Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, October 04, 1890, Image 3

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t h't free ot chute, where tbe notice are
ilbJ In 'oi,i PPer- HeenUtt prieetorpnb
' n'ltiees 7-M. If notice have to
; ,.ij,U"tie 1 mistake of onr, tbe aee
, I p iblietin will be inserted free.
To Subscribers.
Jill thwiptioa totheOcuroco Review
not paiJ in advance will be charged for
at ttiu ratcnf twenty-five cents periuontb,
or three dollar per year, for all arrear
aj?. . . 7 .
. Lumber at reduced rates at the plainer.
(S i to Cline's m irkat for fresh lard and
Mr. (lant returned last .Sunday from
the East.
Wanted 13 dozen eg.;
this office.
Inquire at
S. Springer has returned from Yam
bill county.
Circuit court will convene on Monday,
October 20th.
Mr. and .Mrs. Thoa. Lister spent the
week in town.
John Ciage and family have moved to
Hahibrtn, fdaho.
Two tuns of fine onions for sale at
Howard'- market.
John D.-.C has taken charge of Mr. Mal
ing'a furniture store.
, A little ice formed on etill water hcv
cial night tliH week. '
Charlie Charlton went to (iilliam coun
ty tha first of the week. '
Ifeorgo Craw, of I'ortland, spent sev
eral days in town this week.
A. C. l'almjr is carrying a tine line of
riiosa at the l'ostollica -Store.
To-morrow the new bell at Union
Church will call people to worship.
A clear sky and warm sun yesterday
gave it the appearance of a day in May.
Mr. and Mrs. J. iV. Elliott have moved
to town to send their daughter to school.
Bring $:i to this oflice and get the
Ociioco Heview and S. F. Vail for one
The rains this week have laid the dust
and the roads and streets are now
m uuu .
Parties having a fe-.v calves to dispose
o will find sale for them by calling at
this oflice. '
V. Hogers, dealer in lumber, hidjs,
grain and flour, north of Ochoco, on
-Main street.
In some places ground is wet enough
to plow, and farmers will beiu prepar
ing for fall seeding.
You don't want bargains very bad or
tho low prices at liowan's ' would' draw
you. there to trade.
V. II. Anderson started p:i Wednes
day for Williuij.'tj valljy with several
y-juti.' horses for s.i!o.
Hear in mind that you can pay your
subscription to tlii.s paper with wheat if
you haven't the cash.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Smith and Mrs. J. !
W. Howard returned homu from Willam
ette valley last week.
The town council has votel to levy a
town tax. Recorder Sunimors is now
making the asse:is:ni;:it.
Sheriif Ilooth and Deputy Slayton have
been busy this 8iimnioui:ig jurors and
uervins other legal. documents.
(iordon Cooper, a well-known tough
character of Oregon, died suddenly last
week at Echo, t'lu.i'ill.t county.
M. Siehell retutned home last Thurs
day from Portland, where he bought an
.immense stock of fall and winter gojds.
Sam Hod,'js returned the first of the
week from Harney county, where he hail
boon working on the rango for Hardin &
On Saturday last Percy Davi.s started
to Portland to buy goods for l'ulljr it Co.
Ho will take iu the esposiiijn while ia
the city.
' Prof. McKanlas, the world renowned
violinist, will be at (Hade's bail next Fii
iLiy and Saturday evenings. Everybody
will attend.
Do jou want to buy a boms? It' you
do call at this otlicc. We have for pale
some of the most desirable farm property
in the county.
It is said that money is scarce here, but
there seems to bo plenty of monev to
gamble on, at least the
wjll p:itw.ii
aro banks arj
ti i .i n .
Tlue week the Review iiiokeu
change in it's outside dress, audit will
1 i . . .
o.Miioruer ior tlie Acirs to have a fit
i .... .
aoout it next week.
Subscribers who do not receive the
KbVikw regularly will ph-ose notify us of ' .
the' fad, aiVwe" will endeavor' to learn
where the fault h.
This week 1. b". Stewart put
boiling apparatus at the tlourin
This will enable him to make
b :tter grade of flour.
Judge E. 1). Shattucd, of Portland, has
WMtten J. r. Moore tlmt liu oill l.u I,,,,.,
n tlm awh to n... ...i... .v.........
ton., of circuit court. ' "
ville I'.illes .i
o-.i the f
got in
Usually at this season of the vear there
is considerable typhoid fever in this sec
tion, but so far this fall there have been
comparatively few cases.
Some of the farmers were not throiHi
threshiiio when the rain came this week,
though their
eir grain was stacked, hence
. - , ,
atenally damaged.
was not in.
Marion Templcton and family, of Har
ms', aro visiting frijnd.i and relatives
bore. Mr. Templetoti Siiys the bay crop
in Harney valley was immense.
Me 1 Moore started to I'ortland yester
day to look aftec his mail contracts.
Service on the IVu-.evTlj-Silver Lake
route will not be increased uatil his return.
Premier, proprietor f the I'rin," ! ",.ilii0 a!1 urJi'iary bunchgrosser green i ricultunst. The grams of the cere-! mvstenes oi polygamy which will . . .. ' f fi , :
U.e. acted use wduct, 0,,.e 'als are lareo and idumr,. Hav he read with eager interest by all : ,v, e.,T..Dr
... , i jems inn uiai w, i.ieu -aoj iwantis, and c - - i e t , . il i ur
itaas several tru last weok. If.s i :i vo.r:;,.,. w,.;,,i,; ... i ' vitclMl ir..ll ml farm. annntv Ima 'Classes of Decide throuehont th All Vlnrl " T:-....
o:t tune cacti tiio. i , , y . s h .iol.al. c..., L-;.,r. n-ri,; ti i.
