Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, September 19, 1885, Image 1

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ocimco H i: lKv.
I'ulili.iln'.l 1 1 i y !-ilni.l,iy
dm' yi-iir
f: ' ,
Six 1111111111'. "'
(Ti rlMH-lrn tly in iclvan,'.')
( ikkh'i: - " Tlilr.l, between (' uinl I' Six.
stui: omn vi. ihhi: tokvi
hri'ii'iarr "I
Hid!,' I n llillli'f
amir I'rlhl. I
H i il. hili. ImtMli'll'ill
J.cl.:u H'iri'iii ("iiurt
l'lillr'1 IH1'" Hi'lllllnr
,,u,-i'- -urn I
J.i'lji- b i tt i IH 'Irii t
I'ro.u. -iclim Ul'iriny
Z, I. M'iiihy
l( 1'. KtMHAUl
Kuw hii II i iin h
v I! iivah.
K. M. Mi.-Kl.miv
l.lMI 11 V ll-MI
VM I- I... I'll
U W. nm i n
J N 1 1' 'I. i' ii
III Hot ii II r Ii x N
I'll l M III l.oil
I II., a Mi II II 1 1. (
( iiinil) Oniriill Hircrlol)!
) lnl '(ni'
(' M I'uif lie. in i
la Mi i
I Ii lilt1
1 1. I num. 1 1 '
I II 1 1 1 it it f i
A (' I' il. Ml: It i
J M Hi. out j
1. I It OINH.
i U.iMtii,..K :
l I'.iUkll.
W II M. Kahi IM"
J .nil l
- ii; J i'l ;
I -.Hint i Clvrk
Mi, ll'.f
1 fi-miiri'f
h''li'.l i ll'i'rhitrii'li'llt
AKI'.IV 'A I. AM' I'l I' ill I I'll K (K M MI-1 j
1 1 A I I . AMI I'lUNH II.I.K llAtl"! I'rllll-Vllll.
it .ll'Ul. W.ollll'-l KinUv l ' A M i
tr .'. at IT villi? I in- ..v . I lull In) Kil'l v( J
ui l) til li r x
I'.IM". il l AM. III UNi I .HII'A I'rlnrl llll'
Jl .. ,. ni i. a . miIai-a ui I'niii'i ill" i-inr
I'lllNKI II I f. INII I ' AVI' I'.'IK l.'HWA I'fllM.
Hi.. II... 1 1..) ill ii A .milw.Hl l lllioloi.
1 L.ir.'U) nl t. r u
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'i A VI
IV... filnrv UI.
rV 111.' 1 .If.'lrt)
ft r n
I - I . v.; t I I K I N I, Nil I I'll I. I
I Hi.- il i ' 1 1 1 . .1 I A M . I.f ' i
l..'tM I'lHll'
nt run.- lit.'
1 ..-If lll t i I'
I ,M Mil ti'UN, V M
Th".:! i i
04 I'l "ll I'
'. K A M
. Ii I i.l ni'. i'i
f a -uit.'v,
O' II T'.l I -" ,
htt'.tit.U. fi.l l.l
. il.u o I '.I..IK Vi
Tli'it.J iii,;lil.
I t o il K. liiri'l. rv.rj
.' 1. i ii. T Iii.i'Ia ritt) :
it'll. '
! .1. i I:-,;
Ttirrt- , lttt (
nr. I M 'M'U,
ri;oi'i:;ioN.!, cakiis.
J. H. SiTHS, M. D.,
I'll V -l( I IN AND SflHiKilN,
I'uim'mi.i c, ------ o.ii.i,..; .
Otarr - At K.'ii.li iir... I '..rniT flr.l, ml (' si.
E. L. IfWINE, M. D.,
I'll YsK'l AN .t SI 1C ill N,
I'mmk'h i.e. ------ (iiii tiuN.
OSr -At Iirnu 'Horn.
C. 0. WniCKT,
l'i:.srl. si i;i;i:iiN,
1mini:vii i i:, ------ (liu:ouS.
iiffli-i ( orui-r A nn1 M liiit.
i lili.r.if.-riii mi l Klln-r n.liuliil-l(ri"l.
rmNiaii.i.p, ------ (Int. (ION.
.. Kir. I .1 ...r ..mill "t l'ru s..rr.
J'kinuvii.i.k, ------ UmaioN.
O flip, -nil A klri'i'l.
Th.( Ii,i.i:h, ----- (liiiiiit'N.
