" 7. . -:- .... ...... -,--. -li-ee.e eerrie .: :i.5eA Je . -I. ORIGINAL Utl-tUIVt -a iiS :,; mm & : ' ' - V ocuocrt review. Frire;ib-; is .-Ift-ifi! to have a is-w of- i V--Jf54-iav foK-r.octi Cotir.l? TO SETTLERS. i.r.v :. -re: - a: a -. -.i.Lx-t (a til" -- '"" . 1 ..... , -..,i.f: : - ...tr- .e" i-jt-tC " l ee ' ul Giarw's To Sab-eribere. All tcriptj.: to 0 v: Um"i'r' nut imidin advaace will be ci!j:0-l wt at the ra'eot Wreniy-B coy.U ; -: rthrrcdolUr per car, ior ;'eJ- Severd of H. K. lairmesteVi; bendy are afflicted witii tl.e i-iS()p.'5. TheStrou.l Pro-, ay SUc-ir iicr; ary doing wi-U ra!ii,i:ig on ttus 1 --ri. J!m. rurmftr H J.r.''.;rt tocl-an cluthiu an-i do ail ki"!:- oi r.-u:-iii. Snow was cijsHl 'i tl.y'i:"- niit of the liU$ iii'wtiJiai't lx-it vt.v5:. Life in VUo.4 .lUl m uit I'A'i! Oit W.igli, so he r.rti;ni!.! f I'.Lu-viilo. Ko iv'-iout ti, :w ir-i". ut "ow ann'. To be couvi.it-.'d ' i -'. i: j-ti.. a : ; r .v.:i , ;. y. si. :: - ' ll ' 1 ; i . , mA. y .- i ;. ; - - ::-,v-'-'i i -; - ' v ,"- 1 ; I;;;; -.;' r ' t':1' : far; his Th J.t:.; Jil-A v.iAV hiv:- ! -a H:- CU'tk nroR-n'b hoti.-p, with ws;iy :.!: iis v !ts. Tr:; 'is-ftiOye-I hy lire. Mr: Brt-,vn ItaJ Insilt a fire 'in i:iU:u!;:: sljvp asivl h.;J go:;s t.cros th:; j'r.-t't to ;i i;t-ijh! jr tor a f.'VT HMij.unfs. and it w 5-..$.!Kisi'l aujortg'ijat '.!?. the "iK-at Of t!-H EtOV- get tlit! -.yO;)(l i;i ti;-: wo ! 0 o; 'iro, and from hut Ua Wilis f.ri:.'it. .-.':! g-:!i':g : the wlwSu hou in. a i.Jass. vV!.t;n !i -ire was dicovertl y ik: ; Moc.- ho ms psissir.g covrn the I i'tr-i, it was 'bunntig oat at tii ; roof. An a!ar:a of firo wa givou, : hut there being a still wiad bisnv- ' ijis ff-i.ii the coaih. it w;w ovyiV-sit - liciffr Sewn." January i 0, lSIX). B; ow ::l;otit a. foot ikej-, av.1 -Aa Lijt'.ssw'K-B. .P!:i?:r.v:-Li-.. -Jan. It, 13- E. iiEV-'EV, : At tat !sst tciiii sit ii.o; Jin-u&rvy 10, ti-rui of KOTifS FOP. ri fer-ATi!.; sr.oi.vp a utile man' emyuajv V' ' of our voar.tr court the Pvscuut?? : tw.i?ity,fourt : Jidn't con:c. - -'s co;i?Mtsv 'Kif-d !v citi.'.-n? of n'und ' Kock ' Puint if.-k i. vi-ry poor, cspf.-c.s.iiiy . i;,is entity, prii-i-i'.d a j-tiiior. ;- nvcr, res li 'h.'C:u strung: ; t;vr a kn- t;! tl:e l;i5t i!a i ar.Hc? taat.c;.U!f;ui h-s. t.if.r sto.:K su!- tur in-kwig a oa CruoUed ;.:U' Of U lU -.", i.:,re,,r;iiliow,:th,!,nB,u:d not be saved. Par- are log iut v.ry u. ::.'.'.:: iuy -.f ; i-k ........... t,-- ft. JVvnr'rt i' .ai.'tir.ira Ji.;r.d-..ie of fji-iiituro out of t'ne parlor, 'tir'aifi a;id .ti -i:n;ry i,.,t- iha taiiiiiJ but all vUe, including their cloth-.irnm.'n-ii i-n-naiam-nt. ' in 4, bedding, furniture, Mr?. Th. loR U.i I a --.nd !n.4V!i I. vit Bfowii's ;vatf & an! about in Th::r.-.!..y, iw.Iti.si ia She d, raiLs it! i , . 'q M Te:ni'iati-s the entire loss at 'about ; 2 JOj, on which there was no in fer as thi'V do. I --fS;-ve I could , roiin.d i;.; Ivd ht-ad if "-.:tti in a diiy'h ride oa the south fo:;k' of C:ook-d live r. hi d tht'y are id! ,f- ; iesing. not cnly fiom i:nt of fvi d, lul ii-r v. t"r. I don't knew of a siii.lo placu on the river whese Ci.t-j tic can gi-t wat:r. ' Siiccj'nit-n, so far as I can learn, ; tract with tun county Dc.-'chat'-s rivvr Kr a ni.nn'aT years f.-r tii-- pnn-t.K,- cf :!;.;ki;: the chanovJ of tiirtt stream a pa :iir idjiha-ay for ?': ilo'.tir.g and traiu-poi-iation fi'I!!5,ti:u'.'Cr and hi.u. cr at ti;di r.4-u!f f.rtr.iv.sport:tio:i and liwi'iin .i-i l :ie ci'svt i-iiord i fix, and otTv-.'ir.ir t- rt.U-r into a t-.m- cr honds. tut if; to s-jct.-.t!n; ih:hi of 'y and ot!n-r longer, : nccctJary rights f;osn land ownvrs SAitiiS-i?. faUJ-K, to w!. a.t 1:;-; r. Vu::,!, Jtfir-; i H6iir. J.iu.writ.CtaypooU Vi av., v. . LI l:i8, at i'AuMas, or. , " nu .v.i. vi -ai:u - ;.tr , to 3. Vf the i C. F. bnnth for tnc sum oi no.A). o(i in tb natter of the npp-dnt- iuc-:it ofi road hiipervieors, the fol- tVO Lini:i:vd V d:'.t-S. T;i u idiii .