A IWV rkhatj-fh..A ..ll...l 17: f 1. I . ...
I..:..... 7
connty, ad wiU be silled bTtl Ha'r-l L3st?ek t!ie Mity loard off Following is a list of those who - The meeting of the Second East
din line when it is re-established. j elual,lat,oa completed the work of ; pay taxes in this county on more ern 0r"S Agricultural Fsir held
- The "McXanlas, Operatic Minstrel j the assessment roll for I than 5000 : f 1 Jh 1?aMea last week is
Troup," consistingof eight fine musician,
wui gtveentertatHmentsat Glaze ball
4 r.i i . ,i c? . t ... :
x u.i urn i-auruiij- cutnuugii.
There will 03 another meeting of the
Cattle and Horse ltutectire Aasociation
at the court bouse this evening. Mem -
bam are carnestlv requests to attl-nd.
-T f'l li , 1 r. ww,. -
in. si. .-iiieuaoarger leit on lliursilay
for San Francis-o to hnv cowls. He will
be gone about two week's. AV. II. llowan
will attend to his store during bis absence.
All accounts dun mn on fnrnitnr.-. 0...1
on lumber at the lumber yard must be
settled on or before November 1st
C. C. Mauso.
Oeorge Barnes accompanied by bis
three daughters anil Miss Kova Dodson
! 111 H ar 1 ""ains next Momiay. Hie
young ladies are going tliere to attend
. i . i
-l mi.-iaiwu na 111:1113 in manuotiing tne
hank robbery at The Dalles last week.
It was the First National Bank of The
Dalles that was robbed, and not The
Dal!cs National.
The showers of rain that have fallen
this week have been worth thousands of
.111. ..a . i X.-. l. f ,i
uuuain iv im.1 i;uuill . J'UOUgll Hltil 1011
to -start tbs griis to" growing and fall
range will be good.
Wni. Ilogan passed through town last
Sundy on his way to Corvallis to meet
his wife who has been visiting in Wil -
iamutte valley. They expect to return
home in abut two weeks.
Sam Ciitie returned on Tuesday from
Eugene. He was quite favorably im
pressed with Willamette valley, and cs
peeially with the Wehfoot girls, but he
returned heart-whole and single.
Owing to bad weather, W. B. Flower.
the photographer, was unable to finhh
his work in Prineville and go to Mitchell
when ho intended, though ha will bD in
Mitchell next Saturday without fail.
Elder Holman will fill his regular ai-
pointment iu I'libn Church to-morrow
j at llf a. m. and in the evening. The pub-
: lie is' cordially invited. Morning sub-
j j..rt.
"The difference between the ungod-
i and the sinner."
It has been suggested that a literarv
, society be organized. It would be a
I pleasant and proiitahb way for thosj
u-llrt l ! V(i hiint-o 1., o,ut,wl :
each week, and there i.s certainly enough IIon' Bln&T llini. Stating that
talent here to make it a success. j tne P03tal department has ordered
The Willow creek catibmen finished I S(Jrvice increased to twice a week
their fall ride the first of (lie week. Joe j on mail route No. 8312J, from Sil-Hinkk-,
who was on both the spriuL' and , ver Lake to Prineville, the increase
fall ride, says he is now convinced that at ' t0 take effect 0 October 1st.
IJast one-ha!f the cattle in the northern . . , , ,. ,. ,
part of the county died List winter. i 1 hlS ,S 0ne of the hnes on wnlch
Dr. Ilinkle came near getting his left C- C- Mc0-V lias tdn the con
leg broken while branding cattle at bis tract fr carrying the mail at about
corral in town. He uied to pull a cow
er mat nau oecn "rojKMi- ana tne am-
r ,if..ii i;,-a i. u ..
...... .... v.. i.io hi,, i.llis IU (I TClCltJ
rfr-.i.. tl..... ,l. ,...i i., ,,
bone. - j us that service will notjbe increased
At Elder Ilolman's servLw at Willow'; unBl Mr- MCy "lakes some ar
ereek on Sc.t. 21st there were five ad li-! rangements for paying the expense,
tions to the clinrc.h Mr. and Mrs. Black, ' above what is received from the
Mrs. Pratt and Misses May Montgomery ; government, for carrying the mail.
and May (iniiin, the latter two by bap- j
tism and at Gray Butte last Sunday! - In Hard Lack.
there were four-Mrs. Foley, Mrs. Mo"- When Horace Dillard left here a
.uecKeu, i-iss liusn anu Jiiss tolev.
lt, 1Z
aturdav, October 1 aiKl 25 for the inir -
pose ii rai.Jing money with which to pay
off the indebtedness of the church. The
dinners will be gotten up in the highest
stylo known to the culinary art, and will
tendiiv court.
Bruce Healey replenislicd our larder
this week with a cabbage head .which
weighed 21 pounds and a dozen potatoes
wno.se aggregate weight was li pounds.
