Ochoco review. (Prineville, Crook County, Or.) 1885-1???, September 05, 1885, Image 1

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    V-V'' ""J
... -mrr- ,,-h 'AMPS FT "
NO. 12.
j I'liuiiniphMJjillci-y,
Tllilt!) am. r.STS, l'lUNriVll.Uv
.1. A. W'lvn uM, f Kugene City, n j
i i . . . ..: s
plio',i.ignipn'r "I "illy e a j m i I' ..
!- I.io.vu s gallery,
Pul-li-lm-l t'lv.-ry S.itur.l.iy
in --
...... ' hhi.,i , l.v N. . brown, 1i:ih rented
1 liionlli" ... .
(T,tiiih iilru'lly in wlv-incit)
(hi Tliinl, U-lwo'in ( uwl l "
The Mlil we Sai l (Jiioibbje. d with ponce, pf nty and harmo-fwill permit,, add th bo:t hitn-ical
Hit tniNtinK hand i iln:irl in mine j ny, shall no n.orj droop under the j and scientific works published, and
A.J l OW I'UKI'.Ml! V TO
VomCUT. MftECTOBTi Mkc8 H-tUros In all Stylos
i; n.
j .
( ,v A
I ri' ,ir 'i
(,(. r l" inum ""
niri'iii i'"'i'l
MlH-ro i ! '
:jllr, llll.l I" l"',l
IV II linn II" Will I
I; li. M. i,n.v rntiii'r.
I l'. II. It ll.l.i'
.1 I" I. .1.1.
.V W i II l , r. n
J N . i ru ;
I lit ' i ' , I " ,
1 him Mi Umur,
.I tn mc.-t iM mid !!'
Count) (Uncial Dim bit ) I
I'li v. vii.i.i:, ------ Oli:;i,nN
Ami mloiit stood tint while,
I'luii li,-r fi-iittirux iv) ilivino
There dwi'lt it loviutt Hlllilo.
I nMiki' to li'T in tisinl ruHt tone.,
Ami hum th' U'ttr-iliiiiiiiM eyi
A .1 -t 1 1 u( triii) uir.M-tion idioivii
Tin ni,;lit we Hiii nmxl liyu.
I lltiiP'ruil ere I loft InT hide,
T7 iii.'ift, H'rliuj.., no more,
Aii'l li.M'iH-Ht o lii tlicr! lictlJn
'flint 111 1 lu 1110 owl mid irti. ,
Vor mi'iil.-Dly rin off my fcut ,,
I iim:kly (I1 011 h'li, '---v
To I .in 1 'i;vi the i'il.l.!'l ntnict
Tim liilit w Hul l ffnl-hyv.
I'vi (nillit U)K.n till! Ii.ittlfti.'lil, .
An.l croswl tl. r.iin inain;
Thuir il.iiurri, l'i., U. in; rcvoaled
1'J fiurli'M l.rvc a-iiin.
Hut whi'il it nm? Id l.rtiiift wmi',
I h'vii a ii!. iliawii Kixh,
J'nr I tliink ttV.'it InT i' f'n'trn
Til'. ni;lit ! .ii'l i'Miye.
1 i:i n. :.n 1...- -r - !: tl n i ... ...
flighting nniu'-iy;i- vi piiuuni nuu itiji ie noioriifiiit'U ni Uif uji
partiianthip wipe only anirnuu ward j.rogrcBS in MM-ictv which
wan theft and punder.
No more lit hih ofliciala ushumic
the role of nmsteip. They who are
hut the sorvunta it ugeiitii of the
people ahould bo hi-Id to a utrict
nUhili b their fteU, and
heucter Watii? from Uie, atrict
. p i'; . . ' " .u t .
your sons and dauglitem will make.
L'nh'8 tho parent.i lend a help.
"A lMr Jtpcfliorli.-hiin."
