Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, March 15, 1946, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Friday. March IS. 1946
B A R G A I N S Army Report on Negro Policy
I N H O M E S Much Ado About Nothing
Frank L. McGuire
Tiie m ore th a n 4,000 w ord r e ­
p o rt on th e W ar D ep a rtm e n t’s
fu tu re policy and practices in re ­
g ard to th e use of N egro troops,
issued M onday, seem s to be m uch
ado ab o u t nothing. The long-
a w aite d d o cum ent does n o t is­
sue in th e m illennium by any
m eans. In fact, it announces no
radical d e p a rtu re from th e g en ­
era l jim cro p a tte rn of th e U nited
S tates A rm y. The long-aw aited
rep o rt, by th e B oard of O fficers
on U tilization of N egro M anpow -
“A m erica’s L arg est H om e S eller ’
328 S. W. Washington
a c tre s s decides
to free lance it’s a g a m ­
ble, even sh e’s fam ous. B a r­
AT 7171
FRAN K L. McQUIRE—V ery m o­
d e rn side-by-side duplex. H a rd ­
wood fl. H op furnace. O ne side
read y to m ove in. A give aw ay
a t $6950. V ery good looking.
C all J. D. M orris, AT 7171. ask
fo r E-53.
b a ra B ritton decided to ta k e a
c h an ce, a while ago, and h er
su ccess will probably in spire
m a n y a n o th e r girl to do like­
wise. Before leaving P aram o u n t
she’d done "Till We Meet A gain,”
with R ay Milland, and "The Virgin­
ian ," not yet released, so she
couldn't tell how the public would
like her in th at one. H er first pic­
ture on her own was "C aptain
FR A N K L. McGUIRE—V acant!
3-bedroom , 6-room house. Ha. P.
furnace. F u ll cem ent basem ent
Good looking house p riced at
only $4490. C all J. D. M orris
A T 7171 ask fo r C-206.
FR A N K L. M cGUIRE— 5-room 2-
bedroom hom e. V ery reasonable
priced. E x cellen t location. W ell
b u ilt house. Q uick possession.
CaU J. D. M ooris AT 7171 ask
fo r D-156.
FRAN K L. M cQUIRE—Incom e
p ro p erty ! Lovely, n ew ly, dec­
orated! F u ll cem ent b asem ent,
5 bedroom , 8 room home. L ove­
ly lot. C o n v en ien t location.
P riced a t only $4990. C all J. D.
M orris AT 7171. Ask for C-232.
FR A N K L. M cG UIRE—C u te 2
bedroom , 5 ro o m home. O n bus
line. Good foundation. P a rtly
furnished. P riced a t only $3000.
C all J. D. M orris AT 7171 asV
for B 163.
Kidd," with C harles Laughton and
Randolph Scott. Now she’s signed
for a comedy, Republic’s "The
Fabulous Suzanne," in which Rudy
Vallee will also appear. Vallee will
have the comedy lead; Steve Sekely
produces and directs.
FR A N K L. M cG UIRE—6-room ,
--- *---
2 bedroom hom e. C l o s e to
A stray sailor becam e technical
school and bus. C o m e r lot. advisor
for a few m om ents on "One
P riced a t only $2950. C all J. E xciting W eek," a t Republic. Pinky
D. M orris, A T 7171. A sk for Lee and Shemp Howard, as a p a ir
of phoney m arines, had a scene
FR A N K L. McGUIRE—A good
buy! 2 flats, fo u r room s each.
Good incom e. Nice looking, 50x
100 lot. E asy term s, close to
bus service. C all J. D. M orris,
AT 7171, ask fo r F-61.
FRAN K L. M cGUIRE—V ery n eat!
4 room s up, 3 room ap t. in
basem ent on 50x100 lot. E x tra
50x100 lot across th e stre e t is
V e r y reaso n ab ly
priced. Close to bus lines,
stores, schools, and church. C all
J . D. M orris, A T 7171, a sk for
FRAN K L. M cGUIRE—H om e an
w heels. 1 room tra ile r, stove,
bed and built-ins. O nly $125.00.
C all J. D. M orris, A T 7171. A sk
fo r H-123.
showing them changing th eir uni­
form s And they couldn't get out of
those skin tight navy jum pers. The
sailor, who goes down in history—
AMM 3/c Donald Wardwick, stepped
forw ard and showed them the way.
