Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, June 21, 1890, Image 2

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! the hector ,f the ci-.-.um and j , '-aty. ub.:
Wl hv the supervisor, the local U;ir-!!y a il;iy passes I lit on, in ; V -J . ''j: ' .f
uloction 'cflVcr mid supervisors : ing along Main rtr t wiil Mr. ml,. d ,m . ,' ,
; ke-'Pi".' Tri" 1 i":"v,!5' ",,loU ' fro,M ,,vo t,,a vio'"'" 1:V,, ranging ig"- ' ' u,j ,,
:rP t V to omii.tod. Th return ; from ton to twenty yenM of s , Pniu-ithuiy . " . '
;'.., K- ,!, In- ihe smuuvisor. ! !,,, K.-nminelv have no employ ' would l.nl; back over '',i,; " "
II T IV '. ii.."- - , - c . . . . ...I... ....
. .. ..i.i . .i I f.l., : i I'll wnu "
Many arc now speculating as io wl0 to cibuinte and reier uu-m
... rl. inces of Senator MiielieH' , rnttev Stat'-s board cfonn-
ietalor cl'n i'!-i
i , i, , iiiiui ...., . . i
1 ment eo-pt to lounjro mound the read the fate el '.e
' ...... . . i ..... .:.-.) .t... j.i ..,,..!.. ' Stlinod'Ll heeoaio
uresis, i"nuvu ,"', ..
! swt-.ir ami cultivate n indolent, ; t ion, lie tITTt r!,,!'('v "' '
don'hoiro disposition. Tho major- ! fat" may .vJ-
it v it those- same fcovs are tun titu-, ,, ,. ,
. . , , ' . ,. , f Kve ol t':o r-
in. W or my, I ut Kr want of , .
t- , , . .1 I ' '.(t,T liir ii, i:-. ;i,
ome us. fal v!!!i:,yi.!.:it, they l;; .' .
i icruiiinu at. u "
jr.j,-icollo.T, ittd foiuo claiiu there t vaSMrs C; coniTu'Sj-iotnl vote, whieh
i. .it IcHst possibility that h vVA . -ti t0 c ..poi'ite I by t1-'" V. S.
ot. (succeed himself. Of tiiis it ;t.urf end CMiii.tiflg of tb.reo citi-efW-.t
very doubtful.. The repub-1 tt,!!S 0f tjl9 statt otul per.-.r.s of
iioans throunheut tho st.tte were . n ,n;US not ,;.r,;e tlmn two of
lotting to Mitchell's interests when ; wwm .,n. t0 H. v the faio Htlit
imni;natin2 the legialative ticket, !;,,,, )1;lrlv. The board i t con-
biuI it i3 next to a joreger.e i i Vv,,ie on ep:t-tu!vt 1 :uii yrnr wertlsusj fietu :um i:ro,i up (- i-e
i.o;fivt nonetititie. iu wvn ty, uu-
...:tcd t auy-oaKiug i:i lift Wh
requires l-usli and energy , and in ;
this a
fill jwyine'
CntiO averse to a IV
tivitv, and wiil eveiiUi.i
i"r of a,;
!, Iiee.iuie
.;a ih.it he will be TC-vleetcd. : .,n,i j,.ciiU., a,,j lVrtifv U ro
E'lt if ioftico were done lie wou.a ; t.l,.etiun, end send oner, turn t
ui-ijotity in i!.e f'.-.t
that he r.loue en ti.e t:
setited the n:.ticn. i !';
i iiie en ( (ion.
w 1 !y Mr.;
Ii jCiMir.,!!
;i:-.d ci.i.ni
t r.'pr--
le iicuse, cue l.'? i::o
se sLi c and one to Uu
V.i! th.it Senator Mitchell ! , ..),,,). ,,f . i
mm flnd CSTabltf of 1 ,, rtf f l
fl li nil nw.v iiiui v' .
