Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, October 15, 1887, Image 3

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:noco KKVJEW.
'.TUItlUY, OCTOBKlt 15, 1HH7,
T roHurri.iiiw
"llMtlnn for filial proof- notlee nimlo t
It Una (r-jj of onurua, whore Uif iiiiIIi um uru
l J-'iea in t!s Iur. lluTiiiicr, price ioroo
'l land linUrn., t-'j 69. If nolloe., liavn tn
(:f htUliK.I by any iiilntukn of onri, tlio uu-
lu."l'"u lj lni""'k"' ,r'''
Ii j ' . , ........
JZU und family liuvo returned Irom
li II no of blanket ami comforts ul
meElkin, of Beaver, wuh In town
V nd Lunirtrv tuckets in till colon
!rwli , ,
t ry C
iI,h ptJ hag started 203 bond of beef
"""'V-oby traveling huts only $1 50
. . . , ..
lijiel hue Just received a uno new nno
i ill paper. LyA
'fs. Frank Barnes lias bopa quite tick
tTt iol
Mention Ih culled to t
ticoof m.
C rd In thW 1hmio.
Fswtydnch Irtdiea' cloth In all patterns
i J color at Kiolml'g. ,i
J. P. Combs' family lnw gone to Port'
lu id tospenil tho w in'or.
Jobuiiy Wood mid wife buvo roturnod
fn m their vnit to CorviilliH,
Genuine fall out for sou 1 may bo bad
ait Newsotn'n buy warehouse.
W. . ! 1 L I. - I..
wonil rvVl, oi limine creeK, ai in
tojwii Sunday und Monday.
FintN't line of ladies' nn 1 tdiildron's un-
rwear at tint l!rirk stow.
AdoluU Bender and Ellio Schmoor ar-
rft ed from Albany Thursday.
, (The newest novelties In la dies' j.iekots
JitMt received ut ibo Brick store.
j.Mr. ni Mm. H. E. Dorm-y rolurmid
limine from I -a no county Tuotubiy,
. fM. Slcliol A Co buvo iiloulid new
line of ladUu' kid glow in nil colorn.
J. M. Klakt-ly mid (ko. f lino will nturt
It'o bead of bwf ctittlo to inurkct to-day.
(Mr. M. Biclufl returned homo TiiBwIay
cvuoing from u tbroo iiioiiIIih' visit in
1'ortUnd, t"
"lVtr Zoll hiw moved to tbo IVncbutoB,
And lit taken a timbur claim neur John
' !01rcult court convened next Jlonday,
nd a lively time in expected in town dur
ing th week.
J; 'Work n the new bank ha hxn do
i4. for Con.. account of a load of
promptly p' -
Mm. Burnetii wif of"r onUirprislntr
1mrdwarc deali.-r, itrrived from Tbo Dalle
by.Tliurnday'a rttfo.
Thia WBek evidence wan taken before
Cr A. tlravea, refer .io, in the cao of MrH,
Gird vs M. N. (Jird.
A few uliowors of rain lant woek laid
the duirt, but tbero was not aulliciont to
atart the graan ttrowiiii.
TreaHiirer Italdwin is prepared to pay
all warranta of Crook county MyiHter
d prior to Oct. 1st. See notice.
M. Sicliol & Co. hava the beHt assort
ment of ladii'tt' winter clonks, ulhters and
jacketM ever brought to this plueo.'
Col. Wood is recovering rapidly from
the etr.'ctjiof bis fractured limb, and ux
Hict to start for homo next week.
LnHt week A. It. Johnson started about
MQ beef cattlo to Rlalnck. This will bo
the lttJtt drivo he will make this season.
Tho tariff has not he-en reduced on iron
still Howan & Hon will sell you hIovoh
clieajKir than any ono cIno in tho county.
