Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, April 07, 1888, Image 6

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    ..Je. f WWi.)HK,f--I
. U I IX i WAY,
a resident
H ATc'lil'VY,
.vruiE 7, isss.
- v
One sorrel hir e with w'iHo fnes, bm
III hi ten ish-i'ililor. left I. K'ivi' creek
spring. 'Vu rewird w:i' he paid lorthe ,to,i
in saiu nor. i' u i:'.itiuii A i niir. I'r '
cwum' jbEMocn mo ticket.
F..r licpre-enta tve
, 1 -Kir : q Hitj- Clerk
'jc: m. ldfows.
.' F.ir ShorHr
Fur County CntmuLuloiieri.
. T. 11111.
- ktioul- u-'""' lt ''meirro.N rfvvju
For side or trade, one nnne "t three
on .'it n sired, mid one hnii.e and two l.ii
Isewioin t ailtlilion, l'i tncvUle Until arc
sir.ihle lociiitnii. term. ri'n.nna.ilt ll
sheep or cattle, taken In exchange, luquir
T. J boms, PiiitivUle. Or
willivm hwrmt.
' Foe Treasurer
For Asressnr.
, J. 11. KELLY.
Tor S.:i'Kl Superintendent.
For Surveyor
For Coroner.
O J. U. Sl i ts.
t'OUSTV UEl'l'IJMC.iX ticket.
. Fur Rireeu't!ve
S .. .: ,J K TVU.l.lAltSOX. .
For siierlT.
- . John combs.
; For Clcri.
,11. A. 1)11. LAUD.
For Trea-uer
v . ; For Assessor
For Surveyor.
For School Superintendent.
Fur Coroner.
Hit. V. OESNEIt.
For Commissioners.
W. C. PLUMMEIi. . Z T. KF.YE3.
- uix. w
litis only heen
county ubout nine
and it - is quite
to stimnise hist
wogo.ot tiio valuations ot property paimain in town property.
An tins section i.s hunted, though
as to his personal qualifications wo
know nothing.
C. A. graves
j was re-nominated for surveyor.
I Mr. Graves is tlio present ineum-
bent of tliat ollice, ami during tii
liiiie bo lias rilled the position hu
j has proven himself A practical snr-
i vevor of no small ability. Hia'" -
competency as an ollicer' is ui.-j brOSI EsiniSSn Reffletly.
i All persons dcslrlnu to locate on IhiiiI. ouili
hlinus. cie.. will ito well to mil on llm County
, C-lork, h. Iiu IntKtiblitliioti lull itinl 'nuiilototo n.
Hllll II1UI ot UllM I'Ollllty, huh uimi tun inn
ciinililnto cuiiy ol tlio lKd ol tin) Uouvml l.liol
I ill
A Zell li. H Mipply o m'i'.I when! Kiirl hsirly
for Miln. I he hiinoy can ho lnul Ht hU unn,
o. io nnlc from I'riiifvlllo. nmi tbi wheHt Ht;tlit
I'l'inevll'ii) iloiirliih' luill.s. Cull OHily, bufortt II
U ull iiono. 8j 4
The republicans of Crook county
have-placed a ticket in the field
for the approval of the voters, and
the eriti.cisni of the public general
ly ; and being one of the public we
deem it our privilege to make such
comments upon the republican
nominees as may be befitting.
V hilo the Review intends to work
for the success of the democratic
titate-ttnd county ticket, it will do
so inj what it believes to be a fail
and journalistic manner. The gen
tlomwv'ho' compose the republi'
can ticKet nre-nearly all our per
sonal friends in the social and bus
iness walks of lifts, and during the
campaign, though we shall oppose
them politically, we shall endeavor
to do so in a friendly manner, and
theirVmoral .characters shall be
held as t sacred by U3 as though
they 'we-ro'not aspirants for oilicial
honor;; but. their public acts are
public property and are propersub
jects for criticism ; their: qualifica
tions for the positions to which
they aspire are also open to dis
cussion, and we hold it is our duty
and privilege to call them in ques
tion. ' What we say at present in
reviewing the ticket, or what shall
he said in the future, will be con
lined within these limits.
the nominee for representative, is
our present sheriff, an ollice he baa
held nearly two years, and has ac
quitted himself creditably. Mr.