Warn .1. !..... I.il ..!
m , , f- t . -
moth veeefables on his Trout rwkf,
but if he dm.s, his products will certainly ?n(! -lclng school. The ed
ccmpare with those of any localitv in th"e!ltC!r0f tllC Itcm fUm1.s rna(J' to
LaH Wednesday Walt MeAlpin, the
lame upholster, and John Ihintoii, an old
wood hauler, skipped out from l'rineville,
leaving several sorrowinj; creditors to
mourn their departure. MeAlpin had
only len here a short time, but being a
good workman, and also .a account of
his being a cripple, he established a litlle
credit, which he abused bv leavins: his
creditors ith unpaid bills. He omcd
a shop here and coulil
have, done well
u.iu ne oeen uonoraoio, nut ins uisiosi -
i u;n ,.i i
i. . i i i ,i i . , .. .
I and he leaves no friends here. Wherever
ll"i J H - 1 Uill PUtlllvtl t J I'll lllllIllllitlfT.
I. 1.1. . . t t
! i,u eseres no st nipatny ior ne
i IS In. !r,w-l
I &-
T. A. T'ren raturned o-i We.lnesdav
from l,rlland, here he had been bttv-!
I ing Us fa" and wi,ltur Ua was
it the ojK'ning of the Iiidustiial Kxtiosi-'
inaire-.v1''011'11'1,1-1'6"''''0'''1"' eck, j ,ins 0r warehouses. Summer fal-1
ingnilll :;;:rSu;Jf7,f !!1fs ( art'low is being worked and much
, a utach ;;rm ma;uin;4t a'SeS,,!;; wheat has already been sown. Har -
I vaiious iiianuf.ieturi:... ;.,.l....-:
"tate were excellent, but the mi
oereit ny j.iocrati s band, to l.i... -. i
I I--luate feature of the exposition. !
I IX? :tl! .tt.r1" !
Mrs. Wixslov.'s Sootiiixo Svp.rp lias
lieen used by mothers for children teeth-:
ing for over tiftv vears with perfect sue-
11 1PeUavea ,he, '! sutferer at
w", ivpuuivb iiaiutai, .juui- toevp nv i
riuut sleen hv
freeing the child fom pain, and the little
. . . ... . . '
jehertib awakes as "bright as a button.
ciieruo awakes as "Uri 'lit as a button."
i l !; v'ry pleasant to taste, soothes the
i clul.l, soitens the minis, allavs rain, re-
j i1(,ve, w iml Ksna& t,,J him:el an'(, fa
'( Vilt kllOV.Il miTifiK f.-if fli'irrlwn
whether ari.-in;, ron, teethinsor other
causes. Twenty-live cents a bottle.
All accounts due the estate of U. Row-
an, deceased, or to the tirm of U. ltowan
& Son must lie settled forthwith or costs
will be added.- W. II. ROWAN.
Administrator of the estate cf It. Row -
an, deceased. '
1 mt .
! . . -.ct mi.
j u ie summary ot the prop-
- enj on wmcb the tax levy will be
erty on which the tax lew will I
matltt IS 38 I0110W8 :
made is as follows:
; Acres deeded land Kfri. . - $319,043 Brown & Williamson
j gon road land 234.44J . . . rJSt.mj ' ' " imamsoa
! ?,wn U,t --- .,77..T Baldwin '
i teXT?'" ! A. D. Bolton
-".imiwiwaiM implements. . . no,i 1
! l - . ..
i noies ana aironnts
' 0USt,no'd furniture, etc. .
j JtX !" '""i
I fheep " 142j(il8. ..
' ,VW"le 458.. v
Grom valuation. .:. .
IndebleilneHS. JalS.'Jltr
Exemptions ... . 114,(H.K)
Total taxable property. . . . $l,2u8,863
Number of polls yi7.
'i When compnred with the assess
ment of,last year it shows a de
crease of $167,645 in the gross val-
! ,r -if , ., ,, .
I uv "1 V l'e'li'. u in
j VaIue of taxable property, though
i this 13 not as groat a decrease as
some had expected, owing to the
J heavy losses of stock last winter,
: The decrease in sheen 1i:ir hen the
t - .... -
greatest of any class of property
Last year there were 222,137 sheep
assessed in the county, and this;
,vear only 142,618, .showing a loss
' of 79,519. The decrease of cattle
has been 6S49j horses, 2125; mer
chandise and implements, $12,544 ;
town lots, $15,730; while there lias
been an increase of $10,688 in the
amount of money, notes and ac
counts; the amount of deed hind in
land, 13,543 acres, increase in vai
uation. 12,678, and the increase
' : i ' i r ,
in me vaiue oi improvements nas
been $13,284.
Considering that the value of
live stock has decreased $255,483
within the last vear, the fallin" off
of $101 412 in the tavaMe nronprtv
, f . . , ,
of the countv is by no means a bad
' " '
I Mail Service Ordered Increased.
We are in receipt of a letter from
75 per cent of the cost of perform- j
. ine the work, nr.d M A ATnnro th
. '
l . . . i .1 T
1 CIlK.iirfi'nitii' rn flwt 1fnA I T.
i'""-w'u"iiiwiiic, niiur-iib
; lew moritllS ficn tr. tnlrn oilifnriol
i f! f Uy t" he to,d
i - l'lal' llillIley
'Ry was tne Kden of God's footstool,
! and we all expected to learn of his
j having made a million in a short
I . . . .- . , .
treat surrounded with luxury
! that Eden has certainly not prov
i to be productive of golden fleeces
i for newspaper men at least, ju
;ing from the following bid Bn
i WiHard makes for an outsid
job :
! "John Roberts, of the Press, has ;
lane a contract oi sawing wood, or
any light work, to help tide over
dull times."
