiti Compton, ap
pealed from j 11s! ice's court.
John Prior vs Chas. Lister, action on
M. f-'ichel & Co. vs Ccmiuons Bros.,
action on account-. ?
B. F. Zellvs S. W. Compton and M.
Heislor, action on note.
Joiin Felderwerd vs W. G. and T. G.
Scoggin, coiilirmalion.
John Baker vs S. F. IcCallister,
plained." It is just as likely' to Lc
found one place as another.
y it is an Ointment of which a Final! partkste is r!"bI Wjfe
p- to the nostrils. Price, SOc Pold by tb ufrpists cr ut gpg
eSia by aiaiL Address. E. T. lUzutrau, Warroa, To. CEa
Lisc omriKTct Hau.es, On. I..vkd Ofcice at 1 he Dau-Rs, CIS.
cti.in r s. I s. P. l-'fptemlur Jr., IM-O.
Notice is herebv pi.en tl si t: c fcl'twii.g-: Notice Is leroby plven tl at the fi l'i h t
namcd .-oitl'. r has tiled i.otice i.f his intention naiaed wttlcr l a.- filed m t-'ce of ht ii.U-i.tli 11
to loake linal proof in support i h:iclnim, ai.d to make rh-.n! r-r"'i support of hisclaiiu. d
Mat a:d t.rooi "will be made before tlie (JouMy ; that said proof will be nude lehie o:i,ly
j j.ive crlx-.k vloubtv. Or., at l'rir.eville, Or., 0.1 Clerk oi ('r uit Co., at Prineville, Or., ou ho-Novea-bcr
l-i. Jj0. via: vember .1 , If 0, vU.
V. c. i. KNi:S, lid Art! iWl, :it.S. A. I.I EI.UXC,
f r Lot 4 and the SV'4 of .N W.4 ai d K'i SW'4 PSTOCt. 'ortetf! of SE) and SH t SW;
See 1 lp 14 S H UK W M. ' , Sec U : p .7 S It h.
i-'e ua lies the following v. i:i:es:es to prove lie names the foliowirtc v.itresses to vro
r is .0 itiuuons residence tvr.,ai !c liti. i.tion his comiciio'ls residence i pon ai.d cnlllvalh n
o . :aid iaad. viz: l'e -. l l-. v-n. V. A tii-row, of. said land, via: Alfred I Allen, I. II. Meyer,
i. V. .-peer, W. J. Wrie'ot. of Prirevii'.e. Or. M. I.. Uro-.v a, Ji.s. S. fiever, (it V.owry, Or.
1-1 Jw'ii.; V. i.Sol.S, Keisisler. 1 n . JOUS W. l.liWIS, Ueflstcr.
?;0TICE FOK PUBLICATION. Lanu Ofhck AT Itciiss, Cn-
LiNi. omcE at Tub Dau-ej. Cn. J r.-.,j;re ,, hcrel)V g!vvil t'2l tu-'n !hi " ?
Notice Is herebv stv'ra tl.atli!? iol iit- ', i'.''." !.1' 'J
..1 ..h!., !...!,! i,. ,f J.Ik- t,.;..,.i.!n '!':" "c" '".""-- '" I'"?" I"'" i -
CDiDulJ 4 , !!. ? " V V"' '". l'I-"' 1 .'-7 1 be-.ore C Clerk Crook Co., at l'rir.eville, or.,
M- 1 1- w . l v ai tes paril v in ci'.liiva- i and that :a:d proof will be n-.itde l.cfi re Co. ; jia,...uli,l.r j , m i vis
lion. Here is a chance for -a good sheep ! -'!'". r i-' M- absence beicre Co. Clvtk of ; " '- "nAvilic.. V'EAVF.K, ltd (5.
ranch ; safest range in the coimlrv ; one-1 '5 vi'"-'' r'nt ' rl::i:''"':"t''or'l'!! j for the g;s of NE-4 and Ayt of KWl4 Sic 14 Tp
half c:ud., balance on i,v terms- must i ' ' makk A.KSON . t . j !,', the following witnesses to rr.v.
be BOid. Addles Hi Nlt li.Ml.N, 1 -IM, for the K-., o NLJ , and N!u o .-.A;, ! his coi::in.:oi:s residence 1:1.011. and cultl nili.li
John Baker vs S. b McCallister, a')- i'rineviiie. '.'i -1' "V -f ... . of, said land.vis: Vl.icn t.ircie. Mart w. li.ilcy
pealed from j-.isiiee's court. OROfl " 1;;:n(1-! il! i! I hhV-mthmo :acof4 W v"exir" V''
L. Vv. Woods VS Towa of Ptiueville, -Y. f! ' J 1 1 ;j j ilrlliu ' J- iui S tew art L. ! f M o-.v rv1 ' ( ) r cgoii" .' ' J. Tl. If "JN "INO "ON, Iiegh'cr.
