»SOCIA J «o NOV 29 IL -A tiB , ONkSQ^ An Associated Negro Press Publication f nrtlanii Inquirir Serving the Pacific Northwest Oregon’s ‘Negro IVeekly VOLUME 2 PORTLAND. OREGON. NOVEMBER 16. 1945 PR IC E 10c HUM BER I t Gloomy Future Forecast lor Negro Workers World’s Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis to Visit Portland December 11th Negro Jobless May Exceed One Million House OK's Carver Day POUCE OFFICERS MAKE PRIZE CATCH W A SHINGTON— (A N P)—T h e house of rep resen tativ e u n an i­ m ously voted Ja n . 5 as G eorge W ashington C arv er day honoring th e g reat N egro scientist of Tus- kegee institute. The m easure has been passed on to th e senate for action an d approval. The desig nation of C arv er day honoring th e efforts of the noted N egro has been u n d er consideration for som e tim e. W hen it w as put to the house, th ere w as not one d is­ senting vote. NEW YORK— (A NP)—Im prov­ ed unem ploym ent compensation d u rin g th e tran sitio n period, full em ploym ent a fte r reconversion, an d stronger fair em ploym ent practice m easures are im perative to p re v en t disastrous unem ploy­ m ent am ong Negroes, H erbert R. N o rth ru p declares in "Will N e­ groes G et Jo b s Now?,” a 32-page p am p h let published by the P u b ­ lic A ffairs Com m ittee, Inc., of N ew York. Dr. N orthrup, a visiting lectur­ er in econom ics a t New York u n ­ iv ersity and form erly senior hear­ ing officer at th e Regional W ar CLEVELAND— (A N P)—For the L abor board in New York, points o u t th a t even w ith a satisfactory first tim e in th e history of Ohio, p rogram to care for the tem porar­ a Negro, P e rry B. Jackson, has ily jobless, N egro unem ploym ent been elected m unicipal judge in m ay exceed 1,000,000. This is C leveland by popular vote. In a hotly contested struggle described as a “rock bottom ” esti­ m ate, w ith th e situation growing he w hipped Joseph L. Sw eeney progressively w orse if prom pt ac­ by tallying a vote of 48,616 in contrast to S w eeney’s 43,696. tion is not taken. In 1942 Ju d g e Jackson w as a p ­ A lth ouga N egro w orkers made su b stan tial gains during the war, pointed to com plete th e u n e x p ir­ both in th e q u an tity and the q ual­ ed term of Ju d g e D avid M oylan ity of jobs held, the end of the w ho died. Gov. Jo h n W. B icker w ar found them “at the bottom m ade th e appointm ent. Previous of th e econom ic pyram id, still to this assignm ent he had been co n cen trated in the lowest paying assistant u tilities director and jobs, still far from having reach­ form erly an assistant city law d i­ ed th e ir goal of economic eq u al­ rector. Ju d g e Jackson started law p rac­ ity, and in im m inent danger of tice h ere in 1922 a fter g ra d u a t­ E *-Sgt. Jo® Louis, recen tly discharged from the U. S. A rm y and w ho w ill defend his h e av y ­ h aving reeehed th e ir goal of ero- ing m agna cum laude from Adel- w eight cham pionship ag ain st B illy C onn n e x t Ju n e, g ettin g the final touches on his civvie n e c k ­ n om ir eq uality, and in im m inent b ert college and received his law d an g er of having m any of th eir w ear from Eddie (R ochester) A nderson, gravel-voiced com edian on th e Ja c k B enny program w ho degree from W estern R eserve is also know n as a horse ow ner and tra in e r of no sm all standing. "Som ebody asked me if I'd box w artim e gains w iped out.” T hey a re being espelially h a rd university. He is a m em ber of Joe," said Rochester, "an d I said yes. providing I could do it w ith a ham m er and nails." Joe hit, Dr. N o rth ru p explains, "b e­ P h i B eta K appa. PORTLAND—The Special policem en pictured w ill box in P o rtlan d ag ain st an opponent as y et unnam ed. Dec. 11th. m itled intending to blow the safe in the cafe. Six y ears la te r he becam e a cause th e ir em ploym ent during above (L. to R.) Je rry R ayford, Jessie T urner T he suspects la te r w aived p relim in ary hearing m em ber of the house of re p re ­ w artim e w as roncentrated in w