Friday. O ctober 12. 1945 F E M I N I N E Williams Ave. . C H A T T E R USO Gives Party For Paratroopers PORTLA N D INQ U IRER Pag* r i t # lÜllllllü'ii.JlllllItlUMIIMI W O M E N ’ S PAGE A good basic suit w ill assure you of first class passage to By Janice Lew is w ard ro be perfection th is fall. Some are being show n w ith the double o r trip le stripes w hicn tak e directions to broaden you above and slim you below. O th ­ ers have the tunic-line jackets and are very chic especially w hen they are set off by the shirt-cuffed sleeves w hich gives your hands such a fem inine look. For the short wom an, the sm art salons are show ing scientifically proportioned suits w hich consist of a sh ort w aist line, a narrow shoulder span and a perfectly fit­ ting h ip -w h ittlin g skirt. In suits as w ell as dresses this year, th e w inged sleeves and col­ W illiam s Ave. USO— The cli- larless necklines are very sm art and tw o colors in co n trast are raa of a round of fun over the tw ice as sm art. If you notice week end for the officers an d closely, you w ill probably see men of the 555th P aratro o p ers In- pocket flaps finely edged w ith v elvet or fronts and pockets im ­ T he w eek-end at th e W illiam s peccably tailored w ith stitching. A venue USO proved to be one of T he J e rk in suits hit th e stride the busiest of th e year. F or th e in young sophistication and are -econd tim e this y ea r m em bers an ey e-catcher w ith th e ir cap- of th e 555th P aratro o p ers In fa n ­ sleeves and w ide belted waists. try B ataillon stationed at Pendle- W om w ith a gay colorful blouse ton, w ere guests. T hese men are th ey a re a keynote to rom ance. the only Negro P aratro o p ers in T he trik skirts are finding th en the A rm ed Forces. w ay am ong todays m asterpieces T he round of en te rta in m e n t for and they rep leat them selves u ith - very popular airb o rn e out a w orry to your fair head, troopers began w ith an indoor W orn w ith your favorite button- W iener Roast, w ith all th e trim - up boxy jack et they are a r e \e la - m jngs on S atu rd ay afternoon. tion in new grace and freedom . This w as follow ed by a dance T he suit accessory for Fall b all is S atu rd ay evening to th e hot! gaily colored scarves. Ascot style r hy th m of C harles M erritt and his o r d raped around the shoulders. O rchestra cu rren tly ap p earin g at Since m ost of the suits are collar- , he c lu b M onterey s w . 3rd and less, it gives you a chance to w ear jrjancjers. th a t lovely necklace >ou have B reakfast w as served on Sun- been saving back. M aybe you j ay m ornjng to all w ho w anted to have one of th e “Dog C ollar atten d and S unday afternoon v ariety or perhaps you w an t to th e ir stay ended w ith a grand be G recian and w ear links and show fea tu rin g Teddy F elton as links of a b rig h t shining chain. EmCee. Music w as furnished by Of course you m ust h av e a B row ne A m eda and th e well blouse to change your costum e know n “B us” and His S axaphone and h ere again w e notice th a t C laudie W ilson, a retu rn ed v e t­ collars have disappeared. Those eran presided at th e drum s. The th a t are finely stitched and e x ­ locally fam ous D ance Team of trav a g an tly pleated in th e fro n t Red and C arlyle m ade a h it w ith a re ju st too fetching. th e large audience as did Cecil Yes, w hat a w onderful w ay to H am ilton w ho gave a short skit. sta rt y o ur day. Y ou sta rt out T he audience show ed th e ir a p ­ feeling m arvelous because you proval of the v arie ty of acts by know th a t you’re “s u ited ” ju st round afte r round of applause. rig h t an d your accessories are th e T he program w as u n d er th e d i­ last word. rection of Mrs. Ja n ice Lew is, new program d irecto r for th is USO. FASHIONS RADIO BECIPIES Listen to "BRONZE COMMUNITY HOUR" Mrs. Ruby Hardin Becomes Bride of Lawrence Maddox ili.Itili! llllliiililililllitllllliUiltlllUtlMHMIllltliltKlIHIHtliiHtliliMI Society News By Ann M orrison and H eleona Searcie niuHXtmui linWIMIimHMHIIUHIIII nnti miimiiiii"miMiHiiuumuitti NEWLYWEDS Mrs. Ruby H ardin of 3344 S. E. Y am hill tre e t becam e th e bride of Mr L aw rence W M addox in a q u iet b ut colorful cerem ony at the hom e of her son and d au g h ter Midi. A. in lak, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W right. 