PORTLAND INQUIRER Six Friday. March 22. 1946 W O M K N ’ S 1P A V E Society News FASHIONS RADIO RECIPIES By Ann Morrison and Helena Sear eie & MtlllllllllilllllllUIIUIIIH •Illllll«ltllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllilllll[lllllllllill Mrs. C larisa S m ith re tu rn e d hom e S atu rd ay a lte r spending th e past m o n th in v arious p a rts of W est V irginia on account of th e illness and d ea th of h er h u sb an d ’s fa th e r, Mr. Sm ith, Sr. Back hom e, a fte r being in th e E ast an d M iddlew est, arriv e d Mr. R obert H ay w ard last week, W hile trav elin g M r. H ayw ard m ade several appearances as guest soloist. In Chicago he m ade recording of religious songs, also sang over th e radio on th e NBC broadcast. Mrs. H ay w ard w as once a m em ­ ber of th e fam ous E v e Jesse choir th a t sang in th e production P orgia an d Bess. P resid in g E lder, Rev. L. F. G reen, w as guest in our city last w eek. Sunday m orning he w as guest sp eak er a t B ethel AME church. M onday evening he h eld the th ird q u arte rly conference of the church year. A ll d ep artm en ts re p o rt an increase in m em bers an d finance. T he L oyal K nig h ts C lub m et T uesday, M ay 18, a t hom e of Mrs. B en Brown. 84 N. B rodw ay w ho anxiously | aw ait th e ir retu rn . NEW YORK NURSE VISITING IN CITY OF ROSES F rom th e big m etropolis, N ew Y ork C ity, cam e th e charm ing Mrs. A. C. Lam b, a n u rse in N ew Y ork C ity, to v isit an d m e e t h er husband, Mr. A. C. L am b, w ho is a stew ard on one of th e vessels now in P o rt h ere, a n d w ho has ju st re tu rn e d to th e states after sev eral m onths of service in th e S ouh Pacific. T hey are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. R ichardson, 2850 N. V ancouver Ave. T hey are h ere for an in ­ defin ite stay. SSSS HOUSEHOLD MEMOS... (a s c e . YOUR W EEK LY M EMORY T E S T H ow g o o d i t yo u r m e m o r y fo r fa c t$ a n d fa c e s ? H ere ¡8 y o u r ch a n ce to f in d o u t. ONE YEAH AGO T H IS W E EK T o save lab o r a n d critic a l ma- te ria ls, Ja m e s E. B yrnes u rg ed b an o n all fo rm s o f th is p o p u la r sp o rt. ANN PETRY, author of “THE PROMINENT FRATERNAL STREET,” Houghton Mi min LU- MAN IN HOSPITAL •ra rjr Fellow ship W inner. Mr. A. A. Jones, 3622 S. E. 6 th St., becam e a p a tie n t in the Good S am a rita n hosp ital M onday for a gen eral checking u p and tre a tm e n t to ascertain th e cause of his illnesr. Under Mr. Jo n es is .vtll know n in fra te rn a l circles h ere an d a t p res­ New Management e n t is tru ste e of E n terp rise Lodge No. 1, F. an d A. M. a n d also p ro m in en t in E n terp rise C h ap ter WEDDING BELLS D esp ite o p p o sitio n by th e m an of th e O rd er of E aste rn Stars. graaually. Then p ic tu re d ab o v e, so cialists an d a n a r ­ Mr. R obert C rossw hite and Miss As w e go to p rin t w e u n d erstan d add beaten eggs ch ists won d e p a rtm e n t electio n s in a n d m ilk . A dd R uby M inor, w ere q u ietly m arried th a t he is doing nicely. We w ish S p a in , a n d re b ellio n b eg an ag ain st T aste-tem pting hot breads add a you luck an d hope to see you re a l dry i n g r e d i e n t s W ednesday evening, M arch 13. th e le a d e rsh ip o f th is d ictato r. flavorful touch to any meal. Golden a n d m ix th o r - Mr. Ja m e s Jackson an d Mrs. soon, Mr. Jones. crusted muffins or fluffy biscuits are oughly. Mix in T