ar and A nderson A lexander apprehended tw o and w ere held for the G ran d Ju ry . T hese Florida Negroes Are in d u stries th a t a re bearing th e sen tativ es in C olum bus. O ther dangerous crim inals early W ednesday m o rn ­ Negro officers do th e w ork of reg u lar police­ Given Primary Rights b ru n t of th e unem ploym ent: b e­ civic and political positions held ing as they w ere attem p tin g to b reak into men. face th e sam e dangers b u t a re not reg u lar TALLAHASSEE, Fla — (A N P) — cause N egroes, as a group w ere by him w ere: ed ito r of the Call the HI-HO Cafe on In te rsta te A venue a t policem en and have no civil service statu s due From th e state cap ital com es th e an d Post, a m em ber of the city th e last hired, h ad th e least sen i­ M ississippi A venue. The m en w ere found to to the JIM CROW of the city of P< P o rtlan d . I long aw aited p rim ary rig h ts d e­ council, tru ste e of C uyagoga have b urgiark tools in th eir possessing m * i f r i[g ..< y - -EoU> by in q u ire r S ta ff Q* --- " - '« T r r " - T - 'r « r BOSTON — (A N P) — R udolph segregated an d th ey d rew so ority, am t .vtTefore w ere the first Coim fy B ar, asBoctatloti, -and cision, w hich now gives th e Ne­ ’(aid oft, because th e y ’fa r e ''c o n ­ gro the constitu tio n al rig h t to Elie Jr., w hite, B oston H erald ’s m any really n a sty assignm ents it m em ber of Mason and K nights register as D em ocrats an d vote P acific co rrespondent, com m ent­ co u ld n ’t possibly have been coin­ cen tra ted in th e areas, especial­ T em plars. ly th e south, as w ell as in th e ing on gripes he h a d n ’t h eard cidence. in th e p arty prim aries. In A pril, 1942, Ju d g e Jackson industries, th a t suffered th e m ost In advising Secy, of S ta te R. A. m entioned m uch, has th is to say "A few w ere used as com bat gave up his post as secretary to by th e cu rta ilm e n t of w ar p ro ­ G ray, supervisor of reg istratio n concerning th e tre a tm e n t of col- troops. A n a n ti-a irc ra ft b a tta l­ duction: and because they m ay be the city ’s utilities director. He in Florida counties, A tty. G en­ cre d soldiers an d sailors: ion saw a good d eal of action on JA C K SO N , Miss. — (A NP) — A told P ap p as th a t th e N e g r o e s expected to su ffer from d iscrim ­ had rem ained in th a t post even "So fa r as I could m ake out, th e eral Tom W atson cited ru lin g s of K eram a R etto in th e O kinaw a w hite arm y officer dem anded and w ould be serv ed m eals w ith him . a fter the election of M a y o r in atio n in seeking new jobs.” the suprem e co u rt in tw o Escam ­ arm y and n av y have a specific group, and acq u itted itself b ra v e ­ received food for tw o N egro sol­ T he re s ta u ra n t m an ag er agreed In its survey of job prospects Lausche, a D em ocrat, although he bia county cases w here Negroes policy for m aking it d ifficu lt for ly and w ell and o th er troops saw Two w ell know n Special P o­ diers in a w hite dow ntow n re s­ is the R epublican leader in W ard m ust be allow ed to reg ister as o u r colored soldiers and sailors. action in th e Pacific, though only for N egroes in p a rtic u la r in ­ 16. Since this tim e he has been licemen, O fficers A nderson A lex­ ta u ra n t h ere last w eek b u t w as and m eals w ere served as M aj. G e irrin g ordered. m em bers of the D em ocratic party. I don’t know how th in g s w ere in th e sm allest possible percentage du stries, the p am p h let discloses engaged in the p riv ate practice ander and M anuel M orehead su r­ th reaten ed by a m ob of i r a t e W hite custo m ers began to show E urope alth o u g h lik e everyone of th e actu a l n u m b e r of colored th a t th e outlook is q u ite good in prised and captured tw o burglars w hites estim ated at 2,000 persons. re se n tm e n t by th e tim e th e group of law. else I h e ard of th e 92nd division, troops in th e arm y. This is not th e electrical, radio, and com m un­ The N egro soldier’s w ere am ong finished e