-1- J $1 I ill. i i Is in : I KOXTS. Tbe got-fy lilvcr, lead and copper output of Colorado for the past year i eetiikftfodat 90,000 UUO. The cilver output of the state is $32,000,-.000.- Our new 8-inch, all American fan, juft made at WaUrville, beats th world. Tte initial velocity was found to be 100. feet better than the best record of the same class of Krupp guns. Soundings have been made in the Mediterranean between the is lands of Malta and Cundia by Com mander Magnnghi of the Italian navy, which yielded a maximum depth of 13,566 feet. The immigration to this country during the past year fell off more than 150,000 fro-ri that of the pre Tious Year, but tlm authorities of Castle gar Jen report that it was of far'bettercharai-ter. W 1 I! PPIMFVIUUF Delphi ta,uur.i , BTQ!fiV' 1 C K0 T I f J V J .rJr. fc M(K!MFAT MARKET. J ' J i J m ' ileruunu' Poker Story. (f Uil4e!pbijt luijuiror.t UI never sard Hernia night. "Those who know met And HSS Ei8CtrluSd t!?8 WflriJ wouldn't play with me anyhow, J Bv the arinour.rsuieiit of Lit paifu rL-tiir:i J and, of course, I wouldn't take any Ha.ad.-eat.ires wrf-dia-j . p. I. HOWARD, Proprietor. ' ' J j coventsi have Un ,idst, ncsaiKKl'L, j advantage of those whodon'L But j jiauvklois. The woH-i has eei, iwti.iug j I remember one night, not a thous- II1,,,U cf J,1i-. 6 tureH, itij-rvel jus d'-neoveite-i, Uu ing el and years ago, that, in order to j pluita, ituuri:ti!) j.-rrvjti us, won jifui flmi,B.. . ft.- frvml T cat ihmn in I acr.ys the IWk Omlitwnt, a,;.v us ' - I rot'XD Ivmw Kky Mervtlung wiil be it- elnded, from ilia i"it entr.iiu-e uiio Afriea to the present lima. Everybody wants toe uew Book! a quiet little game of poker. You see, it was this way : I met the friends, and was introduced to an innocent-louking youth of the dude persuasion, whose face was as va cant in expression as a pound of putty. This youth had been brag ging of bis powers as a poker player, and bad tbe others so tired that they whispered me to take the con ceit out of him for the fun there was' in it. I was ready, and wei sat down." "in Philadelphia?" 'Tic3 you, no. They don't play Sian! . The most fertile laud in Europe' Poktr i" Philadelphia. This was is a .district of Russia lying between j in - Well, when we tt gan the the Carpathians and the Urals ga I allowed the youngster to Corn has been grown on some of this land for seventy years with out the application of manure. 1 t Wife (to husband at the end of ft "spat") The fools ain't all dead yet. Husband They ain't, eh? Wife No; or I would have the amount of your insurance policy before this. Boston Courier. win,. in order to get him interested, From Stnalfj-'R own vsiitiiijrs and dv HaU-ht;8. Over 4'Jj of tho jrrumK'sf and inort windoif.;! new enravi'iiits ami cola plates ever aetMi iu a t-k of travels. It has bt-eu eagerly awaited, and will he more sought oflr-r, niUe tiior, money f-.r tiie agent ai:d ni;.Le it easier thau any bolt irsiK'd Uf the past tif v ve.irs. CAUTION UdrJLr5 Stanley's travels arc tK-itij published. 