"G oing My Way” has Just begun
a four-theater run in P aris, one of
its first E uropean engagem ents. But
A m ericans there m ay be m isled by
the title; it’s been translated into
local idiom, and Is called "The Road
Strewn with S ta rs."
e r in th e P o st-w ar A rm y, goes
into m any high-sounding d etails
on th e need for g re a te r u tiliza­
tion of m anpow er in th e n e x t
w ar; th e progress m ade by the
N egro servicem an a n d civilian
since th e last W orld W ar; indoc­
trin a tio n of w hate folks, especial­
ly those in th e arm y, concering
th e N egro’s w o rth an d th e ir a tti­
tu d e to w ard him ; assignm ent d if­
ficulties of Negro troops, espec­
ially com bat m en; all of w hich is
a gen eral rehashing of th e sam e
old thing.
The board recognizes th e value
of education for arm ed services,
th e v alu e of th e N egro’s c o n tri­
bution in b attle, th e lack of e d u ­
cational and o th er o p p o rtu n ities
w hich h av e re ta rd e d him , and all
th a t adds u p to th e second-class
citizenship w ith w hich th e A m er­
ican N egro is b u rd en ed
Negroes Set A part
B ut does it recom m end com ­
p lete and unequivocal i n t e g r a ­
tion of N egroes, on th e sam e bas­
is of w hite, in all b ran ch es of
th e arm y and o th er arm ed se r­
vices? No! Does it abolish racial
quotas? No! Does it sp eak ag ain st
th e jim cro education system s th a t
keep th e N egroe’s o p p o rtu n ities
u n eq u al to his w hite fellow c it­
izens? No.!
A ll th ro u g h th e re p o rt the N e­
gro is discussed as a race apart.
N ow here is it recom m ended, sug­
gested, o r h in ted th a t all N egroes
w a n t an d all th ey should have
is th e sam e chance an d th e sam e
tre a tm e n t, to be tre a te d exactly
lik e any o th er A m erican citizen—
no b e tte r, no worse.
Som e of th e recom m endations
for fu tu re policy and practices
* to utilize N egro m anpow er on
Pag« ThrM
a broader professional scale than
has o b tained heretofore.
* to utilize q ualified in d iv id ­
uals in ap p ro p riate special and
overhead units.
* to use th e sam e proportion of
N egroes in th e A rm y as exists
in the population.
Smaller Units Wanted
* to accept an unspecified n u m ­
ber of qualified N egro officers in
th e R egular A rm y w ho w ill be
re q u ired to m eet th e sam e sta n d ­
ard s set fo r w hite officers.
* to group N egro u n its w ith
w hite u n its in com posite o rg an i­
zations, like th e N egro platoons
in w hite com panies used in G er­
m any in W orld W ar II. (Boldface
* to organize N egro troops in ­
to u nits no larg er th a n an in ­
fa n try regim ent, not w hole d i­
visions like th e 93rd. (Boldface
* to accord to all oficers, re ­
ties w here com m unity attitu d y es
a re most favorable an d “in such
stre n g th as w ill not constitute
an undue burden to th e local
civilian population, exceptions to
th is principle to be prem ised on
th e basis of m ilitary necessity.”
T here is no doubt th a t some
recom m endations are slightly a d ­
vanced over form er policies and
practices, b u t it seem s to m e th a t
th e d ep artm en t, if it w ere earn est
in setting up a real dem ocratic
arm y, could have saved all of
th is tim e, effort and p ap er by
m ere’y
reporting th ese
w ords: “A bolish segragation and
discrim ination."
-A T w a t e r
Dr. P. R. Brower
306 P e a r s o n 4 t h A v e . Bldg-.
418 B. W . W a s h i n g t o n
1500 N. Williams Avi.
Portland, bregon
Is Proud Inded to Present . . .
When he began directing "Calcut­
ta," John Farrow said, "The one
thing I want to do in this picture Is
to get the flavor of the real India.
I’m not after that Arabian Nights
stuff that is usually seen." So we’ll
see Alan Ladd, Gail Russell, and
the rest of the excellent cast
against a background of India as It
really Is, and we’ll all owe John
Farrow a debt of gratitude.
---- * ----
FRAN K L. M cGUIRE— B eautiful
7 room , 3 bedroom home, p a rt­
ly furnished, d o uble p lu m bing;
fuel furnace. Good location. J.
D. M orris, A T 7171, ask fo r C-
---- * ----
B artlett Robinson, "W alter Man­
ning” of "P o rtia F aces L ife,” has
bought an island in Long Island
Sound, betw een D arien and S tam ­
ford; connected with the shore by
a causew ay, the island boasts a 125-
year-old house. Robinson says he's
going to spend all his spare tim e
for y e ars fixing It up. He'd better—I
rem em b er th at house, and the
neighbors claim it’s haunted!
