Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, October 19, 1945, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Friday. O ctobar It. 1145
By H arry L eveite
I'Mik very |imiiiiaiiig for my Ilid-
Hrn lu lr t H ub wilti I'unim ounl
*fudio concerning u role in the
near futuro for lovely Minnie
C raw ford, form er D etroiter, then
th e re’« M uuriee C'urr, form er
Hollywood little th eatre featured
player who I wik u fluir for com ­
edy und otlierK selected from tiie
40 active memberne. Incidentally
th e four sw ooner-crooners passed
an audition witii Kd Hailey, must-
cian’« bwul prexy, last w eek and
lie is m oulding them into a q u a r­
tet for u forthcom ing picture,
und Lee Alyce Sheppard may
get to go 10 New York to tuke
part in a stage play.
Tall Players Act Sanegalosa
In one of the most im portant
and welcome assignm ents of the
cu rren t season, 24 colored film
players w ere carefully selected
by C harles Hutler, casting d ire c ­
tor on tlie staff of C entral C ast­
ing Hureuu for Senegalese S old­
iers. U nder contract they w ere
turned over to Leroy Prinz, fam ­
ous dunce director, for th e W ar­
ner Bros, big feature, "N ight and
I l.iv "
T he "soldiers" dressed in the
red fezzes, colorful blouses and
"plus-?four” style pants of the
F rench colonial arm y, do their
stuff to the rhythm ic uccumpuni-
m ent of drum s.
n "N ight und D ay”, which
m ight he described us a dram a
w ith music, C larence Muse was
excellent cust in u featured role
under the ace director, Michael
Curtiz. The large rust of stars
includes C arey G rant, Alexis
S m ith, Ja n e W ym an, Monty Woo-
Icy, Donald Woods, G inny Sims
und others.
Many O ther Bit P layers Work
It lias been a good breuk for
players w ho have so im proved
th eir m ystery of dialogue and a c t­
ing ability to he eligible for "hit"
roles at from $35 per day up,
or featu red parts lim ited only by
th e burgin agreed upon th a t
C harles H utler is now a full-
Pee* ThfM
By George F. M cCray for ANP
CIO Leader. Hillm an. Reveals His Ignorance
CTO leader S id r y H illm an has ju st given
th e CIO a black eye in N egro labor circles in
the U. S. Africa, and th e West Indies. Mr.
H illm an, head of th e CIO delegation to the
W orld L abor conference in Paris, w hile p re ­
s i d i n g over a conference sessoin, placed the
CTO in th e position of supporting th e pow er
and prestige of the undem ocratic and anti-
Negro w hite South A frican unions.
H illm an as presiding officer blocked efforts
to m ake effective the strong, outspoken pro­
tests of Negroes against placing a rep resen ta­
tive of the South A frican Trades and Labor
council on the conference constitution com­
m ittee as the sole rep resentative of labor in
Africa W est African N egro labor leaders feel
th a t representation should be shared by them
Mr. H illm an, vice-president of CIO, chairm an
of th e Political Action com m ittee, and ad ­
m ittedly proud of his record opposing dis­
crim ination against A m erican Negroes, ignored
the A frican Negro p rotests eplaining he knows
little of A frican geography.
T hus because of Mr. H illm an’s ignorance,
A frican Negroes lost th e ir best chance to in­
fluence the anti-discrim ination position of the
now in tern atio n al labor organization. The N e­
groes w ere em bittered by the fact th a t their
defeat m eant one of th e strongest proponents
of discrim ination against Negro w orkers was
p u t in a key position to fight for his prejudices
in the secrecy of the constitution com m ittee.
In th is affair Mr. H illm an revealed an ex ­
tensive ignorance of m ore th an A frican geog­
raphy. For one presiding over and prom oting
a world labor conference, he displayed a most
rem ark ab le ignorance of world labor problem s.
As a w ell-know n opponent of all forms
of fasesm, Mr. H illm an missed th e boat.