Jobft Howard was down from Malheur
tlio flint of tbo week. Ilo Beeins well
vleHHed with bis new homo in that sec
tion. Kd Minims started Saturday for Pen
dleton where he "was called to see a nick
brother, who is telegraph operator at thut
. Tho town council basordered tbo build
ing of a sidewalk from Ocltoeo brido to
J. 1. Combs' residence in Nowtiom's ad
diitati. Ari. C. W. Elkina, of Reaver, is viit-inir-
In town. Sbo expeitts to start to
Portland Monday to attend tho Mochun
Ict'Furr. - Mis Vina Diinbutn, tlio toucher -m-J)loyad
for the primary department of the
school here, was viHithuj in town bint
Saturday. ' A"-
We are pleasod to note that Miss Lott ie
Sites has so lar recovered from hnr re
cent illness as to bo ub!o to ride out in a
carriage.' -
Jack Thorn punn, who killed Sliolly at
Anlolope, has boon held without bail to
appear befora tho noxt grand jury in
. Wanco county. " sf?"
Rob Dorsey is sorrowful and refuses to
be comforted, lie lost a favorite violin
out-of bis wi,'on us bo anno across the
Cascades lust woek.
If you have a friend contemplating a
trip abroad recommend liini to ao to tbo
Rri;k store if h-j is hi need of a trunk,
vali.i or hand-satchel.
Mjr. Street perfonnod the feat of lasso
Ins ik five-point mule doer on Hampton
butttl. This is a rather novel way of
causing deor, but tbo biicnroes of Crook
conhty have many novel wuys of doing,
I1', Chrislnjjor has boon employed to
fetich a live-months' hcIi'imI on I'ppcr
Truu I. J Id Iiuh iircvioUHly taught niuo
liiontba in Unit diMtrict
Joo Howard was in from IiIh ranch on
I0Mchnto Himdiiv. Joo In inuoh talien
up wilb rancl'i 1 i fa, und lias no
return to town und iiell plIU.
lUiiro to
Cattlemen buvo Jiwt flninlied tbo fall'Tii und taking chuigo of iaii'8.
rido. Tliey uro now nblo to iniiko u eloHjj
HMtiinat'j of their lo.iien lust winter, unu
plw:o it ut about forty per cunt.
Mgi, (jo, II. Cliurchill und family
plowed tliroiii.!li town Slonilay returning
from Willaiuetio valley to their lioibu in
the euHtern part of tlio county.
L. Neudor arrived hero from Albany
ycHterduy, llo will boi felling ut auc
tion next tMondiiy tbo Hoi k of gouiln be
longinir to tlio firm of h. Benderw & Co.
Wo acknowledge tbo receipt of a com-
nlinionliirv to tlio North l'ucillc Domestic
and Fat Stock tliow which holds its third j Wakefield hus been pastor the ptist
annual meeting at Portland next week. two years, und was given on the
Sheriff Williamson has been confined j eve of Mr. nnd Mrs, Wakclicld'ijdc
to bis room with an. attack of fever dm-1 purtura to his new field of labor at
iug tlm week, but is not seriously ii). He . f!p)in., hn hn )fc, ,,!.
expwrtu to bu ublo to attend court next
woek. '
Monroo HodoH returned from below
Monday. Uo brought um uu upplo from
I). I!. Iloiles' farm in beiiton county
which measured inches ia eircum
ferenco. Rev. J. II. Wood, of Canyon City, held
services at Good Templar hull Hunday
morning, and Kev. Wukelleld delivered
his furewell sermon in the hull in the
A. Ilinklu hai finished his contract of
furniHliiiii; for tho court house, and
Mtill has eonsiderublu wood left. Thou
wanting gooJ itno wood will do well to
se him.
People always takegre it interest in tlio
sjioed mude liy lioldsinith Maid and Jim
I'ilaUely's Irirso Tim Murphy, but the
ladies ouli), to call ut the L'rick store and
see tho 3 ;X) corHels,
The McKencio road across the Cascades j
is Huid to he in a very bad condition for
travel. There Ims been very little work
done on the ro.id this seuson, und it is
full of loirs ami rock.