2906 S. E T ibbets St E v er,' j ow ner of the M edley hotel, oil atu rd a y evening, O ctober 6th Mr W right and a d au g h ter, Mrs. fan try B attalion of Pendleton. left is C apt. R ich ard W illiams. H erb ert Lewis, m ade up the Bridal Oregon finds them enjoying some E xecutive officer of the b attalio n P arty ; Rev. J F S m ith of Zion and standing net to him is Mrs. A M E. church. S an Rafael St . punch w ith o th er servicem en and j ennl# Adams, assistan t d irecto r and N W illiams A venue, o fficiat­ 108C on Your Dial USO hostesses. At th e ex trem e of the W illiam s A venue USO. ed. Mrs. C lifford Dixon, soprano sang and Miss M arion Fouse of Write or Phone lor Radio S tation KGW staff re n d e r­ Your ed selections at th e H arp th a t Favorite Recordings form ed p art of th e beautiful background. ATwater 4393 S ev eral scores of guests a tte n d ­ ed th e reception w hich followed the cerem ony S erving at th e re ception w ere Mrs. Robert H arvey j of S eattle w ho poured coffee and M rs. F.lia M orton, w ho had the honor of serving th e W edding WASHINGTON — Large - size Cake. Mrs. L enora G askins und sugar coupons R 1209 and R-330) Mrs. T helm a U nthank reigned are to be taken out of circulation over th e Punch Bowl Mrs. Abbie an d w ill not be good for use by C antrell received guests, ab ly as- V ISITIN G —S tew ard 3/c and They w ere m arried recently in consum ers after October 5, the isted by Mrs Ruby Irene Ben- Mrs. Lear who are visiting Mr. C alifornia and w ill retu rn to the O ffice of Price A dm inistration I jam in, g ran d d a u g h ter of the Lears p aren ts on th e honeymoon. L and of S unshine this week end. said th is week. ! bride. These coupons w ere issued Mrs. W inifred C ochrane and L ittle Miss C arlene Johnson principally for furlough and ill­ Mrs. Robena M artin assisted ang last S atu rd ay over KOIN GRAND P R I Z E ..................... $50.00 Bond ness rations, OPA said. Very few about the rooms and Mrs. M ary , S tars of Tom orrow " program . a re outstanding since a sm aller S eco n d P r i z e ......................... $25.00 Bond Duncan, P o rtland rep resen tativ e (O nly th ree years old C arlene has coupon (R 330 Revised) is the Third Prize . . . . $10.00 W a r S tam p s j m ade several appearances over of th e N orthw est E n terp rise pre- only coupon OPA has issued for -ented and introduced the guests. j th e radio. Her song w as “P lay- th ese rations since April 1945. Mrs. M agnolia T aylor of 16 N. m a te”. C arlene is the dau g h ter of T he two forms th a t become E. C lackam as St. w as hostess S tew ard 3rd C lass and Mrs Mrs. C arl Johnson. invalid for consumer use after ¡to th e B ethelite C lub last even- Davis L ear of Los Angeles, C ali- Miss Blanch G raves w rites to O ctober 5 are four tim es larger j in g | fornia is visiting in P ortalnd as h e r P ortland friends th a t she a r ­ th a n form R-330 Revised, which Mrs Clifford D ixon is leaving *^e Hucst of Mr. and Mis. Logan rived safely as school. Miss w ill continue to be used. The soon to join her husband in Los A vritt, also his m other and fath- G raves is a senior a t B ennett large coupons are being elim in at­ Angeles, C alifornia w here they , r M*"*- ant* M r Dewey L ear of College in G reensboro, N orth ed to save space on th e gummed 2311 N Cottonw ood S treet, Van- sheets to which coupons have to ex p ect to m ake th e ir perm anent port. Mr. an d Mrs. Davis L ear C arolina. home. S unday evening th e hom e of be attach ed before being trans- Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowie, form ­ are recent bride and groom, hav­ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G riffin was j ferred or deposited in