-,rpwntiog the interests of tho ; j,ror bief fupervis: f.f tlcetLjus
tato. but that his iocamy - ' ; i he t!. r; ol tn 1 nou.o
fonal interests are again '" ; upon the uiis the iiai.r.'a ol tho
Fenator Mitchell is a Portland man lwmtit declared elect- d by the V.
and his interest! are car.ccntrated ; s canvassers, in cai-o tlitre is a
lhr. Whatever that is r.ot fcr , ailferetii-v la the roiuit u-:.cbed by
the benefit of Portland h? will op- the:a a-. J by thi ttate etbm of
p.osc or giyo it such lisht support j Cvm
t::st it would be certain of dtffoat. i Ti.e last s'utenc? in the a; eve
Eastern Oregon has interests which ,
there is staroelv any call-
,g. tinde or p.of sM(Mi in w hich. a
to piatv I in.iii will uccced u.il-s he has i n
5 of tho ; ftgv, so the procpeet tor success of
inn e,'!.o ft up ia id'eiKss id ly
mi ua.iliS llitteriutr. Tueiltfh the
f:;nU is IiOt .H) UiUill with the leys
aw;t;i the parents. If the pare:. t
;vomI1 furnish their 'oocs with s-mho
Use, i
-.v the ti-.ii: ; mu;
u;.o:i t!;
vie;t ;!'.
d.vnand the attention ci co-igrc. .. sjl011i,j t
1 1
;e a la.V. "Ihe
r.r trnnnf tcese numsu 'nil,, ;.i:..s canvassers :irc w
the improvement of tho Colmni'ia apjjnt. hy the United Mat-
r';;:r so that -vessels can load at t.o;;r!s jh.dl -c;sist cf not ;no e
the head of navigation and iloat to ti1;UJ tvvo p,rs,,m of tl.e a;no p
tide watar. This Portland does ' ji,;cai p..ut-." :."ow a 1.1:" ma-
i t. i
ti.e j'i.ip s i-'l tae
I'ni ed
t' iin;;.-esi5
! ; 1 1 it - t hat '' .v : k 0." St.u w; is .
lii.ixim thvy will l-'am s-waer r
lat.T in life; th. it ",...'. or si irve''
is a fuiid..iue::t.(I prineip'..? in
very !.,w if nat;!;e. t ey won.'!
tuoro readily t.ke t,. so.ne w ek
tii.it would he bcn.-li- i- 1 to th ut
i a c
will certainly be '"- ; -r
Usinjjn'tSnutcso:) i: the baton-. ;
l-r M'" ' l eani.'s percoi al'
.-,,nll!..n:V iL.a.IV hint ma::V VOlS.
iilliotiw deiiiOcr;.-. A Veleliee
this wo inibt i iu- the v I' m M-r
ro.v county. Hcti: mn e.,rti-'d thi
eoi'iily hy 0". vet. -, while ti.e n s
o" the (h a. ucr;. tie i-'. .te tic4 I r
cvived tii.iiorttiis r i em '.
Ui. Tow !-..( i:d ! I '
il llcin.amiV to
e li ii.iLd h.V th
r .-en!.- the ;vp.;:,
c.-oii. itnl l'c:i!
i.. , e- -t t. IS
j .V. '
ft: mu
... c
To tho People of Crook County!
Hosing Cot U
i r rrl'.i.i'.'i r.
i! , of UVI7 as
(";.). n';. 1 nj-
!ie.i:i vt ol "
,.vt r's m-.j-'.-ity ol
1. 1 1 .1
'it 1,1
1 l.ii.d to a, t.
s-i.-iiaUv. I , C " .
Desire to Close Out
Business in Prinevii-
And Wil Sc!! for
Hepaiiiuj? alift all kinds ol Joo ;
i; 'ihnio oh 'i"tt notice. f
Wind Mills, j
General Jotbi.'.fj r.n:l Hcpa
cans iuiU
. 0 re-
-.-r isieiita'ly or phy.-:
I 1.0
parents eoal l ai.-o iacit- so iiO ti--
'! 0.1 till:- their
idler us the
iiio.-t dispisaldo oij'-et t.f iilimanity.
also th.at anv kind of JtiUr is lion
not ant. nor does Senator
1 ......