Kliould any of the jurors or witnesses
in attendance on circuit court have more
county script than they know what to do
with they can apply it on payment of sub
scription to the Hi: i::w.
A. II. ArgetsiiiKer has sold his barber
shop to Minor Lewis, and started for
Michigan Wednesday inoniinft. Mr.
tawis now has a monopoly of tho harbor
busineM, owning both the shop.
Of all aiifu-tbly groan herd for a long
time, uotliing com pa re td the groaning
of the shelves at the Brick store, frum Iw
hig over loaded with gixxls. A sympa
thetic pohlic ought to step in and give
and get relief.
E. Ilinton was in from Rear creek
Tuesday. Ha informed us a heavy (ire
was raging between Rear creek butt!
and Pino mountain on the desert, de
stroying much grass on ono of tho safest
winter ranees in tlio county.
Pierson & Rony, tho artists, are still
here, und tire executing the hest work
ever done in l'rineville. Their photo
graphs aro perfectly life-like and no ono
can afford to not have their pictures taken
while these gentlemen are hero.
Last Sunday wo looked through the
new jail. The hrick and wood work is all
completed, and tho structure is ready to
receive the cells ho soon as Jliey arrive
from the factory. It will probably not be,
ready for iuseeiioii by the g'unJ jury
next week.
Marion Elliott, of Corvallis, arrived
hero Thursday. Mr. Elliott has been em
ployed to tike ehargo of tlio school at
Mitchell und is en route for thut place.
Mr. Elliott is an experienced teacher and
the people of Mitchell aro quite fortunate
in securing his services.
Died Ou Wednesday, October 12,
18S7, Hector Sicbel, the faithful old watch
dog at M. Kichel & Co's. store! His re
mains were buried in Ibo dotf cemetery
on tit is race track with dun ceremony,
and nightly the town dogs congregate
an I sing requiem over bis grave.
Judge Washburn, Hon. L. Hilyeu and
Thomas Lackey, of Eugene, arrived here
Wednesday. Messrs. Rilyeu und Wash
burn are attorneys for the defendant in
the case of the state vs F. S. ("urn. Mr.
Luckey is visiting bis brothers, John and
James, and will probably remain in
l'rineville during the winter.
$250 IN CAXfll 3 Worcester's and S
Webster's Dictionaries, worth 4 Si and 4
Dictionary Holders, worth flu fit), given
asi'ui.Ksfortlie host essays answering tho
question "Why should I use a Dictionary
Holder." Kor full particulars send to
La Verne W. Noyes, ! Ss Ml W. Monroe
St., Chicago, tbo maker of Diet binary
Holders. Or Inquire at your bookstore.
John Evans tolls a pretty hard story on
his neighbor Isaac Hugo. Last Sunday
they were crossing tho mountains bu
tweon Rridgo crock and Ochoco when
they met a largo t rain of immigrants., con
sisting of men women and children.
After they had passed tho immigrants
Ike remarked that, ho had novcr boforo
sew so iiiiuiy women traveling without
male escorts, and that bo believed there
would be a show for lilm in that crowd.
Ike is an old bachelor1, and would not
oliject to having an angel presiding over
Ills mansion, accounts lor ms eyes not
being ublo to discover any uteu in tho
I'lircwell Turly.
