Pag« 4 PORTLAND INQUIRER PORTLAND INQUIRER Septem ber 21, 194$ GOVERNMENT NEEDS AND A S K S ITS CITIZEN Sj T O KEEP ON SALVAGING URGENTLY NEEDED TIN CANS. JAPAN SI .d - CONTROLS ALL SOURCES OF QUR f \ __ WAP TIN SUPPLY." P u b lish ed Each F rid ay By R alp h H. F aulk, ow ner an d p u blisher Portland Inquirer Publishing Co. 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave.—Tel. W E bster 7220— P o rtlan d , Ore. One Y ear by M ail_______ Six M onths by Mail_____ -J S -.S T r.T ~ ________ $5.00 ________ $2.50 ■‘j BBaa y . w N A TIO N A L A D V E R T IS IN G R E P R E S E N T A T IV E ( n t r s t a t e U n i t e d N e w s p a p e r s . In c.. 645 F i f t h A v e n u e , N e w Y o rk C i t y a n d C h i c a g o , III. T e l e p h o n e : M u r r a y H i l l 2-5452 Personal, C lub, Local an d C h u rch News m ust reach us T uesday preceding publication date. Within the past two months there have been at least two Negroes killed by the people who are sworn to protect them as well as the rest of the populace. Innocent or guilty, in either case witnesses state that neither of these men should have been killed. They were killed by Policemen and at the time of murders (that is the. name for it) neither of the policemen’s life was in danger. But to add insult to injury, official Portland exonerated the killers without a coroners inquest or trial of any kind. Needless to say that on no account would these mur­ ders not have been investigated had these men been white. But, solely because they were Negroes nothing was said or done about either killing. It is time for the Colored popu­ lation of Oregon to start action that will prevent a recur­ rence of this sort of thing. One minister, a Rev. George W. Brown who was practically unknown hereabouts took it upon himself to speak for the good of all Negroes. His actions caused societies, organizations and clubs of the white race to bring a demand for a coroner’s inquest into the killing of Irwin Jones in Guilds Lake on August 21st. The Negro Race in Portland has done almost nothing to help this man in his endeavor to bring about some kind of justice. The members of the Police Department be they Regulars or of the Guard and Patrol Unit who kill needlessly are as much MURDERERS as anyone else who kills. They should be tried and when found guilty given a sentence in the Penitentiary or the Gas Chamber the same as any other citizen. It is time to rid the community of these “Gun Weilders”. You can do your part. A committee visited the District Attorney to see if it was possible to have the state pay the expenses of the re­ turn of Mrs. Jones and family from their home in Louis- anna. Following the killing of her husband Mrs. Jones left Oregon. It will be necessary to have Mrs. Jones here to hold a coroner’s inquest. The District Attorney said that he would put the m atter before the proper authorities. Write to the Governor of this state, Governor Earl Snell and ask him to authorize sending for these people. Write to Mayor Earl Riley and ask him to interceed for the good of the Negro population. Now is the time to act before more innocent people are killed, remember, YOU may be the next victim. THE COMMON DEFENSE A Revelation and A Warning - . >•••■•■ - •• * »* w * ^| a * * — ___________ ____________ 'KEEP ON SALVAGING TIN CANS.'" ed anything to the sum total of racial and religious hate in bers of the unit were attached to this country ought to repent of their evil works. For today Q'177 Depot in l ’aris, largest . , ,, .. Q u a rte rm a ste r pool in th e Euro- evil must , be seen as , being more deadly than ever it was. i pean „ . J! . .. , . . T h eater. T h eir first job w as Today there are powers of world-wide destruction at its processing 1,000,000 pieces of cap- disposal. It is terrifying now to think of what destruction tu red G erm an clothing for con- awaited mankind had the Nazis, imbued with hate and pre- version purposes. Finishing this judice, first discovered the secret of atomic energy. task ,in less than a month* th(,y ° J ________ ____________________________________________ ______________ handled all a d m in istrativ e n t - HAVE YOU DONATED TO | p 0 r - nnnftl ,ords ,,f the M°° so,diers on dut>’ 1 N F P R O COT * 6 r S 0 n i l G l o p c c i d i i s i s at th e depot. T he m edical sec- THE UNITED NEGRO COL C n n n J l H M tion served both A rm y personnel LEGE FUND? Speeding neaeploymeni a nd French civilian em ployees. ASSEM BLY ' A R E A COM- | MAND, F rance— A group of Ne- gro personnel and m edical spec- ialists, w ho compose H eadquar- ters D etachm ent, 611th Q u arter- MT. ZION CHURCH OF GOD m aster B attalion, is helping to IN CHRIST speed troops from Europe by fill­ 108 H . E. K a i l t U S t. ing key ad m in istrativ e posts in O R D E R O F S E R V IC E S u n d a y S c h o o l — 9:45 A. M. th e Sissonne B ub-area, A ssem bly M o r n i n g S e r v i c e — 11:30 A. M. A rea C om m and n ear Reims. E v e n i n g S e r v i c e — 8:00 I ’. M. Y . P .W .W . — 4:30 P . M. A ctivated in 1942 at Cam p S h el­ T u e . 