ration bank erly of Eagle C reek, O regon are ing been m arried at Los Angeles th e scene of a b irth d a y party | accounts. on S eptem ber 30th. honoring Mr. Lloyd G riffin. A D ealers who do not have a r a ­ residing at 1726 S. E. Haig street. S tew ard L ear is a m em ber of buffet supper w as the highlight W edding bells rang F riday a f­ tion bank account m ay not use a Seabec B attalion und w ears a i th e large size coupon after Oct. ternoon for Mrs. R uby H ardin Service Ribbon from the A m eri­ of the evening. C ards and Poq- and Mr. Law rence W. Maddox. ueno was the m ain diversion. i 15. A fter Oct. 25 they w ill not can th e a tre and one from the be good for deposit in a ration They w ere q uietly m arried by A siatic-Pacific th e a tre of War T w elve guests w ere present to Rev. J. Sm ith. R eception was THE CONTEST BEGINS OCTOBER 22. 1945 w ish Mr. Lloyd G riffin many b ank account. C ontinue to S ave F ats w ith one b attle star. m ore birthdays. Mrs. Corine ENDING DECEMBER 28. 1945. "MR. AM ERICA MEET S ugar Stam p No. 38, th e reg ­ held at the hom e of Mr. and Bride and groom w ere d inner H ousew ives are u rged to con­ THE PEA CE" u lar stam p in W ar R ation Book Mrs. Steven W right, w here m any guests of Mr. and Mrs. Logan Duke, a sister in law, and Miss NOVEMBER 2 nd . . . LAST DAY FOR tinue th e ir w ar-tim e p ractice of F our now in use, is not affected frien d s gath ered to ex ten d th eir A v rltt of 65 N. E Hancock St., W anda G riffin, th eir daughter S o n M eat P oints F ree REGISTRATION congratulation. T hey received assisted in caring for the guest. saving used k itchen fats. T here by th is action. Mrs. A m erica’s ratio n in g woes P o rtlan d , on T h u rsd ay evening. m any lovely gifts. Pfc. N orm an Miles arrived have been gradually disappearing is still an u rgent need fo r them , Mrs. G. R. H arvey of S eattle, T hey w ill leave P o rtlan d on S a t­ hom e from Italy alst T hursday because of th e serious shortage WE WANT NEGRO PO­ since th e end of the w ar. The W ashington was an out of tow n u rday to continue th e ir honey­ evening w ith an honorable dis­ O ctober m eat point value ch an ­ of in d u stria l fats necessary in the LICEMEN AND WOMEN. guest who atten d ed the w edding moon trip in Los A ngeles w here charge from th e arm y. Pfc. Miles ges h av e m ade ratio n point b u d ­ m an u factu re of soaps and oth er and reception. The P o rtlan d In S tew ard L ear intends to stay u n ­ served overseas for eighteen geting even less of a problem . civilian goods. E very little bit q u irer took pictu res of th e a f­ til his re tu rn to d u ty on O ctober m onths. L ow er grades of beef—th a t is— w ill help. A nd you’ll be re w a rd ­ 19th. fair. Mrs. L. F. G reen, the wife of u tility and can n er grades—and ed w ith an increase in th e n u m ­ Mrs. M arion B row n is able to presiding E lder L. F. G reen a r­ ber of points paid, o u r b u t­ u tility and cull grades of veal be up afte r being a victim of rived in the city W ednesday for and lam b are now point-free. cher w ill now give you four red pneum onia. an in definite stay. Sausages and oth er products in points a pound, instead of two, Mr. W illie W illiam s retu rn ed and four cents, for th e used fat w hich these m eats are th e p rin ­ o u rth p rize s, a tie b etw een 11th hom e last w eek from a tw o- cipal in gredients are point-free, you tu rn in to him . T h u s you’ll grade, L aing school, M ount P leas­ m onth sight-seeing visit of the be helping yourself as w ell as too. All cuts of m eats listed as ant, . C., and th e sophom ore class, east an d south. your country by continuing to “o th er cu ts” w ill require no r a ­ H igh school, N ew York (A N P)—W inners in W alker-G V irant tion points. This group includes save w aste fats. HAVE YOU DON ATE D TO the nation-w ide N egro essay pro­ F redericksburg, Va., and honor­ sh o rt ribs, b risk et and flank THE UNITED NEGRO COL­ ject co-sponsored by the N ational able m ention, 9H -I class, D avid