C ertainly he did n o t know th a t th e whole
social and economic stru ctu re of South A frica
is based on th e exploitation of A frican Negro
labor. It is the old S ou th ern U nited S tates
m agnified 10 tim es. C ertain ly he did not
know th a t anti-Som itism is spreading like
wild fire in th e South A frican labor m ove­
ment. Of th is we can be certain.
C ertainly Mr. H illm an did not know th at
of 10 miUion people in th e Union of South
Africa, seven m illion whose skins are black
are ruthlessly exploited and have no voice in
th e governm ent w h atev er. C ertainly he ¿id
not know th a t w h ite South A frican labor,
a sm all m inority of S outh A frican labor, or­
! fledged ugent w ith an in d ep en ­
dent $300 license. A num ber of
screen actors in these clusses
l have been w orking under size­
able w eekly co n tract sulunes.
Throe in "Hail tha C hiaf” at
Colum bia
Jesse A. G raves, widely know n
and populur at all the studios,
Hock Woods, night club e n te r­
tainer, and Jasp er Weldon, v e t­
eran stage com edian, huve been
busy at Colum bia in "Huil the
Chief,” u nder d irecto r Huy E n ­
right. H eading th e stur-xtudie.l
cast were C hester M orris und
M arguerite Chupmun.
C larence Brooks, v eteran fe a t­
ured player, «11-colored cust film
producer and star, will he seen
in P aram ount'« "B lue Skies" d i­
rected hv S tu a rt lleisler. He has
an excellent b it w hich followed
closely ut hit he hud ju st fin ­
ished at MGM us u U nbanned
T he notable cust includes Bing
Crosby, F red A staire, Joun C a u l­
field and Hilly DeWolf.
Brooks will bo tem em bered for
the ruciul m otion p ictu re history
he m ade some yeurs ago by p la y ­
ing the tragic role of Dr. O liver
m archund b reak in g an epidem ic
in United A rtists “A rrow sm lth."
Incidentally H ow ard u n iv ersity |
got screen cred it in th is film j
as being th e alm a m ater of "Dr.
Mare hand.”
F orm er "O ur G ang" S tar In
Fox A rm y S hort
E fr fw iM
IN THE above photo (and reading
A from left to right) we see Chef
Cook Allen, Ralph Jones, Brooklyn,
N V. sportsman; Bill (inrrett, of
Jock's Place, and Milton Heath of
the f-afayette Grill. The "boys"
have just come In from Great
Tmd Ymlmi Pm hium U m m t
South Bay. Babylon, Long Island, 1 others aboard ship "making (or
N. Y., and were snapped by C. B. j trying to make) a catch." Dr.
Campbell, IBS staff photographer. “Hap’’ Delaney, Thomas Bledsoe,
Not bad, we'll say—not bad.
j popular sportsman; Dr. "Major"
The Anglers Club of New York ! Allen; Jim Martin. Old Colony;
goes Ashing weekly on the 8. 8. William Cohen, man-about-town.
Capt. Bill Schuster and you'll And and Arthur Holden, of Jock's Place,
those photograph' 1 above and are also crack Asherme-’
Savannahans Show
Voting Interest
S everal oth er players have been ;
under hit co n tracts in a short
subject film ed by th e w ur d e p a rt­
By A lvin Moses
m ent us e n tertain m en t for th e
arm ies of occupation. Most fam ­
ous of these is S tym ie Beard, NO GREATER TRIBUTE
large m ajority of th e people reg ­
who after several years as one of
NEW YORK, (ANP)—I attended the opening of the istering to vote in th is city are
Hal Roach's "O ur G ang" com edy
j Negroes, according to th e S av an ­
stars, outgrew th e roles O thers spanking new Wells’ bar and restaurant Thursday evening.
( included Lucius Brooks, N apo­
The fact that hundreds of well dressed men and women nah M orning News.
