I 10 MMCbJtH. iwiWir-t'ASt'.'A.-' (K'HOCO RKVIKW Tt, wo'i! I M'llsh un M-tliii.' Wil)-! ii'iiiDt i .iu; t ;.ilj. ftHii.i'f 1 1 coimk leu ( thU hMh of the Piipan.int to a call n-iMUh-d " '7 4W- .:-- ft -. va- t- ihi HATUKDAY,. lilt H I Ml" lill I 1 1 I 'I J 'I l ( l'" ' 1 1 j J n , number of democrats met lit tlio TO WH.KK.4. I ... . . ... 'fourt honwi 011 Motld.'lV CVCIiiniT ' Cilft house, ill PrinnvilU. nn S.if l'unmmt to a tiu'olislied call, u KCV. U. : ' i -mi .. ro-iirru:! i. r of the M.E. church I mt.ik wiuo,. triiEj App!lctiiii I'ip II. ml V1'" imtli'i" to a In tit t'il lice fruu nf ( ntrgu, wlitTi' t 'i iidIihh. urn ri ilitlsliul In till paper. ror ir.iv for lb MllMU In. l.l nnlliiMn, fV.'i). If tuiIiim, Imwi to b.f rup:l)IU!ll) 1 Uf A IV llllslltkll Hi Mill';, tint ..eu- 0 til p iblW'iitl.iii will fio Ittnortu I frou. K. (. Unrli will soon Htiirl 11 p.ipof nt LOCAL, I'niHO.NAL AND ( KM Kit Hi. liinlnuu inon report trmlo still uiiusii ally .lull. A. Iluiinoll, of Ilia Dados, 1.1 expoetol liora In n few weeks. Win. Coinbt imT wife hava rottirnoil from a visit to Thu Dulles. ICoivd tho iirnciM'tllnjjK of tho democratic club, iiiblishml In thin is ,110. Attaint tho clunmiT.itiu club meeting n WmliiuHilny evoninu;. . i MIim Davie look cluirjio of tlio Kyo grass school lust Monday. CliaiTio Iltlnnelt ntimin.l lust fiaturuVy from a visit to Tlio Dalle. Horn On Tlnimihy, M.irch Rtli, to -- th) wifu of John Ho4, u tltititfliti'r. Haluin in in h. V. Ili.v.ir f a ilr i,j Htor.-. Kvorviliin;; in th i jwjlry lino, from 11 hair-pin to un uilit-d.iy clock ut l.oouii-i'. 0. I). Tumor exports to itt.irt for No liraMk with u luml of horsoH in a uhort t i mo. "Biitlo:i ln)!liii" will fos In or h-r tliix aftornoun, thin buinj tho il.ty of tho j.ri-niuriiM. Wanlcil To liny from MO to 211 lica I of "yuarlirijf kIiht. Cull on llowur.l &. J!.ililin. Homo fi-vv ire boainniiiif to plant par .tiH, ami ull buy tbi'ir kimU of J. W. Ilowar l. B.ikcr city. Tin now pii ice cliritr 1 1 I tint Oirtjn i .cc, anil will b r publlciiii i'i politiuH. Wo winli tlia mw ti;ii"rpi'imi huoochm. "Hivo t!mtViits un I t'i 1 dol!.irn wl'l Miivo tliiiiiiMol vt-D," TIiIm ir trim of our Ktock of clothing. T.iko our uilvico, buy our olotliiiitf, uii'l I ho dollars will noon pilo up, lLtlin k l'rioil. W, It. Osliorna, who wan down from Ilo;ivcr llio HrHt of tho wuck, bujh llio grouiiil In vi-ry dry In llmt Hoi'lion ninl r.iln in iiiiii'Ii ncciliid. In fact rain U mmdo I ull over tho country. Marrii'il At tlio ri'xiili'iii o of tlio o ciatiiiK m:niHtr.ito, M. 11. Hell, in l'riiie v ilo, on Tlnir.4il.iy, Mun-h lolb.Mr. Sam uul I.T.i Ion to Minn Josio Knighton. Tlio Uisvimv uonr;ttuluti! tlio liappy pair. You H'ro-itf yonr.'lf by not trad. nil with un. To iiHHiiru yonrwlf of tbiH fai t, look at our wouhtn ilretw oodd w hich we will tut nnil orxuiizi'fl a club to lin known , urJ.iy, M irc.'i 10, 138 i, at iivrting f tli? rfpa'.lic-i9 cu-tnty 'fition aa pastor contra) co.nmittee wns helil at tho j nt tills place rwntly, ?n& oa Wed nesday took hia departure for Ohio. iik t!i DfiiiiMtriitic; Club of I'rinrv t!i.; f.i'.lo.ving villo Precinct. (J. W. PariuH was iifto 1 : bu'j'mcflK was wiiiclt trans- M .'.tinjr oiilluil to order by B. F. NichoiH, chairiunn. On in jtio;i A. 0. I'almor wag ck'cted secrotary. On motion it was resolved that elected tcii;ioniry cliniiiiuui and J. A. Dotitbit secretary. Culling tlio meeting to ordjr, Mr. IJiirtifH brielly stated the ob jects of the meeting and urged j democrats mid all others who were j each precinct be allowed aj a rcpra iiUeriHted in tho lioiient fidminin-; sentatioti in tho county convention, trillion of govern mental nfTuii s to o;n delegate at largo, and one for enter tho club and by their actions j each 13 votes and fruetion of 8 or and votes nnnert their rights lis over cast at lust general election American titizuns. for representative in congress. By motion it was ordered that a j On motion it was resolved that, committee consisting of T. i 5I.as Prinevillo precinct registers a Haldivin, J. A. Douthit and E.j larger number of votes than other Barnes be appointed to formulate n precincts, tho representation of said preamble for the permanciit orga-; precinct be reduced to 8, tt ro now '-"J" Vi!" 