Williamson has made a good
sheriff ; he is a straightforward re
publican, and a believer in the
fallacies of a protective tariff. As
a suitable candidate for sheriff we
would say M. Williamson was wdl
suited, but as an advocate of the
acts will be a recommendation
him in the coining content.
j The noininen for . the ollice
j school superintendent,
l);i. 11. P. BELKNAP.
is a gci.tleman of. sterling quali
ties and has risen to eminence in
his pVofcssion. " lh, Uelknap is a
physician whom everybody re
spects ; he has made medicine bis
study, and its practice the olject
of his life. He has never been .a
teacher, and bis" .calling being so
ttir removed from that of the edu
cational branches, which, as super-
; I inteiHtcnt, tie would he called upon
i j to preside over, we conclude his
qualifications for that ollice are
j lacking. Personally, Dr. llelknap
j i.s one of our warmest friends, and
'! there is not a man in the county
whom we would prefer seeing re
warded with oflicial honors than
he, but the educational interests of
the county are of tin) much im
portance to allow them to be con
sidered lightly, hence we do not
deem, it advisable to place anyone
at the head of that branch of the
county affairs who is not thorough
ly qualitied.
kk. v. a ESN Ell,
the choice of the republicans for
coroner, is an old resident of Prine
ville and one of our most highly
respected citizens. He requires jk
introduction to the public, for what1
anyone might say lor o"1 against
him would not detract from the
high esteem with which he is held
in the county.
The nominees for county com
missioners are
"Poth are good, honest, straight
forward farmers. Mr. Pluninier is
a resident of Upper Crookeil river,
and though upright in bis dealings
with men, has not the personal
qualifications of an efficient com
missioner. His experience in bus
iness life has been too limited to
fit him for the position. Mr. Keyes
is a resident of Mitchell precinct,
and a prosperous sheep raiser who
has made a success of his own bus
iness. What other qualifications
he has we are unable to say.
A careful review of the ticket
W'ill convince almost any voter that
it is not a strong one by any means,
not one that will command the un
divided support of the republican
party, or draw heavily upon the
democratic forces. True, it is com
posed principally of good, honest,
straightforward men, some of them j
perfectly competent to fill any posi
tion of honor and trust, yet there
some who are incompetent, and
their weakness must detract from!
the strength of those who are. It
is by no means so strong a ticket
: as we expected to see, nor one at
which the democrats need take
10 1 I.
Murray's Specific,
vS K k '' ' ' " runt mr I
W ) ,
of liia-ii innvtT,
ne' e, pn'n in Hit t'mt-k, nrrvi'"
ro Million, wkefiilne(, lefr'T'
rln'tt,,tnti vtT.nl liultml mm11
mil w.'Hktt (, iinpu1miri'ftnliti
j Bcfcro Taking l oipan, in oUhvr x, cu.sf
by trtli.vi'Pi'iion or nvi't oxorliim, kii1 whK'li
j tinuurly Wiu to tivmniuii" itl use, itioUiii'f
! ami iMtii.-iitr.pi'on. il a lox f mt jkwm
i hix h.iNi's ior V Wont ty innll
I ivi itivijt nf prit, l'u 1 pai'iio
J uIht.-. in !nwihitit( tout i io e la
. every npjtlu atii.
j )U (iimrmite Six Vujxph
1oriir hijy r wtTy fi
I'rtlvr ivielvetl. w t'iu fx
! Io rt iiiiul inniii'V if tint SiM'i'ifli' !iJt
! ittif imt (MiVci h cum After Tnklnc
- Atl'ire-is all ivtMiiiiiuilcutlons to l( mjIc inun-
uUrunvi, TUE MlivUAY MKi If'INK CO.. ,
K tin.-H - ( i t v , Mo.
j5P-Snltl in rriuevtlleby UoahA Uai-dwiS,
..'Vr. i
v.. -'i':" -v ifi
! ! I.AVU Of'Ktci! AT Tins 1.vli,k, Oh.
Aorll 'i. iNSS,
i Notion 1m hnrfliv rlvim llmt lint fitllitvidiir
i named sottlor litis illoil notl f Ills intuiitlon to
' f'oiiiiiiuto Htid niHky tlnul irnof In HUfiporti IiIh
; I'lutni, unit tliutHlil proof will lit liiHilotiffnreCo
t iitk i.Tfinu i iiiiiitv, or., hi I'rineviliu, OI., on
My irl, l.sss, vlt:Cvl.UM lll'S PKIKNI0, S;il,
tor tho E'u ol SW. nmi W.ul SE'. Scei'v 111 V
S of l lh K
llt iinmi)!itliifollovlnK wllnoxxptoiiriivuhlN
coiillniioiiit rt'.ililim't upon, uiul culllVHtlon of
hh ill luu, I, vl: 'I', S. llHinllton. of Autolopi'.'Or.,
of Crinrvlllo, Or
P. A. McDonald, KcKlvtrt.
l.ASB OKFU'li AT TlIK l)A l.l.KH. OK.
iMHroii !W, l.H.