atin g and ira te crow ds N otified of his victory Ju d g e a t th e Hi-Ho Cafe located a t In ­ but in th e P acific th ey w ere sad ­ to say anybody w ho had th e ication eq u ip m en t industry, and Jackson pledged him self to dis­ terstate and Mississippi A venues a group of 25 troops Maj. E dw ard began to sw arm ab o u t th e grill. in th e iron an d steel in d u stry . It dening. C olored troops n ever got slig h test idea of w h at he w as do­ charge his obligations “so honest­ early W ednesday m orning. The G ierring, th e w hite officer, w as Police a rriv e d on th e scene to d is­ a decent b reak. T hey w ere used ing w ould clam or for th e privilege finds the situ atio n less h e a rte n ­ ly and fairly and im p artially as suspects W illiam O rville F oster of tak in g from C alifornia to Cam p perse th e th ro n g ju s t as Maj. G ier­ ev ery w h ere as en g in ee r battalions, of dying on th e b attlelield , b u t ing in th e ru b b e r in d u stry , and to m erit the confidence placed Phoenix, A rizona and P atrick Shelby. He led them into th e J e f ­ ring w as ab o u t to leave. T he tw o poor in the building trades, tra n s ­ Howell O’Brien, E vansville, In ­ ferson g rill here, seated th em in MIAMI — (ANP) — The Dade m eaning th ey w ere used as la ­ th e fact rem ains th ere is a q u es­ p ortation, shipbuilding, and th e in me. N egro soldiers h ad finished th e ir county sh eriff’s office rep o rted borers, stevedores, DUKW d riv ers tion of honor, of m anhood involv­ a irc ra ft and autom obile in d u s­ “I reg ard this office as a p u b ­ diana, both w hite, h ad in th e ir booths, th en took a seat w ith the m eals in th e m ean tim e an d had possession a pair of ru b b er gloves, Friday night th a t five fiery cross- or mess boys. T hey w ere alw ays ed, and th e N egroes b itte rly r e ­ tw o N egro soldiers. W hen the gone to th e sta tio n w h ere som e lic tru st and I am fully cognizant tries. a p air of pliers, a screw driver, a sented th e fact th ey w ere not es w ere placed before N e g r o F u ll em ploym ent alone w on’t of the g reat responsibility w hich j flashlight and a claw ham m er w hite w aitress observed th e col­ of th e m ob had assem bled to considered w o rth y of com bat a s­ dw ellings in th e a re a of N. E. ored servicem en, she h u rried to point th em o u t to police, w ho took give th e N egroes a “square d eal” ordinarily atten d th is office,” he signm ent. w hich they threw aw ay a t the the kitchen to re p o rt the situation 29th avenue and 51st street. The them to h ea d q u a rte rs. in job opportunities, th e a u th o r said. “I also fully appreciate th e tim e of the a rrest b u t w as found to Jo h n Pappas, the grill m an ­ “In th e n av y colored s a i l o r s crosses w ere rep u ted to be six finds, for ex p erien ce has proved broader significance of th is p a r­ W hen Maj. G ierrin g defian tly la te r by detectives a t th e scene ager. w ere used e ith e r as mess boys— feet or m ore in height, and caused resen ted th e a rre s t of th e N egro th e need for even stro n g er fa ir ticular appointm ent.” of th e attem p ted robbery. ‘ste w a rd ’s m ates’ is th e eu p h em ­ quite a terrorizin g u p ro ar in P ap p as w ent to the booth and soldiers as w ell as th e a ttitu d e of em ploym ent p ractice m easures The pair adm itted having done told Maj. G ierring th a t he could ism—o r as stevedores specializing Brow ns-Sub. L eaping blazes il­ the crow d, he w as arre ste d as an th a n w ere set up d u rin g th e w ar. other “jo b s” on th e n o rth side not serv e him and the N egro sol­ in h andling o f am m unition. It lum inated th e path s of tru c k and alleged safety p recau tio n and w as He suggests th a t discrim ination including “rolling d ru n k s”, steal­ isn’t th a t th e y w an ted to h andle carloads of arm ed w hites as they diers a t th e sam e table as it w as also ta k e n to h e ad q u arters. M ili­ CHICAGO— (A N P)— The b a r­ explosives an y m ore th a n any in em