It’s Van Heflin's sister, Frances,
FR A N K L. M cGUIRE— 6 room , 3 who plays the p a rt of “ Nora Holi­
bedroom h'-me, q u ick posession. 2 day” in the new CBS a ir show. Holi­
blocks to bus, schools, close to day and Co. But F ra n c es doesn't
have to re st on her b ro th er's lau­
stores. C all J . D. M orris, AT rels; till recently she appeared in
7171, ask for C-200.
the Broadway stage hit, “ I R em em ­
ber M am a.”
FR A N K L. McGUIRE— 8 room
home, all hardw ood floors dw n;
R em em ber Paul L avalle’s fam ous
basem ent; furnace. On bus, close “Society of Lower Basin Street” ?
to stores, school. E asy term s. It's rum ored th a t he m ay revive it
C om petely fu rn ish ed .
J. D. — the ru m o r's been growing since
M orris, A T 7171, ask for C-97. the appearance of the jiving "M em ­
phis F ive” on L avalle's "H ighw ays
In Melodv.” on NBC recently.
EI >1 TOR'S V O T t t This newspa/ter,
through s/wcial arrangement with the
W’n shingttm Bureau oj Western New»'
paper i'n io n at 161 6 Eye Street, /V. JJ7.,
Washington, l). C., is able to bring reud
ers this weekly column on problems of
the veteran and sen iceman and his fam­
ily. Questions may he uddressed to the
above Bureau
l they w ill be answered
in a subsequent colum n. No replies can
be made direct b mail, but only in the
colum n which w ill appear in this news­
paper regularly.
W hen Will Vets R e tu rn ?
The W ashirt'ton office of W estern
Neivspaper Union has received
scores of letters from parents,
wives, sw eethearts and friends ol
m en in service, all asking when
th eir loved ones will get out of the
service. We cannot answ er these let­
te rs with any degree of accuracy
because there is no way of a sc er­
taining when men with a given num ­
ber of points in a given th ea tre will
be released. T here a re too m any
circum stances which m ust be con­
sidered in any p a rticu la r area.
Here, however, is the prom ise of
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhow er, m ade
in his recent address before a joint
session of congress Ja n u a ry 15. as
re g ard s enlisted men:
"By April 30, 1946. all enlisted
m en. except volunteers, with 45
points as of Septem ber 2, '945, or
with 30 m onths' service as of April
20, 1946, will be separated from the
a rm y or aboard ship returning
"B y June 30. 1946 all enlisted
m en, except volunteers, with 40
points as of Septem ber 2, 1945, or
with 24 m onths’ service as of June
30, 1946, will be se p a ra ted from the
arm y or aboard ship returning
hom e."
G eneral "Ik e” further said th at
w hether this ra te of discharge can
be m aintained depends directly
upon the ra te of replacem ents or
inflow into the arm y. So this com ­
m itm ent is lim ited to July 1, 1946.
Q u e stio n s a n d A n s w e r s
T he five P o rtlan d high school
ju n io rs and seniors w ho a re n am ­
ed as w inners in th e N o rth w est
A irlines A ir A ge co n test w ill
have a tran sco n tin en tal a ir flight
to New Y ork, stay a t one of th e
biggest hotels, be ta k e n on con­
d u cted to u rs o f the c ity an d fly
back hom e a fte r th e close of
school in Ju n e.
“T he high school stu d en ts of
today are the airlin es passengers
an d operators of the fu tu re ,” d e­
clared D an W. H utchins, d istrict
traffic m anager of th e N orthw est
A irlines, in announcing th e con­
T he fo u r classifications fo r en ­
tries in th e contest a re as fol­
low s: 1. L iterary : poem s, com po­
sitions, essays expressing th e fu ­
tu re of th e A ir Age.
2. F ine A rt: an y m edium m ay be
used, such as w ater color, oils,
pastels, linoleum , or w ood block
cuts, scu lp tu rin g , p h o tography o r
ceram ics. 3. M echanical; m odel
airplanes, designs fo r airfields,
suggestions fo r in ventions to im ­
prove safety or com fort in the
A ir Age. 4. P rom otion: posters,
advertisem ents, booklets.
A ny stu d en ts in the ju n io r and
senior y ears at P o rtlan d public
or p riv ate high schools inay com ­
p ete in th is contest. S im ilar con­
tests are being held in Tacom a
and Seattle, an d th e 15 w inners
w ill tra v e l to N ew Y ork together.
Latest Recordings
Q. I mm a widow of World War
II with one child. I drew an allot­
ment (or m yscll and baby until lie
was killed in action in the navy.