'IV-t'" J,ri,,i,in '''Z'ltioJJilitLxJiiU. ui.ikii room for our Hprini nlock. IIuliii A 1'riod. J. W. Iiownnl linn boniilit T. M. Bu'd- win'H intiTCKt in tho clriirf huxinoMS here, and will lii'ivaftiT ilevuti' Imh attention lo tho more, whilo Mr. Baldwin will enter tho bank it cashier as noon us thai iiiKti tution HtartH. y At thn clone of Mr. Ninklo'H wbool on JU:uy crj.'k, Ainmi u 'ixt:i, Willi') I.vtlo un I l'rank Wilhoit r v.Ave I the bib"Hl Blandirijjr in -their clatsen. 'rank Willioit wu4 neilhcr tardy nor iibiont during III i term. I). ...I. ii. fut !.. niinunnllft.iu tt lll 1..1 ln.1.1 In mo. t of t io counties of I bo dlato next : bis former home. We have liei-n , requested to state that Mr. Pry V roNigiiuiio.i was nut caused uy any ill feeling between himself and the church here, as his relations with ull the members were the mosthr.r monious, and he resigned only on account of the insulliciency of the salary which the church was able to pay its minister. During his short stay in Prine ville Mr. Fry and family made many warm friends, who sincerely regret their departure, and as a minister ho was universally liked. ':?io:;a. Jin' f in:-. .i ii.-: ,i i.,e it a e ot vrejun, I. In . ,OUK K VU II.'" .1 joh; 3. wit-ioa. si;) . - lo luhn I. Kl.a, tin- bxnr ouuil dalrail ; In the nan f tike- ot Oregon. jr n birrobf rc Uirvd t (.pmirin the itr fnftrlcd xmn and anwtr tliv plalotlff eomp alnl Id thettHTe-ntlllel mill, nw no (!! In In ofllrw of 7. M. Bron. c'-k o( il eonrt and of Crook county, on or bfir- th Aral liny of lh nxl reimlar term of . tl ennrt, to wit. on r Iwlor th 71 h ol Hay, iv. and yuit will taka at tin, thai If you fall mi to anww, fur want tlicrxif, the al iva-iiamrd plaintitT will apply tit the aalil co irt fur a daercis a pra.vd I ,r In tier mid com plaint, to w:t: for a dvcre lurrrar d dlvliif ttia marrlaicc rantraitt now ail l iif t twmi jruurelf and te plaintiff, opan the ground of d.iertion and atiaiidoiinlant imntin. ulim for worn Hi an ona year', and al 0 lot in eutndy of tlia minor children, Imua ol your ald uiarriage, and tlia coU and dUkur.vDirata of thi ull. service of ummoni Ii made la thin ran by publication for tha period of nix week In tha Ocnoco Kcvitw, a waekly nawfaper publUhed In Prlneville, Crook county, Oregon, by ordi-r of Hon. J. II. Bird. Judzeof the Seventh Judi cial Ul.trlct and of ald court, dated at balla City, tha 7th day of March, 18M. OIO. W. BaMS, 6 Atty. folVlfT. liltchell Notes. March 5, 1888. Leap year party here on Feb. The committee submitted' tho tha p-im iHes b3 hell on Sat folloning report, which by motion j urJay. March 31, and the county -fHWJtitjyfl-.WiJQlvcd .that ! 2)th ; tha young folks did well, the Join tlio democratic chili if you want to. Saturday, and lh.it will bo u day of dii-np- ko,-p informed on the topics of thu com liij cuinpaij'i. Mott of tlio farm land on Oclmca ban lioen plowed, and a good portion of the ground i Down. An easy way to navo ininey Is to buy our laundriod Nlrrts ut "jo and 1. A 1 lahn it Kricd'H We learn from parties wl:o have liocn out on tho denort Unit deer uro ,uite plentiful ut pronent. Tlio first n.itioiiil hank of friunvillo will probably not opjn its do iM for bu-ii-lieSH buforo .piil IkI. On tha receipt of thu nmvs of the. death ol Knipemr William tho fla overKicliol'H Htoro wan floated ut half in. tut Ilr. IJosw'oll, who bun boon viw.tinn bis frinn.lrtiu this Hiiction,lcftonTliurHday for his homo in Washington territory. l.. ii t r ii :i.. l.f. Tn 1 i nfcw .asii-wi,iii.