Notlop ts licreliv p I von Hint tli fcillowli-ft-
IIHIIf ,1 M'ttler has illl'll llolilltl ot 1 1 1 K IlltCllllllll
Ui niHko HohI proof in Hiipportof lilx rlnliii, mill
Unit mil, I .ro,f will I'D liunlc liofnru rniinty
Joilltii of crook Co., Or., ut I'rluov llln, Or., on
Mny H. IM, vi: W. c. I'l.CMMUli 11,1
Kin lor the S; NK1.., W... Sli1. Soo W 111 17
S of u m K.
II o niimo the following n''.tni4Ms to Mva
Ma coiiltniiouis riisnliMK'ti it)Oii, ami ctiltivmloii
of, hI,I IhikI. vU: M. W. Mmul, H, )t. MilU'r.
l riink F. l'rlntfie ttinl Win, U. Ainloraua of
rlnfUlIc, oiitgoii.
'-IH 1'. A. Mi I'oXAiiii, RrgUlrr.
Swalleys old stand,
C. L. SALOMON, Prop.
All kinds of WAHOX
experienced workmen.
0 -
wrK ri'iii.icAj'ioN.
La Nil Orru-i atTiib I)ali.r, Or.
Nhivii m,
Notlr Is ln rby irlven llit tti lollowhiir
linnitMt svttlvr lit. nleil iiiiticn of Ills lihiMitlmi
to mnkn Mntil proof in hiipport of liia cluini,
hii,I Unit shiiI roiif will lai mailt hofori Ihe
I'lrrk of Crook Count v, or., Ht Criiievllln, Or., on
May 14, ISM, vln: MoMdiK W. s.MKAU 1) S
4M, for tho W'u NW'. un.l 6;.. Sue- U Tu 17
lie iiitini's the follotvlnir witnexFc to prnvo
his ooiiliniioii.4 i-e..liUMie upon hiiU cultiuition
ot nU IhiiiI, vim Win. C. 11 ii in in tr, Kii'liuril
1". Miller, Orvy (!. 1'riiifc'le iiinl llonry Kelly of
l'riiu'viUo, Oregon.
W I.s F. A. McDonald, IteRtatvr.
Land Opiick at I.akkviicw, On.
Murc-h 1 ), ivis.
Notice Is licretiy piveti that the InllnwIiiK
niinieil settlor ha.. Ali-il notleeol lii inteiitioiiio
make fliiHl proof In Miioiort of In. cluini. ami
I that hiu proof wilt lie niaite lu-fore tliv Couuty
I Clerk of Crook Co.. or., hi I'rlnuv ille. or., uii
I May , lss. viz: A. J. JOHNsoN, 11 M 2iw, lor
W Olvk ! Hi S", of SK'4, KE'4 of 8IV.i, ami l.oU 3 ami
, ill Sw 1H 'I' -1 S ol It M K.
Clone by lletiHines the fo.lowiiik' ultne.iiea to prove
j liin eontliiiioua. rc.'iileliee llfion, ami cilll-tvatlou
ol, tain ihiki. I'll: I. .V lielloiir, Jo.epli Street,
Hownrd -Mouis, J. M. street, of llnrilin. or.
-lo A. F. M.NELI.INll, Keller.
Horseshoeing a specialty.
Old wagons and hacks and all
kinds of old iron takn in exchange
for work.
All iron work done by as good a
smith as there ie in the country, at
reduced price.
people,jn,the hulls of the legisla
ture he would not bo our choice,
even were by of the right political
The 'candidate for sheriff,
' , r- '.roiiv combs, t
is a urook county boy, having
spent tlif! greater portion of his' life
within its bounds, and is well liked
by "everybody. He served as depu
ty under both sheriff Williamson
and Sheriff Blakely, and the ex
perience he gained while acting as
deputy has made his qualifications
ir. a. nn.r.ARD,
for county clerk, was a good selec
tion. Mr. Dillard is well and fav
orably known to nearly all the old
settlers of the county, having for a
number of years been editor of the
Prineville News, during a portion
of which time he was also county
school superintendent.