-: To hc. v.'-uy a local po- ; thi-. v:-:;r I.uvo "titlo tho witily seat ; snrance. Itiac:ri-iwfactt!...t r.in t-U on .iU.---;ior.. vl.iie ah- i... w ('-,- . e it c it pap : ill li?e V l':.i ! - ::; t:i:; i-'P-'-.ir. T. i1. 'i'.;- v.iil vi ' t)i;- ii'n.-lic i::: lU" i.-''::!! h,':'t ( i n.uir. i aa.i v.r.j !''.! 1 y, b ii ;hf! I;'. ..!'. thti tladr. pile cf hides will bo larger! along said rtrani, and to make ah than their Hocks ; hut we wiut ! wmsary itnproveinents for the swe ll' pe 'for the hest. j ct-ssi'ul opening and .use of the There must be something wron, stream for the purpose nier.tioiu.'J in the weather depa: tinent. Evi- without expt-ne to the county and dent'y the clerk has mistaken this : keep the tamo in repair, iiont, e.irry i thu j;'o,viug r,'-. for Dakota. and boom aU timbers ana ( rtppoiiif.'d : The U. o. mnil man. Mr. Raker, ! lumber that should be offered for foiving gvpervisors 'were for the enuir.g rear: in:-;. ;-u . ; -,.w:.'.;r ;;.s '' '- '' hOTffK VCli Ft I.K'AXjOX. LvSli'.M'-l'CAT : S V. l'.XM '. OP. 8 10 11 12 " b " iid Frank ill . i li. P. 1 om A. R At, L C v 'I i . t JannOLt V. II. I'iunnm-r. S. ?I J ! . tm;-nt i h. .J. n!. : j 4 No:-.ci-i.. 1ret.v civer t:-i 7i ! im v ! i:.-.t,.t'.i C.iilr 1 S.. 1-..U -it uf liU 1 t! !t l lla.it I1T1. tt LliftKV ru.r.: '!;.. 1 :'. T ri . ;!u".r. hl-d i li.itE ni:j ir.t.ii i-t' :. .itiv xin-r i; -I slU. i 4-r !.. I. ." llll"MU. Mk I ' ; 1. c . r c. cr..n i fL-uir. i,. p vu. r ' .' on. I cii h'.,i.. o. 1 kt::i i.. . . i li s x-n. hir O.c . i j i.A Ni ut ISVi'Vi - I n-r. w i:' it i. I 4-.. . i i , ilt' iiai:. :'.--i.-,vl::p v.-.l:.e-n lo rT 0 I t il. ' lil e:.'.::il"-!-. :i' liMHf i-v-i... m t !M'Vi,i.tl , : i o . a..i .r.. v,.-t n : -. li .:..ii. i;-.:.ci . i all. ! ..:-.:i. ;.t l!!. , cr.-; :i. c r.. cmvi'-. .a. ui-j.i-i. tt. ! :;. l.N'.M .1.1. J'HEi l lllr III 1 I. AM- 1'Hil! 1 1 1 At I I In the riatt?r of the apt' of judges'; and clerks of l t :-.ke ti: 1 I 1 lr." i. . i; V!. ! t lv - ,!l iin,i.: i;t I vt 11 the ranws wm to be thrivias rs are utarvinjr. Koliiiterui.iilfro.il The O.i'b T: t. daylight. Someihi: v,ri with tiw ; www .lt,a;- mail uervkc at;an. Tlie jioctmaHter went In bed !" ea.ly a week ago laKl nijiht, Uu-r f-jret!ie t:-.vi;;vv li.l i,i,t r,:.wh ina.iv or rc.i i -r on tiait:. tj.. ,..,!.,' tl. i.idii-ad as v;er ' Ihe- r-vi.d muinui i.t !. : . .. .: I ... .i.i. . ... . . . .-. ff.r i .-i.iii.H.k. hut durnv ti.c : cliaicn -.j..na;.o o .a..-.i "-" -:ould tC done hut DJOtCCt tilO SUr- niht the chiu'wk tiinwd into, a Daia.ta ; a'leii.i-ri, a: Uizurd. The firiMiien - gr-t thfir encine 'at ' P'lt3 l! lull tune now. u tatces ai- tlK- tdH'e-rn by the Brick store, but!"1 5 ,"i'aS,'t fthim t01,,ake had rot enough-hose to reach the ! the trip, hut thanks to ins uever- i l.urniin.t l:uiiiinjr, so they pulled Kv.;r;i up and riifired to C. M. Charlton's i.t.u ' b.ll : 1 - ... 'i :..t. ... , .......... J tit ". ,t-v ',4 e.i, wi.tuu a p--.'i- . i.-ivl.ud. The ! then thev moved to (it. W. Kizsr'? : tie iiii iii .u;--!. liif"itiii;;s ai !d. K. weil, hut by that time the fire had almost burned out, and ' nothing . . r i r.vinr in:' hmhnncrQ !;lii,t i:r il C'.e.i ,....,.., , . Tins is the first fire oi anv oon- H .r.10 ..i (he c!i.vt) nmn v! di-ir . " faH-kHil-iinery we'l. v hile. o!ii.rs ,-,y i i'-'ce I nneville has had or tiicitv !!r,i b-i-mtiifj to have a .rro-.vf u! j several years, and the fourth house i:pp.:a:p'. We writd t.'iink so. that has burned entirely down The v.-;'irts of !i:ftv.- aad eitr-aic! !.! : siriee tho fire department was or- ::i all pari .v, ta-'i sl.tt;! h-iv.. a s-fa.iwn it ; ir;.rdzed. sii-::!.-"i i U s-iii-d w:' ;ire no-v iwl If you want the TVvis S:J !.!', scrilw now , as our clubbing tiXj-in.-on February Irit. Only ten of Urn r i.nl suii rvii- rs mad: their final reports to ties county eoart at the lant term, licnc: only lea new i ioei-vi.