Last Rulurduy ov;iilng Ucv. and
Mrs. Ira Wakefield wcro invited to
upend tlio evening nt- tho residence
of Win. Foster, and about seven
o'clock they -wcro eompl'-toly mir-
priscd by fomo thirty fiiutitju filing
evening vvna spent in Hinging
and a speech by Mr. Wakefield, to-
gether with n splendid lunch pre
pared by tho lady visitors. At
lunch Mr. . Wukeiield waffurniehed
with n dish, which after being re
lieved of itn eatablcB disclosed a
silvor lining niriounting to!(!l0 7o,
contributed as a farewell gift. The
party was given by the ladieo of
tho Methodist church of which Mr.
vatod to the position of presiding!
tier of the La Grande .ditf H.rLi2i'jiKl -the urtemperats ...f
uring their residence in l'rineville toxicants, they "mHyw'r
- . .1 Hf ... MT n I-( ..1.1 r A rnr aMiitrn t 4)tt' irrAicinrr
Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield, made
many warm friends, who regret see
ing them depart, though all are
plenBcd at Mr. W's. advancement
in tho ministry,' and wisl'liim and
his estimable wife a pleasant o-
Ijourri in their new home, nnd hope
ho may he as successful in his new
field of labors us he has been here.
School Matters.
At a meeting of the board of di
rectors the rates of tuition for schol
ars, not residents of the district,
were adopted as follows: Grammar
grade per quarter, $7 50; interme
diate grade per quarter, 0 ; pri
mary grade per quarter ?4 50, pay
able in advance. To obtain ad
mittance to the school all students
must obtain a ccrtilieato of schol
arship from the district clerk.
These will be furnished free to all
scholars residents of the district on
application to the district clerk,
and to non-residenta on the pay
ment of the tuition feo mentioned
It is expected that school will be
opened on Monday, November 7th.
The corpi of teacher, Prof. G. T.
Stanley, Mr. Geo. Slsyton and Miss
Dunham, is su'lieient guarante3 of
the success of the school, and it is
a certainty that the Pjincville school
under the management of these
teachers will be second to but few
public schools in tho state, nnd far
excel 1 many of those in other towns
of like size.
Specks Well for I'l lncville
Prinevillo has almost since its
infancy borne the unenviable repu
tation of being a rough place, and
has been considered a most wicked
place, but it is redeeming itself.
Rev. Wakefield states that at the
M. E. conference,, recently held at
Walla Walla, Prinevillo stood at
the head of the list for the payment
of its minister and for contributions
to tho m's tionary fund, which shows
that, though we havo a bad repu
tation, christian work is not neg
lected, and we out rival some of our
more pretentious neighbors. Mr.
Wakefield also stated that during
the entire time ho had been in the
ministery he had never been treat-
Jed tuore courteous and with greater
respect than by the people of Prine
villo. ' ;:;-. ' "'" ""
A Fine Hore.
Last Monday wo were shown M.
Hodges' fino threo-year-old stallion,
General Sparks, which he recently
bought of D. li. Hodges, of Benton
county, and pronounce him by far
tho best horso of his class in the
county. Ho is a bright bay with
black points, 10 hands high and
weight's KJ00 pounds. Ho was
sired by M-'ij- Biuce's Centennial
horso, tho largest Clydesdale on
tho const, and his dam is an Eng
lish Draft. Tho importation of
such animals as this will materi
ally aid in building up tho stock
in this country, as hia get cannot
but bo of a superior quality.
For Sale.
A fine stock ram, imported from
Vermont by Kirkputrick, of
Knight's Landing, Col.
To parties, wanting to improve
their Hocks thia ia a good opportu
nity. Inquiro at Ilaljn Cvr Fried 'e.
VV. V. T. V. Organized. ;
On W'tduefcidiiy ' 'V(iiiing ilie i
ladies of l'rineville met at Union
Church nnd organized a Women's
Christian Temperance tJnion, and !
elected ..tho . following ofli.cers :'
President, Mrs. H. Palmer ; vice- J Crook county, and was imported
president, Mrs. J. J Wilson ; re-l'T ,l- ll- Pope, of Missouri, of whom
' i: ' . nf t i I Mr. Itecd bought him. T he Short
cording secretary, Mr,. A. C. Pi. In.-, hon9 ,,t of p. Kuqua, tf
cr; corresponding secretary, Mim; parjCr station, I'olk county. Mr.