Oini-v-Ovrr I'ri'iii'lt A Hunk Hi'fninl Hlri'i't.
UKil. W. IIAIINKK J. r. Milium
AT I'( I U N 1') Y K-AT-I.A W,
I'binkvii.i.k, ------ OuiaiuN.
OlHrc-lii Itmluiv lliillilliiK
K. J. H.IWNlt " h. T. Itll II AIIUMIN
Hai.cm, OlIKdt'N,
Olli'c-oii Ciinrl HI., (.iriir Ciiiifl llnieiv Will
liriii ili'i. i (, ,:,,., ,, i iri-uiin. Hwiiiii
ml il.ivriiiiii.ni l.mnl, it S.i'i'liiUy,
I'niicvillt. IV.'ciui't, Crook Coimly, ;u.
Olllcu-Al Cntirt llniihii.
C. W. KIZEfl,
CAIi I'KNTKH AND 111 1 I.l KH.
Prinki 11,1,1:, Oiii'oos.
D. L. PATtL,
t'ONTUACTOIl .fe I'.ni.DKK
I II l U i Yi U
PiloloTiljlll (i.lIL-.T,
.1. A. Win tkiih, of Kugcue City, ii
! lihoftii'nilihcr of linn e v iierii.tiee
nhHinli'il hv N, O, Crown, has iciili H
i i i ii t ii
Jldy Pu'own H gallery,
ANK Irt MHV I'll i: I'A Itlil) TO
IVJuko PIcturos In all Styloo
of thb Art.
Ho will l I'li'iiK'.l to iiicctnl'I unl new
PlUM.VII.I.K, - - - -
Kaisomining &. Papering
A SMvi;iIty, ninl nil wurk Mairaiitc
I'nis Mt.i.c, .
- - - - Oitr.i
il II AVlS'i. hllAMI'oolNii.
H, mi. I Im.f 'In . . 1 1 . k' 'I'll..' I
ii via cm in.
n .i.i) ..
Hot and Cok! Caths.
fCl liil.lri'ii' li;iir i-tit I i;r s)M itilly.
Jas. Hamilton &. Co. Preps.
nn hand all kinds of building ma
! lerial including Shingles, Shakes.
Drcss( d and Hough I.niuberaiid all
st vies of Moulding, which will lie
sold for 1 ash only.
Doors ami Sash
blind rue ; but that 1 may meet my
death like a man. 1 tlintiht, fa
Of the regular sizes kej't on hand, thcr, it luiht have been on thehat
Orders for odd hic filled n tli'-lield, for my couutry, and that.
Hlmrt notice. All Kin. tsonurnin-
(lone with nciilnesi nnd dispatch
Door A' w indow fra lues miide to
order, cheajier thllll thecheajicst.
Gaylord Spring Bed,
TllK l'.KMT IN' T1IK Wolll.l).
CT"AII work wiiii'.iiiteil to 1h- us reprc
,ieiit'il, uriiioiiey ri'iiin.le.l.
.loll.N CIIUI.KH 1 1 A a. KI.KINS
tn i vrvi I 1 K OHKCiON
' i i .
Horso Shoeing
, ii I'niie's turn to be sentry, and I
And nil kinds of repairing well nnd - '
miickly done, at I'lieestosuit would take his place; hut I was
the 11AKD TIMKS. too tired, father. I could not have
kept awake if a gun hud been
jiointcd a( my head ; but I did not
Stocks for shoeing wild horses ; k ()(nv jt ulltilWell, until it was
und oxen. t lute,"
COAIHONKI COM K ALL ! ! "t-'Hlho thanked !" interrupted
Mr. Owen, reverently. "I knew
f5?11ul be sure and bring your 1.;l.nni(, wa8 ,,,. tu. 'l0y to sleep
money with you. crelessly nt his post." '
Cilii'LK.-? iv Ki.kixs. "They ti II me to-day that 1 lun-e
y V-
The SiiMler lf( iilcvc.
N. V. oli. . rviT.
I "I tln.npljt , Mr. Allan, when I
gave my l'riniii' to his country,
I h it nut ii father in all 1 1 1 i m lru.'tl
' 1 : 1 1 1 1 mad.- no ir'i-iniiH a gift, no,
not (inc. 'I'lic dear I ny only hlcj.it
;i luiniil.', jiii-t one little iniinit", at J, L, .,te(l, und (Iocm noth- turned up tlic pale, anxious f.ir.-i; ; them o.Tered to wagor a hox of
l.iM M,t; I know that wan all, for if jiut j,,. , ,. treat Hk in to toward liin. IIo.v tall lie heenied.,: tfars th::t he would catch the larjr
l!cmiie never (loc. over u duty. I t.t Uin 'dic in my Ktead. . and he was Prewident of the I'nit'-d : ' firih. The wa-'er was promptly
Mow iiowiit ainl ridinlile In; wan!