ploym ent could be curbed ing cars and breaking into a t least a violation o f. the state jim crow drove th rough th is p ro p erty w hile ta ry a u th o ritie s soon a rriv e d to by e ith er of tw o m ethods: (1) ricades of th e C hicago B ar as­ one other place. O ne adm itted law. T he arm y officer d efiantly one else, b u t th e y in v ariab ly did the crosses burn ed n e a r th e door­ place th e a rre ste d colored soldiers am ending th e N ational L abor R e­ sociation a re g ra d u a lly c ru m ­ having a police record in Long d raw th a t assignm ent. As mess ATLANTA— (ANP) — A state­ steps of 11 fam ilies. and M aj. G ierrin g on the tra in to latio n s (W agner) act an d th e v a ri­ bling. T hursday, A tty . E arl B. Beach, California, and th e police boys th ey w aited on th e officers, m ent a ttrib u te to A. C. Touch­ T ension has been m o u n tin g in co n tin u e th e ir jo u rn ey to C am p ous state “L ittle W agner” acts this section, originally h om estead­ D ickerson, one of th e sp earheads m ade up th e ir bunks, cleaned to provide th a t discrim ination by stone th a t “G riffin (Ga.) Negroes dep artm en t states th ey feel sure Shelby. | of th e fight to force th e associa- th a t th e other one also has a th e ir stateroom s, and served cof­ are not and w ill not attem p t to ed by N egroes for q u ite some T en or 12 cars of troops w ere e ith e r em ployers or unions b e ­ record. Police expect to clear up fee in th e w ardroom a t all hours vote in th e D em ocratic w h i t e m onths, as wW tes sta rte d fighting tion “ > ad m it colored law yers on th e track s h ere w hen th e d a r­ cause of race, color, creed, or n a ­ as m em bers, w as notified th a t of day or night. T hey lived by p rim ary ” and printed in th e w hite several unsolved robberies on the expansion of adjoining N egro sec­ ing w h ite m ajo r and th e tw o col­ tio n al origin is an u n fair labor CHICAGO— (A N P)— The m ost ored tions. Two N egro couples, w ho his ap plication had been accept­ them selves in an o ut-of-the-w ay p ractice forbidden by law ; or (2) daily of th a t city, later being no rth side w ith th e apprehension ’d iers w ere en co u n terin g ed and th a t w ith th e com pletion of th is pair of thugs and praised co m p artm en t som ew here, and on given w ide state circulation, last sig n ifican t developm ent of the difficui.ies, b u t Jo el D. H olden, w ere arrested and ch arg ed w ith creatin g p erm an en t n ational and of ro u tin e financial req u irem en ts week had brought forth enough the w ork of O fficers M orehead past m onth w as the rash of stu ­ violation <5f zoning regulations, chief of police, refused to com ­ state fair em ploym ent practice th a t he w as a bona-fide m em ber. pressure to bring forth a clarifi­ and A lexander in cap tu rin g them . d en t h ate strik es w hich broke out w ere la te r released on bond. m ent a b o u t th e fla re u p o th er th a n corrynissions to ad m in ister fair r a ­ U nder questioning by detectives in o u r strategic centers: G ary, to say he w as g ratified th a t th e M any fa ir th in k in g w h ite cit­ The fight to secure m em b er­ cial practice acts, and providing cation. The statem ent, p rin ted w hile the culprits ad m itted th e y w ere Ind.; Chicago, Y oungstow n, O., izens have joined in the p ro test ship in th e b a r association, one distu rb an ce resu lted in no blood­ those com m issions w ith pow ers Georgia Negroes are in the thick going for the safe in the Hi-Ho and N ew Y ork City. characterizing th e act as a “dis­ of th e im p o rtan t legal bodies of shed. sim ilar to those possessed by the Cafe. of a fight to end th e w hite p ri­ A cartfu l analysis of the causes respect for ju stice”. Dr. G len th e country, has been going on L ocal a u th o rities booked P a p ­ N ational L abor R elations board T he H i-H o C afe is located one w hich u n d erlie this friction, “In ­ m ary system , bestirred leaders to C. Jam es, pastor of W hite Tem ple for several