H IR T Y YEARS AGO T H IS the perfect accom panim ent to m eat prunes. Turn into Cleo. C ooper w ere m arrie d F ri­ MERCHANT MARINE Modern W E EK and salads and go equally well with d ay evening, a t 8 p. m. by Rev. BACK HOME g r e a s e d muffin Conveniently Located G erm an tro o p s p re p a re d to a t­ a glass of m ilk for a snack or with J. Clow of th e Mt. O llivet E ap- pans and d eco ­ tack th is heavily fo rtifie d city, Mr. Ja c k Johnson, 1623 N. E. coffee or tea for breakfast. A LB ERT D ENNIS, Mgr. r a te e a c h m u f­ tist ch u rch a t th e hom e of the 1st Ave., a m em ber of th e M er­ fa m e d in W orld W ar I, a n d w here Don’t shy aw ay from m aking th e b a ttle cry “ T h ey sh all n o t p ass” b rid e’s m other. A large num ber ch a n t M arines, re tu rn e d to th e muffins because you fear only fa ir fin with a half was im m o rtalized . of guests w ere p resen t to con­ city Tuesday. Mr. Jo h n so n had results. Quick b read s a re the m ost a prune and nut. N. W . 4th and Glisan Bake In a m oderately hot (400 to 425 g ra tu la te th e h ap p y couple. The been to th e P an am a C anal and easily m ixed of all baked goods and degrees) oven for 25 to 30 m inutes. ANSW ERS Portland, Oregon gifts w ere m any and beautiful. New Y ork C ity. His w ife, Mrs. you need to b e ar in m ind only a Spice Muffins. ■unpj»A g few sim ple rules to have s u c c e s ^ J ^ Littl« M iss-T h e lm a U nthank, Essie Mae Johnson, and friends •oauojj o itto u n ij ’ u»f) -g The m ost im portant point to r e ^ i ' 2 cups sifted flour d a u g h ter of Dr. an d Mrs. D. N. w ere glad to see him. 1 egg m em ber is not to "over-m ix.” •I J O I 44 cup sugar U nthank, celeb rated h e r six th Muffin batter, for exam ple, should X ud f o Suiioi jdiuiud pun atJOfj ‘ J 1 cup milk |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiiinig six th b irth d ay S unday afternoon AMBASSADOR OF GOOD be "bum py” — stirred only until 44 cup melted shortening the dry ingredients a re dam pened a t the hom e of h e r p arents. T w en­ WILL ENROUTE TO JAPAN EAT WITH US 1 teaspoon ginger Mr. R udolph Ja c k Spencer, 221 by the liquid. B iscuits should not ty one yo u n g sters w ere on hand 1 teaspoon nutmeg You are always | be worked to death—they will be to w ish th e young lady a happy N. E. W asco St., a m em b er of th e 1 teaspoon cinnamon fa r m ore flaky and tender if the welcome— 3 teaspoons baking powder b irthday. A tu rk e y d in n er w ith M erchant M arines sailed T uesday cook is not too am bitious. Now Walks Without Sticks 1 teaspoon salt all th e trim m ings, topped of for Jap an . Quick hot breads a re an easy • TAKES MO MEDICINE • Sift together all dry ingredients. Mr. Spencer, as w as show n in way to put appetite appeal into the w ith a b e a u tifu l b irth d ay cake Mr. Isom Love, 8allis. Miss, s i m p l e s t m e a l . Combine egg, sugar, shortening and pets wonderful relief without w ere th e m ain featu res of the an article appearing in th e In ­ taking medicine. He says “ Be­ ingredients and stir Served with but­ milk. Add dry fore I began using your wonder­ q u ire r not long ago, sp en t several afternoon. ful treatment I was unable to ter and jam , they until sm ooth Fill greased muffin walk without 2 sticks. Now, I Mr. and Mrs. Loom is H arris w eeks in A ustralia and other will really give pans 44 full and bake in a m od­ can do my part of feeding my stock. Bless you for the