I know lie only fell aHlecji one lit
tle h' toud ; he wan ho yuuiij, and
nt htron, that hoy ofmine I Why,
he Kim an tall uu I, and only oight
ihui 1 nnd now they nhoot liiin le-
CilllKC he W.'IH fullinl flhlecji when
i . . . : i i . . I Mi m .. t
... s., un.i. nuy, ,w.- ny-.our.Ml,, , ,.arf iiMy f.ltll,r!
lll'IIIF, III.' ll'll , I .1 I II P.M. I, IIIIIV
t . riity-four hoiirn. Wherein n-
me now
' "We will hope with his heavenly
; l.'..il.. .'i ... ' I it. til . i : i . :
. hum r, P..... .. r. ..,. s.H.ui,nK.j .
n, Air, n l lliii.' , i lull 1.
verv ini-rci ful !
" 'I hholihl he in-named, father!'
I ! I ' ' '"i heart. "Amen," he .aid solemnlv,
think I n.-ver used this reat r!.t..A11(1I1 ' '
a-.,, -anil he le hl .1 out so jiroud- "To-ni-t, in the earlv twiliehi,
ly htft.n- i,.e.-'f..r my roimtry, , , pllllUm. . t.OWo ' VOUlhy,
'.vlien it ncitlc'l it ! r.ilsv it rath 'i , . , i
, liome from jiasture, and irccimu
it t .i.-Kl K.-i i It at til- plmv . lit;!.. Iili.SK.m. Ktan.l on tin- l.nck-
i .... : ... i i ... i . . . i . . . . !
.i . l l ... ' f ....:.i
i in, lii.'ii, Li, niv I'm, i rani.
Hid I n 1 kt
liX'!!!!' I iti'l lias
i .t i.i' t. ii in i'
it ! fanner rtpiiit'il tliise last word
: sluwlv, as if. in spite of hisi
iii - hi'illt dolll led thelil.
"hike t!i- aiilile uf his eve, M
; Owen, thml.t it not !"
I-Mossoiii sat near tin iii listeiiinf..
ith I'hitiehi d cln i k. Shi
nut shed a tear. 1 1 it an x i -1 v
I i i li m iineciih il that no utie 1
I noticed it. S
i ii
lia l oi i ujiliMl tier-
si-lf iiiecli.iiiic.'il! v. in tin- htisclioldi
cures. Now she answered u (r-rjf !
i u i j i 1 1 1 1 1 1 , i iiiiiik, .i r. ,i tan ; ""'.all!
,t..ji t.t the kitchen d'X'r,nin5Jtit l)(e Jji,,jt 4,$.-
! b tt. r. "It iK from . tat wfls l ierUlto tj4,. car. wWdert.
lie suid
1 1 v.'ns like a iu'sa!e froni th
d-ad! Mr. Obu; t.mk the letter,
hut couM not hrea k l!ie cnvi Icjie,
on at count of his tri iiil'linej tinu'ers,
a ; n I held it toward Mr. Allan, with
the helplessness of II child.
The minister op:!ied it, nnd read
as follow.1 :
"Dear Father : When this reach
es ymi, 1 shall lie in eternity. At
first, it scciiic'l awful to me ; hut 1
have thought about it su much
now, that it has no terror. They
r:iv thev will not bind me, nor
...,.,., ,-.ii ...,,.., i i... liehtim
........ ..... --r p.
jrloriously ; but to be shot down
like 11 dog for nearly betraying it,
to die lor neglect of duty! O fa
ther, 1 wonder the very thought
(bu s not kill me ! Hut 1 shall not
disgrace you. 1 am going to write
you nil about it ; nnd when 1 am
gone, vou may tell my comrades.
I lumiiot now.