... ' caltie and ho:.-o ranches in Crook county ; -' -.- -e'-;'- S'X"? y.;.l'r' , - - . - -
roadate born supreme court. ; alwoluteiy controls the only water on a 1217 "i'etcr. j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. -
J. if. Comlw vs 8. It. Slayton, mandate tract cf Hussi acres. This is a grand op- Lash Of kick at hcrm-. on.
Were Jiot Stolen.
C. Td. Charlton returned last Saturday
ant, but stock of every description is in i from (iilliam county, where be had gone
better condition than is usual at this time I at the instance of the Cattle and Horse
portunity to ouy a chucc range pnij crly ;
SI 500 cavil, balance on casv tonus.
A i 'dress IJivkLY IlAILs, I'riilC'.iil
of the year, and there should bo no loss Protective Associa!i
except from old age or disease.
Thoaglst His Time Had Come.
Sunday afternoon Sir. and Mrs. '
in, to inquire after
j the Ownership of the band of horses that
j were driven throi!.j;h this county la.it Au
; guest by John Jlarlin anil John Scott
m. ; the parlies Bron Springer iiad arrested
Allen returned home from a visit to Hal- at Bed Bluff prior to his untimely death.
from snprems court.
II. P. Evans vs W. F. Rceler, libel.
I. N. Eostwick vs II. C. Owen, action J r ,, A n.. . 1 i I aJi,
on note. . . ?) lsJJ. ccreis; partly tijubercd ;
J. M. Blakelv vs 8. M. W. Hindman, best water in tlio comity ; about (K, acres
suit for damages. mea.low Thisw one of the bargains
, ., , -that won t keep , line .chance tor a dork
Geo. .doriroe vs Sandy Hnlayson, up- ra,J..ll . ,;;(,;i;v ,,f rallg.j nr(,;!.,,ii:.g
pealed from j isstice's court. il ; one hah cash, h-danee on easy tenus.
M. Chrisiiani vs Annie and Joe School- Address HEMtY HA UN, Prineville.
!: -I i - . J' 1 -t .
in0', action on note. ; JKXf H I i'-ixn-.y ae.es m. laca;
T, , , . magiiiuceiitspnngofwaler;
J.v. iladiccx vs John iempUton, (imlier.land and good range sin rounding
actien io recover money. : it. 'i hi-; in a deHraide siitail stock ranch ;
1). M. Osboru & Co. vs J. II. Miibr, one-half ca-h, baliitu-e on Ta;-y teniis.
action on note. ; K HAH-' . nil!i:
C1UM1XAL cases. . STRAY UOllt-E.
State vs Crottfried i!i-o:;e. indicted for! On Angnst 12, 139C, I took tip the a.l
tntirder ia second degree. ; lowing-desciilied iiorse, siijipiisisii.' him to
State V3 J. P. Hassaker, indicted for jf"?? o ?. S. (i-oss, of A:ayvil: A
. . black gelding lo,-? hatics high, wc-pis
t:crjt:ry. j llshi p'n-.nds, hind f:ot whita to p-asteiiis,
Slate vs Cha s. Rutherford, indicted for ?!ar in forehead and snip on noso, left
9 1
Seoteinber 1". is:0.