Khi insurance was made to his par­
ents and neither (lie baby or I was
mentioned in the papers. Now his
parents are drawing this. Is there
any way for me to get this or any
part of the insurance?—Mrs. O. M.
— O pen Daily —
C. , Crcssville, Ala.
A. There is no way for you to ob­
10:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M.
tain this insurance if you were not
nam ed as beneficiary, unless parents
— S atu rd ay s —
of the servicem an are willing to
sh are with you. You, however, are
10:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M.
entitled to a pension for yourself and
Q. Would it be possible for a vet­
eran’s widow who is receiving a
Spanish American war pension of
$30 per month, to exchange il for a
World War pension to whleb she Is
also entitled? How would she go
about making the exchange?—H. 51.
D. . Elk Mills, Md.
A. Yes, the veteran s' a d m in istra ­
so o rix a c o n t r a c t o r s
tion says it is possible. Consult your
E lR e y B l« t« S u rfa ce d S h in g le s
n e are st regional v e te ran s’ adm in­
and S id in g
istration office, probably a t Rich­
1515 W. B 33rd A r e .
O A . 9943
mond or Baltim ore.
Q. We had a nephew who was in
the army In the Philippines when
war was declared. He was taken
prisoner and died in a Jap prison CLOTHES for the ENTIRE
camp In July, 1942. He did not carry
Insurance. His mother la a widow
and Is she entitled to receive any
compensation? The boy's father was
a World War I veteran and died In P M - W A B 1 0 0 »/. P U U W O O L S » « I
D o n b lo p ly th re a d bo «
1930.—His aunt, Watsontown, Pa.
t o bo b o u g h t t o d a y la
A. I would say th a t the widowed
n ow o lo th la g a t a n y
m other, if she was dependent upon
pilot I
S U F B I ■ F A C IA L
the veteran, is entitled to a pension.
fo r W O M B »
However, she should file a claim
S U g h t ly H o o d
with the nearest office of the v eter­
ans' adm inistration, probably at
B ld lc n lo n o ly P r ic e d
Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, and
they will determ ine her eligibility.
5 A D I1 I D u m a
a n d MB »8
Q. My son has been discharged
Be Beat
from the army. He entered service
February, 1941. Is he entitled to the.
pre-Pearl Harbor ribbon? He was en­ Convince oYurself by A sking for
titled to three bronze stara, but only
one was shown in his discharge. Is
Boro Clothing Exchange
there some way this can be put on 39 M y r t l e A f t .
B r o o k ly n , » . T .
his discharge and where can I ob­
tain the Information?—Mrs. W. M. J.,
Purvis, Miss.
A. F or answ ers to both questions
w rite to the office of the adjutant
general, enlisted personnel, w ar de­
partm ent, Washington. D. C.
Q. My husband has one child and
has been in the marines since Au­
gust, 1943, and overseas since June
2272 N. Interstate Are.
1, 1945. How many paints does he j
have? He is In Peiping, China.
When can I expect him home?— j
Portland'« Leading
Mrs. D. H. 8., Lcwlshurg, Pa.
A. As of Septem ber 2, your
Colored Hotel
husband has 38 points. He is not
likely to be home soon since the
m arines a re screening all low po'nt
m en and regulars out of units schi d-
M U rdock 9533
uled to return home soon. F'fty
points a re necessary for discharge.
Song Hits - Cosmetics
A rthur (CBS) Godfrey went into a
New York re sta u ra n t for a steak
FR A N K L. M cGUIRE— 5 room , 2 and cam e out with a tenor. It was
bedroom hom e. F u ll cem e n t Frank Saunders, the bartender. God­
basem ent. Close to school and frey took him to the studio to sing
bus. Q uick possession. O nly on his p ro g ram —couldn't get Saun­
$2950. F o r m ore info rm atio n ders away from the m ike before
he’d sung three songs to the de­
call J. D. M orris. AT 7171.
light of the studio audience. God­
frey. too, was delighted, and has
FR A N K L. M cGUIRE—C o m fo rt­ asked the singer to ap p ear with him
able, 6 room , 3 bedroom f u r ­ again.
nished hom es; con v en ien t loca­
tion. Nice lot. V ery n e a t an d
clean. O nly $4000.
C all AT.
7171, ask fo r J. D. M orris, ask
for E-157.
Air Age Conics!
Winners io Fly
Miss Eftie Smith
FLOOR SHOW NIGHTLY . . . Featuring
FRED & SLEDGE, Sensational DenceTeam
Photos Taken W hile You W ait by Photo Flash
Picture C om pany
fSKEETER EVANS and His Little Jazz Comb(
Arvell W. "Cy" Denton, M an ag er
RESERVATIONS . . . Phone EAst 0852