Come back to Prineville, Horace,
the Review has fen cords of wood
you may have the job of sawing at
one dollar a cord.
Oregon Oops.
According to the crop-weather
: , , , . ' .
bulietion. the last one for this sea-1
: son 'iued last w-o...- tho l.,rr..,ui
p--ut.u fast wclk, tlie largest
yle'" ' wheat in the state is re-
. .
i .
ported from Forest Grove Wash-
i -
; ington county, where some fields
'leIdefl 80 , bushclfJ to tl,e C.
i 'f he bulletin says' cereals are gen-;
erally all threshed and most all in
os of the ' vest is over and crops are gathered, i B iteu author forms a novel yet true STOVES AND rVxGES TI
lusic reu- Good reports as to yield come from to ,ue letter. Above all in surpass- i WAKE, GltAXFTE IROX
every county
The year has been
e of general prosperity to tlie ag-!
; were plentiful,
VAdvertised Letters.
i t;.. .. .... ...
' . nn tor, rcniainniii
i in Ihd IriTioviIi iwt..;.. i iuo.
in the I nnevillo postnttice (let. 1. IS!)!. ;
....... iW i . i do sent to l.eail ;
Letter Ullice ov. 1, 18:)j.
A. C. 1'ai.msk. P. M.
! Cowardie 1) B
Patee I) I,
Kanioiis 'or
Ron laud Ed L
Se.ir J W
Scott Thomas
Shelhcin Pen
Taylor J J)
Thomjoa'A L
Thomson Mary
Thomson U V
Ward Martha
AVilev Etta
i !avis ('!j,V.b
1 Vi.lns T .
Elliott I) M
! FJson Mrs tieo
! Elliott Mrs H
j Fmtea Frank
! Huron Mr
1 Haniii"ton F P
' .Moore Henerv
j Osboru J W
oct-n secureu. uaruen nrouucis e ' i "-"""'s
CreM HMTI TltWItt.
B. F. Allen $20,091
1 P.bl.; ck t. t n- e.
Baldwin Sheep & Land Co. 36.894
Phil Ttmaan
7 500
First Nat. Bank of Prineville 0,490
i Dalles National Bank
luwr J- 1'- Combs
5C4;D. W. Claypool
11 700
. '..I.
H. A. Cleek
J. J. Cozort
J. W. Gage
W. II. Gulliford
Heisler Bro.
T. 8. Hamilton
Allen Henry
A. Hackleman
J. W. Howard
Henry Hahn
Z. T. Keyes
D. B. Kelly
A. Lytle
T. J. Logan & Son
W. G. Looney
C. C. Maling -1
9 390
M. C. Nyc
A.J. Noble f
G. W. Noble :
S. S. Newsom
T. J. Powell
T. M. A. J. Parrish
Charles Requa
M. Sichel & Co. ; .'
S. A. Taylor
J. 11. Taylor (estate)
Uren it Son
A. Zell
David Calm
6 005
; Dalles Military Road Co.
Was It Murder!
mi li ,, , KiCT III llic CUIIIIIV ; JUKlllI ijj ;UTI!H
The following is from the Me-' of meadow. Tbw is one of the barguhw
Minuville Telfphone-negisterorh,tiiatvon'tiieeV.i-edaiieefor a stock
tm..nr or.,u i i , i r!"t'' ; plenty of (rood ramie surrounding'
tembcr 2olh, and bears out the ; it; one half cash, balmu-eon easy teims
theory of the Ochoco Reiiew that ''n" HKKltY HAHN, Prineville.
Byron Springer was murdered : j $800. kl
"Monday morning on the 10:30
tl... t,j c t c. -
train the body of Byron bprmger
arrived in this city. The corpse
was taken to the I. 0. 0. P. par
lors and a post mortem held. The
-,.l.,i;,.o r 4i i i .
relatives of the deceased were not
satisfied with the report of suicide,
and the rnsnlf. nf tl,n
- . . v i - v..-vuiiJiii(itlWll
exnloded the Slllf.ini. tlioorir
, ...,. v
1,. l,.,,- . r j ,i
I large bruise was found on the tem-
pie, the skin being abraded. The!
t .'. . '
! bridsre of thh .,! i.:
O .-w uuu 1.1AM
were also bruised fts if hit with a
heavy instrument.. Friends think
that Byron Springer was murdered
A bullet hole was found in tho i . 10. w,10m niay concern, notice is here
a liuiiti noie was iouna in the ; V). giveilj Ul.lt lhe IJartnert.ilip lpret(JfOI.e
body over the heart, butthe clothes existing between M. T. Manning and M
he had on at the time he was found i m.1 oUliieti thf fi"" liaT .f
, . i -banning & Co., is this dav dissolved bv
in the hotel contained no bullet mutual consent, and all persons having
hole,' neither were they Woody. XtSjt .tt.Xht ?.W t-tm
; I mill nil nnrwnrnnrna nt u-oa olmr
' Whil in M a"d murderers!
j '-"""'J' urcsseu ine oouy, anu ai
the hour of five fired a shot . and
escaped, leaving everything looking
like suicide
x nu uouy was lUKen io Amity,
At Last.
he long-expected illustrate
History of Utah by the eminent
historian, Hurbert Ii. Bancroft, has
at last appeared. It is absolutely
a revelation. After yisiting the
field in person, taking testimony i
impartially from all sides, critical- j
ly reviewing the enormous number I
of 1000 different authorities, and
searching many of the secret arch
ives of the Mormon church, Mr.