I Notice is hereby (then that the folli.wli g
i ! named settler has filed notice -f his ii tei.'.lon
I to Hi iike fioat proof iu support of hisciiihn.lit.d
l 1 that sa'.tl rroo; will be in-!c bef'-re Oo. Clerk
' t cr ).--k Co.. Or., ul i'rineviiie, Or., ou ri ive:..
rl 1 ber IS, IS -0. viitt
1 1 1 C.l Vltl.Cj W CI tCI.S Jr.. 1) S Ni !
d NE'i, SE j of NtVJi an t Si of
j ttiw on.., '
IS a S"v M ft .i -.r.', -sees, pi. r.v.ji
V 1 fc( fiV B I'! i liK names uie K.iiowiug wunesses 10 prove
M""" ill B c-3 1(8 ff i his continuous residence upon, and cil!tit:nn
K M V' SW? k 1- of. Mdd land, vin: Je.r I. lleisler. Cbarle. lie-
- a- rs--k'' ueai rai!, Andrew jroV.0. Jaait-i W. Hamtltou, id
r. it
If vou do ca'l on. or address
fhe RE?W, PrinsviHs, 'Or.
J. B. HUNTINGTON. Ilcgl.ter.
Three and. one-halt miles fi
L.ISD OrriC'B AT llt'RNS. On.
Septemtier IS. is).
Nolice U herebv sr: veil that the foih,wing-
-n i ntiined setiler has liied m'liee of bis ir.teidiow
iT-' t;i noilte finni irtot in support of hiac'aiia, and
' I!i"a tot pr io. win oe nmae otrtore i:o. juure,
or-C i. Cte.-it Crook ot).. Or., a, rnuo.'illn; e.
T'.,;-.. ; oa November l-'i. lssfl, vh:
e.n !,.(-, vivcKH r-iiM'i.k' itd.Knia'R
fdiiCO, fifty acres for the E Sec is I p In s'lt 2-1 E W M.
ne names me loiiowirg wunesses 10 prove-
-.Ui 1:1, excellent location for
iter on the -located
-; - , ... , ... , t cis eoiii.iiitio-.i& rea.oence otmih, anu viiinsuiai
1 .l,.g on I t.o J-lat.., (f ;.- ,,.! viI. -jel li. lleisler, Charles K-
rey, and when Mrs. Alien had supper Mr. Charlton made dili 'ent inouirv
about ready, Mr. Allen thought he would 1 among the stockmen ia the. locality from
sharpen his appetite by taking a dose, of which Martin stal led, and learned that
medicine which lie had b.-en using dur-; Martin was in the employ of Gil man
ing the summer, before he went to Hal-; Bros., large stock owners ia that section,
sey. lie had haruly tdieti the medicmo and that he was in lawful nnsmmm of
when he experienced a jwculiar burning j the horses, they having been placed in
sen-talion all over his body and his hands j his charge by Gilman Bros., so the the
and feet began swelling.. Medical aid , ory that they were stollen iu this county
was summoned lnnnaoiately and Mr. Ai- by Martin ia without foundation.
Ion was soon restored to his usual staio.
Tito peciiar ettVt of the niedi ine is at
tributed to tha bottie having stood some
time, the drug had become separated
and dtii not pe form tht-ir proper functions.
eq;::tv casks.
M. Kichel &, Co. vs II. S. Ilazlitt, fore
closure. J. C. Itiggs vs K. A. Riigs, suit for di
vorce. M. Christnia vs M. C. Aubrey, foreclos
ure. Allen Hash vs Mary E. Wiley, suit to
set asido deed.
First National Batik of Prluo villa vs
torelcg nadiy scarred above ine knee,
branded on right shoulder ith an in
vetted 1) with ljar underneath, tints U.
The horse may be had by calling at my
place ten miles east of I'rineviiie, prov
propertv and paying lor this notice a:ui
pasture bill.
14 A. J. CHAIN.
An Evidence of Euierprise.
This office is iu receipt cf a large CC
page paper issued by the managers of the
Northwest Industiial Exposition cf Spo-
Mr. Allen's first impression was that he ! ka;)e Fall., Wash. Ii i.-s elegantly illm-
was poisoned, and that the time had j tratcd wi:h half-tone pictures of the pi in
come for him lo den white robes and go ' eip.tl building and fine scenery of Sp
hence. He says his greatest regiet at , kane and snrroun-ling country, together
the time was that he had just arrived I v,i;!l pbtures and biographical sketches
home and had not vet had time to see i of about one hundred of its leading citM
and shake hands villi bis many o!d'zns- The paiier is not only an excellent
Liends here hefor being called away for , advertisement for Spokane, but is a dis-
To whom it may concern, notice is here
by given, lhat the partnership heretofore
existing between ii. f . .Manning and M.
T , i,. .l.,n tl ,i e,,., ,,!
