; %* ^¿ » Excelsior Lodge 23, Ancient And Accepted Masons Host atjBanquet Pnrllanii ïttqutrrr An Associated Negro Press Publication Serving the Pacific Northwest Oregon’s ^ e g ro Weekly VOLUME 2 PO RTLAND . OREGON. JA N U A R Y 4. 1946 SUCCESSFUL AND ELABORATE EVENT HELD MONDAY NIGHT Madrona PRICE 10c By A N N A MORRISON Bronzeville Wednesday night, Jan. 2, The Madrona Radio and Record Shop held their grand opening from 5 p. in. to 10 p. m. in their recently purchased building, located at the corner of N. Williams A v e ­ nue and Broadway. Starts Monday aouriunice.* ^ ' From the opening hour until closing time, crowds of all races and creeds jammed the building and many instances had to wait until some of those inside came out. the Portland Inquirer, w ill start Monday, next, Jan. 7th. This affair promises to be one of the most important and aus­ picious event in connection with Civic uplift and Inter-racial har­ mony, and intimate knowledge of present and current municipal activities; that has been present­ ed and offered to the citizens of Oregon. It means that we w ill have our Portland and the populace of city officials, aids and advisors to Mayor Riley, and the other members of his cabinet; that the * fA ify k ì- glori, àntì- fui* appai >ii?ted i cabinet, will gire the .sjíñ'f »er­ ainstaking and 11 lined as, painstaking them tfitful From 8 p. m. to 9 p, r Banks and his o*r’ cial permissior the DUE R latest ja the gue- by tb Air t era room flowin'! f ’• 24 and Record Shop Has Grand Opening By Chesley E. Corbett Monday night last Excelsion Lodge No. 23, F. and A. M. California and Jurisdiction, ushered the old year out and the new year in when they were host for a large number i * of appreciative friends at an elaborate banquet and recep­ tion in their beautiful and spacious temple on Russell, near Rodney. I As was outlined in last week’s It was one of the most elaborate prepared and beautiful | Indu'rer> the "Bronze ville Mayor Contest, sponsored by parties of the season and was largely attended. The hall was most appropriate­ ly and artistically decorated to suit the occasion. The ladies presented a most beautiful sight with a variety of colors in the costumes they wore, every conceivable shade could be seen as they came in, most had flowers and jew elry to match. Under the dazzling and bril­ liant lights the ladies appeared as "Nymphs in the Garden of Hesperides” . The men wore appropriate suits; most wore dark, s o m e full dress and others tuxedoes. A most pleasing repast was served with refreshments in NUMBER Thirt'and in 1926, While in the Mr. Cornelius Young. Master invi, w h ic h tf’if! a id m J a s - ¿ J ! employment of tne Union Pacific, T* ol C e r e m o n i e s , was pie- sist iri bettering conditions ‘ fol­ ife 'started in business on N. Wil- sented to the audience and he ia!! groups tiring about more I I isms Ave., by opening the Bal- gave a most pleasing and ap­ piace and harmony: give data i let Box Lunch room. He sold out propriate program of entertain­ and advice to the mayor "elect" ■ niter a few years. ment. much to the delight of all REV. H. D. SINGLETON, pres­ about the desires and needs of and he kept his audience's at­ ident of the South Atlantic con­ the minority groups, advice what In June of 1931, he married tention and roaring with laughter | ference of Seventh-day Adventists can lies) l.e done in the various Miss Dorothy Jackson, a Port­ from the beginning to the end with headquarters at Atlanta. land girl. Mr. Garrett has been departments which will assist in | v Hit one humorous stunt after ] [making Portland a bigger and M AR V A LOUIS— Former wife ings of Joe Louis. The "brown doing radio repair work for some another: using the guest as as- ■ better municipality— in short— j of the world's heavyweight cham­ bomber" has called Ihis new ven­ time but just a few years ago sistants in an un-rehearsed show. you are the “ Mayor of Bronze­ pion, who will open hei new cos­ ture the best idea she ever had opened the record and radio shop Mr. Boyce Strain is Most wor­ and indicates he favors a busi- j in a small one-room place. He ville" those of you who are can­ metic concern in Chicago within shipful master and Mr. Fred Jack- ( ness career for Marva over the nuw has not on*y r£d*°-s and rec- didates and the one which will the next few days with the bless stage. I ords but also electrical accessories son, chairman of the committee win. and sheet music. There are three on arrangements. Mueh credit is ¡ i u a f v r t m l P P P i* * The rules of the contest are due these two splendid gentle- A j Cl I * O H c i l A I * F u rooms for record demonstrations. as follows: men. j Capt. Dovey Johnson-Round- It is indeed a place of business Each contestant or candidate The following guests were pres- j tree, inactive status from the whose name is sent in wili be where they can be proud to show their friends. ent. WAC, west coast representative given 1,000 votes by this publi- Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith, Mr. and j for the National Council for a cation as a bonus. Mrs. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Permanent FEPC is in Portland The candidates receive votes in Cantrell. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. | for the purpose of stimulating the following manner— For each Blackburn, Mr. J. S. Donald, Mr. | active support for the federal Portland Inquirer sold and the LIN C O LN U.. Pa. ( A N P ) — into the second decade of the Charles Owens, Miss Rebeker B'EPC bill now pending in Con­ amount for same sent into the What is believed to be a new new century, the institution was Love. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hat­ gress. office of the Portland Inquirer, departure in the currently pop- dominated by the objectives of ton, Mr. V. W. Atkins, Mr. and An advisory group composed of 10 votes. For each subscription Mrs. Hamilton Otis. Mr. and Mrs. leading Portland civic-minded taken lor 6 months and sent in ular study o f collegiate objectives training religious leaders, Multnomah County’s 194 6 G. W. Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. G rov­ citizens has been formed for the to the office—250 votes: for each was announced this week by , Since at least World War I the er Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. purpose of spearheading the yearly subscription sent in 500 Pt-esident Horace Mann Bond of chief objectives of the institu- March of Dimes headquarters have been opened at 501 S. W Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Molden, FEPC rally in this area. This votes. NOTE: The Portland In- Lincoln university. The univer- tion. as measured by occupations Ankeny street, according to Craig sity proposes to re-study its ob- chosen by alumni, have shifted Mrs. E. W. Smith, Mr. W. C. group consists of the following: | quirer, by reason of this contest, Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. J. W In- Stanley Earle. Oliver Smith. Eliz­ is now, for the next 60 days, or tcctives with joint committees from the predominantly southern Carroll, campaign manager. Office space for the drive, to gersoll, Mr. George Holliday, Mrs. abeth Genne. Rev. and Mrs. L. | until March 5th, reducing the representing the alumni and destination for graduates to an be held January 14 to 31, has George E. Seats, Mr. Erastus Bar­ O. Stone, Rev. and Mrs. J. F. I price of subscription from $5.00 trustees, as well as the faculty, orientation to location of its ¡alumni in the great northeastern been donated by George H. Buck­ nett. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thomp­ Smith, Mrs. L. T. Nelson, Ann to $2.50 for the year, but this engaged in the task Founded in 1854, as Ashman metropolitan centers where large ler, chairman of the drive for the son and L. U. Thompson. Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Ben Shadier. Mrs. reduced subscription is based up­ Institute, the Chester count yin- i numbers of Negroes have accum- third consecutive year. Leon Fisher. Mr. Chesley E. Cor­ Alice Arnold. Mr. Robert Arnold. on cash payment. Multnomah county will be ask­ bett. Rev. and Mrs. J. J.— Clow, Rev. All payments and votes will stitution is the oldest instituion ulated in recent years, Now in its 91st year, the insti- ed to duplicate its 1945 quota of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ellison. C. N. Austin. Dr. R. N Joyner. be directed to "The Bronze Mayor esablished in America for the Mrs. Velma Vance. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Berry. Geo. Thomas, Sam | Contest": in care of P.O. Box highei education of the Negro. . tution faces almost as decisive $100,00 to carry on the fight Its original objective was to tram i choice as to its future direc- against infantile paralysis. James E. Muckleroy Jr., Mr. and Markson. Elinor Pillsbury, Roy , ,tR77, Zone 8. City. One-half of this amount will be Mrs. William H Jones, Mr. and H ag„tiit\. Gi a Pillack. The following persons names Negro missionaries to go to Afri- lion as faced its founders in 1854. used by the Multnomah County Mrs. C. E. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. 6a. In 1865 the institution was As appointed by the Rev. Tol- The advisory group is sponsor- L . already ^ (.n sent in - ls t . Chapter of the National Founda­ (Continued on Page 8) ing the sale of FEPC buttons to Mr. Tommie Johnson. Trustee of re-named Lincoln university in lie Caution, president of the alum- tion for infantile Paralysis to honor of the martyred president, ni association, and director of aid the National Council. These Scaler's Lodge No. 1404. city;. . , care for needy individual victims rv buttons may be obtained at the Mr. A. G Garrett Prop of the and ltS obJectlves enlarged to fit the colored work of the Episcopal and local agencies providing care Vio l l r n o t l l l (.n lo e rfr.v l oe M o U iL . _____ : . . . ... i . -, I YM CA from Mr. George Thom­ Madrona Radio and Record Shop. ! f th'- greatly enlarged field f for Ne church, the alumni committee on and treatment of adult and child as, room 308. at the YW C A from Mr. Charles Owens, prominent gro leadership made possible by objectives includes six college © Joyner, recently elected head of The picture of all the candi­ colleges and universities, one of Center, and the Visiting Nurse * ,\ f '* this time it is hoped Mr A Phil­ the local N A A C P Mr R. S. Culp. dates will appear in future edi- whom, Lt. Col. Hildrus A. Poin­ Association. ip Randolph will be the main the directing head of the Oregon tions of this paper . P dexter, sometime professor of >îr The other half will be used by speaker. * Fraternal Association; E. Shelton For the next 60 days the price parasitelogy at Howard univer- the National Foundation for i The bill for a permanent FEPC Hill. Project Service Advisor. ¡J>l subscription for the Portland I s‘,v was recently cited for re- emergency infantile paralysis epi- a ik on the calendar of the senate Vancouver Housing Authority; | Inquirer will be $2.50 instead of during the malarial rate for his demit aid and for research into for consideration this month. Cit- and C. C. Morgan. Instructor oi 4 i.00; this, however is predicated ! South Pacific division by 95'v the causes ind treatment of the (Continued on Page 4) Pullman Porters for Portland, lipon cash payment (Continued on Page 8) disease. Rally Held Here For Permanent j ? y CN Sec. 562 P / k LINCOLN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI COMMITTEE TO AID IN STUDY OF INSTITUTIONAL OBJECTIVES March of Dimes Opens Quarters