'.Vrkaii.-R4r rrB-pVr
"Com.' Ix ah ter nie!"fiaid an old
negro to liih roii. "Coin; l.eali tor
nie, nah! Why didn't yer come
down tod' haptizin liko I tole yer
iiiK hand in the ireat work. free!tr? 0ll-'!lt -T ' '''uni-d ycrse'f?
uehoola. churcheB and temperance jr,wir,e U:t ,lif on, 0,,i,'H(! ,la'f'' anl
BoeieticH are aluioot powerlew to ne-! a, o e KiV"ie w pt yer clat h
complifih the good for which they
8t. Louii hft come to the rescue.
from pirr ami fnmwl f- thfh6 has passed ordinances forl id
ding tlie printing, circulating and
the placing in HhowwirifJowH of any
1 execnu'on of an outraged conhtitu-
lency. j
! Win we HjioHk of democratic
princ Jew, we have no reference to
that prtimin fpirit which would
;rule t ruin, hut we allude to thooe
! priiicilen ujK.li which the Htruct-
ure otmr juilitical edifice wan rear
wot he givine ter do. Why didn't
yer come dar, Hay?" ...
"Cum went roun' tode j;Uyrf
toiH-oUnele He-i hur J ','f. "'"
"Iwk fieih. . warii't' bung fcr"' '
day, wuz lie?" " ' ' '
of thowe i.operp whose aim is to i-ir-i
culate criminal and obscene news I " W'-v' 1 ,!lou8!'t dat fack wouldn't
only. And hat iH far Letter, 1RH!rnt; off tell nex week. How did
a people and police force putting '"'
into execution these ordinances. j "01'' 1P fl"PPd and gorter shook
Awnlix rhristJm.at tval ! l'i feet .'1 little."
jed. 'lose principles announced j templars ! Arise and Luckle on "Did, hah?"
4 lll.l I1"1'"
t . ..i-.
C M c nr : i 1:1 '
v Mi I) !.r l'
, u in . ;
Y Mi l.-.Mi ,
1 1. I ' i
I II '. mi.lt. i
A I f . I. I K ;
J M I It HI -. V
3 i lii Ln:.ri, ;
l W in . l.i. i '
M 1 1 V t
S II .ill f I Ll
OCIcl.il Ki liilloiin.
The thought jreriet,t. itself to us,
Ka!sgn;ir.h3 &. Pairing
i.iITV, an l all ..rK w.iria-m:n
i hy jetrson in uie declaration ot your armor! .Now is vour time.
!Inde;tidenee, those principles j The laws arc favorable and the! 11,1 "u MnK a" I,ray an.v fl)re
til . . m., 11 I . 1 I,, --I.-,...,..,!'?"
, ,..11 u.L.n in n wiucnnc immoi 01 o pieucfu iKjwer as vourn. (Jk)d 1 emplak. i,k '"''ir'4'
wieir liven inaiiuain. i nose
llil;!V;rAMt iM-M:irKKiK MUM.
1 j-ui r I'rliiri iilf
.in i m l'risii ii I
,il,.U,. I l " ! " ' , '
,,,, .1 ! ,.l.i. nlr l) . I li ll. I ..'l
il l 1' '
mumii.K I' i '"" -I '" ltl,.i., Ill
,il, : l . rflf l riii.ii. U-' :ur
lj i il r
'ur-kvii i r. ni. i (i f-.i I-""1' !'''"
, ..i..l-m i. n. ; f rlv ii i"iuii
T il.im) at i. r M
m oat ill ill. MiT. MKI.I.--IH-. I'filiri fill'
V laj hi i K . in 1 Hrdw ni I '" ')
1 1 a , .