Wm. Prina and Elizabeth Prine, foreclo- ; &bo.', i.-Tthia day'dWi'vo-T by
mutual consent, and ail persons having
or holding claims against the said firm
will present the same to M.J. Manning
for settlement.
Dated this oJta dav cf August, 13!)..'.
Caa't Compare With Orcjoa.
Mr. Wilkins returned Monday even
ting from attending a meeting of the
World's Fair commiseioa at Chicago.
Mr. Wilkiiw says tii.it the next legisla
ture should inaka an anoropriation of at
least $5.1,009 with which Oregon can he
properly represented at the .great fair.
Ho was through the permanent exposi
tion building while in Chicago, and sa;?
no exhibit there of grain or cereals can
begin to compare with that grown in 0r
gon. In corn alone do they exceed lis.
In timber Oregon need not tear competi
tion. ICujetie Guard.
There is no questi in but Oregon can
make as tine display of cereals and fruit
as any state ia the union, but if the ex
hibit is attempted to ixs mane on feV.0,0U0
there will be exhibits there that wi.l not
compare with Oregon's, but w id be bo far
ahead of it that the throng in attendance
will never realize that Oregon attempted
to display her products.
piay of enterpiisj that might well be fol
lowed by many larger and mora preten
tious places.
M. ChrisUaiii vs J. 0. and F. J. Taylor, 1
fire-loear.'. j
J. M' Blake':' vs T. H. Glaze et al, for
closure. Mr.;. P. J. Nr.vsotn vs M. F. Pringle,
Conner Bro3. vs N. J. Lambert and W.
P. Clark, injnclion.
Tito Papers for $3.
The Ocnoco Kkview and San Fran
cisco WteLlu Call will be furnished one
year f r $3. The Call is an eight-page
M. .1. MANM.NG,
A Good iiij.iace.
Last Monday C. M. Craiu, the book
agen, "politician" and "learue 1" man
geu-r..l;y, bid adieu to Prineville aad h is
lt!er That! f.nvei titncat 3-mth.
The ordinary living expenr-es of a fam
ily of five persons, living in (he custom
ary manner of the American people,
amounts to not less than floO a year.
It would require nearly HO,GC!0 in gov
ernment bonds to produce this income.
Ten acres of land in the Willamette val
ley planted to prunes, with an ordinary
crop at ordinary prices, will net more
than $lo00, afier ravins f r all the labor
planed thereon. You can buy this land
from The Oregon Land Company of ;?a
lem, Oregon, in iracts of ten acres cr
more at from to 575 tier acre.
Address Tiio Oregon Land Company,
Salem, Oregon.
Gone Away to School.
On Tuesday Mr. E. Barnes started to
Corva'lis.aecompanied by hit three grand
daughters, Misses Mattie, May and f'-u-sle
Barnes, and Miss Kova Dodsrm, who
expect to enter the State Agiieultnral
College at Corvallis. The young hebes
all completed the course in the rrinevilis
pu'j'ie schools iat winter, each di-pl iv-
Notice is hereby given, that by order of
the County Court of the r-ta'e of Oregon,
f ir Crook County, made and entered on
I he 1st day i..f September, 18').), the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
niinistaatos of tha estate of David Prine,
deceased. All persons having claims
urririct K-..1.1 fio..i..,cp, .-ra hfJCnllv lioli'ti'fl
paper, giving all (ho latest news and a . to .j,XCMft the same villi the proper
large amount of select reading, and is I vouchers therefor to me at the oiiice of
one uf tha best family paper.) published i Geo. W. Barnes, in Prineville, Or., wiih
,, ,i, ...,,. !. .,:t, .'.,. i 1 in six months from the date of this no-
, . ', .. . . . i tice,
vulo yoursaif with rending for the winter.
Samplo copies furnished on application.
Semi-Aniiniil Snuiiaary Statcnipnt i
Of the financial condition of the count jof J
Crook, in the stata of Oregon, oa the 1st j
day of October, A. IX, IS'Jj.
To warrants drawn on the county
treasurer, and out tandhig and
unpaid iLOoi-iC
To estimated amount of it.terts
acciued thereon Iflo 00
ville. ii
no v i i
! ta: ih-io
J go-id house a:;;i liaru, located hano v to : inia. Andrew J. Noble. James W. Hacti.t.ii. of
jHchiadh jUseJilheplacofor a person KayHua, Or. ,..
with small means to niato a . . . : " "
Gonis-3rt2.U;3 honiS notice for publication.