m eat, ham burger, lam b patties T uberculosis association an d its T. H ow ard school, A tlanta, and LEGE FUND? and veal patties. In fact, one- T urkeys Used for T hanksgiving affailiated sta te associations w ere th e stu d e n t body of Booker T. th ird of all th e m eat A m erica announced M onday by Dr. C har­ W ashington H igh school, M em ­ I t’s v ery likely Mrs. A m erica eats in Oc* .h er w ill be bought les S. Johnson, d irecto r of the phis. w ith o u t points. A seasonal in ­ w ill be able to buy a tu rk e y to Second prize for an essay b y a d ep a rtm en t of social sciences, adorn th e d in n er ta b le on our I T he T heresa Chorus, in all it's h and to g reet P o rtla n d a t the day. Oct, 14ih. crease in m arketing of range-fed high school stu d e n t w as w on by Fick university, N ashville, and DO YOU HAVE A peace-tim e T hanksgiving faeauty Qnd sp iencjori w iu be on Benson Tech A u ditorium . Sun- cattle m ade th e increase possible. first chairm an of th e com m ittee of M arianne L. Brow n, Jo h n H aris D ay in four years. A ll tu rk ey s * • * ROOM or APARTMENT seven judges. H igh school, H arrisb u rg , Pa.; w ere set aside for th e A rm ed Life” nevertheless. It has been Supplies of th e b etter cuts of A w ards w ere m ade for th e best th ird prize by L ouise McVey, Forces up until S eptem b er 23, so shown in n earb y M arietta. m eat are still inadequate to m eet FOR RENT? en tries in th re e divisions—pro­ Thom as Je fferso n H igh school, th a t service m en and w om en th e dem and, how ever, so all pork Mayor H artsfield was re p o rte d ­ jects conducted by a high school I Los Angeles, and fo u rth prize by w ould have th e trad itio n al holi­ cuts, bacon, and choice cuts of ly out of th e city a t th e screen ­ class, essays w ritte n by in divi­ L illian Dunn, O range C ounty day delicacy. H ow ever, th e set- beef, veal and lam b— th a t is, ing for censor board m em bers and d u al high school stu d en ts and T raining school, C hapel Hill, N. aside is now te rm in ate d an d it is ATLA N TA (A N P)— The 1934 atto rn ey s a fte r h av in g learn ed grades AA, A and B— reta in th e ir A d v ertise in The C. Special aw a rd s w ere m ade essays by college students. estim ated by th e D ep artm en t of screen attra c tio n “Im itatio n of of th e ban. T h eir atto rn ey s com ­ had no com m ent w hen contacted S eptem ber point values this later. W ashum , M cK inley Schools an d colleges in 25 Servonia A griculture th a t supplies of tu r ­ L ife,” sta rrin g Louise B eavers m unicated w ith U n iv ersa l’s chief m onth. F ats, oils, b u tte r and P aram ount w as forced to su b ­ sta te s p articip ated in the project, H igh school, C anton, O., and B et­ keys w ill be adeq u ate to tak e an d F red i W ashington, has been counsel in N ew Y ork by te le­ m arg arin e are also unchanged stitute an o th er film for th e slated th ro u g h w hich an estim ated half ty Je a n Lewis, T hom as Jefferson care of civilian dem and. b anned from A tla n ta by Miss phone. B ut th e re ’s good new s in th e run of “Im itatio n of L ife.” m illion persons • w ere reached High school, Los A ngeles. H onor C h ristin e Sm ith, w h ite city film C ity law s ex a ct a p en a lty of low ering of point values on can­ w ith th e story of tuberculosis able m ention w en t to F rances censor, on grounds th a t it is “con­ $500 for each show ing of a pic­ ned fish—tw o to th ree points a control, according to Dr. J o h n ­ Majors, Jackson Ju n io r High M any fam ilies are beginning to tra ry to th e good o rd er of th e tu re th a t does n ot b ea r th e cen­ pound. A nd Mrs. A m erica w ill school, L ouisville; M argaret “HAVE YOU DONATED TO son. W E b ster 7220 still have 50 red points a m onth feel th e effects of th e change­ co m m u n ity ” in its tre a tm e n t of so r’s stam p of approval. W oodyard, Fosdick-M aston H igh THE UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE For the second consecutive over from w ar-tim e to peace­ th e