I ntvii I k til. i:l mm l I'rl i'
ti M.iK'ln, m 4 ; rrl : l-iin.ul--Ui.ilnjr
o r, ,
T. M n. i". I' M-
i-(,r,t,.iinil:i!ive mo .1 ever suriotislv
ri.lli i t niMin the relationsbii) exist- pr""'-l'si
ill betiV
! i-ials iilaced in power
j frag'. Do they calmly and
; et;t!y consider iijM.n tlie elfects for
and only those, by
!.. . . .1 . . . 1
u t'.ei.i and high oHi-:wmci hmtl '. ni
.1.. . .i .1
bv their euf- 1,1 i-1ulurr u" 111 pasi, mane
1 ...
lion- us rc'''. nappy ami roiuemed
Tics. Mitt:, ------ Om-u.-N
Mormon Mi-rrutiiin.
(l-orllillil Inlljr Nowa.J
Brigham Young, Jr., has recently
made a trip to the City of Mexico
"Vas. pali, an' shouted."
"Do did?"
"Vas. sail."
Aft'-r a moment of reflection the
old man rueful! added: ''Confoun'
Hhatari taey KeaJIn-fl
f. it.,. .,...... ..f :
w , ,:u,,,.,,, . nou.w.g Ul,jal ,)anie ,,a tiz:n, ,one (.heate(j
the Mexican nuthont.es for the pur-!,., f.,v .,, ...
; chase of large tr.icti of land there, 'i , , . ,"' , , . t
I ...... . ' dat I dm n t hab no rcsneek fur dat
ion which to colonize Mo rnoi.s. lie
the weal or woe t.f our country, w lie J
' .i -:..i.i ..r u,,iTr.i-, in
, iiiiv ' i;r in: v.i' i ik n nuum.- in ituii.ii iu oiiuiiiif .i u ll u net i , , ,
!,,',,,, , . li.iir t ,i , ,. . . , oru-jaero nunc, noaow. 1 'spize
...K.lf ..( 1 ...i, ti-1 ... iwiii ru til i'"1 - . I'nu.tii uli'if urn vi-iiip f ,il,lr..n ! ,.I n , i.iu i I, l.u ' ' '
iiiii.iii'i in"', i. in. w .i " .--..-, ,,i... . III...II ii lu.tuii viiti. mo UI1..01W11 n us rii,:- . !
.... , , nir Gun n. niiieiiti .1 1.1 . . .
illi'il f.i l'r .!. . .. i1'- i i.'.irjf-v.ii n ha rit.il t uj
.tll.J It) riMtillil? IlU'n l'.M, ,t-.. Ilwl 14. rtl.lcfll l.t A.. A... 1 4I...1 .V . 1 1
Ml.lil t.SU OF HCH.U 1 IK.
ii- Xt 4. V .'. t
'if i.pi it !.'. Kit 74 . V t . I liiri'l.
V 1 .M inulii ln'ft'lr fmi'l 1111 m ft 1
I 7-.; - '.".VP' 1
m f " .f ; ,-"." v 1
..'... ."'.,.i-.'-t:ii 1
honors, and who. when ! 11 10 reailnj? Have vou upon the ta-! rcssful in everv repurct. that the,
! p iti jj of honor and ,,Mt w'-c-'- hie j.!ty of gotid sound literature? ! land was selected and soon will be j
S".Viir.?!t''.i'.:!..,.,i. tlVt'"..' .)"'N" j mi inlluence either t " the The Jin.l.as much as the stomach, j purchased, and at no distant day
' "" " I welfare and pro-'1' ' t,"'ir ''on becoi:m hungry. It must and will j the Mormons will begin to move to-
' ' .et.inl tin. I,.. i.) ,'.,..- 1 ...... . . . . . . .
utitncnls. or K """ ' . , e led 1 o-d.iv, tliere is an nlmn- i ward that country. The ami chosen !