(illlij IVIb 11II- day iiioiiiinn for their homo In Ohio. J. I. Coin ls took Ibciii to Tlio I'.illcs. Prinevillo is rid of ono prominunt cili s in, Hi Reuse, who left ut tlio reijiiest of tlio authorities. None mourn his depar ture. ' T. M, Baldwin and J. W. Howard b ivo xeli'4'U3.l dwelling houses, and moved their liousoliold goo Is tho first of the week. Tlio mail is nrrivinp hero on tinio oneo more, and of course wo who liuvo been grumbling the loudest liave nothing to complain of. Tliarj is no mist ika u'lout it ; wa ara to liavo a daily mail next stimnicr. The Lids for the letting of the contract uro ul ready a Ivertisud for. A bargain in town property can lio liad in tho purch.iNo of J. M. Hlakoly's du ell ing and oilier buililing. Tor particulars cull on M. tSiubul & Co, Joa Perry bad tin m'sfortma to fall from tho horizontal btr at th) saliT.il liouso lust Sunday and xlislocuto one of tho bones in his elbow. Thorn is no nond of Rimditig watclies and clocks oT to have them repaired, fur M. V. Loomis is prepared lo do ull such work in llrst-class Btylo. Wo ara frorjuontly asked when circuit court will convene Thu tium llicjd by law in tha first Monday in May, which this your will bo tho Till. M. V. Loomis, tho popular juweler, in cosily located on Main street, next door to Keteliilm's. When, you want an vtlilitix p lintiiioiit to many un itHpirant who will! like Just ona or two of having enough del o.jatcn lo itiHtiro noniinalion. A sample copy of the Evtheei Lihi ci'.r, u'i!ishe.t iyA. 1'. Am stiotif, o' j t.i') I'nrtlu nl lis;iu t.H t ollcne, is tn our I t ili'e, and wo llnd it a i eat;y rimed, in stru Mi ve jiiurtutl, well calculated to In ' form tlnne who are dcKirous of obtaining a businrss edii.-iitioii. Tha report liai been eirculitled tliat t'icro aro wv,T.il desiit ito fumi'ieR in this was adopted : This club shall be known as the Democratic Club of Piineville Pre cinct. Crook county, Oregon. The o.'licers of this club shall be president, vice president and secre tary. Tho meetings of tho club shall be on Wednesday evening of each week at 7 r. M. The o' j v'cts of this club shall- be j the furtherance of the interests of democracy ; for tho Eiipport and hotels did better, but the- saloons did the best. I have tin pleasure of recording the marriago of Mr. T. Woodward to Miss Francis Edinunson, of Moun tain creek. Toe wedding took the parents will favor a reduction of ho tariff to n tusis of tariff for revenue only ; the restoration of all unearned land grants to the pu'.Iic domain, and tlie throwing open of the same to settlement, and the honest and convention on Wednesday, April 4 Hesnlocd, Tlnt ue condemn the practice of the residents of one pre cinct representing, by proxy, the vote of another precinct in the place at tho home of county convention. We therefore, 1 of tho bridegroom. urge upon the voters of each pre cinct the propriety of electing such persons as delegates as will be sure to represent them in the county convention. B. F. Nichols, A. C. Palmer, Chairman. Secretary. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tin Slate f Oregon, lor Crook County. I ELIZaBKiU Rattier High Fees. It is not usually our custom to complain of fees charged by pro fessional men, especially when we are unconcerned, but there are times when such coniylainti ju i liable, and at su-jii times wu feel economical administration of coun-J wim-ite! in e.itrinx n cmi jl.-iint ly, statu and national ail'.iirs. and condemnin ' an unprofessional After tho adoption of tha abovo act, though at this ti.ne we refrain Elmer Tucker returned recently from Malheur, bringing the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. Thomas Keaton, eldet daughter t f Mrr, Edmund.