.. have OHr-«* w *i \l«i3 p a * * * ' J 5 “c ■ 'c H E li' ÜKW vr An Associated Negro Press Publication * a SM* f orila ttfc-ltuutin'r Serving the Pacific Northwest Oregon ’s ‘l^egro tVeekly PO RTLAN D. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 15. 1946 VOLUME 2 PR IC E 10c NUMBER 33 Dr. Robert N. Joyner Addresses Crowd President of NAACP Pleases His Listeners With Timely Advice S unday w eek, Dr. R obert N. Jo y n er, P residen t of th e P o rtlan d and V ancouver B ranches of th e N.A.C.P. Association spoke to a th rong of m ixed audience in V anport. Dr. Jo y n e r urged m em bers of o u r group to join organizations th a t a re fighting th e b a ttle for m inority groups, because only in union is th ere strength. He gave a b rief o utline of the w ork of th e N.A.A.C.P., and u rg ­ ed his listeners to become a m em ­ ber an d help c a rry on th e b attle for rig h t and justice. He stressed and urged th a t our group m ust continue to educate them selves along all lines, be- cause it is thro u g h th is m edium w e can keep pace w ith o th e r n a ­ tions and relieve o u r low eco­ nomic situation. He inform ed his listen ers th a t it w as because of o u r lack of p rep aratio n to successfully com ­ pete w ith others, to g eth er w ith th e social and civic p ressu res against us th a t stan d as bul- w lw arl along th e road of p ro ­ gress. He praised Dr. S palding, of the V anport school board, also Mr. H am ilton o f th e V an p o rt school system for th e ir splendid co-oper­ ation. He said, “Not only m ust we educate o u r youths, b u t we m ust teach them fair play, how to be­ come b e ttq t citizens, and not carry a chip on th eir shoulder. He stren u o u sly urged th a t we ta k e o u r place in th e field of politics and select p ro p er and com petent leaders. W hile he stressed joining the N A.A.C., y e t h e praised o th er a u x iliaries and told of th e ac­ com plishm ents of each. He p a rtic u la rly praised the U rban L eague and th e ir staff and stated th a t th e re w as no friction b etw een his organization and the others. He stro ried th e fact tAat. o e r group, p a rticu larly , m ust rhalrt friends w ith m ajo rity groups and striv e to keep and foster this friendship w hen it is achieved. He gave a brief sum m ary of the activities of th e N.A.A.C.P., and of th e m any u p h ill b attles th a t they are w aging, fighting for m in o rity groups all o v er the country. A t the conclusion of his ad ­ dress he w as greeted w ith th u n ­ derous and vociferous applause. Negro Manned Randolph Discuss GOVERNOR SNELL ISSUES "Bert Williams" March for FEPC REPORT TO THE PEOPLE Comes to Portland ANNOUNCER: Should the state th is proposed in stitu tio n w ould New Y ork City - (WDL) - Be- ■fore an enthusiastic crow d of 17,- of O regon acquire the K lam ath be operated as a tem p o rary u n it O ur city w as honored last w eek 000 at New Y ork’s M adison Falls M arine Base to provide edu­ only to m eet the d ire educational w hen th e ship, “B ert W illiam s”, S quare G arden, A P h ilip R an­ cational facilities for retu rn in g em ergency w ith w hich w e w ill be nam ed a fte r th e fam ous deceased dolph International P resid en t of veterans? E very Sunday evening confronted n ex t fall. It is propos- com edian, B ert W illiams, cam e th e B rotherhood of Sleeping a t th is tim e th e A m erican B road­ e d t o operate this facility as a into port. It w as m anned by a C ar P o rters and co-chairm an of casting C om pany and Radio S ta ­ low er division tw o -y ear school, colored c a p ta in and an en tire the N ational Council for a P e r­ tion K EX present a report to you perh ap s as an extension facility (C ontinued on page 8) colored crew . T hey are a a sp le n ­ m an en t FEPC, called on m em bers on m atters th a t concern you. To­ did group of m en and d u rin g th e of m inority and other groups to night we have in our studio His e n tire tim e th a t th ey have been stage a silent, non-violent m arch E xcellency, E arl Snell, G overnor in P o rtlan d , none h av e been ac­ dow n the streets of the n atio n ’s of Oregon, w ho w ill answ er ques­ C apital if Congress fails by Ju n e tions concerning this proposed cused of doing u n m an ly acts. Since th e y have been here 30th to enact fair em ploym ent state acquisition in o rd er th a t the listening audi-jnce m ay have the about one-half of th e original practices legislation. crew have been on furloughs W arning against w ords of h ate benefit of additional inform ation and m any have been discharged tow ards the Bilbos and R ankins, concerning this project. G overnor