Bancroft now gives to the world
this wonderful and remarkable
"orh'' ule 011ly ue history ot Alor-
l.l , . , .
mopism published.
The work reads like a romance
the wonderful adventures of trap
pers and travelers, the "bloody In
dian wars, the thrilling accounts of
massacres and miraculous escapes.
i the famous Danite Association or
Destroying Angels, the story of
j BHgham Young-all this fresh
o'" the pen of the brilliant and
i,nB '"terest is the unfolding of the 1
grt. Mormon question and the j
is published in one large, hand
some volume of over 800 pages,
bound in red and gold, and grand
ly illustrated with steel-plate port-
raits of the great Mormon leaders.
I exquisite half-tone engravings and
j dazzling colored plates. It is is
sued by the great publishing house
of the Pacific coast, The History
Company of San Francisco, and
can only be procured through their
authorized t?ents. We call atten
tion to the advertisement in an
olhe column, t ider heading of
"125 00 Reward,"
I The Dalle Kair.
hmtn f frll!f i.,
. r . - , , . fe
were eood. the iril of sneo.l ,r
j - - -
fair, and the exhibit of tine 'stock
was eceueni. .uenuonmg ine
Stock that was on exhibition the
f'wsavs: !
' The citizens of Wasco countvf
mn,rit f...! ,.Mj- e .u '
may well fee! pround of the itn-
Droved breeds of fctocfc wluVh thilw cuuaicu a
1 Jl - r,, f '
"UVK anu "5 win coiiipare iu-
vorably with any in the countrr.
In the history of the Northwest
,e ti.ne has passed when the cav-
use is the popular representative of
tne horse, or inferior spwits of
co'vs 01 "omed cattle.
o,jw wii gtMJ fine (jivtics,Jaiei KngisI,
8,0i5 Shire and Percheroti horses; and
6,420 Mr. Sharp's black Galloway cattle,
19,400 which are the pride of the pasture."
o,993 j The Sew Ch orth Bell.
7,907 j The new bell for Union Church
10,040 arrived here this week and was
5,515 placed in position in the belfry hv
7 40G AIr" BelknaP- Tlin '5l weighs 4C3
o'9in pounds and has a clear, musical
-1U tone, and is by far the bes-t bell'
7,000 in town. It was manufactured 1 y
10,695 theMcShean Bell Foundry of Bal
9,560 ti'J'ore, Maryland, and cot $150
g : laid down here.
6 850 &Acrr Ti.mu i i..i i.
.-TN I II I ituit-uuiaiiumcir
H"vvvy. tv iures partlv inculJiva-
Sh "Z,1;, v5
half cash, bulanee on nasv ternm; must
, bu 80ld- Add,cs 111 NriY
T 09ft RQROO 0ne hundred and ixtv
1,545 cattle and horse ranches in Crook county ;
9 700 absolutely controls the onlv water on" a
w tract of 4),(i0il acres. This'is a grand op
222,232 '. portunily to buy a ch ice range I'ioj erty ;
7 797 '$1500 cash, balance on easy leiiiis.
(Address IIKNKY HAHN, I'lineville.
I R1 finn One hundred and MXtv
vs vs J . a
crew; iirtly limbered;
timber hind ai:d nood range t-iii rounding
" x"'" 11 """eirauie Mnaii wot-K raneli ;
; one-half easb, babuue on easv terms!
Address HEMtY HAHN, Prineville.
On August 12, 18)3, I took np tbe fol-
1.....: .1 -:i....i i . .
iuuij!-ui-.-iiijeii uorse, supposing nni to
belong to S. S. Cross, of Alayville: A
: bli,k S'dding 15 hands high, weighs
! V,0 Pd.8. t white to pasterns,
in torelieau ;inl sum on nosw. uft.
t re leg badly w-arred alwye the knee,.
. - . .....
uniiucn un ngiu siiouiaer iin an in
j verted D with bar underneath, timid
'fbe horse may be bad by .-ailing at my
' uhu-o tn: m;i..u ..t i. .. '..ii,. "
- . " V '. ' '.
iItKMri V IITIII ll-IVlnir lf 1 I
ns notice and
j V" bill
1 fur f-nttin,..t
1 ai. I. .MANNING.
! Notice is hereby given, that bv order cf
i i1'8 ('0,,ut.v -'ouri llf State cf Oregon,
i for ("r.xk County, made and entered on
wie.isi uay i i irepiemiier, ltstu, tlie tin-
Vt ARB, iL airs,
l'll'E, ETC.
Sbves and Camp Outfits.
Pump work, repairing and
all jOb work
done on sho:t notice.
0. S BOARDMAN, Proprietor
The hotel has len lately enlarged ar.d
refurni.-hed, and is now in Hrst-class
Fbape. Bet'er tirrpared than ecer brfort to
eti'.e la'at gnex'.i.
The house is now prepared o re
ceive and c.tertain, a!J who may
vouchers therefor to me at the office of j ' ,C"V '.i a"n,:m iUil-v J8' '''. J:L JW LE"
Geo W B ir-ios itt Prinoeillh fir and tins further m;m of i, attornev fees 1 --
! hi six lionthsTro th "d t ' ,'.f this It Ln tl,ii P,lit' i,nd f,,r 11 "f '' 'court KT'CE FOR PI T.MCATIOX.