Must he sold within the next nino'v davs. ! L.vsa Ot--nrg at Bckns, ok.
';.-,... ( (I vvti l-l !"!(- i-i i September IS. ISSitl,
.e n... 3 .p'. l- - i Notice is hereby siven that the following-
one and twoyearn tim... l.tlj gooil. ntuumX wtlier ha, filed notice at his intention
For farther particulars call at this of-1 to make final proof in support of his ciaim.and
- : 41...! . .... I .......I ...Ml l.n 1.. ,.r..... !...!....
Iu (he Circuit Couri of tlie Sialc o) Oregon
for Vtoulc Couuty.
M. (. iii.!., (i'illlg luisinef!;? imuer
the firm inline of M. Michel !i Co.,
HEN BY S. IIAZI.irr and J.H. IIAZ-
1.I1T, Deicndantr
thai said t-rool will be made before Co. Jodire
i or Co. Clerk of Crock Co., Or., at Piineviile,
I Or., on November f. ls-jo, vlx:
CiiAKLE.i liKQUA, lid No lfiiS,
; for the 8W See 29 l p Hi S U t. K W M.
1 lie names the followinff witnes.es to prove,
t his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, .-aid land vix: Vinceu Circle, Jell Ii.
i lieii.ivr. James W. Ha nilton, Charles W. Circle?
' Jr., o.' 1'u.iHiid, Or.
17 J. Ii. HUNTING TON, P.egiter.
i La vn Oi-r:cs at The Pai.lks, Ot.
. . . . September is, ih-.it.
."-once is iicreny Rivea ll.at ll.e lolli w li ir-
Datetl Seplen.btT li), IS'jO.
fi Wsr. PltlNE, Administrator.
Geo. W. 1!af.n::s, Atly. for the Estate.
Tin & Hardware
To Ilei rv S. Hai'.li'it and J II Harlitt '""itcd settler has file i noliccof Ms in.tcntlon to
,i , i".. ' " i i . i i '" 'make final pn-of in niipport of his claim, n-d
tee al) i.e-name;. 0-...i-i:!ants: ( that snid proof will be trade before Co. Judi;e
In (be name f the iI:t!e cf Oregon. or Clerk Crook Count-.-. Or., at prineville. Or.,
you are herebv rvoaired to appear and f e.1 L,18-.0' ,. .
answerthe tomplaint in the above-en- nll trtiAi
titled court and cause on or before the Sec (i : p n s it w K W M.
first, dav of the .text regular term of said ! , , n?1" ,llc followii. witnessc lo pv
. . i i . ., . -, his continuous re.-.idc:;ce uron. ai.d ciiltivatinu
court to be liclu at the court bowoin said cf, said land, viz: V.". li. ( Id le. E Job nioii, M.
count v and stale, to v. it : on toe 1'idli dav N. White, K. e. Jiiller. of Prineville, Or.
of October, A. i). 18DX A:,,l if voti fail I ' JollN '.V. LKiVIs. Hci.te-i.
i tlt'swer'.fljr w" thereof, the jdain- '
till will take judgment against vouforlhe ! w.y.r. . . . ...
sum of 73.1 and interest thereon at ten ' L'"!in
per cent per annum smc3 May 18, i-SlJ, ! Notice is l-crcbv piven that tic following
and (be furlher nm c f J2o, altorncv fcs i n""'! xUlhrhaa filed notice of 1 Is inleiitii.u
in ti,tunit -imiI i;r i l .i-ro- f LU V(irt ; W'-ke final pKf in anppnrt of hir eto'in, and
in l, i.s wm, .inu lor ail. tree oi .bi.-. ioi.it lha, yirM( ,vlI1 be lnHde hrU,tt jlt,-KC of
for tiie foreclosiire ol a certain real mort- , itr.ir.k county, or., at Prineville, on-tun, on.
f:i"-e ( esen heil la t he conn, .ur.t tiled in f-ovciai.cr ,, iso. viz:
this case and executed by ti-.e snid Henry jt .