1H fot e dweiveil by !d ln-uins, re h.irliijs nd luitsft-ii t U re. We itanouuee this Important to Our Readers. At a Tailor's : "Don't you know of some way to prevmt my trousers getting out of shape when I sit down?" "Yes, but " "What must I do?" "Take them off first." Judge. The lash has never been abol ished as a means of discipline in penal institutions in Germany. Generally 'they use a thong twenty inches long, fastened to a handle a yard long. The lash is thickest at the end. The thickness varies ac cording to the provinces. But the smallest lashes are two inches thick. ' Gifted Young Man Don't talk to me of religion or philosophy ! What light do they throw on the problem of existence? , Why do I live? Vhat is Ihe object of my be ing? Venerable Sage (contemplating him sadly) My young friend, I am sorry to say I cannot see any good reason for it. Chicaqo Tnb-vne. secure 'an ai'iu-y at a.sf, paid A! for the outfit aifid you ;;hui! bo served iast. . Xlie money reiiuidj.l ii nut .s.iiis;:ict.jry. Ad ilrens THE HISTORY COMPANY., 723 llarket Street, ,.': Sail Frditeis-ro, fal. Ban Trine ville, Oregon. Transacts a General Banking Business. President,'. Hi;nhy IIvitn, 1'ir.e-Prrtitteitt, M. Stc:iKt., Cathier, T. M. B.u.LiWix. Act'oimtc k-:pt .subject tn ei.fek. He.-, Ex chfing on lV)rliutid. Su:i Fra:M-i. CO aiul New Ytrk. lutt'rci ittio'.vetl ou licie iii;ji-.iu. Collections rereire vr'impi atlenliun. La Grippe is what'a radical pro tectionist would call a free trade disease. It circulates in all coun tries free of duty. Even Statesnir.n Blaine has not proclaimed to the American people the necessity of keeping out of this troublesome malady.. He is afflicted with it himself, but he is content because it was handed down from royalty. -East Oreyonian. The new bicycle railway svstem old imuh that have h'.'U ia u-e :ur years, arid are now b;-iiv offered a.4 new honks, with a law pae.-i ,.f new uiatter add-.nl. Anents Wintod Everywliere Teachers, Youiig Jileu and Ladies, Min- , . , . . inu la, A uiiiini, tin: iil? au-.i i- i 13 and the better to enjoy the circus U.an easily make irom -il ,, per Uay. the others dropped out and luy '. iX0 esjieneiu fe.itiir.-d. Canvaincut . j fits miw leady. i?ei!'i immediately for il- "-"" a"u "au mc laoie iu our- hist rated eiiei'.l.irs and term.-t freo, or, to selves. Of course I was to give him baik whatever I won from him that was understood. We didn't play with chips, as we had none, but made the game a quarter ante and a dollar limit, so that we could use the money without mak ing any awkward change. Every time my callow friend won a pot he put the silver and bills, in his pocket and would chip in the stuff' as he needed it. Alter he had won a respectable pile I begun to get my work in, and by handling and dealing the cards in my own pe culiar way, I soon had his pile iu a fair way to innocuou3 desuetude. Occasionally I would let him win, just to keep the fun up, .and I dou't know but what I enjoyed my oppo nent's innocence as much a9 did my friends. But all things must have an end. Finally I cleaned him out, much to my surprise, and ordered a bottle. My friends couldn't keep it in any longer. "I say, old man," sad one, ''do you know who you've