I ic" i"ded eX " f"r the forei losuro of a certain real mort- e at The i, Ok.
e. V b ,1n . Orator. fi' """T" iT"", "i?1 j" Kaf Biven
' Geo W IUkx-s Vttv for l hi! ' Zia lll;,,'is and executed by the said Henrv J""cl wttler ha, filed notice of bis ii.teuilJn
! -T. 1 Kt '"r Liitate- S. Ha.litton the olh day of OetoW. ! SJ?.k-,n,l'7,,',?.l,n ""Wrt". hi cl.iS
i laun ... o, : -j . . - tpatsind proof will be made before To. -l..flr
! Tin Pt HnmlirniiA
rii 1 it i .vnjMi.iMiis liiuiirauji u certain i crook Co
l-t-zr-3rSCs I iritl T i,rrtfrr?l?r JC
New Central Hole
Fi ult Lauds la lUe illamette Valley.
. The OregiHi -Land Company, of
Salem, Oregon, is offering some
choice bargains in fruit land.
This land is situated from 3 to
5 miles from the t-tate capital, with
its excellent shipping facilities,
cannery, etc., and is es
adapted to fruit raising.
. i . f 4r-
ye-acre tracts from
l',ye acre tract6 trom t0 a
to set to fruit.
Ten-acre tracts partially culti-
t vated for 50 ikt acre.
t . i- i ,
Twenty acres light timber land
with .good sp-ing branch, $35 per
acre. ! -
Twenty-fiv acres, fifteen acres
in cultivation, spring branch run
ning on the place, for $35 per acre.
Forty acres of choice land all
cultivated, small house, some young
fruit trees already st out, $70 per
Forty acres of land all cultivated,
in wheat this year, for $65...
Forty -three aeie, twt nly-fi ve
acres cultivated, fine spring branch,
place all fenced in for $40 per acre.
Fruit raisers profit from $100 to
$150 per acre after the trees are 4
years old.
An industrious man can make a
good living for his family while his
i i . ...
i oreiiaru is coming iiito bearing bv
1 fs and various crops
i 'or cannerv. Let us know
what amount you have to invent
aim We Will ndVIPe lis U. Inonlmn
bend fur maps, pamphlets and
price lists to
The Oisegon Land Company,
! Salem, Oregon.
i n
If yon do call on, or address
The REVIEW, Prineville, Or.
Choice Land
Three and one-half miles from Prine
ville, neaily all undur fence, fifty acres
niiU' in foiltttr.ti.i itu-....!!....- 1 .: ,
irnnluiuntr : i;..;.,,. ... . r..
! goosl bouse and barn, located hand v to
school house, just tho place for a person
Cnmfflrtahfp Hnmo
Mnst lie sold within t he next ninety davs.
Terms One-third down, balam-o on
one and twovears tim j. Titte good.
For further naviculars call at this of
fice. ! SCMMO.NS.
Tit the Circuit Court of the S:a!e o) Oregon,
for Crook Coioity.
l. MCtll'ilj,. doing business tmder
the firm name of M. Sichel & Co .
Piaintilf. j
LITT. Defendants.
To Henry S. Hazlitt and J. II. Hazlitt,
the above-named defendants: '
In the name cf tbe State of Oregon,
you are hereby renired to apiear and
answer the coin.laint in the above-en
titled court and. cause on or before the
Ki. causi, on or oelore the
he next regular term of said
Id at the court bouse in said
iate, to wit: on the 2o.h day
lirst clav of the
court to lie bel
county and state
j m imviCTi. inric'Jii n .urn
proDiniissory note ; that the premises con-
v-pvod he f., 1,1 ... ,,,..... I l.i i
the .Weds of suebsldo
paj mem oi tne skills abovo-nained and
to the costs anil disbursements of this ac
tion, and for ;i personal judgment and
execution, if such proi-e.Hls are not sufli
cient ; also that the defendant Ihmrv S.
Hastlitt and all jieisfnis clnitninjr 'bv,
through and under him subveqnent to
said mortgaire lie barred and foreclosed of
all right, title, ihiiin and eipiitv of re
demption or interest i:i and to said prem
isea, and for other and. further relief its
will more fully appear by reference to the
complaint on file herein."
J. FI Moo e. Attv. for I'tfT.
This summons is published by order of
I JijJIi . K. 1). Shattuck, j-i-lge of the circuit
lyhrt nf Multnomah county, Orcon, JT.il-
ul at rortiand, Hej item her" 5
To ti c party r ccivirg the l.irEe;t list
of names f ir
Ready at lost Jidy true History of
Moriuoiiisui pnl.lwhed Fosciiiatin-', in
tensely intercstiii0', powerful Endsed
alike by Mormons and Gentiles.
Of 1 rappers and Travelers lilxidy In
dian Wars Thiiillj: accounts of Massa
cres and Miraculous Ewapcs The f undus
Uanite AvKoeiutinn; Etc., Etc.
The l i.i iiK' Hunu. (Vl..ii..l r..: i
-Strang Uli,,n-(:,t;..nJLui.-.,:.a: i
i.fRir!l.jmY.... l.:l-: 1 -. I
of Hicham Youn, as Ihriliing as a vel
yet true history. : -
A grand bxk to se'.I. Everyb-xlv wants
it Merchants, Fanners, Mechanics, and
all classes have eaetlv awaited tbe ap
pearance of this reinarkabli book.