-uir were uim anied. .M.n.th.n Hrown.un old and r,s:e1e.l ! in ":i':-!r-v citiwn of this couuiy. die I very s...ide.nly 1 1'-"''.'' .v-i'Kn','v- Waldrou a week no ! a:a:i currier 1..1S.T jt:c ion on .u: i ) it ;:s !:; cam'! io frcru l'nr:: l:i;-t ' Sutard.iy niicf;'.. and v.-;i f ire', to bar.' ' u; u:'l-.- a jijr.iir until it jft. ii.in eno'.i;-,1.; f.r him to h.i-i way out. Sow i-i a :'ix;d tie-i to agitate the "iiliery I-jves eoia- at hi luwt Saturday. Tha only way to not even on th" losses jftocktU'w winter is. to wll yoin bid-s and pelts to ('-. H;',:, ''" l'' hifhent market juice. The ircmntaia hut ween Ohoeo a-;d Btidgo creek is uo impasi-ibSe on ae count of iL-e;i snow, therefore the mail io Mitchell l carried by liakeoV:!!!. Io l"rid v.ritos us that be is now liome'Aurd hound. He. exs-eet.-. to he ia Kan Frar.c'irt'oaboiit the 1st of lYhriMvy, and will be home yomo time ia Marnh. ; This week P. B. Howard jmUwoIh-ks off the range that w; re ia i-iti- coadi-! trim. They had run on ll:e rani-ail v.in- ter and were fat while oilier flock oa the tunic range whs ;--:or. - j Pevp.ral of our local gunners ta-k of or- gani .ingaz'in and rod c'aih an-l "u'ti-.ey do, ; intend Ktnekm;: Cro 'ke-i mvr vn o ca fsli and also imjiort. a lot of quail and Mongolian I'.lie.v-Siit. The bu'raina f 7.. M. I'wwa's h"a-v last Wu'lni-. d iy furiu :n'd -o-ii.- xivU.,. .- t .1 ..... i ..... .. l : .. ... practice iorme i re n-,.a:,iai-.n, i.i '-"1.,., ..;.-(, ,.r..C ins; up their apvarai'.w and fe'lini! at the ; ;.. , vv ; ditferetit wells in thit loc:;hiy. All kinds of huildin;? ma'fral for I'.'.i-.-hy C, C. Maliii.;. Ten. per cent diivoant fur cash on all H..les. Married At Ihirdin, on f.m.lay. Jan. JS, 18;)0. T. D. !pai!'ord, J. P.. tr3e;at:r.s;, Mr. Lee Steers to MJus Xchie l-anfddi.-i'. The Kkvibw extends to the happy caiij-le i's hearlit'Kt ci.njjrainbitioiis. Minor Swick started for his ho;n at I.eurn Tram r.sr.erlfncs. There is no quei-'tion no.v but the loss of stock in Crook county from the effects of the present storm, will lie (juite heavy. And while the loss will be a serious set-back transp.); tution by any pertan, at such ivit-'s as the court t-hc-u'd deem rcasonahlo, and at the espi- tiring energy, lie has never' yet; ration of said lease, turn the prop failed to get through. i erty with all its improvements over I eee men on the range to-day, ' to the comity in good rep tir. gathering cuttle, and hope they j Such a. contract and Sea?e could wilt take all the poor brutes to feed, j in no way interfere with the rights Mike Brown bus charge of the j of, or damage any settler or ripcrinn , 1 . 1 I T (' T-. t ! i M van u oanu OI Jiieycr a i;0',vn s ; owner atouj' t.w u.hkcs oi taa river, sl'.eep, aid as he is a good nurse, he will take tiiem through. You see news is very scarce this week all snored under but just ' is strongly protected, not only by wait till spring when, the people go the law under which the company to work, preparing for another had j asked the louse, but by an unbroken Prineviliepreci n ct -1 11 v. K til- l.Ul.lt:.: 1 the rights of irrigation ; th-. free use of the wider of the stream for slock, ari'culiural-and do iiestse purposes, to many, it w;ii teacn a lesson ijnesiioi of i.i-ijir-ivinjr -nr fi:'-e apparatus. troui winch toey ought to proht m J-ist ::'";r a fire everybody wes the no- j the future. That is, that it is no ce-vityofivit.ir ?a"ili::e for Pr-,!eetion or(ger safe to depend on the range ii.i i v-i ! a.d in anv measure for i:n- . . . , , , ,, , leeti for winter, and also that a rovenrT.tS. ' , , ,. , rtoek, esp.-c.inli? sheen, must bs tt :i n it e-;e. :---.l 'liar -v.,;k wib Iw.'in i ' - oa the o. r. i'-i ti.oC.te.v!..:s I:!:f.-re th i 'n in smaller bands to be profil-i:;i':-li . of Apd! ea-Kt. li it d .,5-; net. the ' able. True, the past three or four r:oir ..i i wcr.paay will have io hti-il.