-on, of Mountain creek. I had known the deceased from her childhood, and it gratifies me here to say that I have scarcely known one who was so universally loved by all. Tom Vowell returned a few days ago from the Stein's mountain coun try, where he wintered a portion of his horses. Ue says that country is getting "sheepy," but he will not tcturn to Bridge creek till the silver moon rises in the west, even if he toA'ii, which ruport is unfounded, an no the following permanent o.'licers ', from mentioning names or severely 'di lose 15 head of horses on his Durnes; vice-president, T. M. Bald win : secretary J. A. Douthit. March 21st. f Farewell Sociable. On Wednesday evening dies of the M. E. church farewell socidble to Ilev. G la the jewerrFy-lino give him u call. Ki Sid if! is having his ollico ut the store refitted. Whou tho work is com plotod our young friend will hava tha co siest ollljo of any accountant in town. "Captain" Brown has again taken up his rosidonca at tho county jail, ho hav ing boon discharged at attondaiit to the young uiiiii w ho is sick ut Mrs. Hamil ton's. Those dark nights a few Htretit-lumr s would be a eonvenioncj to those wIioho btiMineBs culls them out lifter dark. What does tho council think of supplying a few "shiners?" Did you nay you wanted garden sood? Well, if you do, just go to J. V. Howard's where you will Ibid a full supply of 1). M. Ferry's celebrated seed, either in bulk or in packages. Uy tho Grant county Neirt wo sen that W. 11. Drown, well known in this place, has arrived safely in Cunyou city, but could not have arrived there otherwise, as bo was in charge of a coiiKtablo from Hums, at which plaeo ho bad boon bound over in 201') bonds for threatening to use a dangerous weapon. I one is to ho louiiil in town who lias not ut least the iicecHniries of life, mid if there wens, their wants would noon lie supplied by I lie i liarituldo people of Princvillu. 1 Wo don'! care for our excbui g-s clip- p'oir news itemn from our columns, even if th -y do not givo ui credit, and bonow thorn outright, b.it it d mm ru.Tie our . ally finoolh temper lo fee items artcur in tl e Timet-Mountniiierr clipied from tho Ukvii.w and credited to thu Trine villo A'eirt. ! Hjnry Bur. ht rf, who It i boon visit ing i i India'i.i, Dakota, Montana and Washington territory the past two vearc r..lnm.l l fl.U i.1h,..i t,i 4I fJ,,f,ir,l,i u-illi ! Cll tcrtlUIllllCnt WtIS the intention of making this bis future h mie. We uri pleusod to ceo our old friend come bark, and cxt.u.d t him a hearty welcome A newspaper man who is always whin ing beeausj Honiubody dont pat him on tha back occasinally and say "bully boy" when ho advances an idea ho thinks is titnurt, and grumbles when he is taken to task for meddling with other people's affairs, certainly don't say m leh that is commendable. Tho editors of nomo of our exchanges uro in this awful fix. Religious Notieo Owing to tho fact that 1011111 of my hearer miuiiderstood my position with reference to tlio judg ment of tho nation in my sermon last Sunday nig'it, I will, D. V., preach at 11 0'0'ook a. m. en the &th hint., on "What tho Parables of Christ Teach." and tit uight, on "Tho Four Judgments." All 01110 and hear. G. 15. Doroi.ASS. I Lust Sunday tho editor of this paper, L ' u accompanied by n number of friends, vis- p . lied Stein's pillar, on Mill creek. This mighty monster of tho mountains, stand ing like a sentinel guarding the emrround ing hills and valleys is really a sight well worth seeing and well repays anyone for making the plcammt trip from l'rinovillo to tho pillar. In Gilliam county they have a stock men's association which intends giving a round-up, commencing on May 1st and lasting four days. It seems from the minutes of their meeting held on the Ctb that ladies are active uiembers of tho as sociation, but it ia a query in our mind how they will look clad in tha regular uniform tho us-tociatlon has adopted, which is a wUo-rl:n:niJ white h it, black pants, red shirt