.Send qiin k O 0J for costly and f bpant
Canvassing Outfit. Don't waste lime 1
writing for cin iilars. but secure territory j
before it is ijiven out. Remember this is
a nubject of intense interest to all, and
tlie (jrand tllnstralnns attract attenti n
ins attract attenti U
every wtwre. Address
no vim v
723 MA KEET JsT. SAN Fit AN. 6CO
Farm for Sale
1 G() acres of land located on the
main road from Prineville to The
Dalles, 15 miles from Prinerillv.
All good rich soil with the excep
tion of a few acres in the timber,
nearly all under fence, good house
and barn, living spring capable of
furnishing water for 100 head of
stock, convenient to timlier and
range. Price, $1200, $S00 down
and $400 on one year's time, e
cured by mortgage. Address
J- A. Dot TiuT, Prineville, Or.
Land Office at 1 nr. Dalles, Or.
SrptpmlT W, 1IM).
Notice is herehv ptven tlmt tt.r (olh.nit-r-liamiil
srltlrr lia ItVil notke of hl ii:li ti
t; make tii:al proof in Mi(iMrt of hi c'Rim, m il
tM i proirf will 1 ir.nUf lirfore loll My
Cli-rk of cr wk Co., at I'rinevilK-, Or., on Ko
vtftiilif r l. IS 0. vix.
P s -an. for the U of SEU mid Si of SW;
Scr i , .7 S li -il I".
He Humes tilt followini; witcewes to n
nig continuous rrsl.U-n.-v iimhi nd riiliixuii n
of, 8i,l land, vig; Alfred I.. Allen. I. li. Never,
M. I.. Urow j. Jus. S. Mever, ot Mdwrv, Or.
I..i.M Ofrai at Iti'RKK, OH.
' September Is, Is s).
Niitii-e is hereby given tlmt the I"11..h,k
named ..ellk'r ha. filrd jiotice of UU tnlri.lt. n
to c.ininiutc ami make ffiiul proof in till port t.f
hi. claim, and thalXj.aill pr.Kif will te u.da
before C .. l.'lerk CrJikl:,.., at tfrineville, Or.,
N jveiuber 1". ish), vni .
DAVtlMlvVEAVEK, 11.1 C,
llu uames the followiiiR wituenes to prove
his rniiiiiinoiw re-l.k'nee iipiin, and cullivmioa
of, aid laud.vij: Vt.ieen Circle Mart W. Balle
( liurles K.-qua, fliarlc, V CireieJr., oi I'au-
lina. Oreirou
1. B. II 72! CIS JIOS. Keslsler.
St'lileniber in. lhsfl.
Notlee is hereliy tiveii that the (l)t Ii.r
nained settler has tiled iiotiee of his inteutii.n
to miike Anal proof in Mipportof hi.elaim.ai.d
Ihnt .-aid nrno! Will he ir.nde li.fi,rn r IM.rlr
i7-. r., at l'riiieville, Or., oil Njvji
ucr M v
0 IViitU iV i'l in.?. I- n v . m
for the SW;; of XK'4,SE oi's vV'4:ia N'i of
XEi, Sees ip i,;s K 21 K W M.
He aaiuca lhe f.ill-iwiiii; witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, audolllthatleil
of, said land, vii: Jeff l. Ilei.-ler, Charle, Kt
qua Andrew iNoiile, James W. llaiuilton. of
Paulina, ir.
J-B. Hl'XnSaroS. KtgMr.
1.anu Office at 1ickk. or.
v. ,, . , , , September W. 1K!A
Noliec U hereby sriven that the nilh.wing--nemeil
settler has Hied notice of Ills lnteiitiuu
to make final proof in aupp.rt of liie'aiin aud
that said proof will bj made before Co. Judtf
orCii. Clerk On.ik Co.. Or , a. Criuuville Ot.
on November 1.1. is,), viz:
for the SK' See is p i sKfflK W J.
He names the followini; witnesses to prove
hiscnitiiiiious residence upon, and cnlivatiou.
oi, sai:' land, viz: Jeff U. Ileisli r, Chnrle. K
una. Andrew J. Noble, James W. HaiiiiXib. ol
rutilina, Or.
J J- B- H1N TIXGTON, llegl.ler
Land Offick at Ui rku, Or.
.... .. , September is, ihso.
Notice is hereliy Riven that the foilowiiiK
r.amed settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in supp.irtof his eiaim. and
that stud proof will he made before Co. Judiira
or Co. clerk of Cr.iofc Co., Or., at l'riuevllle
Or., on November 1.1. 18'jo, vii:
for the SW'4 Sec 20 1 p Hi 8 It 2ft E W M.
He names the followiiiR witnesses to prove
ins continuous residence upon, anil cultiva
tion of. Fiiid land viss; Vlneen Circle, JefTI.
Ilei-Icr. Junius W. Hamilton, Charle., W. Circle
Jr., oi Paulina, Or.
17 . J-H. HfXriXaroX, KeBlster.
i.avii Office at Tint Iiallks, On.