been playn' with?" "Yes," replied my victim calmly ; "Hermann the magician, and he's a good player." This was somewhat of a surprise all round. But I laughed and handed him back the money I had won. He would not take it. No. sir. Said I had won it ; had he won mine he would have kept it, and under no consideration would he take it back. That was not his way of playing poker. It was no use for me to protest to tell him I had deliberately robbed him. lie was sorry that he had got in with a man who didn't play a square game, bat that it was his lookout. He ought to have seen that be was be ing fleeced, but ns he had been FRESH MEATS ALL KISDS OF Butter and Egs, OF THE BEST QUALITY, "VEGETeBIpES in their season Sausage & Corn-Beef CONSTANTLY ON HAND. to protect our a2-ids a. d tile i-ublie Hfariest marset price against the miMerJn-f, erthS4, cahed j paid for biitter, eggS and nt.t.iiey cockp a.i 01 unjeii ure pim' iv i or , nm-lnrA toflice..' Store, EO. N. WHITE A $4 Paper, 800 Pages, 1500 Illustrations, SC00 Columns ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. KsuVuig ia lids age cf Cletp LittratGre r ia a:j itbtr age las equalled lb fui'.wia EXTRAORDINARY OPPBR. To every person who (within 60 clays from the date of this paper) will subscribe for OCHOCO REVIEW, SPcer,SS88AYAER And pay, injtdvunce the yearly subscription price a id $1 luMitiomd we ahull eer.d for one vi- n' i .. .. i i t - --, . - . i... THE CELEBRATED ILLUSTRATED HUMOROUS PAPER TEXAS SliFTISsTO-S. The TObucription price of SIFTISGS is ? t a year. It is a lG-pace paper, pro fusely illustrated by tho leading nrtists aud caikaturwts of the day. In the matter of original humor, it is ackuowledged to Etaud at the head of the illustrated pre n of the country, and hai been well named "Tue Witty W'on,l r of the World." It ig published in New York and haj a National reputation. Tho merits of SIFTIAGS are to will known that we do not deem it necessary to refer t thpm further. Both new subscribers and those who renew the j subscriptions will nave tie Poi ft. S. fkjEf jaR.lIRIKTOR. J Krr i. STOCKOF . , Theh?ft br mds Tobacco and CI" gars, also Notions, Sta tionary, PariDiis, Inks and Pens. fRESH (BANDIES ftjiQ jUTS. ' All $:h1 M:r itdjfrt-ct." "Sn'ist- i;'i;in talion lor all newKpa Pi'n and ii4iKli:-a!s. SADDLE SHOP, Ojipsita i'.:kU s?totvi Ti'invvillc, Or. Fnl' ami complete stink of Saddles, Harness, Shaps, 5jurs, Bits, Horsa Blankets and ewrytldiw tsls pertdiif i:ift t) t!:e tr:!di;ir.d kept in a !irst-cl.t.3 ijliop. Repairing r.'o.i' on renaamshle terms - and in a wnrkmnn-like. manner. Stl. H. BELL, Frrrriefor. - MAIN STREET, pp.INEVILLE, oHbOUJ. ; ltEUEMBEli that TEXAS SIFTIXGS is offered at ttiU price only to those who i n. . r . . I . m ml?