T here has been a steady stream
leon W hiting, H enry Roberts, R u ­ filed in and out of the place on the hour, by the hour,
of Negroes to the C hatham C oun­
dolph H unter, W illiam Downs.
from 8 p. m. until the time the milkman makes his rounds, ty C ourt house to have th eir
H enry H astings, well know n
; nam es added to th e list of regis­
not the important thing to me.
film player and form er cafe
What was important was the realization that two-thirds tered voters.
ow ner, and D arby Jones, form er
The F irst B aptist church is
federal pluyer und once city high of the visitors were persons whom Jpc Wells had made
jum p cham pion, w ere added to friends out of way back in the days when his little kitchen playing an im portant role in en ­
couraging all Negroes of the city
the supporting cast of "N ight and
to reg ister and vote. Dr. Ralph
Day" at W arner Bros.
M ark G ilbert, p resid en t of th e
was just another restaurant in . . . "big town”.
chapter of th e NAACP,
I can’t begin to tell you the names nor station in life
is pastor of th e F irst B aptist
of scores of patrons on that memorable night. The overall I church and active in civic life of
picture would include the leaders of the community on down , S avannahans.
to the strugglers.
The L ongshorem en’s union also
Checking with out notebook we can tell you that those is ex ertin g great influence in the
were in attendance at v ariou s tim es d u rin g th e night. A rtie j increased registration.
»«S A U H T iJ T C L L «
Sir»!*j | i
Srliop. m i» i. r u hun.ift > .
-.luted Ihal “ s msn hcromes
n philosopher by rru^mi of .. *crtum perplexity from which he seeks
to free himself." Few men, though, aehieve the distinction because
their noses are affixed to the grindstone: they daren't stop work long
enough to do any or very much thinking. Most women, on the other
hand, have practically nothing to do » hutsoever. Yet they don’t l>e
come philosophers either nod simple because they're fresh out of
what it lakes to think with. Aunt Stella is the one. only and vivid
exception. Cursed with the average woman's natural curiosity yet
blessed and endowed with an exceptionally acquisitive and an en yclo-
pedir brain, she freed herself from rvery imaginable and human per­
plexity in infancy. This makes her. today, the world's greatest
philosopher. She's an authority not only on love, courtship and
marriage (if any) hut also on handinage and ballistics, or what huve
you? Me invite readers, who urc perplexed, to question h .r on any
siihlcct under the sun. Her answers—when printable— will he found
bnnrhcd up hereafter or scattered ns fillers throughout these inform­
ative and »-«luiihlc pages.-—Fall I or.
Dear Aunt Stella: tic's married
|)oar Aunt Stella: Why iliil pen
pie in the Dual Howl complain no hut I'm nuts about him. Do you
bitterly about the late summer think I’ll make a mistake if I en­
weather? Sunshine & Shadows. courage his attentions? — Grass
Sunshine & Shadows; Because
Grass Widow: Could he; if a
particularly in August an hour
of nelling ram would do more married man seeks surcease from
good there in five minutes than a sorrow away from home, it’s a
month of it would do in ii week pretty good sign that his wife un­
at any other time.—Aunt (Freak derstands him.—Aunt (Fingers
Crossed) Stella.
Of N ature) Stella.
• « •
* ♦ •
Dear Aunt Stella: There are
Dear Aunt Stella: When we
were married, she made me prom­ ' plenty of things I’d like to do but
ise everything. Do you think it my conscience tells me th at (hey
wise or proper for n wifo to bur­ are wrong. If you were me, what
den her husband with her business would you do in a rase like that?
—Night Sweats.
troubles ? —Conscientious.
Night Sweat»: I wouldn't be­
Conscientious: Yes. Provided,
though, that she does it before— lieve everything 1 hear.—Aunt
nod not afte r—he goes on a buy­ (Green Light) Stella.
• • •
ing spree.—Aunt (Wage Earner)
Dear Aunt Stella: I’m on a pur­
• • •
chasing mission for Britain nnd,
Dear Aunt Stelln: As soon ns I in my sparo time, am reading up
can find me a Job, I'm going to one on American history. In the olden
of them free night schools and days, why did the noble redskin
study up nil about business. Don’t wear feathers on his head?—Lord
you think th a t’s the best way to Melpus.