and now th e crew is ab o u t h alf R andolph asserted th a t th e fight Snell, w ould you tell us under Seventeen thousand A m ericans and half, b u t still th e colored for a perm anent F a ir E m ploy­ w hat term s and conditions the stood up to be counted a t M ad­ cap tain is in charge of said ship. m ent P ractices C om m ission was M arine Base a t K lam ath Falls ison S quare G arden F e b ru a ry 28, We have been inform ed th a t “m orally stronger now th a n it w ould be tu rn ed over to th e as partisan s in a rew ard struggle th is ship an d its crew did y eo ­ was before the poll-tax S outhern state? for a p erm anent F a ir E m ploym ent GOVERNOR. Well, a definite P ractice Comm ission. A ddressed m an w ork fo r A m erica d u rin g senators conducted th e ir seven­ th e w ar and is still “c a rry in g on”. teen-day fascist filibuster, s trik ­ proposal upon w hich th e S tate and backed by leading political, B oard of H igher E ducation m ight governm ent and labor figures, as If you h av e n ’t seen th is ship ing down m ajority ru le.” New Y ork City - (WDL) - De­ and th e crew try to do so before S ecretary of L abor L ew is B. act officially has not been su b ­ w ell as religious an d c u ltu ral nouncing successive police a t­ it and th ey leave. Schw ellenbach sounded th e key ­ m itted. H ow ever, it is now in the personages, th e rally w as an tacks on th e G eneral E lectric note of the rally w hen he stated fo rm ative stage in W ashingon. im m ense success ar.d a d irect mass picket line in P h iladelphia, th e fight for the FEPC bill had This K lam ath F alls in stitu tio n is challenge to th e S o u th ern b o u r­ M orris M ilgrim , N ational Secre­ ju st begun, th a t it w ould e v e n t­ a six and a h alf m illion dollar bons. ta ry of the W orkers Defense L ea­ ually win, because it w as right, project w ith excellent equipm ent B ut behind th e sev en teen th o u ­ and a large am ount of supplies. sand w ho dem o n strated w as a gue, today released a statem en t decent and A m erican. by the L eagu e’s N ational A c­ “I come h ere to n ig h t clothed It consists of 65 m ajor buildings, group of persons w ho labored The U rban L eague recen tly tion C om m ittee upholding mass announced today tw o fellow ship w i^i full au th o rity to speak on an especially fine gym nasium , late into th e n ig h ts fo r th ree picketing. M ilgram sta te d th a t ’ y f of P resid en t T ru m an ,” the au d ito riu m and th e a tre seating m onths organizing the mas* m eet- aw a rd s av ailab le for th e _ tb e .nos? •aV TTfffinding to l th t f ro a m s" 6 f com m unity lead e rs could oneck- fcr S ecretary deckltvd. VI come ovdr a thousand, y e a r 1*940-1*47* Both of Ate m ate efforts of an ti-lab o r ele­ low ships a re offered for study* Tilirti au th o rity to tell you th a t m odern sw im m ing pools on the d etail th a t surro u n d such an u n ­ m ents by joining th e p ickets and a t th e U niversity of P ittsb u rg h , he is ju st as determ ined as was coast, ad m in istratio n building, dertaking. upholding th eir rig h t to keep one in th e G rad u ate School of his predecessor th at th is fair em ­ very m odern dining rooms, sev ­ T here w as Max D elson, W ork­ th e p lan ts closed and th e ir jobs Economics, and th e o th er in th e ploym ent practices principle be eral resid en tial houses, all in e x ­ ers D efense L eague n atio n al open. School of A pplied Social Sciences. en acted in to law by th e C on­ cellent condition and w ell-equip­ counsel and ch airm an of th e r a l­ T he W orkers D efense League, The total v alu e of each g ra n t is gress of the U nited States. And ped w ith m ost m odern and up-to- ly, w ho provided a d riving force n o n -p artisan defense agency of $1,100, w ith th e U niv ersity p ro ­ he intends to carry on th a t fight d ate facilities. Now, th e ten tativ e and a strongbox of ideas. E x ecu ­ th e labor m ovem ent, includes in viding th e tu itio n of $300 and the ju st as did F ranklin D. Roose­ proposal w as th a t th e federal tive Secretary M aida S pringer its E xecutive B oard such labor governm ent w ould tu rn this e n ­ and h er assistant, W illiam S u th ­ N ational and P ittsb u rg h U rban velt.” leaders as Jam es B. C arey, Sal O th er speakers at th e rally, tire p la n t over to th e state free erland, both of th e C ouncil for a L eagues sh arin g jo in tly in th e B. H offm an and M ichael C. H a r­ balance, payable in nine m onthjy w hich was chaired by M ax Del- of any costw hatsoever, or possib­ P erm an en t FE PC , m ade th e rally ris. Its N ational C hairm an is son, W