You know I romised Jetninie
Cirr's mother I would look after
her hnv ; and, when hit fell sick, I
ant 1111 1 couui ior nun. 1,1
not strong wiien lie iim oruerear
; IKU'K into me raiiivK, inin uie ulJ
lioiote inai nigiu, 1 i-inrieu 1111 nis
lii.i.les mv hWii on nop
r.r,"h i
nrircli. Toward night we went in
on double quick, and though tint
luggage began to feel very heavy,
,.i . i i
every tiody else was very urea too;
and us for .lemmie, if 1 had not
lent him nn arm now and then, he
would have dropped by the way.
I was nil fired out when we came
into eiunp, and then it was .leni-
a nlwirt Vcjiricvc, riven to mo
c;irt:airtaiiccH, 'time to writ' ,
yoUg lir jrool Colonel B.iy. For-
Vli l.tfci, father, Ik only (lo -H Ih'h
'l jtjj; lie would ;la:ly av.- in : if
M1 i ""'I Ifiy my death
xJc Ijfiiht Jeniiiiie. Tiie poor hoy
I (iui'.t hear to think of mother
and i'.loHHoni. (.'omfoit them, fa-
the ..toll them 1 die an a hmve ;
hoy ould, and that, when the.
v'Nrvef'' hvy will not he
aHlained of me, an they must he
iioA-. 'iod help me; it is verv
i 1
( !od heeiiiH near and dear to me;
not at all an if lie wished me to
perinh furevi-r, hut an if I f it
sorry for i I i h jioor, hiuful, hroken -
; 1(.urt,.(1 dliI() t;lk(, ,1R.
to l; with Him and my Saviour in
a hctt.-r Letter life.'
A deeji sigh hurst from Mr. Owen's
1 stiHili. waitiiiL' fur me. hut I t-hall
i i .iii
i liewr. never come ! ( .... I lili.ci v.m
(hid bless you
it '
Porgive your jioor betitiie."'
I.at. that nitfht the diMr uf the
backistooj," opened softly, nnd
j a littltl figure (.'li. h'd out, and down
r' the foot-jiath that h d to tie- road
i.y t.it nun. Mie m I ratler
!l vims than walkiutr. turning her
r-- - r-
head neither to the right nor
.1... t.ft 1... i
i.iu ..v..,n ..i.t ,u..i
tlieu' to Heaven, and fold it;? her
j.S . . -e l,.,llrK
i .. ... , .. .
jlutcif pie sajne young girl stood at
jt)5 pi patching the
H Ik
wWd?rt'ratiW !
tear-stained f.-.ee th it was ui.tunie.I
tu'-p'-i ti - dim lantern he held inland as farmer Oiveu's hand grasped
"his i::id. A few questions and that of his boy, tears Unwed down
read;- niifWerH told him all ; and no ;
fatliAj'r could have earetl more ten
derljf for his only child, than he ;
for Uir little I5!e-so:n. I
She was on her way to Wash
ington, to ask President Lincoln
for her brother's life. She had
stolen away, leaving only a note to
tell her father where and why
she had gone. She had brought
Uennie's letter with her. No goo 1.
kind heart, like the President's,
eouhl refuse to be united by it.
The next morning they reached
New York, and the conductor hur
ried her on to Washington. Ev
ery minute, now, might be tin'
means of saving her brother's life.
And so. in an incredibly short time,
l.lossumi reached the Capital, and
hastened immediately to the While
The President had but just seat
ed himself to his morning's task, of
i . .!.;.... 1 .,'...;..,. i..,tv.-..iiii
UllTIIIUMIl illl'i rifiinih 111. ....... 1
papers, when, without one word ot
II- '
announeenie.it, the doom.ftly open-
I'diud Pilossom, with downcast:
'evcs.iind Tolded hands, stood be-
i"'3'' '
fu ,v (l,na . ho gaia in
my child, he said in
cheerful tones, "what do
t so br.ght and early m
1 pea8a,,t
ou want
:ie niorning?"
"Hentiie's life, please, sir," fal-.--rt'd
"Bonnie? Who is P.ennie?"
"Jly brother, sir. They are po
i g to shoot him for sleojiing at his
p 'St"
' ,, I AC T 1
"Oh, yes,' and Mr. Lincoln ran
ins eye over ine papers netore mm.
.. i f ... i-..