Our much-esteemed fellow towns
. man,
E. R. f AHY,
received the nomination for treas
urer. Xo better choice could have
been made. Mr. Cary is a gentle
man against whom nothing can be
eaid ; ho is a gentleman in every
respect, nnd'in whom everyone has
tin utmost confidence.
Tho nominee for the office of assessor,
Mary's Little Lamb and Free Wool.
(Springfield Union.)
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow,
And built a little tariff pen
To keep it safe, you know.
But Pioger Mills, he came along,
An ugly boy was he,
And smashed the little tariff pen
.To let the lamb go free.
And in the night an English wolf,
as siieni as a ciam,
Carrie prowling round and broke
the pen
And killed the little lamb.
Then Mary wept; but hopeful, said,
"I'll have free wool at last I"
"And so you sha)l,"said Roger Mills,
So said the ugly beast.
But when she went to get the fleece,
The wolf was sitting on it;
"Come." said he, "and get your wool,
I've fixed the price upon it."
So Mary traded with the wolf,
And roundly did she pay ;
For that dear fleece she fed the beast
A twelvemonth and a day.
For the sequel apply to Ilahn
& Fried, Prineville, Or. i
t fur Crook Vountii.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon,
for Crook Con nt i.
Henry Ilnlin and Leo Fried, partners
doing bti.-diieM, under the firm inline
and style of HAllN A FUIEO, I'll,.,
SON. Delta.
To Sarah Johnson and W. P. Johnaon, the
ahove-named defendauta:
in the name of the state of Oregon, you anil
each of you are hereby siimmonett and required
-ioeppear and answer the piaincirlV oomp-lai' I
dijw on file aeaiu.t you iu the aliovu-eututit&i
ui,l. tk..l,L mmH .... ... I. ..... ?
the 71 Ii day ot May, A ll lvet, Ii bring Monday,
the ftrirt day of the next regular term of afd
court to be held at the court lioiiiie in Prineville,
In haid ('rook county, Oregon, and you are noti
fied that if you fail to appear and an.wer .aid
complaint aa herein required, the plaiutiiT'M
will apply to Mliil court for the relief demanded
in t,aid complaint, towlt:forajudi;nientai:aiiiAt
the defendant Sarah JohiiMiu for 1110 with in
terest thereon at the rale of ten per cent per
Hiaiuiu from the Uh day nf July, 1h7, and lor
the um of fifty dollar, attorney fee, lu accord
ance with the terms of a certain prorui-isory
note bearing faid date, and that the certain
mortvase executed and delivered by the de
fendant Sarah Johnson ami , W. P. John..on on
the th day of July, 1W, to plaintiffs, to nccure
uid note, be foreclosed and the reai properly
therein iu i-ald mortgage, described as follows,
to wit: the Siaof SE'4 Sec 14 and the W!j of
SWl4 Sec 13 iu town. hip 14 south, range 'JO east,
Willamette Meridian, Oregon, lie sold: the pro
ceeds of such sale be first applied to the pay
ment of the costs and expen.es of such foreclos
ure and sale, to payment of such attorney fees
as the court shall adjudge reasonable for fore
closing ttie mortgage, and the payment of such
principal, the sum of $:wo, and intere't due on
the promissory note which said mortgage, was
giveuto secire: and the defeiidrnt.au, 1 each of
them be barred of all equity of redempilou In
and tosald premises. .
This summons is published In the Oriinoo
Rkvibw, a weekly new.-paperof general circu
lation, published iu Prineville. Or. bif order;
of Hon J H lilrd, judgeof said court, which
order is dated March 1sk
42 O. W. H.tRNKs, Plaintiffs' Attorney.
Land office at Lakrvikw, or.
March JO, l.MA
Notice N hereby given that the InUowing
naiucd settler has hied notice of his iutentloii
to make It mil proof in iiport of lil claim, anil
that .aid proof will be mude before the County
Judge oi 'crook County, at prineville, or., on
May 7, 1.4K4, vie: KUUIAItll S. I'Kll'K. lid
for the E', of iW', Sec h and KJs uf N s '.Sec 17
He names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, vii: L. S. Logan, Richard Hurley,
F. lliu tli'inuii, of Price, Or., J. J. brown, of
Hardin, Or.
42 47 A. F. SNELLINQ, Register.
Land Office at Lakiview, Or.
March 16, 1M.