relief honored presiding eld er L. F. p a rts of th e country, and w as the fam ily som e­ erately hot (400 to 425 degrees) oven I got” . You, too, may net rid until done, 25 to 30 minutes. of your pains; suffering; mis­ styled by th e p ap ers in Sydney, thing to look for­ G reen w ith a d in n er p arty . S h a r­ ery. duo to RHEUMATISM. What a re our standards for m ak­ ward to even if _ 'S C IA T IC A . A RT H R IT •**, "we never close" ing honors w ere Rev. and Mrs. A ustralia, “An A m bassador of LUMBAGO. NEURALGIA, with “ pain killing" the m ain dish is ing biscuits? P erfect biscuits are NAB 4 CREAM. No awful tasting medicines to take. C. N. A ustin, Jr. and Mr. R obert Good W ill.” Short Orders our light and fluffed, fairly straig h t and You just rub this quick-acting, cream where your hash from left­ aches and feels stiff. Comforting, joyous relief Mr. S pencer is a re p o rte r of th e over ro ast or soup and salad from even on the sides, level on top, body H ayw ard. specialty usually comes fast. NAB 4 CREAM is made of •paln-klllers” many doctors recommend. It’s safe, In q u ire r an d w ill, a t in terv als an accum ulation of dabs of food in well shaped and regular. Their ten­ harmless, but powerfully effective In chasing pains. Many who used to suffer will not be without It, and der crust is golden brown and ra th e r send us new s item s w hich, we the refrigerator. O. M. E. CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL bless the day they learned of this grand new treat­ 1461 N. Williams Ave. ment. It's a shame to suffer agonizing pains when Cheese adds flavor as well as pro­ smooth. When broken open, they you a re sure, w ill be in teresting. ST. PATRICK DAY'S TEA may get happy relief by Just sending for your show a cream y white, fluffy crum b tein to a m eal when m ade with FULL-8I7E jsr of NAB 4 C R E'M this minute. Mrs. Hazel Johnson, OFFICE SECRETARY SEND NO MONEY, la y your postman $2.00 plus which is even and flne-grained. muffins like the following: Sunday aftern o o n th e O. M. E. postaga or send $2 00 and we pay postage. MONEY- Manager ENJOYING VACATION BACK GUARANTEE. ORDER NOW! Dept. Over-mixing, or too long kneading •Cheese Muffins. N A B M FG . CO.. 103-0« Nsrthera Blvd.. Cersna. N. Y. C lub of t he B ethel A. M. E. l : i üllllllllliilillllllll W ord w as received from Miss (Makes 12 medium-sised muffins) of the dough m akes biscuits tough church held its a n n u al St. Pat? AD No. 2 with a pale crust. Speed and light R eb ek er S. Love, S e c re ta ry of 244 cups sifted all-purpose flour ric k ’s D ay tea a t th e hom e of handling a re essential for flakiness. 3 teaspoons baking powder th e P o rtla n d In q u irer, w ho is now Under-mixing, on the other hand, Mr. an d Mrs. A lex Cook, w007 44 teaspoon salt a t 1405 W ashington St., L aw ton causes lack of flakiness in biscuits. N. E. Rodney from th e opening , 44 cup grated American cheese O klahom a., th a t she fo u n d h er These biscuits also Irek in vol­ 1 egg to closing tim e people w ere dro p ­ fa th e r and o th er m em bers of h er ume. The fat needs to be well dis­ 1 cup milk ping in for tea. The room s w ere tributed for a flaky texture. fam ily w ell and frien d s glad to 44 cup melted butter decorated in yellow an d green The proportions for plain biscuit see h er; th a t she is h a v in g a Sift flour once, m easure; sift Into th e club’s colors. T he tea table a re as follows: 2 