"1 Muemberl It was a fatal
a- I il 'i
l.-.ep. ,ou sr-e, child, it was a
tton of special danger. I housAiiids
of fives might have been lost for
ho) culpable negligence." :
"So , my father said," replied j
RlonBOin, gravely ; "but poor l.ennie ' for a tUvorce WM inforlueU by his
w8 BO tired, sir, and Jeiumie so c0U1,wl th,lt llis wifo filed a
weoiC. He did the work of two, sir, .T0M petition." "A cross peti
antj it was Jemmie's night, not his, tiou !" exclaimed the husbr.nd,"wcll
hut Jenimie was too tired, ami Den-
uie never thought about himself,
that bl vus tired too." ;
y ' "What in thin you nay, t-iiiM?f
to 'oiu. Ihtc; I lo not u:nl;rt!ind,"'
ani t!ie kiii'l in.in c-.mnt (.-ajcrly,
an ever, at what hcciuciJ to he a jua -
tifieation of an offence.
iSlimotn went to him ; lie put l.H
hand tenderly on her Hhouldcr, and
St iteHtoo! A dim thought of this
kind jjasKed for a monieiit through
r.Iossoiu'a mind ; but she toll her
dimple and j-traightfoi word etgry,
nnd handed Mr. IJncola; JtoaaieV
letter to read. i," . "'. " ,
He read it carefully ; then, talc
in up his p.-,,, wrote a few hasty
linec. ami ran his hell.
Hlossom heard this order given
"Si'M) tiii.s msj'ati ii at o.vck."
' The I'resident then turned to the
j ftn,j . ..(J(J j.,,, I)y t.hillJ
and tell that father of yours, who1
! could ajiji.-ove his countryV heii-
fence, even when it took tin; life of
a child like that, that Ahraham
; IJ,,,!,, thinks the life far too pre -
ciotis. to he lo.,t. (Jo hack, or
wait until to-morrow; Eennie will
i . f4 , ,
uecu a ciiauj.'e after he has so
hravclv faci-,1 death; he slmM en
with Vol.''
- c
"( iod hleSH VOll. Pir." Paid Hlos-
(mil Ii ia von Bir
t-un; and who shall doubt that!
' i -d heard and registered the re-
Two days after this interview,
the young soidier came to the White
nouse wnn i,ih little sister, lie:
was called itito the President's nri-
- i --
vale room, and a strop fastened
it... ..i I.l..." m- r: 1..
.... p... ,.,,. .ui. iiinniiii
t'aenaid: '' The soldier that could
earrv a sick conir.iile's liai'c.i"e
. -Tp-e.-
and die for the act so uneoniplah.-
coiu-jiily, deserves well of his country."
Then Benrne nnd lllMim took
..Ttmitf.lVefrway to !TieirrTire7npT.itJunuia j
',n0- A crowd gathered at the
Mill Depot to w 'leome thun Lack ;
hid cheeks, anil he was heard to say
fervently, "1 111: Lokj be I'Isaisku. jut Up there to deceive the travtd
Tiie Yoaii' n:'s Frifiul. ing public," and he picked up his
t 1 i gripsack and fwung himself on
lo a young man a way from home. ; 0 ' 0
e 1, 1 i- 1 ai iii board of a street ear.
friendless and forlorn in the cold j
world, the Incurs of peril are those It Slsaia." a Cell.
between sun-et and bedtime; for the: uXo my patornaFprogenitor is
moon and stars see more evil in a not ai".iaut.rod a Boston maid to
single hour than the sun inn whole t(u iliqujrv 0f ;l culler.
day's circuit. The j.oet's visions of . ,.j alu Ml of the ul.I10siOTts
evening ;m- all composed of tea.ler j,.ink wjlic'a j f,IKi uiS suspended
and soothing images. They bring j v.Aylncn t. Can you tell me where
the wanderer to his home, the child "ur fatiK.r is?"
to its mother's arms, the ox to its!' ..T1. ,,t',.,rities lcmne col--
mother's arms, the ox to its;'
stall, ana the weary l:ii orcr to his nizant wf considerable rehypotheea
r. st. Hut to the gentie-hearted . tlon un ils auj ctmv"t.ved him
youth who is thrown upon the rocks ! t(J a jlUltopl.'.sm."
of a pitiless city, anl st.uids home- i.-p0 a what!"
i 1 .i 1 i i I ;
less a mm a thousand r.oines, mei
aiiproaching evening nnngs wnn n
an aching sen.e of loncline-8 ai d
desolation which conies down uju n
the sjiirit like darkness upon tae
earth. It brim's back to his mind
sen.M of h line a id chil -;
. . . . , . .. ,
li, v.v.l unit f. iree Iii in rn re:i 1 1 y.e t h:i t
V a waum nnion(; Grangers.