- in 1 seasons have been unusually dry, or i 'r ! a.-r.-ss lo- m-iui.im in '.lme So haal n-:-t ---a-:::n's ;:;:: of ...'.. There he: be ' l a 'T " 1 d i.d of w'lis tii e; for a rhbcvii:, imt a- -vet it i-.i-: not ':..! a:iv eX-ci. ' it am.-m ts to ah ut ; 'n;p !'e: rei-a j ,ts vr iag for rain in die .r-u-1 Imnehgrass is being killed out, so t:ier. When tie" ..--' -i i--?- h-ome fa- 'that it is no lonarer safe to denenrl U ;0u it fur winter feed. Of course ; which has kept the natural grass on tii-:; range from growing toils ; natural hight and from winter p is- but it is also true that the v-iraiip- it via tr.ina v. i our p:;it. Tiiy til" wiia-b !.-?!' !,"ll.-o ! ;r'l Wvi!-:i'-,ia ihon &-- d i ir two d eit .if vr h.ial aav eii'ort on ; y- A:.. l.-: v:;'.: t:'t .Mr. and Alri. euiilci:- in ratliar :;.i--ii, c.'!.rtiWi!is .n-er, ;e: ail t ! i 1 r 1 ilb::: .', I'Xiv;;- whv hey v.ero warin at tie'- tiiiie, v.: lr.a'a-.eb J"!r.i lii'-ot' o-!ir:ie-! ia-l Sar-day from Vviilaiiv.pl s-adey. va s !b-' b'-.ach-n-vi-is count rr :e:il !ii-n i.it-.r !li in aiiy th'ms !;e f.n in Wcba-ot. .ii-j f..:he; arid brother, i i".'.ys, are coinf jttahiy !-i- vte may expect an occasional mild winter when stock will thrive on the range without artificial feed. But the slock men must learn fiom past experience that there will come winters when stock must tie fed, and nrdfit make preparations there for. There is enough tillable land In the county to raise sni'ri cient feed for nil the stock owned here, if it were cultivated and this winter, and then we will paper for- you. Casa? Creek Kevrs. . January, fvh, 1300. Snow about eight inches deep, and slock nor doing extra well. About 3d or 40 eo-vs belonging to a Mr. Foster of Summer lake have banked up. at, Wife's barn, and will die if not looked after. The dance at the hali New Years was a suecess, and everybody had a pood time. About SO numbers were sold. The music was fur nished by Robert Darscy, Lee Wi gle. Henry Beck, M--S. Miliiron and Miss Wigle. A niastpicrade .is talked of on the. 14th of -February. Some lo33-of cattle is expected in these parts, and the loss will be considerable unless stock is pretty closely looked aftr. ' COKSESPOXEEXT.. ;f;;;! in ;-'"-'';n::S ':v''y . "Mthe stoekinon must do if they would there. guard against such losses as they will sustaiu this winter. Stewart Thursday. His Hit U- son- who A. P.. Web :. '! is dorms ns that lie has had been nader the care cf the doctor : iwaallv h.'atd i'i-.t.) tha nr..-fi.M ct.i hi.s here for some tim was somewhat im-: chara- of !,; horH in the Malheur 1 t ti.j,- ti t.,.,i -Iastatlaiwa. proved w'nen :.Ir. S.virk !e!'t. i coantrc and thev re-.crt a f-et of .- aov.-! '. ' "". " ' ". , . i' Last MondilV OVenini the A. 0. ' i am! (tin rain HttiT o:ii'!.f ("iii-.tf ' " That local jrr...!it. who said, h.'-:i;s. . i.am;; o vi on the irr.".and smee tne !a--t t- ' ' T . f ' I U. W. of Prineviile installed their th first three d-.iys of last l!cr:-i:d.-T were ' of Nocen :b:. Mr. Wcbd-ii thi.,k. the -!'IVU S'tewm t and i erry rmndexter. j 0,nce.s fo t,,e vt)i,ui. vour -j p. mud, yi would Inve an ea-w nr.1er, lias ; 1 cf ..-toes ia to.tl couuiry uiuit be not shown lili lately, ii"r 'n ot he Ueii-r h-avy. - "We Poi.;! tiltii Priih-" To the ''good name at home," won by Hood's Sisrsf! peril hi. In Low ell, Mass., whole it is n-'etrired. there is more' of ilood's Sarsapariila sold than of ail other nicdioiues, and ii has given the best of satis faction since its 'introduction ten years ago. This could not be if the medicine did not posses;-! merit. If you suffer from impure . blood, try Hood's Sarsapariila -and realize iis peculiar curative power. until spring Oil Ul hills. .' ' ' abo.it tlu-e i oit, v, i : ii-ar ine:i "tmible i riisna:;.:, idle rt:yv. C. A. OillKirt came down. Com X'pp-er 1 hi. etc , en-. Any man hovo!ant.v:i:y ' Deschutes the Srst of the week, thi .iysi : j.uts his in. id ieij tile lire- ointht (o he the snow on big Meade- oidy ai:o".t : badly Ivirnt. And aay tnaa jo v.l:iu thre feet deep. Some of the sett!rs are ; Uirgy ia a north pohj eiiiUate o;!;:'.