8:00 P . M.— E v a n « . S e r v i c e by, M ississippi, th e 22-man u n it T h u r . P r a y e r & B i b le B a n d — 8:00 F r i . H e a l i n g S e r v i c e — 8:00 P. M. has accom plished several im p o rt­ O v e r se e r W . Z>. M c K in n e y , P a s to r a n t assignm ents. From October, E ld . B . T. W e lls , A s s t . P a s t o r 1943 to S eptem ber, 1944, it fu r­ nished as a personnel section for THE MT. O L IwE CHURCH Q u arterm aster depots in S alis­ O F GOD I I I CHRIST bury, S outham pton and Bath, G u ild s L a k e— 4312 If. W . 41 C rt. England. O R D E R O F S E R V IC E A rriving on the continent, mem - CHURCH DIRECTORY S u n d a y S c h o o l — 9:45 A. M. M o r n i n g S e r v i c e — 11:45 A. M. Y .P A V .W .— 6:00 P . M. E v e n i n g S e r v i c e — 7:30 P . M. T u e . S er. 11:00 A. M. & 7:30 P . M. T h u r . & F r i . E v e . — 7:30 P. M. A U I n v it e d — R e v . H . D . W illia m s , P a s to r The explosion of the experimental atomic bomb in the New Mexico desert is said to have illuminated the sky with a brightness greater than that of the sun at noonday. Shak­ ing the earth over an area of 300 miles in diameter, rever­ berating like a heavy clap of thunder, it lightened the peaks, WILLIAMS AVE. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ridges—and even crevasses—of mountains three miles away. The explosion of this atomic bomb, marking the advent Elder C laud L. L am pkin, P astor 2504 N. W illiam s Ave. of awful power in the hands of men, illuminated more than ORDER O F SERVICES: the deep and dark places of the mountains. The blinding M onday and F rid ay : Evange- flash was a revelation—which threw searing and penetrat­ listical Services 7:30. W ednesday Bible B and 8:00. Sunday, S unday ing light into the dark chambers of men’s souls where School 10, M orning Service at pride and greed and hate are stored up and nutured. The 11:30. Y. P. W. W., 6:30. E vening :45. deafening roar of thunder was a warning of the dire fate Services Come One! Come A ll! awaiting humanity if men, possessing new destructive Mrs. L am pkin, R eporter. power, use it in the service of pride and greed and hate. It is a ghastly thing to contemplate the words of so CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST keen an observer as Commander Herbert Agar, aid to Am­ Rev. B. M. M cSwain, P astor. 120 S. W. F ro n t Ave. bassador Winant, “I sincerely believe that in a very few P o rtlan d , Oregon. years human beings will know how to destroy the human SERVICES: M orning W orship, 12 noon. race.” W orship a t 8. These are not idle words. For here we have before us E E vening very T uesday and F riday an instrument of destruction of such potency as to possess ?vening 8. Radio B roadcast ev ery Sunday more power than 20,000 tons of TNT—an instrument of m orning a t 8 oo’colck over S ta­ death, a single bomb—equal in destructive power to all tion K W JJ. the bombs that 2,000 B-29 bombers can carry. All this “HAVE YOU DONATED TO power in one atomic bomb—all this now a reality, not a TH E UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE theory. • FU N D ?” In view of these circumstances ,all who have contribut- Im m ediately follow ing V-E Day, \th u n it w as tra n sfe rre d from I3*11-*8 lo Sissonne, being th e first unit to arriv e a t this A ssem bly A rca Com m and h ead q u arters. -------------------------------- SIDE-ORDERS FOR K-RATIONS W ashington, D. C.—If they can ’t get hom e rig h t aw ay, the G I’s in th e P h ilip p in es w ho m ight otherw ise be lim ited to process­ ed or d eh y d rated foods can now p rep are th e ir ow n victory g a r­ dens. In th e tropical clim ates especially, th e seeds given them at our w estern ports of e m b a rk a ­ tion by A m erican Red Cross m ust be producing p len ty of tom atoes and melons by now. r ~ ~ ~ -----------------------------------------------------------— ----------- OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION 1412 N. Williams Avenue SPECIAL This Month Only 3 Portraits (4x6) only $5.00 Beautifully Mounted No appointment necessary A! our Studio . . . 2423 E. Rurnside Take Montavilla Trolley at 3rd and Morrison NARBETH STUDIO-Margaret E. Robinson 2423 E. BURNSIDE STREET L A n caster 3925