-- 1 . f T LT I V ( ' L' PROrRIETOR OF THE f OPULAR RESORT f ORtLL WHO WISH A good cigar, ... A nice refreshing drink, A game of billiards, or " A social game of cards. mbscribe within the jiext CO dava. Ko tuck 'olhr as thU liastver been made. offer the two papers for less than Ihe ice of TEXAS $IFTIMK. Ko one but our subscribera can gtt SIFTIX(jS for leas thau $t a year. The regular price of that paper is now, and will contiuuo to bn, $4 a year, but tho publisher -i, beiuj? dasirous of adding to their list of subscribers in this tection, have made a special aud extraordinary reduction to us tor a iimiiea perioa. The amount for both jiapers should be sent direct to ns by P. O. Order, Postal Note, or otherwise, and we bhail order the publishers to mail SIFTIXtiS from New York to you for one year. (Jail, or write to this office, and you will get a sample copy oi air iub9i "lt-limjiieiit siiijsriiiwrs tu tue KtVltW ho p.iy up all ariearage will be furnished the REVIEW and SIFTINGS one vtar for $3.60. $100 Sf EClcb f .EjMlUM. Texas Siftings Poublishing Co. will pay $100 cash to any person who obtains the largest list of yearly subscribers up to April 1, wmmmn jvvit.hin tite world. Irfrt 1 1 Uuuttiic rM. f''fif- e. U lcL!l(Y ran ftrcur mm 'irr-Vt to(r itier wttn our unra T itic.lF, Ttiecu Minplu, writ iin thf wnt.-li. rp free. All ih work yim Dtl d. l to h.w wiiiit c sen.l vow in Uiw wlto H yau fri-nrtnJ itMffUlroMiUHl til-.--'-mt 3ri)iithtjnyi(tMulr In vln.ihl imilc l-r us, hi. U b--Hf lor yNw whan oner UnJ, tic) thua w re repaid. Wr piy itt'. xi--rt, ftv-lit, ete. Aftf ; yuu know ail, it vmi wM to w w-rk fur a. rn Mm from to ItttO jht week and upward. Ad.lrtM, SUmwua i&ux l'ortluml, M &! Club Rooms for Games . Call early, late and often. Doob s leestaimnit, IN THE CAKY HOUSE, PuixEviLLn,' Oregon, Ah OOOflO, Proprietor. The restaurant is first-class in 8r3a English Remedy. a&v;. jr-j-av's Specific. ii"ri a c:iaranteed cure for all dis- oi br;un puwer, hysteria, liead acl'.e, pain in the back, nervous prostration, wakefulness, lei'cor rlupa, iiliivera-al la.-i&tlude, tseiui- nal -edsne..s. lmpuieiicc ana Ken eral lo.i.. of nm-er of tlie cent-ra- BsforeTakx.ff, tive organs, in either tex, caused bv indiscrctinn nr ovei exertion, and which ul timately leads to pi-eniature old age, insanity ami consumption, a oox or rlx boxes ior Sent by mail on re-.-eipt of price, Kiill partic ulars in pfinipuict, sent Iree to everv apiUi:aut. Vie " fi;i!!MS!lpe Sis Boxex sunnlied with the hi st the market 1 '," rt-,"nii !""' u the . ' 1 , 1 does not elt-i a cv.re. aliords to cure anv eae. -For every every respect, and the tables uU-avslfJ h, does net eirt-i a cure. I cin;- Aidro- all c"mmnn!ffttioii to tlie sole nan ufaciarcr.s, 1'IiK a: U UK AY -MEl'it'IE CO. Kansas, City, Mo. if-Svjlrl n Prtncville by Kulknaf & Boss, SPECIAL AT7E?!T10N Given to the p;ej;n:i,tio:i and pcrvinti of ALL SU Meals served at all loitrs, day or night. efijks. jvi. EiaKijNS, Opposite Brick Store, PIIINE VILLE, OREGOK -AGENT FOR- I nitch:ui:oHi p::!vr j-u! Jir tho iartPst cirruiit" itir. i.f n' -v v.-t r ui Us vhif in tho vtirkt. V'My tilvi:t;:itcti, I cl.w M WcOrt Kntfrn hiu", l'n- i:'.-il vif'slv. ir fv ntca P"pv. Trti't- :i vmi t Fo'ir h:' trial, tl. MLMN jti o., i't 'itu.:iiii..-. U b:vatJnay, N.V. RGIi5TST3 a CIiIlDEBQ Edition cf clc:;i;f;s Amsricsn. O A pre.tt. ri3rc-As. K:ict ine cor tains clorcfl llthi"t;rwphn' ir:J :f ruitnt ry ntnl city rtiion Wis r pu.Mic lii:nin!.'i. .NuniiTct:1 tukravi::t;i ani full pUii1' tifitt fpeiHf.f.