racial question. T he censor w as given a p riv ate for each m em ber of her fam ily year, first aw ard for th e best school, Buffalo, N. Y.; R osem ary T he ban cam e last w eek afte r screening of th e p ic tu re about FUND?” to purchase item s th a t are still tim e wages. For them , p a rtic u l­ p roject conducted by a high Hines, C entral H igh school, M un- arly, price control becom es m ore P aram o u n t th e atre, w hich has no four days before announcem ent rationea. school class w ent to th e 9-7 cio, Ind.; Lois Sim m ons. St. R ita S O M E T H IN )} N E W ! im portant than ever. T he Office space for N egro patronage, had of th e ban. H er open rejection j JUST RIGHT Science class of C arver Ju n io r academ y, St. Louis; K en n eth Mc- of P rice A dm inistration has p ut asked perm ission for its run. led to an o th er show ing for the PROM INENT BUSINESS SHOE REPAIR SHOP High School, Tulsa, O kla. The G aughey, A bilene H igh school into effect a program th a t w ill T he situ atio n b ro u g h t ab o u t by lib ra ry board m em bers, a t w hich WOMAN ILL IN HER HOME class will receive a gold m edal, for Negroes, A bilene, Tex.; and bring onto the m ark et m ore low- th e d au g h ter in th e film in cross­ Ladies & G ents Shoes R epaired tim e th ey v oted un an im o u sly to j Mrs. B eatrice Reed of 2107 N. a set of books and $75 for its M ary L aury, E ustic V ocational N. W illia m « A v e . an d T illa m o o k V ancouver Ave., has been con­ priced cotton, rayon, and woolen ing over to th e w h ite race afte r uphold th e ban as given by Miss 326 N. W. 5th Ave. planning and presen tatio n of “A High School, Eustis, Fla. D ire c tly a c r o s s f r o W illia m s A v e. clothing, w hich is a big item in finding it m ore advantageous to Sm ith. A tto rn ey s an d th e ir w ives fined to h er hom e because of ill­ U SO In the college division, second Tuberculosis D ay P rogram .” ness for th e past m onth and a the fam ily budget. T he program h er g en eral living is th e p a rt of saw a th ird screen in g of th e film | C H O IC E F O O D — F O U N T A I N prize was aw ard ed M arguerite Miss Frances E. m ith of J. C. Open 7 a. m . t o 12 M id n ig h t is specifically designed to m ake th e film to w hich Miss S m ith afterw ard s. half. Mrs. Reed is em ployed at Corbin High School, P ine Bluff, H. H artm an, D illard u niversity, M rs. M a r y P r o c t o r , P r o p . U n iv ersal’s b ran ch m anager th e H olm an & L utz M ortuary and low er-priced essential garm ents and th e board objected. T he ob- MME. CAROLE P h o n e T R 3259 A rk., won first prize for th e best New O rleans, and th ird prize, available, so consum ers w ill not pection states th a t th e actress said th a t th e ban w as “n o t ju sti­ ow ner of a fur salon a t th e V an­ BORN PSYCHIC essay subm itted by a high school O livia Irene T ucker, M aryland be forced to buy higher-priced attem p ts, unsuccessfully, to “cross fiable,” sta tin g th a t a t th e tim e couver avenue address. stu d en t and w ill be aw arded a S tate T eachers college, Bowio, A s k s n o q u e s tio n s ;te ll» a c tu a l substitutes. And ceiling prices th e lin e”. ROY LIVINSTON it w as show n in A tla n ta in 1935 f a c t s , g iv in g n a m e s an d d a te s . gold m edal and a 100 scholar­ Md. Special aw ard s w ere m ade T he b an given by Miss S m ith “no p ro tests ag ain st it were R e v e a ls y o u r I n n e r m o s t s e c r e t s . of present low-cost clothing w ill MOVING S o lv e s b u s in e s s an d p e r so n a l ship to a college of h er own T yrie Booker, B radley college, be reduced. To provide g reater had th e unanim ous ap proval of h eard .” He declared th a t A tlanta p r o b le m s . S a t is f a c t io n a s su r e d . H au lin g of A ny Kind H e a r the F am o u s choice. Miss S m ith ’s essay w as Peoria, 111., and R u th A lm yra protection against overcharges, th e board of tru ste es of th e C ar­ w as th e first city of th e south to — H o u r s 10 to 8 — N O J O B T O O S