-.1. t. if vp!a could load 'ltn 1 rt-t sr.- remit
ihe products of the Inland Empire ; tl;e (.oarijs consist of U
1 tho head cf navigation and iloat . ,..,,;;,..,. and one of some oiher oo.iiiaa to work bv
io'n the river to tide- water, they . ,n.rlV) S-RJ i'ue ( Lrk of the house ; bovs to look uion u
vrould go direct to Astoria, thus :s J0 j,!aoe Ujm:, t!w rods the i.aaies
liking an immense trade Irom the ti,e ,H Ts,)lif declared elecUd by
former city, and wi;h both of Or-',j,e 1 r . i 1 0 i State canvassers, iii,u,i,., that cl-.-antn stahh-s and
Cgon's senators residents and prop- ea$e tiltire a diSVrtr.ee in the se-; - uv:, (VlKj ) js j.r-ferab!j to ai d
erty holder? cf Portland, there is 6U;t rcached by them and th state ,,,. p,n ,Mi
litt'a bono of their aiding ir.easur'.'. ! ;:cn cj;Cgrs." Plainly inter-L-,,.,..,,
thai niil end in SU.cll results. Os , prvtvJt this means that if the statu f , ,,0 mo;e prniitaiilo work can b
course Senators Mitchell and Dolph i ecetioa oilieers certify that any furnished. Kt t!ie hoy thro.v a p'.l
uretend to favor the opening ot the ; l.nt a retejidiean is elected, ' s!, .s over a fence o:m d
Columbia, yet how far they
auccceded in accoroplislun;
: ( V.
y 1 1
l i-
1 la
11 l'.ici.'e (.i!i'.d
, !: -a. id i.-i:M:uc-
to n.'bico
. i !0 '.-ll
eo'up'.eli.H. at .m e.itty
i;t 1': m.'V.lle f or.ds will
0 l:. I en. I y.t
oot dead, it only s't - p th.
than h) 1 iinj: on t!
a life of idienes
ce o:m imv and
i the United States canvasserB leay tlirow heio back the n--xt any
1,1,8 i i.ritV tit the contrarv and the clerk ; i,i,T ia l,,.tt,T than doi:;'' no'i.iiiL'
end ia evidenced by the dilatory , nt .1,,, hot-.so must aoei-M the latter' ,, hm- is inatle te know he
work at the Cascade locks. IJ-1' j cenif-ate. In other words, three-j ,.ls s0:ai. thing to iio and to realise
Pregon'p senators really been earn- j r-u,;:ecj staiti canvassers have it j that there are certain responsibiii
Mt in their pretense of favorir.gtliis n ...j,. r,owor to disfranchise the .,. Jt.Vo!vins uto:i hitu.
- 1 1 ! vt- f ' " -
JUlitC aupiutucii, v-j -w...-, . voies 0i a V IlLHU 11 uip-j V tuU Call JKlTttrUS t'lKH. VI . J. s-v-i: Wa.t'.!! tor
t jn tr,? Jigi fii m?y xuit?, ;riCtr Cf w vUrn liutiou u mcy . aro thus rr.inujr mi lltleilC!5?' s?i0rt of tLe (). i'. iiu hur.-s yt-t il
riTvwpd tlie ffovernment LuiiuiiiK i ?fetn(f t' .n-tlcr. r.f tit? i m.l f...l wit! .hsl h . . . . i ' .
r : je- i - a Hv'i ? t " 1 ,;" Mir. 1 . M.t; kot' II ""nfu in i;-Htii:iiu:M
irie locits qirecify, m 1 Moutani cawas.-in ooaru anu tut-; stroJce ol la'ior on thi-tr pirt auu; jf t
. pnaeavorea iu nine ccout-. "'"a-flianiriti- in tiio sei.aie suct-aiiuna , ..-ho bave no l Jea that 11
say 11 ; t
lia. ia-i
tioii, until,-
data. I
... ' ; i.
Pal 1.1'
an I wiil a vakvis FiMii with a v:;;-r
and t i.-ii ta.at wiil i e a -to:;i -hie r.