Sptitnnilu.r I
ice is hereby eiven that lhe fnllnuitV.
settler has filed noliclenf liK I. i...,H., i..
final proof in support of his elalin, and
:h1 oroof will lu n-n.l. iM.r,-. . .. t.,.iuu
'" VJV . -'ri,'k :i"'.v. Or., at I'rinev'ilie, or..
ut, ..i, , viuiifr i. iTjo, viz;
. i I s1,1" ,KW f,!r iiKir 1 AS- KH'ELU
ild .Ifil, for Lots 3 4 nr.rt Sand the SE'.ioiNW'I
See (! 1 p 111 S U is, K W M.
lie names the followini; witnesses to prove
his ciiiiiiniious residence upon, and eulliiati.-ii
":'ia.".,.lBn'1. v'f,:.,W. II. fadle. E. Johiuuu, E.
N. W inte, It. P .Miller, of Prineville. Or.
"' JOHN W. LEWIS, Kesri. ter.
Land Office at The Dali.es, Or.
.... . , , September 22. Itejft.
Notice is l-ereby given that tl e followtrr
named settler has filed notice of bis iiiteiitlt n
j to make flmU proof in si: ' pfrt o 1 e a , '.' S
that said proof will be made before ji"'i" of
tr""k V"""''. r Bt Prineville, Ormoi i
ftVeu"r7' ?, ,.-,,
Oltvu. r PRtvvirif
Ild app .,20;.. for the SE.4 Sec :M l p 16 S It 19 E.
He mimes the following u-lttiore to .ro.
hi coiitinuoiu resilience upon, ami i-nlthall. n
of. ai.l land, viz: W. H. Anderson. W. II. po.l.
... i j.u.iiMLT, ji. a. nineau, or po.,t. Or.
. (lr fir Ppl.t..,-lllu ..
vember 7, ls-n. viz- ' ' '
i KIAVAIlFiU Tiviim
..u iiB iicn ic louowing wiineHca to prnve-nj-PoptliiiioiiK
re .i.ri-ucc npon.aMl ciiltivatioii
of. said land, viz. I.iae aee, J. M. Mnn-field.
Janie, Hayes, Jes.-eJIinor, of l.iry Or
1,; JOHN W. LEWId, KegUtvr.
Land Office at The Dalle. Oh.
.... . , , , Seipleniberlf.. lata)
Notice in hereby (riven that the fulh-wirr-iramed
settler has filed notice of hii. intrtitl. a
to make final proof in support of hU claim, and
that i-aid proof will be made before t'ouulic
Judi-'c Cro..k Co., or., at Prineville, Or., on Oct.
'il. ISjO, viz:
lid App VJi4, Sot the SE'-4 See 5 i p 12 S K 21 E.
lie names the follotvini; witiiores to t ro.
his cinitiniioiis residence upon, a.-.d. llMlvatloa
P'- ,ai.'' vi: J,,n" Evan. llnhhard liU
iT.'or Stcphn"", c-w"J'b" Uiwu-
Land Office at .v,r.v.x. On.
Nol-ce is licioliy plven tlmt the Ilf-li,-.
imuird nctller lian tiled notire of 1.1. Ii.trnilon
to make final proof in Kiifiport of hi, lim, mi i
v.mt rai.l t.r.Kif will be made lil. re th Cuuutx
Jiulge of cr.x.k Co., at ITiueville. or-coa. i.g
November IU, lw, viz.
i:t ki a w. kino,
IM E 85. for the W of iiKj and W W of tlK
SreSilpaSltlOt. '
lie nainc. the fi.llowinie wiiiiers to pror
hie coiiiiiiiuiii,! reaidem-e iifMHi, auil -uttiiatl.n
of. haid land, viz: John Keldrmeril. Clia. a.
Steal.-,, Ja. A. Moffitt, William -j. l'a,rr, of
Lend P. o., C'r'n.k Comity, Oreimn.
WAKItKN I KKWli r. Itcei.Ur.
notice kok prnucATiox.
Lami Office at Lakm-irw. Or.
, Sl'teiiib:r . law.
Notice Is lien by siveii tl at li e mll.rl.(
naiue.1 . cttler t.a., filed not of 1,1. intention
to make Anal proof in anppt.rt of liirlaim.ai.d
that raid pr.a.f will I cia.le before ll.e t.ounry
Cierk of i;iook Comity at Prineville, Oiraov.oa
OetolKr ls.0, vii:
n s No :u:7j, f r the E'i of N'WJ and WW of
NhSecXJ ipilsitiSK.
lie iiameati.e IoiIowihk witucwri. to prove
V.ZL 'PJiT ?... C'Urlw,
.....MM..-. re-.iueiM-e ..n,ii. ai.ii cuniValh'M
l'. Vandervert, Cortrt f. Allen, John Siteluor
of l:eml, Oregon.
... ... .
u w Ai;ufc. tki ITT, Kcftt-lvr.
Lakp Office at The Daixev. Oa.
Notlee .a hereby (riven tliat the lollna ii:r
tiauied ettler haa tiled notice of bl ii.lrniiaai
nl tiiat raid t.roof will be wede lfi re c".
j&'Z'Vr T, '"'." r..4-irtk.t
n, u.o, "i" r'l Pri,:ev"ie-" -'
,. ' MAKK A. CAltsoN.
SS?3,2f SJj of WJ'
J r" '" 'nVx-n of hi- rial i
' lie names t!."fii;,i
He naines the folloirlDg witnerter to prov
hucoiilinnniii. residence upon, ai d culri. xlon
of , aid lai:.l. viz; i. V. circle. 1. p.. Jlrrr.
Mike John Sten'ttrt. of Minrr, orecon
JvliS W. I.MV1S. '
12 17 l:K'tcr,