-iTin' l.ir the nt-c tt jufrhuCfi:u-tiip.tio 'Mtiiitijf. 1'rrrt' n ya' l cla. a copy. ;AiL'X; J CU.. i'l uuMiiuui. The Studebaker Wacon and Farm Machinery. A!so"does all kinds of WtGOJ WOK & BIACKSjVIITHljMG On Short Notice and hi Fir-class Wsrkmanship. SrnORSESIIOEING and PLOW WORK A SPECIALTY. w?oaatj3, iida .-s He? 1 bav- h.nli W yoara ;-rieitf :i::t lirivt luatm vxtst IiKt.tKfcl jtpnii&iii'ii: for Anici i ;'" Ml Vr TRACE MARKS. In rajift tout n.Ar i; rrft rocistPrnl In the Pat ent OiHt-o, -Mrw A mui prm-ur LtuuieUUitti proittffloii. beud for liundtHiuk. COPYKHiHTS fr h(vk, charta, mnpt, quickly pruojiruU. Aridis STOCK BRANDS. g!35"Person fitiditig any stock nd vertised in this paper olT of its range will please infonii the owner. THE J?57 arc inosc pat up Dy D. HI. FERRY S CO. Who are the Largest Seedsmen in the world. D.M.FiRKV&Co's Beautifully Illustrated, Descripdire for 1890 wilt he r.tailed FREE to all applicants, and to last season's cus tomers. It is better than ever. Ev ery person usin Garden, Flower or Field SEEDS should send for it. D. M. FERRY A CO. COX BJIOS. .41 Horse.- brandeil 76 enn- neeteil, shown in cut, e. e. jvi jk d 1 js (a , DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER OF Ail Kinds of Building Matsrlai, Lumfe'ar-rDf8S53d and Bough, Paints, Putty, Oils and Glass, n Splendid Line of Furnitnre Bed-Eoom Sets. airs, J5iirrors, cce, &c. Oa vets ami T all Tiiti'iit limi ate Toes OfR . 11, S. Ii ar.il we run h ENTS. :nlc-Aiurks lliU!:ci, mul c' B ci!tiuetvd for Mccer- ICK IS OITOKtTE TUB i.re t uicntB in' lops liuie Lumbe accounts ceilectable monthly with which the Sea Beach and CV n ce' aacl wlt! h fJ 3 Pen. !o;). iter Istnnd road has recently been j lle was 1101 tho ,llal1 10 sq?nl. I eouinned. was teRt.rl a fw l.i vs ! leu )'ou 1 teit mean. 1 fiicin t 11 go, and it is said that though the drivers of the engine made only one third of the revelations they were capable of making, parts of the diet:i nee f.oin Gmvesend to Co ney Island were covered at the rate of forty miles an hour. Visitor to Editorial Sanctom Here is an article I have prepared oirthe political situation. . Editor Really, my dear sir, we lave to many articles on hand that Visitor I know it. Half the javkHSses of the country are writ ing on the subject, "and I thought it was time for me to say some thing. Boston Commercial Bulletin. Scene Chicago. Bel! rings. "In this where M. Cute, the cele brated divorce lawyer, Jives?" 'Yes, sir; hut he isn't at home." "Where can I rind him?" "Down at Lawyer Snide's, trying to get a divorce from nie like he baa been doing for the last ten year,M 'Is that so? Well, I guess me an' Mary '11 just keep on fightin' It out a while longer by ourseiv. s ihvn." Light. think it half so funny then as 1 did befqre. But all I could do or say made no impression on my vic tim, and with a dignified Low 1h left us." j "'All I can do,' I said to one of my friends, 'will be to give this money to some charitable institu tion.' "Then I gave the waiter out f the biils 1 had won to pay for tnt wine. He came back with it, and tile information thut it was a coun terfeit. Yes, sir. Tiiat guileless youth had won tny good money and tung in over a hundred dol lars, north of paner on me that wasn't worth a cent a pound. I'm ; ' CO. A. CIRCLE. Horaei branded 75 7!x. left shotiMer Jianirc, Beaver Creek. Po. "If cWv fiee addre.