Lord llelpus: To keep his wig
learn how to get the most out of
warn.—Aunt (Achoo!) Stella.
your money?—Ain't Got None.
• « *
Ain't Got None: Sure. But the
hardest thing about mnking money
Dear Aunt Stella: She has pro
last is mnking it fiist.—Aunt (Re­ posed th at we elope. Do you think
verse English) Stella.
it right or proper to take a girl
• • •
from her parents without nny
Dcnr Aunt Stelln: Why is it w arning?—Amen Corner.
that horticulturists nnd tree sur­
Amen Corner: Not at all. If
geons anil such aren’t received in there’s anything about a daughter
the best soeiety?—Grubby Fin­ that parents want to warn n guy
about, he should he perfectly will­
Grubby Fingers: Because, broad­ ing to lisen.—Aunt (Above Bonn!)
ly speaking, they're just n hunch Stella.
of grafters. Aunt (N ature Lover)
Deur Aunt Stella: Re tells me
that I’m the sunshine of his life;
Dear Aunt Stella: 1 warned her (hat my smiles drive every cloud
that I’m pretty quick on the trig ­ away; that, with me at his side,
ger anil then she ups and tells me ho could defy the storms of life.
that her Old Man is the host shot W hat’ll I do when he stops right
in the county. Unless the infor­ (here?—Bulb Snatcher.
Ilulb Snatcher: Why not ask
mation is irrelevant, Just what
does thnt make me T—T arget Prac­ him whether that stuff is intended
ax a proposal of marriage or a
Target Practice: Probably, her weather report? — Aunt (Comt
hushnnil.—Aunt (Bull’s Eye) Stel­ Clean) Stella.
• • •
• • •
Dear Aunt Stella: We don't
Dear Aunt Stelln: Mother says serve nothin’ hut cheese, supp an’
that the modern girl doesn't make biff stew at our lunch counter hut
a good mnrringe because she’s hold drunks always is nsking for some­
anil * forward. Ju st how modest thin’ else. W hat’ll I do with the
was the old-fashioned girl? — Hug guy who comes in every Satterday
nitc an’ says he wants two tuna
Rug Cutter: As a rule, she was fish? — Draw One.
so demure thnt she wouldn’t do
Draw One: Tell him he’s hottei
improper fractions. Aunt (Blush­ stick to pinnos.- Aunt (Off Key!
ing) Stelln.
No, Utopia, I.XXX doesn't mean love and kisses.
Stacy Committee Silent
On Rail Cases
ganized in the South A frican T rades and Labor
council, is dem anding th e retention of color-
bar legislation w hich not only outlaw s equal
pay for equal work, but prevents Negroes
from perform ing any kind of skilled work.
Of course a N egro m ight do such w ork as a
“helper" of his “fellow" w hite worker. B ut
th is kind of fascism is not recognized as such.
It is concealed by calling it a “race problem ”.
N either did Mr. H illm an know that unions
am ong South A frican Negro w orkers are not
perm itted and every effort Negroes m ake to
im prove th eir condition is resisted by organi­
zations of farm ers, w orkers and business men.
These fascist m inded groups wage constant
w arfare on any South A frican group or lead­
e r w hite or black, who like Gen. Smuts,
even tim idly suggests th a t dem ocracy be
extended progressively to non-Europeans.
Mr. H illm an did not know th a t th e w hite
South A frican represen tativ e could not even
speak for all organized South African labor.
The large population of m ixed African and
European blood is perm itted to form separate
unions. These so-called colored unions are
constantly at w ar w ith the dom inant w hite
unions, cutting wages in order to get a share
of the work.
C ertainly Mr. H illm an did not know th a t
this peculiar brand of South A frican facism
is being exported by m em bers of the South
African Trades and Labor council to Rhodesia,
Kenya, and other A frican territories.