orkers D efense L eague Na- ly by lease arran g em en ts w ith the possible. S u th erlan d , w hose job stipends. th e Rev. A ron S. G ilm artin. T he Economics fellow ship is tionl Counsel and ch airm an of the und erstan d in g th a t it w ould lit it w as to secure sp eak ers and The fu ll statem en t of th e L ea­ designed to aid a stu d en t in te r­ Legal C om m ittee w hich drafted used prim arily for the education en tertain m en t, succeeded fo r b e ­ ers or intim idation of non union ested in fhe field of lab o r-m an ­ th e FEPC bill, w ere: Mrs. E lean­ of retu rn in g veterans. gue follow s: yond his own exp ectatio n s and “T he grow ing use of th e in ­ w orkers, to continue his o p era­ agem ent relationships, w ith p re ­ or Roosevelt; G eorge K. H unton, ANNOUNCER: W hat w ould be it w as his w ork th a t left th e a u d ­ tions and th u s increase th e al­ ju n ctio n against picketing w here ference given to persons e x p e ri­ for th e C atholic In terracial C oun­ th e cost of reconverting th e Base ience at the G arden cheered, d e ­ violence or intim id atio n is c h a rg ­ ready g re a t d isp arity in th e eco­ enced e ith er in U ib an League in­ cil; R abbi W illiam J. R osenblum ; to an educational in stitu tio n and term ined and ready to force the ed calls fo r a reex am in atio n of nomic resources of th e con ten d ­ d u stria l relations w ork o r in oth er Roy W ilkins for th e NAACP; w hat w ould be th e cost of opera­ passag of FEPC. th e picketing technique an d w hat ing parties. The union m ust be sim ilar activities in th e field. A p­ S enator W ayne M orse of O regon tion? T he packed hall, th e e n th u si­ p erm itted to use all peaceful plican ts for both g ran ts m ust be and S enator D ennis Chavez of constitutes its legitim ate use. GOVERNOR: It is really a bit astic audience, th e rally itself, m eans w ith in its pow er to seal “P icketing as a m eans o f p u b ­ g rad u ates or candidates for g ra d ­ New Mexico, tw o of the p rin ­ am azing to learn how little recon­ is M aida S pringer. F orm erly licising a labor disp u te is now off the com pany and p re v e n t its u ation for accredited colleges. cipal S enatorial sponsors of the struction w ould be necessary to E du catio n al D irector of Local This can un iv ersally recognized as a legi­ continued operation. A pplications m ust be filed at legislation; Fiorello H. L aG uar- convert this in stitu tio n into a con­ 132, ILGWU, Mrs. S p rin g er cam e tim a te exercise of th e rig h t to only be effectively done in m any th e N ational U rban League, 1133 dia; Jam es B. C arey of the CIO, venient, efficient and en tirely a d ­ into th e leadership of th e N ew freedom of speech. It can be instances thro u g h th e m edium B roadw ay, New Y ork C ity 10, and M atthew Woll of the AFL. eq u ate facility for educational Y ork C ouncil “cold.” S tartin g exercised by one o r it can be of m ass picketing. before M arch 15, 1946, on blanks Mr. Woll read a m essage from purposes. E very d etail of cost and from scratch she developed an “Such picketing is v iolent only fu rn ish ed by request. A n u n ­ W illiam G reen, P resid en t of the ad m in istrativ e question is being organization, m anaged by scrap ­ exercised by a thousand so long as it is peaceful an d for th e p u r­ w hen efforts are m ade to vinlate assem bled com petitive ex am in a­ A FL, w ho said: explored and studied. It is esti­ ing. arguing and pleading, to fi­ the picket line e ith e r by re p re ­ tion w ill be held later. F u rth e r pose of publicising th e dispute. “Those w ho conducted th e fili­ m ated one hu n d red thousand dol­ nance it, and sim ultaneously “I t should be recognized and sen tativ es of th e em ployer or by inform ation m ay be obtained by b u ster in the Senate in opposi­ lars w ould be req u ired to m o­ tackled th e task of holding a adm itted, how ever, th a t p ick et­ public officials in te rfe rin g w ith calling th e U rban L eague of P o rt­ tion to the FEPC bill actually dernize portions of the buildings successful rally. Too m uch c re ­ ing w hen done en m asse is m ore th e law ful rig h ts of th e strikers. land at Be 2401. served to stren g th en th e fixed for classroom purposes. The a n ­ dit cannot be given her. th an a m ere publicising of a dis­ To say th a t a larg e n u m b er of determ in ation o f the friends of nual cost of operation is estim ated Jesse C avileer, C hurch and pute. P ersisten t m ass picketing, strik e rs ab o u t a p la n t has an th is legislation to fight on.” a t four hundred thousand dollars, Y outh S ecretary for th e C om m