years. O th ers w ere pas, th e girl m anager, on a charge so th a t th ey can petitio n th e stre e t from the larg est N egro ho­ find out w hether Touchstone was side S tory of T eenage T ension,” M ethodist church, w hite, sp eak ­ active bu t D ickerson, w ho be­ of violating M ississippi’s jim crow courts to enforce th e ir d irectives.” the victim of m isstatem ent by the tel in P ortland, th e M edley and is found in th e N ovem ber issue law. ing over th e radio S u n d ay m o rn ­ longed to a n u m b e r of national G riffin Daily N ews or w hether ironically enough, posted a sign of H eadlines and Pictures. ing, m ade th e follow ing state- and local bodies of lib e ra l ten - K AN SAS CITY, Mo.— (A N P)— he had m ade the u nfortunate w hen th e cafe w as opened stating T he article points out th a t a l­ m ent: "M en w ho b u rn crosses, do | dency, secured e v ery one of those More th a n 200 w h ite and N egro statem ent and for w h at reasons. th a t "We c a te r to w h ite trad e though as yet no definite linking so because th ey do n o t have th e : groups as an ally to b ring th e em ployes of th e G eneral Box Touchstone said he did not In­ only”. I t had to be tw o N egro of­ of the o u tb reak s in the four cities courage to carry th em .” ! p ressu re of public opinion to b ear com pany h ere have m ain tain ed tend to give the new spaper ed ­ ficers w ho p revented ro b b ery of has been m ade, th ere are n e v er­ In a w ire to P re sid e n t T ru m an , j upon th e association. Y ears ago so lid ran k s d u rin g th e ir eight- itor the im pression th a t the ob­ th e cafe. theless a n u m b er of sim ilarities th e d ep artm en t of justice, Gov. th e re had been one colored m em - w eek pay ¿trik e in spite of r u ­ CHICAGO— (A N P)—Dr. R alph jective of the G rififn Civic Im ­ in the w alkouts. In G ary w here S C O T L A N D V I LLE, L a — C aldw ell and Sen. C laude Pep- | b e r, Col. F ra n k lin H. D ennison, m ors th a t com pany officials have W. Riley, p resid en t of th e A m er­ provem ent league w hich regist- the strik e is still in progress and (A N P)—R ussell W o o d Sm ith, per, Sam B. Solomon, ed ito r-p u b - 1 offered to nego tiate a sep arate ican B aptist T heological sem inary, cd m ore th an 335 N egroes in a has been m arked w ith g reater S o u th ern u n iv e rsity in stru cto r lisher of the M iami W hip, asked F inally, a y e a r ago R obert Tay- CIO co n tract w ith w hite w orkers. N ashville, is m ak in g a to u r of tw o-day cam paign w as to keep bittern ess on th e p a rt of th e stu ­ and d ean of m en, d ied suddenly for im m ediate action to a v e rt th e *o r’ a tto rn e y for th e Cook Coun W hile th e ru m o r is w idely c ir­ the m iddle w est in th e in terest Negroes from voting in “th e real ty E lection com m ission, w as a d ­ dents, segregation can be said to S a tu rd a y n ig h t in his cam pus th re a t of race conflict. m itted. Mr. T aylor w as r e tir ­ culated am ong union circles here, of his institution. He is sch ed ­ elections.” be th e u n d erly in g cause A dded home. H is d e a th w as due to a ing from active p ractice an d so no confirm ation has been m ade uled to address a tri-s ta te m eetin g He said th a t it w as probable to th is basic factor a re num erous h e a rt a ttack . could not be ex p ected to use th a t com pany officials have ac­ of N egro an d w h i t e religious th a t this im pression w as g ather JA C K SO N V ILE, Fla. — (ANP) co n trib u tin g factors w hich have Mr. S m ith w as b o rn May 10, th e facilities of th e re sta u ra n t tu a lly trie d to settle th e strik e at lead ers a t O m aha, Neb., a f t e r *d from a letter w hich he and — A syndicate of business men added tension to tension, 1892, in P em broke, B erm uda, B. nor tak e active p a rt in th e a f­ th e expense of N egro em ployes. w hich he w ill d eliv er addresses other officers of the league had headed by R. V. B arden has com ­ Significantly in G ary and in |W . I , an d receiv