It is certain that if Mr. H illm an had know n
these things he would have im m ediately a p ­
preciated the farce w hich the conference was
engaging in under his chairm anship. O rgan­
ized A frican Negro w orkers in the British
colonies of N igeria, the Gold Coast, and Sierra
Leone as w ell as the Negroes from the B ritish
W est Indies, are keenly aw are of the danger
w hich is inherent in any increase in pow er
and prestige of the lily-w hite unionism in
South Africa.
Mr. H illm an has never thought seriously
of the problem s of Negroes outside the U nited
States. He know s little of the labor problem s
beyond the continental boundaries of Am erica
and Europe. He should not be judged h arsh ­
ly. He is not alone in his ignorance. W orld
labor leaders as a group, like Negro leaders
and the N egro people generally, are ju st
now beginning to appreciate th a t common
u n d erstanding of each o th e r’s problem s is
essential for u n ity and progress.
peated questions to th e so-called
By Joseph F. Albright
Stacy com m ittee for a “fin al re ­
Code for
p o rt” on its handling of th e fam ­
ous railroad cases have gone u n ­ Discharged GIs
S h o rtly before his untim ely
answ ered, C hairm an
Ross of th e FEPC disclosed th is i and trag ic death, th e late Jam es
W eldon Johnson m ade th is re-
H earings before the FEPC on I m ark to me: “A lbright, th e busi
charges of discrim ination against ness of getting along w ith people
a group of southern railroads and originates in living so th a t you
railroad brotherhoods w ere held can ju stify th e o th e r m en’s
in Septem ber, 1943. The com m it­ spect.” No tru e r statem en t r e ­
! Parish, manager of Murrain’s; Joe Steele, Freddie Richard­
son, Mme. Lenora Cross, beautician of renown; Joseph Ford, In A tlanta, the Rev. B. John- tee’s directives w ere issued in garding hum an relatio ns has ever
been spoken, an d its intrinsic
politico; Ted Yates, columnist and man-about-town; Mi. and ; son, pastor of Mt. C alvary B ap ­ Decem ber of th a t year and later w isdom is becoming m ore a p ­
referred to P resid en t Roosevelt.
Mrs. Archie Serle, Robert (Bob) Douglas, Doc Wheelet; MC tist church, is engaged in a sim - The la te chief executive then p are n t each day as o u r personal
par exellencc; Roy Taylor of 52nd street, called mt the ! ilar w ork. Johnson has registered handed the files over to a com ­ conduct assum es m ore and m ore
nearly 500 m em bers of his church
I "street of dreams"; Mrs. Carrie Wilkins, Chicago visitor; Rita since th e beginning of th e cu rren t m ittee headed by Judge Stacy of in.portance in our determ ined
o rth C arolina w ith instructions endeavor to achieve an equitable
I Crawford, Jesse Pryor, Mildred Hawkins, John Hawkins, ! year.
to bring about some kind of en ­ position in the fu tu re of A m erica.
Rei Charity, Ford Thompson, Clarence Nance, Clifford O th er Georgia cities have not-
fo rc em e n t E arly in 1944 th e We, as Negro v eterans,
Perry, Walter Burke, Phyllis Barker, Muriel Goode, Car- led increased reg istratio n of Ne- Stacy group rep o rted it w as m ak- whose shouders an increasing
since th e poll ta x w as re- ,.
lotta Rhctt, Gloria Hinchcombe, Beatrice Winfield, Kabel groes
. ..
ing some progress by asking for civic responsibility w ill continue
moved as a p rereq u isite for
.u ,o
i i
1 »
j Beaud Huy.Mayme Cheathem, Paul Johnson, Eddie Vajjghn, I voting and back poll taxes u n ­ ad ju stm en ts on th e “local level' to fall, should be th e v ery first
by w hat am ounted to lab o r-m an ­ to recognize and to abide by th is
| "Brother” Willis, Junie Berg, Georgie Rose, Klaeber Willis, collectible.
agem ent discussions. Since th en profound advice of one of our
Jack Snowden, Alice Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. John W
th e re has been no fu rth e r rep o rt im m ortal leaders. W ith
Rosalie Berry, Beanie Hewlette, Dr. “Shag” Hogan, Dr.
tho u g h t in mind, th is colum n
on its activities.