Eva Larties; treasurer, Mrs. M. j RCed has also bought UO head of
Ileisler; librarian, Miss Mattie ! graded heifers, and will engage in
Barnes. A committee consisting
of Misses Eva Barnes, Oliie Hmith
and Annie Molniun were appointed
to prepare a program me of exercises
for tlio next meeting to bo hold on
Wednesday evening, October 20th,1
We tire pleased to &cc this roovu
rni.de by the ladies of l'rineville iri
tho organization of the union, and
hope their efforts for the cause of
, . r ., ,it.
temperance may have a felling
effect upon the morals of out; lown.
By ft united
iction of thriadies.
ana SOOn educate IIIO growing
.1... n ..,.,...!" BiiOBr.iifn
ui.irnvn inut iiiciiqivj uiicu 10 niuui
and will and must bo held in dis-;
.l.'u ;
grace by good society.
Lcts Hare a l'ark.
"Unless ye ask ye shall
not re-
eeive," or words to that effect, ap
pear somewhere in the Holy Writ.
We have acked for much for Prine
villo and have received little, but
are not discouraged "about asking.
It has been said Prinevillo needed
a park, and it docs. Now, we ask
that the people of l'rineville form
a joint stock company, buy a piece
of ground, and begin building a
park, pienic ground or whatever it
may bo called, just so it is a suit
able place for fourth of July cele
brations and public out-door gath
erings of every kind. Who will
tako the lead in the matter? '
Prices Will Tell. :
Shellabarger, of the Brick saddle
store, informs us that his trade has
greatly increased since moving in
to big new place, and owing to tho
fact that he can now obtain cheap
rates of insurance and has no rent
to pay, bis etrtor-oei 'Jit? enough
less to enable hinfto make exten
sive reductions on the price of bis
goods, which will be the programme
in the future. Give him a call.
Scliool .Meeting.
By order of the directors of Prine
vjlle school district No. 1 a special
meeting of the legal voters is called
on Saturday, October 29th, alp. m.
for tho purpose of considering the
picstion of authorizing tho direct
ors to sell the grounds belonging
to tho district, known as the old
school house grounds. .
Recorder Luckey is keeping a close
watch on Judge Washburn and vows he
must curb his passion for shooting jack
rabbits within the corporate limits. Mr.
Luckey would have punished him for tho
last offense, hut bo was afraid the judge
was broke.
' Advertised Letters.
List of letters remnlnlnB In the postnfflee ut
I'rlimville, Crook County, Oregon, unclaimed
Oi'tolior 10, ls7.
. To olitaln Hiiy of the following li t ers call for
".dvcrtii-eil I.tMler." giving- Oate ol lift.
It not delivered will bo oeul to Deu.l Letter
Outce SO Uuya from ante.
. F. Moo KB. Postmaster.
Hlonia J W
llurc U Ocnrge
XlHilcyllW i
lirown Warren
Hell I-.HKC
hrown M
Clark Jaraoj D
Crifc-by Walter
tVUinc '
Cheney Pint
OImoiom II 11
Huuui'lt Jiunes M
Fouler Josopii V
Harris William '
llenilrleka Ocorg S
Hal. en J I'
Hnrbtn Eilwarl N
llFiitlerswn Ueorge C
I t'c'a.. J V
HtirrUun Jnliii
Jame. Sailie
.latutM W.u
Lyuen J W i
Moraan c ar
' Mill EUw.itth"' . -!",
' K rtou JtK-eptiua . .
Pflnco Dai Id
lawymond Henry
Savage O W
WmMt A B
Free Trade.
Tho reduction of internal revenue
and the taking off of revenue
stampB from Proprietary Medicines,
no doubt has largely benefitted the
consumers, as well as relieving the
burden of home manufacturers.