ed his B.S. and fairs of th e association. N ext, T he strik e, w hich sta rte d about in C olum bus, O., and A tlanta. sent to N egroes urging them to pleted plans to establish a m od­ New Y ork C ity chiefly im m igrant M.S. d eg rees from W ilberforce The in stitu tio n is ow ned and register. Touchstone said th e let- ern privately-ow ned housing p ro ­ population and second-generation and NEW YORK — (A NP) — The H enry R. Ferguson, th e n p re si­ tw o m onths ago, is still in th e H ow ard universities. He Rev. Jam es Myers, in d u strial sec­ d en t of th e Cook C ounty B ar process of settle m e n t by local CIO controlled by th e N ational B ap- te r stated: “You have a fine op- ject for NegroeS a t C learw ater, ch ild ren w ere involved. T hese cam e to S o u th e rn in 1930 to teach re ta ry of th e F ed eral C ouncil of association, th e official org an iza­ lead ers as w ell as by outside as­ tist C onvention, U.S.A., Inc., tw o po rtu n ity to prove th a t you are Fla, The purchase of 10 acres new A m ericans have been p u sh ­ physics, m ath em atics and educa­ of th e largest d enom inational re- A m erican citiens and are aw are of subdivision p ro p erty and d e ­ ed aside in m any instances and tion, and w as appointed to the th e C hurches of C hrist in A m er­ tion of colored law yers, w as a d ­ sistance. W illiam Hill, a re p resen tativ e ligious bodies in th e IT n i t e d , of your responsibilities.” velopm ent of th e ’tra c t a t a cost feel a lack of security. O ut of position as d ean of m en this sum ­ ica, has been selected by th e m itted. Mr. Ferguson, it is be- W ide circulation of Touch- of $100,000 has been m ade. C on­ th is in secu rity has com e a desire m er. W orkers D efense league as th e lieved, has n ev er v isited th e L a- of th e A m erican Council on Race States. Dr. R iley states th a t w ith ! Wide 1945 w inner of th e C lendenin Salle S tre e t lounge and head- relations, has been by his C hi- one of th e largest stu d en t bodies stone's alleged statem en t and its struction w ill begin as soon as fo r a scapegoat and th e N egro H e w as activ e in education cir­ aw ard an d w ill be presen ted a q u arters. D ickerson’s adm ission, cago office to com e here to sit in in th e h istory of th e institution, in te rp re tatio n brought reaction m aterials are unloaded. T he p ro ­ proves in m ost cases th e m ost cles, b ein g a m em ber of the placque for his efforts in behalf th erefo re, does re p re se n t some- on th e hearings. More th a n 80 an increased faculty, th e con- from th roughout the state. It was je c t w ill consist of a 40-unit likely one. T hese and o th er re a l A m erican T eachers association, of th e labor m ovem ent on Dec. th in g of an in n ovation because percen t of th e w orkers, w ho are stru ctin g of a new do rm ito ry and believed th e w hite press used it a p artm en t w ith a playground, and im agine g rievances a re d is­ L ouisian C olored T eachers associ­ 8 during a luncheon h e re a t th e he is c ertain to ta k e p a rt in e v ery seeking a 0-cent h o u rly increase, a c en tral h eating plant, th e school to accem pt a reb u ff of N egroes’ m odern w ash houses and a sm all cussed in th e H eadlines and P ic­ ation. H e w as a m em ber of Alpha activ ity of th e association. ! a re Negroes. is w ell on th e w ay to success. i voting aspirations and unity. park. tu re story on th e strikes. H otel New Y orker. P h i A lpha fratern ity . u Ohio Elects First Negro Judge New Civilian Takes Lesson from Old Hand Reporter Says Army-Navy Policy Makes It Tough for Tan GI's Special Police Mob Threatens White Officer for Capture Burglar Blocking Jim Crow Against Negroes At Hi-Ho Eatery Negroes Defy Cross Burning Negro Admitted To Chicago Bar Association Griffin 'Statement' Now Clarified Student Hate Strikes Played Up Workers Spurn Reported Race Bating in Strike Seminary Head Tours Wesl Rev. James Myers Gets Labor Award University Professor Dies Plan Florida Housing Project + ' T— J .