Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, March 01, 1946, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Friday. M arch 1, 1946
Race Prejudice Is Robeson Guest
An Illness
At Reception
Declares Doctor
S'S IN CITATION?" — "Let's
break the news to Duffy." says Ed
"Archie% Gardner. Mine Host of
"Duffy's Tarern" where Eddie
Green holds forth as "Eddie the
Waiter." The Writers Board Re­
port for January 1946 offers the
following citation for the "Duf­
fy's Tavern" series of nationwide
Social HaU
Scene of Tea
You’re Never Too Youn.g
The Social hall of th e Y. W.
C. A. on B roadw ay and T aylor,
was th e scene of a lovely tea
given by th e L ite ra ry R esearch
C lub last F riday , F e b ru a ry 15
from 2:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m.
A program w as th e m ain featu re
of th e afternoon.
P rogram chairm an, Mrs. Bessie
J. Jones.
Invocation by Mrs. Donaldson.
W elcome address,
Mrs. R.
G reene, p resid en t of th e club,
paper rep resen tin g N egro women,
by Mrs. P o ly an n a Reed, p a p e r
title “U n w ritten N egro W om en”
by Mrs. M yers; m usic u n d er the
direction of Mrs. E thel T u rn er,
a rt ex h ib it by chairm an , Mrs. H.
M arshall.
R efreshm ents w ere serv ed by
m em bers of th e club.
E lR e y S la te
broadcasts, heard Fridays at 9:30
p. m.. EST. over the NBC net­
(Rebroadcast to West
Coast at 11:30 p. m.. EST.)
"Ed Gardner's series, sponsored
by Bristol-Myers, continues to
demonstrate in the Eddie Green
character how a Negro may be
used for comedy without resort to
racial stereotyping or sacrifice of
human dignity."
ONCE: According to Jules Verne’a
imaginative “Around the World In
80 Days," Phln-
eas Fogg circled
the globe by
such transport
facilities as ship,
train and ele­
phant back. Seventeen years later,
in 1889, Nellie Bly, Journalist, made
the trip in 72 days. Less than two
decades later, man made the first
powered plane flight with an
elapsed time of under a minute.
NOW: In the year 1945, an Army
Transport plane flew around the
world in approximately one-twelfth
the time it took the daring Miss Lily
to leave New York and get back
again in completing her globe tour.
8 0 0 N: Responsible aviation de­
signers are predicting for the fu­
ture, rocket ships which will fly at
the rate of 100,000 miles an hour.
This means, according to Oabrlel
Heatter, MBS commentator, it is
Indicated, with atmospheric and al­
titude conditions taken into con­
sideration, the world could be
circled in a half hour.
lusbands! Wives!
S u r f a c e d S h in g le s
a n d S id in g
BECK s T f AIR 1
1515 N . E . 3 3 r d A r e .
G A . 3942
1412 N. Williams Ave.
“A re people w ith prejudice
crazy or ill?” w as th e su b ject
of tw o lectu res given a t th e
S chom burg C ollection of Negro
L ite ra tu re of th e N ew Y ork
P u b lic L ib ra ry last T h u rsd ay and
S a tu rd a y by tw o em in en t psy­
ch iatrists, Dr. Jo sep h W ortis of
B ellevue H ospital and Dr. B en­
jam in K arpm an of St E lizabeth
H ospital,
W ashington, D. C.
T hough these physicians of th e
m ind used v ery d iffe re n t a p ­
proaches to th e p roblem th e ir
conclusions w ere th a t people w ho
show ex tre m e h o stility ag ain st
m in o rity groups are psychologi­
cally ill.
Dr. W ortis pointed ou t th a t
w hen th e conflict goes on w ith ­
in each individual, in term s of
sim ultaneously loving an d h a t­
ing those ah o u t him , reaches a
clim ax, he m ust find a scape­
goat. M inorities, w ho because
th ey a re m ark ed off from th e
re st of society and a re often u n ­
p ro te c te d an d defenseless, b e­
com e ta rg e ts for aggression.
Dr. K arp m an placed his em p h ­
asis upon th e conflicts in th e
fam ily circle. L ead ers of fascist
an d rac ist m ovem ents, he d e ­
clared, usually come from b ro k ­
en hom es in w hich th ese leaders
w hen th ey w ere ch ild ren h ated
th e i- fa th e rs or form ed m o th er-
fixations, th a t is, th e y w ere
m am a’s baby boys. T hese h ates
grow ing
of m alad ju sted
hom es are ch annelized by d e m a ­
gogues and tu rn e d ag ain st such
groups as N egroes an d Jew s.
T he p ersecuted m in o rities th e m ­
selves often ta k e o u t th e ir ag ­
gressions on each o th e r; thus,
th e color conflict and th e over-
indulgence in religion w ith in
th e N egro group.
As cu rativ es, both p sychia­
recom m ended
im p ro v e­
m ent in th e conditions of life so
th a t th e child w ould get th e b e n ­
efit of a hom e in w hich his m o­
th e r and fa th e r w ere able to
care for him and love him a Ad
a society in w hich no race or
creed w ould be singled out for
special m istreatm en t.