cups of flour, splendid v acation and has seen m ixing bowl with baking powder and 2 teaspoons bak­ w as lovely w ith a c e n te r piece of sev eral b ask etb all games. She salt. Add grated cheese and m ix in g p o w d e r , 44 spring flow ers, su rro u n d ed by sends reg ard s to friends, b u t did thoroughly. B eat egg. add m ilk and teaspoon salt, 5 IS PROUD TO PRESENT BY POPULAR d ain ty sandw iches, cakes, n u ts m elted butter, and pour into the tablespoons short­ not say w hen she w as retu rn in g . DEMAND center of the dry ingredients. Stir and candies. A t each end of th e ening and 44 cup PROMINENT SOCIETY quickly until dry ingredients are tab le ladies of th e club served milk. The dry in- MATRON ADMITTED just dam pened. B atter should not tr e ii.v . ’ * a r e tea, coffee and orange punch. TO HOSPITAL be smooth. Fill greased muffin p an ' __________ m ixed; the fat L adies pou rin g w ere M esdomes W ednesday, Mrs. Jo e H. Reed, about 44 full. Bake in a moderate- cut in, and enough milk added to G race P urcell, Jan ice Lewis, . . . featuring . . . of 1615 S. E. 49th St., w as adm it ly hot oven (425 degrees) for 15 or m ake the dough. Knead the dough M aud B anks, D ixie Mott, W. L. ted to th e E m anuel hospital 20 m inutes until golden brown. Serve for about 30 seconds, then roll and M yers, G ladys Boyd, Blanch w here, we are inform ed she will hot with b u tte r and jam . EARL KNIGHT . . . Spectacular Pianist cut. Use a hot oven (450 degrees) If you want to do other unusual and bake biscuits for 12 to 15 m in­ Brown, G. W. W ashington, L. u ndergo an operation. H e m any things with muffins you m ight like utes B lackburn, Rosa Nichols, and frien d s a re w ishing h e r success them with a prune or a spice fla­ Apple Sauce Biscuits. Mrs. G. Rich. Those in th e room an d a speedy recovery. vor. Both of these will add extra 2 cups flour w ere M esdam es E. Sam uels, Ola enjoym ent to m eals. 3 teaspoons baking powder Cook, A lm a Johnson, L ucile B a r­ Prune Muffins. 44 teaspoon soda 3t4 cups flour nes, A m eliar Lenies, Susie Reed, 1 teaspoon salt K teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons fat A nna S heppard, and M ary G rif­ 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg fith, p resid en t of th e Club. C or­ K teaspoon nutmeg 44 cup tart apple sauce sages of daffodils w orn by the 44 cup shortening 44 cup thick sour cream Phone Reservations . . . TRinity 3697 m em bers w ere m ade by Mrs 1 cup brown sugar Sift dry ingredients. Cut in fat. 2 eggs G ladys Ricks. Beat egg and add to apple sauce Pickett and Patterson, Managers 144 cup milk and sour cream . Add to first m ix­ M essrs Ja m e s G ra n t and B illy J Quick Reliable Service NEW MAYER HOTEL RHEUMATIC The KEYSTONE LUNCH THE DUDE RANCH BUDDY BANKS and His Buddies . BAR SERVI CE Delicious Foods Served from 1:00 P. M. Until 2:30 A. M. MACK SHOE REPAIR C ity and C olum bia, Mo., w here they w ill v isit th e ir m o th ers and friends w hile aw ay. T he have some d e a r friends at Reasonable Rates 212 N. BROADWAY 44 cup cut, cooked prunes, well drained Prunea and nuts for decoration Sift together first four ingredients. C ream shortening and add sugar ture. Turn on a floured board and knead tor 20 seconds. Roll to 44 inch thickness and cut into 2-inch bis­ cuits. P lace on an oiled cookie sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake. — 240 N. BROADWAY — — EVERY DAY IS A HOLIDAY —