Lakeland, South Orange, N. J., Teddy Randolph and hun-
P resid en t T ru m an has th u s far joins th e national cam paign for
THE UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE show n no disposition eith er to b etter personal conduct by p re ­
! dreds more.
senting th e follow ing code for
revive th e railro ad cases.
Mr. Moseley, owner of the very, very popular Celebrity Be Q uiet
The current Esquire magazine story on Negro nitsic-
Don’t talk so m uch or so loud.
ians is just about the most authorative as well as excel! ntly club in West 125th street, was not open to any offer so Par­ Keep your thoughts to yourself.
written piece this writer has read in years. When the rrit- ish is considering the Caribbean club near 140th street. Stop “beating up y o ur gum s”
. or recalled the heyday of James P. Johnson, “Jack the Biar”, . . . Four years ago (1941) in April, Charlie Barnet, famous w ith a lot of idle, noisy chatter.
and Willie (The Lion) Smith, he carried me back to the band leader, lost the singing services of a beautiful brown­ Nobody, including yourself, ap­
unnecessary noise. D on't
days when I was about to enter high (1912) school as a boy skinned girl named . . . Lena Horne . . . I recall the separa­ preciates
laugh so much, either. Rem em ­
11 years old . . . Maybe it’s because we long to see I^gro tion of this duo . . . easily as it marked my first attempt to ber th e old, tru e proverb, "M uch
plays and stage presentations taken out of character and gain a publicity spot with the Paramount theatre interests laughter, no brains.” Consider­
Anglo-Saxon patterns that—the latest Katherine Durham where LaHorne and the millionaire-bandsman were appear­ ing the deplorable condition th a t
calypso-like show left us neither hot nor cold . . . Irom ing . . . Lena stated to the white press that she intended the w orld is in, th e re isn’t m uch
to laugh at, anyw ay.
La Dunham’s point of view, she gathered in a basketfujl of launching out on her own as a solo act. . . I covered her Be Courteous
money so-o-o-o she’s probably not troubled over much about first solo performance at Downtown Cafe society where the “F reedom ” does n ot m ean a
beauteous one replaced talented Mae Diggs.
mine, or your, ideas on the subject, aye?
blank check to do as you dam n
Much water has passed under the bridge since that please. Mind your ow n business,
Hazel Scott, barred by DAR at Washington, D. C. . . .
Well, Hazel, the gesture was a noble one and the only ;vay afternoon when Lena Horne entered the “valley of decision” and give everyone else th e right
to do th e same thing. T here is
we can break down those ageless barriers is to do preefcely emerging with the aforementioned plans . . . Today she nothing clever ab o u t being bois­
what your sponsor attemtped . . . But, (in an aside to you), reigns in a queenly sort of way in the realm of the cinema, terous and overbearing. People
did you really and sincerely believe the Daughters of the club, cabaret, and the theatre—what a girl, what a vision are w orking day an d nig h t to
build goodwill, an d th ey are do­
American Revolution were going to hang the welcome hnat she had and capitalized upon.
Recalling the Hazel Scott business with the DAR re­ ing it w ith great sacrifice. Don’t
out to you!!!
hinder th eir splendid efforts w ith
Well, just like I told you last week, Joe Bostic ia no calls to mind the attiude of the press of the nation when foolish and stupid acts, ever for­
longer with the newspaper People’s Voice, and in that sime Paul Robeson was boycotted by that snooty organization . . . get th a t m anners w ill get you in­
connection, Ted Yates no longer writes for the Adam day- The Robeson concert slated for April 25, 1941, was forced side w here money w ill never buy
ton Powell sheet . . . There is a paradoxic*! side to the to be held at a new sports auditorium in Washington called a ticket. If w e really are ladies
and gentlem en, th en le t us con­
Bostic-Yates separation from PV in the matter of job Uline’s arena if memory serves us . . . The officials of DAR vince people by proving up.
shifting . . . Yates, formerly associated with Moe Galt of took an unmerciful lashing from editorial writers the coun­ Be Sensible
Ink pots and Golden Gate ballroom fame, has quit the try over.