with tho brand of tlio wjnrjr 011 thu front; also a wide leather belt. wore elected : President, Geo. W; i criticising tho parties concerned Not long since an ignorant nat uralized foreigner was arraigned in The club adjourned to meet at ; one of the justices' courts of this the court house on Wednesday, j county on a charge which, if sub- Jstatitiatcd, deserved a more severe 3 'yiEJ'Uiiishment than our statutes pro thc lc f viaJt, in fact no punishment for cave a 8lu'1 a cr'mc hould be deemed too p Frv : severe. Jie was reprcsentea new range last winter. He is here gathering the remainder of hia horses. There is much complaint among our sheepmen of scab. Several have dipped their bands recently among whom were Garabill, Van Houten and the Manning Bros Plowing is nearly finished, but seed is very scarce, and some fears severe. Jle was reprcsentea in ,, ii, ,. r i.ij ,i,.n.tr r,. conn oy two parties wiioare uubbcu ni.?rt Tt m-b,jl r n. attorneys (in justice court practice). 1 Brain not in the country to go VIII V. 4HV JMlllVIIML Wt'JI.V.fcV HIV w the serving of "ot tneir services were not sum- ice cream to the guests, whic h the CR'n t0 establish his innocence, . ,. r, . ., . . . and he was fined about 1300 in lad.os did in their accustomed , txce88 of tw amount i(Jed ag pleasant manner, to tho largo jHlnisl,meilt jn BUch case8 Xbe crowd of guests with which tho justice, after learning he had tx- church was filled. After all had ceeded his jurisdiction, determined been satisfied with the toothsome! ! ren,u 80 ,,n,uc11 01 ,ne nn, 08 was ui,..,, a iou.hu prc,, ,od ; 2s? wfssrsi s Mr. I- ry with the proceeds of the , who defendetj the culprit, by some fcstivul, and also, on behalf of Mr.! means, became advised, and with Fiy's biblo class, presented him out breaking the good i.ews to with a handsome gold pen and ' li,a'ir, ,c,iu,,,t' "! professional men UJ.,. 6, . I.ia. Mr. Fry MeJ iMoi'S? jT&ZTSi his heartfelt thanks to nil who had '.tley coui(1 get i,ut.k of the fin0) to been instrumental in the generous ; which the ignorant fellow agreed, donations, and with words of sin-' "d consented to give them one- cerc feeling exprcFScd his regret at ! half (, any . wwtioa they could , . ... , , , , , Ctt. By this little 'sharp prac leavmg this place, wheio be had i f. ' " . . oft f . ... iM ntroriiPVH with pnrichcd IIIUI.4V OU IIJU1IJ' tllCCtllJlU ULt.UUlUli anccs and warm friends. tne rounds, xt is saiu that our friends in Egypt (over about Fossil) have corn, and to spare. If so, they would do well to bring us a few wagon loads of nice seed grain Max Putz, the miller, baa let out some seed wheat, for three bushels after harvest for one now. Pretty good interest that four hundred per cent. Mrs. Koxanna Clover waa very sick a few days ago, but Dr. Stout, who attended her, says aho ia out of danger. By the way, I am anxious to bet my "legging" that we have a more amiable doctor, a better looking doctor, a more popular doctor right here in Tho exponas of importing hams lo this market has long been seriously felt by the people here, and is a heavy drain upon the resources of tlia country. ' It is a poor advertisement for any country to bo compelled lo import Uh meats from oilier localities, especially when it is a m.'ut producing section, yet Crook coun ty has always imported most of its cured moats, and it certainly would be a pay ing business for somo ono to start a meat Married. On Wednesday evening, March 14th, at tho residence of the bride's nr 'ii. Ii i t parcn s, near i i.nev i.e uev. u. i . ,vK8ional, even if it is not dishonest. 