', ,ii;d tin' (;,rt of the irou !ar.- wi.l
. startle i'riii'-vilie ire Ti.e Paihs
liiids out how to waiter s'e-i !;. -I ,
b-nn-r-.-lJ. '
If tiie 'il-nl I will -ho.v us s-Miie-:
thing t.i Irdd on h in the .,y of
t ii.i.i:.!e prospects for tie- lahhliu-
of the 0. P. we wil! bold on w ith ..II
1 our vipO.-, but wn have been hel l.ni:
on to a:i apuo-t hop.-h -s Icpu bir
... ti.
A 1 t.n. k vs ( i 1 c'llil.d.
I'UINt.M! I f, - - Oiu ,..s.
Gash Onl
ijt!li"'s ('s!;UIliUlt,
IN Til K
The restaumi-.t is fr-t-clasi iu 1
!. i-I'd t be t.'.hh-M nlwi.es
ie I with the best tho inntki t I
ev: rv re
tlivoii to the prepa.'atiou and
Hcivini: of
.hvai.i si-i-rr-.( ui nil li'i'tin, no; tw
la Wi'iuiVei.l ht.Ui,!, I'huowae,
mm co s.
an iiiipiciiseiiio.
Sam C. Ciina,
yropriation sufficient to cotup.tto ; tt1(Jia fcr a c,jteria.i, there U
1Mb rvt a certain auiuui.i oj
.hero ore
! sbr
uouot tut toe
oneration ot
paid annuslly at such tinics a; iMW wou;.j he to un.-caever
pertain work was performed and j j .f.. ()- . v.d.o U ti;;t
Jetting tho work by contract. Had : i-olitieal faith as the
like it to w
any rc.-poiiMWii'.i.'S rcstiu? upon . tvit.Ll
suj.i a 1 tj, ,,;n? I.j tht-v i-xpt-t-t tin-in to
; inein-1
tf t'.ei
he 0. P. ouiv slceie th, we wo'.lhl
-.- fioiu its Hi. Van
n-r an 1 m-v: 0:1.
aliivate habits of idh-i'.i-s duri.-ir
' their youth and reaiiiiy lake to act
live eiiip'oyn-.ciit velaai t!..; ariive at
ates canvassers, .-ucii a gratia maturity 7 It tney tto ti.cy are
' ! Dlati for a niaiutnotu steal was ; h .t.imr acuitist the old adar'o that
Maek T.vam ha. idled th-'
hey taken such stepe, there might t
be some reliance placed in M
' . t"-- -
pretense of favoring tho improve-j uever j)ef.re perjttrated
jneni 01 me river.
With such matters of impcrtanca j V.Tii'.o Cic-ok t-oi:.iy has ttea:
to Eastern Oregon demanding tns,Ji"-a v-'--' " ; ....i,, uf t;.-, tro-y have :
attention of congress, U it not fair! the state its puihUmn, liberally . (i. g t;il. ccrr,. .,;l
ia ffive it at least one member la f st.iiiatefj, i r.c. n.ore i.a.n
aat ail
coneress? And should not every. That it would support twice that, ' ' ,
eection of the state unite yvith a -numaer i
portion that has been eo long neg-j the avaiiahle
i:cted, and aid in giving it v.aat "r!
es wi
suitable for com
1 :,ot l e ntlli.i"i
.- : 4-i-j rr c.t.ta-r. riru-r.-v, : 1: ntil then; ig a rmlroad runniof
l isuiil.i(.icu iui ii i-di,,, '"tJ"; - 1
legislators will combine in d-ruand-; through th'J eouuty ii alike certain.
' inir the election of a senator who ' Ptople in s-.-arch of homes do nut;
will represent their interests, it i. leave railroads a;,d drift out on thej.
not imnrobab e that Southern Ur-; toi ;t:er as i..e usi-u u, ne.-.ct- .:w ,
l"as the t-yig is bent so gro-vs the ' niarchw
Urea." And hy observation of those
; who have Mk-ceed"d or f.ille-I in the
.1:1 1 ii.t
s of tin-
isa.'ir.. It is a rare iu-'aie:" d -f; :.-!. tor nas
liiat a hoy who w as r.ii -'-l in i lo - CI in .la s wie.
ness has succeeded in the s::ii;.-;!e nf I elii t. A
ol bribinj: a b-i-lut-.r to ot.- f,.r t.n;
Hon. Senator Ihl'.yorthy. in bise.vn
Sarcastic -vie. Ib'sboatd lio.V th"
member wb re
coustuutlv 011 blind.