Notice 1 heieby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice Ot his Intention
to make filial proof In support of tils claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Cle,rk of Crook County, at Prineville, Or., on
May 1, liwft, vis: C. S. S T A ATS, l)Sa4S, for the
hil NW'.,, KE'i ofNWJi aud NWUolNE'4
See 17 Tp -A a K 10 E.
.Ue names the following witnesses to prove
t.Vcmitl minus residence upon, and cultivation
of, said laud, via: C. B. Allen, S. S. Htarns, J,
Peltnu, Frauk Hoffman, nf Heud, Crook Co., Or.
41 4 A. F. SNELL1NU. Register.
The realization of tho f.iet that our LOW PRICES AUE A
ItEALITY nud not a lictionary legend
How wo doit? Ilffitlv money is the wonder-worker that ha flnahlnd
us to place before the public such a
Gorgeous Display of Spring Bargains
And a determination to bo easily satisfied and
Is tho reason why wo can sell so much lower than anybody cl. It ii
v r .. i i ... . i i
nciorc our sinnuani. tinon wici in m ,iiin "imtii
DEA LING OUK STRKNfiTH." the gi-nt innnopdie., who
uio iMiunu iu-iiiur wiiii uie nun ot robbing tho public, intuit
Till! Ts ..r..r.ll.. ..J... ! 1 1 ..
"""I"' "' n": viewrv vmir am is neTsury. Uuy
from us and you will never regret it.
HAHN & FlilED.
Land Office at Tuk Hallci, Or.
March io. InHS
Notice Is hereby given that the follow! air
named settler ban filed notice nf his Intention
tn make final proof lu support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before County
Clerk crook Co., Or., at Prineville, Or., on May
6, ImsA, viz: E. II. CONANl', I) S 3S07, for Hie
NW'4 Sec 14 Tp 17 S of It l K.
He uuiiies the following witnesses lo prove
uis conwiiuoiis residence upon, aim cultivation
of, said land, viss. Lee lioak, J. J. Cunningham,
l. C. Pit-kett, L. C. Swain, of Prineville, Or.
41 411 K. A. McDn.NAI.il, Heglster.
Jn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
II. S. HAWOKTII, Ilef. )
To H, S. Hawurtli, the above-named defend
ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby re iuired to appear and answer the com-.
piHinl filed against you iu the above-entitled
suit, on or before ;hc the first day of the next
regular term of the above entitled court, which
will he held at Prineville, Oregon, beginning
on the first Mondav, being the 7th dav of May,
or, for want thereof, the plainlllf will an
ply to the court for Hie relief prayed for in
said complaint, to wit: for a decree oikaid court
forever dissolving the marr'nre contract now
existing between you and said plaintiff and for
siicn otncrajiu iiirmer relief as u atiuity sewn
etn rucei.
Lano Office at The D.ii,i.f, Or.
March 17. INKS.
Notice U hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make filial proof lu support nf bis claim, and that
said proof will be made before County Judge
Crook County Or., at Prineville, Or., on May 'Jo,
viz: S. E. STARK, 11,1 371, for the NK'i of NK'.
!. W, ofNW.'.aud KH'li of NliW See
Tp 20 S of H 20 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz: T. 11. print', K. S. price, N.
Owen, of Price, Or., Joel Allen, of liend, Or.
41-40 F. A. MtJioNAi.t, Ueglster.
Land Office at The Iiai.i.f.s, Or.
Mareli 17, 1KK.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler bus filed notice of Ills Intention
to make Huh! proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be marie before County
Judge Crook County, Or., at Prineville, nr., on
Miv II, IMH, viz: JAMES M. MANSKII.H, lid
1. for the Hi, of SK'-i. NW'-. of SE'i aud U'i,;
of NH'i Sec IU 1 1 12 S of H 20
He mimes the following witnesses tn prove
hU continuous residence upon, Htid cultivation
of, said land, viz: 1-aac (inge, John Kvnns,
Ja me. M. Taylor, S. J. (Jrlshnio, ol Mituliell,
4l-4ti F. A.' McDonald, Ueglster.
March 12. 1RRS.
Lanu Office atThe Iiam.ks, on.
Notice is hereby given that the followiug-
liamed settler has flleil notlr.e of hi. h,i.. i..t.