Stop kidding oursleves, and be­
fore w e get too fa r o ut on the
Gale banner and gone out on his own . . . Bostic has teken
lim b about not being done right
over the spot vacated by Teddy Yates in the Moe Gale
by, let us save th e blues singing
household . . . Life is funny that way—eh what?
un til we first give ourselves a
Avon Long, starred in “Carib Song”, the K. Dunlam
break. W hen w e are wrong, we
are wrong, and th a t is that. Stop
Trinidad-laid play at the Adelphi theatre, shares the plaud­
defending our errors. We are
its of the audiences with that truly great singer William
anything b ut cherubs. W e’re just
General Overhauling by Expert M echanic
Franklin. Glad to see you so completely recovered fiom
folks like other people, no b etter
your painful experience with Harlem hoodlums, Avon , . .
W e Specialize in . . .
and no worse as a whole. The
A1 Douglas, owner of the Heat Wave bar and cabaret, had
sooner w e get aro u n d to recogniz­
ing and adm itting our w eaknes­
a visitor the other evening who talked shop about buying
and faults, th e sooner w e can
his nitery . . . The prospective purchaser, Arthur Parish,
do som ething about th em ; th en
listen to A1 as the popular Harlemite told him that he
we can definitely get u n d er way.
(Douglas) had refused an offer of $35,000 because it repre­
Be P atie n t
H ang on to yourself. Don’t get
sented selling out to white interests . . . Parish then of­
For Service Calls Phone TRinity 1446
th e m istaken idea th a t you can
fered Douglas $18,000, the money to be paid as follows;
m ake th e m arch all alone. W ait
Now Open Under New Management
10 grand on the dotted line with term notes for the $8,000
for us, w e are going y o u r w ay,
balance . . . Douglas may consider it after he has mulled
too, and we are ju s t as eager and
over it for a while.
d eterm ined to get th e re as you
are. Run o u t there by yourself
and a gloomy enem y is likely to
kick your te eth out. B ut ju s t let
him try it, buddie, w hen w e are
w ith you!
Be Brave
T ake th a t chip off your shoul­
It doesn't m ean you are
tough, ju st foolish. A ny sucker
can sta rt a fight ju st to be fig h t­
ing, but th a t kind of an approach
only succeeds in crystalizing the
opposition. F ight for som ething
w ith principle. And never to lerate
injustice. B ut th e sam e token
never invite it w ith arrogance
and bulldozing. Don’t le t an y ­
body push you around, b u t keep
your hands off other people, too.
D em and your share, b u t no more.
Look w h at happened to H itler,
Mussolini, and To jo.
B» Proud
G et your chin up off th e floor.
You are an A m erican, and you
shall bend your knee to none but
God. Stop w hining and griping.
Most certain ly everything is not
perfect, and only a fool w ill ever
expect it to be so. T his is a
w orld of continual strife w here
none b u t th e Tit, individuals or
nations, w ill ever get u n d e r the
w ire. U nder such conditions you
are going to be forced to set your
ow n stan d ard of progress, and to
m ark it w ith your ow n price.
Freedom is w h at you w ant, you
say. Good! Y ou can have ju st
as m uch of it as you w ill be w ill­
ing to pay for in the coins of self-
respect, m anhood, decency and
courage. No people w ill ever be
th e recipients of freedom w ho are
too sloppy or crav en to pay the
It is up to us.
For Churches, Parties and All
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Hawthorne Blvd. at 42nd Ave.
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Your M eals
Breakfast - Lunch
Eat with U p and Enjoy
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