Especially is this the case with
Green's A ;( Flower and lkschee'
German Syrup, as tho reduction of
thirty-six cents per dozen has been
added to increase the size of the
bottles containing the remedies,
thereby giving one-fifth more medi
cine in tho 75 cent size. The
August Flower for Dyspepsia and
Lijer Complaint, and tbo German
Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles
have, perhaps, the largest sale of
any medicines in the world. The
advantage of increased size of the
bottles will be greatly appreciated by
tlio sick and allicted, in every town
and village in civilized countries.
Sample bottles for 10 cents remain
the same eizo.- '
Flue Stock. , '
This week Terry Henri returned
homo from the tftate Fair with live
head of thoroughbred cattle, four
Shorthorns and one Aberdeen An
Cub. The Aberdeen Ancua is the
first of this stock introduced into
i breeding tine cattle in the luture.
New Arrivals.
During the past week there have
been several households made hap
py in this vicinity by the arrival
Jf -bjii n -new, babies. So far as we
have kept count tho total foots up
us follows :
j Saturday, October 8th, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Black a son.
, Sunday, October 9th, Mr. and
i Mrs. I. L. Ivetebum a daughter. ""
10th. Mr. and
Mrp w f jioH.an a daughter.
Tuesday, October 11th, Mr. and
Mrs. M. I). Powell a daorrhfer.
All w-rnont knowing tbeir.M-tvM Itii M.-
nie Ulil:..r.it;nii f rufjuo-lud In eall il1 ttl
t Dfice'imd ,av ro,t-. Tlii la enini alK-iinv
tinnfvmid rave rn,T
lee la-t. call. Co-la will be uddt-it ll nccouaU
I. L. Katrhum.
All Crook Connty"Brrants, rc-gii-tcnx! prior
U October 1, 17, will be ,a:J on presentation
t the Treasurer' otlire in l'rineville, Oreuon,
Interest on the above warran' will ceaj,elroiu
date ol thia notice. T. .M. BALuWIN
l'rineville. Or., Oct lo.;is7. '1 reanrer.
Fall i Winter
We have received, and are still receiving, an ELEGANT STOCK of
Of the latest styles and finest quality ever shown in Prinevillo. -
Our Dress Goods
are the latest, and we offer them at such remarkably low prices.
Ladies' Cloth, pure wool, in ten different shades, from 75c to $1.50 per yd.
Ladies1 Mis333' &G:ii!dr3i3' Cloaks, Jackets and Jersies,
Of which we have a large and beautiful selection.
very attractive in style and variety.
Our style, cut and fit are equal to any custom work, while our
prices are VERY LOW.
Of the latest atyles and at the lowest prices-
Of this line of goods wo have a very largo stock, especially
selected for the trade of Crook County.
A very large assortment of
Please call and Inspect our Immense Stock, and be
convinced of cur Low Prices.
4fS. D. CIoK, pB0MUBTBK3S.
A full and complete stock of
Latent Dlykt and mn. falhionahle pattern
The entire stock is new and was
purchased especially for the trade-
oi l'rineville and vicinity.
Fiftv bend of fine well bred stock
horses for sale on reasonable terms,
also two fine three-year-old stallions,
.1 l.l,-,l ir,.r.,l,Mt nrw)
Lindsley. All the horss bred and
i t .. ti i t
raiseu uy xiowuru hiuuiii.
Parties desiring to see the horses
will call on Mrs. II. Maupin, at the
(Maupin ranch, on. Trout creek,
L'rook Co.. Or. 14-18
J - '
ttift bav'nr ptirctiawd Seo.t'! Tp
T .,111.
S .1 ! k ..'io
treniaKiiiK or hv
.iii.j fro Mi-.l m. Avis.-
- Wm. Joumhim.
N0TICB TO rtKiil'OUS. . '
Owtnv to A. Senilern belnsr failed to) Alhnny,
All olour note' and account have been plamd -in
J. L. Luckey' hands, with order to in Hi tote
proireediriL'8 to force collection on all account
not keltleU at once. L. SENIiEKS A Cot.
OF -
lorn for Sale.
f' i
Li :