.,1. ... " puieeil tllfin in ,1,, ..... ,f,m ,.. .i, ...:; I 1,.. v : : ,u 1 ..-i exiKailiCd a
CM.1 III I IIO Ml' 4 1 11 Ji'iini mill, mi'l iiiv 1111 11 1 if, . i.i 1 vu in ill iii.j I lit.'! II JlUrV
iNisitioi ; -1-" ""' Mlihi .lv to furnish vour cddldren j
right of sufl'rnge i,. one of ,,()(Ki 1 I ',1 K.u.,.' ,..n,n f.w.,1
r- n. M,rr '-'"".est rights e,,jyeI by an
rn:!lLLll I LMPI 1 American iitiin .l I... . .'.I . .. . I . .... f..r ilIiknM.IvM.i n t ...
---- . . . -4i-ui,)f -lu ui1mitu. TJiobKct is toinicsshall be establ shed there, f ' ' " v.,
Hot nnt! Cold Raths.
jy-l hit.Ii-i-ti'ii hair eiutiiirf a l" .'ia'lv.
f;t icli t ) re; lde.
New Vi.rk SunJ
"Vour duties will he responsible,"
-ntiickian to a gen-
of the state of Chihuahua. The : v :' ! ;iie ' !,,r a flUl:lt,0!b
'Mexican government is said to be i ""U,J Wl11 refll.ur,i r,'at q'ness
Manvh" Mm iiwii ne..J vnur nid ! ontirelv willing tl.nf Mnnnnn , . 01 lao'I?'lt- l iere w ill he no time
1, "".,v -iiu iws rostUnr. ii,tbuci. it to mcs snail Dee
tAGr !'prec..te ihtgr,t right, ..M In UtW.iWtU, .J, V jCu
n u w 11 w larwra ia wn.nu. ..-41 vjjd ,vwonia uuritur Their I further h. Soir
f i I : I JT Alii - ir
. ?rVi
All y.-V-'i'i "v
Jas. Hamilton u Co. Prons.
it to Adruiro Uie tcsiiiit--.a5ju4 -wort(I IJterUttre. Theirj further: the Salntt are o nfin
of the iiiunieipnl.Hfite and national I publition are an f ruunent toany from Government prosecution" in
g.v. riiiii mt. It is certainly one home,nd are just whit your chil- i I'tah, but they are ccttiii" cramnrd
.,.11. ,.i . 1 ii 1 1 ...... . .
'nunc 1 lo mgn csi.'L'ai nv 111c
I'tJalnk rC
"Verr wei-
nutter ovjjr .Will won go and take
" Don't care if I do."
I will think the-
Ii cst.'eai by the dren Mn!d be delidifed to rend. nixl nuiKt Imn. r,m 1 ! The promptness of this decision
i aetiut.i l by Tlx 1 'outh't Ternvtunrr Knnnrr. i Mexico nn.M,t tl... l..ni f.rAA o.. ; so pleased the emi.lover that hj.
t - -. ... 't ,-1 nv i,4j HiHi ' , " r ,
! hired the man at
" l ie. - - -
hr si.ir..
on hand nil kinds of I nihling m,-.
. teria! ini hilling Hung...,,, Shakes,
Pressed mid ltiim:!i l.uinl'eraiiil :ill
Jr., say they
Ltd t.'l . li.' I 1 1 I. VI t . 1 11 11 I I V ' . - It f. .1 .t.:1- . 1 ..
rediiuiii """" ' " "i7 1 ' '"j"c "'i me 1 ne went aown to prepare t!ic wav
. ins donor ami integrity, - Ion CviniHiiuun are among the
i ami will r sit. , f .
' the i-imI,. f l11 applause f miimouH publications that will el
1 "" ,,r "s ru.. patriotism, evat.jho mimls of vour children
How urteii have 1 1 ,1 ' , ., ," , .
, Ilt,,ll' ,!r nd ivc them an ardent desire to
demagogue when upon tis IOstrum ! p,.,.! their evenings and leisure
.'Pl-ahng to the prejudices ,he horn in the family c.Vcle.
ttffiiiii mill .., ,. i-: .
stylcNof Mouldinj, which will be iwi,.);,, . , , do not furnish your chil- laws. They have heretofore defied get nothtn' to eat It
. i"
Hut why does Hrigham Young, : Viiy lie Di.Jn't KiJ.-jv iu
expect to obey the x. Y. time.j.