,-ived thr ni'iicy
peaker's d .:'!: wit h
it, and p.-ec!aiuii d that he 1
c-. iv -d that 11.01.ey
Iblworihy. ii,;a;.:i
i-ist tho saic wlii
' ' fKii,lue-i
:.' WO (I V
r -f.r
t .-d
h ii'.e-t
1 a reeeiv.-r
s ut. worthy
( so I a
to Vol"
; V iv ! s eh
!,.- the h
The llijhcst Pries in Canh j
All ICir.ris cf Country Prothicc,
Or Sold at a I.il er:.l 'ou,Uii.-s ion. ,
iron will come to their assistance ' is placid at a cisacr.
and help them to elect some one j invite
1 fur fame or wealth ; it is more com- occurred at uiyu.pia witn t-.c ate
; 11:0,1 that he has foun I his way to ,-hool li:i:.l. A i.wn iiameil Livch,
' f i.i, 1. ,(,- ),,iw or n -ni;.. i ! i ire. Tun ' a mendier of the board. St. .t'-d to
l.oy who is taught to believo tin', the board tlu.t he hal leceived a
tie is too jj-oo.i to work or thai work eriecK tor-,..- X-J to vnt- lor a men:.-
ra'ioi: f a na-ti'io iidej tii,
nmke a valuault! ci:iiuu. n 1 is too 1 c'-it.iin t, U bi .,k for use in the
I . ' , , , i u i.'cncuin ms u.miv win never ; -o
cs miuiiration.
putside. of Portland to tho United ; have a railroad we may expect to
States tenale.
j often n-ady to ad opt a di-hono-a:
i calling jteaiin.; or ew indling in
. j v co 1
1 t
j s e every
loot O. til OS
the count v taken up, b
we may expect to etc the tour.
1 p.-efcraneo to oiu
in v,h
w.;' j;.ve:i to
I. -it. ..1 VI,
there 1.-
., , ignv manner oi r.hvsioal t-x-utio.-i.
t uiitu then ! , , .... ...
;i'jrei::j who ara peTiuin:; uuir i.o-ir
: ... ! - or.ns to tolioiv toe oecsj::aiiun ia
- i i'" Ulrei-t lo-ir are doinc them an in i hrih.-d, w
toroinz board in disfranchising ce;- . , . , , , , , ,
I . f 1 , u Gov. Forry his called an extra Mumce that cannot b ie;. or-d. " '.'..Id. ; ;,d ,a :
tain voters 111 Montana, whereby , . , ... . , , - ,. ; ,
c..j a P,.. .,0.1 in ifceffsion of the ashinfetoa !"ci,.a- , 1 aey are povvu.? tlie s. eds of n.ie-'H.l nt--.,o..i
.. , c-i .1 it'irc. He i-i.rti.iii v has a r'-r;.eas le-s:! y.iiieh are liai.io, y
the United Statu senate, has cm-! - 1
1 ; ,i.,:i'rudjat the nco'.i" ct as.-iinton cert-iin, to matu.e 11.
hohifr,.! nnrtigsn workeis la the , s - 1 1 " ' .
, , e ert .1 ,:cr Ii! would have never iaiik ted j crime. It tie-y woaal
lower bouse of congress so that j . . -
v. v... i;a . t"k,. anotner se-.-s.:on upon th'.-s.i. I he ; ot their bys, let then i.
... . . i n',-riir bl n'i' liirt l.-'Mtii'ttll .
jl'lh.l,' seie, M
the i.ian v. ho gave hi 1 o
ai d .1 it is v.or'J.h
h" yv.'iH a i.h'ti etive (
j-h.-dow Iaiieb, and tint tie: ( bee
as, Ihii.:-;,
I e clieeh,
.ti. d lb .t
iii',ve,l to
se if be couhi b
Mr. K-irocx says la-
.her ll'b.' i that 1,'Mci.