-.t out of feed and are driving their st.:.oU to i iw l- d.uth. 'there is in e.i the desert. i ! ' the eoi ! re., ii'....; p. naicrat iiai- Tl. ....,.,, .1.-,,.,, to V,-. m-nliow? at !' -ofi.it-ny, if ju?t oa.-, ii aits tint'. fA iV li-4t1 n:-o.,iU,- t,, I, iot.o.-Jtier' V'J' and it beinj; f.r a coeon.oi i.:hie na rpo-.fi to buy an ora.m C-.r the 1'iie.evi!:-; pub lic :hols--wi;l no doubt bo ii' era'iiy jiatrouiied. B. F. Childs has sold his iotereet ia the Brick store to W. B..and T. A. Urea, and contemplate roovtns; to Wiihun-ite val ley. Mr. Ciiiid-i 'oa- been in business in l'riaeville for a uv.ml er of ye.o"nd wo regret his determieatioa io leave as. Hon. C. M. Cuftwtbrht, who was in town tho first of tiie week, sai l sto k on Hay creek was standing the whiter we!!. Most all the settlers in that secii.ei- have plenty of feed, and tiiey yyepeer to jfot through the winter with very hole less. Tiial v; .add be on! ah :;t !.,,) ' jrtees ir-l-av s-r-). 'i here is n ahi.;.,; to preveti! tiia :eiow fa'iiu-i Pa a (b'iiih (,f lire feet just as easily as it d ies fo !: feei if conditions would ivaii.iue fiv-ir,.;:io !.;:; e.io.t'i. Itei vd -.e u'Uu to Pa Uiaatiui insiead of ia;d ab -at it. rant. its tiemg tne game. tave Stewart made the hefs score. 57. G'ra Poin'dcxter second - best, with 50. - Perry roindexttr killed 43, an y Joiiii Templeton, 40 rabbits and one prairie chicken. The reader cat figure out for himself which side. won. Some money changed hands from the hands, of the . hunters to t!w?e of tho 'men who isold tiio ammunition. That s all.' S:n:i!i i'ire. About g o'clock Tuesday morn ing a ni ijority of the residents of Pnnevillo were aroused from their Mark Cary is one of tiie .dSant ilie ; sbimiiers by the sounding of a fire i.t iueM-.-rie.iy -.:.-; ...I ntiJCi!! ...,i"aii ril:;hed nJ--. 11 -" i - to find the roof 0f a Silla; house on C f dniy f'nher uiUt or day, ai;-i does rat aliovy the f.e f tiuf as a S'rcU.ail d'liiss el ie; t.vitv devolve unoa i.im whether !e-p-. sr?,-,? oeoupie-l by Mrs. Mmton, to i . - , , V ' . .. ,,. . , ' '-.-. ? t: c ; deptn. it is so nauiv dnrtta m : or -....kiej;. ine !:ro f.!:u'f.i.iy t. i on lire. 1 tie fare engine was; , pulled out to the scene of ike fire, ' u,a!i'V Vm l!,iU pl0tK nUl "'n ftt i-.nt k fev SneV.,1 f.,!i j'f. w.,f , t,.,,! MPitO travel through it, and thus about put out the 'fire bv tha t.imo I tl!9' bocon,e discouraged, and do : see by examining t The fire orig- s. .no dv-.:e-.i Cast run,; op rir's ite! ve ',, and wet. be reined that i d;dir in an apr.er ro-.-ai ai tie? I.-tel hi- mi ;d was iiot ye; treed hem the cs..-itii:i . eoia-s of i!.,-. .! -. ami ia hi; -i:v;--.i t- he h -a d a ,-rv of t!i" engine anived Some time since laisiia i-arne tnor-1 yeiik ,::.ppt sfun.i ,,a -j.,. ,;r :,.r ,.f hl- : it,r.ted from a defective store nip oughhred stallion Winters died at C. A. S,M is; th.,'ea:i, n.-r ev -a uk ti n. P, i Mrs. Minton had started a fire in vtruves aiu-e on ii-a-n.iii-.-. iiaa-:.--. Sil vour ' line of decisions of our supreme II X. court. Tho settlers on the Upper De-s- chulcs have in their grasp untold wealth, in the almost incxhstistable body of the fimst timber in the state that stands all around them, yet this timber is valuelss to-day. for tisey have no market and no way of getting it to a -market other than the opening of the Deschutes river. And to ot--ii this river w.'ii lyeouire tha expenditure of a large sum of nionev more money tnan the settlers along the stream can raise, and more money tnan any prival-e individual would ho apt t put into such an enterprise. If the liver is ever opened so it can be used for the purposes above men tioned, it must