? If they did this in Utah! "Well. Johnn v,"ii t hismoth-
they would have no trouble and "did you have' a j. asant t?
all the room for expansion they de-' the Sunday gr '.niol picnic?"
sire. Hut they do not obey the! ''Naw'Johnny grow' '
H.il'1 lor l Asll only.
'I'M'AI. sri; ;i-;i .',
' - - - - OiUUIuN.
-Cot. r A mnl ... .o.-. t.
Hr.,fr , Kllur ml. ni,,!, (,.-,!
ATM(m.:y - at 1 1 iv
., " V i.iilh ii I' ! ,sir.
i i . .
"V' -Y-AT- LAW.
I ft'ii-l I Ii ly.tji I.. ,1 A .... ........ 1 ll Ti :. il. ... , I.. - 1- .1
mid Ii mi wl 1 1 T tv" v '""' u"j j.ni'fin n. , iiiviu. u 19 me sworn onuersotjan voupie 01 ury
tiieir sutlrages, wilfully violate
Doors iiiid Sas!i
omebixlv, somewhere, not in ; the law some of their chief men are r"i sand sprinkled
.. j . ...... ;'.
VOUIllillHl lu'rl.-ilm u-t lur,,,.l. ,1.1.,:.. It .1. ... , H
..,... ,,i,i j. ., . ., I. i ' i i'" """iijiiua tiuuiu,. ii nicy were law-i
, . ; , V ', T y Wilh l!uI W aud I nd: abiding they would not be hiding
irtv 1 ,v 'nr'-; l-k -hose authors iind time to in the mountains and other p'.uees
I urt prejudice and JHiht.cal o!,hga- writt ,,, nil the olmece i,. Lf .i xr..:...1..
t.,l,Ho1ti.nresuIt...hnf,,,st.nginto im,ltluri.neesof the land: and. ri.id n,. rU T,.
x- l V I4V14V M llli L
J 1 " tltlfc V.V (till
tiful chocolate cake
salad that I gave you
''The superintendent i
(i.'il,,, i....:. . ... . ... . , iv,-.. i -. . T v " '-'
... ' . . I on iKinu.ii " ""'i ""'"'"''rvinguie, what mill worse, tbrv find ,. I ..,,..i, i ,;v. is: "
wrier.s hi- ml, I K .,. i; ,l ....,,.,(. I ., .1 i . , . . ...... . ..u.. .-.-, ,rlIl, ,i,,pluu- ....
, . , , . I " i "ii.i turn."
slioi'l luitu-e,
done ith
All Kinds of turning i longas we find
'o ( hince for uu Alil.i
'If you are innocent," sail.
I "Owl.
monltj who take id easure oriToiiiTiifiiiii ti tv.I,..vi 1, i
men u li -. llirntn.li : .! ..... . . J r '
(lone with neatness and dispatt h ' ,r; .1 , ... , , "1t'-K w viliateit anil mor-! found on Ibe r;obc. The priests!
Dooi-.v window frames mn.le to i H ' ',arl' l'lnt' "W"" f hid apitite. to circulate their bo-1 of that e' aret will not .il,.r ,.i. !
ler, . -heap, r than the chc.mct. V'1'" lnMy "ml qualitieations of . gus Htiture aimmir the pupils of ilveamy. an - h -ill 1-. ,, t,,L !.vor to hia cliont' a' olJ d"
t .e aspirants for office, casting , our pulic scIkh.Is. I that the ' , reentio,, of wa d,ilrd wit!l stlinfc
iif i,,,n-..., :.. - ... - t ...... ......w
.,.-1 rii.nii(,t.n 111 net. uniain'e wiui : With
that spirit, so loner may we i.xi.i. ...l .1...