, . ,
, .. ,, . , ,
come a snare to him : and he is led
astray because he is social, afl'ee -
sv, ,lth,tio aml warm.
mm po dr.
cumstan(.0il umlJ remomher thnt
books are friends to the friendless,
and a library is the home of the
homeless. A taste for reading will
always cause him to converse with
men who will influence him with
their wisdom and charm him with
. their wit, who will soothe him when
. ..... . i
t, et ted, rein sh him when weary.
ii.: i .,i l .... l !
counsel nun mv u jiu-acii, anu ,
sympainize u;i n.u a a nines
1.1 11 ri'lios in niv; tumult? tiKo
d.vin invay w a bllll
Hml (.amjil.) i,ut afi 0f tjusc ng,,ntsi
that are needed by the homeless
youth are the hook'and candle.
i.'..;i .. ,.;..:i., I i... ,;.i.ii..
man who hud filed a petition
sir, that's just like her; she never ,
did a good-natured thing in her i
Ufa." '
XO. 14.
Tin M Vn Off.
Iivtnjil ri; (V..J
' A ff.-.v 'lays no, after a roujilo of
1 ostccfncd eiti.etiH, who ar t loso
i neighl ore, had arranged to pans a
' J:tyf with their familicH at .1
. hiku in Oakland eountv, one of
: kcn, and the next dav one of th(
! WidU riien put in tin a jijiearaiice at
j a fi' Htand in the market and naid'
j to t!ie dealer; .
lUvfinirtOt; alii!ih.fM'kml -
?'df)iirig t&ixui fiCUxm'jmi'ninT"' ;
- 1 ave eir." ' f -V .'
'U dl, I want you to. put him on
: iee and hhip him to me at
:! lake. I projiose to catch him on a
i hook there."
; "Very well, sir. I ihink I'll
; ,). t,V() tygother."
The two?"
'Vch hir. Mr.
the other estimahle citizen) was
here an hour apo, and hought one
' wijrhing twenty i-ounds. It will
take less ice to pack the two in the
name Lox."
' ti , r. i i e i l Jt
the fish were paid for, hut the
bet was I declared off
3Iisfuk('ii Identity,
iexni Siflingi. J
A man who hid evidently int
arrived by the train walked into an
'Austin boardiru: house and asked :
' "Is Dav in?"
; "What day?" asked the porter
..Vhat do I know about him?
ii.. t i .i. i:i. .. .i ...:.... if n. .
Au X IUJ.-V 11M- 11 (I' lCClHe. II UilV
; .,in't iu tell We-k to step out here.'"
1 '
; "WiKit Week do V0U refer to,
; !,
: .Ai i. 11.. i- i
i i'ii, ia-1 .veen, or me wees ue-
fre ciiristmas? Do you take me
fr nn aimanac? C rllll3 thia
i..i..i .Kynn " . .
"The Widow Flapjack, mh.
"Well then, tell her to take down
; ;K.r gipn. I read on the sign out
; ti.r,.( 'Carding by Day JL Week,
'.,,! nw it seems that both of 'em
: Klvt, kijiped out. That sign U
"A protoplasm
"What in the name of Webster is
"If you will glance at Worcester,
you will find that protoplasm sig
nifies a cell."
She S.ioive Slowly.
! "Father has 'failed, you kno'.v,
j 8:iid Clara, lookina up tn-
1 1(, .;, "oh nvnf w v,"-"
! 10 1113 j e8 ana anu.
! "No, I didn't know it," replied
; (i,orge einp!.atieaily;?t' th sam
tinu. rapidly disentangling himself
and looking for his hat. "You will
have to excuse "
"Yes," went on the girl, "father
lias failed and settled with his cred
itors at seven cents on the dol "
"Nay, dearest," interrupted Geo.
as he resumed his former position,
"why discuss such sordid business
t ..a u
mi ( nit;. IV IUVV. line. A It. I llff PUV.llV.
,,., !m,i t!,(l i,nnn;nua
r ti"'"""
ias m g;or(. for ug "
He Insulted her Pa.
"Emilia, 1 hear you have broken
off with George."
"Yes ; I am sorry, but it had to
be. He insulted pa."
' "Yi'hy, what did he do?"
"Well, you know, last Sunday
night pa kinder kicked him off the
front stcjis, and when he came to
see me Monday he brought a pair
of slippers with the toes padded
and asked me if I wouldn't get tho
old man to war t'.am."
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