--!', l'ri:ieviUe tliiin ii.ore Riiit ii- X: in ii.- liii-.pton. fck'iii! tm-(U I. li:iiv.i't! or t In to.. (l('t-rili( n. U'e ! if a'eiitatle or nt, free - f ciiiivgc. Our fee not due till (.uteiit i Wd-iiinii. A ) ::;uij li!(.t,,-Huv to 0,t;:ln Putenls," wi'li. maiii-s f ai-tii;.l rlif'siln in ym r !(, i-om:t cr ti)An H'M fice. d.lrew, C. A. SN0W.& CO.,. Opp. I'a'eu! OjZrt, Wui.hh.gitm, D. C. THE POPULAR. MEeS, MIN0U LEWIS, A S HENi'lY & CO. "THE USELESS TOILER FOB TRADE 1" Youre, anxiouB to please, Ed. L. Hcxtlet. Ask your dealer for Ed. K Ilnritlcy & Co.'g mm ULuiHiNU t pretty good OO handlintr curds, but i ,f,?T Kooos ara not in the imnda of soma CUKE THEM from" the BEbT' fc-iOWN and lan'rat. M 4TT.-flT;TiTil WholAMi.lfi ilrrtrmsf: TT.cw mighty uncertain " ' ,u ti orkt. at tiiat win make your c J ' j cvpb snap a::d KEEP TOVJgaessire how m can " j 3ord TO DO 11. If -voui- L-EALEK does nut Anxious Parol. t. ( to L-pcnpr nf-l kocponr gooct. Bond to us and to WILL tnr- v ' i Kisii you a Suit or Orerooat, express or mail Ttorses hrandpd tbe old Wilkin brand. iiu-aiond on left- iionider: lo on leu isiioulder. Si-X''-'1--? on left- Miomder: FWir brand, heart r.!sar left shouldr. rst . vyt'Tupaoy K own ornua, n i and P. O. address. Pauli na, Crook Co., Or. A. 3- VESDELL- a Hur..e branded on riarht nni:i(ier a.- .-hcui in cj:; cultle branded won lcarlt- (Kker a mighty uncertain gamy g3tttp$Kj3 Uit jiiouidcr and ic lia-je. Crookvd KiTr P. O. addreis, Prine Tihe, Or. private lunatic asvllini) lias niV !" V- otnecp.iptof prico. Wcvilin-inand hold r ' . yiur patronage if ou crvua v.ith an order ! Wo Oiltlgllter written any more poem!''' ,R.v,e,-bS,;;'-?.y tM" Insnieuae bubiuecs by our ' - 1 PAlblAKI..O UjttbfKls. and by doing bvoUJ- oi p:ission ; Keeper Xo, ; ers &a -wo voniu L'o done cv, I En. L. litfMi.i2Y i: Co., Style Originators. In ordering SnitE or Orcrcoat oberre stritiv f,'lloT.iiif rr,i"3 lor measure. lid IS now writing what ght- dtramm. WttiW raavrare. wer paata. Inaiuo have got entirely over that iu futil ity. says is a modem society novel. DAVID PRIME. Jf'rr-.os t,raiulfd nn !t khiicMer as shown in c-:it. Kasre. Iry creek. tha ana Crooked OJS, (st'ccEPsoKs to J. W. HOWARD) DEALERS IX DRUGS AfD CHEMICALS, STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES PAINTS, OjLS AND VARNISH DYE STUFFS AND SOAPS TOILET ARTICI ES AND PERFUMERY HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES ' BIRD SEED AND CAGES A GENERAL VARIETY OF Druggist's Sundries, Stationery, Books, Cigars, Tobacco and Pure Wines and Liquors-for Medical Use. East Side of Main Street. Putneviixe. Oregon. SIIAVIXO, PHAMPOOTXG AND HAIR-CUTTIXO Done in the most approved style. - Hot irt,d aid hnthn ol nil hours. TBMPLETON & SON, Prineville, Oregon, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ig) WOODWORK--) Aft AeHHtS D I S