. . - j . . v.v. IIIU
Pn rents, teachers, min
,- -
a. j
jf. s TrwATrr?
'i . j I UV I iW. t .
H , - " - OauioiiM
n-ni h ii ItMhk Hco.iil Hh rut.
f j, r. Mount
----- - OllKuoN,
li'u- Milllillln.
V " " - - CiimioN,
1 SI., m.fir Cniirriliiibi.. Will
lie Court., ni Ori'ifiin, Swniiifi
Jlinl-it Sjii'i'lully.
(IK TI I K ric.u'H,
tH.Ufrtc ('utility, Vn.
Gaylord Spring Ded,
... Tit;8,r ,N T,,s '0IlLL
.r,.f i.r a
1 irk witrranled to he ftH rem
M-nti'il, or money reiuiulinl.
John t luei.Ks
:it and iii;ii.m:i.
'. , - - - - OlIKIIIlN.
, ''ATEt
lt'.l lll'II.KI'.K
. - - - (1.1,
llorso Shoeing
Al. d nil kinds of repairing well and
itiiekly done, at prices to unit
Stocks for shoeing wild horses
and oxen.
gfW Hul be mire nnd biinir, your
money with you.
l 'i i;.( l.l-.-- ,v Kl.K I 'S.
see corruption and fraud ex- naimdv
: 1 . .
" Aery oepannient ol govern- istcrs, eJtors ami church and tern-
i pern nee
lti, (!.., ..1 it. . i
I, . .' l"",17-M,VtWMw" iW-)' W,mlW our vouMi
lfestly a disposifon on ha xrt of fwm, ,r.i?flA .,ir', iT
omtn4 v J.Ilil'ui U: It Ther' ouuht to, b v a 1 oou ,
in. 11 nt-,n, nun u, t oi ui iiiiii i ng room 1 n every uikiucss cente
all phases of political eeonniy which j no that tho young man from t'
do not harmonize with the charter country, the visitor, as well as
of our liberties, the constitution. own youth, can have a profi'
We have a "Cleveland" to-day, I and pleasant place to ipend
who through adverse circumstances ! of their leisure motneits.
has maintained a name for honor Again we ask, whntareyour
and integrity. Wc have seen him 1 dren (big children) reading?
rising from obscurity, and with tho Police (lazttte or some otht
right and justice as his watchword, j like depraved sheet? If you ar
emerge from that obscurity, till ; not furnishing them something
tho brightness of his glory is un-j tor nt home, vou can res'
di mined by any act not warranted, that they are rending sot
by true patriotism, and we have j that sort. If you would
the assurance that his future, as tiling for those big chil
the past, will be unclouded by any they would ransack the
act ml verso to the best interests of t find, make the Youth $ C
the country. j tho Oregon Oracle and thf
Partisan spirit has been some- on re Advocate regular
what allayed. A spirit of indepen- your house. Then in
deuce pervades the minds of the J with those papers for yi
people, and they have resolved that little children, take one
true democratic government, with ! ics of tho best newspap
true democratic principles perinea- on tho coast, the best re
ting its every department shall pre- per in your denoiiilnii-.v
vail, and that our laud, once bless- 'county papr-rn, and :s 1
ur free schools thus invad- is not deferred until thev abandon i ' W 0l'S'U l bC aLne t0 l,r0VL
;u r... 1,. .1.. 4 1. .:.'- 1: . I an alibi.
.0 vinj ...iu n iiu-u.r, nicir i v. 1 priieneeB. fo, 11 orignam
Vouni? evtieels tn Ipnd n no. no'
. . , . j replied, doubtfully.
OTntlOIl into MuTleo nnil rnmnn I 1 '
. " """" j
there in, peace, he will h,T' tot
"I don' 'spects we kin," the darkey
ied, doubtfully.
t what time was the ham stol-