M A L I. on “H ow th e Home, chool and K ird, W est V irginia S ta te college, these clothes w ill carry tags negie lib ra ry of A tlan ta, u n d er tak e such action ag a in st th e pic­ N O N E TOO L A R U E 1121 S. W. T aylor S treet Com m unity Can P artic ip ate in Institu te, W. Va. H onorable m en ­ w hich board her office functions. tu re, w hich has enjoyed p ro fit­ w hich sta te the ceiling price. MU 4433 61 IT. E . B an R a f a e l S t. tion w as w on by E m m a Lee the C ontrol of T uberculosis.” C ity law s em pow ers th e lib ra ry able ru n s in o th e r p a rts of the W eathers, K en tu ck ta te college, In th e college contest, first board th e rig h t to ap prove or d is­ country. Since A tla n ta m ade its prize was won by Mrs. C hristine F ran k fo rt; M ary E .” S kinner, approve of all public e n te rta in ­ assertion, L loyd Binford, official DONALD L. W EST J. D illard, a stu d e n t a t V irginia E lizabeth C ity S tate T eachers m ent in A tlanta. censor of M em phis, took sim ilar W illiam s Ave. & K nott St. S tate college, P etersburg, Va. college, E lizabeth C ity, N. C.; T he u ltim atu m aroused m uch action, according to reports. By W illiam H enry H uff F resh V egetables Daily For her essay on “Old V ersus New A udrey J. L aw son, H ouston C ol­ Tuesday a n d Thursday criticisb since th e film w as ap ­ T he M em phis censor had be­ We Welcome Y our P atronage A ttitu d es in My C om m unity Re­ lege for Negroes, H ouston; A lb ert H ush, I h ear a voice like m ine proved w hen it w as p resen ted in come n atio n ally k now n before, A. E. MOSER Crying in the w ilderness. garding T uberculosis”, she will M ackey, F lorida A. an d M. col­ 6:45 P. M. th e city in 1935 to reco rd -b reak h o w ev a:, v. hen he b an n ed “B rew ­ Ringing clear, not in a w hine, be presented a gold m edal and lege, T allahnssee; D elia E. W al­ ing show ings. A t th a t tim e, fol­ ste r’s M illions” an d “T he S o u th ­ ker, P aine collebe, A ugusta, Ga.; For the w eak and defenseless. $50 in cash. low ing th e p rem iere show ing at ern e r,” because, he said, they WILLIAMS AVE. Who is this so brave and strong th e Fox th e atre, it m oved to presen ted th e so u th in an u n ­ O th er aw ards in th e high school M illicent A. G um bs, W ilborforce As to sing sw yeet freedom ’s song neighborhood th e atres and still favorable light. “T he S o u th ern ­ class project w ere: second prize, u n iversity; Mrs. B ernice M. Rod­ VARIETY STORE Ju n io r B class, Booker T. W ash­ gers, Lincoln J u n io r college, K an ­ W here such singing m ight m ean b ro u g h t packed audiences. e r” w as approved fo r A tlanta A Small Deposit Will Hold ington H igh School, New O rleans; sas City, Mo., and Ju a n ita F itz­ death? S tan ley 's C lo th es Shop 1080 K.C. Local officials of th e U niversal show ings, how ever. T hat Xmas G ift for You th ird prize, Science club, W ash­ patrick, G rand R apids Ju n io r col­ Yet, he does not hold his P ictu res com pany, Inc., ow ners, 435 SW. W ashington St. Several G eorgia cities were W illiams Ave. a t K nott St. ington H igh School, Raleigh, N.C.; lege, G rand Rapids, Mich. breath. im m ediately conferred w ith th e ir cu rren tly show ing “Im itatio n of OPA S A Y S . . . K W J J POPULARITY CONTEST WHO IS PORTLAND'S MOST POPULAR DAMSEL? Use of Large size Sugar Coupons Ends Oct. 5 The Portland Inquirer is Sponsoring a PESONALITY CONTEST Under the Auspices of Miss A. B. Washington Prizes Will Be Awarded Amounting to $85 Navy C. B. Visits Here On Honeymoon Open to All Ladies Who Want to Enter Make Your Entrees Now by Phone . . . Call The Portland Inquirer's Office - WEbster 7220 - Win the Grand Prize by Selling Subscriptions For This Bigger and Better Paper Don't Miss This Chance for a Big Reward Annual T-B Essay Contest Winners Are Girls ATLANTA FILM CENSOR BANS "IMITATION OF UFE" REVIVAL PORTLAND INQUIRER TILLAMOOK LUNCHEONETTE "HARBOR HARMONISTS" KW J J Jusi arrived- New Spring Full Drape Suits and Slacks DeMars Grocery J