. ilazlitt on the lolh day t .Ociober, : lie t-.amcs the foilowine wilre.-es in i.n.m
..is conimuous resilience upon, and cultivsti. n
S T ( ) II K
Total Liabilities
By funds in the hands of county
trea-urcr applicable to the pay
ment of county warrants if i-7 C7
By estimated unpaid current fax
es applicable to the payment of -count
v warrants 8SS0 34
....troi'15 40 i TS&
Total lte::ourees.
All accounts due the estate of R. Itow
an. deceased, or to the firm of it. Bowan
i -Sou must hi settled forlhwi'h or costs
ifr: i
y I ir H t K I I F LT li:::: 1
tioo, for.thc SE'-i Sec :;4 'i i Ifi S I! 13 E.
L'vlit fo si-etire Iho Davinpnt of :i i-crt.-iin
r. .;.,up,.v i-nV i'".! i-r'r.i.ri.-n-i-ir. "' "M vlz: W. H. Ailder.ojl. W. II. Pott
t.r-,mm..-sO! y r.o.e, i.iai .i.epreu.i. o.-L.it.- v,- c plaaimc.r n. s. smead, of r-,i.,t, Or.
veyed by S:.i.I iiiort'.r.-.g r.iny bo sold and , 1 JOHN W. LEWIS, Kejisler.
the proceeds et Mica sale iie.ajiplied to (he ;
payment i f the ptir.s above-iiaiui'tl and ;
to tlie ct.-stM and disbiir.--em."iitH of this an-
ti.,,, and for a personal, ju.lgni-nt a,;,d ; " "iW
execut'.'-n, if such proceeus are not sum-. Notice Is hrrebv given that the foli.iwiijr
C'cnt ; also tiia1 tlie defendant Htjitrv S. n'med .-clticr has hied notice of his intention
Ui-Iilt -mil ull iioriuit-u ril,;.i.ii.r 'l,v tn im'-k" final proof in support of his riaim, and
U.UIHI. ai.d all peisoi.H Helping i.J, ,tlat aid proof will be il.de before Co. clerk
ihrnngh end under him smi.cpient to . cr-x.k Co , !r , at l'rii:evii:e, Oregon, ou No
said u'orig.itre be barred and forecloted of vent ber 7. l.vn. via-
ail -l.rlo lol . , l- :, .,,,1 ..nnilv -f re- EilWARI) "rt . TAYLOR,
ai. ,i tit, i U, i ai.d equity ct n ,-, ;, f. f , ui v 8,. uw g , T
dt'Uipt-ori or interest ;ii and to sattl prein- h ; :-(K v M.
isea, and for o'lier an-1 further-rclle; as: He caiaes the following witnesses to prove
..--11 ,r,nr'. fi.'lv Lrl, rcferpne" lo'.he ' c o.tiooous residence upon, c.t.d coiti vptlon
mor ....j.tari,.. rcitrt.ni io ..u ., f. ,,,. vi!. ,8. J. M. Mantfleld.
oiui lauit on ioe iierci.-i. . jr.;-.:u, Hayes, Jes.-e Mirer, of Liberty. Or.
J. F. Mooite. AHy. forl'liT. lo JOHN W.LEiVLs. liegi.ter..
This summons is published by crder of . '
II.n. E. I). Khatlnck, jmbte of the circuit ', .
court of .Mcitncinah county, Orejon, dal- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.
ed at Fori land. September 3, l.-50.. 13 j Land Orncg at'I he Pam'.eV Or.
. . ' Hepp'.eniber lo, IsSO.
Notb-e is hereby Kit-en tl sl thr folb v.ii r-
n&i'ned settler has filed nolle of liU intvltlb n
to innke fioal proof in i-tlpporl cf Id claim, and
re ton my
Or., ou Oft.
gone-theLord knows where-w, no j W f. ItoN'
On Wednesday uiorninj the ground was cov
ered with abotiut a half inch of snow, the Er.-t i , .,, . . . . j d mbt
of the season. This was only a foretaste uli . , colic w.
what is liable to come during the next few " feu-toi u;cit-.-o
cqt-.it themselves creditably in
On September 2Mh Miss Ella Thompson,
d mshter of Judic S. U. Thompson formerly of
this county, wa married at the residence of
her father in M turoe. Bentou couuty. to Mr.
truest Catterliu, of Salem.
Married At the residjnea of F.iK. New'oil
ou Willow creci:, Sunday, October ,"iih, Jud?e i
S miner officiating, Mr J. E. Newbil to Miss
Liu A. Moore. The RsviKW congratulates
the hapn- couple and wislie. t ae:o a ple.v,ant
wedded life.