!d: bi'ii;-.,ik' :, ill d
lied t i.at i-0 base 1
... . . ... 1 n:r,r,tv t:ifx ii.n leini. a .'il cave i,u some use 11. n 1u1t-su.n1
perpetual control of cot.jres., and ce.tas.dy enouii ,i,ayueuit j
if their plan' succeeds wiil in alPe-nt. -ortho ,,oop! to endure 1 h isgiti to I e '
hort time make the house unani-; vmm.ut givu-.R tne aniia Is a show . a A j
rooHsly republican. The real an- j t0 P"f'rin gaim inurd- r cm. w.s 0.1 tr.al in the!
jmiw of their scheme is taade: Tin silver lueu in eongi-cBS arc! courts then;, nod tho Krtleis puh-j
known by the provisions cf the na-1 no... co(i(i,.,.l t.;il (l f,-(;a t..,u;ii,e jli.shi.-d an editorial demandia a'
iooal election bill frumsd by the ! uu ca., p;, y,.-,' and are bold j fair and impartial trial of the ac-i
republican house caucus, the prin- LIlOU;,h to detmir.d that and noth-1 ciine-J, wht-retipon the editor was
oo-t : In- r.a ;iii"i is In
vice av i a lu'iii eoa', exi t. iiiua-a j.o.-ii j; 1
make uo-n a- '-,, n to 1) ! i,e ?!i uiob-'slaiid.-. :
.- fuiiiisia ii i h b pari.- nl Rica- Chf'u,:
Wo solicit a s lis roof yo;
: EO. ii WHITE
u.m.n a 1 :;::;:i', i-;!i:;;.v:i i.e.. oiuiiioN
l-;.or;:!! l',,i; or Tllr.
j WKO W'tsll
1 A jrood ciitar,
j A tii.-o ref.e:hiiij think,
! A j'.-.m" of billiards, or
j A social fv. inc of cards.
Club Roc;r. forCamca-
Cull -.-lily, It!? 11 ml o',',i.
n it 1
cipal features of which are as fob
Jowe :
!eoid I:
The onlv Lone of the ; rested for coot, aunt cf coutt. The
s that tho jj.-ediJetit wiil I courts of Spokmu.- p-ohaldy don't j
or, d ai
hit-, 1 r r .p.i .i: ... 1 . .. .
"4 ticcBicieupirvieori 01 oiecuons ; v,;(0 i)0 but Western congres.1- j want V ! ii, elated to or ro:,;;,i!o.l
n judicial districts ore charged , );u.n ;lf; Vi!l not dare to do it. 1 c'their duty,
with the execution of the law, u hicb j r.'-rr. "r j t.;.J.v.,lJ.i.T,.;.jr.
to apply to fydaral elections in! A just r.bi;ko for his avarice was J Wfaen Shaker Jti-ed i.iade bin
pities of 2Q.Q0Q inhabitants or up. ad ministered to I'rof. Mclh'roy, lie j ruling that ui-mhcis ofennrc,
wards, and in entire congressional receiving a' majority of less than j wither thny wLhcd to niswer r,,li
districts exclusive pf such cities, j wlicii bin ?so..-iU'S c-n tho j call or not. should ho n ift.-ri-d u
Upon application tP he supervisor ! ticket were elected by majorities preui-pl, ho was stigmatized ins an
pf 100 yoterg, cr in fsttntiea or jni ranging from COOO to lO.OOU. lie j usurper of nuthoiity ; but rimy lie
pariehts forming part cf 4 cpngrcs-j ought to-nave r'Ci-ii-ti-fttcd. has pone a Htep farther ni the ex
o-.v( r and
not iiilov the
to go throuch
iooaj district, Hjwn appiicatior, of: T, 0.JZ57o "the"lGtl, pre-" V' mVlf9' 1
fty voters
:.. r. . . 1.,... iv. . il...
iri-lji liitil.' r, iw p, .', hi ih
l,TI,. ..,...lo... ...tr.t In '.