it­ as distinguished from a b rief d e ­ in tim id atin g effect on prospec­ Speaking for the CIO, Mr. C ar­ from w hich am ount th ere would tee, did the e x tra and essential m onstration of th e w o rk ers’ sol­ tiv e w o rk ers i* to say m erely ey declared th a t discrim ination be deducted one hundred and fif­ w ork of g ath erin g volunteer idarity, is an organized a tte m p t th a t strik b re a k e rs b ro u g h t in by m eant low er wages, and com par­ ty thousand dollars in tuition, w orkers to assist th e office staff. to m ain tain the statu s quo in th e em ployer to in tim id ate th e L ancaster, Pa. (WDL) - The ed th e G eneral M otors strik e w ith leaving a n et operatin g cost of Ed W ahl, L abor S ecretary , M ary the em ployer-em ploye re la tio n ­ union are in fluenced by th e dis­ A FL gen eral sym p ath y strilte, th e b attle for FEPC, as struggles tw o hundred and fifty thousand H illyer, C oordinator, V ivian O- ship u n til a settlem en t is re a c h ­ play of union stren g th . The re ­ in w hich th e W orkers Defense w orkingm en could not afford to dollars per year. An ex penditure dems, D oris G allim ore and M ary ed. T his cannot be m ain tain ed cen t gen eral strik e a t L ancaster, L eague helped to com bat a n $ - lose. of one hu n d red thousand dollars B eatovic, secretaryies, carried on if th e em ployer is perm itted , th ru Penn,, d ram atically d em o n strated union propaganda, ended a f tir The rally w as u n d er the au s­ w ould be req u ired to rem odel th e the d etail so essential. th e im portation of strik e-b reak - th a t th e activ ities of th e police 4 days w ith th e Conestoga TrarA- pices of the *New Y ork City b arracks into th e m ore desirale C redit, a large and generous w ere th e sole cause of disorders p o rtatio n Co., backing dow n on Council for a P erm an en t FEPC. ty p e of living q u arters. This sh are m ust be ex ten d e d to the on the picket line. its refusal to bargain. An p- w ould include the reconverting of M arch on W eshington M ovem ent “T he public has an in te re st in g reem en t w as n egotiated pro v id ­ D ue to the fact th a t our A d v er­ 31 b arracks into approxim ately and to A ldrige T urner, its T reas­ all lab o r disputes. It has an ing 12c hou rly raises, increafe tising M anager, Mr. J. W. Brooks, four hun d red and fifty com fort­ u re r and C lara Singleton, his in terest and a d a u ty to th a t such in re tire m e n t benefits and m a in ­ left recently and we have not, as able ap artm en ts for m arried vet- secretary. A. P h ilip Pandolph, disp ju tes are settled by b arg a in ­ ten an c e of m em bership. y et selected his successor; and I erans. T his la tte r project, howev P resident, and B enjam ir F. Mc- ing betw een th e parties, not by In terv en in g a t th e req u est i f because of the rush in tilin g in- er, w ould be self-liquidating in a L aurin of th e B ro th er ,iood of econom ic a ttritio n n o r by th e in ­ an A FL rep resen tativ e, th e W ork­ come ta x reports, w e have not couple of years, and a t v ery nom ­ Sleeping C ar P orters, w ere in v al­ tim id atio n o f th e w orkers e ith e r ers D efense L eague d ra fte d a been able this w eek to receive inal rentals. uable. by th e com pany’s effo rts to re ­ sta te m e n t of th e strik e factfe our news, nor properly contact ANNOUNCER: G overnor Snell, It is im possible to nam e them place the strik e rs or by th e th re a t and obtained the sig n atu res Of individuals and firm s for this is- in the event th is K lam ath Falls all. T h ere w ere volunteers, staff of crim inal con tem p t proceedings sev eral leading citizens of th e sue, for w hich we ask your in project is acquired, ju s t w hat e d ­ w orkers and ju s t frien d s w ho th ro u g h th e in ju n ctiv e process. com m unity. T he local press had : dulgence. ucational facilities w iuld be p ro ­ gave an hour of th e ir tim e here, P u b lic-sp irited citizens cannot r e ­ so d isto rted th e strik e p ictu re We w ill m ake am ends n ex t vided? and a h alf day there. U n fo rtu n ­ m ain aloof from th ese disputes, th a t m any of th e tow nspeople week. GOVERNOR: U nder the pres­ ately anonym ous, th e ir co n trib u ­ p a rtic u la rly w hen th e y m anifest had no idea of th e issues in v o lr- CHESLEY E. CORBETT, e n t plan, as being considered by tion is understood, recorded and them selves in mass picketing, ed. M anaging E ditor th e B oard of H igher Education, deeply appreciated. Mass Picketing Upheld by Worker Behind the Stage At the Great FEPC Rally Urban League Anounces Awards General Strike Wins Agreement *