" W. S. Mayberry arrived here on Sunday
front. Lebanon, aud left o-a Monday for Fare
well Bend to lake charge of th; school at thai
place. Mr. Maybtrry is a yo.il teacher, end
the people of Farewell Bend are fortunate ia
eeepring his services.
V.'m. Paire has been arrested ia Southern Or
egon and ta ken back to Hartley county to be
tried for killing Bill Frown. .The first term of
court that was held in Harney county Mr. Page
presented himself for trial, but there was sonic
error in transferring the ca.-e from the Grant
county court, hence the second arrest.
Sheriff Booth's office was made a marriage
hall last Wednesday, Iter. Peweese tying the
knot that united ia we lock Mr. W. H. Beck
nd Miss Sarah Eardwel, both, of Summit prai
rie. A refusal of the bride parents to sanct
ion the ed ling caused the yo ins folks to sc
!ect the slteriirso.-ii.-e aj t.ie pla -e for t:ie mar
riage. " -
to society, though harmless, being too
weak minded to do any harm, as anyone
at all observing would not 1 taken in by
Ids bombastic talk and sdlly schemes.
Craiu had been here since last spring,
County Ciurt Proeee'i;:! js.
Administrator of the estate of It. Uow-
an, (iecea-cd.
Ct t T:l
.li. . ..lu..- UI..-.S. iiiiii.ii v-jii.-: -O.UUH3 , i, i, . ,1 .
. , , , , : the dod.tr on all taxab.e property in the
through the columns of the Aftrx, and i t.0,,.,.v m., ju
the editor of that patier is probablv the! ., .. ..... -n
, . i -ii '. i- ! Ltds adowed aggregating oO.
onlv person m town who will regret his; ,", , . T,
, ' , , r Misses Maltte, Mav and Susie Barnes
departure, be seemingly navmg formed 1 , R ... " - , stml..Et3
A S:iijcial term of commt:aioners' court I
was held this week, at which tlu follow- ! jVl. Sjd Ebl3-v3cfGEr pnt.r.
iug business was transacted :
Ordered that a lew of ll?- mi'.'.s on
quite a liking for Grain.
Sen! ia fhe News.
The Review wants the news from
everv precinct in the count v, hence it
to the Slate Agricultural College.
Fuaera! Notice.
The undcrsig led v.i'd preach the funer
al cf the late Howard Mau iit- at the rcs-
wants a correspondent in every preeinct ! idene of Mrs. Nancy Matit iti, on Ticct
who will make a note of the happenings j creek, Crook county, at 2 o'clock p. x
and send them in for publication. Any
thing of general interest is always accept
able, as it makes the paper more read
nbl j and cf more interest to readers gen-crallv.
All accounts due me on f.-.rniturs aaj
of Thursday.' October l(i, 1S:1X
New Cos is.
Ah Doong & Co. are receiving fi !arje
new stork of well selected goods, con-
i'.Vrv-" :. :
Also a fine line of fisiiii-.s .tackle.
Ail Kinds cf Tinware, Cimji
Stoves and Camp Gutiiis.
rump work, repairing and
ail jCb work
dor.e o:i short notice.
h friiiril
tl' fir" A A " . ... 11. t'-at -aid' proof will It- n.ade l.ef.-n
Yfa li REWARD vco'"i,w
i'l'ilS Sitf E. H. MASTERfiOK.
ylUU !Hd App2JC4, for the SE'-J Sec. :p 12
To the party rrcelvi- g the Invest list
'of Mttnesf-r
t L! i IfiTRiT? 11
S P. 21 E.
lie hiiiues the follavviie wiliii-.-.ei- lo iiruve
l-.L. co:;ti;iuo-ii. rfc-idence itvt ai.d nltlvatf-n
of. taid hind, via: John Fran;., llubl crd K
Uen, i. J. olepheiiMJii, C. WoiMj-.vurd, of Mitch
til, ;.-.
13 JOHN W. LEWIS, l-teyisler.
H i 3 T 0 R
3y.5UJi3S!?T li. RAFJCf?0F7
THE F, -iL.iic.T IJISiOBI S.