/ant new Pep and Vim?
sssawf .ssMv cfcjsrg :«
v ita lity , t r y O strc x T o n ic T a b le ts . C o n ta in *
,, y o u . to o . m ay neort for pet»: »1*»
am in III- Low cost! In tro d u c to ry «Uc only 3oe.l
m sa le a t all d ru g s to re s ev e ry w h e re.
Fried Southern Style
Steaks & Chops
Song Hits - Cosmetics
LOAD: History records that in the
dawn of civilization man subsisted
on roots and berries. He meant no
ill to animals, but many pursued
him. Man, at first, fled to safety;
then, resentful, look to casting
stones at them. Developing ac­
curacy, he began to make killa.
AIM: Somewhere along those trails
man tasted the flesh of the beasts
he had slain. Liking it, he became
a huntsman.
FIRE: Man’s first weapons were
hare hands, stones and heavy sticks.
Later he adopted the slingshot, the
javelin, lasso, bow and arrow, and
.finally, firearms. Until the advent
o f the gun, man’s auccesa at a
huntsman never devaated wild life.
He could not kill in greater num­
bers t h a n the animals and birds
could reproduce. So there were al­
ways plenty of game and birds.
can’t tell Basil Rathbone o f Mutu­
al’s “The New Adventures of Sher­
lock Holmes,” how many wild ani­
mals were trapped or killed in
Dana Parkinson, of the Forett
Service Department, Department of
Agriculture, eitim atei at foliote»
the number of animals trapped, or
killed, in national forests with a
gross acreage of 118,955,80.7, as 210,-
323 animals.
® J o h n F it c h #
JANUARY 21,17*5- JULY 2,179»
— Open Daily —
Mrs. Talmade Coleman
10:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. I
Mrs. Ideila Williams
— Saturdays —
10:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. | Mrs. H. M. Etheridge
M anager
$3700 Buys a Beautiful Five-Room Home
Five Room House to Sell Very Reasonable
B. M. McSwain Real Estate Co.
224 N. W. 10th Avenue :: Phone SU. 5959
Q u e stio n s a n d A n s w e r s
Q. I am a widow of World War
II with one child. I drew an allot­
m ent for m yself and baby until he
w as killed In action in the navy.
Ilis insurance w as m ade to h is par­
en ts and neither the baby or I w as
m entioned in the papers. Now his
parents are draw ing this. Is there
any w ay for m e to g et this or any
part of the in su ran ce?—Mrs. O. M.
C., C rossville, Ala.
A. T here is no way for you to ob­
tain this insurance if you w ere not
nam ed as beneficiary, unless parents
of the servicem an a re willing to
sh are with you. You, however, are
entitled to a pension for yourself and
P a t r io t
a n d in v e n t o r , j o h n f it c h s e r v e d a s
T oday h e
FOR t h e
s h a r e s h o n o r s w it h R o b e r t f u l t o n
in v e n t i o n o f t h e s t e a m b o a t .
Whose vocalizing on the Eddie
Canior radio show has won har
nation-wide applause. Miss Car­
penter formerly sang with Count
Basie'ss band.
5 room hom e in good business
location. F u rn ish ed and h as a
basem ent. Also room for garage.
P riced to sell. O nly $3200. F u ll
price. T erm s accepted. B. M.
M cSw ain R l, Est. BR6820.
O nly $2150. F u ll price for th is
fo u r room su b u rb an hom e in th e
N. E. dist. L arge lot 50x100 can
have chickens, rabbits, etc. T erm s
or special price fo r cash. B. M.
M cSw ain R l, Est. BR6820.
$300 dollars buys th is six room
hom e in south east dist. P a rtly
furn. 3 bedroom s, living room ,
dining room and kitchen. $700
dow n p ay m en t w ill handle. BR
68200, B. M. M cSw ain R l Est. Co.
F o r o th er such bargains in
hom es and lots ju st call BR. 6820
B. M. M cSw ain R eal E state Co.
224 N. W. T en th A venue.
F o u r furnished tw o and th re e
room apartm ents. H as incom e
of one h u n d red dollars per mo.
O PA rate. O w ener w ill sacrifice
for $1500 dn. and $50 p er mo.
for balance. F u ll price $4,500.
BR6820, B. M. M cSw ain R l, Est.
Ten room w ell k ep t home. H as
good re n tin g value. Good piped
fu rn ace has garage and is v ery
conveniently located. $4000 fu ll
price. T erm s accepted.
Q. Would it be possible for a vet­
era n ’s widow who is receiv in g a
Spanish A m erican war pension of
930 per mr Lib, to exch an ge it for a
World War pension to which she is
also entitled? How would «he go
about m aking the ex ch a n g e? —B. M.
D„ Elk M ills. Md.
A. Yes, the v eteran s’ ad m in istra­
tion says it is possible. Consult your
n e are st regional v eterans' adm in­
istration office, probably at Rich­
mond or Baltimore.