1-ry olhciiiting, Dr II. llelknap nA wlU in the lo ng .. result in to M.fs Alwilda Jvetohuii. daugh- DMjWBt age to those who Btoop t0 ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. vctdium.j,,,, trU8t wjU be Ue 'lis often said "a fiiint hetut, a X.!n,. ,:n uvluci.iii nv villi uaiu 1 1 J 1 1 iff.. U . .1 $150, While their client was little Mit. hll thnn thern ean h found in less than robbed of that amouht, any ono disciple of Esculapius in or 9 a ouiu uuvo wen remnieu io about Frineville. Who dares take Ijiin wiliiout their aid. 1 he talt- the bet? I'll double the bet and ingadvnntageof the ignorance of put up my spurs, too. The offer ojie's client in this way is unpro- j i,0ij8 good, even if you want to en- ter your Doc W right in the contest. Teams are beginning to arrive with spring goods for our popular never won a fair lady," find be that as it may, no bravo heart evor won a fairer lady than it has been tho doctor's lot to win in tho matrimo nial lottery, to which fair prizo ho is niOHt eminently entitled, for though young in practice Dr. Bel knap has risen to tho head of his, profession, and in complimenting him and Mrs. Bclkunp upon the hippy event we can also bespeak success, which in turn wo aro as sured will bring happiness to their future. Skipped Oat. For some tinio past parties in town have been missing small ar ticles, such as saddle blankets, chickens, etc., and suspicion rent ed on Si Reese, a worthless fellow, who lived in n dug out near the engino house. Tho first of tho week his premises were searched and most of tho missing articles ,.,.... n..,..n ,mv.,.-v.. i oniul. Keeso was given an invi to learn that Messrs Cary and Vcnner jt tion to leave in a hurry, and ho think of starting mudi an enterprise, and i i e .1 will use a uewMiii.l effectual process of skipped out for other climates preserving their hams and otlier moats. I without much ceremony. turn such county. an occurrence in this merchant, I. N. Sargent. Cow Boy. Advertised Letters. I.lst of lettera remaining In th pnatofflc at Prinevillo, Crook County, Oregon, unclaimed March 10, 1. To obtain any of the following letter call tor "Advertised Lettera," giving data of lit. If not delivered will be taut to Dead letter Orttce 30 daya from data. J. F. Moore. Postmaster. Bradley Oen W 2 Runoli Jamea haunmnn Alex Koby Jeunia Cnnittll Albert Klcc John Cleinmmii Samuel i sayer Krank lhmdon Joseph K Saundera Ait'iur Howard Heury Milton Savage Geo Hamilton Savage J P Hepahere MIsb Ida May Shortldce V B lor mn blixa A. Willlama Mra (ieorg C Enjoy Life. What a trulv beautiful world wa live in I Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, ahd thousands of means of enjoy iijent. We can desire no better vvlien in perfect health ; but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, dis couraged and WOrn OUt With dis-! Miller MraAlIca t(se, when there is no occasion for awneBBWBaai this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that G, ten's Aujust Flower, will make them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Com print are the direct causes of seventy-live per cent of such maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration, Duniness of the Head, 1 limitation Of the Heart, aim Other " Wlllnw creek, iu thUeotinty, are not nubile ,.. Tk.. ,!.. properly, and I hereby warn any and all r- i(n'iiig cjr ijiunio. iinrsviwri oiu iroin treiitpawiiig on my at of Aniiut Flower will prove its "r:.r:L"!LVJ?!"f."hd,B! VYOllderful effect. Sample bottles pro.eo.Hed to the full n'-eut of the law. Tmm ff 1U cunts. 1 ry it. I wuiowCrk, rb., ai,iM. ADMINISTRATOR 8 NOTICE. Notlee U hereby given that tha undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for ( rook County admin Utrator of the etate of lniiH Melton, daceaned. All per.on having claims agaiiut ald estate are heroby nollrled to present the same to me, at Prineviile, Oregon, properly verified, within six months from IhlsUMe. H. F. Ai.uk, Administrator of th estate of Louis Mellon, deceased. Dated February 7. IMS. 2M0 NOTICE. N-itlct Is hereby given that my endosad Stdi lUwoKTn. rite... II. 8. HAWORTH. Ief. To II. li. Hawortb. th above named defend. ant: , In the nam i( th State of Oregon, ynu are hereby ru r jd to eppyer and iurr the com pia'n: A; e l ava nat Ao .in tin. a a -anting aiiit, oorr before -lie the first day uf the next regular term ol th above entitled court, which will be held at Prlneville. Orrron hafnnln on the first Moo la. be'n th 7th day of Maw. lt;or, fur want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for in .aid complaint, to wit: for a decree of said court forever dissolving th marriage contract now existing between you and said plaintiff and for aueti other and further relief as to equity em eth meet. 'Ibis summon. In lerved upon you by publi cation, by order of II in. J. II. Bird, Judk-e of the above-entitled court, which order bear date ol March 9th, ISss. W. S. A. Joint , Attorney for Plff. Prlneville, Oregon, March la, lnbi. t SHERIFF S BALE. None is Hxaxar Oiven: That under and by virtue of an execution fl ailed net of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Crook county, to me directed and delivered, bearing date of February 7th, IMS. upoa a judgment rendered in said court on th. I'ith day of March ls7, by confession, ia favor of Heury Hahn and Leo Fried, partners doing; business under the firm rame of Hahn A Fried, and agalnat J. I). Hcdgpeth and J. K. Hedgpeth, re.ilirlng me that out of the personal pronartr of the .aid J. D. Hedgpeth and J. E. Uedgpeth' or if sufficient could not be found then out ot the real property of aaid defendants I make th. ma of I10OS H. with interest thereon from th. K'.th day of March 1887 at th rateof per cent per annum, and the further sum of f 17 11 eosta and accruing costs: and whereas I have been unable after close and diligent search tn find any personal property belonging to saiddefeud auts, l.on th nth day ol. February lWDt, In Crook county, Oregon, levy upon and will sell at public auction at the court house door in tho town of Prlneville, Crook county. Oregon, on Saturday the 17th day of March, 1S8S, at tho hour of one o'clock r. M. of raid day, all tho right, title and interest the said defendants J. l. Hedgpeth and J. E. Hedgpeth or either of them had on or after the said 16tta day of Marcta 17, In or to the following described premla to wit: The SE' j of Sec 1 Tow 14 o, R 20 K and. th SU of SE'nf Sec end of KEU See . Tow 14S R 21 E Willamette Verldian. Oregon," and situated in Crook county, Oregon. Ttrma ot tale cash In hand. Prinevillo, Feb. 16th ISM. J. V. Williamson. K-N Sharlffof Crook Co, Oc . Wasco VYarehcuco Co. THE DALLES. C. C. ROBERTS, Manager. STORAGE AND FORWARDIKS. CASH ADVANCED on clip of 1888, or negotiated on shipment, to Portland and San Frwunaco.. Th BEST WAREHOUSE in which to EXHIBIT YOUR WOOL for sale. HOWARD ABAiDWIN, Agents, Prineville, Or. 38-55 Deputy Inspectors. The following-named persons art- appointed deputy stock inspector of Crook county, for the precincts, in which they reside, and are a a, thorized to inspect stock, sign trsvv eling permits and discharge such. other duties ns are by law required pf the stock inspector. A. B. EBDELL, Stock Inspector for Crook Co.. Kara of Deputy J. L. Luckey. W. 8. McMeen. E. Sparks, Oen.Niittinc E. Johnson. C. McPherson rout. T. J. Stephenaoa, jonn unge, T. W. Porter, Hriice Price. T. Ilatuiltou, Precinct P. O. Aldrese Prlneville, Prlneville Havstacks. Prinevill Mack Butte. Cama Polk Crooked River, Princvlll ocnoco, rnnaviwa. i - rout' Ky sa m. Mitchell, Beaver Creek, Camp Creek, Vpper Trout, Mlteh.ll Mitchell Paulina. Prlea. AatlBs e. e. jV.tioiNie4 DEALER IN All kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, ALSO FURNITURE of every description. 0 SEASONED LUMBER of all kind aojaaUatiss on hand. . WILL ALSO KEEP THE PORTABLE PICKET FEKCE. y said premises, -mug on ar over y Oekl. wiU be J Caortc. All lumber aceotmtt mil i al- Ueted monthly. -"' Lumber Yard, at Planer. Shop. Corner or Tuixd A B. Its.