Kce.dv at la iJalv tr-ie .Hislorv J
Daniie .Wm-iatiou, Etc., E.-
The '.idling tl uise CeJstiaJ Mairiare
Hlrang" Kliu'ious t'ii-t-;ms Biogra;!iV
il l.'Mgiiar.: loiiiig, as tfcwlhlig swanVSi
j jet true btMcry.
! A gra'-.d h mk in scil. Evrvbody v.'anfs
' it- Meichants. Farm -rs, M;cu-iiiics. and
j .;! cla-we- have eaerlv awaited (he ap-
0. S BOARDSAN, Frcprfetcr. . nt.v '
Lakh Orrics at Lakevikw, o.
sptli.iber 4, p-.d.
?.i1-cr In hftii-hv trivpn tl:Ht 1l- f.. I --a Ii.il.
Mormoa'.i'tfj pm.-Jisiieti Faciaaliiijf, in- iiiniI -etetcr ha iilcd notice of 1-U li lcr.tii.n
t.'tiseiv i'uif rest in". ir-vfrf:sl Endorsed ' "'a''' i;al proof in xuppoH cf Ids ck'ni, anil
..Ijt-. , M,.r., : .,-,',! ,-t. ,)! : t' '! pr-x'f will be utade b.-iore th County
;.'-" r -W V1" ' A.', .Ji.': t , . -r-r. Ja-LTO f Crook Co.. at I'ri.-evilte. Oiee-.n. ou
VON DtiR.1- U L ADV E-f4TU RES Koven.ber l, Iio. tU:
Ills,.... Ts,vX i-tbinl-.- In. KCKt.S W. KINO.
Wars-Thri!limr wcotmts ,i Maxsa- "f VM? ' '4 ' -t
'ri-saii I Miracii!-risE-a-iiits i!i::f,i:iio:ii( ' Uesiesaeathe fr-llowiie vitrmn' to rror
'hi continuous re.-idenee i:;--.ii, cMi ctiJtftitD
of, -aid land, viz: John Telderwerd, Chas. 8.
S:ss(s. Jas. A. MoIIiit. William T. Ca.ey. vf
i.ci.d P. O- Cr.w-k Co'-.t.-fv d'. mi
II WAl!l.ENT..UTT, K -tft
sisting of fine siils, seaifs, fans, notions,
on lumber at the lumber yard must be crockery. They have enlarged tjieirstore Everythtr.
mttle.i on cr before November 1st.
, . ,, , ... , i . K-vn.I quick if I O-uor c-Mtlv ana elegant
The hotel has len lately enl.cd arid . vyA.. 0..,nt. ,)o,,;t x!lS ti:n:s
refurnished, and is now jn fcrst-class ':.- i ,......,
. cTorif 54p.ni re .,.i .o,., uJ, i .e, 1 . -'o- ic........
UV, Vlpe'." izr,A.. ZZ.,-TT- i"t- "v"'-"beforeiti-.!;iv-nout
pertaining to T'ie t'ee is now prf-pr.red to re-
t'. C. Mal:ko.
. .1.. ri ii , .i. i a - . - . : - -v is ; ckvs .tnd n,. Tor-tain all wi o ni:iv
luuill ill liie Viir lio-aistj ,w wnl i Ul 5 tiauiUl s;k:.ltl J. . - - - --.-.rr r . -
disr.lay th.pir khI.i. j fff'Att tnri IVarranled. call.
a Hi.bjecl of intense interest t- and
L.isd OFriCB at Laskvikw, Or.
' Septcmlr, Isi0.
Notlee is hereby Riven ti.K il-e jclh.wti.a--na
;:ed settler le.., filed cot re of bis ii.tenlloii
lo :i:&i.e finai prcof in sopp'.ri f-f f.iselilui. at.U "
t -a' .-n!--! prooj will be m.-.dc before the Coonty
Clerk 11? Crook County al I rii t-.'iiic, Oregon, Ofl
Oct-jbtr i.-.', W.O, viz:
lie name ihc lonowini; w. messes in -ovt
tht firand lil-istrations altvaet attenii a his continuous re-idem-e imon. aid culiilf-B
evvrvwhew. Address i f. ;a:.-l !ai:d. viz. CI arte, 8 w-. .Charity
723 MAKSEfbT. -SAN FUANvT'sCO. :iu ' vYARi'.ES Ti:i"iTT,i:esl!tcr..