and will be by the organized capital of a company, and that the . opening of the river for this purpose will he a vast- bent-lit to the people of this county, and most especially to the citizens along the stream, no reasonable person will for a moment dispute. First, to open the river would give employment to a large number of laborers; second, it would furnish a market for,, and make valuable the limitless forests of llppm- De schutes, and give employment at good wages, to an army of loggers and woodsmen ; third, it would cause the erection of numbers of mills, thus bringing money into our county raid again furnishing employment for another army lot laborers. All these things would of necessity enhance the value oi all the 'lands along the river. But a coiiir.anv of speculators in the Willamette valley, closely con nected with the railroad company, desire to loase the river in the in terest of speculation, not as thi- company, for the p irpo-e; 0f build ing up the comity and making the piOpeity we now love valuable, but for speculation ; they have em ployed attorneys to appear before tin court, strikers to tnouthc on the streets, and writers like t-I") , n.onat" and "Cili.J:n'! to spread misrepre sentations through the columns oi the local press, ami for the- present they have stuieeKkd. 'Th n c.cralV arptui crit that tin leasing of the river would damage tne ripe! i an pettier or m any man ner int.-rfere with, the tights of ir riiiiition is false, as anv one can jo Session Law? j not hugt-ie tor feed, ine conse- , (Sessimi Laws IS), pe.ge I'n). But i rpienee is that a considerable loss ; Prank Nichols writing under tb. of live stock is sure to be sustained 1 noui de plume of "Democrat" would ; even if the snow should. go off im- lead smy one to know he was jok I g year Moore, M. W. ; Pave. Stewart, F. ; P. B. Davis. O. ; D. V. Aldridgo, Rec. ; I. L. Ketehum, Receiver; Geo Summers, Fin ; T. V. Davis, Warden : T. li. Glass, I. XV. ; After the installation ceremony, the breth ren indulged in a social feast. The A. O. U. W. will give a grand ball here on the 21st of February, to which ail will be invited. Bard ti'iater. There is no use trying to conceal the fact that Eastern O.egnn is now experiencing a very severe winter. Snow has been on the ground con tinuously for over six weeks, ami out on the hills and elevated ranges it is now nearly a toot- averaae Slayton, J, IN. W i!cil; Clerks, II. 'ihtho, ' so in. . Mitchell Julges, S V , T. J. .elonroe, E. P.aih v , Co ik C. W. Aelson, rlradiey Kamunsnn. Baltlniaii--Jr.dges, -, . J. baha me.n. J. '5. Teller, II. 0 RniMis vi'tie; Clerks, Y. SL.u i, s Meaiay. ; Upper Trout Jude. T. . S. il.uniiton, C. Criend, II. T. Hill ; Clerks, Ivuox liustou, James iiam itlon. ' - . Lower Tiout Judges. C. Mc pherson, R. lle.dcy, K. ii. boiler Clerks, A. R. Lyle. Wm Jul i oi Hay Cri t k Judges. A. an ilouten, G. Maupin, A. Dunham Chrks, J. R. CitrUrid.t. J. 0 Donthit. . ... j -. Haystacks Judges. A, T. Jen- j kins, R. Springer, Henry Vvmuom ; Clerks, D. Vv. l"arneU,Tamo Hob- j Snson. - I Vi'il-oiv Creek .Judge, P -i ( Read, J. II. Crooks, li ( hk J Clerks. John Archied, C j Wilis. Black Buttes Judges, I). W. Al lingham, J. II. Smith, Mark Wilt; Cio'ks, S. J. Smith, W. II. Fuller- ton. Farewell Bend Judges, John Skemore, A. S. Collins, W. II. Staats ; Clerks, S. S. ' Stearns, James Haggard. Ireland' Judges, C. B. Allen, Geo. Aldri dg, .V. J. Vandervert ; Clerks, J. w" Pelton, 0. P. Pnngle. Bear Creek Judges, Silas Hod ges, W. H. Miliiron, J. M. Taylor; Chuks, W. It. Dixon, L. Hodges. ('rooked River Judges, W. C. Plummcr, A. Roberts, It. E. Darsey ; Clerks, J. II. Kelly, W. II. Post. Mowry Judges, Joint Stewart, Thomas Lister. M. A. Carson ; Clerks, L. M. Liggett, C. A. Force. Hardin Judges, Thomas Alien, John Stewart, C. J. Johnson ; Clerks, T.