..Br,,rS.R.P ,(.-.tu.,t ,(r:,nn.s n;:, o.i.v is 10.0-17 nod!
. . 1. : . . . e or, nv, , .1
r. vcr and
j (he house Urdu's the niproj)tiatioi!
ha ri.er
? - t ; 1 1 : 1 , 1 1 . j ii;;, winy 1 iu,"'ji t
. 1. : . . e on n.an 1 J
inntc 111 uiHii ti iu,ii'ju rivoinu mm 1 r. ,, t,.i:i t ; it,,
Upwards, 0 thorough house to houec j . ,.;..n;!. ,,Pti' , ; reeouimenil'-d by the pnmndttee art
t c- 1 scaled doivn lio par coal. w hat is
, vote Hariiov, I.-me, boernian and ; ' ,, .
tins man iice.j, rtiiywiiyr uu is
... t
panvase befyra the election, to in for
voters upqn inquiry where and hi j yaji0,v
vnat Lp; to (p-'posii their iwi;,ti,
' snd acrntiniza iieturaiUatinr?. Ia
panvatfiuji'Vites th stnto l.i-a arajtlccthiti in this r,tao was
naiii i1'?,. 1 - . . . .
fmmt "i T U 1 iiie, .'-iij va; .iii,c iii.ui.'l
The total vote oa.-t i-.t ti,o rcaer.! of the laiuae of r-proi-ofitalivi.i, vet
?i2 P
m M Co
l.OVH.'. dhowin
ti envern. exeptit ttiat ail t aiuiisiovc-r n,
.t'SlV ftft'dtlVvl l.V .. UTPirft by orr:-:;r- in tho pas', U'r yar.
. 'i v -J'
liilh,' lie propofK to dictate ns to y.'hi;l'u
hie an ia
, i
, . 1. . .. . 1.
ehall or f:h;il ! t.ot pass that body. I ' "
If he is lo r.' i,ioI hl ivith f-.ieh uu- riOa!"-' or
Tii.-A:--fi::j;i'i! :-:oTrci:.
Kn'l-o I-, li ,r,i,,. ,r':-r:n V nt --itrraiil r.f
Horns Cffico tit SALHM, Otl.
(In Ihe. M.ito Ii:; iirai.ee l'uiKhii(.'j
AN'i) Il-lA .Veil (ITlcKS IV
lias for sale a hiri'i- liat of jrnhi,
sb.d; an 1 fruit I.i nan, id.-otuly
and luibuiban property.
The Oregon hand Co, wan es-periidl',-
oranizad for t!io purpose
of hiiyin;; and ' luibdividinf li;rpe
tracts; of land, arid bus iluiirj; Ihe
part two years bought and stibdo
vided IIHOJ acres of Jand into 3 nnd
lo-ro lots. The Vuoecu of this
iiiilertal.i.ip.i! fhown in" the fact
that out of 2 -0 tract placed on the
mark, t, 2'J5 have bum sold.
II r!:im llini ("U urrra of chov't
Lmtt i.i ft'i'i' ti 7.7 briny ii l.tftjrr i.i
ennif than V0 ricrin la uheat in the
Mi'i-inhiiii railcy.
'(? ).!so mi. I;e valuable improve
ment in the way of roads, fences,
(le. Vi'o ran t-t'll ;riiiiill tract of
and tor ine tnine iirien per acre
i 2
iiigle Woolen Mils (.(iiiiiniiy,
Solnittler 1
fains adn
Buckeye Mowers & Keapeij
mm h co,
r,)" p -:n i it! n,l -itrraiil r.f; , i , - i
r i-i.i,.-,i.i ;,ii, , co:,,-, a i, ei i,, ! vou would have to pay for a lari'e
eia.,1 I,, i:,f ; ,,,.., t ' "
il .'r. 1 c r.'.t., v .....v,. ; mrhl.
i, ire !, a, oc- i, aa j
, J 'ii'J I '. I' .
Send for pervipfilct, map