T iS. ,7aOO. 23 UNION SOUfiBE.NY. HiJSt. J ST.L0UIS.M0. ..;;nB4J!jg:55 0AILAS.TEX. -DEALER IN- leg nieasoi-e, from croteh to heeL" An Iiisulttd Woman. Life In - rtiranofl Agent My dear madam, llov tne to suggr-Kt tliat von ect your hnVmnd9 life insured for . b A P !Se? 13tXX). Surmnse ha wwa in un.l. Secretary 1 es, Sir. dettly die? - Indignant Woman Get out of here. Do you think I am eapa hle of murderhig even my own litis bniuj for the jwltry smn of 13X0? t What' the mafter with a $10.U)0 M'.ilent potiey 0:1 hie lift? Texas Rftfpronnna First National Bank of CM. Anxious Parent (turning awav cmo. capiUJ S3,0,OX); Continental Xaaonai . v & - Etmli ol Chicago, capital S-2,000,OUi sadly) She'll have to stav here a ; . ull,T. v . . . . -1 . - ! ED. L HUNTLEY & CO., Mantifact- wlitle lunger. Dea,ers -m C,othjRg for Men, Soys and Children, 122 and 124 PERFUMERY. HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, PATENT MEDI CINES. TOILET AND SHAVING SOAPS. FANCY GOODS, GLASS. PUTTY, PAINTS AND OILS, &c, Ac.. &c. Also a fine Hrse cf gold and silver watches and jewelry SAU orders for goods promptly filled. Phytirians 'prescriptions carefully eompoynded at all hours. AAV JO wonnn Bought the Splendid HIGH ARM SEWIKC MACHINE BECAUSE IT WAS THE BCSTj .fTh . f. O. a4dreai. Prine- -.in. M minrii.tr ! ,,,-, VA . Wr Hlcn, BOYS oiiu Ifiilturen, LC. aflu lc.1 Manftging fcauu.-o.d you py MarketSt, Chicago, 5U. p:o.Bax667. tbe artist who illustrated th-it great , j joeui 'Chribtiuas Chimes'' on yout Sent him a cheek for $250 "thud. How much did yqu pay the engraver?" ' : "I sent him $75." "Yes. Is jiny money left?" -About 17 cents." " "Very well. Send it "to the man who wrote the po Ui." Prdlad Aphu, Record, ' ::,:r'- 1 i -sbrre. Only tbw who t&rit f C VCie5i.':i r. irr : to car f.d- to j HfM. Tb following rgt rT 1- n pfjri; o t: rednreu to bct tho pert of i"M tt pi rsiwl.iit:b'.rMxrt!ft. tMH ufcefiwa 1 t to 5 5 ttdV a: l?ft, frv Jr;.7iih MinpMfir li-itt- WFw-ai onr 1V tier It frmw i-itcrfre. DEW DBOP SALOON, DAVES. RO V AN, (Sncc ssor to Fed Goitlet) fipfPJETOr FI LL STOCK OF-i CHOICEST BRANDS of WINES, LIQUORS axd CIGARS Constantly on Hand. FIFTEEN-BALL P00L'& T.ILL- H.-ir,es brhaed on left IA4BD TA RLES in good ' r'pnir siille. jus shown in cat I ' n?r Ochoco v -A fi,.l 1.. ,.11 . Eriilia villo.Oi. ' I lorpivraie ai. Everything in first cImps shape. DO DROP IN. E.C.CONANT- Horae branded s rep - reenttu in cut. Cmtie ssme braud on left Jvai.ge, Upper Crooked v.-..-- - J river. V. O. aldress. Frins. 11 vnic, Or. LijsjS WOODS. I S71sOO4IST MAIXSTRKET. PUJSEV1LLE, OBEGOK. Keeps none but the SEST BRrjD9 Of eijAr(s BEER, WIJ-lEyVjND blQUOr. eYPvU30SbE BOURBON WjHISKEY. - i Commodious game and club rooms. .A fljNE BIblslicDT75rBLE IN EXCELLENT REPAIR.. Mixed, fancy and plain drinks vervod by an experienced bartender. Orders for large qmntites of liquor filled with the BEST STOCK. A liberal patronage solicited. BOW THEY Ml tt For It does aneh. beautiful work. Sample Kachlao z Faclory Prlc. E7EEY ZaCEISE WAEiiHEB FEE 5 YLAB. Azeals Wanted ia UmgchsM Territary. iudtigiddb CD, BieLVlDERE, ILL. . - Si 1 I