-D. Spafford, Douglas Me Lagan. Beaver Creek Julges, -J. D. Ilt-isler, Geo. Noble, Clias Uequa ; Cleiks, S. M. Couitney, C.W. El kins. '. Summit Prairie Judges, John Iledgpeth, Ed Merritt, D. 15. Kelly ; Clerks, Perry Cram, Leslie Powell. Ocl.oco Judges, W. It. MeFar land, A. F. '1 i.ompson, Pen Blev ins; Clerks, J. 11. Miller, W. A. Ge.ro. Mill Crock Judges, W. IT. Kin der, II. P. Evans, D. W. Ciaypoo! ; Cleiks, J. J. C. Lawson, Chas. ids ter. Catr.p Creek Judges, S. A. Lo gan, L. F. Castie, Frtrnk Ilackle iiisn ; Clerks, John Coivcr, Lee Wigle. Ihils allowed aggregating 2, 154 hd. ; In tiie matter of the lease of the Deschutes river, action postponed till next regular term. o Notice I ceaitid 4, ! to ruiitff ;j ..l-e, y cr-...k C. t i.i, l.v.a, i j II .I .Vet; i I i:.- i,. i !::.- t i.ai ! ;:'. -ii.l - ua-.. V. I F . ; io;: M I r-li;- .da rt'o at:cx. '. ii.i.iik. r.. .'H!.l. 1- -1 .-S'J. t.:i- ni.t.t'o jr :-:.- o-n ian n t.ui-m .1 i--i ii.i-1 ..u.iy . li:t:. y n-v'l...'ll II 1 . i t - prpn .:. -I ..iti'.ia:. U ea. J- t lii.Hl I-, . 11 t .1 P. l;(i i.,t. r. .-fV.l. e wr Is. ' f (l.i.l V .1 if- ll or. ht cr-i.c t. n. sr.i- i. a ! n-.l i-1 s It rr 1 it- l:.,!(.:i acviiiL-, v.-r. t- 1 1: i. f ' ' ronier. V.Z . Oi .1. M. a i'r:- :, WAC.i: r V NoTI-. N t eie.ii.i . or., k. In , "::, ftir ti ro li If I.am. or "l lie. I A AO T CDIlU'.l '. Mlid III U. Hun;. ilur.liii. e foil. - i e.-i.l it i.t- l i i cwuri, t:r. 1 l'-t., ' 1 i ' uli II in ( fitaie ol u.-eeon. lor (. 'VtTfi e 1 rri Klai i-:iiilM.rl..u If. nj v .i li.t.l.. . of liuM'.n, or., nrir?. itcft.-u-r I'. A'i ON. K AT l.l'KSS. (IB. N . 1 er 1 l. .a tin: foai.v. :; r c o: im- !i-u-i.l..n i 1 c ' i ml vforv e-e-ik Cro.-k I: Jan. ls.'.it(. i it: r.i si'jr mid ; 2-. ! VV ft. viiiiciMn tn j.rcTe "ii. iitai iTii.ln atl.-n i ti,. .1 ja-:e.ni:un. .. J -!;n W. SI. wart, ( ' N I p nr , fi iMlili.'i'.. P. V L'otll-l Oi lll k Count r, md on i!:e ,5ist (lav of Ue.toner. iJiStl." ar-point me u niersianeu adtnieisi rater of tin- en tail! I Mi'.eids l.ooncv. HHf-a:-eii, ml ir koi:m Sniviiiir eiamis aHinst said eKtitteare hereliv iiotiiieil to present the same tome, i roi eil-.-veiiticd. i;r llav C reek, ( rook i oiiinv, Oregon, wi'.hia six mautiis troui the dale of this no! ice. : U. TAYLOR HI hL, Admir.Hrafor of the estate of Wiields Loonev, deceased. ' - ; Dated this 27th day of December, LS3!. 19 Retard $200 'REWARD will.be given by the Cattle and Horse. Trot ectivo Association of Crook County for the arrest and conviction of any per son or persons found stealing stock horses or cattle belonging to the memte:-8 of the Cuttle and Horse Protective Association of Crook County. By order of the Association. A. C. Palm!;i, Sec. C.'.t II. P. A. of Crook Co. ." DAViS BROS-P" DEALEliSIX- Slroceriss, Provisions and ' Cacnod Goods. Store opposite Salomon's Shop. We sell OrTLY for CASH, and offer tl BEST BAROAiS IX TOWX: DAVIS BI10S. - - - ' heiicra llB v-ake Ut). bill bidei-d I'ireU'ii ;aevii;:ie-.e. ; . i. i i. ..:.. ', rucco!" " I1 fWS jing, and "CitizenV statement that rauticcw., .ii. .ui, o.i-o i-i... t -,. .i. .-Liss wnn on.., l-ia-.mi oa c.eii i:-.:- . ,, f . . . deep snow that the stockxucn fears ', the coir.panv was riving stock tr heavy los to Mr. Pa-nes, but ,s a loss to : f : ,f iho :e,i. F..:f.maV!v the ni.iir i rt P issed tnrougo the roof. ! BO , , .,ep. ,,. a , f I , ' b. 1 . the horse interests oi tho couniy. Uat.d, eatne a!-,- ab:mi tPoe .Ub, The dmnge was slight.', probably:'0 D'Ut'h' '"'tjany one tor their support, is sim- buidiiur. and f .. , . 'contrary, has several tunes twen ; dcsiied .to biilw anv one it would i ii rii'r ii el lct'ii rwt . ,i the collision of two trains in the Khic ha sutru to a fire. ' J ; warm enough to cause the snow toinroSaMv m;Iov in Hif ;frr nr t)w ! i melt, and then afterwards freeze, ; sDecalators and strikers, tackle the It ts stated that seven great flour thus cov, ring the ground with ic-. ! county court, hwzz the county rmiis of Milwaukee have formed a -The present winter is a hrtr-i one, ! judge in season and out of season. This matter is now simply a fight between home capital and bonn Oregon cohort Line who was injured by ' s ri-.e l ' e v..;!:e ati liie next tia.c befo.c-! t -io . .! t .'