'.n Inlike not. nnisl lit Htli,nrl it hi. lu,,
n rauei. - "7 ! jo iiifisa final proof lu support of Ills claim, and
i his summons Is served nnofi von 1jirriii'r hHi .ki nroof win i,, n,,iu i.i,,i ,, n, i-, i.
cation, by order of Hon. J. H. Hint, Judge OQ Judge Crook County, Or., at Prineville, Or., on
wmuu cnier oears i mny as, innn, viz . n l e. I ll a 1 A a
tlie above-etitilleil court,
date of March Oth. WH.
W. H. A. Joiimd, -
Attorney for PHT.
Prlnevlllo, Oregon, March 14, 1. 40 47
Notice Is hereby given to whom It may con
cern that I will pre.eiit my account and final
rep'-rt us a-1 in I ii 1 -t rn Inr of tho e.'itte of J J
Pi ter.oo, decea.ed, Io the Hon. County Court
of u. e Hiafe. of Ore','ou for Cr-iok Ormry at Its
cr.tt ie tulHr term, to wit: on the Isi Mnudnln
Mny, ;H -m, ai'd ak t)-at the uie be a'lowed,
that tlie allalr of raid e .late be wound lip, Hud
I, hs Hduiiui.-triUor, be dircharged.
Dutcd Aiiril 7, MA Luu Fhikii,
U A4.mluLtra.t9r,
In the Circuit Court of tlie Stale of Oregon,
for Ciook Vovntit.
iiEi rm wilson, pifr.,i
vs Suit for Divorce.
To John S. Wilson, the above named defend
In the name of the Slate of Oreiron. vou are
hereby required to appear in the aoove-eutllled
court and answer the plnintiil'scomp alnt In'
the above-entitled suit, now nn file In the ollice
ol Y.. M. Drown, clerk of Mild cinirtaiidof Crook
county, on or before tlie first diiy of the next
regular term of raid court, to wit. on or before
tiie "to day of May, ixon, und yuii will take no
tice, that If you fail so to answer, for want
thereof -the above-named plalntlll' will apply to
the wild court for a decree a.s praved for in her
said complaint, to w t: for n decree forever dis
solving tne marriage contract now existing be
tween yourself and the ulaliititf. noon ihn
grounds of desertion and abandonment contln- l
ulng for more than one year, aud al-o for the
custody of the minor ciiildreii, issue of your'
said marriage, and the costs and disbursement I
oi tnis suit.
Service nf summons is made In this c,,e by
publication for the period oi six weeks In tlie
Ociioco ItKviF.'.v, a weekly newspaper published
in Prineville, Crook comity, Oregon, by order
of Hon, J. II. Hlrd. Judge of the Seventh Judi
cial O i.-.trict aud of said court, dated at ii.iiu
I City, the 7ili day of March, Ixkh.
10-15 Atty, for I'lfT. ,
1 h Sr.. sole heir
at law of Stepheu Staals Jr., lid ftl, for tin; hU
of ttt:4 nee ui I p 17 H of It 1 J K, N i of N W'4
Sec A and NKJof NE'.-4 Hec d 'I p In a of It VI E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, raid land, viz: J. N. Williamson, of Prino
villo, Or., C. H. Allen, Joel Allen, John Harri
son, of liend, Or.
4(l-i) F. A. MCDONALD, Register.
Land Officb at Tub Dai.i.ks, On.
March 5, 1HHS.
Notice Is horeby given that the following
nauied settler lias liled iiotlcu of Ills intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be iiindo before County
Clerk, Crook County, Or., at Prineville, Dr., on
April 'Jl, lMriK, viz: I.OlT.-i A. ItK A LMKIJ, I) S
6W7, for the tt ol N WJ-i and WU, ol Nii'i Sec
118 Tp 1 S of K 20 E.
He names tlie following witnesses to provo
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Henry Heck, Oenrga W.
Kstes, Manfred Nye, E. II, Yancey, of Cronk, Or.
4D-4. F. A. McDonald, Register.
Land Officb at Tub Iiallbs, Ob.
March 1, 18W.
Notice Is hereby given that the followliiir-
named settler has filed notice of hlsinleiillon lo
I make final proof lu support of his claim, anil
I that said proof will be mudu before County Cleric
10, imtrt, vise: A LltKR I' E. SMI I II, U S fil!7, fur
the NU' of NIi4 and SE'4 of NEVi Sec 2S lu 211 rj.
of K. 17 E.
He names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, nald land, viz: W. Schmidt, Frank Prlne-,
E. F. l'oren, A. McEall, of Prineville, or.
IJ-'H F. A. McDoi.'ALLv KoKl.tar.
Soon to Arrive at
Sichel & Cos.