Q. We had a nephew who w as in
the arm y in the P hilippines when
war w as d rclarrd. He was taken
prisoner and died in a Jap prison
cam p in July, 1942. He did not carry
insurance. His m other is a widow
and Is she entitled to receiv e any
com pensation? The boy’s father w as
a World War I veteran and died in
1930.—His aunt, W atsontown, Pa.
A. F or answ ers to both questions
w rite to the office of the ad jutant
i general, enlisted personnel, w ar de-
| partm ent, W ashington, D. C.
Furnished and Cleaned Throughout
Basement and G arage . . . Large Back Yard
—r Reasonable Terms —
$3000 . . . Full Price
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, m ade
in his recent address before a joint
session of congress Ja n u a ry 15, as
regards enlisted men:
“ By April 30, 1946, all enlisted
men. except volunteers, with 45
points as of Septem ber 2, 1945, or
with 30 m onths' service as of April
20, 1946, will be separated from the
arm y or aboard ship returning
“ By June 30. 1946. all enlisted
men, except volunteers, with 40
points as of Septem ber 2, 1945, or
with 24 m onths' service as of June
30. 1940. will be sep arated from the
arm y or aboard ship returning
hom e."
G eneral "Ik e” further said that
w hether this ra te of discharge can
be m aintained depends directly
upon the ra te of replacem ents or
inflow into the arm y. So this com ­
m itm ent.is lim ited to July 1, 1946.
(). My son has been discharged
from the arm y. He entered serv ice
F ebruary, 1941. Is he entitled to the
pre-Pearl Harbor ribbon? He w as en­
titled to three bronze stars, bat only
one w as shown in his discharge. Is
there som e way this can be put on
h is d isch arge and w here can I ob­
tain the Inform ation?—Mrs W .M .J.,
P urvis, M iss.
Mrs. C. M. Williams
Conveniently Located . . . Sell on Terms or Cash
E D IT O R 'S N O T E : T h is new spaper, J
through special arrangem ent w ith th e
W ashington H u n a n o f Western N ew s­
paper l n io n at I hi 6 E ye S treet, /V. W
II ashing!tut, /). C ., is uble to bring read­
ers th is iveekly c o lu m n on p ro b lem s o f
the veteran a nd s e n icem an an d his fam - j
ilv. Q uestions mas b e a ddressed to the
above Bureau a nd th e y w ill be answ ered
in a su b seq u en t co lu m n . N o rep lies cun
be m a d e d irect bs m ail, b u t o n ly in th e
c td u m n w hich w ill appear in th is new s­
paper regularly.
A I would say that the widowed
m other, if she was dependent upon
the veteran, is entitled to a pension.
However, she should file a claim
with the nearest office of the v eter­
ans' adm inistration, probably at
Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, and
they will determ ine her eligibility.
W aitress
R obeson spoke in praise of
th e w o rk of in ter-racial groups,
such as In tern atio n al House,
an d said th a t N egro soldiers
w ho "fought for freedom and
dem ocracy” now w anted th eir
W hen Will Vet» R e tu rn ?
sh a re of w hat th ey fought for.
T he reception com m ittee in ­
The Washington office of W estern
clu d ed Mrs. W illard S m ith of New spaper Union has received
G resham , chairm an; Mrs. Roy scores of letters from parents,
G age, Miss M abel Downs, Mr. wives, sw eethearts and friends of
m en in service, all asking when
and Mrs. H ugh Sheehan, G eorge their loved ones will get out of the
Thom as, Miss R uth H aefner, service We cannot answ er these let­
M ary D uncan,
R obert ters with any degree of accuracy
H ungerford, Jo h n E ckert, H. D. because there is no way of a scer­
W illets and Mrs. S tanley Chin. taining when m en with a given num ­
Mrs. D uncan presided at the ber of points in a given th ea tre will
te a table. Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan be released. There a re too m any
circum stances which m ust be con­
a re codirectors of the In te rn a ­ sidered in any p a rticu la r area.
tio n al House.
Here, however, is the prom ise of
D E M O C R A C Y ------- ----by Mat
Latest Recordings
P a u l Robeson, N egro baritone
w ho sang a t the public au d ito ri­
um S a tu rd ay night, w as a guest
a t a reception in his honor after
th e concert, at P o rtlan d In te rn a ­
tio n al House, 7410 S. E. Division
street. A bout 125 invited guests
w ere present. The 45-voice P o rt­
land in ter-racial choir sang.
Pag« T hrM
Q. My husband has one child and
has been in the m arin es sin ce Au­
gust, 1943, and o v ersea s sin ce June
1, 1945. How m any points does he
have? He is in P eiping, China.
When can I exp ect him hom e?—
Mrs. D. H. 8 ., Lewisburg, P a.
A. As of Septem ber 2, your
husband has 38 points. He is not
likely to be home soon since the
m arines a re screening all low point
m en and regulars out of units sched­
uled to return home soon. Fifty
points a re necessary for discharge.
Center 4
Cleaning - Dying
Pressing While You
Expert Alterations
UNiversity 3420