.-I-0.'. i'l ' tontrary, has several times Wn ; dcsiied .to biilw anv one ' f,re- 1 water. i last suiniiie;-, Povs sue! the company for 3VW. Ha allege the a-ci-deat was caused by the c ar.rlessiiess of the train dispatcher at La (irar.de. i The two fires this week very pUaly deaioasirated the fact that at keii-t t T Sy 3.ili.-r.ny rjUtr-'rs. i V,"i-h tve-ify-tive yr-.,rs et-;eri.'i!e.- and i Irave, of ne.i.lv ..if tiie wjrid. I have! ia an An.--tra'iaa piaat-.i: bo-ri.-n ; combination involving $5,000,000 and at the present there is no in ..v.. ...... ....... e e. - a : t-. -i l .1 . . , . , . i. r : t , - 'e.iy w.i.-.dM-..--.-rKt i,. a id I sae,cd:v ipifii. anu .in annual output ot a Oicalion or a lavorame cliange. more cisterns are r.ivdea- one near the 1 :,'w.mi to- s.-erot. I u cwn .w s.-ti.ad do-.vn : liliilioa atid a half barrels of flour, : . " - court i.nns,. .:-! sootrier nar I. . How-! ! W t5i '-' ' -neh.nd 'a- beaeiu i - rSt ... . P.T!- tr,. .,: , .. .,. i The asiiingtou legislature has .; . . l o- r.iv ; ard's rastibaee. Ew.-h ol tne lire-" w rti.i.iiiur n- -ij . ..1 out of reach of water that c.tjH bo readied ; menf rea otd:ei by tha ennbie. i-.eaee the r!ro :urar:ita'-! Pr-ii e : i ! ill ; of treat - i ei-ee ' b e" Ws ust-luaj ia hs.h easas. i f a-!t th English syndicate mills. Ben Bhiiitoti. who maiieiondv killed a man at Colfix, a short ti m r,-) his h. rP. r.y.vijto 1 of j murder in th-; drst deg;ea. IP-. Cede, id d .rihJ : passed Stevenson's bili regulating the se.idhig of ne.vsp.ipjfs. It is tiie SailiC ,1i tb-1 1 r.Y p,.-::,t by the Or. -m i.-lv..- To WiOKCii. Or.Y:.!rt.v S. Mckkay, M. D., Fe male Spociaiirt. Has practiced on the Pacific Coast for the past twenty-five years. A lifetime devoted to the study of female troubles, their causes uid cures. I have thous ands of testimonials of permanent tires fiom the best people on this coast. A positive guarantee to cure uiv case of female weakness, no matter how long standing or what the cate may be. Cha-gcs reason able and within the reacn of til. For the benefit of the very poor of inv ex who are sufferine irons any of'ths ?ref..t multitude of ailments that follow in the train of that ter rible disease known as imnaieweak- nees, and !vho are not able to nay for treatment, I will treat free of charge. Consultation by mail, free. Ul correspondence strictly confi ienlial. Medicine packed, boxed .i!:d sent bv express with charge? men who desire to build no th-J nre-naid for ."hoin?" treatment 1 . . . - e a: . : r.. If I. r --..i f,r..;--. enwnUin,. Willi Ho'in aircciiooo ior USS. - Xi ho desire nothing but i-'t',r,?t for I Fed. fclitl. the home cotnp-any sn ! willing to let the bribing he dour ! by the other side. (J. V. B. Mi. BUSINESS y We are prepared to -negotiate loans on Improved Real Estate or other Securities ; buy find sell Bonds City and County Warrants, Notes and other Xegtiahle Paper. ; Cru n)'inie :'' y-iliH'f.i aid information lati.Utied ua Oj,pi-icr.iii.:'. :t . -, :j HKXKY.HATIN. OTica Tn J-irnt Kali'.i:l'Uuk Uuihl inj.', Prinevil!-, (iTe-on- ,- I hit lift). PEALKKS IS FANCY JAPANESE AN - CHINESE' SILKS ALSO Fins China' tea sets and ornamental warjf Satnjdo roiims at Gary House. NEW fEAT MARKET, In Enehacll'sold Hta:i:5,Trineyi'!e, Proprietor; CHOICE BEEF MUTTON, VEAL, AKD 'l'ORK constantly on hand.'-. All iOsds of Prsj!iice S!d sn vou are suiTeriu- from anv fmnnlej . "1' t ' -o,,l, periolically or constantly, 0n ? to ad. 8yTft prof- ;';t 1 t Hts is all that is asked; ' Live and OLYJrrA S. M- l::y. M. D., ' it t live; it my :i otlo. V East Potiaud. Oregon. ALBERT af. V.'IL'SON. ef.